Thesun 2009-05-06 Page15 Asian Lender Under Scrutiny After Capital Boost

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theSun | WEDNESDAY MAY 6 2009 15


Asian lender under scrutiny

after capital boost ‘10 big US
NUSA DUA (Indonesia): Share-
holders joined independent ac-
tivists yesterday in demanding
its goal of poverty reduction
through inclusive and sus-
tainable growth only if funds
across the region.
“To help the developing
members, the ADB should first
open, transparent and competi-
tive, and that place merit above
geographic representation,” he
banks may
greater openness and transpar-
ency from the Asian Develop-
are managed effectively and
promote its own development
through internal reform,” he
Activists from the NGO Fo-
need more
ment Bank as it embarks on a
huge expansion of its lending
It was a recurring theme
as the 67 governors met at the
gated beachside hotel complex
said. The funding injection
poses a “higher requirement
on the ADB to make full use
rum on the ADB, grouping 250
non-governmental organisations
opposed to the way the bank
Bank president Haruhiko of Nusa Dua in Bali to discuss of the new capital, strengthen does business, have slammed WASHINGTON: Ten of the country’s 19
Kuroda hailed an agreement last the ADB’s plans to tackle the management and enhance as- the capital increase as “danger- biggest banks subject to US government
week to triple the 42-year-old global financial crisis. sistance effectiveness.” ous” and unjustified. “stress tests” to measure their financial
lender’s capital base to US$165 A handful of demonstrators Many governors were pre- “The bank is proposing a stability may need to raise more capital,
billion (RM594 billion) as a tried to reach the conference occupied with questions about blinkered, business-as-usual Hull the Wall Street Journal said yesterday.
“resounding vote of confidence but were blocked many kilome- the bank’s governance record, programme that will not pre- The exact number of banks required to
from our shareholders.” tres away by police, and heavily particularly its accountability, vent developing countries from
players raise more funds has not yet been decided,
But almost as resounding armed security forces guarded employment policies and moni- sliding back into poverty but in- clash the financial daily said, but those affected
were the warnings from share- the gates of the exclusive resort toring to ensure ADB-backed stead is likely to cause environ- after could include banking giants Wells Fargo,
holders and activists alike at the community. projects actually work. mental destruction and social Bank of America and Citigroup.
bank’s annual general meeting The bank has warned that 60 “Ensuring that the ADB dislocation,” forum spokesman
Carew The number of banks thought to need
this week that the extra funding million people in poorer Asian exercises its responsibilities in Red Constantino said. strike more funds had been 14 out of 19 at one
point, the Journal said, citing sources
comes with greater scrutiny of countries could remain trapped the best interests of those it is Activists criticised what they pg 29 familiar with the matter.
the bank’s activities. in extreme poverty this year as mandated to help is essential,” said were the bank’s plans to
“The general capital increase a result of the economic crisis, Australian delegation chief work with private equity funds US banking regulators and the Federal
brings with it a higher level of rising to 160 million next year Nicholas Sherry told the to promote private sector activ- Reserve are set to release results tomor-
responsibility for the efficient row from stress tests of the 19 banks and
without a swift recovery. meeting. ity without proper oversights.
estimates for further public aid to help
and effective use of these ad- But Chinese Finance Minis- The bank must “build on They blasted its “cynical
boost the ailing economy.
ditional funds,” Austria’s rep- ter Xie Xuren told the meeting the initiatives it has already attempt ... to use the current
The tests will cap a period of suspense
resentative, Marcus Heinz, told the bank had to clean its own taken” and “ensure that all staff crisis to re-promote discred- that began when President Barack
the bank’s board of governors. house before it could succeed and management are subject ited large-scale infrastructure- Obama’s administration unveiled in Feb-
“The ADB can achieve in its mission to “fight poverty” to selection processes that are biased development.” – AFP ruary its overhaul of the bank bailout in
a bid to restore stability to the financial
system of the world’s largest economy.
Fiat move on Opel to create auto giant skids Fears surrounding Wells Fargo, Bank
of America and Citigroup may have sub-
sided, however, in light of the authorities’
BERLIN: A drive by Italy’s Fiat not close any factories in sends shivers down my spine a delegate of the Fiom-CGIL stress test efforts, the Journal said, noting
to create a global car giant from Germany, where GM Europe ... These proposals are not so union, told AFP. that the three bank’s stock prices have
the Opel end of General Mo- employs about half of its 56,000 much a sale as a giveaway,” Fresh from securing a 20% tripled since early March.
tors with Chrysler hit the skids European workers, but a senior Unite joint general-secretary stake in the bankrupt Chrysler Wells Fargo stock surged 24% on
yesterday as fierce resistance union representative said such Tony Woodley said. last week, Marchionne also has Monday, Bank of America jumped 19%
emerged on both sides of the promises were “10 a penny”, Unions were unhappy too his eye on snapping up GM’s and Citigroup rose 7.7%.
Atlantic. meaning more easily given in Italy, where Fiat is by far the European business to create Bank-specific details are set to be un-
Unions across Europe than upheld. country’s biggest private sector the world’s second biggest veiled tomorrow after Wall Street closes
expressed fears that Fiat head In Britain, the head the employer, paying the wages of automaker behind Toyota. for the night.
Sergio Marchionne would close country’s main carworkers’ more than 82,000 people includ- GM is expected by analysts With grim results expected from the
plants and slash thousands of union Unite said he feared that ing 30,000 in its auto division at to follow fellow Detroit “Big stress tests, the Obama administration “is
jobs if his “marriage made in Vauxhall – part of GM Europe, five assembly plants. Three” behemoth Chrysler giving itself the opportunity to ‘nationalise’
heaven” to form the world’s employing over 5,000 workers Any Opel deal “will inevita- into bankruptcy soon and has the banks that have the worst balance
second-biggest automaker after in Britain – could be “given bly lead to restructuring. We are been trying to offload some of sheets and greatest needs for capital,”
Toyota becomes reality. away” if Marchionne got his therefore asking for guarantees its European operations, based said Douglas McIntyre of the financial
Marchionne told the Ger- way. that the Italian plants are not on Opel and Vauxhall, and their website 24/7 Wall Street in advance of
man daily Bild that he would “Quite frankly this move closed,” Vittorio De Martino, 56,000 employees. – AFP this week’s trading. – AFP

