Testbeams For Ver Pile Capacity

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for Bored Pile

B.PILE TEST BEAMS (checking)

(A36) 1) 2) Fy = 2,500 kg/cm2 Es = 2,040,000 kg/cm2 The Test beams (G1 & G2) shall have the same amount of deflection upwards. The Upper beams (G1) consist of ; It is divided into two different section. 900 cm support 300 cm 300 cm No weld Welded H700x350x12x25 @ 9 nos.

300 cm No weld



9-H700 P-P1 2 G1

G2 P1 2

P P1 2 P-P1 2


The Lower beams (G2) consist of ; It is divided into two different section. 900 cm support 300 cm 300 cm No weld Welded

H588x300x12x20 @ 12 nos.

300 cm No weld





The Test Load (P) Applied on the Midspan @ the bottom face of G2 ; Jack-Up Force, (P) =


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B.PILE TEST BEAMS (checking)


A) Section properties
for G1 [ H700x350x12x25 @ 9 nos. ]
d= b= tw = tf = Ab = Ibx = Iby = Wt = H700x350x12x25 70.00 35.00 1.20 2.50 259.00 226,890 17,874 203.32 cm cm cm cm cm2 cm4 cm4 kgs/m (NO WELD) Inax = n * Ib = 2,042,006 Inay = n * Iby = 160,865 As = n * Ab = 2,331 Avx =n* dw* tw = 702 Considering Major bending axis ; I cm4 cm4 cm2 cm2 WELDED - IN 3 SETS Inax = 9,656,606 cm4 Inay = n * Iby = 160,865 cm4 As = n * Ab = 2,331 cm2 Avx =n* dw* tw = 702 cm2

4.729 I

for G2 [ H588x300x12x20 @ 12 nos. ]

d= b= tw = tf = Ab = Ib = Iby = Wt = H588x300x12x20 58.80 cm 30.00 cm 1.20 cm 2.00 cm 190.56 cm2 113,284 cm4 9,008 cm4 149.59 kgs/m Inax = n * Ib = Inay = n * Iby = As = n * Ab = Avx =n* dw* tw = (NO WELD) 1,359,406 cm4 108,095 cm4 2,287 cm2 789 cm2 WELDED - IN 3 SETS Inax = 11,242,153 cm4 Inay = n * Iby = 108,095 cm4 As = n * Ab = Avx =n* dw* tw = 2,287 cm2 789 cm2

Considering Major bending axis ; I 8.270 I I

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B.PILE TEST BEAMS (checking) B) Solve for deflection, reactions, shear and moments.
Apply " Method of Elastic Weights ". Compute for unit deflection on both beams separately. Neglecting Dead weight of the beam.Solve for P1 & P2

for G1 H700x350x12x25

P1 2

P1 2

P1 =

P1L 6

P1L 6 P1L 4

P1L 6E(4.729I)

P1L 4E(4.729I) P1L 6EI P1L 6EI

P1L 6E(4.729I)

R = 6.82897E-06

7.61442E-09 3.60084E-08 1.14216E-08

unit d midspan = summation of moments @ midspan unit d midspan =

0.00162278 cm

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B.PILE TEST BEAMS (checking)

for G2 H588x300x12x20

P2 2

P2 2


P2L 6 P2L 4

P2L 6


P2L 6E(8.27I)

P2L 4E(8.27I) P2L 6EI P2L 6EI

P2L 6E(8.27I)

R = 9.33975E-06

6.54051E-09 5.40894E-08 considering half-span 9.81076E-09

unit d midspan = summation of moments @ midspan unit d midspan =

0.002088692 cm

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B.PILE TEST BEAMS (checking)

Compute unit deflection ratio: d2 / d1 =

Solve for P1 & P2 a) P = P1 + P2 b) P1 = P - P2 c) ( P * d )1 = ( P * d ) 2 d) P1 = ( P2 * d2 )/ d1 e) b - d = 0 = P - P2 - (P2*d2/d1) f) P2 = P / (1 + d2 / d1)

P2 = P1 = 437.233 562.767 tons tons d2 = d1 = 0.913 0.913 cm cm


R = V =218.62 tons

R = V =281.38 tons

R = V =281.38 tons


R = V =218.62 tons


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B.PILE TEST BEAMS (checking)

MOMENTS ON CRITICAL SECTIONS for G1 @ L / 3 Mx = V * L / 3 = for G2 @ L / 3 Mx = V * L / 3 = 65,585 cm-T 84,415 cm-T for G1 @ L / 2 Mx = V * L/2 for G2 @ L / 2 Mx = V * L/2 98,378 cm-T 126,622 cm-T

C) Check Actual Shear stress per Beam, t

a) G1 V= t= 281 tons Allowable Shear Stress, Fv = 0.40 Fy 401

ok !

1,000 kg/cm2

F.S. =


b) G2 V= t= 219 tons Allowable Shear Stress, Fv = 0.40 Fy 277

ok !

1,000 kg/cm2

F.S. =


D) Check Actual Bending stress per Beam, fb

a) G1 @ L / 3 fb = My / I y = 0.5d = fb = 35.00 cm Allowable Bending Stress, Fb = 0.66 Fy 1,447

ok !

