Lighthouse June 27, 2013

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Vol. 13, No. 13 | Thursday, June 27, 2013


Remodeled Needham Theater opens July 7

By Andrea Howry

Air conditioning added during sevenmonth shutdown

Cmdr. Cameron Geertsema receives NMCB 5s command colors from Cmdr. Peter Maculan during the battalions change of command ceremony June 7 at Camp Shields, Okinawa, Japan. Page 4

Matthew Billington, an electrical engineer with Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division at Naval Base Ventura County, Point Mugu, helps fifth-graders from the Santa Rosa Technology Magnet School try on a military radio headset during a June 6 tour. Page 16

Theater Manager Sean Haley shows off the gleaming new lobby of the Needham Theater, which also got an air conditioning system. The Needham has been closed for seven months for the renovation; a grand opening is set for Sunday, July 7.

Photo by AndreA howry / Lighthouse

A gleaming lobby, air conditioning and new carpeting will greet movie fans July 7 as the Needham Theater holds a grand opening celebration featuring the movie, Pacific Rim. I think people will now find the Needham comparable to any movie theater off base, said Sean Haley, who has worked at the theater for 11 years, managing it for the last two. The theater has been closed since mid-December for a $1.7 million interior renovation that brought it up to code in several areas, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The theater is reopening 46

See Needham, Page 24

Incoming CSO faces challenges

By Andrea Howry

CNIC cuts positions; impact here unknown

Capt. Burt Espe, commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division, talks about diversity and how important it is to the Navy. Page 15

Cmdr. Scott Loeschke says he looks forward to a challenge a trait thats bound to serve him well as he takes over the day-today operations of Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) in a time of fiscal constraints and Navywide downsizing. Loeschke, currently the com-

See LOeSChKe, Page 25 of the base July 9.

(NBVC) Port Hueneme, will become the new chief staff officer

Officials at Naval Base Ventura County are still trying to figure out how many people if any will lose their jobs as a result of last weeks decision by Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) to cut 745 civilian positions over the next seven months. The Reduction in Force (RIF) affects Photo by AndreA howry / Lighthouse shore enterprise in seven Navy Regions Cmdr. Scott Loeschke, the commanding officer of the Naval across 20 states, the District of Columbia, Construction Training Center at Naval Base Ventura County the Island of Guam, and in the countries
See ImPaCT, Page 23

N aVa L B a s e V e N T u r a C O u N T y

By Captain Larry Vasquez

NBVC Commanding Officer

Ask the Captain

When can we take off our vehicle decals?
and will continue our regular screening process for visitors and contractors. Vehicles will still need to be properly registered and insured to operate aboard the installation. We will ensure compliance via random administrative checks, not unlike DUI checkpoints. In other words, be prepared to show your paperwork when you come through the gate. Eliminating decals has been a long time coming, and it will take a little longer for full implementation, but know that we are in no way compromising your security or that of your family with this change. Our first mission is protecting our people, and that includes you. Do you have question? You can submit them via this forum at, online using the COs Suggestion Box at index.htm or at You can also follow NBVC on Twitter at and keep up on the latest news and events.

Capt. LaRRY VaSQUEZ Capt. daVid SaSEk

COmmaNd masTer Chief Chief sTaff OffiCer

COmmaNdiNg OffiCer

CMdCM tHOMaS CYR kiMBERLY GEaRHaRt andREa HOwRY 805-989-5281

LighThOuse ediTOr puBLiC affairs OffiCer

The Lighthouse NavalBaseVenturaCounty

fiNd us aT:

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Question: I heard that the Navy is eliminating the requirement for vehicle decals in July. Should I remove my decals? How are we going to maintain base security if we dont require decals? Answer: The Department of the Navy is beginning a phased plan to eliminate the requirement to obtain and display vehicle decals July 1. This does not mean that you should be out scraping decals off your windshields June 30, however. Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) will be issuing guidance for a phased implementation of the plan to eliminate decals, and that guidance will determine when each region will begin the elimination process. Once we receive that CNIC guidance, we will notify the NBVC community, and thats everyone reading this edition of The Lighthouse. Decals were never intended to be your pass to get aboard the installation; your military ID does that. Decals indicated that you had registered your vehicle properly. Security will not be affected, as we will still conduct 100 percent ID checks at our gates

800-221-sTar (7827) MaRGiE COCHRanE

adVerTisiNg deparTmeNT puBLisher


please submit your questions or comments to Lighthouse editor andrea howry at

The LighThOuse is puBLished aT NO COsT TO The gOVerNmeNT eVery OTher Thursday By The sTar, Of CamariLLO, Ca. The sTar is a priVaTe firm iN NO way CONNeCTed wiTh The deparTmeNT Of defeNse Or The uNiTed sTaTes NaVy, uNder wriTTeN CONTraCT wiTh NaVaL Base VeNTura COuNTy. The LighThOuse is The ONLy auThOrized CiViLiaN eNTerprise Newspaper fOr memBers Of The u.s. NaVy, CiViLiaN empLOyees, reTirees aNd Their famiLy memBers iN The VeNTura COuNTy area. CONTeNTs Of The paper are NOT NeCessariLy The OffiCiaL Views Of, NOr eNdOrsed By, The u.s. gOVerNmeNT, aNd The deparTmeNT Of defeNse, Or The deparTmeNT Of The NaVy aNd dO NOT impLy eNdOrsemeNT ThereOf. The appearaNCe Of adVerTisiNg iN This puBLiCaTiON iNCLudiNg iNserTs aNd suppLemeNTs, dOes NOT CONsTiTuTe eNdOrsemeNT Of The deparTmeNT Of defeNse, The u.s. NaVy Or The sTar, Of The prOduCTs Or serViCes adVerTised. eVeryThiNg adVerTised iN This puBLiCaTiON shaLL Be made aVaiLaBLe fOr purChase, use Or paTrONage wiThOuT regard TO raCe, COLOr, reLigiON, sex, NaTiONaL OrigiN, age, mariTaL sTaTus, physiCaL haNdiCap , pOLiTiCaL affiLiaTiON, Or aNy OTher NON-meriT faCTOr Of The purChaser, use, Or paTrON. if a ViOLaTiON Or rejeCTiON Of This equaL OppOrTuNiTy pOLiCy By aN adVerTiser is CONfirmed, The puBLisher shaLL refuse TO priNT adVerTisiNg frOm ThaT sOurCe uNTiL The ViOLaTiON is COrreCTed. ediTOriaL CONTeNT is ediTed, prepared aNd prOVided TO The puBLisher By The LOCaL iNsTaLLaTiON puBLiC affairs OffiCes uNder The auspiCes Of The NaVaL Base VeNTura COuNTy puBLiC affairs OffiCe.

By Andrea Howry

FFSC closes office at Catalina Heights

The Fleet & Family Support Center (FFSC) is closing its year-old office at the Catalina Heights military housing complex in Camarillo because too few people have taken advantage of the services offered there. The last day of operation will be June 30. We never really got the clientele we expected, said Laura Hamilton, FFSC director at Naval Base Ventura County. On average, wed have seven to 10 people stop by each week, and most of them were by appointment. By comparison, the FFSC offices at Port Hueneme and Point Mugu saw 331 visitors one recent week. Given the furlough and loss of hours, the cost-benefit ratio of running the Camarillo site is just not feasible in todays financial situation, Hamilton said. It is not cost-effective. The office, located at 913B Calle La Roda one of the three-bedroom housing units at Catalina Heights held a grand opening Aug. 25, 2012, although clinical services had been provided at the Catalina Heights Recreational Center for several months. At the time, the new location was touted for being convenient for families that had only one car and ideal for youngsters who needed after-school counseling. In addition, its cozy, homey environment was more inviting for counseling sessions than a sterile office. I think more people became aware of FFSC and the services we offer, Hamilton said, and thats a good thing.

Community Calendar


But there were downsides. We didnt have the room for a class of 30, she explained, so we couldnt provide all of our services out there. An area that was set up for child care while parents underwent counseling was rarely used. We would staff the Information and Referral desk there and that person would spend eight hours without seeing a single person, Hamilton said. It was not a good use of our time. Hamilton stressed that all of the services provided at Catalina Heights are still being provided at Port Hueneme and Point Mugu. For information on those services, call the 24-hour number at 1866-923-6478, the Port Hueneme office at 982-5037 or the Point Mugu office at 989-8146.



FAMILY DIVE-IN: 5 p.m., NBVC Port Hueneme and NBVC Point Mugu pools, showings of Wreck-It Ralph. $5, includes hot dog, chips and a drink. Information: 982-4753.

PACFLT Master Chief Ramirez tours base

By Kimberly Gearhart

NEX custoMEr ApprEcIAtIoN EVENt: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Navy Exchange, NBVC Port Hueneme. See the Budweiser Clydesdales and enjoy live music, vendor exhibits, prizes and raffles. Information: 982-6801.

29 3

The Lighthouse

NBVC Public Affairs

U.S. Pacific Fleet (PACFLT) Master Chief Marco Ramirez knows a thing or two about leading Sailors; chainsaws, on the other hand, might be a different story. Ramirez, who took over as PACFLTs senior enlisted Sailor April 30, toured Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) June 12 and 13, meeting with Sailors and learning about what they do and how they prepare to support the fleet. At Naval Construction Training Center (NCTC) Port Hueneme, Ramirez got some hands-on experience, as well. I think I need to follow instructions a little better, Ramirez joked after attempting a training exercise with the Seabees that involved cutting straight through a large wooden beam, not something he was trained to do as a legalman. The task, basic woodworking for Seabees at NCTC, gave Ramirez a taste of the type of preparation that goes into training the Sailors and Seabees who are later assigned to his fleet. Its important to get him out here, said NBVC Command Master Chief Tom Cyr, who hosted Ramirez on his two-day visit. We support operations in PACFLT, and hes the senior enlisted. Its important that he sees these Sailors, sees the rigors of training and deployment. Its important they get to see and talk to him, too. Ramirez spent his first day meeting and talking with Seabees. Day two, after visit-

coLorINg coNtEst DEADLINE: Last day to turn in or mail the colored Seabee or Phoebe templates now available at the Seabee Museum, NBVC Port Hueneme. Children 2-12 are eligible to enter. Info: 382-2585. grAND opENINg oF NEEDhAM thEAtEr: 5 p.m. showing of Pacific Rim, in the theater at NBVC Port Hueneme, which has been closed for a sixmonth renovation. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. Story, Page 1.

U.S. Pacific Fleet Master Chief Marco Ramirez tests his chainsaw skills at the Naval Construction Training Center at Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme, June 12. Ramirez, who was a legalman when he earned master chief, toured the facility, getting a feel for the type of training and living environment experienced by those Sailors and Seabees who support the fleet.

photo bY KIMbErLY gEArhArt / NbVc pubLIc AFFAIrs

ing the Navy Mobilization Processing Site at Port Hueneme, Ramirez traveled to NBVC Point Mugu to tour and meet with Sailors from the aviation side of the house. He also held two town hall-style meetings with chief and first class petty officers, laying out his goals and command philosophy and answering questions. One of his biggest priorities is warfight-

ing readiness, Ramirez said. I need to know youre ready. If youre not, I dont need you and I cant have you. For chiefs and first class petty officers, readiness means being prepared to lead and being an expert in your field. Rate
See RAMiRez, PAge 23

NsWc phD 50th ANNIVErsArY: Nemesis Alumni Association luncheon, 11 a.m., Bard Mansion. Speaker is retired Rear Adm. Richard D. Williams III, commanding officer of Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division, from 1990 to 1992. $12. RSVP Teri Reid at or 805-8616972; or call Gerry Roberts at 805-642-6504 by Monday, July 1.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

NMCB 5 holds change of command ceremony in Japan

By MC1 John P. Curtis

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Lighthouse

OKINAWA, Japan Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 held a change of command ceremony June 7 while deployed to Camp Shields in Okinawa, Japan. Cmdr. Cameron Geertsema assumed command from Cmdr. Peter Maculan, becoming the 39th commanding officer of NMCB 5. Capt. Dean Tufts, commodore of Naval Construction Group (NCG) 1, spoke at the ceremony, describing what he saw when he toured battalion workshops, spaces and construction sites. I met sharp, articulate Seabees with the cleanest and most organized sites I have ever seen battalions have,Tufts said. Even though [Maculan] will always deflect credit and give it to the people under him, you would not be as successful without a great leader guiding you. Tufts presented Maculan with a

OKINAWA, Japan Cmdr. Cameron Geertsema walks through the side boys as the new commanding officer of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5 at the conclusion of the June 7 ceremony.

Photo by MC1 John P. Curtis / nMCb 5

Meritorious Service Medal for his successful two-year tenure as the commanding officer of the Seabee battalion known as The Professionals. While under Maculans leadership, the battalion was deployed two times and sent on one disaster relief response to New York City

and New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy devastated the area. From June 2011 until June 2013, the battalion has worked on more than 70 projects in 27 different geographical areas. While speaking to The Professionals in the audience, Maculan thanked everyone for enduring and

accommodating some of the grueling tasks that sometimes came up. You are the most cohesive, professional and dedicated Seabees, and Im proud to have worked with each and every one of you,Maculan said. Geertsema, a native of San Antonio, Texas, earned a bachelors degree in civil engineering from Texas A&M University before he received his commission through the Officer Candidate School in Pensacola, Fla. Prior to assuming command, he was serving as the assistant regional engineer for Navy Region Southeast. Thanks to each and every one for welcoming me,said Geertsema. Im humbled and proud to be part of the 5 family. Geertsemas operation tours include assignments with NMCB 7, NMCB 133 and the 25th Naval Construction Regiment. Since his commission, he has earned a masters degree in civil

engineering from University of Texas and a masters degree from the Marine Corps University in Quantico, Va. He is a registered professional engineer in Texas, a certified energy manager, designated a Seabee combat warfare specialist and a member of the Acquisition Professional Community. Geertsema is married to the former Julia Jill Disharoon of Port Gibson, Miss., and they have four daughters. Family and mission, integrity, values and esprit de corps are what you have lived by, and I will continue to uphold and lead by those tenets as well, Geertsema told the battalion. I look forward to serving with you, The Professionals, as we proudly serve our countrys Navy combat team with honor, courage and commitment. Maculan was selected to be promoted to the rank of captain and transferred to NCG 2 in Gulfport, Miss., as the chief of staff.



