Miss Universe C&D To National Organization For Marriage

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0 5 / 0 4 / 2 i 0 s 1 3 : 2 4 F A X 2 1 2 2 26 1 9 I 5 DONOVAN& YEE A ool

Dottouett CatueRUSo
ft Sot,oA,UAiogr I l0 GreeneSaoet,Suitc700 r NowYorlqNY 10012
" L F^xi?12-226-1995
2 l2-226,7700
E-rnail, acalvaru:@1'ccllp-cour

wnErs '|-Jl(ecErJrar:

May 4, 2009


Ms. Maggic Gallaghet,President

NaiionalOrganizationfor Mzuriage
20 NassauStreet,S te 242
Princeton,NJ 08542

Re: Miss UniverseL'P', LLLP

Our File: 1077/U'S' Enforcement

DearMs. Gallagher:

our client,Miss universeL.P., LLLP ('lv.flJo"), is the owler of all intelleotual

propertyassociated with its world-famousbeautypageants(the"Pagcalts'), including
variousfrad"- and serr,'ice matks,suchasMISS USA@,MISS TEEN USA@,MISS
UNIVERSE@,woman with star.sLogo@,androlatedmatks. It hasusedthesemarks
for five decadesir.Icorurection with its Pageants.MUO is alsothe soleownerof all
copynghtsassooiated with thePageants, includingall MISS USA, MISS UNI\ERSE and
MiSS iSBI'{ USA Pagcantbroadcasis ("Coplrighted Works"), which aresubjectto
statutofy coPyrightProtoctior'

It has ooureio ouxattenfionthat you have,without autborizationfrom MUO'

copiedportionsofits copyriglrtedbroadcastofure 2009MISS USA Pageant
("'UnautlronzedCopy"), alrd areusing the UrrauthorizedCopy in an advertisement
intitled "No Offonse,"which seeksto gain donationsfor your orga*izaiion(the
'). We uuderstandthat you arebroadcastingthe Advedisementon
television,andaredisplayingandbroadcasting the Advertiscmenton the itrtemet,
includingon your lvebsitelooatedat www.natjonformattiase'org'aswell ason the
Facebook,Twitter, arrdYouTubc websits$-

G[lT I (888)
| 83104
05 / 04 1 2q 1 1 91 3 : 2 5 F A x . 2 1 2 2 2 6 1 e e. 5 DONOVAN
& YEE @oor

Nalio[fl] Orga izatioo for L4srlioge


MUO takesno posltionregardingyour organizationandits Politicalviews'

Nevcrtheiess, MUO obJects to this mauthorizeduseof its CopyrightedWorks' As you
areno doubt aware,a dnding of copyright in'Fingemod can resuit in exteusivepenalties
,rrcludingl.]onetaxystatTtoryclamages,recoveryof your otganization'sprofits,MUO',s
aci*al loises,puniiive damagesandrecoveryof our ciisnt's attomeys'feesand court

CopyrightedWoiks; (ii) ceasea:rddesistfrom allbroa'Icastanddisplayofthe
advlrtLenreot and (iii) agreeto refrain liom any trtnre unauthorizeduse ofthe
Copl,righted Works. You slaouldalso inlbrm all othcrswho areparticipating ifl the
btouioist of the Advertiscmentof the matterssetforth herein. They shouldbe put on
notioothat they risk liability as contributoryi[fnrrgersifthey continueto use orjoin with
you ir-tsuchuse.

If you fail to complywith thescdemands,wo will iustnrctour clientto consider-

ali actionsit deemsnccessaryto fdlly proteotits rights. The demandsmadehereinshali
not waive or prejutlice a y rights or re'redies which our client may hav. in rospectoJtlre
subjectfiafie; h;reof, all of whioh rights andremedissarc hereby Explesslyresewed'

AndreaL, Calvaruso

cc: Miss UnivcrseL.P., LLLP (via email)

12:1759 | (888)
| 83104

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