Murdo Coyote, June 27, 2013

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Includes tax
Number 26
Volume 107
June 27, 2013
Crime in South Dakota
2012 publication released
Attorney General Marty Jack-
ley released today the Crime in
South Dakota 2012 report. This
report is compiled by the Attorney
Generals Criminal Statistical
Analysis Center (SAC). The SAC
Unit is the primary clearinghouse
for criminal justice statistical data
for South Dakota. Criminal statis-
tics help identify trends in crimi-
nal activity that assists in crime
prevention and enforcement
efforts across South Dakota.
Our criminal statistics reflect
that over all South Dakota
remains a relatively safe place to
live as a result of law enforcement
efforts, strong community involve-
ment, and a supportive legisla-
ture, said Jackley. However,
experiencing an increase in crimi-
nal activity justifies the need to
examine further strengthening
crime prevention and enforcement
efforts especially in the sex offense
and violent crime areas.
South Dakota law enforcement
agencies reported a total of 36,264
arrests involving 62,499 offenses
in 2012, an 11 percent increase
from 2011 (56,272). The more seri-
ous offenses included a total of
15,887 arrests and involve the fol-
lowing: homicide/negligent
manslaughter-17, sex offenses-
144, assault-4,420, larceny/theft-
3,323, fraud-321, drug/narcotic-
4,584, prostitution-20, kidnap-
ping-19, robbery-50, arson-31, bur-
glary-387, motor vehicle theft-158,
counterfeiting-82, embezzlement-
52, stolen property-69, destruction
of property-681, pornography/
obscene material-29 and weapon
law violations-182. Less serious
offenses totaled 20,377 arrestees,
involving the following, but not
limited to DUI-5,897 (5,775 for
2011), liquor law violations-4,463
and disorderly conduct-2,100.
Some examples of the South
Dakota numbers included an
increase in drug arrests of 17 per-
cent, sex offenses of 9 percent,
assaults 2.5 percent and an
increase in thefts totaling more
than $20 million worth of property
loss reported.
You can obtain a copy of this
years Crime in South Dakota
report from our website at the fol-
lowing link.
Avera St. Marys to
begin renovations in July
Work will soon begin on a series
of renovations at Avera St. Marys
Hospital designed to help better
meet the needs of a changing
healthcare environment, and bet-
ter utilize available space through-
out the facility.
Avera St. Marys recently con-
tracted with BWBR Architects,
Inc. of St. Paul to assist in develop-
ing a master facilities develop-
ment and improvement plan. The
renovations approved by the Avera
St. Marys governing board last
week are the first steps in a long
range plan that will provide a
vision for Avera St. Marys campus
into 2020.
Work is slated for July-Septem-
ber, and includes:
Construction of a new Inten-
sive Care Unit (ICU) on the far
east end of the fourth floor. This
will house six ICU suites as well
as a new nurses station.
Moving the Medical/Surgical
Unit from the second floor the
fourth floor to occupy the space
vacated by previously moving the
Transitional Care Unit (TCU) to
Maryhouse. This will create 18
large, private patient rooms, each
with a private bathroom.
The Outpatient Treatment
Center (OTC), will move from the
area next to the Emergency
Department to second floor, in the
current ICU area.
Eight small, post-partum
rooms in The Family Center (OB)
will be remodeled into four larger
suites to better accommodate fam-
ily members.
This is all about ensuring we
are doing everything we can to
best meet the needs of people in
central South Dakota who count
on Avera and Avera St. Marys to
provide quality care, said Richard
Molseed, Executive President for
Strategy and Governance, Avera
Representatives from BWBR
will be on hand in July to initiate
additional long range facility
plans. For more information about
this release, or to request a media
interview, please contact Amanda
Bacon, Communications Coordina-
tor, Avera St. Marys Hospital at
from SD
Highway Patrol
The 4th of July is here and
South Dakotans are out celebrat-
ing with their family and friends.
If you drink while celebrating this
4th of July, make sure you have a
safe and sober ride home, even if
youve only had a couple. Im
Inspector Darid Cooper with the
South Dakota Highway Patrol
Motor Carrier Services . Dont let
this Fourth of July blow up in your
face. Remember, buzzed driving is
drunk driving.
Soil workshop held in Murdo June 17
Even with all the precipitation
the county has been receiving late-
ly, managing drought and health
soil were topics discussed at the
Soil Workshop held this past week
in Murdo.
Thirteen were in attendance for
the workshop held June 17 at the
Dan Parish Center. Mitch Faulkn-
er showed the group how to utilize
the Drought Monitor as another
tool to help producers with man-
agement decisions. This can be
found at
Robert Fanning discussed soil
formation, ways to increase car-
bons in the soil, and the impor-
tance of soil micro-organisms.
Both speakers touched on the four
important factors for healthy soil:
Soil Organic Matter, Soil Infiltra-
tion, Soil Biological Activity and
Aggregate Stability.
Ryan Willert did a rain fall sim-
ulator presentation to show the
importance of having residue on
cropland and the effects that over-
grazing can have on grass root for-
mation on pasture land. The Nix
Ranch tour was rained out.
A light lunch was sponsored by
the Jones County Conservation
District and First Fidelity Bank.
The workshop was sponsored by:
Jones County NRCS, Jones Coun-
ty Conservation District and
South Central RC&D.
Rainfall simulator Ryan Willert demonstrated a rainfall simulator during the soil workshop, demonstrating the effects of
over grazing and of not having enough residue on cropland.
Soil workshop attendees Jones County residents taking in the soil workshop take a quick
lunch break while watching a rainfall simulator.
Mitch Faulkner Robert Fanning
Fire Marshal urges Fourth
of July fireworks safety
Legal sale of fireworks in South
Dakota begins on Thursday, June
27, and Fire Marshal Paul Merri-
man is urging residents to be safe
and sensible as they celebrate
Independence Day.
Fireworks have long been a
traditional part of the Fourth of
July celebration in South Dakota,
but every year we have a few
injuries and some unintentional
fires, Merriman said. While
much of the state has experienced
much-needed moisture in recent
months, we still caution anyone
using fireworks to cooperate in
keeping us all safe and fire-free.
Common sense goes a long way.
The 2013 South Dakota Legisla-
ture changed state law to allow the
discharge of fireworks from June
27 until the Sunday after July 4.
This year, that means its legal to
discharge fireworks through Sun-
day, July 7. Previously, July 5 was
the legal end date for use of fire-
works in the state.
Individual cities may adopt
stricter limits on use of fireworks,
and Merriman suggests citizens
check local ordinances and regula-
He also said staff with the State
Fire Marshals Office will be out
during the legal sales period
inspecting retail fireworks stands
to make sure the products being
offered for sale in South Dakota
are legal consumer fireworks.
We arent trying to take the fun
out of the holiday, but we do want
to make sure the fireworks being
sold meet legal requirements,
Merriman said.
The National Fire Protection
Association says recent statistics
show that nationally in 2010 fire-
works caused an estimated 1,100
structure fires, 300 vehicle fires
and 14,100 outside and other fires
with eight civilian deaths and $36
million in property damage. The
risk of fireworks injury was high-
est for children age 5-14, the asso-
ciation said.
Merriman offered a few simple
safety tips: Follow the instructions
on the product, avoid using fire-
works in places where a fire could
start and keep a source of water
Sparklers are popular with
younger children, but they can
cause painful burns and should be
used with adult supervision, Mer-
riman said.
School board discusses new auditorium projects
by Karlee Moore
The Jones County School Board
held their June meeting on Mon-
day, June 10.
Those present included Carrie
Lolley, Chad Whitney, Scott Math-
ews, Brett Nix, Mike Hunt, Tami
Schreiber, Larry Ball, Lorrie
Esmay, Gary Knispel, Andy
Rankin, Tony Benda and Karlee
Moore and Rankin entered the
meeting at 7:56 p.m. and Knispel
was presenting his financial report
to the board. An executive session
started at 7 p.m. and after speak-
ing with Lolley after the meeting
and, it was confirmed that the
meeting started before the adver-
tised 8 p.m.
Knispel finished his financial
report shortly after 8 p.m. and
thanked the board for his 27 years
as an employee of the Jones Coun-
ty School District.
Tami Schreiber was approved
by the board to be the Federal Pro-
gram agent for the Jones County
School District for the 2013-2014
school year.
The board also approved a spe-
cial meeting for the express pur-
pose of closing final transactions
for the 2012-2013 school year to be
held Wednesday, June 26 at 5 p.m.
The school board election was
then discussed and the board
voted to canvas the election and
certify the votes cast. The results
are as follows: Andy Rankin, 144;
Dean Volmer, 101; Cheryl Saun-
ders, 65; Trent Manecke, 42.
Discussion items followed. Tony
Benda approached the board about
hiring summer help for the janito-
rial staff, as he is the only janitor
currently employed for the sum-
mer. Benda reminded the board
that in addition to daily work,
mowing and the regular summer
cleaning that is time consuming,
leaks still needed to be fixed in the
tech room and the elementary
school. Esmay said the school was
looking into hiring a cleaning com-
pany for contract summer clean-
Next on the agenda was the pre-
disaster mitigation plan. Angie
Kinsley spoke to the board
between the ending of the 7 p.m.
executive session meeting and 8
The fitness center will be open
for students at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. to
complete summer training. Bev
Ball and Beth Van Dam were hired
for $15 per hour to monitor this
Upcoming auditorium projects
include replacing the wood floor,
having a sign displaying the new
auditorium name put up outside,
and the fixing of sheetrock in the
north hallway between the audito-
rium and the fitness center. In
addition, the double doors between
the tech room and the lunch room
will be replaced this summer.