United Through Reading a sure win for all

In the last few years, Ive written several times about the benefits of reading; the summer slide experienced by schoolchildren; the benefits of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education; and the hardships experienced by school-age children during a parents deployment. So, imagine my excitement when I saw them all merge together into an incredibly beneficial program available to military families. United Through Reading is a nonprofit organization. It promotes the read-aloud experience for separated military families and offers military service members who are away from their families due to deployment or other circumstances the opportunity to be video-recorded reading storybooks aloud. This powerful program eases the stress of separation, builds family resiliency, makes homecomings easier and cultivates a love for books and of reading. Locally, the Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Fleet & Family Support Center (FFSC) is offering the United Through Reading program to military families. Heres how it works:

School connection
with Monica


Make an appointment and visit the FFSC, where you will be video-recorded reading a book aloud. You will be given the book and DVD to take home with you. When youre deployed, your children can watch the video and read the book along with you. Even though you may not be able to read in person to your children, they will get to see you on video regularly especially when theyre missing you most. To make this program even better, United Through Reading is offering books that encourage an interest in STEM. These

books are not only fun, but they build on a childs natural curiosity and encourage imagination and innovation. Because it has been proven that students suffer learning loss during the summer, also known as the summer slide, these STEM-themed titles are being promoted during the month of July when students are on their summer school break. Children who do not read over the summer will lose more than two months of reading achievement. And, because summer reading loss is cumulative, by the end of sixth grade, children who lose reading skills over the summer will be two years behind classmates who dont slide. To schedule an appointment at FFSC to participate in United Through Reading, call Brittany Barton at 805-982-3726. For more information, visit Encourage a love of reading and stay connected.
For any K-12 education-related questions, please contact the NBVC school liaison officer at 805-989-5211 or email monica.

Track wont work for July 4 picnic dinner

Families that are used to packing up a picnic dinner and settling in for Fourth of July fireworks outside the Bee-Hive Gym at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Port Hueneme are going to have to rethink their plans this year. Theres a track there now, and the oval is filled with artificial turf so no food or drink, except water, is allowed on the surface. To keep the track pristine, the area will be off limits and roped off during the fireworks. People are asked to go to the softball fields instead. Theyre located across from the grinder, behind the car wash. Many services and facilities on base will be closed or operating with reduced hours Thursday, July 4. Its best to call before you go.

The Lighthouse







Thursday, June 27, 2013








# #

The Lighthouse

I once asked a counselee who was having problems in life, Will you tell me about your friends? We all know when we open up Facebook and really need a friend to talk to, we have 300-plus so-called friends. Are these friends we can call up at 2 in the morning when were stranded with a flat and know theyll come running in their PJs with a jack? Probably not, especially since many of our friends are really friends of someone elses friends. Sometimes, people have trouble deciphering what true friendship should look like, so Ive put together a few tips to help us decide on the friendships we value the most and how best to cultivate them. Henry Ford used to say, My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me. When we look at our friends, do their lives influence us to be a better man or a better woman? Are we encouraged to pull the context of our lives up to a higher place by way of being around them? Do they positively influence our decisions? Does being around them strengthen our marriages or relationships? When we spend time with them, do we end up with great

In Facebook age, its good to ask: Whos really my friend?

Chaplains corner
with Lt. Lesa
riences or life lessons, pray with us or try to cheer us up. Something to ask ourselves is: Why are our friends, our friends? Its been said, Every man is a friend to him who gives gifts. (Proverbs 19:6) Are people in our lives because there is something in it for them, or are they there because they value our company? The other night, I was watching the TV show, The Voice, when Usher was talking about doing versus being. He mentioned that sometimes we just need to be. That is so true. We just need to be there for someone and be with them in something, nothing more and nothing less. Thats friendship. Lastly, there was a man who was called the friend of God. (James 2:23) We never really consider being Gods friend, but He is a friend to us who never leaves us nor forsakes us. (Deuteronomy 31:6) Lets take a moment this week and tell our best friends how blessed we are to know them. May Gods presence be the strength and sure foundation of your life!

Worship schedule
Seabee Chapel
Port Hueneme Building 1433 Phone: (805) 982-4358 Protestant Sunday worship service: 9 a.m. Choir rehearsal: Tuesday, 6 p.m. Catholic Mass Sunday: 11:15 a.m. Confession by prior appt.: 10:45 a.m. Wednesday: 11:30 a.m. Confession by prior appt.: 11 a.m. Christian Bible Studies Womens Bible Study: Tuesday, 10 a.m., Book of I Samuel; Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., Sacred Parenting. Childcare provided. Mens Bible Study: Thursday, 11:30 a.m., Walking with God in the Desert. Lunch provided. Soup Fellowship Study: Sunday, 5 p.m., Behold Your God. Potluck. Catholic Religious Education Pre-K through high school Tuesdays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Staff chaplain


memories or with great regrets? Our friends shape us and influence us more than we realize. We are told in scripture that, Iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. (Proverbs 27:17) Another good barometer to determine a best friend is this saying, A man that has friends, must show himself friendly, and there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24) A friend will not abandon us when we go through a rough patch or take sides in the middle of a crisis. Rather, a true friend will comfort us, offer advice, share expe-

Hot air balloon part of VBS; registration deadline July 1

An 8-foot-high hot air balloon made of PVC pipe and tissue paper will play a supporting role as Religious Ministries at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) puts on Vacation Bible School (VBS) next month. The deadline to register is Monday, July 1, and the five days of classes start July 15 at the Seabee Chapel, NBVC Port Hueneme. This years VBS theme is Sky: With God, All Things are Possible. Every day the children will come together in a large group to sing songs and learn the daily Bible verse and message, said Bethany Dodds, one of the VBS volunteer organizers. Daily themes center around trusting God, no matter who you are, how you feel, what people do, what happens or where you are. Kids will then be broken into small groups the same group and group leader throughout the week and go around to different stations to further explore the Bible message, Dodds said. Every station is carefully orchestrated to incorporate the daily theme and Bible message into every activity, including snacks. While VBS is for children 5 to 12 years old, teens can volunteer. Parents are invited to volunteer as well, and theres a nursery and todder-preschool toy room available. Parents are invited to Fridays Fly Away Finale and pizza party. To enroll your child, call 982-4358.

Chapel of Faith
Point Mugu Building 121 Phone: (805) 989-7967 Protestant Episcopal service: 11 a.m. Catholic Mass Sunday: 9 a.m. Confession by prior appt.: 8:15 a.m. Thursday: 11:30 a.m. Confession by prior appt.: 11 a.m.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

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Chaplains serving NBVC

Lt. Cmdr. Jeffrey Han Command Chaplain Lt. Lesa Welliver Staff Chaplain Father Antony Berchmanz Catholic Priest

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NMCRS can help you budget your move

By Jillian Alexander

Calendar of events


Summer is the hottest and most popular time of year for military families to move. It seems like all of your friends and neighbors are getting orders at the same time, and the transportation office has a line out the door. is a great resource for planning your move, but working out details in person may be a better option. There are checklists available online from,, and even USAA. They can help with one of the most important details: budgeting the move. So can the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, which offers free budgeting assistance. Here are some cost-related issues to think about as you plan ahead for your Permanent Change of Station (PCS): Find out exactly what the military will cover and what costs will fall on you. Know the terms Dislocation Allowance (DLA) and per diem, and know what is involved when the military moves you, when you move yourself (known as a DITY) or when its a partial DITY. Then

create a comprehensive budget that includes shipping charges, temporary housing expenses (the military only pays for a certain number of days), utility start-up fees and everything you need when you first move in cleaning supplies, paper goods and other assorted household items. Remember that you may not have your household goods until 30 days after you move. List all of your financial accounts: banks, credit cards, insurance policies, etc.

The NMCRS Office will be Will you be able to transfer all of these closed on July 4, and the Thrift Store accounts to your new location, or will you will be closed the first week in July have to open new ones? for Independence Day. Review your auto insurance policy to The NMCRS Office is open from find out insurance costs for your new loca9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through tion. If you are shipping your vehicle, find Friday. It is located in the NBVC out whether moving-related damages are Port Hueneme Welcome Center, covered. 2600 Dodson St., Suite 1. Informa Research how much the military will tion: 982-4409. pay if you are choosing to store your The NMCRS Thrift Store is items. open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mon Make lists for everything, even if it days and Wednesdays and is located seems repetitive. in Bldg. 829, at the corner of Harris Save as much money as you can prior Street and 15th Avenue, NBVC Port to your move. If you are currently workHueneme. Donations of clothes, ing, work until the last possible day and household items, sporting goods, put those paychecks into a savings acbooks, toys, movies and some unicount. form items are being sought. Furni Pay all of your current bills prior to ture and used baby carseats cannot your move. be accepted. Schedule your utility service disconnections ahead of time. Make sure to forward your mail. Keep track of any damage that your Finally, remember to breathe, enjoy items may already have sustained, and keep all of your receipts. You will need the process, and stop by the Navy-Marine this information for filing a claim once Corps Relief Society office for free budgeting assistance. your move is complete.

The Lighthouse



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Thursday, June 27, 2013

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Rotting artifacts removed from old museum; Bee saved

By Andrea Howry

The Lighthouse

Nearly a dozen items that had been on display outside the old Seabee Museum at Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme, have been removed, and one piece the Bee is being evaluated for possible display at the new museum. The totem pole, however, is gone forever, a victim of severe dry rot brought on by more than 40 years of being outside in a coastal climate. It was carved in 1957 by Mobile Construction Battalion 5 in Kodiak, Alaska, and was installed outside the museum in June of 1973. The totem pole died, Museum Director Lara Godbille said. It had a good life. But this was an item made of wood, and it should never have been outside for 40-plus years in the first place. The Bee, however, was made of steel, and while rust has taken a toll, it may still be salvageable. Potentially it can be renovated, Godbille said. We werent even sure it could come down safely, but it did. So now its all boxed up, and when funding becomes available and we expect that to be later

A crane removes the Bee from its perch outside the old Seabee Museum last month. Work was done at night for safety reasons and because of traffic, Museum Director Lara Godbille said.

contributed Photo

The Bee and the totem pole grace the front of the old Seabee Museum back when the museums entrance faced 23rd Avenue. The entrance was moved in the mid-1990s.

Photo courtesy u.s. seabee MuseuM

this summer we will assess it to see if it can be renovated and displayed. The Bee came down in late May, with work starting at 7 p.m. on a Tuesday night and wrapping up about four hours later. The Bee was taken down at night due

to safety reasons, she explained. It was severely rusted and would sway if there was too much wind. In addition, she said, the removal of the Bee tied up traffic on 23rd Avenue because a large crane had to be brought in, so that

contributed to the decision to do the work at night. The Bee was made in the early 1950s at Cubi Point Naval Air Station in the Philippines by the battalions working for the 30th Naval Construction Regiment that was doing the largest earth-moving project of its time. The Bee was moved to Port Hueneme sometime in the late 1950s, Godbille said. It graced the entrance of the old Seabee Museum for about 50 years. People love the Bee, Godbille said. Its a great Bee.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013



50 years ago, JFK addressed Mugu crowd

By Desiree Jones
NAWCWD Public Affairs

Fifty years ago, on the morning of June 7, 1963, President John F. Kennedy landed at the Pacific Missile Test Center today known as Naval Base Ventura County, Point Mugu to change planes for the final leg of his summer review of Americas military capabilities. His tour had included visits with the First Fleet off San Diego, the Marine Recruit Depot, and time aboard aircraft carriers USS Oriskany and USS Kitty Hawk. Even though it was only a plane change, Kennedys newsworthy agenda drew thousands of people to Point Mugu. A bronze plaque a tile in the airfield floor near Hangar 34 marks the spot where Kennedy stood and addressed, as the plaque notes, an enthusiastic gathering of California citizens. Pete Carlino, then a branch supervisor at Point Mugu, stood in the crowd and heard Kennedy say these words: We have been, for the last 24 hours, seeing Photos by AndreA howry / Lighthouse the military force of the United States The plaque outside Hangar 34 marks the here on the West Coast, and I go back spot where President John F. Kennedy to Washington, D.C., with a feeling of spoke less than six months before his renewed pride in being an American, and assassination. renewed confidence in being a citizen of

A close-up of the plaque, embedded in the airfield floor at Naval Base Ventura County, Point Mugu, near Hangar 34, that shows where President John F. Kennedy spoke on June 7, 1963.

Seabee Museum plans special events

the greatest Republic on Earth. All of us are aware of the tremendous influence and strength of the United States. But what does it consist of ? It does not consist of ambassadors, important as they may be; it does not consist of members of the Cabinet, however able they are; it does not consist of presidents of the United States, regardless of what may be their competence; it consists of 180 million people, living in a rich, productive country, and guarded by the finest Navy, Army and Air Force in the country and in the world! Thats what the power of the United States consists of!

We do not come therefore from Washington, D.C., to encourage the military forces; we see the military forces in order to encourage ourselves. The presidents California visit headlined Midwest papers by morning. Of his stop in Point Mugu, Ohios Toledo Blade reported that Kennedy was mobbed by a swirling crowd of kids that squeezed under and over barriers and eluded Secret Servicemen and chased him almost to the door of his plane. After Point Mugu, it was off to China Lake, where Kennedy would spend three hours commemorating the upcoming 20th year of service of the Naval Ordnance Test Station (NOTS). Today, inside the U.S. Naval Museum of Armament and Technology hangs the only presidential flag ever to fly at China Lake, the one that was raised on the mast of the headquarters building the exact moment Air Force One touched down, announcing to China Lake and the waiting public that the president had arrived. The actual anniversary of NOTS would not take place until Nov. 8. And just two weeks after that, Kennedy would be dead, felled by an assassins bullet in Dallas, Texas.
In this photo, which graces the cover of Gina Nichols book, Images of America: The Seabees at Port Hueneme, movie star andswimmingsensation Esther Williams, left, sits on the lap of John Red Purcell during the official opening of two water training tanks at Camp Rousseau now part of Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme July 13, 1944. A huge audience of Seabees and military and civilian personnel came out to see Williams and MGMs twin ballet swimming and water waltzing team, Martha and Patsy Brown. Williams was starring in a hit movie at the time, Bathing Beauty. Williams died June 6 at the age of 91.

The Lighthouse

Paper Plane contest, opening of new exhibit among offerings

The Seabee Museum has several events planned for the coming months. They include: A Fourth of July coloring contest. Children ages 2 to 12 are eligible to enter; templates of a Seabee and Phoebe are available at the museum now and must be turned in or mailed in by July 3. The National Aviation Paper Plane Contest, scheduled for Aug. 16 and 17. Contestants can make a paper airplane at the museum from 1 to 4 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16, and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17. Then, at 1 p.m. Saturday, the contest will take place. The Atlantic Roads exhibit grand opening, slated for Sept. 13. The exhibit focuses on the role of the Seabees in the Atlantic Theater of World War II, including the Caribbean, North Africa and Europe. For more information on these events, call the museum at 805-982-5165.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Photo courtesy u.s. seAbee MuseuM


BU2 Chris Jesse, left, and SW3 Sammy Hill, both with Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 28, a Reserve unit that is preparing to deploy out of Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme, fill their plates during a Fathers Day brunch put on by the commissary Saturday, June 15. Jesse has a 4-year-old and 1-year-old in Ohio; Hill has a 5-month-old, also in Ohio.
Photo by AndreA howry / Lighthouse

The Lighthouse

Commissary honors fathers

By Andrea Howry

The commissary at Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme, threw a Fathers Day brunch Saturday, June 15, and dads were thankful. This is really nice, said Builder 2nd Class Curt Bassett of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 28, a Reserve battalion thats preparing to deploy. I just wish my kids were here. Bassett, who has a 3-year-old and a 1year-old, stopped by the commissary with three friends from the battalion, and all of them were surprised by the brunch.

