Service Above Self (May - June 2013)

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May - June 2013

Soulmates Serves Topekans

The Topeka Downtown Rotary Club and its partners kicked off the Solemates Project and according to Jessica Goubeaux, one of the event organizers, The project was a hit! Solemates is a project that is made possible by the partnership of Downtown Topeka Rotary, South Topeka Rotary, USD 501 and Payless Shoe Source. We give the opportunity to a select group of 501 students to earn a pair of new shoes by volunteering their time to their school, Goubeaux said. They are then awarded a pass to visit Payless, partner with a Rotary member and shop for a new pair of shoes and socks. The experience is truly rewarding for both
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Blanche Parks winds down her year as President of the Topeka Downtown Rotary Club.

Soulmates Serves Topekans GSE Team to Visit from East Africa Club Announcements Message from the President Rotary Honors Police Chief Ron Miller

GSE Team Visits from East Africa

Rotarians representing District 9200 of the East African countries Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda were recent visitors to Topeka and District 5710 through the Rotary Group Study Exchance program.

Before an evening reception at The Blue Moose hosted by Jamison Law, the GSE team visited the Kansas Statehouse and met Kansas Governor Sam Brownback. Guests were ensured never to have an empty glass thanks to David Beck. At the reception, the team spoke about current medical ideas in East Africa the hopes of what they will learn from their experiences in Kansas. The team members began their first full day in Topeka by taking in a Topeka South Rotary meeting at Washburn Memorial Union. From there, the team started their Vocational Training Day at Stormont-Vail,
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Message from the Editor

Where still not exactly sure what the Service Above Self is going to become. As of the publication, were not for certain if next years budget has funding for the newsletter to be printed and mailed. In conversations with President Blanche and others, weve discussed making printed copies available in the back of the room and mailing the newsletter to our friends in the community, people we partner with, people wed like to see become Rotarians and other organizations throughout the Topeka community. The newsletter would also be emailed to all of the members. Whatever this project becomes, please know that our goal is to provide you with the best possible Rotary content, here, on our website and our Facebook page. Interested in being on our staff? Let myself, Jamison Law or Ann Palmer know. Well put you to work.

From the President

by Blanche Parks, President Its a Great Day to Be A Rotarian! And it has been an honor to serve as the President of the Downtown Topeka Rotary. What an exciting, record breaking year we have had! I am proud to say one of my major goals was to bring back the Rotary Newsletter to our club. Thanks to Greg Hill, Jamison Law, Ann Palmer and John Wall the newsletter is now a reality. My year started by attending the 103rd Rotary International Convention in Bangkok, Thailand, where I heard 2012 2013 RI President Sakuji Tanaka advise clubs that the theme this year is Peace Through Service. It was an honor to attend the convention and I came back inspired to set my goals for the year and begin my exciting year as President. My vision was to have an exciting and productive Rotary Year. I gathered my outstanding team of Rotarians and we started to set the plan in motion. We met with District Governor Kevin Tubbessing regarding our goals and objectives for the year. The Downtown Topeka Rotary has a rich heritage and reputation and one thing I love is how Downtown Topeka Rotarians step up to the plate to meet any challenge. This year has been action packed and I am so proud of our members who are true examples of Service Above Self. Our club has participated in an action packed year of activities that focus on the Rotary mission and focus.

Topeka Downtown Rotary Club to Host Rotary International President

RI President Ron Baker will be our guest on July 18th for our regular meeting of the Topeka Downtown Rotary Club. Please mark your calendars for this event. The club has extended an invitation to other clubs in Topeka. A special sign up for the meeting will be available beginning at the at the June 27th meeting.
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The Rotary Club of Topeka (Topeka Downtown Rotary Club) publishes Service Above Self six times a year. The newsletter is distributed to members of the club and to other organizations throughout the community. Editor-in-Chief - Greg Hill Photographer - Ann Palmer Contributing Editor - Jamison Law

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St. Francis and Marian Clinic. During these tours, the team learned about robotics and telemedicine. The team ended the busy day by returning to their host families to recoup and then off to Dinner and a Musical Show courtesy of Chris Schultz of the Break Room. During the third day, the GSE team visited a buffalo ranch and orchard in nearby Overbrook and then returned to Topeka to see the Kansas Museum of History. After exploring the Museum, the team had free time for the rest of the day to spend with host families and go shopping. Naturally, the team descended on Westridge Mall. After a few hours of shopping, the team returned home to wind down and visit with host families for their final night in Topeka. The GSE team had a great time here in Topeka and Overbrook and gained a lot of valuable knowledge in their respected fields. Thank you to all the Rotarians and everyone involved in this Rotary Event. The three days were sure are a reminder of how great it is to a Rotarian!

