Dynamic Item Processor Profile: Usage of The DI Profile

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Usage of the DI profile You can use the dynamic item processor profile (DI processor profile) for

the following: Billing and results analysis Quotation creation For each usage you can define the following: Which sales document type the system should create From which sources (for example, actual costs, line item totals records) the system should determine the data, and which characteristics should be available for further processing Which materials the system should determine for a dynamic item for processing (billing or quotation creation). Materials could be service materials for describing services that have been performed or for times to be worked. You can maintain default values for the profile: For the item of a sales document: Define item categories For a service order: Credit limit checks, sales document types for service orders Characteristic Relevant for Further Processing Determines whether a characteristic is relevant for the creation of dynamic items. Use If you set the indicator, the characteristic from the source specified in the profile (for example, line item actual costs) is (where possible) read and used for the creation of the dynamic items. If you do not set the indicator, the characteristic is not taken into consideration for the creation of dynamic items. Examples Characteristics Unit and Activity type are relevant for the creation of dynamic items. The cost center is not relevant. The line items contain the following data: Time confirmations 10 h 5h 2h 1h Activity type Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 1 Activity 3 Cost 1 Cost 2 Cost 3 Cost 4 Cost center

The system creates three dynamic items (DIs) and summarizes the data for Activity type Activity 1: First DI Second DI Third DI 12 h 5h 1h Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

If the cost center was also relevant for the creation of dynamic items, the system would create four dynamic items, one for each cost center.

Field Relevant for Material Determination Determines whether the field is relevant for material determination. Use If you set the indicator, the characteristic is relevant for material determination. This means that it is available when determining the criteria for material determination that you can maintain in the dynamic item processor profile. If you do not set the indicator, the characteristic is not relevant for material determination and is not available when maintaining the criteria for material determination. Procedure Make sure that the assignment of a set to a material is unique. Examples Characteristic Activity type is relevant for material determination. This means that you can assign sets to the activity type in Customizing under Material determination criteria. The following data is maintained in the material determination: Set for activity type Set with actvty 1 Set with actvty 2 and actvty 3 Material Mat 1 Mat 2

The system creates the following dynamic items and assigns the corresponding materials, based on the materials that are assigned to the sets for activity types: Dynamic item 12 h 5h 1h Dependencies Criteria for material determination Activity type Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 2 Material found

No summarization Controls the second summarization level for dynamic items, meaning from dynamic items to items of the billing request. The indicator defines whether the characteristic is taken into consideration during summarization of the items. Use If you do not set the indicator, the system summarizes into an item all dynamic items in the billing request for which the same material was found during quotation or billing creation. This also applies even if, for example, the assigned activity type is different for both materials (see Case 1).

If, for example, you do set this indicator (for example, for the activity type) the system does not summarize into an item the dynamic items for which the same material was found during quotation or billing creation if the activity types are different (see Case 2). Examples Case 1: The indicator No summarization is not set for the activity type. Dynamic item 12 h 5h 1h Activity type Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 2 Material found

When creating a billing request, the system creates the following items: Item 10 20 Material Mat 1 Mat 2 12 h 6h Qty/Unit

Because the indicator is not set for the activity type, the material "Mat 2" is summarized in the item of the billing request. Case 2: The indicator No summarization is set for the activity type. The system does not perform summarization in the item of the billing request, but instead lists the items separately by activity type. Item 10 20 30 Actvy type Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Material Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 2 12 h 5h 1h Qty/Unit

Dependencies Material determination, individual indicator (If the indicator is set, the system does not perform summarization).

Field Relevant for the Structuring of Dynamic Items Specifies whether the field is relevant for structuring, meaning whether it is used in the overview screen for quotation creation or billing for the structuring of dynamic items. Use If you set the indicator, you can specify further structuring information using sets in the dynamic item processor profile. If you do not set the indicator, you cannot specify any further structuring information.

You can change the structuring settings in the processing overview screen quotation creation or billing.

Dynamic Item Source

Source (for example, direct actual costs), from which the system determines the dynamic items.

The source Item of the sales document or Service order is read automatically. This means that you do not have to specify a special source for characteristics that the system determines using both these sources. You can find more information on the characteristics and from which sources they can be read under Overview table.

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