I was just going to buy a sandwich, so this is perfect, said one of his friends, Builder 3rd Class Matt Finkler, the only one of the four who isnt a dad. But no one minded there were enough sandwiches, cookies, chips and drinks to serve 150, said Terry Avalos-Acosta, one of the commissary vendor representatives who staffed the brunch, which started at 10:30 a.m. I love doing this, especially when I see the uniforms, she said. The event also included a drawing for gift cards and a giant beach chair that doubled as a basketball hoop.

Free wedding gowns for military brides

Military brides have only a few more days to register with Brides Across America if they want to choose a free wedding gown next month. In partnership with Brides Across America, Camarillo Bridal is hosting a wedding gown giveaway from noon to 8 p.m. July 10, donating designer dresses as a special thanks to U.S. service men and women. The event will take place at 2121 Pickwick Drive in Camarillo. The gowns are worth anywhere from $500 to $3,000 and range in size from 4



to 22. In order to qualify for a gown, the bride or fianc must be serving in the military; be either currently deployed, have a future deployment or have been deployed within the last five years to Iraq, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Qatar, Libya, Kuwait, Korea or Japan. In addition to pre-registering, brides must bring identification and deployment papers to the event. To register or for more information, see

Thursday, June 27, 2013



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Sweet 16 - Quinceaera - Debut

Asian/Pacific Islander heritage event lauds diversity in Navy

By Alyce Moncourtois


In celebration of Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month, the Fleet Readiness Center Southwest (FRCSW), Detachment Point Mugu, put together a crowd-pleasing event June 14 that captured the culture and traditions of the various ethnic groups. The theme for this years observance was Building Leadership: Embracing Cultural Values and Inclusion. Cmdr. Allen Blaxton, officer in charge of the detachment, opened the celebration with remarks about the inclusiveness of the Sailors within his own command. We have extraordinary examples right here in our own command of diversity and leadership, he said. Two of our own personnel who speak Vietnamese provided closure for four families of MIAs from the Vietnam War, and I applaud their efforts. Blaxton introduced the guest speaker, Capt. Burt Espe, commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division (NSWC PHD). Diversity of ideas,

Capt. Burt Espe, commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division, and Cmdr. Allen Blaxton, officer in charge of Fleet Readiness Center Southwest, Detachment Point Mugu, join in the traditional Tinikling dance during the Asian-Pacific Islander event June 14.

Photo by Alyce Moncourtois / nsWc PhD

experiences, and backgrounds contributes a variety of missions, Espe said. significantly to the Navys ability to fulfill As a naval officer of Filipino descent,

Espe said he is proud of the fact that his command is an incredibly diverse organization that welcomes all individuals, each with his or her own background, culture, thoughts, ideas, skills and talents. It is this blending, said Espe, that is the catalyst for a variety of new concepts and innovations that yield outstanding products and capabilities for the warfighter. He encouraged leaders in the audience to recognize the unique talents of individuals from different cultural backgrounds and to use them to strengthen the organization. In closing, Espe told the crowd to embrace your heritage and use it to benefit the Navy, and to keep the U.S. Navy as the strongest naval force in the world. The celebration continued with the performance of a traditional Filipino dance called Tinikling as performed by fleet detachment Sailors. The dancers called upon Espe and Blaxton to join them. A performance by the Fleet Readiness Center Southwest Band was followed by an Asian-themed luncheon.

The Lighthouse

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Fifth-graders tour NAWCWD Point Mugu

By Matthew Denny
NAWCWD Public Affairs
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I want to work here and invent new technology for the military. Camille Michaleak, a fifth-grade student from the Santa Rosa Technology Magnet School in Camarillo was clearly impressed with the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) at Naval Base Ventura County, Point Mugu, when she toured the facility with 65 classmates June 6. NAWCWD Range Department Director Terry Clark greeted the students outside the Clifton Evans Electronic Warfare (EW) Laboratory. These tours are incredibly important to open up kids to what we do at Weapons Division, Clark said. The things they see today could give them a direction to pursue in school. They learn they might need to add an extra math class to become an engineer. Students then met Jennifer Koch, an electronics engineer, and learned about the capabilities that are available in the electronic combat simulated environment lab. Koch also gave students a chance to sit in a flight simulator and demonstrated how important training is for pilots and designers of the unmanned systems and how changing something a centimeter in the lab can cause a major movement in flight applications. It is amazing for the kids to see how engineering and technology are used in real-life applications, said Laura Filgas, fifth-grade teacher at the school. It shows these fifthgraders that studying and working hard can pay off in the future and you can have a great career doing what you love. The Santa Rosa Technology Magnet School provides an education program that integrates technology into its curriculum. Touring NAWCWD Point Mugu gave the students an opportunity to interact with people who have jobs that involve math and science. I am going to work for the military as an engineer, said 10-year-old Jared Stout. This place is awesome because it is a working military base and we get to see and touch real technology that soldiers are using. I am going to grow up and invent a working application of the Ironman suit for our American military. The EW team also opened up the joint electronic warfare effects laboratory for the students to view and operate a Raven (RQ11B), an unmanned aerial system. The boys and girls were able to use military radios to transmit their voices over a radio frequency

The Lighthouse

Lt. Cmdr. Conrad Metzler, a pilot with Fleet Logistics Squadron (VR) 55, teaches students from the Santa Rosa Technology Magnet School about the capabilities of a C-130T inside a cockpit aboard Naval Base Ventura County, Point Mugu, June 6.

Photos by Matthew Denny / nawCwD PubliC affairs

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Jennifer Koch, an electronics engineer with Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD), oversees Josh Ostrove on a flight simulator in the Electronic Warfare Combat Systems Lab at NAWCWD Point Mugu.

hardware-in-the-loop coaxial network to visualize how their voices appear on a frequency modulated signal with a spectrum analyzer.

There is no greater feeling as an educator than seeing your students eyes open wide and realize that math and science are not just problems in a text book, said Thomas Holtke, school principal. I have a lot of very passionate students very excited about seeing how the people today think outside the box and how they calculate real-world problems that engineers face daily. We are extremely grateful to Weapons Division, the C-130 squadron and all the people involved in todays tour. After leaving the EW Lab, the students met with Sailors from Fleet Logistics Squadron (VR) 55. The Sailors provided a walking tour of the VR-55 hangar and let them walk through the cockpit and belly of a C130T. It was really cool meeting the pilot,said 11-year-old Vivienne Carolan. I am going to be a military pilot when I grow up. Planes are awesome, obviously, but really it is a lot of responsibility to fly an expensive plane safely and take people where they need to go, and thats why I want to fly. Today is also awesome because its my birthday and this is the best birthday present ever. Students eyes widened as the engines of a C-130 ignited and it took to the sky. Its been a great day and I got to see real technology the military uses, Camille said. I am going to study harder so I can invent for the military and create the best technology.

Dental benefit improves

The TRICARE Management Activity (TMA) of the Department of Defense has extended the current TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (TRDP) contract which runs from October 1, 2012, through September 30, 2013 to continue through December 31, 2013. The contract extension brings no change in premiums or scope of benefits. However, the annual maximum for enrollees in the Enhanced program will be increased to $1,500 for this period. Those in the Basic program will see their maximum increase to $1,250. And, although the maximums are being increased for the extended period, enrollees will not be asked to pay a higher deductible. These changes were implemented April 1. If you had already reached your maximum for the year, please have your dentist resubmit your claim(s) that were not made due to exceeding the maximum. Delta Dental also will serve as administrator of the new five-year TRDP contract, which will begin January 1, 2014. The TRDP, authorized by Congress as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 1997, offers affordable dental benefits as a voluntary option to the nations 5 million-plus Uniformed Services retirees and their family members. With current enrollment of more than 1.3 million, the TRDP is the nations largest voluntary, all-enrollee-paid dental program.
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Sasek honored for STEM efforts

Capt. David Sasek, chief staff officer of Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC), has been honored for his work on behalf of Ventura Countys youth and overall workforce development. Sasek was one of five to receive an award from the Workforce Investment Board (WIB) during WIBs annual meeting June 20 at the Ventura County Office of Education. WIB administers federal funds that help support adult, youth and employer programs and services in Ventura County. Sasek received the WIB Leadership Award, which recognizes someone who embodies the spirit and purpose of workforce development in Ventura County a role model who takes on and solves workforce challenges. Sasek helped form and is currently chairperson of the NBVC Education Outreach Working Group, which reaches out to 80 tenant commands on the base. The groups goals are to inspire interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines in minority students in local schools. Under Saseks leadership, the base offers six- to nine-week internships and has established programs and partnerships with local elementary, middle and high schools. I believe STEM education outreach is critical to the future of our nations economy, Sasek said.

Encouraging our children to pursue higher education studies in these rapidly growing, currently underserved areas will help us reduce or eliminate our nations deficit in STEM-related fields. Equally important, doing so will create career opportunities for these youth in growing fields for lifelong productive employment. The Port of Hueneme received a WIB Youth Opportunity Award, which honors an organization for providing internships or employment opportunities that help grow and strengthen Ventura Countys future workforce. In April 2012, the port proposed a Global Trade and Logistics class for junior and senior students in the Oxnard Union High School District. The class just completed its second semester with an enrollment of 16 students. The program provides an overview of global trade and logistics supply chains and a relevant curriculum so students understand the job skills necessary for the industry. Other honorees included state Assemblyman Jeff Gorell, who earned the WIB Champion for Prosperity Award; the Ventura County Medical Center and Santa Paula Hospitals Auxiliary, which received a WIB Youth Opportunity Award; and Tavi Udrea, global training and development director for Haas Automation Inc. in Oxnard, who received the WIB Collaborative Action Award.

The Lighthouse





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NBVCs pilot tennis program will be repeated in fall

3-week introductory course proves popular
By Andrea Howry

The Lighthouse

Isaiah Perez, 8, the son of Marcus and YN1 Julie Stallings of the Center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering, practices tennis with a beanbag, which is easier to control than a foam tennis ball.

Photos by AndreA howry / Lighthouse

Twelve youngsters 5 to 12 years old got their first taste of tennis last month as Child and Youth Programs (CYP) put on a three-week introductory course paid for by the U.S. Tennis Association (USTA) and the Boys & Girls Club of America. Another course will be held this fall at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Point Mugu. NBVC was one of 20 military bases worldwide to receive funding for the tennis club pilot program, designed to promote regular physical activity and introduce the sport of tennis as a lifetime physical activity. None of the kids had played tennis before, said Brett Lane, program director at the Camarillo Youth Center, where the classes were held in May. I guess they liked it because several parents said they had to go out and buy their kids a racquet.

The grant provided equipment for 15 to 25 youngsters to learn to play tennis including child-size lightweight racquets, extra-bouncy foam balls and nets training for CYP program assistants, free USTA membership for participants and support from local tennis pros. With only six 45-minute classes, the instructors concentrated on the basics, like how to properly hold a racquet and how to serve. Often the children used beanbags to practice technique or even a beach ball both of which provided more control than a light foam ball. Some of the more advanced students learned about scoring. Tennis isnt an easy sport, but every kid had a smile, Lane said. Anthony Unchangco, youth sports and fitness coordinator for CYP, said the program has proved to be so popular that even when the second pilot session is over, CYP plans to continue to offer low-cost tennis lessons at the youth centers and the outdoor tennis courts at both Mugu and Hueneme. Halia Rook, 8, the daughter of PS1 Rebecca The youth in Camarillo had a blast, Rook of Fleet Logistics Support Squadron he said. (VR) 55, gets ready to return a shot.


Weeklong summer camps available to kids 10 to 14; registration open

Classes include surfing, mountain biking, cooking
Registration is now open for weeklong summer camps designed for youngsters 10 to 14 years of age who want to do more than play video games. Child and Youth Programs (CYP) at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) is sponsoring the camps; the last one ends in August. Prices vary from week to week; active duty dependents receive a $5 discount. For more information, call up nbvc_ or call (805) 383-6240. To register, visit any of the three CYP sites on base: Port Hueneme, Point Mugu or in the community center at Catalina Heights, the military housing complex in Camarillo. Heres what CYP is offering: Surfing Safari I: July 1-5, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Port Hueneme CYP. Children will travel to different beaches each day; there is no camp July 4. $85. Bike Trails: July 8-12, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.,


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Point Mugu CYP. Visit local mountain bike trails and learn the basics of bike maintenance. $100. Teen Chef: July 15-19, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., CYP Camarillo. Learn how to make fun and healthy meals using fresh produce from local farms. $85. Sports Camp: July 22-26, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Bee-Hive Gym. Try flag football, tennis, basketball, golf and capture the flag. $85. Wild Wilderness: July 29-Aug. 2, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Point Mugu CYP. Each day brings a new outdoor adventure. $100. Surfing Safari II: Aug. 5-9, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Point Mugu CYP. Children will travel to different beaches each day. $110. Sports Camp: Aug. 12-16, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Bee-Hive Gym. Try flag football, tennis, basketball, golf and capture the flag. $85.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

What you can do to help stop spread of West Nile Virus

By HM1 James Thime

The Preventive Medicine Division at Naval Branch Health Clinic Port Hueneme and the Naval Base Ventura County Public Works Department are working together to prevent West Nile Virus (WNV) from reaching the base. So far this year in California, there has been one reported human cases of WNV. Updates can be found at What is WNV? Experts believe WNV is established as a seasonal epidemic in North America that flares up in the summer and continues into the fall. It is a potentially serious illness. What can I do to prevent WNV? The easiest and best way to avoid WNV is to prevent mosquito bites. When you are outdoors, use insect repellent containing an EPA-registered active ingredient. Make sure you have good screens on your windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out. Get rid of mosquito breeding sites by emptying standing water from flowerpots, buckets and barrels. Change the water in pet dishes and replace the water in birdbaths weekly. Keep childrens wading pools empty and on their sides

when they arent being used. What are the symptoms of WNV? Approximately 80 percent of people about 4 out of 5 who are infected with WNV will not show any symptoms at all. Some people may have mild symptoms that include fever, headache, body aches, nausea, vomiting and sometimes swollen lymph glands or a skin rash on the chest, stomach and back. Severe symptoms can include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, vision loss, numbness and paralysis. These symptoms may last several weeks, and neurological effects may be permanent. How does WNV spread? Most often, WNV is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds. Infected mosquitoes can then spread WNV to humans and other animals when they bite. In a very small number of cases, WNV also has been spread through blood transfusions, organ transplants, breastfeeding and even during pregnancy from mother to baby. It is not spread by touching. How soon do infected people get sick?