GSE Team

Continued from p. 1 the students and volunteers.

Team leader, Caroline Abeja Apunyo, Past President for Rotary Club Kampala South and Past Assistant Gov D9200. She is a Medical Doctor from Uganda working as a public health consultant. Team member, Elizabeth Njoroge, Medical Doctor from Kenya working at Kiambu District Hospital in Obstetrics and Gynecological Department. Team member Daniel KissakyeMugerwa, Radiographer from Uganda working for the Ministry of Defense. Team member Jacob Opdipo, Medical Doctor from Kenya working for the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation and is the Officer in Charge of Provincial Rural Health Training Centre. Team member Medical Doctor from Tanzania working with oncology patients at the Ocean Road Cancer Institute.
Board of Directors President - Blanche Parks President Elect - David Beck Vice President - Chris McGee Secretary - Susan Mauch Treasurer - Alica Snavely Seargent-at-Arms - Stan Martindell Past-President - Anita Wolgast Topeka Rotary Club Foundation President - Roger Aeschliman Rotary Foundation Fund Raisers - Eileen Caspers Membership Chair - Larry McCoig Club Administration - Brady Robb Community Service - Eugene Williams Vocational Service - Joyce Martin International Service - Rehan Reza Club Service/Public Relations - Marie Pyko New Generations and Youth Service Nancy Daniels Executive Administrator - Ruth Reynolds

A total of 126 Students from USD 501. Another forty to fifty kids from the Topeka Rescue are anticipated to be served through the project. The children were well behaved and excited about the process, Goubeaux said. We had one child so excited that he ran up an aisle and couldnt believe how fast his shoes were. It truly was a great experience for both our volunteers and your students.

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Topeka Rotary Club Honors Police Chief Ron Miller

Topeka Police Chief Ron Miller was recognized by the Topeka Downtown Rotary Club with an honorary Paul Harris Fellow Award during the clubs Annual Banquet held Thursday, June 20, 2013. Miller accepted the award and spoke emotionally and at length about the loss of two police officer, Cpl. David Gogian and Officer Jeff Atherly, who were killed in the line of duty last December in central Topeka after exchanging gunfire with a man. Just last month, Miller spoke at the National Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington, D.C. When our soldiers go overseas to serve, our police officers take on the responsibility of Topeka Police Chief Ron Miler speaks to the Downtown Rotary Club at the Annual Banquet. Miller was presented an honorary Paul Harris Award. protecting the homeland, Miller said. Each year, the Topeka Downtown Rotary Club presents an honorary Paul Harris Award to a community leader.

Rotary and Washburn Tech Unite for Career Day

With Washburn Techs numerous Career fields and drive to help Topekas youth, it was only natural that Rotary got involved. Rotary and Washburn Tech united for Rotary Career Day early this May. With 300 plus middle school students, Washburn Techs staff and Rotarians, walked the children through the campus and introduced many different career possibilities that Washburn Tech offers. Rotarians and Washburn Tech staff had a great time introducing these new career possibilities to the over 300 middle school students! it is important to help shape these students future and spark interests in what will shape their lives as adults. Thank you to Dr. Farley and all the Washburn Tech staff and fellow Rotarians for a memorable Career day and we look forward to a longstanding partnership and the growth of our youth.
A Topeka middle school student listens to a presentation during Rotarys annual Career Day. The event is held annually at Washburn Tech and seeks to educate young students on vocational career opportunities.

During the program, students learned about cabinetry and millwork, commecial and heavy construction, electricty, medical technology and automotive service and vehicle maintenance along with other technical skills.

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