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Chapter One

Homeostasis- to maintain internal stability, owing to the coordinated response of its parts to any situation or stimulus tending to disturb its normal condition or function.(temp. and nerves) Positive feedback- Feedback that increase output of a system. Negative feedback- Feedback that reduces the output of a system. Life Functions - Interrelations - Maintaining boundaries - Movements - Responsiveness - Digestion - Metabolism - Excretion - Reproduction Survival Needs - Nutrients - Oxygen - Water - Maintaining normal body temperature - Atmospheric pressure Anatomical Terms - Axial: head - Appendicular: limbs - Anterior: front - Sagittal: right and left - Midsagittal: midline - Frontal: front and back - Transverse: cross section, horizontal - Oblique: diagonally Cavities - Dorsal: cranial and vertebral - Ventral: chest, abdominopelvic - orbital: eyes - oral: digestive - middle ear: ossiciles - synovial: joint cavities

Chapter Four
Tissues: - Connective tissue - Cartilage - Bone

- Blood Glands - Endocrine: ductless secretes chemicals - Exocrine: secretes wastes - Multicellular: secretes sweat (Mero) oil (Holo) Simple flat square Stratified layers Squamous hexagon Cubodial hexagon square 3 dim. Columnar rectangle Pseudostratified false layers Extracellular matrix separates cells and is nonliving; bears weight

Chapter Five
Nervous Tissue Integumentary system cutaneous skin Dermis and Epidermis Hyperdermis- superficial fascia (adipose) Keratinocytes- keratin Menanocytes spider shaped Merkel shaped like spikes Melanin amino acid yellow to reddish Carotene Orange Hemoglobin reddish Glands: - Eccrine - palms - Apocrine genital - Cerumnous ear - Mammary milk Basal cell- least Squamous middle Melanoma deadly Burns - First Degree: epidermis - Second Degree: epidermis and partial dermis - Third: Both and nerves

Chapter Six
Long rectangle (diaphysis, medullary cavity (extended epphyseal)) Short- square Flat thin Irregular everything else Support, Protection, Movement, Storage, Blood Cell Formation Osteoblasts bone develops Osteoclasts kills Osteocytes maintains Osteoid unmineralized matrix

Chapter Eight
Joints - Synarthroses: immovable - Amphiarthroses: slightly - Diarthroses: freely Fibrous skull Cartilaginous Syn- unites Sym- fused Synovial separated with fluid Pivot vertebrae Condyloid wrist, knuckle Saddle Thumb Ligaments tissue connecting bones Tendons inelastic muscle to bone Tendon Sheath bun on hotdog Bursae flattened fibrous sac

Chapter Nine
Skeletal vol. Striated Cardiac invol. Striated Smooth invol. Not striated Muscle Contraction- Actin and myosin move past each other using ATP. ATP loses phosphate. Called a Sacromere: sliding model. Sacromere muscle segment myofibril between two disks

Chapter Ten to Fourteen

Axon, dendrites, Myelin Sheath (shwann cells) Glia supporting cells CNS Brain and Spinal cord PNS Sensory and Motory Motory autonomic, somatic Cerebrum- hemispheres Dicephalon Thalamus (interprets, memory processing) and Hypothalamus (integration, autonomic) Brain stem Midbrain (relay, fear), Pons (maintain breathing), Medulla Oblongata (auto heart rate, etc.) Cerebellum- balance Limbic emotional brain Mechanoreceptors motion Thermo- temp. Photo- vision Chemo- taste and smell Noci- Pain

Reflexes PNS Effector, receptor, spinal cord, sensory neuron, motor neuron

Chapter Fifteen
10,000 taste buds Palpabrae- eyelids Conjunctiva lines eyelids Lacrimal gland, ducts, tears Cavity- humor Fibrous tunic Opaque sclera (white, posterior), clear cornea (anterior) Pupil central opening Sensory tunic- prevents scattered light Rods-light Cones- color Ossicles mallelus (hammer), incus (anvil) stapes (stirrup) Labyrinth cavity

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