People typically develop symptoms between 3 and 14 days after they are bitten by the infected mosquito. How is WNV infection treated? There is no specific treatment for WNV infection. In cases with milder symptoms, the fever and aches pass on their own, although even healthy people have become sick for several weeks. In more severe cases, people usually need to go to the hospital where they can receive supportive treatment, including intravenous fluids, help with breathing and nursing care. What should I do if I think I have WNV? Milder WNV illness improves on its own, and people do not necessarily need to seek medical attention for this infection, though they may choose to do so. If you develop symptoms of severe WNV illness, such as unusually severe headaches or confusion, seek medical attention immediately. Severe WNV illness usually requires hospitalization. What is the risk of getting sick from WNV? People over the age of 50 are more likely to develop serious symptoms of WNV and should take special care to avoid mosquito bites. Risk through medical procedures is

very low. All donated blood is checked for WNV before being used. The risk of getting WNV through blood transfusions and organ transplants is very small and should not prevent people who need surgery from having it. If you have concerns, talk to your doctor. Pregnancy and nursing do not increase the risk of becoming infected with WNV. The risk that WNV may present to a fetus or an infant infected through breast milk is still being evaluated. Talk with your care provider if you have concerns. What else should I know? If you find a dead bird, dont handle the body with your bare hands. Contact your local health department for instructions on reporting and disposing of the body. They may tell you to dispose of the bird after they log your report. A report is not necessary if the animal has been dead for more than 24 hours, has been hit by a car, shot or killed by animals, is covered with ants or flies, has a foul odor or its body is not intact. To report a dead bird aboard Naval Base Ventura County,call the Preventive Medicine Division at 805982-6358 or 805-982-6316. To report one off base, call your local county Public Health Office.

The Lighthouse

Thursday, June 27, 2013



NMCB 4, UCT 1 build concrete boat ramp in Tanzania

By SWC (SCW) Jason Lum
NMCB 4 Detail Tanzania

KIGAMBONI, Tanzania Ongoing construction of a concrete boat ramp reached a milestone earlier this month when Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 4 and Underwater Construction Team (UCT) 1, Construction Detachment Bravo, placed 14 concrete pads, each weighing approximately 6,000 pounds, with a 60-ton crane. The 26 specially trained Seabees have been working on the 52-by-223-foot boat ramp since early March. The project is intended to improve the Tanzanian Peoples Defense Force (TPDF) base and provide a facility that will allow for increased use and maintenance of patrol boats. On June 9, the Seabee Divers, along with shore support from NMCB 4 personnel, successfully set the concrete pads in water that had an average depth of 6 feet. Each pad measured 8 feet by 8 feet by 8 inches. The placement involved simultaneous crane and underwater construction operations. On shore, the team placed 15 cubic meters of steel reinforced concrete into a 50foot-long prefabricated end block. To beat the heat, 12 Seabees and several TPDF technicians worked all morning to install the monolithic end block at the dry end of the ramp. Another end block will act to stabilize and anchor the ramp. Im very proud of what these men and women are doing here, said Lt. j.g. Prince Photo by lt. j.g. PrInCe abUbakarI / nMCb 4 Abubakari, officer in charge of the detail. EOC (SCW/DV) Jarrell Patton of Underwater Construction Team 1 and SWC (SCW) Jason Lum of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 4 They come to work every day with smiles supervise placement of 14 concrete pads underwater. on their faces, knowing well that they will be working long hours each day throughout the duration of the project. I could not have chosen a better group to serve with on this mission.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Lighthouse

Using a 60-ton crane, Seabees begin the Photo by It2 (SCW) Corey SPangler / UCt 1 Photo by lt. j.g. PrInCe abUbakarI / nMCb 4 first lift and placement of concrete pads into Seabees work with Tanzanian Peoples Defense Force personnel to SW2 (SCW) Franklyn Tamarez of Underwater Construction Team 1 the water. start placing 15 cubic meters of concrete for the end block. prepares to return to the bottom to align the concrete pads.

Photo by lt. j.g. PrInCe abUbakarI / nMCb 4

Readiness, equipment tested in Okinawas Camp Shields

Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 5 conducted block training evolutions last month to increase the combat proficiency of the Seabees assigned to the command and to test the equipment used during field operations. Training took place at Camp Marvin Shields in Okinawa, Japan. The battalion is currently supporting Navy and joint forces throughout the U.S. Pacific Command.

The Lighthouse
ET1 Elliott Burton, center, teaches other Seabees how to set up and use a personal radio configuration and a satellite communication antenna. BU3 Ethan Knapp demonstrates the way to scrub a vehicle during decontamination in the event of a chemical, biological or radiological attack.
Photos by MC1 John P. Curtis / nMCb 5

Seabees assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 5 assemble a shower tent on BUCN Kelvin Chen instructs Seabees on where to place a part of the lightweight water Camp Marvin Shields in Okinawa, Japan. purification system theyre learning to assemble and operate. 21

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Help when you need it.

Money. It can be one of the most stressful components to a relationship, but it can also provide great opportunities if properly managed. The proper balance is crucial between earning, spending, becoming debt-free and adequately saving and investing to build wealth. There lies your challenge. Managing money is one of the most important skills you can teach your child. It is a skill that is only learned over time and by developing good habits. The earlier children learn about the value of money, how to evaluate (and separate) their needs from their wants and how to plan ahead, the better off they will be in the future. Your child pays attention to your habits and attitudes about money. If you have displayed poor financial decisions over the years, there is a high probability that your children will follow suit. Instead, let them see you develop and follow a spending plan. Let them watch you be a savvy shopToll-free appointment scheduling service: 1-866-923-6478, call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Personal, marital, family counseling; financial management; spouse employment; transition assistance; relocation assistance; life skills workshops are available at the Fleet and Family Support Center. NBVC Point Mugu, Bldg. 225 next to the chapel, 989-8146; NBVC Port Hueneme, Bldg. 1169 behind NEX, 982-5037. All classes at Port Hueneme unless otherwise noted. Call 982-5037 for more information. Child care option available with prior registration.

Managing money an important skill to teach youngsters

Managing money
with Kirstin
them the true value of a dollar and what opportunity costs are all about. Teach them how to begin saving money for something they want while planning for the future. As soon as I could count coins, I was given four glass jars to distribute my money from allowance, birthday gifts and, later, babysitting and housecleaning earnings. I deposited 10 percent for charity, 25 percent for long-term savings that would periodically be deposited into a bank account, 40 percent for short-term savings for a new game or bike I wanted and needed to save up for, and 25 percent for spend now money. Adding to the saving jars was always fun. Watching the amounts grow little by little also helped me to plan ahead, set goals and figure out how long it would be until I could make that special purchase. If an allowance isnt the best avenue for your family, there are other fun ways to teach your children about money. The

Support Center
The Fleet & Family



per while saving your money for big-ticket items instead of using credit cards. Teach them patience with your purchases and lead them away from impulse buying. Another way to improve financial awareness is to provide an opportunity for children to earn an allowance. They will begin to see the correlation between working hard and earning money. It can help teach conduct a mock interview and more. Tues., July 9, 9 to 11 a.m. Goal Setting: Learn how to identify, prioritize and achieve long- and short-term goals through planning and organizational strategies. Wed., July 10, 1 to 2 p.m. Advancement Preparation: Do you need help preparing for the enlisted advancement exam? We teach you test-taking tips and study skills to improve your chances of success. Wed., July 17, 9 to 11 a.m.

The Lighthouse

Internet has hundreds of websites and ideas for games, activities and other ways to incorporate financial literacy and wise decision-making into your home. As adults, we realize how important it is to have financial goals and to make a realistic plan to reach those goals. The sooner we develop and instill sound fiscal habits into our children, the more likely theyll understand the benefits of proper financial planning. With the neverending strains on todays budgets on both personal and societal levels financial literacy is imperative. If you would like more specific ideas on how to manage your finances or on how to educate your children about money, contact one of the financial educators at the Fleet & Family Support Center at 805982-5037.
Kirstin Davy is a financial educator at the Fleet & Family Support Center, Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme.

IA Readiness and Deployment

IA Family Connection: Whether this is your first or 21st experience with deployments or IAs, join others and meet with spouses of deployed service members. Share your knowledge of how to thrive during this experience. Thurs., July 11, noon to 1 p.m.

with special needs. Tues., July 9, 10 a.m. to noon. EFMP Special Needs Network: Get together with other EFMP members to share information and support. Wed., July 10, 10 a.m. to noon.

Relocation Assistance

General Parenting (seven-part series): Parenting class for elementary-aged children designed to give parents actual parenting tools they can use to raise happy, responsible and respectful children. Each step builds on the previous step. Its effective and easy to learn. Mondays, July 8 through Aug. 19; 5 to 6:30 p.m. Domestic Violence, How Are the Kids? (four-part series): Increase your awareness and learn about the effects of domestic violence upon children. Call 805-982-5326 for information or to register. Wednesdays, July 10-31, 4 to 5:30 p.m.

Career Support and Retention

(Register for TAP classes with your Command Career Counselor) Transition Assistance Program GPS: Mondays-Fridays, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily, July 8-12; July 15-19. Federal Employment & Resume: Learn about resumes, relevant websites and application process for federal jobs. Tues., July 9, 1 to 3 p.m. Interview Skills: Prepare for your job interview, learn about the interview process,


Smooth Move: Make you PCS move easy, simple and smooth. Learn about your entitlements from the experts. Thurs., July Miss Fix-It, Auto 411: Familiarize your- 18, 1 to 3 p.m. self with your vehicle and learn how to perform basic maintenance that will save you Free Food Distribution money! Sat., June 29, 10 a.m. to noon, Hue Saturdays, July 20, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., neme Hobby Shop. Anger Management (six-part series): Bldg. 19, near the Pleasant Valley Gate on Interactive class, recognizing cues of anger NBVC Port Hueneme behind Print Shop and practicing healthy anger expressions. on the loading dock. Bring a laundry basket One-on-one interview required before class to carry your items. Food items vary from starts. Wednesdays, July 10 through Aug. month to month. One issue per family. Bring LES; income guideline statement 14, 5 to 6:30 p.m. available at distribution site. Eligibility: AcExceptional Family Member tive duty E-6 and below or spouse; E-7 with two or more dependents; or a custodian of EFMP Point of Contact Training: Assist a child who is a family member of active each command in developing mission read- duty personnel on deployment. iness for Sailors who support a loved one

Life Skills

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Force master chief offers advice during Fleet CPO training

NOSC Ventura County

By YNC Ryan Arnoldussen

Force Master Chief (EXW) Jeffrey A. Covington of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command stopped by the Navy Operational Support Center, Ventura County, for Fleet Chief Petty Officer (CPO) training Saturday, June 8. Covington was visiting local Seabee commands at Naval Base Ventura County and was the guest speaker for Fleet CPO training and CPO 365, the Navywide CPO training for first class petty officers advancing to chief. Our jobs as chiefs are to continue to train the junior Sailors and young officers, said Chief Mass Communication Specialist Paul Del Signore, Volunteer Training Unit. We are to continue to have a positive attitude in everything we do as chiefs so that junior Sailors and junior officers pick up on our positive attitude up and down the chain and

Force Master Chief (EXW) Jeffrey A. Covington of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command, stands next to the projection screen as Capt. Ronald Oswald, commanding officer of Navy Operational Support Center, Ventura County, addresses Sailors.

Photo by PaUl Del Signore / naVfaC eXwC

ingest this trait into their own leadership. Covington was joined by Command Master Chief (AW/SW) Jim Knudsen and Command Master Chief (AW/SW) Jeff Steinley, both from Pacific Fleet CPO Waterfront Training Lead. Together they conducted Fleet CPO training for 62 chiefs from

NOSC Ventura County, both full-time Sailors and selected Reservists. It was great that he took the time to talk, to visit and to conduct Fleet CPO training, said Chief Personnel Specialist (SW) Miguel Alderete of NOSC Ventura County and coordinator of the event. Its a good process to

allow us to get together as chiefs to go over ethics, Sailorization and good order and discipline. There were a lot of good takeaways from this training today. The Fleet CPO training was attended by chief petty officers from 1st Naval Construction Regiment (NCR), Naval Cargo Handling B 3 & 14, Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit 303, Naval Construction Group 1, 30th NCR Augment, Commander, Naval Forces Korea (CNFK), Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 17 and 28, Operational Support Unit, Volunteer Training Unit and several other units. Led by Knudsen, the CPOs came together for a day of professional development focusing on team building, communication, mentoring and managing Navy foundational programs. The idea is to take the Mess away from work for one day and focus on their development, Knudsen said. This is an invest-

ment. The teams will value this seminar, and it is consistent with historical evidence showing that good commands always have strong CPO Messes. Command Master Chief (SW) Terry Delacruz of NOSC Ventura County said the good conversations that took place that day will have a continuing benefit. We believe this is something that all Mess members should attend every few years, he said. It was a good refresher as to what we need to be thinking, doing, acting and performing as senior leaders. Aviation Electronics Technician 1st Class (AW) Christina Tan of NOSC Ventura County said she enjoyed hearing from the master chiefs. It reinforces the idea that this new program really is important that Big Navy truly cares about our development as leaders and future chief petty officers, she said.

The Lighthouse

Ramirez visits base


training is critical, Ramirez stressed. Also critical to mission readiness is medical, dental and family readiness. A Sailor who has to be pulled back from deployment for a family emergency is one thing. A Sailor who didnt take the time to make sure his family was ready and set up to succeed is another. How can you take care of Sailors if you cant take care of your family? Ramirez asked. Ramirez brought PACFLTs Master Chief Career Counselor Brent Emricson with him on the tour. Emricson answered questions about the future of the Navys career management tools,

including Career Navigator, and changes to quota standards. Career Navigator affects our Sailors, Emricson said, so its important that you as leaders understand it. Ramirez also addressed the topic of sexual assault prevention and response, a topic that has the highest priority at all levels of the Navy, he said. MCPON [Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy] has a great saying: Control what you own, Ramirez said. We can control what we do and be responsible leaders for our Sailors. He also addressed everyones responsibility to intervene, regardless of rank, to prevent situa-

Impact on NBVC still being studied


U.S. Pacific Fleet Master Chief Marco Ramirez talks with Seabees from Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 3 and thanks them for their service during a June 12 tour of Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme.