The fitness center was recently
subject to an upgrade and Ball
said new televisions and a satellite
radio are still in the works for the
Ball also spoke to the board
about painting the bus. He said he
will get a quote from a Ft. Pierre
company for the paint job.
The meeting ended at 9:14 p.m.
and the board agreed to enter
another executive session.
The Murdo Coyote office will
be closed Friday, June 28.
Jones County News Murdo Coyote June 27, 2013 Page 2
Murdo Coyote Murdo, SD
P.O. Box 465
Murdo, SD 57559-0465
Phone: (605) 669-2271
FAX: (605) 669-2744
USPS No.: 368300
Don Ravellette, Publisher
Karlee Moore,
Lonna Jackson
Local $34.00 + Tax
Local subscriptions include the towns and rural
routes of Murdo, Draper, Vivian, Presho, White
River, Okaton, Belvidere, Kadoka and Midland
In-State $39.00 + tax
Out-of-State $39.00
Periodicals Postage Paid at
Murdo, SD 57559
Send address changes to:
Murdo Coyote
P.O. Box 465
Murdo, SD 57559-0465
Deadlines for articles and letters is
Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. (CT)
Items received after that time will be
held over until the next weeks issue.
Fridays at 4:00 p.m. (CT)
Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. (CT)
Local News
by Jody Lebeda 669-2526
The Hayes family gathering
was held for 12 great days in
June. The first to arrive in Sioux
Falls was Jody Wingert, then
Joshua Wingert and fianc Can-
dace Hunter (Scott stayed at
home to dog sit). Activities includ-
ed shopping, casino hopping and
the Dotts wet barbeque. Josh and
Candace returned to Benton City.
On Monday, Mary, Margie and
Jody stopped to visit Margaret
Rankin and Kris Bradley on their
way to Rapid City. It was great to
see everyone. The rest of the gang,
Ryan and Jamie Dott, Mike Dott,
Steph Dott and fianc Shane
arrived in Rapid City later. They
all attended the quad bankers
convention to support Steve as he
gave up his year reign as chair-
man of SDBA. The entertainment
was fantastic!!!! Margie had a
great time dancing (of course not
on the table, of course).
From there, they along with
family friends (Morgan and Beth)
went to the Venards cabin for a
relaxing couple of days. What a
great place to relax and be with
family. Jody went home on Mon-
Monday, June 10, Ron Lebeda
and Holly left for a trip to Yellow-
stone National Park. They
camped on the way, getting to the
park on Tuesday. They enjoyed
Old Faithful and the hot water
pool by the lake. They camped out
on the prairie and then got to
Casper on Wednesday. There they
visited Ron's uncle, Jim Lebeda,
who was in a rehab center follow-
ing a bad fall. Also saw Aunt Ione
and cousin Sue Smith and her
family. Holly enjoyed swimming
in the motel pool. On Thursday,
they visited cousins Fred Lebeda
and Phyllis Thompson before
heading home. It was an enjoy-
able trip.
On Sunday, June 16, Ron Lebe-
da and Holly joined family and
friends in Pierre to help Uncle
Russell Beck celebrate his 80th
birthday. Happy birthday, Russ.
Scott and Tawnya Reynolds
and boys from North Carolina
rented a vacation home in Boulder
Canyon. They arrived in the hills
over a week ago and will be spend-
ing a few weeks. Carma Miller
and grandkids Molly and Mason
met Tawnya and boys in Rapid
City on Tuesday. They took in Sto-
rybook Island and visited and
took Great-Grandma Eva Louder
out for lunch.
Virginia Louder left Monday to
spend time in the hills with the
Reynolds, Eva Louder and Shirley
Wood. A few days later, the
Reynolds followed Virginia to
Wyoming where they visited rela-
tives in Kaycee and Buffalo. Vir-
ginia will stay at her apartment in
Kaycee through July 4. After that,
she has other travel plans.
Welcome back to Draper, Jim
and Jo Mitchell, here from Cali-
Helen Louder and Elaine Mey-
ers traveled to Sioux Falls last
Thursday. Helen kept an appoint-
ment with a good report. They
went out for lunch and then head-
ed back home, or that was all I
was told anyway!
Virginia Louder visited Betty
Mann over coffee Sunday after-
Wade and Patti Dowling of
Spearfish were in Draper on busi-
ness Monday of last week. They
spent part of the day with David
and Lill Seamans and out for
lunch at a cafe in Murdo.
Former Jones County resident,
Anna Rose Paschel, RioLinde,
Calif., and niece Patsy Aldridge of
Placerville, Calif., flew into Rapid
City Monday evening of last week
to spend time with Anna Rose's
brother and Patsy's dad, Emil
Magnuson. Delores Volmer also
was there. On Thursday, Delores
and Anna Rose came back. That
evening, they along with Kathie
Mason had supper at Eldon and
Esther Magnuson's. On Saturday,
Eldon, Esther, Emil, Patsy and
Anna Rose had supper at Delores'.
On Sunday, Delores and daughter
Marlene hosted a potluck noon
meal at the Presho Catholic
Church fellowship hall where
many family members from all
over gathered. Patsy and Emil
spent the night at Eldon and
On June 20, Philip and Audrey
Mathews, Scott Mathews, Philip
and Madison and friend Carol
Drayer, Tara Dugan and kids
went to the Wisconsin Dells.
Madison played in a basketball
tournament June 22-23. They
were met there by Cheryl and
Bryon Rediger and family of
Woodbury, Minn. All took in the
sites and had lots of fun at the
amusement park, returning home
late Sunday evening.
The Scott and Janet Dowling
preharvest party held at their
Draper shop Saturday evening
was well attended. People came
from Murdo, Westover, Vivian,
Pierre, and even Pennsylvania
and California. Supper was good,
as was the music.
Following the party, Gerald and
Wanda Mathews visited Nelva
and Janet Louder until the rain
hit and they left. They called later
and said they got another inch.
Dorothy and Darin Louder vis-
ited Dwight in Kadoka Sunday
afternoon. Also there were Harvey
and Karen Byrd and family and
Kristi Stone and girls. They all
enjoyed the music and singing
provided by the Byrd's son-in-law
Dylan's parents.
Last Thursday morning,
Shirley Vik, Lila Mae Christian,
Bev Nies, Margie Boyle, Lill Sea-
mans and Janet Louder were
invited to come and play bingo
and listen to the kids read at the
summer program. There was also
a good variety of snacks. It was a
nice morning.
Fifty years ago on June 27, Bill
Valburg took Ellen Iwan as his
bride. Happy anniversary, you
Ken and Carmen Miller attend-
ed the funeral of her grandma,
Lorraine Sprague, 93, at Newell
on Wednesday, June 19. Eighteen
of her twenty grandchildren were
in attendance. Along with Car-
men's dad Roy Anderson, her
three brothers and her sister were
there. She also saw cousins that
she hasn't saw in years. So along
with the sadness of the day, it was
a joy seeing her siblings and
cousins. Our sympathy to the fam-
Kraig and Amanda Henrichs,
Blake and Layney brought a pic-
nic supper Sunday evening to Kim
and Tony's. Joining them for the
meal also was Paul Seamans. The
group had a project they were
working on earlier.
Following church Sunday, Ray
and Janice Pike, Rosa Lee Styles,
Virginia Louder, Lila Mae Chris-
tian, Jim and Jo Mitchell, Nelva
and Janet Louder had dinner
together in Murdo.
Happy 50th anniversary to for-
mer Murdo residents Terry and
Kay Sanderson.
Monday afternoon visitors at
Eldon and Esther Magnuson's to
meet and visit Emil Magnuson
and daughter Patsy Aldridge,
Anna Rose Paschal and Delores
Volmer were Dorothy Louder and
Nelva and Janet Louder. A nice
time was had with lots of visiting
over lemonade and snacks. Emil
and Patsy left for Rapid City later.
Happy birthday greetings to
former Draperites Elaine Miller
on June 20 and Californian Elsa
Sharp on June 23. Both are
Murdo Coyote readers.
Another Coyote reader, Delores
volmer, reached another mile-
stone of "80" earlier this month. I
understand she did celebrate her
day with family and friends.
Belated happy birthday.
A bridal shower was held Sat-
urday afternoon at the Draper
auditorium annex for bride-to-be
Karissa Miller. It was hosted by
her sister Kia and aunts Penny
Dowling, Melanie Stampe and
Julie Anderson. The tables were
beautifully decorated and there
was entertainment, readings and
a game. Karissa, assisted by two
bridesmaids, soon to be sister-in-
law Beth Crocott and sister Kia,
opened her many gifts. A lunch of
assorted bars, punch and coffee
was enjoyed by all. Those present
besides the ones listed above
were: Mom Carmen Miller; the
groom's mom, Cheryl Zimmer;
Mona Sharp, Pierre; cousin
Chelsee Anderson, Chamberlain;
Barb Petoske, Midland; Suzanne
Brost, Annie Giesler and three
children; Ardith Miller; Marcie
Schmidt, Teresa Palmer; Velma
Scott; Rosa Lee Styles, Lila Mae
Christian; Shirley Vik; Elaine
Meyers and Janet Louder. Karissa
and future groom Ben Zimmer
will be married July 13.
Ray and Janice Pike went to
Midland Thursday evening to
watch their lil great-granddaugh-
ters Mallory Venard and Addison
Rankin play t-ball. Also there
were grandparents Randy and
Holly Nemec, parents Tyler and
Chelsee Rankin and Joey, and
Drew and Kati Venard and Tenley.
Following the game, the Pikes,
Nemecs and Rankins stopped for
supper at a cafe at the KOA camp-
Exercise room notice
Reminder: Anyone wishing to
use the exercise room at the
school needs to fill out a waiver
to have your card reactivated.
