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Green University of Bangladesh

Department of Textile Engineering

Summer 2013 (Regular Program)

Date: 11.03.2013

Course Offer List

Batch-1302, 15th No Course code 1. MAT 099 2. ENG 101 3. MAT 101 4. CHE 101 5. CHE 102 6. TEX 101 ( 35 ) Name of the courses Remedial Mathematics Basic English Mathematics I Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Lab Introduction to Textiles Total Semester- 1 Credit Course Teacher 0 3 3 3 1 3 13 Semester- 2 Credit Course Teacher 3 3 1 3 1 3 14 Semester- 3 Credit Course Teacher 3 3 1 2 2 3 14 Semester- 4 Credit Course Teacher 3 3 3 1 3 13

Batch: 1301, 14th (36) No Course code Name of the courses 1. MAT 103 Mathematics II 2. CHE 103 Organic Chemistry 3. CHE 104 Organic Chemistry Lab 4. PHY 101 Physics I 5. PHY 102 Physics I Lab 6. TEX 103 Natural Textile Fibers Total Batch: 1203, 13th No Course code 1 ENG 103 2. PHY 103 3. PHY 104 4. CSE 101 5. CSE 102 6. TEX 105 Batch: 1202, 12th No Course code 1. STA 201 2. TEX 201 3. TEX 203 4. TEX 204 5. TE 107 (33) Name of the courses English Composition Physics II Physics II Lab Computer Fundamentals & IT Computer Fundamentals & IT Lab Polymer Science and Engineering Total (30) Name of the courses Statistics for Engineers Technology of Manmade Fibers Yarn Production & Properties I Yarn Production & Properties I Lab Polymer Science and Engineering Total

Batch: 1201, 11th No Course code 1. TEX 205 2. TEX 206 3. TEX 209 4. TEX 210 5. TEX 213 6. TEX 214 7. ME 301 Batch: 1103, 10th No Course code 1. TEX 213 2. TEX 214 3. TEX 303 4. TEX 304 5. TEX 305 6. TEX 307 7. TEX 308

(52 ) Semester- 5 Name of the courses Credit Course Teacher Yarn Production & Properties II 3 Yarn Production & Properties II Lab 1 Knitting Technology 3 Knitting Technology Lab 1 Textile Wet Processing I 3 Textile Wet Processing I Lab 1 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering 3 Total 15 (25 ) Name of the courses Textile Wet Processing I Textile Wet Processing I Lab Apparel Manufacturing I Apparel Manufacturing I Lab Textile Physics Performance Evaluation of Textile Materials II Performance Evaluation of Textile Materials II Lab Total (09 ) Name of the courses Apparel Manufacturing I Apparel Manufacturing I Lab Textile Raw Materials II Engineering Economics Industrial Management Total (15) Name of the courses Elements of Mechanical Engineering Maintenance of Textile Machinery Engineering Economics Industrial Management Total Credit 3 1 3 3 3 13 Credit 3 3 3 3 16 Semester- 6 Credit Course Teacher 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 15 Semester- 6 Course Teacher

Old Curriculum Batch: 1102, 9th No Course code 1. TE 206 2. TE 221 3. TE 303 4. EE 310 5. IM 308 Batch: 1101, 8th No Course code 1. TE 210 2. TE 403 3. EE 310 4. IM 308

Semester- 7 Course Teacher

Batch: 1003, 7th No Course code 1. TE 401C 2. TE 413C 1. TE 401A 2. TE 413A 3. TE 405A 4. TE 414A 3. TE 405C 4. TE 414C 5. TE 407C 5. TE 407A 6. EPC 410 7. TE 403

(23) Name of the courses Textile Coloration III Textile Coloration III Lab Apparel Manufacturing III Apparel Manufacturing III Lab Apparel Manufacturing IV Apparel Manufacturing IV Lab Textile Coloration IV Textile Coloration IV Lab Special Coloration Special Apparel Environment & Pollution control Maintenance of Textile Machinery Total Batch: (1002, 1001& Cre Tran) (6th + 5th ) (11) No Course code Name of the courses 1. TE 405C Textile Coloration IV 2. TE 414C Textile Coloration IV Lab 1. TE 405A Apparel Manufacturing IV 2. TE 414A Apparel Manufacturing IV Lab 3. TE 407C Special Coloration 3. TE 407A Special Apparel 4. TE 403 Maintenance of Textile Machinery 5. EPC 410 Environment & Pollution control Total Batch: Special Course Offer for Graduating students No Course code Name of the courses 1. TE 306 Textile Physics II 1. TE 408 Project/Thesis (Self Study) 2. TE 411 Industrial Attachment 3. TE 412 Comprehensive Viva Total
N.B: TE 210 course is also offered in EEE department on Tuesday (6- 9 PM)

Credit 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 17 Credit 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 14

Semester- 8 Course Teacher

Semester- 9 & 10 Course Teacher

Credit 2 3 3 2

Course Teacher

Course Offer List (Evening Program) Batch: 1302 & 1301 (8th & 7th ) (5+ 12 ) No Course code Name of the courses 1. CHEM 112 Chemistry II 2. CHEM 117 Chemistry II Lab 3. MATH 111 Mathematics II 4. TE 311 Textile Mill Utilities 4. BUS 204 Business Statistics Total Semester- 1&2 Course Teacher

Credit 3 1 3 3 3 13

Batch: 1203, 1202 & 1201 (6th, 5th & 4rd) ( 26 ) No Course code Name of the courses 1. TE 201 Yarn Manufacturing I 2. TE 213 Yarn Manufacturing I Lab 3 TE 206 Apparel Manufacturing I 4 TE 221 Apparel Manufacturing I Lab 5. TE 312 Textile Testing & Quality Control II 6. TE 317 Textile Testing & Quality Control II Lab 7. EEE 207 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering 8. EEE 217 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engg. Lab 9. MATH 111 Mathematics II Total Batch: 1103 (3rd ) No Course code 1. TE 206 2. TE 221 3. TE 312 4. TE 317 5. EEE 207 6. EEE 217 ( 12 ) Name of the courses Apparel Manufacturing I Apparel Manufacturing I Lab Textile Testing & Quality Control II Textile Testing & Quality Control II Lab Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering Basic Electrical & Electronics Engg. Lab Total

Credit 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 3 18

Semester-3,4&5 Course Teacher

Credit 3 1 3 1 2 1 11

Semester-6 Course Teacher

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