Photo by Ut3 Jennifer Stewart / nMCb 3

tions from escalating into possible sexual assaults. There are no innocent bystanders, Ramirez said. If you saw a safety

mishap about to happen, youd say something, he said, noting that in many cases, Sailors are afraid to intervene. But as chiefs and leaders, Ramirez

said, standing by is unacceptable. When you dont intervene, youre a weak leader, he said, and I dont need you.

of Italy, Greece and Cuba. CNIC officials said the actual total number of people directly impacted by this RIF action will be determined once other workforce shaping measures such as Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments, Voluntary Early Retirement Authority and placement into current vacancies have been completed. CNIC, along with other Navy commands, has experienced reduced budgets and must implement cost-saving measures across the entire force. This action is not taken lightly, but is part of a conscious, risk-based approach to future Shore capabilities that are aligned with the Navy Mission, said Vice. Adm. William French, CNIC. I am committed to ensuring that we do all we can to assist those people directly impacted by this action by providing them access to all tools available under Reduction in Force rules and assisting them with finding future employment.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Needham Theater reopens July 7 after renovation

coNTiNued from 1

The Needham Theater, with its distinctively tall windows, replaced a 25-year-old wooden structure that burned July 10, 1967.

Photos by AndreA howry / Lighthouse

Thursday, June 27, 2013

New wooden handrails that are up to code and new carpeting add a fresh look to the renovated Needham Theater.

July 7 opening features Pacific Rim

A sneak preview of Pacific Rim is part of the Sunday, July 7, unveiling of the remodeled Needham Theater at Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme. The movie will be shown at 5 p.m.; doors open at 3:30 p.m. Tickets will be available July 2 with priority given to active duty members of the military and a limit of four tickets per family. For more information, check Facebook and Twitter.


New carpeting graces the remodeled Needham Theater.

years nearly to the day after its predecessor burned to the ground. The July 10, 1967, fire razed the 25-year-old wooden structure, and the current Needham was built on the same site, opening in 1969. I have no idea what upgrades were done after that, Haley said, but this renovation was definitely needed. Besides the air conditioning, visitors will immediately notice the new lobby. Not only is the counter area new, but the walls have been refinished, the ceiling has inset lighting and three new digital flat screens will advertise menus and upcoming base activities. Later, movie trailers may be added, Haley said. The electrical system was upgraded, allowing for an Icee dispensing machine. That was a big complaint, that we didnt have Icees, Haley said. Well be adding pretzels and churros, and later on, well have more frozen foods. During previous special events, the Needham would try to serve special snacks like hot chocolate and apple cider. The result was always blown circuits. That wont happen anymore, Haley said. Another big change: People can control how much butter is on their own popcorn. Self-dispensing butter on popcorn is really popular right now, he said. Now that its ADA-compliant, the theater and its restrooms can be used comfortably by people who use wheelchairs. A local Wounded Warrior who uses a wheelchair was invited to test everything out, and he gave a thumbs-up, Haley said. Nearly all fixtures are new from water fountains to door handles. The staircase leading to the upstairs balcony is now polished wood, and all the carpeting on the stairs and inside the theater is new. The theater seats, curtains and sound boards were redone a few years ago. But the stage lighting was never updated, so it was all replaced with an LED system to make it brighter and more energy-efficient. Some of the remodeled areas wont be seen by most movie-goers. The wooden stage floor was sanded down and refinished. The dressing rooms behind the stage were redone with new fixtures. The sound system was rebraced to make it more secure. Of all the changes, Haley thinks the addition of air conditioning will make the biggest difference. Especially during the summers, he said, it would get really bad during some sneak previews. I think thats going to be the most appreciated change.

The Lighthouse

Loeschke faces fiscal challenges as incoming CSO

COntinued frOm 1

manding officer of the Naval Construction Training Center (NCTC) at NBVC Port Hueneme, will become NBVCs chief staff officer July 9, succeeding Capt. David Sasek, who is retiring. Loeschke said he shares the vision of the base commanding officer, Capt. Larry Vasquez, to be the best Navy base there is. However, Loeschkes first day on the job is one day after the civilian furlough takes effect, when more than 5,000 workers on base are being told to stay home one workday a week for 11 weeks. Meanwhile, the grass isnt getting mowed, the commissary is closing on Mondays and the Bee-Fit Wellness Center is shut down three days a week. Challenges? Our ability to deal with them is why were in this business, Loeschke said. In this age of diminishing resources, prioritization is going to be key, he said. In addition to the Navys top priorities the mission, the Sailor and the family

Loeschke wants the see the base continue to move forward in the areas of environmental stewardship and community relationships. If we arent good stewards of the environment, it will impact operations, he explained. Not only is it the right thing to do, but its important to the execution of the mission. Its a critical aspect in our continuing operations. He feels the same way about community engagement. We need to keep the strong ties that we have created, and we need to build on those relationships, he said. We cant continue operating here without community support. Its going to mean more creativity and careful thought, he said. We cant put on the air shows and Seabee Days and those big events that drew in thousands of people,he said. Were going to have to make do with what we can. Continuing to cultivate relationships with community leaders and business leaders is one step in that direction, he said, along with base tours and outreach efforts.

Sasek ceremony June 28

A retirement ceremony for Capt. David Sasek, who has been in the Navy for 26 years, serving the last three as the chief staff officer at Naval Base Ventura County, will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, June 28, at the Seabee Museum.

Thats an area he knows a lot about, coming from one of the top base tour destinations, the NCTC. Its classrooms and labs full of diesel engines and welding torches host many visitors each year, from foreign dignitaries to local high school students. Will he miss NCTC? Absolutely, he said. Its a phenomenal command. The staff is outstanding. Theyre dedicated people who are excited to come to work every day. Plus, he likes the work the command does. It does a great job with its mission of training Seabees the ones who are com-

ing in and those who are coming back for more training, he said. The new commanding officer for NCTC will be Cmdr. Dan Cook, who is currently the assistant regional engineer for Joint Region Marianas. Loeschke, a native of Rapid City, S.D., was commissioned in April 1993 upon graduation from Officer Candidate School. He has a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and a masters degree in the same subject from the University of Colorado. He is a registered professional engineer in the state of California, is designated a Seabee combat warfare officer and an acquisition professional, and is a member of the Society of American Military Engineers. His personal decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal (two awards), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (three awards), and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (three awards). Loeschke and his wife, Monique, live on board NBVC Port Hueneme.

The Lighthouse

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Thursday, June 27, 2013



All base movies are FREE. Authorized patrons include active duty and dependents, reservists, retirees, and DoD civilians. Listings are subject to change without notice. For up-to-date movie listings, please call the MWR Movie Line at (805) 982-5002.

June 27 - July 7, 2013

GRAND OPENING Sunday, July 7

Sneak Preview 5pm: 3DFLF 5LP '

Thursday, June 27
7pm: Oz the Great and Powerful PG13

The Lighthouse

Friday, June 28
7pm: Snitch 9pm: 21 and Over PG13 R PG PG13 R PG13 PG13 PG13 PG PG13 R PG PG13

Saturday, June 29
2pm: The Croods 4pm: Dark Skies 7pm: The Call

Sunday, June 30
2pm: The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 4pm: Jack the Giant Slayer

Friday, July 5
7pm: The Host

Saturday, July 6
Advance Tickets
A limited number of advance tickets for active duty & their dependents will be available on Tuesday, July 2. Tickets will be DYDLODEOH DW WKH 1HHGKDP 6WDWLRQ WKHDWHU ER[ RIFHV DW DP Open to all hands - seating is limited

Thursday, June 27, 2013

2pm: G.I. Joe: Retaliation 4pm: Oblivion 7pm: The Big Wedding

Sunday, July 7
2pm: The Croods 4pm: Scary Movie 5


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

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DESKTOP SUPPORT (IT) Local Ag co seeking F/T entry level position must be proficient w/computers. Req: min. Of 1-2 yrs exp competitive salary, 401-k, medical, dental, vision. Send resume to P.O. Box 1352, Oxnard, CA 93032 or Fax to (805)487-0109 or apply @ 1135 Mountain View Ave (805) 487-2299 VCS331232 Experienced, General Construction Crew Person wanted. Clean DMV printout req. Email Fax: 805-642-0642 or Phone: 805-642-2177 VCS331664 Class A & B Driver must have 2+ yrs exp. 25age+ P/T Local & Turn Drivers for day & night shifts 30 hr max. F/T Class B Local Driver apply in person at Jessup Transportation. Must provide a current DMV printout. Must apply in person only. 3999 Transport St. Ventura See DEBI. VCS331264 To join a committed & organized dental team serving our patients well. Must have 6 hands & 4 legs to juggle dental material & equipment. People skills are as important as dental asst skills & X-ray lic req. We love our jobs & our patients. Call 805- 653-1599 or fax resume 805-653-6234 VCS331565 Education/Social Services (Preschool) Head Start & State Preschool Programs SITE SUPERVISOR $2,919 - $4,660 month TEACHER & SUB $12.58 - $20.57 ASSISTANT TEACHER $10.88 - $15.94 FAMILY SERVICES SPECIALIST $13.35 - $19.90 HOME BASED TEACHER $13.35 - $19.90 FAMILY DEVELOPMENT EDUCATOR (Early Head Start Program) $14.89 - $22.62 COOK $10.88 - $15.84 Ojai Valley State Preschl/Schl Age SITE SUPERVISOR $2754 - $3996. ASSOCIATE TEACHER $10.88 - $15.94 TEACHER AIDE $9.86-$12.33 Xlnt Benefits. CDR, 221 E. Ventura Blvd. Oxnard, 93036. 485-7878. Apply by 7/5/13. AA/EEOE VCS331755

540 Help Wanted

Engineers/Marketing: Skyworks Solutions, Inc., Newbury Park, CA seeks: Mechanical Engineer 2 (Job code: LAT0413CV): Develop/ validate new hardware used in test systems/ test cells for production testing of semiconductor parts. Test Engineer 2 (Job code: LAT1112JS): Develop solutions utilized in internal RF testers. Product Marketing Specialist (Job code: LAT0412NN): Generate Marketing Reqs Document & Product Reqs Document for new product opportunities w/n assigned product line. Resumes: Leslie Catton, Skyworks, 5221 California Ave., Irvine, CA 92617. Must ref Job code. VCS331475 PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR KING OF GLORY LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWBURY PARK seeks a director to lead preschool ministry, guide staff, work w/ parents, & support students. Must meet state & Social Services req. Exp prefd. Email resume to VCS331615

540 Help Wanted

Subway Sandwich F/T or P/T. Apply in person at 2121 E. Harbor Blvd.,Ventura.

805-647-1777 VCS331855


Running or Not Running
Licd Dismantler


DOG English Bulldogs Males & Females, AKCLots of colors and markings. 4 males, 4 females $1,800.00 (661)809-5049 VCS331125

540 Help Wanted

DOG German Shepherd AKC

Males & Females, DDR Lines, Health Guarantee More info @ $1,000.00



Pets & Supplies 300-315

(661)361-8675 VCS331515

Ventura Countys Favorite Body Shop has career opportunities Auto Body Technician Must be have 5+ yrs exp. Benefits & competitive pay. Fax resume to 805-988-4532 or Call 805-276-8427

Turning Point Foundation, a non-profit agency, has an opening for a Rehabilitation Program Manager. For more information visit: www.turningpoint

Online garage sale map. Every Friday P.M.

The Lighthouse

275 Miscellaneous For Sale

CATS CRADLE Thrift Shop Open Wed. thru Sun 11a-6p Clothes, jewelry, books/etc. 4160 Market #11, Vta. 805-642-4228 VCS331861

(805) 933-5557 VCS330723

Rare colors, excellent upbringing, vet exam & health guar., pics & refs to e-mail. Appts weclome. Great prices of $800-$1,000. To great home.

English Bulldog Puppies

a directory of regional new housing communities. Visit



305 Birds/Fish Supplies/Services

FISH FOR SALE: Orange Koi, $10/each. Various Sizes. 805-304-8947 VCS331749


FREE CAT To A Good Home. 805-485-6363

German Shepherd, two terrific pets, spayed females. Also German Short Hair Pointer, neutered male. Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center. 805-798-4878 VCS331384 If you like German Shepherds, than Maggie is your girl! Spayed female, loyal, attentive. S.P.A.R.C. 805-798-4878 VCS331924 ITs SUMMER TIME! Lots of little dogs at S.P.A.R.C., corner of 7th and Santa Barbara St. in Santa Paula. Come on down and take your pick! 805-798-4878 VCS331925 * * * MASTIFF * * * Brindle, neutered male, friendly, loyal. 805-798-4878 VCS331634 PUG Rare AKC blacks, Ready Now! These gorgeous sweet, tiny pug babies are simply exquisite in animated, brilliantine black! Shots, 2yr. GarNtee, 20yrs exp + 45 champs in pedigree! Trained & Social. Delivery incl. $1,475. Call 805-320-4834 for the pug of your dreams! VCS331662 Shih Tzu male 18mo, neute red,female, Shih Tzi-Poo 11mo, adorable & loving. hope they can go together, $100 ea 805-483-6430VCS331704 VCS331704 With Retail Experience. Cats Cradle Rescue Thrift Shop. Wed thru Sun 11a-5p 805-642-4228 VCS331167

w/ exp is needed at THE NEW FRENCH BAKERY Ventura a division of STARBUCKS Coffee, at 4231 Transport Street, Ventura.Good pay, Good Benefits. VCS331757

1n n@en [n[@ n@[@nb @ ne@n n @ n 8n@

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CEMETARY PLOTS AT PIERCE BROTHERS VALLEY OAKS CEMETARY located in the Garden of Gethsemane plot 400 sites A&B $8300 each (661)242-5336 VCS331320
WE PICK UP & RECYCLE all Major Appliances. Help Save our Planet. Call 805-671-9569 VCS331642

Call Us 1st For The 805.754.9839

Well Buy Your ....CAR.... Running or Not Cant find your: Pink Slip Registration



310 Cats/Dogs Supplies/Services

A Private

Foundation Has Rescued Dogs For Adoption

Coat Golden mix, 75lbs.

Asphalt paving Co. seeks exp Skip Loader Operators, Asphalt Roller Operators & Lute men. The company performs work in VTA, LA, Orange & Santa Barbara Counties, including Palmdale/Lancaster Call 805-277-1928 VCS331183 Computers - Principal App Dvlpr (Camarillo, CA) Dsgn, dvlp sftwr compnnts using .NET Framework 4.0, C#, ASP.NET, MVC3, DOJO, WCF, LINQ, Visual Studio 2010, Winds 2008 Srvr, Prfrm data anlys, in SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle 11g d-base Tchnlgis. Reqd MS in Comp Sci or Engg (any) w/1 yr exp as above or as a sftwr dvlpr/ engg, prog anlyt, proj leadr or bach degr w/ 5 yr exp. Resume to Automatic Data Processing, Inc c/o Creative Effects, Inc 403B Central Ave, Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Job Ref 158 VCS331184

JB 1.5 yr old male Flat Inky 9 mo. old female Nellie

Exercise equipment?

