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6 œ theSun | WEDNESDAY MAY 6 2009

news without borders

Women NGOs want Shahrizat to speed up law reforms

by Karen Arukesamy sent in the past are still sitting in the comprising comments and recom- upon conversion of husbands to Islam Union Congress (MTUC) – Women’s Attorney-General’s Chambers,” Wom- mendations on various issues and and the Penal Code and Criminal Section.
en’s Aid Organisation (WAO) executive laws were submitted since 2000. Procedure Code. Earlier, Josiah commended the
PETALING JAYA: The National Council director Ivy Josiah told theSun. The laws include Domestic Violence The NGOs also called the ministry to new Law Review Committee formed
of Women’s Organisations (NCWO) She said the letter also asked Act, Islamic Family Law, Article 8 of the form a task force comprising women’s on April 26 to review the Internal Se-
and the Joint Action Group (JAG) for Shahrizat on the “unfinished business” Federal Constitution on gender equal- groups to help propose amendments curity Act (ISA), saying there should be
Gender Equality want Women, Family and the progress of the ministry’s ity, The Law Reform (Marriage and and laws relating to women and family civil society representation and 30%
and Community Development Minis- action in addressing the issues high- Divorce) Act 1976 (Act 164), Section matters. women members.
ter Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil to lighted in the memorandums. 5 of the Guardianship of Infants Act JAG comprises WAO, Women’s Cen- The laws to be considered for
speed up action on law reforms. She said the two NGOs also sought 1961, Article 12(4) of the Federal Con- tre for Change, Penang (WCC), Sisters review include the Civil Law Act (CLA),
“We sent a letter to the minister Shahrizat’s help to facilitate a meeting stitution, Section 2 of the Distribution in Islam (SIS), All Women’s Action So- Criminal Procedure Code, Penal Code
yesterday asking her to accelerate re- with the A-G’s Chambers. Act 1958 and the Inheritance Act 1971, ciety (Awam), Women’s Development and state laws that are in conflict with
forms because all the memorandums Josiah said seven memorandums Safeguard rights of wives and children Collective (WDC) and Malaysian Trade the federal constitution.

‘Nizar removed due to loss of confidence’