Call the high school at 669-2258
with any questions or to verify
our summer hours.
Murdo City Council
The Murdo City Council will
meet Monday, July 1 at 7:30
p.m. at the city office. The public
is welcome to attend.
Draper Town Board
The Draper Town Board will
meet Monday, July 1 at 7:00
p.m. at the Draper hall. The
public is welcome to attend.
County Commissioners
The Jones County Commis-
sioners will hold their monthly
meeting at the courthouse on
Tuesday, July 2 at 9 a.m. The
public is welcome to attend.
J.C. School Board
The Jones County School Dis-
trict #37-3 will hold their
monthly meeting Monday, July
8 at 8 p.m. at the high school
library. The public is encouraged
to attend.
Caring and Sharing
The Caring and Sharing can-
cer support group will meet on
Monday, July 8 at 7 p.m. at the
Messiah Lutheran Church. Any-
one whose life has been touched
by cancer is welcome to partici-
For AlAnon meetings call
669-2596 for time and place.
Open AA meetings
Thursdays 8:00 p.m. at the
East Commons. Call 530-0371
or 280-7642.
Coyote News Briefs
East Side News
by Janet Louder 669-2696
Well, this has to be the week of
storms; one hummer right after
the other and it doesnt sound like
it is over yet. We have received two
to three inches of rain, lots of wind
and hail. Most gardens in town
took a hit hopefully they will
recover. God is good; He gives us
what we ask for and then some.
Jake Dowling reports that base-
ball is going full throttle with four
games down and more coming up.
Mike Boni is coaching and quite a
few kids are out. There are enough
kids for A-B teams. They practice
together but play separately. Come
out and watch them play.
Justin Bryan is retiring from
West Central Electric after 32
years of service. He is looking for-
ward to some down time, maybe
some fishing, Or maybe getting in
some extra grandpa time.
Julia Broeacher had visitors
over the weekend. Ruth and Car-
roll Cash and their grandson,
Michael Cash, built a nice ramp
for Julia that is going to be very
helpful for her as all the steps are
gone She now has a nice even walk
to her car.
Helen McMillan attended the
wedding of Eric McMillan and
Kelly Frentz on Saturday, June 22
in Wall, S.D. Local Glaze families
and McMillan families also
attended the wedding.
Tom Lebeda received word that
his brother, Wilbert Lebeda, who
lived in Newberg, Ore., has passed
on Monday morning. His funeral
service is pending.
Summer Baseball Schedule
June 27 Murdo at Kadoka
June 29 B Paulson Tourney at Philip
July 2 Murdo at Wall
July 9 Kadoka at Murdo
July 11 Philip at Murdo
July 18 A Tourney at High Seed
July 20 A Tourney at Kadoka
***B Team games start at 6:30 p.m. CT with A
Team games to follow.
Summer T-ball Schedule
June 27 Presho at Murdo DBL HEADER
DBL HEADER will be 2 innings for each game for total
of 4 innings. Games start at 6:00 p.m. CT
ordo Areu Murket
Every Tuesday (until Sept. 24) Irom 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. at the open lot on
the north side oI the senior citizen building on Main Street.
Local craIts Locally grown Iresh produce Baked goods
Jones County Weather
6-19 84.0 61.3 0
6-20 89.6 66.2 0
6-21 87.2 67.4 0
6-22 75.2 53.2 2.10
6-23 83.0 55.0 .52
6-24 80.0 61.9 0
6-25 87.0 67.4 0
Date High Low Prec.
To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please submit
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Our position on expressions of thanks
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There will be a charge for a thank you directed to a person,
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included with any weekly articles, news columns, local news
or letters to the editor. Any thank you shall be construed as
advertising and will not be included in the above mentioned
Please ask if in doubt. There is a difference
between news and advertising.
Church and Community
Murdo Coyote June 27, 2013 Page 3
Catholic Church of St. Martin
502 E. Second St., Murdo, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski
Saturday Mass: 6 p.m.
St. Anthonys Catholic Church
Draper, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Draper United Methodist Church
Pastor Rick Hazen
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.
Murdo United Methodist Church
Pastor Rick Hazen Corner of E. 2nd and Jefferson Ave.
Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. and Fellowship Time Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.
United Methodist Women: 1st Wednesday at 2 p.m. ALL WELCOME!
Okaton Evangelical Free Church
Okaton I90 Exit 183 Pastor Gary McCubbin 6058372233 (Kadoka)
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. (CT) Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. (CT)
Messiah Lutheran Church
308 Cedar, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesday 7 a.m.
Thursday 9:30 a.m. Midweek: Wednesday 3:15 p.m.
St. Pauls Lutheran Church
Draper, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 9 a.m.
Community Bible Church
410 Washington, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Alvin Gwin 6692600
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Wed. Night Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Best Western
First National
6692414 Member F.D.I.C.
PHONE: 6692271 FAX: 6692744
Super 8
Dakota Prairie
Draper and Presho
6692401 Member F.D.I.C.
Does Misery Love Company?
by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
We have all heard the statement: Misery loves company. It is true that when one is sick or in trouble he does not feel quite so sorry for himself when
he realizes that others are as unfortunate, and perhaps more so, than he.
However, some have used this phrase: Misery loves company, in speaking lightly of hell. Perhaps you have heard someone say: Well, if I go to hell,
at least Ill have lots of company. This is true, but the company the lost will have when cast out of Gods presence will hardly afford them comfort.
The Bible story of the rich man and Lazarus brings this fact out with great force. The rich man, you will remember, fared sumptuously every day, while
Lazarus was laid at his gate, full of sores, desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich mans table.
In the process of time both died, and the rich man, having felt no need of salvation, suddenly was made to experience Gods wrath upon sin, for the sacred
record says: In hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments (Luke 16:23). From his place of torment the rich man saw Lazarus with Abraham afar off,
but this surely afforded little comfort, while we do read that Lazarus was comforted. The rich man, then, still with haughty superiority, asked Abraham to
send Lazarus back to earth to warn his five brothers, lest they come into this place of torment. He did not wish his brothers to join him in hell. Misery
among those cast out of Gods presence, then, does not love company.
The story is brought to a close as Abraham refuses the rich mans request, explaining that if his brothers would not hear the Word of God neither will
they be persuaded though one rose from the dead (Luke 16:31).
The way to avoid the lot of the rich man, then, is to believe the Word of God, particularly that part of the Word which tells how Christ died for our sins
that we might be justified by grace through faith. Dont be deceived by the old adage: Misery loves company. Receive Christ as your Savior today.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved (Acts 16:31).
Two minutes with the bible
Chamber Yard of the Week ... The home of Marie Tedrow
at 201 Kennedy Avenue in Murdo was chosen as this weeks win-
ner for the Murdo Area Chamber of Commerce Yard of the Week.
They will receive $25 in Murdo Bucks.
~Photo by Lonna Jackson
Emily Wickstrom, Rural
Advocate for Missouri Shores
Domestic Violence Center,
is at the J.C. Courthouse
in the jury room
Tuesday, July 2
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
For more information call
Domestic Violence, Sexual
Assault, Dating Violence.
Emily is also available for
presentations to any group.
Member FDIC
Member FDIC
Member FDIC
We will be closed on
Thursday, July 4th
Storm brings hail and rain moving down I-90 corridor
by Karlee Moore
A Friday morning storm bring-
ing wind, rain and hail moved
through western and central
South Dakota on June 21, bringing
in the first day of summer.
Up to two inches of rain were
reported in Jones County on June
21. According to the National
Weather Service in Aberdeen, at
11:30 a.m., 60 MPH wind gusts
were reported five miles southwest
of Okaton, along with dime sized
hail. Local Jones County residents
reported sightings of up to quarter
sized hail.
The large, quick moving storm
started in the western part of the
state, following Interstate 90, con-
tinuing to grow as it moved north.
The storm chasing crew said they
predicted tornadic activity out of
the storm and two tornados were
reported to have touched down,
one eight miles northwest of
Miller, and the other in southern
Clark County. Straight line dam-
aging winds were reported in the
northeastern part of the state,
along with more hail and some
Hail drift Pictured is one of the many hail drifts spotted in
the county after the July 21 morning storm.
Courtesy photo
Eerily dark The storm moving in on Friday, June 21
brought with it an eerie darkness. The street lights came on at
about 11 a.m. and the darkness continued throughout the dura-
tion of the storm.
Photo by Karlee Moore
Storm chasers Storm chasers from
were in town keeping an eye on the storm, along with their
storm chasing vehicle. Two tornado touchdowns were reported
as the storm moved farther East, one eight miles northwest of
Miller and the other in southern Clark County.
Photo by Karlee Moore
Southeast Technical Institute in
Sioux Falls, South Dakota, ahs
announced its Spring 2013 Presi-
dents List. These students have
demonstrated outstanding aca-
demic performance in the class-
room and laboratory settings.
In order to become eligible for
the Presidents List, students
must be full-time and have
achieved a minimum grade point
average of 3.5 for the semester.
These students should be com-
mended for their efforts and per-
Dacey Rae Bryan, Draper,
achieved this recognition in the
Pharmacy Technician program.
Dacey is the daughter of Heath
and LeRonda Bryan of Draper.
Students in the news
Murdo Coyote June 27, 2013 Page 4
July 2013
Jones County Clinic
Phone: 6692121
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday and Friday
8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
James McNeely, III, RNCFNP
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 2
Dr. Holland
Closed 4th of
Dr. Meyer
Dr. Meyer
Julia Womens
Dr. Holland
Free Childhood
Immunization Day
JC Sheriffs Report
The Sheriff s report is printed
as received by Jones County Sher-
iff s Office. It may or may not con-
tain every call received by the
Sheriff and Deputy calls:
June 17
Sheriff Weber responded to a
motorist assist on I-90, west-
bound, mm209. A motorhome
was having mechanical problems,
which the owner fixed on his own.