Maxis to invest Initial investment

briefs RM1.6bil on
network upgrade
in Liberia is over
two years: Sime
StanChart reports munication Bhd is investing Plantation Sdn Bhd’s initial
nearly RM1.6 billion this investment of RM70 million
record profit year on its network upgrade in Liberia is over a two-year
LONDON: Standard Chartered, and expansion, said chief period, Sime Darby Bhd presi-
a British bank focused on marketing officer Matthew dent and group chief execu-
emerging markets, reported Willsher. tive Datuk Seri Ahmad Zubir
record income and profit dur- “Over the coming Murshid said yesterday.
ing the first quarter in a trading months, we will continue Sime Darby Plantation’s
update published yesterday a comprehensive upgrade unit Sime Darby Plantation
that did not provide exact and expansion programme Liberia Ltd has sealed a 63-
figures. that will further enhance year concession deal for about
“The group has had a coverage and performance, 220,000ha of land and will start
strong first quarter, delivering including the high speed 3G work initially on 10,000ha.
record levels of income and data network,” he said in a On news reports the total in-
profit,” Standard Chartered statement yesterday. vestment in the concession will
said in a statement to the He said Maxis custom- eventually balloon to US$800
London Stock Exchange. ers of BlackBerry Storm million, Ahmad Zubir said:
“Despite the challenging will benefit from its reliable “Depending on which angle
macroeconomic environment high-speed networks for you are looking at, 63 years that
and the continuing difficulties in rich internet browsing and will probably be the investment
the financial markets, the group multimedia applications. that will be involved.”
remains in very good shape and Willsher said Maxis At a media briefing here,
we are selectively growing the delivered the first units of he said the company has
business,” it added. the BlackBerry Storm smart- calculated the risk factor in
Following the update, phone to about 300 postpaid the country.
Standard Chartered’s share customers yesterday. The company, he added,
price rallied to stand almost “They were among the has also been approached
9% higher at 1,155 pence many subscribers who pre- by other African countries
on London’s FTSE 100 index, booked their BlackBerry like Sudan and Congo for
which was up about 2.5% in Storm online from April 6 to similar plantation activities.
late morning trade. – AFP 24,” he said. – Bernama – Bernama

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