KUALA LUMPUR: Perak’s Sultan Azlan Shah was appointed MB on Feb 6, from discharging “If you lost the majority, then what do you
do, do you still hang around? The moment he
semblymen, before arriving at his judgment
that the applicant (Nizar) had lost confidence
had never sacked Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar his duties.
Jamaluddin as Perak mentri besar (MB) as his “His Royal Highness, in making sure that loses his majority, he must resign. of the majority,” he said.
removal from office was lawfully made under there was no irregularities in his decision, had “We cannot have a MB who is not having Earlier, Nizar who continued with his
Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution due to met and interviewed the three assemblymen, the confidence of the majority,” he reasoned. testimony in the cross-examination proceed-
loss of confidence of the majority in the state Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang), Mohd Gani said the Sultan has never sacked a ing, told the court that he was only aware of
assembly. Osman Mohd Jailu (Changkat Jering) and Hee MB. the withdrawal of the three assemblymen’s
Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail Yit Foong (Jelapang) to make sure that BN has He added that it was honourable for a resignation letters after an audience with the
submitted in the High Court here yesterday that their support. MB to resign when he lost the confidence of Sultan at 5pm on Feb 4.
the Sultan performed his duty under the Perak “His Royal Highness met all the 31 state the majority. “That’s the law and that is the “I only knew about it after I left the palace
Constitution, and had carefully considered legislative assemblymen who pledged their democratic process,” he said. when my officer informed me over the tel-
the facts and circumstances before declaring support to BN,” said Gani, who is leading a Gani said there was no constitutional pro- ephone at 6pm that a news bulletin said that
on Feb 5 that Barisan Nasional (BN) had the team of seven senior federal counsel. vision requiring a motion of no-confidence Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak (now prime
majority in the state assembly. He further submitted that since Nizar had to be issued before Nizar could be removed minister) claimed the trio hopped to BN and
“The Sultan of Perak had clearly performed lost the confidence of the majority, he must from office. that BN has the majority,” he said.
his function in the most honourable way that I automatically resign from being the MB as “The Sultan of Perak had personally The case is being heard before Justice
have seen,” said Abdul Gani, who appeared as provided under Article 16(6) of the Perak ascertained the facts, by calling the 31 as- Datuk Abdul Aziz Abd Rahim. – Bernama
the intervener in the judicial review proceed- Constitution.
ing filed by Nizar on Feb 13.
Nizar, 52, filed the suit to seek a declaration
that he is still the rightful MB and an injunc-
tion to bar Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir, who
“The word ‘shall resign’ in Article 16(6)
means ‘mandatory’. It is not the intention of
the legislature that a MB can choose not to
Zambry, six BN reps cannot
attend sitting, says Ngeh
by Maria J. Dass and Giam Say Khoon in any court in respect of anything said or any vote given by him when taking part in proceedings of
the Legislative Assembly of any State or of any
PETALING JAYA: The Federal Court’s decision on committee thereof.”
April 16 does not allow Perak Barisan Nasional Ngeh said: “What strengthens our argument is
(BN) Mentri Besar (MB) and Pangkor assembly- that the Federal Court has rejected Zambry and
man Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir and six other the six assemblymen’s application for the declara-
assemblymen from attending tomorrow’s state tion that they have the right to attend and take
legislative assembly, says Perak Pakatan Rakyat part in the assembly sitting and carry out all their
(PR) executive council member and PR lawyers’ functions and responsibilities.”
coordinator Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham. The Federal Court’s decision has therefore
“Much confusion has evolved following the been interpreted by PR lawyers as stipulating that
Federal Court’s decision on April 16 pertaining Zambry and the six assemblymen do not have the
to the rights of the seven to enter the assembly right to attend the state assembly and that the
sitting on May 7 but the decision shows that they decision to bar them made by the assembly on
do not have a right to attend the sitting,” he said. March 3 is valid.
On April 16, the Federal Court ruled that Perak Meanwhile, barring any shocks, the Perak State
state legislative assembly Speaker V. Sivakumar Assembly will sit as scheduled tomorrow although
did not have the power to suspend MB Datuk Dr Speaker V. Sivakumar has requested a postpone-
Zambry Abd Kadir and his six executive council ment from the Sultan.
members from the assembly. The suspension was Last week, a motion to remove Sivakumar from
subsequently lifted. office was filed by Zambry. A notice on the motion
Ngeh said there was a mistake in the decision was sent to all assemblymen and, if the motion
made on April 16 as it was not the Speaker’s call to is successful, the next agenda in the House is to
suspend Zambry and the six assemblymen. appoint a new Speaker
“It was the Rights and Privileges Committee of Zambry’s adviser and Perak Gerakan chair-
the assembly which made the decision to suspend man Datuk Chang Ko Youn said the House would
the seven. Therefore, the decision by the com- decide whether Sivakumar is removed and “he is
mittee is still valid and in force and the Speaker in no position to reject the motion because it is a
as chairperson of the committee is bound by the conflict of interest for him as the Speaker to make
decision of both the committee and the state such decision”.
legislative assembly,” he added. Chang challenged all PR assemblymen to stick
Ngeh also said no legal action should have been to their threat to boycott the sitting.
brought against the Speaker as he has immunity “They have decided to attend the sitting
under the Section 3 of the Legislative Assembly because the under-the-tree meeting (on March
(Privileges) Enactment 1959 which says: 4) is invalid and that they must attend the sitting
“No member shall be liable to any civil or tomorrow or their seats will be vacated under the
criminal proceedings, arrest, imprisonment, or state constitution for failing to attend any meeting
damages by reason of any matter or thing which for six months,” he said.
he may have brought by petition, bill, resolution, The sitting is crucial as the assembly must meet
motion or otherwise, or have said before the by May 13 to avoid an automatic dissolution.
Assembly or any committee.” Sivakumar has written a letter to Perak’s Sultan
In addition, the Federal Court’s decision is Azlan Shah seeking his consent to postpone the
merely a declaration and not a certiorari or man- assembly sitting quoting the reason that the dis-
damus. It is not binding on the committee and the pute over the status of the MB between Zambry
assembly. and Nizar is pending in court.
Ngeh said Article 72 of the Federal Constitu- “For the sake of keeping harmony and the
tion has provisions on the privileges of the state decorum of the assembly, it was only proper that
legislative assembly. Article 72(1) on the privileges the sitting be postponed,” said Sivakumar.
of the State Legislative Assembly states: “The Heavy police presence is expected tomorrow
validity of any state legislative assembly cannot following Perak CPO Datuk Zulkefli Abdullah’s
be questioned in any court.” advice on Monday to all assemblymen to refrain
He said the legal recourse sought by Zambry from doing anything that jeopardises public order
and his six assemblymen also goes against Article and security, like organising illegal gatherings.
72(2) of the Federal Constitution that says: Zulkefli said they (the assembly) should observe
“No person shall be liable to any proceedings decorum in the sitting.

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