The Validity of Lutheran Orders - Piepkorn

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and ints, which it 2 Ie conar teaching with sown Iitory of devlopment wiki the eouncl proce, ane ful s rience forthe future canst be campy fortol as ye. How er, safe to say thatthe fsolsed community mentioned above ‘wou om a Roman Catholic perpestive be frseted lai ais) {o be an sean ofthe commit of the church an a tae wines ‘of love if there were o way in which could bea community of the ala, "erhaps would be Etat Vatican I 1 sy that there ie ‘no unbrdgeate gap betwen the eediad piothood tnd the pres ood ofl th tht. And wherever the ashlar gathered, ow ‘er dul dr stuaton may byte Holy Spit wil aot weet to Nestow eficacousty upon individuals Io thee midst the charms and ‘nifty of minisry recesary forthe ie ofthe Cita community. ‘Of couse from a Cael vewpoin. = Christan community runable to make contact withthe epanpal prehveate it com sunt ving ie» secous emergency. Some sights that this prculanty of the Roman Catole outlok since many Christian hurces have Led under the grace of God for many generations Svthot any sea elaonshipf hat specif of mii. Ober Imig say Unt ince the eben whch brought about dion atone ‘Crs, the church bus not cea fo Ive “in exceeding tng ‘Vatean Il did pot eadesor to anewer dreely these questions ange by soumerial considerations But neither didi foreloe the onus tobe explored in ecumeaial dope wich lose in te {od may be able to provide the aster CL Kart aoe, oc fo 216 fan The Church ater the Com (ew York Heres Hee, 1986), pp 431 A LUTHERAN VIEW OF THE VALIDITY OF LUTHERAN ORDERS By ARTUR Cant Pens 1. nroduction, A Lutheran clergyman isin general not sly to be ditt by question about the vldy of bit edastion orf the cachast that he confess by vite ofthe power confere In ito ‘ination. He may have an elect awareness tat na ll Chri fommuritis sre prepare to regard Lotheran clergyne a8 ute incambents ofthe sacred minstry. He Knows —inlectually— that Is Pemecosal telow-Chrsias iook upon Ludhran clergymen at fale ministers of she pope becuse of 4 defect ofthe HOY Spi, in hat they have aot receved the tap ofthe Hy Spire and ot havea prot ofthat bap the abit peak i ether opie, {the Spi vs werance He knows ~iptlectaly —that most this Easesn Orthodox and Roman Catolefelow-Chisins look "pon Lusher clergymen as fale pres, as do some of his Protestant -Epscopa falow-Chvstan,Recane of delet ofthe Hal Spt in ‘at preter in the historic saeeon of bishops ave tld ands fn than. When your sverage Lutheran clersyman it mace ext {lly avare ofthese comlcions of his Pesto Raman Cabo, Eastern Onbodon, a Protease Epacopal fllou-Chritians, he i liely to rset sccordig a hs teperament, wath rocntment 3 ‘vic hat sont sey Sich mtr St [may rely nt be a ordained einer of Christ's one oly etholc tnd apostle church afte all The very Small aur of Later Seminarans and clergymen who trarer their memberbp to he Poutcosal, Ramin Calli) Fast Orhodot, or Protestant pt opel churches for any reason —incuding doais about thee poses ‘Sof te Holy Spin in nner and degree econary fo cary {Said mininry laste hom lle the depeciaton of tei fy touches ther “This paper is eccoringly not «pte fstifictve forthe rensur ace of unceain Lateran clergymen, but an ort st speciing the problem aus ins Roman Catholie/Latberan consideration of the fave “rhe vality of Latheran orders and of Lateran euchart ‘oul be defended in 2 varity of wae, 2 Pasible orguments from the sured scriptures. or insane, ‘one cold argue thet te cred separ nowhere spesify Wo the ‘resin of the euchasti assembly andthe person who pronounces the suchariic