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SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC 2009/2010 SEMESTER ONE EXAMINATION Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 2nd Year Full-time Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering

2nd Year Full-time Diploma in Bioengineering 2nd Year Full-time Diploma in Mechatronics 2nd Year Full-time Diploma in Resort Facilities Services and Management 2nd Year Full-time Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 3rd Year Evenings-Only MECHANICS II ---------------------------------------------------------------Instructions to Candidates: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

MM2105 / MM8311

Time Allowed: 2 Hours

The examination rules set out at the back page of the answer booklet are to be complied with. This paper consists of 5 questions. Answer any FOUR questions. Marks for questions are shown and candidates should allocate their time in proportion to the marks. A List of Formulae is provided on page 7. Take g = 9.81 m/s. The Reference Table for Simple Loadings is provided on page 8. This examination paper consists of 8 pages. ----------

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MM2105 / MM8311


A 1 m long cantilever beam having a T cross section is shown in Fig. Q1. It carries a uniformly distributed load (UDL) over its whole length. The second moment of area about its horizontal neutral axis is 89.22 10-6 m4. The maximum allowable tensile and compressive stresses are 35 MN/m 2 and 60 MN/m2 respectively. The modulus of elasticity, E = 80 GN/m2. (a) (b) (c) (d) Calculate the maximum allowable uniformly distributed load (UDL) the beam can carry. (12 marks) Find the maximum tensile and compressive stresses induced. (5 marks)

Sketch the bending stress distribution diagram indicating the maximum tensile and compressive stresses in (b). (4 marks) Calculate the radius of curvature due to the loading. (4 marks)

Fig. Q1

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MM2105 / MM8311

Q2. (a) A solid shaft is to transmit 800 kW at 240 rev/min and has a Modulus of Rigidity, G = 75 GN/m2 . (i) (ii) Show that the torque experienced by the shaft is 31.83 kNm. (3 marks)

If this shaft is not to twist more than 1o on a length of ten times the diameter, calculate the required diameter. (5 marks) If the shear stress of this shaft is not to exceed 60 MN/m2, determine the minimum diameter that satisfies the condition in (ii). (5 marks)



A 1.2 kg model plane is attached to the end of a 2.5 m long cable. It is set to whirl in a vertical circular path of radius 2.5 m at a speed of 60 rpm. (i) Sketch the free body diagrams when the model plane is at its lowest and highest positions. (ii) Calculate the maximum tension in the cable. (iii) Calculate the minimum tension in the cable. (4 marks) (5 marks) (3 marks)

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MM2105 / MM8311


A winch drum (Fig Q3) of 1.5 m in diameter is used to lower a lift cage vertically down. The winch drum experiences a friction torque of 20 Nm and has a mass of 25 kg and a radius of gyration of 0.5 m about its axis of rotation. The 15 kg lift cage is lowered under the action of a braking torque with an acceleration of 1.1 m/s2 until a velocity of 10 m/s is reached. Thereafter, it moves with uniform velocity for 25 m. An applied braking torque then retards the winch drum at 0.7 m/s2 to bring the cage to a rest. (a) Sketch the free body diagram of the winch drum and the lift cage. (4 marks)

(b) Calculate the tension and braking torque during the acceleration stage. (9 marks) (c) What is the braking torque required in order to maintain the load at the uniform velocity of 10 m/s? (7 marks) (d) Hence, calculate the total distance descended by the lift cage.

(5 marks)

Winch drum



Lift cage

15 kg

Fig Q3.

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MM2105 / MM8311


A four wheel, two axle vehicle of total mass of 1600 kg is accelerated from rest to 60 km/h on a level road over a distance 50 m. It continues to travel a further 1,500 m on a level road at a constant speed of 60 km/h. At the end of the 1500 m, it travels up an incline of 1 in 100 at the same constant speed over 500 m. The axle together with two wheels has a mass of 100 kg and a radius of gyration about the axis of rotation of 250 mm. The wheel diameter is 600 mm. Assume that the tractive resistance is 300 N and remains constant throughout the journey. (a) Show that mass moment of inertia for each of the axles about its axis of rotation is 6.25 kgm2. (2 marks)

Using the Principle of Conservation of Energy, determine

(b) the tractive effort required during the acceleration phase of the journey (8 marks)

(c) the tractive effort required during the constant speed (at level road) phase of the journey (5 marks)

(d) the tractive effort required during the journey up the incline at the constant speed of 60 km/h. (5 marks)

If a constant braking force of 2000 N is finally applied, find

(e) the distance the vehicle will travel further up the incline before coming to a stop. (5 marks)

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(5 marks) A crab winch consists of a compound gear train and two pulleys as shown in Fig.Q5. The diameters of effort and load pulleys are 360 mm and 210 mm respectively.

N1 = 30 teeth 1 2 3 4 N2 = 95 teeth N3 = 45 teeth N4 = 135 teeth Fig.Q5 E W

(a) (b)

Calculate the velocity ratio

(3 marks)

When using this machine, it was found that 120 N effort would lift a load of 820 N and 260 N effort would lift 2.55 kN load. Show that the law of the machine is E = 0.0809W + 53.66 N (6 marks)

(c) (d)

Calculate the actual effort, ideal effort, friction effort, mechanical advantage and efficiency in lifting a load of 280 kg. (11 marks) With proper maintenance, the friction effort of this machine is reduced by 10%. What is the power required for this machine in raising the same load at a constant velocity of 0.6 m/s? (5 marks)


2105sem1 2009-10 -7LIST OF FORMULAE Kinematics v = u + at s = ut + at2 s = (u + v)t v2 = u2 + 2as

see page 7 MM2105 / MM8311

Second Moment of Area I = bd3 12 Torsion Equation T = G = J L r Simple Lifting Machines E = Ei + Ef ; Ei = W VR VR = D d (Wheel and Axle) I = (d14 d24 ) 64 J = (d14 d24 ) 32 Bending Equation M=E= I R y Centripetal Force C.F = mr2 or mv2 r

VR = 2D ( Differential Wheel and Axle) d1 - d2 VR = DN dn (Worm and Wheel Lifting Hoist)

VR = 2 R (Screw Jack) np N 2 N4 D VR = -------- x --- (Crab Winch)

N 1 N3

Principle of Conservation of Energy PE0 + KE0 + WD = PE1 + KE1

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see page 8 MM2105 / MM8311

Reference Table for Simple Loadings

Simply supported beam with central point load

Simply supported beam with uniformly distributed load (UDL)

Cantilever beam with point load

Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load (UDL)

W w (N/m ) w (N/m ) L L



+ wL/2









0 0 0 0



Note: W denotes a concentrated (point) load and may be defined in Newton or kilo-Newton. w denotes a UDL and may be defined in Newton per metre or kilo-Newton per metre.


2105sem1 2009-10

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