,[@  1n .nQn [en n | ne[@ [@n n @n @b nnn n [@n @e n@n n|ne Q , I !, @e [n n ne[@ n[ @e ,@ @@n |@[@n n enn | [@n n [@[n@ne @n @ .! ! /n @[
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Brussels Griffon mix,14lbs.

3 yr old female Red Aussie mix 56lbs.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Visit our website for pics

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800-221-STAR (7827)

Find a home.

1 Female, 2 Males, 2 months old. $150/each. Friendly & good w/kids. 805-290-8999 VCS331910



Positively foryou.

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WANTED ALL TYPES OF FISHING EQUIP. antique through modern, saltwater, fresh water, fly fishing, cash paid. 661-513-4637 VCS331781


or call (310)457-5898


Local online classifieds.

Cats & Kittens $125.00! Sat & Sun 11-5 @ PetCo/Vta & PH, 4160 Market & Donlon 805-485-8811 VCS331860

Volunteers Needed

News of the WeirdEvery Friday in Time Out

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540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted

PHYSICAL THERAPIST P/T - $31.00 - $38.65 hr F/T - $5,373.80 - $6,69.55 mo P/T-F/T pos w/ Vta Co Ofc of Edu in SELPA Dept., 11 mo yrly, Req: Valid license as a PT w/ CA Dept of Consumer Affairs. 1yr exp PT therapy svs; exp / special needs children 3 - 22 yrs. desired. Appl/ job desc HR, 5189 Verdugo Way, Cam 805-383-1913, or apply EOE DEADLINE: Open Until Filled. VCS331743

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

Care Transitions Specialist To learn more about these New & Exciting positions, please visit:

RN II - ICU/CCU - FT & PD Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides nursing care to the critical care patients in the ICU/CCU. Effectively plans and communicates patient and family education. Participates in unit based educational activities. Accurately and timely documentation consistent with practice and hospital policy. *SIGN-ON BONUS ELIGIBLE AND REFERRAL BONUS * Qualifications: Associates degree (ADN) required, BSN preferred. One to two years ICU/CCU experience is required. Current CA RN License, ACLS, BLS certificates and completion of a critical care course is required. Basic computer skills required. One Full-Time 12 Hour Shift - 7am to 7pm Two Full-Time 12 Hour Shift - 7pm to 7am Three Per Diem - (1) 7am and (2) 7pm Please apply online at VCS331314

Occupational Therapist Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed nonprofit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides evaluation and treatment to a variety of in and outpatient diagnoses. Performs initial and on-going assessment according to department policy and scope of practice. Documents the treatment and relevant information according to organizational policy and regulatory status. Qualifications: Current licensed Occupational Therapist in the State of California is required. Minimum of One (1) year acute care experience is preferred. Professional experience and/or training in both inpatient and outpatient areas preferred, including pre-graduate clinical internships. Current CPR certification is required. VCS331302 Healthcare Occupational Therapist - Ojai Ojai Valley Community Hospital an affiliate of Community Memorial Hospital is a non-profit, community-based acute care facility dedicated to serving the 35,000 plus residents of the Ojai Valley. Our 103-bed facility, which includes a continuing care center, is fully accredited by Det Norske Veritas (DNV), and licensed by the California Department of Health Services. In addition we also operate a primary care clinic in the Ojai Valley -- The Oak View Family Practice Clinic and the Keeler Center for the study of Headache. We provide inpatient, outpatient, and skilled nursing services for mostly primary and secondary care needs. In addition we operate a 24-hour standby emergency room facility. Our staff is committed to providing exceptional care and comfort to each patient within our facility. Our highly trained staff of physicians, nurses, management, and volunteers work closely together to ensure the best in health care services. Ojai Valley Community Hospital offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive Retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Full-Time, Regular Part-Time and/or Per Diem Position Available Interprets the physicians prescriptions, evaluates the patients level of function to determine plans and assists in diagnosis. Recommends appropriate treatment activities to achieve therapeutic objectives, ensuring consistent approaches are carried out. Communicates with the treatment staff concerning specific and total treatment aims and written reports of patients evaluations and progress. Qualifications: Required: Must have current Occupational Therapist License Current CPR Certification VCS331316

Occupational Therapist Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed nonprofit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides evaluation and treatment to a variety of in and outpatient diagnoses. Performs initial and on-going assessment according to department policy and scope of practice. Documents the treatment and relevant information according to organizational policy and regulatory status. Qualifications: Current licensed Occupational Therapist in the State of California is required. Minimum of One (1) year acute care experience is preferred. Professional experience and/or training in both inpatient and outpatient areas preferred, including pre-graduate clinical internships. Current CPR certification is required. VCS331574 Healthcare Occupational Therapist - Ojai Ojai Valley Community Hospital an affiliate of Community Memorial Hospital is a non-profit, community-based acute care facility dedicated to serving the 35,000 plus residents of the Ojai Valley. Our 103-bed facility, which includes a continuing care center, is fully accredited by Det Norske Veritas (DNV), and licensed by the California Department of Health Services. In addition we also operate a primary care clinic in the Ojai Valley -- The Oak View Family Practice Clinic and the Keeler Center for the study of Headache. We provide inpatient, outpatient, and skilled nursing services for mostly primary and secondary care needs. In addition we operate a 24-hour standby emergency room facility. Our staff is committed to providing exceptional care and comfort to each patient within our facility. Our highly trained staff of physicians, nurses, management, and volunteers work closely together to ensure the best in health care services. Ojai Valley Community Hospital offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive Retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Full-Time, Regular Part-Time and/or Per Diem Position Available Interprets the physicians prescriptions, evaluates the patients level of function to determine plans and assists in diagnosis. Recommends appropriate treatment activities to achieve therapeutic objectives, ensuring consistent approaches are carried out. Communicates with the treatment staff concerning specific and total treatment aims and written reports of patients evaluations and progress. Qualifications: Required: Must have current Occupational Therapist License Current CPR Certification VCS331585

Search for available jobs.

RN II - ICU/CCU - FT & PD Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides nursing care to the critical care patients in the ICU/CCU. Effectively plans and communicates patient and family education. Participates in unit based educational activities. Accurately and timely documentation consistent with practice and hospital policy. *SIGN-ON BONUS ELIGIBLE AND REFERRAL BONUS * Qualifications: Associates degree (ADN) required, BSN preferred. One to two years ICU/CCU experience is required. Current CA RN License, ACLS, BLS certificates and completion of a critical care course is required. Basic computer skills required. One Full-Time 12 Hour Shift - 7am to 7pm Two Full-Time 12 Hour Shift - 7pm to 7am Three Per Diem - (1) 7am and (2) 7pm Please apply online at VCS331582

The Lighthouse

Positively puzzling.
Sharpen your brain power with crossword and sudoku games. Everyday in The Star.

Positively foryou.

Positively protects.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Investigative reporters in every community keep readers informed and notied of local news.

Positively foryou.


540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted

Web Designer sought by Haas Automation in Oxnard, CA. Bld bsic grphc dsgn intrfc. BS in Grphc Dsgn, Web Dsgn, rltd + 3 yrs exp dsgning/dvlping great looking & useable web aplns. Req solid understanding of grphcs dsgn aesthetics, w an emphasis on site navigation & grphcl user intrfcs. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver + Flash skils. Advncd knowledge of HTML, & of digital imaging & illustration with Adobe Photoshop CS4, Illustrator CS4. Advncd know of cur web-dsgn trends & techniques. Emplr will accpt exp ernd pror to or aftr obtaining the BS deg. Req perm US wrk auth. Apply @ #1712 VCS330667

540 Help Wanted

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MANAGER Fax resume salary requirements to

540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted

OFFICE WORKER needed to answer phones, filing, invoicing. QuickBook knowledge a plus. 3 years experience. Fax resume to: 805-604-0312 VCS331666 Lighthouse for Women & Children (Christian nonprofit) seeking: Case Manager (FT) case mgmt duties, B.S./ B.A. in Social Work or related field preferred. 1-2 yrs or more in urban and/or homeless related ministries/positions. Bi-lingual preferred. Email Csorenson@ Fax (805) 385-4126 VCS331487

RCP III - NICU Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides care to neonatal patients in the intensive care unit, nursery, labor and delivery, emergency room, surgery, and on transport. Documentation of patient assessments, patient care given, physicians orders, medical interventions, blood gas reports, plan of respiratory care, and interdisciplinary care plan. All modes of therapy given in a timely and efficient manner. Provides assessment of patient and communicates with physician and nursing regarding the patients respiratory status. Provides family and staff education. Attends department and mandatory hospital educational meetings. Maintains continuing education units to ensure license and credentials. Presents a professional appearance and performs activities in a professional manner. Performs other duties as assigned. Supervises and preceptors new NRCP III staff and nursing and paramedical students when they rotate through NICU. Participates in the NICU Respiratory departments performance improvement program. Completes P.I. in a timely manner. Reports incidents through the hospital notification system. Qualifications: Two (2) years post-graduate full-time NICU Respiratory care experience required. Competent/certification infant intubation is required. NBRC & RRT required. NPS Neonatal/Pediatric Specialist (DOE). Current NRP and BLS required. PALS recommended. Per Diem 12 Hour Shifts VCS331312

RCP III - NICU Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides care to neonatal patients in the intensive care unit, nursery, labor and delivery, emergency room, surgery, and on transport. Documentation of patient assessments, patient care given, physicians orders, medical interventions, blood gas reports, plan of respiratory care, and interdisciplinary care plan. All modes of therapy given in a timely and efficient manner. Provides assessment of patient and communicates with physician and nursing regarding the patients respiratory status. Provides family and staff education. Attends department and mandatory hospital educational meetings. Maintains continuing education units to ensure license and credentials. Presents a professional appearance and performs activities in a professional manner. Performs other duties as assigned. Supervises and preceptors new NRCP III staff and nursing and paramedical students when they rotate through NICU. Participates in the NICU Respiratory departments performance improvement program. Completes P.I. in a timely manner. Reports incidents through the hospital notification system. Qualifications: Two (2) years post-graduate full-time NICU Respiratory care experience required. Competent/certification infant intubation is required. NBRC & RRT required. NPS Neonatal/Pediatric Specialist (DOE). Current NRP and BLS required. PALS recommended. Per Diem 12 Hour Shifts VCS331580

951 Westlake Blvd #100 Westlake Village, CA 91361 VCS331630


Santa Paula mfg facility needs Warehouse Mgr w/ min 3 yr mgmt Exp, ERP inventory control & logistics. Email resume to hr1@calpipe

Waterway, an injection-molding manufacturer based in Oxnard, California, has an immediate position available for a well organized, motivated individual that is able to work in a demanding and fast paced environment. Assembly Manager - must be hands on, have extensive exp in assembling many different types of product, focus will be on assembly efficiency. Maintenance Mechanics must have exp. w/ repairing injection mold machines, troubleshooting background & knowledge w/ hydraulic/electrical schematics We offer competitive pay & benefits package. Interested candidates apply via fax at 805-981-0959; in person at Waterway 2200 E. Sturgis Rd., Oxnard, CA or visit our website at send resumes to Please no phone calls VCS331176

Time Out - Every Friday Local and out-of-town stage, exhibit, lm, music, restaurant reviews and listings.

Positively foryou.

Comics Everyday


The Lighthouse

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Positively punctual.
Local news. Every morning delivered to your doorstep. Call 1-800-221-STAR today!

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Positively foryou.




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California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $499 or more (labor and materials) be licensed. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check out your licensed contractor by calling the Contractors State License Board at:


Computer Services
On-Site Computer Repair Service for home and businesses. Apple and PC. Repairs, Service, Virus and Spyware removal, New PC Setups, iPhones etc. 15 yrs exp. Local, call for appt: 805-443-0900 VCS331866


JJS GARDENING Landscaping General Cleanups Haul Trash Sodding & Seeding Tree Planting and Pruning Stump Removal. Good Prices! * FREE Estimates * 805-760-2204 ; 805-986-0370 Lic#1119461 VCS330808

Handypersons PARAMOUNT

Paint Contractor
AAA Pacific Coast
Kitchen & Bath Remodels Paint & Drywall Specialist Interior/Exterior Painting Acoustic Removal/ Retexture




Auto Repair

Over 200 Styles French Swing Sliders, All Brands, Locks. Hardware, Moldings. Wholesale Prices. 25 Years Experience! (805) 527-5808 Lic #724376 VCS331459

Heating,Plumbing,Electrical Painting, Drywall, Stucco, Carpentry, Windows, Doors, Landscaping & Hauling. FREE Est & Sr. Discounts No Job Too Small! Richard 805-815-8745 Lic#086358 VCS331646


Drain Clean/Repair. Leak Repair. Fixture Install. Hydro-Jetting. Plumbing Remodels. Repipes. New Construction 24 hrs/7 days Lic #921281 VCS331713

Reasonable Rates FREE ESTIMATES

WE DO IT ALL !! Guaranteed Quality Work Lic# 579047 VCS331631

805-526-4125 818-612-0413

Dry Wall
Onsite PC Support for Home or Office Computer Repair, Service & Upgrades. Virus, Spyware & Adware Removal. Data Recovery. 13 years exp

Complete landscape.
Intensive Lawn Care



Call Matt 805-443-4608

Custom Painting Residential & Commercial Repaints Remodel/New Construction Stucco/Drywall Call for FREE Estimate Lic#465487/Insd

Clogged Drains?

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Specializing in: Acura Honda Nissan Toyota The Independent Shop of Choice..... 37 Taylor Ct., T.Oaks

805-465-6640 VCS331524

No Job Too Small All Your Drywall Needs! 40+ Years Experience Competitive Rates 805-701-3108 Lic #955634 VCS331149


Sprinkler/Lawn install. Stamped Concrete,Driveway Tree Removal & Pruning or Planting. Demo & Haul.

Mow & Edge Specials!


Any drain or sewer line unclogged only $50! 24 hr/ 7 Insurd/lic#B13894 VCS331428



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7 Days-FREE Estimates! Tree/HedgeTrim and Chain Saw Yard Rototilling Garage Cleanups Appliance Removal * Will Haul Big or Small * Lic. 94-06169 VCS331871


805-373-9895 VCS331864

Concrete Work
Escobar Concrete

Online garage sale map. Every Friday P.M.

Electrical Contractor Conejo Valley Electric

* FREE Estimates *

805-630-9252 Lic# 842019 VCS331706

Handypersons A WOMAN IN TRADE

Office 805-581-0268 Cell 805-795-1528 DONE RIGHT PAINTING


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Reasonable rates, No job too small. patios, block/retaining walls, brick, stucco, pavers tile, driveways stamp, foundations, sea walls. Robert 805-890-2198 Bobby 805-607-1387 Lic #819035 VCS331492 GABRIEL H. RUIZ Masonry & Concrete Stamp Concrete Driveways Block Walls Retaining Walls Brick & Stone Work BBQ Paving Stucco + Bobcat Tractor Svc Cell-805-231-5576 Lic#883357 VCS331457

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Family Owned

Call John 805-320-4931

Lic#757278 VCS331551

All Interior and Exterior Repairs! Doors, termite damage, wood siding, patio covers, wood decks, fences, garage shelving, painting. Small Jobs and Seniors Welcome.