consecration ito be. There fe othing ip the act spre thet exis ori sein up a roster of members of the Tocleichrstc sembly and designating oe fer the other of thet ‘tbe presieat ofthe ssembly for ea Lows day abd delgotng ‘thes Yor otber fincinar in conection wit the exlebation for feck at tine ‘One sight alo argue— as far as explic evdece inthe sered serie is concerned that would be whey proper Tor one et fon to be chosen bythe et at ther peate to sre a president of the eucharisti nsembiy fo if sre asa mater of goo order and ‘omenience In's Chistian community, of couse ths woul probs Sy take plas sberty, advise In the fear of Ged, with prayer, ‘nd within sme Kind of ceremonial famewor, but would bea PU ‘esti solution based upon a purely exec human dsson. ‘One might consivably argu, to suggest third option ht there sre hit in the sacred srptures that ceain persons have received 2 ipecal paeumatie pit for this hind of service. To this case the Suambly’s unk is merely to ducover and 1 recognize formally the ‘herent gilt aod the intention of the Haly Spit and of the Lord (ofthe church i imparting io the nddul(s) concerned ‘One mish aso argv that sm theatre of the dvi eon ‘omy of pace that every txembly (or ltrcommuniting somes St assis) of Dbevere develope 2 form of miniy aaegunte {he group sacramental svareness snd conision If bees that ‘God wile the eleration of the saerament of thesia in such 4 Way that the communicants verily receive the Body and lood of Chri der the datribtion of the sramental specie, achat re ‘dents wl then fave the Tuite power to confect a echars that ae this conviction ofthe ery ‘None of thee props are patilely congenial to Lutherans (rho stand commited othe Lalor syboba! boo 5. The thesis ofthis paper. isthe thesis of this paper that tiven the undertanding of tbe nature of he eucharst sacs Which this oie panel fas reached and pve the vadetading ofthe Mature of the sacred mitry (and peialy of the prebyeat) {hat Loner Geno 28 afm, amy the pope hep herd the flu, and celtate divine worsbip Pl New Teste te UsTanIVe MATE a SH HE GORE The inter afte sacrement of ecdination “This paper ne see a segue to the preent writer's paper of September 1968, "The Sacred Minty and Holy Ordaation fhe Symbol Boks ofthe Lutheran Char (oe pp 101119, above), ‘he contents an bgraphy of whieh lrbly presuppose 1 4. The form and smaer of the sacramental sin. A Luther oes tit for Ronan Catholics the vad dpeaving of acre rues tht the misiter ofthe actament accompli the atamen Ul sig inthe proper manner Hitarcaly Lutheran ordre forthe SSettaton Of eaten baw foe Te stents eas ok Ta POF WE Rao erator (and of be or ‘ned anitnt odors) pon the candste for ornaton. They tae bo salle for eter» deco prsave Toms of wort {0 inate the Imparttion tothe candidate ofthe Holy Spit and the autor to procain the word of God repos and to Smiter the trams according fo bor Lars ntti, to {ther wth all the price and spa! equmen at the charge of thee tks he ree. In he Ito he sor of the wle Surch a must nh cone bs desu ml. te Lutheran practice fas Beeb 10 combi lo = angle simataoous and anita sig the Tain oof ands with te pox soucament ofthe formal fora ‘On the mater ofthe tcrament of ore, he Ltheran ko ob serves thatthe ba been dferenc in thelogcal opinion in the ‘Western char at even the bigest eve The cto of ybliing the offs to wbich x pron tas Being ordained by ving im ape Poprate“isrumens” inthe soate ofthe te nt Sstmetae fetee about the tenth century. By the time of the Cayo of Fe Florence in 163, the shop of Rome fel safety the Decretun ‘re Arment in fing tat the pore ado iitumentoram tes the ae mater of re, poston