The First Mass E-Mail Which Announced The Founding of G4 Mission Sent by Duke On 16 Feb 2006!

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From Duke & Evan to 26 people. Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 9:18 AM Precious People, The month of February saw the ministry of grabbing the Google Generation from Gahenna which the Lord has entrusted us take off. On Feb 14, Valentine's Day, armed with a tract based on the Book of Hosea which I wrote titled, "Your Valentine From Above" I went to meet one on one with some youth in the ECIL X Cross and Somajiguda in Hyderabad. It was a sight to see some of them reading what I gave them with great intent. In the same night I had a call from one of the people who had received the tract and I had the privilege of telling him more about Jesus and guiding

him to a local church. Tract distribution to contemporary youth is not off track! I plan to have atleast one tract outreach each month on behalf of the G power 4 Mission, the organization God has lead me to start with a focus on the special day of interest to youth that month. Cool? On the 11 Feb, I was invited to share God's Word to a gathering of 700 youth at the Youth Alive, AGies, Secunderabad. I shared a message from the Song of Songs challenging youth to discover "True Romantic Love". The young people were blessed. I was moved by the Holy Spirit to give a call to those who wanted to accept Jesus in that meeting to come forward. And around 20 youth came forward. It was a powerful moment. One of the parents of the youth came to tell me how his daughter touched by the missionary challenge I gave to the youth of the same church in 2001 has landed up in CMC to train to be a medical missionary. "You talked about Ida Scudder in that message and that challenged her to take the call to be a medical missionary seriously!" he said. I was elated and praised God! On the 15 Feb, I shared God's Word to a gathering of 40 youth at Thirumulgherry. I spoke on what God does for us daily and what we need to do in response daily. The young people were encouraged. My books, "Youth Hows" and "Youth Whys" were briskly bought in these meetings. I am presently working on the first issue of "The Days of Your Youth" - a magazine that will have truth takes on talked-about topics apart from Bible Teaching for youth. This magazine will serve as the voice of the organisation God has lead me to start, Grabbing the Google Generation from Gahenna Mission. I have also started a break-time fellowship at 24/7 - a call centre at Hyderabad. Do pray Evan, Dale and I as we do our bit to advance God's Kingdom among contemporary youth. (The above is the actual text of the email that Duke Jeyaraj, the founder of Grabbing the Google Generation from Gehenna Mission

sent on 16 Feb. 2006 from his rented house at Plot 131, Ashok Colony, Kapra, ECIL PO, Hyderabad 500062. This email formally announced the launch of G-4 Mission). OUR CONTACT INFORMATION AS ON JUNE 2013:
+91-8886040605 (the mobile with Duke - leave message if Duke is not able to pick up); +91-9441352433 (the mobile which serves as landline for officebase); +91-8885075888 (counseling line; fix prior appointment via sms first or - no direct calls, please) Please feel free to contact me. Email: Websites: (official website with serves as gateway to all ministry resource weblinks) www.purposespot.blogspot (Gospel presentations wrapped around presentday events) (ministry news presented with pictures/videos) (ministry news via Facebook) emailduke@gmail (Google Plus id - 'email' is part of the id' - with periodical updates) (raw Bible study outlines/sermons) (all issues of magazines in PDF format) (short updates, messages) (search under 'dukeaudio' and click 'username' tab for audio messages) (video messages in full length/video clips)

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