Sheriff Weber responded and
removed a large piece of tire
from I-90, eastbound, mm207.
Sheriff Weber responded to a
report of a cow out in the
median along I-90, mm208. It
was found that the cow was not
out. The median between two
bridges is fenced, and the cow was
inside the fence.
June 18
Sheriff Weber responded to a
motorhome that had blown
two tires along I-90, eastbound,
mm197. Assistance was called
and the tires were replaced.
June 20
Deputy Sylva transported
two separate transients to the
Jackson Co. line and turned
them over to the Jackson Co.
Deputy. Both were on I-90 near
mileposts 185 and 191.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
semi vs. deer on I-90, west-
bound, mm 209.
June 21
Deputy Sylva transported
passengers of a vehicle that
had been struck by lightning
on I-90, eastbound, mm175. The
vehicle was towed after storm
Deputy Sylva responded to
several motorist assist along I-
90 through out the county related
to issues from the storm.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
report of a dog bite victim at
the Jones Co. Clinic in Murdo.
It was found that the dog bite had
occurred in Vivian and the Lyman
Co. Sheriff's Office was notified.
Deputy Sylva assisted the SD
Highway Patrol with a drug
search of a vehicle that the
trooper had stopped on I-90. No
drugs were found and no arrest
was made.
June 22
Sheriff Weber confirmed and
faxed a warrant to the Hughes
Co. Jail on a subject that was
arrested on a Jones Co. warrant
in Pierre.
June 23
Sheriff Weber responded to a
motorist assist on I-90, east-
bound, mm200 to a pickup pulling
a horse trailer that had broke
down. The vehicle was towed to
Kayla Janae Roth and Xavier
Tyrell Christmas will be united in
marriage on June 29, 2013, in
Mitchell, S.D.
Kayla is a recent graduate of
Paul Mitchell, The School, Col-
orado Springs, Colorado. Xavier is
currently serving in the Army. He
is stationed at Fort Carson, Col-
Kayla is the daughter of Lonnie
and Kathy Roth of Ethan, S.D.,
and the granddaughter of Gene
and Carol Cressy of Murdo. Xavier
is the son of Yvonne Cecelia Bell.
Murdo Golf Club participates in
Golf For Guardianship program
Clarification for June 13 county commissioners story
The Guardianship Program is
busy selling cards for its annual
fundraiser, Golf For Guardian-
Golf For Guardianship is a
golf card listing 90 golf courses
across the state. For $30 a nine-
hole round or 50 percent off an 18-
hole round can be played at each
course using the Golf For
Guardianship golf card. Courses
listed in the area include the
Murdo Golf Club.
In 2012, over $10,000 was
raised to provide guardianship
services to adults in South Dakota
with disabilities. The Guardian-
ship Program is a private, non-
profit agency serving people with
disabilities with guardianship and
conservatorship services due to
the support and participation of
the Murdo Golf Club.
All of the money raised stays in
South Dakota and supports per-
sonal and financial services for our
most vulnerable citizens. Golf For
Guardianship is sponsored by the
Murdo Golf Club, who donates
green fees, the members of the
National Association of Insurance
and Financial Advisors of SD who
volunteer to seel cards and all of
the area golfers who support this
program by buying a Golf For
Guardianship card.
The 2013 Golf For Guardian-
ship card may be purchased for
$30 for a single or $100 for a Gold
Pak ($100 for 4 cards).
For more information, contact
your local NAIFA member or con-
The Guardianship Program
P.O. Box 794
Pierre, SD 57501
Toll Free: 1-866-228-9119
FAX: 605-224-0335
E-mail: sdguardians@gmail.
by Karlee Moore
It has been brought to my atten-
tion that the article I wrote in the
June 13 issue of the Murdo Coyote
after attending the June 4 county
commissioners meeting has a few
issues that need to be clarified.
The last six paragraphs of the
article referenced the meeting in
which the commissioners spoke
with Richard Nix and Paul
Thomas from the Jones County
Conservation District about soil
erosion in the county. States
Attorney Anita Fuoss was also
present during this time.
Due to the complexity of the
statutes, details concerning soil
erosion were misinterpreted. Flow
charts detailing these issues are
printed below.
I apologize for any confusion the
article may have caused. County
commissioner meetings are open
to the public and anyone wanting
to attend is encouraged to do so.
Anyone with questions concern-
ing soil erosion, or requesting
more information on the issue may
contact the Jones County Conser-
vation District at 669-2404 or 806
West 5th Street, Murdo, SD 57559.
Questions may also be directed
to your local elected county offi-
cials: Steve Iwan, Helen Louder,
Monte Anker and John Brunskill.
Master Gardener news - Native plants
When planning your next land-
scape project, consider using
native species. Native plants tend
to grow better than introduced
species because they have evolved
under local growing conditions.
Native plants are less prone to dis-
ease and, once established, require
less watering and fertilizer than
non-native species. There are
trees, shrubs, grasses, and wild-
flowers to choose from. There is a
mirage of wildflowers blooming
right now. Native plants come in a
vast array of colors--blooming and
adding interest to your landscape
throughout the year.
If you want a formal looking
yard, group similar plants and col-
ors together, with spacing wide
enough to allow plant distinction.
If you prefer a more natural look,
scatter a variety of plants at ran-
dom. Then, allow the plants to
grow into each other, providing a
free flowing form. Whatever your
design, the soft pastels of delicate
wildflowers are a welcome sign of
spring. In winter, tall grasses and
silhouettes of leafless shrubs add a
texture to the landscape that a
mowed lawn will never offer.
Be aware that many localities
have laws or ordinances against
digging up native plants for trans-
planting. Native species should be
obtained from reputable nurseries
and garden centers that offer a
selection most states have a native
plant society and contacts can be
found on the Internet.
Flowering plants you may want
to watch for and incorporate in
your yard are yarrow, leadplant,
columbine, coreopsis, coneflower,
blanket flower, dotted gayfeather,
beebalm, black eyed susan, spider-
wart and many more. Now would
be a good time to take a prairie
walk and see what is out there. I
found native plants performed
very well in last years drought.
Natural Resource Conservation
Service has a great booklet on Liv-
ing Landscapes in South Dakota,
and can be found at most local
offices or contact me at
Youth & Sports
Murdo Coyote June 27, 2013 Page 5
Young people take flight
at summer ACE camp
Summer learning at South
Dakota State University will reach
new heights July 14 through 17
when high school students go
beyond a typical classroom experi-
ence to receive hands-on aeronau-
tics training at ACE Camp.
ACE camp has been instru-
mental over the past 20 years in
helping students make informed
choices when considering career
paths in aviation, said Cody
Christensen, camp coordinator
and certified flight instructor.
During the four-day, three-night
camp, students construct and
launch model rockets, learn how to
navigate an aircraft, tour an air
traffic control facility and receive
one-on-one flight instruction
behind the controls of a Cessna
172 airplane.
Campers also will tour the
South Dakota Air National Guard
headquarters in Sioux Falls for an
up-close look at the F-16 Falcon jet
fighter and travel to Watertown to
learn about aviation maintenance
and repair at Lake Area Technical
Since its inception in 1992, the
program has drawn more than 300
students from across South Dako-
ta and other states, including
Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North
Dakota and Wyoming as well as
international countries.
ACE Camp is open to young
people going into grade nine
through 2013 high school gradu-
ates. The tuition cost is $300,
which includes lodging in an
SDSU residence hall, meals, activ-
ity fees, transportation during
camp and flight experience at the
Young women, minorities and
those with disabilities are encour-
age to apply, said Christensen.
Camp scholarships are also avail-
able to qualified applicants.
Applications are available on
the SDSU website at
Camp enrollment is limited to
30 students and will fill on a first-
come, first-serve basis.
For more information, contact
Cody Christensen at 605-688-4983
or email cody.christensen@
4-H members participate in local grass workshop
Range Science and Pasture
Management is a 4-H project area.
After several failed attempts, due
to inclement weather, a group
made it out for a grass workshop.
On Tuesday, June 18 4-H mem-
bers Colleen Greenseth, Bridger
Hight, Madelyn Host and Darian
Roghair, along with Patti
Greenseth, Tristin Host, Angie
Kinsley, Jubilee Roghair, Riatta
Roghair, and Shawna Roghair ven-
tured onto the prairie west of
Murdo to look at grasses, forbs and
shrubs. Youth can exhibit a plant
collection, educational display or a
poster under the Range Science
and Pasture Management area for
Achievement Days.
Learning to identify plants and
understanding how grasslands are
used by producers, how they pro-
vide cover for wildlife and how
plants protect our soils is impor-
tant to all of us.
Once the grasses and forbs were collected, the group gathered to
identify and label their specimens with information including
the plant's name, date collected, where it was collected and
whether the specimen is an annual, perennial or a noxious vari-
Shawna Roghair and Bridger Hight examine the root system of
one of the plants found on the prairie. Once collected, plants
need to be pressed and mounted before they can be exhibited.
Courtesy photos
Darian Roghair shows a plant that she dug to the rest of the
Shown is Colleen Greenseth who is studying a Grassland Plants
book to gather information to label her specimen.
Check us out online at
Dakota Wesleyan
offers online degrees
Digital DWU, an entirely online
educational experience, will
become a reality at Dakota Wes-
leyan University this fall.
The university will offer an
online Master of Business Admin-
istration beginning in August, as
well as continuing the online
Bachelor of Science degree for reg-
istered nurses currently holding
an associates degree.
