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theSun | WEDNESDAY MAY 6 2009 5

news without borders

China to repatriate
Sarawak man tested Tsu Koon
Mexicans as flu
fears ease
negative for H1N1 virus
KUALA LUMPUR: A man be- the 31-year-old man, who had public health response to identify
land case
pg 7
SHANGHAI: China prepared
yesterday to repatriate Mexicans
who were under forced quar-
antine over fears of a new flu
strain, and Mexico announced
economy, prompting major
operators like Carnival Cruise
Lines to cancel visits.
Calderon said details of the
stimulus plan would be given in
plans to revive its economy hit coming days, telling the nation
ing treated at the isolation room travelled to the United States, had those who have been in contact with by the deadly epidemic, which in a televised broadcast: “We’re
at Sarawak General Hospital in been admitted to the hospital on him to monitor their health. showed signs of easing. going to come out of this experi-
Kuching is not infected with the Monday night after he was found “So far, including in Sarawak, An Aeromexico plane arrived ence successfully and soon.”
influenza A(H1N1) virus, Health to have symptoms of A(H1N1). there have been three suspected in Shanghai to repatriate dozens He repeated government
Director-General Tan Sri Dr Mohd He said the man had returned cases of A(H1N1), with Penang and of Mexicans held under forced assurances that Mexico was over
Ismail Merican confirmed last to Sarawak on Friday with a fever, Selangor having one case each, flu quarantine, as a Chinese air- the worst of its own epidemic.
night. cough and flu, Bernama reported. both testing negative.” craft left for Mexico to pick up its To date, 27 deaths have
He said a virology test carried A swab sample from his throat At the meeting, Ramlee said own stranded nationals. been officially confirmed – 26
out at the Institute for Medical was sent to the IMR yesterday Malaysia was still free of H1N1 The 43 Mexicans, none show- in Mexico and one in the United
Research (IMR) here showed the morning. as the government had taken A(H1N1) ing symptoms of the H1N1 flu, States – though more than 100
man did not suffer from the H1N1 “We want to know exactly the proactive measures to prevent ZA have become pawns in a are suspected to have died from


virus. type of the virus the man has as a it spreading, in line with World drama about how far gov- the flu. Its global spread has
“Information received from Health Organisation guide- ernments should go to stifle kept alive fears of a possible

necessary precaution,” Ramlee told
the hospital said the patient was reporters after opening a two-day lines. fears the virus could creep pandemic, although scientists
recuperating following the treat- meeting on Healthy Cities for senior “We have the facilities to through their borders. say this strain does not appear
ment administered,” he added in officials from Asean countries. detect it, no need to worry, you The row has strained more deadly than seasonal flu.
what had been a Calderon condemned the


a statement. “At the moment, there is only will be taken care of,” he told the -8
Earlier, his deputy, Dr Ramlee one suspected case in Sarawak and participants. 881 /3 quarantine measures against
Rahmat, disclosed in Kuching we have activated our 0200 Mexican citizens overseas as
China has denied that, saying