1650 kg/cm2

F.S. = fb / Fb =

1.14 0.877

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B.PILE TEST BEAMS (checking)

b) G1 @ L / 2 fb = My / I y =1.5d = fb = c) G2 @ L / 3 fb = My / I y = 0.5d = fb = d) G2 @ L / 2 fb = My / I y = 2d = fb = 117.60 cm Allowable Bending Stress, Fb = 0.66 Fy 1,029 29.40 cm Allowable Bending Stress, Fb = 0.66 Fy 1,418 105.00 cm Allowable Bending Stress, Fb = 0.66 Fy 1,377

ok !

1,650.00 kg/cm2

F.S. = fb / Fb =

1.20 0.834

ok !

1,650.00 kg/cm2

F.S. = fb / Fb =

1.16 0.860

ok !

1,650.00 kg/cm2

F.S. = fb / Fb =

1.60 0.624

9-H700 Base Plate (100x100)

Anchor bars 16#-32mm 12-H588 Anchor Pile TEST PILE Anchor Pile

4.50m 9.00m


Base Plate (100x100)

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B.PILE TEST BEAMS (checking)



A) Anchor pull bars - welded to Bored pile rebars
Pull Capacity , N = P * FS / FY * As Pull force / bar , T = where P = Factor of Safety ,FS = Fy = As = 1#-32mm = N= say Anchorage bars ,N = 281.38 1.5 Use E60XX Electrode Fes = 4.2 8.04 12 16 pcs tons/cm cm
2 2

26380 1.3 4,552 1,366 1,680 1,366 15

kgs cm kg/cm2 kg/cm2 kg/cm2 kg/cm2 cm

tons Effective weld throat = (3.2 * 0.5) - 0.3cm = t =

0.3Fes = 0.4Fy = Min F = Weld length = T / ( F * t )

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B.PILE TEST BEAMS (checking) B) Check Welding throat depth of Test beam on the 3m section @ midspan.
Using E60xx welding electrodes ; Fu = 60.0 ksi = 4227 kg/cm2 1268.1 kg/cm2

Use Fillet Weld Fv = 0.3Fu =

a) G1
using 0.60 cm t , Fillet Weld Throat Depth for flange to flange connection Weld capacity, Fw = 0.707 * t * 2 * Fv = 1,076 kg/cm Shear, V = R / 3 = Q = Ab * y' = 93,794 9,065 3,218,869 1 264 kgs cm3 cm4 cm

y' n.a.

I = Inax / 3 =

b = weld length = f=V*Q/Ib=

ok !

1,076 kg/cm

Solve for weld spacing, S in cm. S=RI/VQ say weld length, L = Resistance of unit weld connection, R = Fw * L = I= V= Q= S= use S =

10 10,758.56 3,218,869 93,794 9,065 41 35

cm kgs cm4 kgs cm3 cm cm

An Fillet weld of 8mmt x 10cm spaced intermittently every 35 cm is capable to resist shear stresses and hold the built-up section together.

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B.PILE TEST BEAMS (checking)

b) G2
using 0.60 cm Fillet Weld Throat Depth at Flange to flange connection Weld capacity = 0.707 * t * 2 * Fv = 1,076 kg/cm Shear, V = R / 3 = Q = Ab * (y1'+y2') = I = Inax / 3 = 72,872 kgs 22,410 cm3 3,747,384 cm4 1 cm 436


b = weld length =




ok !

1,076 kg/cm

Solve for weld spacing, S in cm. S=RI/VQ say weld length, L = Resistance of unit weld connection, R = Fw * L = I= V= Q= S= use S =

10 10,758.56 3,747,384 72,872 22,410 25 20

cm kgs cm4 kgs cm3 cm cm

An Fillet weld of 8mmt x 10cm spaced intermittently every 20 cm is capable to resist shear stresses and hold the built-up section together along the neutral axis.


0.60 cm

Fillet Weld Throat Depth at Flange to flange connection Weld capacity = 0.707 * t * 2 * Fv = 1,076 kg/cm Shear, V = R / 3 = Q = Ab * y1 = I = Inax / 3 = 72,872 kgs 16,807 cm3 3,747,384 cm4 1 cm 327

y1' n.a.

b = weld length = f=V*Q/Ib=

ok !

1,076 kg/cm

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B.PILE TEST BEAMS (checking)

Solve for weld spacing, S in cm. S=RI/VQ say weld length, L = Resistance of unit weld connection, R = Fw * L = I= V= Q= S= use S =

10 10,758.56 3,747,384 72,872 16,807 33 25

cm kgs cm4 kgs cm3 cm cm

An Fillet weld of 8mmt x 10cm spaced intermittently every 25 cm is capable to resist shear stresses and hold the built-up section together.

C) Check for bearing on the point load and support location, web crippling.
Ref: AISC318-89 Chapter K , page 5-80 [ K1-3 ] R / [tw * ( N + 2.5k )]

N + 2.5k
R / [tw * ( N + 1.25k )]

N + 1.25k

a) G1 R = P1 = N= tw * 3 = k=

at point load 562767 100 3.60 4.00 1421 kgs cm cm cm

at end support


R=V= N= tw * 3 = k=

281383 100 3.60 4.00 744

kgs cm cm cm


ok !

0.66Fy 1,650

ok !

0.66Fy 1,650

b) G2 R = P2 = N= tw * 3 = k=

at point load 437233 100 3.60 3.20 1125 kgs cm cm cm R=V= N= tw * 3 = k=

at end support 218617 100 3.60 3.20 584 kgs cm cm cm

ok !

0.66Fy 1,650

ok !

0.66Fy 1,650

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