Derek Driedger, associate pro-
fessor of English, has been named
associate dean of digital learning.
He has been leading the imple-
mentation process since early
Dr. Driedger has a command-
ing sense of the evolving nature of
higher education, said Amy
Novak, DWU president. He
immerses himself in the technolo-
gy and examines strategies for
using digital technologies. Dereks
goal-oriented leadership style,
scholarly engagement and excel-
lent integration of digital learning
into his classes have prepared him
to assume this important role for
Dakota Wesleyan.
We have offered online courses
for many years, Driedger said,
but this is the first time we will
offer degrees entirely online,
allowing anyone in any location to
earn a degree from Dakota Wes-
leyan University. As DWU steps
further into the world of digital
learning with online courses and
degrees, my role will be to oversee
online curriculum, help depart-
ments design online-friendly
courses and maintain a university-
wide consistency.
The M.B.A. in strategic leader-
ship will be unique in that it will
focus on practical application
rather than theory. It is designed
for those working, or interested in
working, in nonpublicly traded
businesses rather than Fortune
500 companies. Learners will be
encouraged to collaborate on real-
world problem-solving in order to
transcend the experience from the
classroom into everyday life.
According to Driedger, it will be a
more applicable M.B.A. than is
currently offered regionally.
About 80 percent of businesses
in our region are smaller, and they
require hands-on management
with an emphasis on personal
leadership, he said. We have
been developing curriculum for
this program for more than a year,
and we believe it will be well-
received because it will lead stu-
dents through real-world problem
solving exercises, with emphases
on communication and ethical
For those who have already
earned a baccalaureate degree, the
M.B.A. program is open to all aca-
demic disciplines and professional
backgrounds, creating a diverse
learning experience. The entrepre-
neurial and strategic leadership
focus of this program is enhanced
by a values-driven emphasis that
is informed by an active and
applied Christian worldview,
according to Driedger.
A key component of Digital
DWU is community. The virtual
campus and learning management
system will allow students to form
relationships and interact with
one another, as well as faculty
members, any time of day or night.
M.B.A. students will have the
option of taking one course or two
every eight weeks with sessions
beginning in August or January.
The RN-B.S. nursing program
builds upon previous knowledge
and provides an opportunity for
working nurses to focus on
enhancing their leadership and
management skills. The nursing
program was built to complement
the nurses previous work experi-
ence with new skills that will con-
tribute to professional and person-
al growth, according to Driedger.
As we implement and assess
these programs throughout the
coming year, he said, we will con-
sider potential new online pro-
grams to add to Digital DWU.
Once we get the initial courses
running, we intend to be respon-
sive to the needs and interests of
students and the marketplace.
Application information for
both programs is available on the
DWU website,
The Murdo Coyote will be The Murdo Coyote will be
CLOSED CLOSED on Thursday, on Thursday,
July 4 in honor of July 4 in honor of
Independence Day!! Independence Day!!
Murdo Coyote June 27, 2013 Page 6
Winter Wheat Variety Plot
Winter wheat faced significant
challenges this year, and the
SDSU Crop Performance Testing
(CPT) plots were certainly not
spared. Some of the locations have
already been destroyed in hopes of
raising other crops, while others
remain intact with hopes of gath-
ering viable yield data.
Besides providing yield, test
weight and other valuable infor-
mation, Winter Wheat CPT plots
also provide an opportunity for
producers to learn about new, up
and coming varieties. Between
plots being abandoned and posi-
tions open at SDSU Extension,
crop tours will be scaled back a lit-
tle this year, but Winter Wheat
Variety Plot Tours are planned
near Ideal, SD on July 1 and Mar-
tin, SD on July 2 in south-central
South Dakota.
The tour near Ideal, SD will be
held at the Jorgensen Farm,
beginning at 5:30 pm, CDT. From
Winner, SD, go 8.5 miles north on
N County Road, 2.5 miles west, 4
miles north and 0.5 miles west.
You can also go 1 mile east, 1 mile
north and 0.5 miles west of the
Ideal, SD Post Office. Speakers
will be Steve Kalsbeck, Sr
Research Associate with the SDSU
Winter Wheat Breeding program,
and Bob Fanning, Plant Pathology
Field Specialist. A meal will be
served following the tour, spon-
sored by Winner Seed, Simplot
Soil Builders and Country Pride
The Winter Wheat Variety Plot
Tour at Martin will begin at 5:00
pm, MDT and is located 5 miles
east of the stop light in Martin, on
the south side of SD Hwy 18-73.
Farm Credit Services of Rapid
City will be providing refresh-
Visit for information
on other crop tours across South
Some Winter Wheat did not
Earlier this spring, many winter
wheat producers, agronomists and
crop insurance adjusters were
deliberating if winter wheat
stands were adequate, what yield
they might produce, and if the crop
vernalized. As discussed in past
articles, winter wheat must ver-
nalize in order to enter the repro-
ductive stage, i.e. elongate and
produce a seed head.
Again, in order for the vernaliza-
tion process to occur, the wheat
kernel must at least begin the ger-
mination process (at a minimum
absorb moisture and swell), then
go through a period of time at a
temperature below 48 degrees F.
This period of time can vary from
as little as a few days for some of
the early, winter tender vari-
eties; to as long as 3 weeks for the
later, winter hardy varieties. The
maximum temperature may also
vary slightly, depending on the
earliness/winterhardiness of the
variety. This process usually
occurs in the fall, before winter
sets in, if adequate soil moisture is
present to germinate the seed.
Vernalization can also occur dur-
ing the winter if warm spells begin
the germination process, or early
in the spring.
It is virtually unheard of for fall
planted winter wheat not to ver-
nalize in South Dakota. The win-
ter wheat year of 2012-13 will cer-
tainly go down in the record books
in confirmation that this anomaly
can occur. As of June 19, there
were reports of winter wheat not
yet jointing, indicating that the
plants did not vernalize, and in
some fields, the majority did not.
There is no way to determine for
sure a winter wheat plant vernal-
ized until it elongates or fails to do
6/27/2013 Dakota Lakes
Research Farm Tour, 4:00 pm, 17
miles east of Pierre, SD
6/27-28/2013 IPM Field School,
Dakota Lakes Research Farm, 17
miles east of Pierre, SD
7/1/2013 Winter Wheat Variety
Plot Tour, 5:30 pm CDT, Jorgensen
Farm, Ideal, SD
7/2/2013 Winter Wheat Variety
Plot Tour, 5:00 pm MDT, 5 miles
east of Martin, SD
Extension News
Bob Fanning (605) 842-1267
If you are done planting your
2013 crops, please contact the
office for an appointment to certi-
fy your planted acreage on your
farm(s). You will need to delineate
the field(s), list the crop planted,
planting dates, acres of the crop,
intended use, and share(s). If you
have either prevented planted or
failed crop acreage, this will also
need to be reported. The deadline
for crop acreage reporting is July
15, 2013. An accurate crop report
is important with the cross com-
pliance between FSA and Federal
Crop Insurance. Crop reports are
a requirement to remain eligible
for most FSA Programs.
July 15: 2012 ACRE Production
July 15: 2012 NAP Production
July 15: Final 2013 Acreage
reporting deadline
August 2: DCP sign-up ends
November 15: 2013 NAP Produc-
November 15: 2014 Acreage
reporting deadline on perennial
grasses and winter wheat
Feel free to call the office if you
ever have questions on any of our
programs 605-669-2404 Ext. 2.
Failed acreages must be report-
ed within 15 days of the disaster
event and before disposition of the
crop. Filing an accurate acreage
report for all crops and land uses,
including failed acreage and pre-
vented planting acreage, can pre-
vent the loss of benefits for a vari-
ety of programs. Acreage reports
are required for many Farm Serv-
ice Agency programs. All acreage
reports are to be certified by the
July 15, 2013 deadline.
Acreage reports on crops for
which NAP assistance may be paid
are due in the county office by the
earlier of July 15, 2013 or 15 cal-
endar days before the onset of har-
vest or grazing of the specific crop
acreage being reported.
2012 NAP & ACRE
Producers must annually pro-
vide (if not appraised by a NAP
appraiser) the quantity of all har-
vested production of the crop in
which the producer held an inter-
est during the crop year. We have
sent out the NAP Yields form
and CCC-658 form which lists
your acres and a spot for you to
record your production. The dead-
line for reporting this production
is July 15, 2013. Please contact the
office if these forms were not
David Klingberg
in Chances room for some action.
As I said, not much happened
since the doctor just set up some
scans and things for the next day
and not right away. This was
when I found out how uncomfort-
able hospital chairs can be. They
had a reclining chair that was one
of the most hopeless things I have
ever had the misfortune to use.
For one thing, it had such a strong
spring that, if you pushed it back
into the reclining position, it
snapped you right back upright.
If I scooted as far back as possible
so most of my weight was on the
back, then it might stay that way
unless I moved. Secondly, the
arms of the thing had wooden tops
so they put your arms right to
sleep if you used them. My arms
had to be kept by my sides with
my hands in my lap. Neverthe-
less, I was tired enough to doze off
from time to time until Corinne
returned from the motel.