isolation was the correct pro-
cedure. China’s vast population
Life under and patchy medical infrastruc-
ture make it vulnerable should
microscope at HK the virus take hold.
Police closed roads to the
airport as ambulances drove
quarantine hotel away from the Shanghai hotel
where the Mexicans, including
HONGKONG: Cocooned in tiny blogs, recount- a honeymooning couple, had
rooms for a week, 300 tourists and ing occasional been quarantined.
None of those quarantined
staff quarantined at a hotel here temper tan-
had shown any signs of being
in the battle against the H1N1 flu trums thrown infected, the Chinese Health
have been painfully adjusting to by guests, Ministry said, and the state-
life in confinement, while aching frustration at run Xinhua news agency said
for release later this week. disrupted travel six Mexican students studying
The downtown Metropark plans and more in China had “volunteered to
Hotel in the famed Wanchai bar prosaic gripes stay”. It did not elaborate.
district was placed under quaran- like the poor In Hongkong, some 300
tine for seven days last Friday after quality of the guests and staff remained
a Mexican man staying there was food provided. quarantined in a hotel where
confirmed as the city’s first H1N1 Despite this, China’s single confirmed
case as the disease spread to Asia. initial fears and H1N1 case, a 25-year-old
HongKong’s leader Donald anger seem to Mexican man, had stayed.
Tsang yesterday publicly apologised have abated with The one Mexican in China
to hotel guests for the inconven- no new H1N1 found with the H1N1 virus
ience, but local health officials and cases discovered arrived in Hongkong on
experts have defended the measure in the hotel. Many Thursday after passing
as necessary to contain the risk of a guests are now warming through Shanghai. Many of the
community-wide spread. counting down Staff of relationship, but with Beijing confined Mexicans in Hongkong
With the hotel sealed off by the days till Friday evening tine will provide valuable data for Hongkong’s courting Latin America as a trade were on his flight to Shanghai.
masked police and buzzing with when they’re due to be released. future possible cases emerging. Home Affairs and diplomatic partner, the dam- While the new H1N1 virus
health officers in surgical suits, “We try every way to make “It looks very draconian, but Department age appears unlikely to last. is not foodborne, fears of
guests have kept largely to them- their (life) as tolerable as possible. actually just shows that we’re wearing Mexico is considered the cross-border contagion stirred
selves in hotel rooms, undergoing Nobody wants to be quarantined, very careful,” said Yuen Kwok- protective epicentre of the flu outbreak that up international trade tensions
health checks, taking anti-flu but unfortunately they happened yung, the head of microbiology at clothes and has infected more than 1,200 after about 20 nations banned
drugs like Tamiflu and venturing to be in the hotel at that time,” the University of Hongkong, who masks stand people in 21 countries over the imports of pigs, pork and other
out only for meals. Hongkong Health Secretary York advises the government. in front of the past week, sparking fears of a meat from the US, Canada and
“You’re confined to a room. All Chow told reporters. “Under such circumstances it’s isolated Metro global pandemic. Mexico – the three most flu-
difficult to know what to do, and Park Hotel Mexican President Felipe affected countries.
you can do is walk to the lobby. Densely populated Hongkong
especially when we don’t really yesterday. Calderon announced a stimulus Canada threatened to take
You’ve got to do your own washing saw a downtown hotel become a
package, including a temporary China to the World Trade Or-
and there’s just a TV, a computer key infection site during the SARS understand the transmission dy-
tax cut for cruise lines visiting ganisation unless Beijing backs
and an iPod,” Leslie Carr, a British crisis in 2003 as the deadly virus namics of the acute viral respira-
Mexico, in a bid to lure back down from its ban on imports of
guest, said by telephone. spread to other guests, an experi- tory infection in a hotel setting. pigs and pork from the province
shiploads of foreign visitors.
“My trusted computer keeps ence which experts say may have “We know it well in a hospital The new H1N1 flu strain has of Alberta, where a herd of pigs
me sane,” added Carr who has coloured the city’s tough approach setting, we know it well on an air- walloped the tourism sector, was found to have the H1N1
documented the surreal hotel to the H1N1 case. Infectious dis- craft, (but) we’re not too sure in a accounting for 8% of Mexico’s strain. – Reuters
existence on YouTube and online ease experts say the hotel quaran- hotel what happens.” – Reuters

arriving at the Penang International Airport sphere when the winter season begins, health S. Korea confirms 2nd case
since April 28 have been screened for influ- experts said, calling for continued vigilance even
SEOUL: South Korea has confirmed a second
briefs enza A(H1N1).
Environment, health, welfare and caring
society committee chairman Phee Boon Poh
if the virus appears to be mild.
Influenza viruses thrive in colder months.
Winter is also a time when flu infections surge
case of H1N1 flu, a health official said yester-
day, with more than 30 other people being
said in a statement yesterday health officers because people tend to crowd around in poorly tested for the potentially deadly virus.
are stationed at the airport entrance in two ventilated settings. Test results confirmed the patient was
21 countries with H1N1 shifts – 7am to 3pm and 3pm to 11pm. “Yes, it is quite possible that more cases infected with influenza A (H1N1), the official
KUALA LUMPUR: The World Health Organisa- Eight health officers, four staff nurses and will be seen in the southern hemisphere as said without identifying the person. – AFP
tion reported yesterday 21 countries have now four assistants are stationed at the airport winter comes, that’s really just starting now,”
said Bill Rawlinson, head of virology at the
officially confirmed cases of influenza A(H1N1). to screen arriving passengers, he said.
Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney.
Thai students in the clear
There were 1,124 officially reported cases. The Health alert cards are distributed to pas-
number of deaths caused by the virus remains sengers, and arrival cards are inspected to “It does appear mild but every year in BANGKOK: The health ministry said yesterday
unchanged at 26. Mexico remains the country screen for people arriving from countries Australia, we have 1,500 to 3,000 deaths three students who had been quarantined for
with the largest number of deaths at 25. The other where H1N1 has been detected. due to flu. possible H1N1 flu after returning from a trip to
death was reported in the United States. “When you get a new strain, even if it may Mexico could return home.
not be as fatal as H5N1, it is still a serious event “Their lab tests were normal, they can go
H1N1 surge expected and you do see an excess of deaths due to new back home,” the statement quoted Thai health
8,799 passengers screened HONGKONG: The new H1N1 flu virus is expected strains because people don’t have immunity,” minister Wittaya Kaewparadai as saying. –
GEORGE TOWN: A total of 8,799 passengers to surge in coming months in the southern hemi- he said. – Reuters Agencies

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