ht war commonly armed Uy thecogne sequent 1947, however ly Ml in Soo mention rani deed — bat only for te fore the mater of Crier the ang ono Bad a “The Lutheran ako observes withers hat aseording © Sure ‘meniim ord este poned hand of te Bishop that is iveled Inte mater of SAG By Being Tid pon the head of the orien at Were teers Bo Sct sin owiact of episcopal pal ‘Sins pte an esis ened whe Ne Teas ‘Fotomr CARRS eae that afiems “tht the Lyingon of ands ry acres to designate the preske persone upon whore the blessing [er eedinaon ts ing calle down, aed to expres the wil of the {oxdainng bop that tey should wenve i." "A Lutheran would observe thatthe formula of words that ia sebeiati Inguage conte he form of the scrament i ta Bat ‘Gr of vee revelation ad ha the pase of the church as not ‘SS GRENE inet Th ota Dom oF te tou church and ot ‘aida pate ofthe church acing the patriarchate ofthe West Stee the frm ofthe scramest of orinaton has weergone a ge ‘any changes “A Lateran fel ht the formals ie se inthe Luthersn com munity area esta pie wih ference othe natore and purpose ‘tthe ston of ordination asthe prayer ofthe Chreh Onder aserbed {© Se Mippolytus atthe Belong of the third century, or the thie eS ae Pn IPsec! the form of nano the te odin: "Da ase eviipTen Per Tee famadumtwwm presbyter digntatem: Innova tn wiscertd ‘uss snc a accept at, Des, secu rid mus ‘heer, ccnsramese moran tiempo bua conversations inact ‘Almighty Futer, we ak you to ge to his your servant che gaily ‘Ste pesyters Renew with hn he spt of olines tht be may feuin the second ak offer reve from you, O God, and by he ‘ample of Bis owe Bebavior may persmsvely impart a moral stan aw 5 The miner ofthe sacrament of onder. Turing tte qb tio of the minster fhe mcrament of order, a, Lauheranannot fod in the ssred sc ope i any seme tr ae to aegis sate patie chur) were the only Ob 89, 1 sm lh, Ordination 1 the Prsthood (New York: Shed aod Wad nO a at el nt et Utsellmonr de lee (ar 1110), 18 a uo Denne Scone, Encion Scion, 3rd ed. (Heer ‘ed ses) (Prag: Herder, 1965, 3050 2 proved by the pusages conventionally alleged — Aste 6:6 14:2 1 Timothy $:22: 11 Timothy 1:6; Tits 1:5. He observes further that he Margi evidence of ser period not debe Tor exaBog ‘Sepa at ony tag aro We dm ey tat “an ons. We 6 any ‘crpons of 6 eXtute-aosonr tothe vot ovtinaion pie 10 ‘which the monarchs epsopate had tramp. ‘The tendeney of urgial thclogy io derives primis poster! ‘tor the Hurl at? Fm the fact thatthe bboy asin Tat ‘eda rr ws sic neve hat shod be re 1 he sole proper minster of orinton, The mater of excep ‘Sst ths rate wl be ated el, —_— Tas woul ot inosine ree to de see er Ind edie ‘they have always been ready to concede the canonical ts ay he tae ay of SN ae ay ‘furs ren tho who ne enna a ney ‘Some i aso ai The foe and Geet to he desiy of ato scope Ply thar smb boats (Apcton, Te 13). Eve whch te ef ‘Shop et ot ha a be Pens he fc of rt ‘and shnotedge at nectary ta in sod ih dae ‘Stoop he mots soe xa sah eg We {ovo te cometon ot he ge cesta nthe Lather common tht hve preserved o bere she ai psi he pw SR Bene he aey Sethe ety Be oe Ente comet ere faved over an epcpl ers aagh ey toy ot fave 89 “apne sree af te It towse Ec or of th Lahn chuth Yo ho not ve ‘tema epscoplrre twhw efqure a lc fee ‘gh and minirato tner some ae oe ts “Wap tem che ett tha st oan request aon {te spropite ssa ob ted een, Se pret tn 0). The erty of blend ste of eae of he mse of nde Mss ot tt a Renn Cx ay te iy S.Ct the scot of edt eat oe say 12 cane cane he hor ft ible power of he dont ‘ht Dome Sour Spel fon ee of in a a a

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