The rest of the day was spent
waiting around, going out to eat,
buying a few supplies and the
like. Corinne and I took turns
resting at the motel or keeping
guard at the room. We find that
one of us has to be with Chance
when hes in a hospital or they try
to administer something to which
he is allergic or doesnt tolerate
well. Sometimes, too, they need
advice on how to deal with our
They finally got to a scan with
dyes on Tuesday afternoon which
showed almost nothing except
that there might be a minor infec-
tion which could be treated with
some antibiotics. We thought we
might as well go back home, but
the doctor advised staying
overnight since Chance had been
anesthetized for the scan which
can cause problems that need to
be watched. We grudgingly agreed
and prepared for another nights
stay. That was when I got a second
lesson in bad furniture. In
Chances room, besides the dread-
ful lounge chair, there was this
odd wide chair that, through vari-
ous weird manipulations, could be
made into a cot which was only
slightly softer than the floor
very slightly. Still, when youre
really tired, you can sleep on such
a thing with a little effort. I did for
several hours on and off between
caring for Chance.
What probably upset us the
most was that Chance went with-
out food for over twenty-four
hours. They thought his stomach
feeding tube might be misplaced
somehow and didnt want to risk
using it. Since Chance cant chew
and swallow worth a hoot, the
stomach tube is his only way of
getting nutrition. Finally after the
scan showed the tube was not
badly out of place, we could
resume feeding to his relief and
It was interesting to note that
Chance has a way about him that
makes people like him. When
nurses first come in to Chances
room, they enter with a certain
amount of trepidation since our
boy is autistic and they dont quite
know what to expect. Before long,
however, they discover what a
sweetheart he is and start baby-
ing him something chronic. They
often later tell us he is their
favorite patient. Its no wonder
Chance isnt in any hurry to leave
since he enjoys all the attention
and action. His mother and I,
however, tire of huge parking lots,
the many ten-floor elevator rides,
fighting town traffic, and strug-
gling to get enough sleep. We were
more than ready to get home
about one in the afternoon on
Wednesday. Apparently we would
have been ahead to just have
Chance lie flat at home and apply
light pressure until the bleeding
stopped. Unfortunately, we didnt
know that at the time. Neither did
we know the infection wasnt so
minor and would give us fits the
rest of the week with high temper-
atures, low oxygen saturation,
racing heart, and the shakes. At
least that could be dealt with at
home with the help of our local
doctor. Anyway, so much for pent-
house vacationing. Next time
maybe well go to a lake or some-
We spent three days of last week
vacationing in the penthouse
(10th floor) of the Rapid City hos-
pital. Son Chance rather enjoyed
himself. His mother and I not so
much. This all was occasioned by
Chance starting to bleed rather
profusely from around his stom-
ach tube late Sunday evening.
After turning several paper towels
red, we got a little spooked and
decided to bundle our boy up and
take him to the local emergency
There werent many sophisticat-
ed scanning devices locally to find
out exactly was going on, so Dr. H
recommended an ambulance ride
eighty miles father west to an
associated larger facility. As a
result, Chance and Corinne were
on their way before very long. I
gassed up the car, gathered a few
supplies, and followed on behind.
By about sunrise, we were at the
big hospital in the admit (admit-
tance) department. An hour or two
after that found us ensconced in a
room on the tenth floor. Then
nothing much happened until a
doctor wandered in mid-after-
noon. Fortunately, the bleeding
had mostly stopped except for a
short outburst when Chance stood
up in moving from the ambulance
cart to a bed.
Since we hadnt had much sleep,
we checked into a motel where
Corinne took a nap and I waited
Lookin Around
Syd Iwan
Letter to the editor
To the Editor:
The laws on erosion control and
the countys powers and responsi-
bilities are mainly contained in
SDCL Titles 46A, 31, 38, and 7.
They are very complex, and con-
tain several methods and options
for dealing with erosion control.
Unfortunately, the June 13, 2013,
Murdo Coyote attempted to sum-
marize the last county commis-
sioners meeting about erosion
issues within the county and in
the process mischaracterized and
misrepresented a number of state-
ments I made at that meeting.
Other statements were taken out
of context. It is impossible to sum-
marize the laws on this issue in a
basic news article. There are
entire books and law review arti-
cles discussing the nuances and
details of the issues.
The county commissioners dis-
cussed a number of options and
situations in reviewing which of
those possibilities are best suited
for Jones County. Of course, the
county commission meetings are
open to the public and members of
the public who wish to hear the
full discussion are entitled to
Anita L. Fuoss
Jones County States Attorney
PO Box 508
Murdo, SD 57559
Submitted Sunday, July 16, 2013
Gov. Daugaard approves
bonds for home loans
For the first time since 2009,
the Governor has approved a large
issuance of mortgage bonds from
the South Dakota Housing Devel-
opment Authority (SDHDA) to be
used to finance loans for first time
The increase of demand in our
housing market is an indication
that South Dakotas economy is
recovering, said Gov. Dennis Dau-
gaard. As more are buying homes
for the first time or considering
homeownership, South Dakotans
seem to have a renewed sense of
The SDHDA has been purchas-
ing single-family loans since 1973,
but has not had a large bond issue
without federal subsidies since the
recession in 2009.
The bonds going to the First-
Time Homebuyer Program total
$67 million and will fund home
loans for approximately 600 low-
to moderate-income South
According to the SDHDA, the
increased demand for homes this
year has been substantial.
Through April of 2013, the number
of first time homebuyer loans
increased by 95 percent in compar-
ison to 2012, and by 23 percent in
comparison to 2011, the last year
of the $8,000 federal tax credit for
homebuyers funded with federal
stimulus dollars.
Murdo Area Market growing each week
Browsing Don Heib and other customers take in what the
Murdo Area Market has to offer. The market provides locally
grown fresh produce, home made baked goods and local crafts to
name a few.
Courtesy photos
Variety of goods Cheryl McMillan purchases items from
Jackie Boyles stand at the Murdo Area Market.
Produce Katy Manke helps Donna Fischer in purchasing
produce during the Murdo Area Market.
The Murdo Coyote wishes you a happy and safe 4th of July weekend!
Public Notices & Statewide News
Murdo Coyote June 27, 2013 Page 7
Proceedings of the
West River Water
Development District
Regular Session
May 16, 2013
CALL TO ORDER: The West River
Water Development District convened
for their regular meeting at the West
River Water Development District Project
Office in Murdo, S.D. Chairman Joseph
Hieb called the meeting to order at 10:30
a.m. (CT).
Roll Call was taken and Chairman Hieb
declared a quorum was present. Direc-
tors present were: Joseph Hieb, Casey
Krogman, Marion Matt and Veryl Prokop.
Absent: Lorne Smith. Also present: Jake
Fitzgerald, Manager; Kati Venard,
Sec./Bookkeeper; Dave Larson, Larson
Law PC.
APPROVE AGENDA: Motion by Direc-
tor Krogman, seconded by Director Matt
to approve the agenda. Motion carried
APPROVE MINUTES: The minutes of
the April 12, 2013, meeting were previ-
ously mailed to the Board for their
review. Motion by Director Matt, second-
ed by Director Prokop to approve the
April minutes. Motion carried unani-
Bills: Joseph Hieb - $55.41, Casey
Krogman - $55.41, Marion Matt - $55.41,
Veryl Prokop - $55.41, West River/
Lyman-Jones RWS - $1,000.00. Motion
by Director Prokop, seconded by Direc-
tor Krogman to approve the District bills.
Motion carried unanimously. B. District
Financial Status Report: The financial
status of the District to date was previ-
ously sent to the Board. A copy of the
April Financial Report is on file at the
District office in Murdo. Motion by Direc-
tor Matt, seconded by Director Krogman
to approve the April Financial Report.
Motion carried unanimously.
REPORTS: A. Managers Report: Man-
ager Fitzgerald presented his May report
to the Board. Motion by Director Prokop,
seconded by Director Matt to approve
the Managers Report. Motion carried
unanimously. B. Other Reports: None.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further
business, the meeting was adjourned at
10:49 a.m. (CT).
/s/ Kati Venard
Kati Venard,
Recording Secretary
/s/ Joseph Hieb
Joseph Hieb,
Published June 27, 2013, at the total
approximate cost of $28.16.
Unofficial Record of
Proceedings of the
Murdo City Council
Regular Meeting
June 5, 2013
The Murdo City council met in regular
session on Wed June 5, 2013. Mayor
Geisler called the meeting to order at
7:45 p.m. Members answering roll call
were: Wayne Esmay, Jay Drayer, Matt
Kinsley, Arnie Waddell, Mike Jost and
Mayor Geisler. Absent: Joe Connot. Also
present Karlee Moore (The Murdo Coy-
ote), Ray Erikson, Jerry Hatheway, and
Krysti Barnes. All motions were unani-
mous unless otherwise stated.
The agenda for the meeting was
reviewed and approved on a motion by
Waddell, seconded by Drayer. The min-
utes for the May meeting was reviewed
and approved on a motion by Esmay,
seconded by Waddell. At this time, coun-
cil opened the public area and spoke
with Larry Ball. He presented a quote for
new doors at the auditorium and dis-
cussed problems with those and asked
the council to consider replacement at
some time.
The building permits for the month were
presented as follows: Rob Kaiser roof
and Mary Cazan addition to garage. A
motion was made by Waddell, seconded
by Drayer to approve the permit for Rob
Kaiser. The permit for Cazans was dis-
cussed and a question arose as to the
set back on those structures. Council will
have employees measure this area and
report back to them before they proceed-
ed with this permit.
The vouchers for the month were pre-
sented as follows and approved on a
motion by Waddell, seconded by Drayer.
GENERAL: Payroll 2,754.81, Payroll
taxes 527.77; Retirement 309.84;
The Murdo Coyote (publishing) 178.08;
FNB (travel/supply/postage) 285.51;
Wellmark (insurance) 905.47; Golden
West (phone) 107.82; Servall (mats)
40.25; ; Harmon Law (legal fees) 60.00;
Quill (supplies) 387.17; US Post Office
(box rent) 46.00; SD Govt Finance Offi-
cers Assoc. (school) 75.00.
