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appreciation to President Frank for his dedication to micro-credit loans for people living in poverty around the world.

The heart of the production brought a 6 person delegation of self- acclaimed international guests who expressed their deep appreciation to Moraga Rotary for their monetary loans. The touching scenes may have brought tears to President Frank as he became a national hero in countries throughout the world.

JUNE 25, 2013

NEXT MEETING: July 2, 2013 LETS WELCOME A NEW ROTARY YEAR!! PROGRAM : Jo Mele The Emeritus Program of Diablo Valley College
~~ COMING UP ~~ **July 9 David Abernathy, Exec. Director, Oakland Art Murmur & Oakland First Fridays (6:00 pm Evening Meeting at Soda Center) July 13 (Sat.) District Awards Barbecue Dinner in Woodland Community Center 5-9 p.m. *July 16 David Trotter, Report from Moraga Town Mayor *July 23 Brother Dominic Berardelli, Report on Happenings At Saint Marys College Today *July 30 Melissa Holmer, Americas Cup Races on San Francisco Bay * Regular weekly luncheon at Soda Center ** Monthly evening meeting at Soda Center


Past President John Erickson presented a Paul Harris recognition certificate and pin to Frank May as a tribute to his fine leadership. Other multiple Paul Harris pins were given to Nora Avelar (plus 1); Herb Wehmeyer (plus 2); and Mary Sue Erickson (Ruby pin plus 8). John expressed appreciation for the generous contributions to The Rotary Foundation which ultimately provide world-wide humanitarian projects and educational opportunities.


An annual feature of the Demotion Dinner is the Award for Rotarian Of The Year selected by a vote of the Club membership. This year, by an overwhelming majority, the Moraga Rotarian of the Year went to Tony Schoemehl. The current award was created in 2002 to recognize the unique contributions of a Club member for Service Above Self and willing support of Club activities. We all join in CONGRATULATING Tony Schoemehl, Moragas Rotarian of the Year, 2012-13! ]


Jody Parker Snowbird member Mary Sue Erickson & Lou Roessler Honorary Members Yelena Mucovich, Ann Damaschino, Suzann Costanza, Maria Rosa, Carol Irwin, Joan McSpadden, Ron Schopke, Pam Reneau, Marilyn Simonsen, & Peg Render Guest Spouses of Club members Marie Sottile Mother of Louise Schopke Lena Sword Mother of Linda May



The social hour was interrupted for an excellent dinner and the meeting opened by an invocation by Chairman, Rich Render. Paul Harris Fellow recognitions were presented by John Erickson. This presentation was followed by the Rotarian of the Year plaque to Tony Schoemehl by Cliff Dochterman. (See next column for details.) Finally, a skit, authored by Cliff Dochterman was presented by The Moraga Rotary Theatrical Company.

In response, President Frank reviewed the highlights of the year and expressed appreciation to many members for their roles of leadership. A set of attractive Rotary wine glasses were presented to each of the Board of Directors.


To conclude the program, President elect Nora Avelar announced the members of the new Board of Directors and described a number of areas of emphasis for the new year. These activities will include youth programs, special international service projects, membership growth, District participation, literacy involvement and activities in the community.

The theme of the production expressed our great

President Frank presented 100% club meeting attendance pins to those who have achieved additional years of regular club attendance. These ranged from 1 year to 45 and 55 years of perfect attendance! As the meeting drew to a close Colin Barnard held the green ticket, but could not find the clue to the $134 prize; so settled for $10. With nerves of steel, President Frank May rang the bell for the last time for 2012-13!


July 13 District Awards Barbecue Dinner Woodland Community Center Aug. 2-4 OMPA Swim Meet Fundraiser


Special appreciation goes to Rich Render, who served as the engineer for the Demotion Party. In addition, John Erickson handled the awarding of Paul Harris recognition; and the starring cast of the dramatic production included: Angelo Costanza; Vickie Devlin, Mary Elena Dochterman, Colin Barnard, Debbie Roessler and Mike Rosa! Thanks to everyone for a fun evening!

MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-13 President....Frank May President-elect ..Nora Avelar Secretary.........Kevin Reneau Treasurer..Louise Schopke Community Service Chair.Barbara Bruner New Generations...Rich Render International Service ChairTony Schoemehl Rotary Foundation...... Lad Lynch Public Relations Gary Irwin Membership.Nora Avelar Director at LargeDebbie Roessler Director at Large..Mary Elena Dochterman Director at Large...Cliff Dochterman President, Rotary InternationalSakuji Tanaka District Governor, 5160..Laura Day Assistant District Governor.Jose Avelar
Newsletter Editor for June Cliff Dochterman

There is nothing but good things to say about the excellent leadership of President Frank May this past Rotary year. His low-key and friendly manner created a pleasant atmosphere at the well-run weekly meetings. It was impressive to see how many Club details he was able to handle. He often wrote and sent out the Club Newsletter; shared a huge load for the Nite at the Races; was the first to arrive at special events; gave personal reminders to all of us on upcoming activities; represented our Club well at all District meetings and programs; lined up a number of weekly speakers; and over-all just did a super job! So, we all appreciate The Year of Franks Leadership! But, a new year of Rotary International begins on July 1st. We must appreciate the willingness of Nora Avelar to step forward and serve as our Club President for the second time! We can expect another good year for Moraga Rotary. It is the task of every member to give Presidentelect Nora our full cooperation and support. Be a willing volunteer. Expand our membership with other community leaders who should be Rotarians. Offer suggestions for excellent speakers. Attend every meeting. Share a few Happy Dollars. Each Rotary year builds on the past -- so lets make this new year Moraga Rotarys best ever!

Rotary International Theme for 2012-13 PEACE THROUGH SERVICE


Rotary International Theme for 2013-14 ENGAGE ROTARY CHANGE LIVES

~~~~~~~~ Thanks, Frank, for a great year!


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