Unit 6 Rain Rain Corregida

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Rain, rain!

Noelia Ivars Pons

(2o Magisterio-Lengua Extranjera)

Grade: 2nd cycle.

Title of the Didactic Unit: Rain, rain!
Nº UNIT TITLE FROM... TO... Sessions

6 Rain Rain 13th 18th 15

February March

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9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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1. To understand orally the weather vocabulary and messages with the

“to be verb”, with the “to be verb + adjective + because” and the modal verb
“can” in questions.

2. To produce orally/use/speak using the weather vocabulary and

messages with the “to be verb”, with the “to be verb + adjective + because”
and the modal verb “can” in questions.
3. To read/understand written language about weather vocabulary and
messages with the “to be verb”, with the “to be verb + adjective + because”
and the modal verb “can” in questions.
4. To write/produce in written way the weather vocabulary and
messages with the “to be verb”, with the “to be verb + adjective + because”
and the modal verb “can” in questions.
6. To use English and a PC to learn about weather.
• Grammar: subject pronoun “It” and “to be verb” to
express weather: Today it is sunny/rainy…; What’s the
weather like today?; “to be verb + adjective +
because”: She is sad because it is raining, He is happy
because…; the modal verb “can” in questions: Can
you say?...

• Vocabulary: -NEW: cloudy, rainy, windy, snowy,

sunny and rainbow.


o Colours: red, yellow, pink, green,

purple, orange and blue.

o Parts of the body: eyes, ears,...

o Adjectives: sad, happy...

• Phonetics: The / i/ sound: cloudy, rainy, windy,...

The / / sound: rainy, rainbow...

-Procedures (L-S-R-W):
5th DIDACTIC UNIT 1st Session: 2nd Session:
Listening Speaking
Introduce new Sing “What’s the

Rain, vocabulary about the

weather by flashcards.
weather”, song.

3rd Session: Reading 4th Session: Writing 5th Session:
L+S+R L+S+R+W Stations

Read and rehearse a Play “unscramble”. Make a fortune

play. teller.


 Show interest to use English in the classroom.

 Respect and tolerance for people from other


 Show a positive attitude towards English.

 Collaboration with the students.

 Respect the students and the teacher.

 Show respect and interest in understanding and

being understood.

Cross curricular aspects:

- Literature
- Art
- Knowledge of the environment
- Music
- New Technologies
- Drama
Basic Competences:
1.C. in Linguistic Communication.
3.Physical world Knowledge & Interaction C.
4.Digital & Information Treatment C .
5.Citizenship & Social C.
6.Cultural & Artistic C.
7.C. in Learning to Learn.
8.Self-autonomy & personal initiative C.


First session: LISTENING.

-Presentation: The teacher will explain to her pupils what they are going to
do in this Didactic Unit. Then, she will introduce the new vocabulary,
mainly related to the weather, by flashcards with pictures.
-Practice: The teacher will tell a story about the weather called “Sun and
rain” by using a huge book which will contain only pictures. The teacher
will make the story easy to understand.
-Production: The children will have to draw a picture that has some
connections to the story heard before.
Second session: SPEAKING (L+S)
-Presentation: The teacher will start to review the vocabulary learnt in the
previous lesson by the same flashcards. First, the teacher must say the
words and the pupils will chant them.
-Practice: The teacher sings the song “What’s the weather?”, Lyrics by
Rachel Summer. They must repeat the sentences in the song step by step.
After that, everybody will sing it.
-Production: The teacher starts to sing the song and she will stop the music
when she will think it’s advisable. The students must continue the song at
that instant.

What’s the Weather?

Lyrics by Rachel Sumner

What’s the weather, what’s the weather,
Like today, like today?
Look outside the window.
Look outside the window.
Can you say?
Can you say?

It’s a sunny, it’s a sunny, Sunny day, sunny day.

Go out in the sunshine. Go out in the sunshine. Play, play, play, play,
play, play.





What’s the weather, what’s the weather,

Like today, like today?
Look outside the window.
Look outside the window.
Can you say?
Can you say?

Third session: READING (L+S+R)

-Presentation: The teacher starts this session reviewing the structures
previously learnt (What’s the weather like?). Children have to look out of
the window and say the weather. After that, she will review the vocabulary
with flashcards that contains an image and the written word.
-Practice: With the story used two days before, the teacher makes a little
play with her pupils. Each of the students performs a character in front of
the class.
-Production: All of the students go to the blackboard and represent this
little play. The students can hold a sheet of paper with the dialogue written
so that they do not get lost.

Fourth session: WRITING (L+S+R+W)

-Presentation: The teacher distributes flashcards with pictures and
flashcards with words to the students. They have to find a pair for their
picture or word.
-Practice: On the blackboard the teacher explains how to play
“unscramble”. After that, she divides the class into two teams: A and B.
They have to guess what the word on the blackboard is.
-Production: Continuing with the two teams, each one has to make a poster
with cards and some text. For example: a cloud with the text of the song,
or a sun with the written story…
Fifth session: STATIONS
The class will be divided into three groups of eight pupils. Each activity
lasts fifteen minutes and then they move from one station to another.
These are the three stations:
1)Make a dominoes with some cards and the vocabulary used in this
Didactic Unit.
2)Go to the computer corner and hear “The Rainbow song”. With “Hot
Potatoes” the students have to fill in the blanks of the song lyrics:

Red and yellow and pink and green

Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow too.

Listen with your eyes,

Listen with your ears,
and sing everything you see,
I can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow,
sing along with me.

Red and yellow and pink and green,

Purple and orange and blue,
I can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow too!
3) Make a fortune teller.

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