PUBLIC SAFETY: Jones County (law
enf contract) 1,600.00; West Central
(electricity) 233.75.
PUBLIC WORKS: Payroll 2,386.88;
Payroll taxes 808.35; Retirement
367.47; Golden West (phone) 53.91;
Wellmark (insurance) 905.47; Heartland
Waste (garbage) 3,519.00; Dept of Rev-
enue (sales tax) 257.28; WR/LJ (water
airport) 45.00; Farmers Union (gas/fuel)
2,403.52; West Central Elec (electricity)
2,526.09; Kadrmas Lee and Jackson
(engineering) 10,933.80; Ingram Pest
(poison) 60.00; John Deere Fin (parts)
35.93; FNB (conference) 107.55.
1,813.77, IRS (payroll taxes) 320.48;
Golden West (phone) 39.98; West Cen-
tral Elec (electricity) 121.92; Carma
Miller (reimb) 420.00; Sungold (car show
trophies) 14.50; Cutting Edge (shirts)
570.36; Esmay Elec. (aud lighting)
11,760.00; Farmers Union (gas) 237.36;
Hawkins (chemical) 1,188.00; FNB (rec
supplies) 403.22; Moore Building (sup-
plies) 654.79; Murdo Ranch Rodeo
(donation) 150.00; Runnings (supplies)
423.99; The Royal Flush (porta potties)
park) 689.43; West Central Elec (elec-
tricity) 744.00.
WATER: Payroll 4,005.79; Payroll
taxes-1,071.46; Retirement 425.45;
Golden West (phone) 53.91; WR/LJ
(water/tower) 5,246.50; FNB (supplies)
340.19; West Central Elec (electricity)
730.42; HD Supply (supplies) 995.47;
Grainger (supplies) 111.49; Land &
Marine (repairs) 1,506.30; Pioneer
Country Mart (fuel) 285.48; Runnings
(supplies) 315.13; SD Dept of Revenue
(fee and lab) 286.00; US Post Master
(postage) 330.00.
WASTEWATER: SD One Call (locates)
The sheriff could not attend at this time
but a written report was presented.
Barnes also mentioned that the deputy
had questioned the closed alley west of
Washington Ave. Barnes also reported
on the meeting she had with Marlene
Knutson and the county commission
concerning applying for a COPS grant
and that the county was not interested
and felt that the program was to time
consuming for the reporting end of it. A
motion to approve the sheriffs report
was made by Waddell, seconded by
The street report was presented by
Hatheway. He discussed house tear-
down, culvert installation and drainage
issues, new cutting edges for equip-
ment, gravel and work on some equip-
ment. A motion to approve the report was
made by Jost, seconded by Waddell.
The water report was presented by Erik-
son. He discussed the north dam dock
repairs, picnic shelter work at the north
dam and work at the golf course. He also
discussed the swimming pool. Barnes at
this time mentioned that there was
another lifeguard that became certified
for hire and one guard that may qualify
for a learning program. A motion to
approve the report was made by Wad-
dell, seconded by Drayer.
Barnes gave the finance report at this
time. Cash in bank 659,249.22;
MMDAs 154,915.07; Savings
340.18; Change 40.00. Revenue:
Sales tax 30,403.24; Interest 29.21;
Property tax 46,854.50; Other state
payments 9,181.01; Land Lease
2,425.00. She mentioned all monies
were received from the car show and the
Magic City run/walk but she was still
waiting on some items from one event.
She reported on work with the baseball
and the golf programs. She stated she
would like to attend finance officers
school June 13 and 14 and council
approved. She informed council of the
Pre Disaster Mitigation meeting at the
sportsmans club on June 19 and the
council was all requested to attend. She
also mentioned she had been gone for
graduation and a wedding this last
month. A motion to approve the report
was made by Waddell, seconded by
OLD BUSINESS: Barnes discussed the
Ingalls building and actions being taken
to resolve the bill for the demolition and
fees that the City incurred on this. Coun-
cil discussed wanting to proceed on
cleaning up more buildings and Barnes
will start that process.
Barnes stated that the engineer is work-
ing out a time to stake the park project
with the Turner Youth Group so that sur-
veying may start. She also presented an
addendum to the street project concern-
ing drainage and add on. After review, a
motion was made by Waddell, seconded
by Esmay to authorize the Mayor to sign
the addendum for engineering services
with Kadrmas, Lee and Jackson.
Barnes reported that she received a draft
of the housing study that day and has
had a brief overview of it but not enough
to present much information. She pre-
sented the Trailer House Ordinance
#2013 7 for second reading and
approval. Council reviewed, gave sec-
ond reading and a motion to approve it
was made by Esmay, seconded by Jost.
Ordinance 2013 -7
An Ordinance To Establish Mobile
Home Requirements
City of Murdo
Chapter 9 of the Ordinances of the City
is herewith amended by adding thereto a
new section reading as follows:
DEFINITION: Manufactured or Mobile
Home means: a structure, transportable
in one or more sections, which in the
traveling mode is 8 body feet or more in
width or 40 body feet or more in length or
which when erected on-site is 320 or
more square feet, and which is built on a
permanent chassis and designed to be
used as a dwelling with or without a per-
manent foundation when connected to
the required utilities, and includes the
plumbing, heating, and electrical sys-
tems contained in the structure. This
term includes all structures that meet the
above requirements except the size
requirements and with respect to which
the manufacturer voluntarily files a certi-
fication pursuant to 3282.13 of this
chapter and complies with the construc-
tion and safety standards set forth in this
part 3280. The term does not include any
self-propelled recreational vehicle. Cal-
culations used to determine the number
of square feet in a structure will include
the total of square feet for each trans-
portable section comprising the complet-
ed structure and will be based on the
structure's exterior dimensions meas-
ured at the largest horizontal projections
when erected on site. These dimensions
will include all expandable rooms, cabi-
nets, and other projections containing
interior space, but do not include bay
A. A mobile home on a single lot may be
permitted after a public hearing for use
on review if it meets the following
1. The mobile home shall be
on a lot, which meets the min-
imum size requirements of the
district in which the lot is locat-
ed. All setback and yard
requirements shall be met.
The front setback shall be at
least 10 feet. Only one mobile
home shall be allowed per
Fifty (50) foot lot frontage.
2. All mobile homes shall meet
Local, State, and Federal
Building Codes concerning
their construction.
3. All mobile homes shall be
connected to all utilities prior
to and during occupancy.
4. The mobile home shall be
provided with uniform skirting
from the bottom of the walls to
the ground within thirty (30)
days of move in. This skirting
must be constructed of fire
retardant material. The siding
on the exterior of the mobile
home must be, finished mate-
rial of uniform appearance
securely attached to the
mobile home.
5. The mobile home shall be
tied to ground anchors and
this tie down system shall
meet the requirements of 24
CFR 3280.306 Windstorm
protection. It shall meet wind
loads associated with the City
of Murdo. All ground anchors
shall be embedded below the
frost line.
6. Existing mobile homes,
located within the City of
Murdo on the effective date of
this ordinance, not meeting
the above requirements as
well as the construction stan-
dards of 24 CFR 3280 in
effect in the year the mobile
home was constructed, may
be declared a public nuisance
upon a finding by the council,
following a hearing that condi-
tions within the mobile home
are hazardous to human
health and habitation.
7. Any mobile home not
attached to City utilities or
unoccupied for more than 6
months, may be declared a
The Clinical View
Dr. P.E. Hoffsten
Most of the general public
knows that high blood pressures,
high cholesterol, diabetes mellitus
and smoking cigarettes are the 4
major factors associated with
heart attacks and strokes. Heredi-
ty plays a significant low in perpe-
trating these factors on the indi-
vidual. However, psychologists
have long suspected that there are
behavioral traits a person has that
mark them for shortened life span.
One of these factors is angry all
the time. A second factor is social
isolation in which the person
avoids interaction with groups and
other individuals. A third personal
characteristic that marks a person
for a shortened life span is pes-
simism. There are several large
convincing studies confirming that
a pessimistic attitude predisposes
to self-destructive behavior. A self-
talk psychologist, Dr Herman
Witte, studied a number of individ-
uals characterized as pessimistic.
He then listened for the self talks
these pessimistic individuals used.
They included:
1. I will never get this right.
2. I cant win.
3. Things will never be the same.
4. What I am doing is useless and
A pessimistic attitude origi-
nates from repeated unsuccessful
attempts that imply that the
future will be equally unsuccess-
ful. A second justification pes-
simistic individuals use to defend
their attitude is the idea that once
an event occurs, it can very infre-
quently be undone. Once a per-
son is fired from a job, it is unlike-
ly they will be rehired at the same
place. Once a potential partner
has chosen someone else, it is
unlikely that the relationship can
be reestablished. Once the out-
come of game is decided, it is not
going to change. Thus, the attitude
propagates the above self talks as
one recognizes that negative
events are rarely reversible and
often difficult to recover from.
The self-defeating aspect of a
pessimistic attitude is that the
person ceases to try. This results
in learned helplessness. They
give up efforts to improve their sit-
uation, often becoming dependent
on others in an unhealthy co-
dependent manner. The optimistic
and constructive response to this
attitude is to reject the learned
helplessness amotivational atti-
tude and recognize that:
1. Granted that events are irre-
versible, recognize that time
changes the importance of many
events and also the relative
impact. Continuing to plan for the
future is a healthy attitude.
2. When what you are doing does
not work, recognize that behavior
needs to be changed. Dont keep
doing what you are already doing
because you have shown that does-
nt work. A person needs to recog-
nize that they need to change their
behavior and their efforts.