Cool off whole house, Attic & Gable Fan Specialists. Supply a ceiling fan & we will install it for you. $149 We install ALL Wall Mount, Flat Screen TVs, Speakers & Network Systems. Will Beat Anyones Price!


Complete Kitchen Bath Remodeling Custom Cabinets & Refacing Wood Work/Molding Tile, Paint, Drywall Plumbing, Electric, Lighting Reasonable/Clean

Home Repairs

Quality Since 1989 Contractor..... does his own work. Lots of Referrals! All work guaranteed Residential Full Preparation * FREE ESTIMATES * Lic/Ins #575354

Clocks Valves Leaks

Repair & Install

Sprinkler Man





New Roof, Re-Roof, Flat Roof, Woodwork Owner on every job! Free Estimates! All Work Guaranteed!

The Lighthouse


Lic#285372 VCS331109

Lynn 805-487-7709 CHUCK STOUT HANDYMAN Lic#922260 VCS330902

805-497-7711 818-259-4055


Moldings Doors Cabinets Hardware


All Trades: Plumbing, Tile, Electric, Drywall, Painting, Windows, Framing & Carpentry. 30 + years in Conejo Valley FREE Estimates Lic# 771801

Call 800-221-STAR(7827)



BondedInsuredLicensed Lic#948934 VCS330955


RECESSION RATES For all your home improvement & more.
Fast, Free Estimates

DeRevere Gates, Fences & More...

Carpet Cleaning
DOMINGUEZ CARPET CLEANING Steam Carpet & Window Cleaning Move-In & Out Cleaning Restretching & Installing Carpet Janitorial - Lic# 089321 Ask for Joaquin 805-448-3660 VCS331409

EXPERIENCED AUSTRALIAN HANDYMAN Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, Construction & Remodeling. Automotive & odd jobs.

LANDSCAPING TREE REMOVAL GREAT PRICES! Any Demolition Garage/Yard Clean Ups Concrete Work Wood Fences Jacuzzi Removal New Lawn Sprinklers
VCS316043 VCS331537

Titos Hauling & Fences

GRAND ILLUSIONS PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior ExteriorCustom DrywallStuccoWood RepairProfessional Quality Work All Work Guaranteed Neat, Clean & Reliable. Senior Discounts for Free Est. call Tim 805-910-5833 lic# 957454 VCS330721

Premier Tile & Stone
Family owned. 20 yrs exp. in new homes & remodels Need help with your design or have a related question, Pick my brain for free! Lic#N-12-5910 Insured

DBA Gils Roofing Co.

Comml & Residential Interior & Exterior Free Estimates! Quality @ Reasonable Rates Insured/Lic635809 VCS330882


Lic #885763 Insured/Workers Comp. Accepting Visa/MC/Discover VCS330726




Online garage sale map. Every Friday P.M.

Cell (805)890-3239



Fast & Dependable Service for all Types of Fences, Gates and Operators. New & Repairs 10% off with this ad Lic # 467583 VCS330836 All types of wood fencing, gates and repairs. Free Estimates! Lic. & Bonded Lic. 864603 VCS330951


Find a home.

Interior & Exterior Quality Custom Painting
Clean & Neat Painting All Work Guaranteed 20 years Experience Quality prep work. Best products used. Stucco, Drywall, Repairs Lic. # 835589 ins. & bonded VCS331039

All Work Guaranteed
St lic/bond 905329 VCS331465 Stucco, Fencing, Drywall, Doors, Paint Texture, Plumbing, Tile, Roof Repair, Carpentry, Windows, Concrete. Free Estimates.Insured Lic #734346 VCS331460


Fast & Dependable Quality Work

Tree Services
TrimmingRemoval Stumps Firewood Free Estimates, Payment Options Avail. 20 Yrs Exp. 24 Hr Emergency Svc licd & insured VCS330481


805-382-0464 818-312-2308

805-630-7143 818-935-2803


House Cleaning
HOUSECLEANING over 20 years exp. Excellent, fast efficient & thorough work at modest prices, and... I DO WINDOWS and gutters. I also love to help the elderly as needed. Have xlnt references. 805-201-8585 VCS331629

Carpet Repair
Stretching Patches Carpet to Tile

Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Room AdditionsCement WorkAcoustic Removal StuccoPaintTileStone call Tony 805-377-8513 or 805-604-4801 Lic #703539 VCS330705

TP Construction



Ken 805-944-8047




Plumbing Electrical Roofing Concrete Flooring Painting Kitchen & Bath (Lic #642719)

H & S Home Repair

Specializing in all types of roofing and roof repairs. Tile, shingles, flat roofs. Modified roofs. Dryrott repair & painting. All work guaranteed no job too small. Owner works on all jobs Senior Discount 10% Free estimates All work guaranteed 24 hour services 33 years experience




VCS331243 Expert Trimming Stump Grinding Yuccas & Shrubs Free Estimates

Thursday, June 27, 2013

(818) 231-6028

Ask us about a roof tune-up.



Carpet Rescue

(Lic #787080)



Search for available jobs.

Door Installations & Repairs, New Windows, Moldings, Stairs Cabinets, Handyman Serv. 34 yrs exp. Camarillo VCS331322

Mow Edge Bushes Trimmed Yard Clean-ups No job too big or small. Reasonable. Free Estimates 1 Time or Monthly (805)336-3947 VCS331333



Maid In America Housecleaning Services

Tonys Plastering Construction

loan calculator to project monthly payments. Visit

lights plumbing doors carpentry locks cabinets painting Tim Voorhees 527-5808 LIC #724376 VCS331458

Lic/Bonded/Insured (#08033) VCS331293


Paul Lopez Owner/Operator 23 Years Serving the Conejo Valley

Ask for Bill 805-428-7651 VCS331783


Lath & StuccoRecoats Foam ShapesStone InstallationDrywall Acoustic Removal 805-377-8513 or 805-604-4801 Lic #703539 VCS330707

Online garage sale map. Every Friday P.M.


540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted 540 Help Wanted

Healthcare RN IV WOUND CARE/ENTERSTOMAL Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: The Inpatient Wound Care nurse will provide clinical oversight for inpatient wound care and enterstomal services. Consultation, educational support and staff development activities will provide the bedside nurse with the knowledge, skill, and competence to manage wounds. The Wound care nurse will provide consultative and educational services to patients, physicians, and family members; assisting them in the management of individual wound care needs. The Wound Care nurse will serve as a resource to best practices for wound care including cost effective care in the management of dressings, supplies and specialty beds. Qualifications: BSN required, Masters degree preferred, Wound Care Certification preferred. Minimum of three (3) years of clinical experience in acute care nursing and/or education. Good interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. Professional appearance and conduct. Current unrestricted California RN license and BLS certification is required. VCS331571

Clinic RN Supervisor - Centers for Family Health Airport Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Health System is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides professional nursing care to Patients in support of medical care as directed by medical staff and pursuant to objectives and policies of the hospital. Organizes and Coordinates patient care planning with other hospital disciplines. Reports to the Coordinator and interfaces with Front Office and Back Office staff to assure patient flow in the Back Office of the clinic. Qualifications: Associates degree (ADN) required, BSN preferred. Minimum of one (1) year Nursing experience is required. Medical Office, Clinic or Urgent Care experience preferred. Ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. Knowledge of CPT, ICD9, DNV, State Funded Programs, HMO and Medi-Cal are preferred. Current CA RN License, ACLS and CPR certification required. Bilingual Spanish/English is preferred. Supervision of Medical Assistants VCS331573 Healthcare Clinic Nurse Practitioner - Fillmore/Santa Paula Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides quality patient care to patients utilizing the services of the Centers for Family Health. Performs physical examination, diagnosis and treatment, health education, teaching and counseling. Assessment and Management of Acute Illness and Management of Chronic Illness. Assures that adequate patient health records are maintained and transferred as required when patients are referred. Performs all duties in a manner consistent with established guidelines; measured outcomes meet requirements in timeliness, quality, accuracy and budget. Qualifications: Masters degree (M.A.) is required. Four to ten years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Experience in OBGyn Womens Health is required. Current California Nurse Practitioner License is required. Good communication skills and supervisory experience a must. Bilingual in English/Spanish is required. Location: Fillmore/Santa Paula Please apply online at VCS331586

Clinic RN Supervisor - Centers for Family Health Airport Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Health System is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides professional nursing care to Patients in support of medical care as directed by medical staff and pursuant to objectives and policies of the hospital. Organizes and Coordinates patient care planning with other hospital disciplines. Reports to the Coordinator and interfaces with Front Office and Back Office staff to assure patient flow in the Back Office of the clinic. Qualifications: Associates degree (ADN) required, BSN preferred. Minimum of one (1) year Nursing experience is required. Medical Office, Clinic or Urgent Care experience preferred. Ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. Knowledge of CPT, ICD9, DNV, State Funded Programs, HMO and Medi-Cal are preferred. Current CA RN License, ACLS and CPR certification required. Bilingual Spanish/English is preferred. Supervision of Medical Assistants VCS331300 Healthcare Clinic Nurse Practitioner - Fillmore/Santa Paula Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides quality patient care to patients utilizing the services of the Centers for Family Health. Performs physical examination, diagnosis and treatment, health education, teaching and counseling. Assessment and Management of Acute Illness and Management of Chronic Illness. Assures that adequate patient health records are maintained and transferred as required when patients are referred. Performs all duties in a manner consistent with established guidelines; measured outcomes meet requirements in timeliness, quality, accuracy and budget. Qualifications: Masters degree (M.A.) is required. Four to ten years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Experience in OBGyn Womens Health is required. Current California Nurse Practitioner License is required. Good communication skills and supervisory experience a must. Bilingual in English/Spanish is required. Location: Fillmore/Santa Paula Please apply online at VCS331317

540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

RN IV WOUND CARE/ENTERSTOMAL Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: The Inpatient Wound Care nurse will provide clinical oversight for inpatient wound care and enterstomal services. Consultation, educational support and staff development activities will provide the bedside nurse with the knowledge, skill, and competence to manage wounds. The Wound care nurse will provide consultative and educational services to patients, physicians, and family members; assisting them in the management of individual wound care needs. The Wound Care nurse will serve as a resource to best practices for wound care including cost effective care in the management of dressings, supplies and specialty beds. Qualifications: BSN required, Masters degree preferred, Wound Care Certification preferred. Minimum of three (3) years of clinical experience in acute care nursing and/or education. Good interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. Professional appearance and conduct. Current unrestricted California RN license and BLS certification is required. VCS331297

The Lighthouse

Positively picturesque.
Escapes Every Sunday Sit back and embark with our travel section.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Positively foryou.

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Ojai Valley Community Hospital an affiliate of Community Memorial Hospital is a non-profit, community-based acute care facility dedicated to serving the 35,000 plus residents of the Ojai Valley. Our 103-bed facility, which includes a continuing care center, is fully accredited by Det Norske Veritas (DNV), and licensed by the California Department of Health Services. In addition we also operate a primary care clinic in the Ojai Valley -- The Oak View Family Practice Clinic and the Keeler Center for the study of Headache. We provide inpatient, outpatient, and skilled nursing services for mostly primary and secondary care needs. In addition we operate a 24-hour standby emergency room facility. Our staff is committed to providing exceptional care and comfort to each patient within our facility. Our highly trained staff of physicians, nurses, management, and volunteers work closely together to ensure the best in health care services. Ojai Valley Community Hospital offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive Retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: (1) Full-Time Position Available Upholds, supports and implements the philosophy and objectives of the Occupational Therapy Department. Administers Occupational therapy procedures and modalities under the supervision of a licensed Occupational therapist. Records patients progress in charts and on progress notes. Participates in all departmental functions and activities as required including clerical and nonprofessional tasks relevant to the department operation. Participated in hospital in-service training as required.. Follows treatment plans and evaluations under the guidance of a licensed Occupational therapist. Ability to maintain healthy relations with health professionals, supportive workers and patients. Will report to staff Occupational therapists and Rehab Services Department Manager. Qualifications: Required: Graduate of Occupational Therapy Assistants school certified in the State of California. Current BLS Certification VCS331306

Director of Room Experience Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed nonprofit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: The Director of Room Experience plans, directs, supervises and coordinates the organization and administrative functions in all areas of the Rooms Division; sustain total compliance with standards of operation; ensuring that staffing is maintained at an appropriate level to match patient census; participating in all regular operation meetings and in the formulation of strategic business plans; establishing monthly reporting system to monitor quality; handling all patient, resident, visitor, and staff complaints expeditiously to complete resolution; closely monitoring the Rooms Division financial performance; provides solutions to improve problem areas and assists in implementing corrective measures. The Director of Room Experience must have a passion for excellence with a warm, friendly, and positive attitude that provides all patients and visitors with quality service while maximizing patient experience, staff productivity, and developing EVS and laundry staff. Supports the strategic mission, vision and values of the organization. Qualifications: ??Bachelors Degree in Management, Hospitality Management, Business Administration or a related field is required. Masters Degree is preferred. Minimum of five (5) years of management experience in environmental services within a healthcare setting or minimum five (5) years experience in a luxury hotel environment at a senior Rooms Division leadership level, preferably at a 100+ room property is required. Service oriented style with professional presentation skills.? High energy, entrepreneurial spirit, motivational leader, effective communicator, effective in providing exceptional customer service and ability to improve the bottom line.? Clear concise written and verbal communication skills.? Must be proficient in MS Word and Excel Bilingual preferred. Please apply online at VCS331315

Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Ojai Valley Community Hospital an affiliate of Community Memorial Hospital is a non-profit, community-based acute care facility dedicated to serving the 35,000 plus residents of the Ojai Valley. Our 103-bed facility, which includes a continuing care center, is fully accredited by Det Norske Veritas (DNV), and licensed by the California Department of Health Services. In addition we also operate a primary care clinic in the Ojai Valley -- The Oak View Family Practice Clinic and the Keeler Center for the study of Headache. We provide inpatient, outpatient, and skilled nursing services for mostly primary and secondary care needs. In addition we operate a 24-hour standby emergency room facility. Our staff is committed to providing exceptional care and comfort to each patient within our facility. Our highly trained staff of physicians, nurses, management, and volunteers work closely together to ensure the best in health care services. Ojai Valley Community Hospital offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive Retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: (1) Full-Time Position Available Upholds, supports and implements the philosophy and objectives of the Occupational Therapy Department. Administers Occupational therapy procedures and modalities under the supervision of a licensed Occupational therapist. Records patients progress in charts and on progress notes. Participates in all departmental functions and activities as required including clerical and nonprofessional tasks relevant to the department operation. Participated in hospital in-service training as required.. Follows treatment plans and evaluations under the guidance of a licensed Occupational therapist. Ability to maintain healthy relations with health professionals, supportive workers and patients. Will report to staff Occupational therapists and Rehab Services Department Manager. Qualifications: Required: Graduate of Occupational Therapy Assistants school certified in the State of California. Current BLS Certification VCS331576

Director of Room Experience Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed nonprofit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: The Director of Room Experience plans, directs, supervises and coordinates the organization and administrative functions in all areas of the Rooms Division; sustain total compliance with standards of operation; ensuring that staffing is maintained at an appropriate level to match patient census; participating in all regular operation meetings and in the formulation of strategic business plans; establishing monthly reporting system to monitor quality; handling all patient, resident, visitor, and staff complaints expeditiously to complete resolution; closely monitoring the Rooms Division financial performance; provides solutions to improve problem areas and assists in implementing corrective measures. The Director of Room Experience must have a passion for excellence with a warm, friendly, and positive attitude that provides all patients and visitors with quality service while maximizing patient experience, staff productivity, and developing EVS and laundry staff. Supports the strategic mission, vision and values of the organization. Qualifications: Bachelors Degree in Management, Hospitality Management, Business Administration or a related field is required. Masters Degree is preferred. Minimum of five (5) years of management experience in environmental services within a healthcare setting or minimum five (5) years experience in a luxury hotel environment at a senior Rooms Division leadership level, preferably at a 100+ room property is required. Service oriented style with professional presentation skills. High energy, entrepreneurial spirit, motivational leader, effective communicator, effective in providing exceptional customer service and ability to improve the bottom line. Clear concise written and verbal communication skills. Must be proficient in MS Word and Excel Bilingual preferred. Please apply online at VCS331583

The Lighthouse has the latest breaking news and the most local news guaranteed.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Positively foryou.