Dr. Witte offered a group of self
talks to practice instead of using
the self-defeating irrational self
talks as above. His self talks
acknowledge that change is
expected. People do get over the
pain of grief, anger and injustice
that has been perpetrated upon
them. Dr. Wittes self talks allow a
person to get over a major adverse
event and get on with their life.
His recommendations included:
1. I know this too shall pass and
my pain will be tolerable. I will
spend my efforts learning from
this experience so as to avoid it in
the future or diminish my pain the
next time this occurs.
2. Maybe I cant change what has
occurred but I can adjust to it so as
to lessen my own discomfort.
3. By learning from this experi-
ence, I can consider other ways to
attack a problem. I shouldnt give
up until I have thought this out
clearly and weighed my efforts and
chances for success.
Being pessimistic is stressful by
itself. It leads to major health
problems. The word homeostasis
is applied to the observation that
the individual tends to maintain
their internal environment at the
same level day to day. The brain
controls various mechanisms used
to keep the bodys internal envi-
ronment the same. The brain also
maintains homeostasis by regulat-
ing the amount of various hor-
mones and functions of various
organs. In times of high environ-
mental demand (chronic stress)
increased organ function and hor-
mone release occurs. One aspect of
the bodys internal environment
may be sacrificed to preserve
another more important function.
Modern medical thoughts tend to
regard the bodys adjustment to
high environmental demand as
the disease process itself such as
hypertension, fever, insomnia, etc.
But the real truth is that the
bodys adjustment to high demand
is not the basic underlying prob-
lem. In todays world, the real dis-
ease process begins with the social
environment which stimulates
and demands constant unremit-
ting coping (high stress). How to
manage a farm operation or the
company store or a law practice is
much more complicated in todays
world than what our ancestors had
to deal with 10,000 years ago. Add
a pessimistic attitude to todays
high stress level and the individ-
ual often becomes frustrated
resorting to learned helpless-
The South Dakota Department
of Revenue, Division of Motor
Vehicles, reminds motor vehicle
owners that the second phase of
the non-commercial motor vehicle
registration fee increase will go
into effect July 1, 2013.
House Bill 1192, which was
passed in 2011 over Governor Den-
nis Daugaards veto, raised vehicle
registration fees in a two-phase
process. The first phase took place
in 2011, and the second increase
will happen next month. The new
funds from the increase will go to
local roads and bridges.
Registration fees are computed
according to the weight schedules
for non-commercial vehicles. The
new fee rate schedule can be
viewed online at the Division of
Motor Vehicles webpage
vehicle/index.htm (see new fee
For more information on vehicle
registration renewals, contact the
South Dakota Division of Motor
Vehicles at 605-773-3541, visit its
webpage or access the online
motor vehicle registration renewal
system at
South Dakota motor vehicle
registration fee increase
public nuisance subject to
abatement. Any mobile home
manufactured prior to the
effective date of 24 CFR
3280 located in the City prior
to the effective date of this
ordinance, may be declared a
public nuisance if the condi-
tions within the mobile home
are hazardous to human
health and habitation.
B. A mobile, or manufactured, home
which meet all the following minimum
standards may be located on any resi-
dential lot upon issuance of a Building
Permit, without a hearing for use on
1. The home must be at least
sixteen (16) feet wide. (for
wider widths see A.)
2. The home must have facto-
ry installed wood, hardboard
or siding with a wood appear-
ance (vinyl).
3. The home shall be support-
ed on a concrete foundation;
concrete, masonry or wood
basement; concrete piers;
masonry blocks or other
durable material comparable
to the exterior of the home and
shall be attached to foundation
in a manner meeting the wind
requirements set forth above.
4. The home shall have been
manufactured within the past
10 years.
5. The home, whether a
mobile or manufactured home
must meet or exceed the stan-
dards in effect on the date of
its creation as found in 24
CFR 3280.
First reading: May 6, 2013
Second Reading and Approval: June 5,
The bids on the North Dam Haying for a
2 year period were opened at this time.
Three bids were received and two bids,
one from Mike Barnes and the other from
Hunter Iversen were tied. Council decid-
ed to have them re-submit sealed bids by
Friday at noon and several council mem-
bers will come to the City office at that
time and open bids and the highest bid
will be accepted.
NEW BUSINESS: West Central Electric
Coop has indicated they would like to
extend the lease on the pole yard above
the City park for another year and coun-
cil was fine with that. Robin Stoner from
Murdo Housing notified Barnes that one
of the current members up for re-
appointment would like to be off of the
board and asked the council to consider
some other possibilities before appoint-
ment in August.
One bar owner in Murdo has asked that
council consider re-writing their ordi-
nance on alcohol sales on Memorial Day
to match state code. Council will have
Barnes look into this. At this time, the
malt beverage licenses were reviewed.
Barnes stated all fees were paid and
applications signed. A motion to approve
the following licenses was made by Wad-
dell, seconded by Jost as follows:
Anchor In off sale; Rusty Spur off
sale, Farmers Union on/off sale;
Richard and Tim Hullinger on/off sale;
Pilot Travel Center on/off sale; Doris
Convey on/off sale; Star Restaurant
on/off sale.
Mayor Geisler brought to councils atten-
tion that the outdoor tennis/basketball
courts were in serious need of repair and
council discussed some options. Some
investigation will be done on this. Also at
this time, council discussed leaking
around the firewall between the Technol-
ogy Center and the Auditorium and Kins-
ley stated he would look at what he might
think the problem is then the City could
visit with the school about a repair.
Being no further business, council
adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Krysti Barnes,
City Finance Officer
Published June 27, 2013, at the total
approximate cost of $169.27.
Your Right
To Know
Coyote Classifieds
Murdo Coyote June 27, 2013 Page 8
845-9204 for more information.
Resumes and applications can be
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SION is taking applications for
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cation contact: Douglas County
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CARD OF THANKS: Poems, Tributes, Etc. $5.00 minimum for up to 20
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NOTE: $2.00 added charge for bookkeeping and billing on all charges.
DISPLAY AD RATE: $5.20 per column inch.
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate, advertised in this newspaper is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to
advertise any preference, or discrimination on race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin, or any intention to make any such preference, limitation, or
This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate
which is a violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings
advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Help Wanted
position available in the Murdo
area assisting elderly and disabled
individuals in the comfort of their
own homes. Will assist with basic
cleaning, laundry, meal prep, per-
sonal cares, and other tasks which
allow independence. Flexible
schedules and great supplemental
income. Please contact the office
(605)224-2273 or 1-800-899-2578.
Be sure to check out our web site
For Sale
LAWN TRACTOR. Well cared for
and maintained. 42 cutting deck,
bagger, 22 HP engine. Also, new
spare belts and parts. $500.00. See
at RangeCountry or call Greg
Miller 605-669-2236 or 605-280-
3705. M26-1tp
FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed, grass
seed and high test alfalfa hay.
Delivery available and volume dis-
count available. Call 798-5413.
FOR SALE: Schaben 1,000 gallon
nurse tank and trailer, pump,
hoses. 669-2714. M26-1tp
2007 DODGE RAM 1500: 68,000
miles, 6-speed manual transmis-
sion, 5th wheel hitch. $16,500.
Call 840-2963 for more informa-
ING: Specializing in controlling
Canada thistle on rangeland. ATV
application. Also prairie dogs. Call
Bill at 605-669-2298. M21-24tp
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who sent
cards and memorials in honor of
The Family of Beulah Aske
Huge thanks to Ray, Kelcy,
Fred, Linda, Tom and Anthony for
the cleanup of another round of
mud at the West apartments. We
really appreciate everyone pitch-
ing in to get the job done.
Murdo Housing
Caring and Sharing group,
Your efforts in our community
are appreciated, and thank you for
the door prize I won at your fun
Bernie Butt
Thank you from the family of
the late Phyllis Kochersberger.
Your presence, thoughts and
prayers during a most difficult
time were greatly appreciated as
well as the memorial donations,
flowers, cards, and food. Special
thanks to Pastor Gary Wahl and
Father Donald Nesheim and the
staff at Rush Funeral Home. Their
help and advice was invaluable.
And finally, thank you to our
neighbors and close friends Marty
and Debbie Hansen and Chip,
Diane, and Ang Walker for all your
help and support.
Larry Kochersberger & family
Murdo Nutrition
Program Menu
July 1
Scalloped Potatoes w/ Ham Pieces
Glazed Carrots
Mandarin Oranges & Banana Slices
July 2
Taco Salad w/ Meat, Beans & Chips
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
July 3
Roast Turkey
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Dinner Roll
Mixed Fruit
July 4
July 5
TOR - START NOW! Sioux Falls
Construction/ Black Top Paving is
hiring experienced Blade Opera-
tor in the Sioux Falls Area. Com-
petitive wages, CDL preferred but
not required. Wage DOE. Benefits
include: health, dental and life
insurance, vacation pay, 401K,
EAP and Flex Program. EOE.
Sioux Falls Construction 800 S
7th Ave Sioux Falls, S.D.
CATION AIDE Position now
open at the Menno School Dis-
trict. Applicant needs to be highly
qualified or willing to become
highly qualified. Applications can
be picked up at the Menno School
Office or obtained by calling (605)
387-5161. EOE.
LOCK School District #62-6 for
2013-2014 School Year: HS Math;
MS Special Education; and Birth
to 2nd Grade Special Education.
Contact Tim Frederick at 605-
(weekend of Murdo Ranch Rodeo)
If you are planning on
having a rummage sale that
weekend, please contact the
Murdo Coyote for advertising
specials 605-669-2271.
We will run a boxed ad
(listing all the sales/times)
the weeks of July 11 and
July 18 for only $15.00.
The more sales ~ the larger
the ad!

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