540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted 540 Help Wanted

Healthcare Program Manager - Cancer Support Program Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Responsible for oversight and management of the CMH Cancer Program and Cancer Resource Center. Assures that all national data standards which include the California Cancer Registry (CCR), the Surveillance and End Results (SEER) Program, and the American College of Surgeons (ACOS) are met and reported to be in compliance. Oversees the accreditation process for an approved cancer program by the ACoS Commission on Cancer (CoC). Responsible for Cancer Conference (Tumor Board) activities including: scheduling case presentations for weekly conferences; communicating conference information to Medical Staff, Radiology and Pathology; preparation and distribution of case summaries; and documentation of Cancer Conference minutes. Manages the CMH Cancer Resource Center whose services include patient navigation, social services, cancer registry, lymphedema therapy, support groups, cancer patient programs and complementary therapies. Qualifications: Minimum of five (5) years of management experience required. Requires full knowledge about the American College of Surgeon, California Cancer Reporting, and SEER Standards for Cancer Programs. Must be familiar with research design, data analysis; and the etiology, staging and treatments of cancer. Ability to manage human, financial, and physical resources of the Cancer Program and the Cancer Resource Center. Ability to work independently and effectively handle multiple priorities. Required to have working knowledge regarding software applications such as C/NeXT and advanced level of proficiency in the Microsoft office applications such as Word, Excel, Power Point, and Publisher. Ability to analyze, plan, organize and direct the work of others; to establish and maintain effective working relationships with individuals at all levels within and outside of CMH; to communicate effectively verbally and in writing. VCS331298

EMT II - Full Time Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed nonprofit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides safe, efficient, and therapeutic emergency patient care services by assisting Emergency Department physicians and Nurses in performing various duties with patient care. Has completed the training and competencies for EMT I, Unit Secretary and Specialty Technician. Reports to the Unit Supervisor and is responsible to the Emergency Department Manager. Qualifications: High school diploma or general education degree (GED). Six (6) to Twelve (12) months Medical Technician experience required. EMT Certification from college or technical school is required. Current State of California Phlebotomy Certificate and BLS certification is required. Full-Time - 7pm to 7am VCS331575

RN II - PACU/ RECOVERY Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides pre and post-operative nursing care to patients having inpatient and outpatient surgical services in the Same Day Surgery and Main OR. Provides care within scope of license Accurate and timely documentation consistent with practice and hospital policy. Effectively plans and communicates patient and family education. Participates in unit-based educational activities. Qualifications: Associates degree (ADN) required, BSN preferred. Pre-op and PACU experience required. Critical care experience is highly preferred. Minimum of one (1) year recent med-surg acute care nursing required. Current CA RN License - Current BLS, ACLS and PALS certifications are required. Cross training and floating required. Must be able to respond to call within 30 minutes. On-Call 8 Hour Variable Shifts - Must be able to respond to call within 30 minutes. VCS331588 Healthcare

540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

Program Manager - Cancer Support Program Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Responsible for oversight and management of the CMH Cancer Program and Cancer Resource Center. Assures that all national data standards which include the California Cancer Registry (CCR), the Surveillance and End Results (SEER) Program, and the American College of Surgeons (ACOS) are met and reported to be in compliance. Oversees the accreditation process for an approved cancer program by the ACoS Commission on Cancer (CoC). Responsible for Cancer Conference (Tumor Board) activities including: scheduling case presentations for weekly conferences; communicating conference information to Medical Staff, Radiology and Pathology; preparation and distribution of case summaries; and documentation of Cancer Conference minutes. Manages the CMH Cancer Resource Center whose services include patient navigation, social services, cancer registry, lymphedema therapy, support groups, cancer patient programs and complementary therapies. Qualifications: Minimum of five (5) years of management experience required. Requires full knowledge about the American College of Surgeon, California Cancer Reporting, and SEER Standards for Cancer Programs. Must be familiar with research design, data analysis; and the etiology, staging and treatments of cancer. Ability to manage human, financial, and physical resources of the Cancer Program and the Cancer Resource Center. Ability to work independently and effectively handle multiple priorities. Required to have working knowledge regarding software applications such as C/NeXT and advanced level of proficiency in the Microsoft office applications such as Word, Excel, Power Point, and Publisher. Ability to analyze, plan, organize and direct the work of others; to establish and maintain effective working relationships with individuals at all levels within and outside of CMH; to communicate effectively verbally and in writing. VCS331572

The Lighthouse

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RN II - Ambulatory Services Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides nursing care to all patients that come through department. Implements the nursing process; assessment, planning, implementation of nursing plan of care and evaluation of patient response to care. With advanced certification/training can also assist doctors with GI Lab and Pain Management procedures. Provides direct leadership and guidance to all subordinate licensed and non-licensed staff in coordinating and delivery of healthcare and services to patients and families. Qualifications: Associates degree (ADN) required, BSN preferred. Current CA RN License and ACLS certificate required. Med/surg experience is required. GI Lab/moderate sedation experience is preferred. Must be able to respond to call within 30 minutes. On-Call 8 Hour Variable Shifts - Must be able to respond to call within 30 minutes. VCS331307

RN II - Ambulatory Services Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides nursing care to all patients that come through department. Implements the nursing process; assessment, planning, implementation of nursing plan of care and evaluation of patient response to care. With advanced certification/training can also assist doctors with GI Lab and Pain Management procedures. Provides direct leadership and guidance to all subordinate licensed and non-licensed staff in coordinating and delivery of healthcare and services to patients and families. Qualifications: Associates degree (ADN) required, BSN preferred. Current CA RN License and ACLS certificate required. Med/surg experience is required. GI Lab/moderate sedation experience is preferred. Must be able to respond to call within 30 minutes. On-Call 8 Hour Variable Shifts - Must be able to respond to call within 30 minutes. VCS331577

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Opinion - Everyday Editorial, Commentary, Your Letters, political cartoons


Positively foryou.

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

Healthcare EMT II - Full Time Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed nonprofit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides safe, efficient, and therapeutic emergency patient care services by assisting Emergency Department physicians and Nurses in performing various duties with patient care. Has completed the training and competencies for EMT I, Unit Secretary and Specialty Technician. Reports to the Unit Supervisor and is responsible to the Emergency Department Manager. Qualifications: High school diploma or general education degree (GED). Six (6) to Twelve (12) months Medical Technician experience required. EMT Certification from college or technical school is required. Current State of California Phlebotomy Certificate and BLS certification is required. Full-Time - 7pm to 7am VCS331304 Healthcare Registered Nurse - ICU Ojai Valley Community Hospital an affiliate of Community Memorial Hospital is a non-profit, community-based acute care facility dedicated to serving the 35,000 plus residents of the Ojai Valley. Our 103-bed facility, which includes a continuing care center, is fully accredited by Det Norske Veritas (DNV), and licensed by the California Department of Health Services. In addition we also operate a primary care clinic in the Ojai Valley -- The Oak View Family Practice Clinic and the Keeler Center for the study of Headache. We provide inpatient, outpatient, and skilled nursing services for mostly primary and secondary care needs. In addition we operate a 24-hour standby emergency room facility. Our staff is committed to providing exceptional care and comfort to each patient within our facility. Our highly trained staff of physicians, nurses, management, and volunteers work closely together to ensure the best in health care services. Ojai Valley Community Hospital offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive Retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provide direct and indirect patient care in the acute inpatient setting. Communicate with physicians and interdisciplinary patient care team members about changes in patients clinical condition. Participates in performance improvement and CQI activities. Required Qualifications: One (1) years recent ICU nursing experience Current CA RN License Current BLS Certification Current ACLS Certification Current PALS Certification Preferred Qualifications: CCRN Certification VCS331318

Healthcare Laboratory Assistant/Phlebotomist Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed nonprofit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Obtains all required specimens from inpatients and outpatients of all ages. Patient safety and identification protocols kept in high priority. Maintains a safe work environment in assigned area. Maintains supplies. Effectively deals with peers and hospital personnel. Processes patient specimens including registration, test request, phone calls of reports, specimen processing. Participates in performance improvement activities. Maintains strict patient confidentiality & recognizes age-specific criteria. Qualifications: High School diploma or GED is required. State of California Phlebotomy License and current CPR certification required. Minimum of six (6) months recent hospital experience as Lab Assistant/Phlebotomist is preferred. Clean DMV driving record is required. Regular Part-Time 5am to 9am VCS331282 Healthcare Registered Nurse - ICU Ojai Valley Community Hospital an affiliate of Community Memorial Hospital is a non-profit, community-based acute care facility dedicated to serving the 35,000 plus residents of the Ojai Valley. Our 103-bed facility, which includes a continuing care center, is fully accredited by Det Norske Veritas (DNV), and licensed by the California Department of Health Services. In addition we also operate a primary care clinic in the Ojai Valley -- The Oak View Family Practice Clinic and the Keeler Center for the study of Headache. We provide inpatient, outpatient, and skilled nursing services for mostly primary and secondary care needs. In addition we operate a 24-hour standby emergency room facility. Our staff is committed to providing exceptional care and comfort to each patient within our facility. Our highly trained staff of physicians, nurses, management, and volunteers work closely together to ensure the best in health care services. Ojai Valley Community Hospital offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive Retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provide direct and indirect patient care in the acute inpatient setting. Communicate with physicians and interdisciplinary patient care team members about changes in patients clinical condition. Participates in performance improvement and CQI activities. Required Qualifications: One (1) years recent ICU nursing experience Current CA RN License Current BLS Certification Current ACLS Certification Current PALS Certification Preferred Qualifications: CCRN Certification VCS331587

Clinical Nutrition Manager Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Directs the operations of patient food services which includes planning and supervision of patient food assembly and service, scheduling, hiring, and training of food service personnel. Directs the functions of clinical nutrition services (including nutrition assessments via computer charting, nutrition education, hospital weight management classes, performance improvement), and management of clinical team to ensure high quality nutritional care is provided to patients, under the supervision of the Director. Ensures patient satisfaction, quality care, regulatory agency compliance, and good public relations are achieved through the safe and efficient use of resources. Assists with management of the department in the absence of the director and/or other managers. Mentors new associates and learners. Qualifications: Registered Dietitian (Commission on Dietetic Registration). State Licensure is required. Minimum of three (3) years management/supervisor experience is require (health care setting is preferred). Ability to read, analyze, and interpret common scientific and technical journals, financial reports, and legal documents. Ability to respond to common inquiries or complaints from customers, regulatory agencies, or members of the business community. Ability to write speeches and articles for publication that conform to prescribed style and format. Ability to effectively present information to medical staff, healthcare professionals, top management, public groups. Must be able to occasionally lift and/or move up to 50 pounds. Ability to operate a standard computer, including basic use of MS applications such as Excel, Word and PowerPoint is required. VCS331578

Clinical Nutrition Manager Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Directs the operations of patient food services which includes planning and supervision of patient food assembly and service, scheduling, hiring, and training of food service personnel. Directs the functions of clinical nutrition services (including nutrition assessments via computer charting, nutrition education, hospital weight management classes, performance improvement), and management of clinical team to ensure high quality nutritional care is provided to patients, under the supervision of the Director. Ensures patient satisfaction, quality care, regulatory agency compliance, and good public relations are achieved through the safe and efficient use of resources. Assists with management of the department in the absence of the director and/or other managers. Mentors new associates and learners. Qualifications: Registered Dietitian (Commission on Dietetic Registration). State Licensure is required. Minimum of three (3) years management/supervisor experience is require (health care setting is preferred). Ability to read, analyze, and interpret common scientific and technical journals, financial reports, and legal documents. Ability to respond to common inquiries or complaints from customers, regulatory agencies, or members of the business community. Ability to write speeches and articles for publication that conform to prescribed style and format. Ability to effectively present information to medical staff, healthcare professionals, top management, public groups. Must be able to occasionally lift and/or move up to 50 pounds. Ability to operate a standard computer, including basic use of MS applications such as Excel, Word and PowerPoint is required. VCS331309

The Lighthouse

Positively pays. Save locally on apparel, automotive, entertainment food/grocery, health & tness, home, restaurants and more with just a click.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Positively foryou.


540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted


540 Help Wanted 540 Help Wanted

Healthcare SR Allscripts Systems Analyst Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed nonprofit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off & a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Senior member of the Information Systems team, providing experience, knowledge and leadership to the enterprise-wide implementation and ongoing maintenance of the Allscripts Enterprise EHR and Allscripts Enterprise Practice Management, and associated applications. Communicates directly with, and provides input to, Information Systems management. Effectively communicates with Physicians and Physician Office Staff. Provides leadership, analysis, design, trouble-shooting, testing, implementation and routine job support, as required. Provides operational support for applications including data integrity, maintenance, training and vendor interaction. Provides clear and concise training and documentation on operational processes. Meets with customers, internal and external, assuring documentation is clear and understood. Leads and/or provides application expertise for input to various committees and projects and other members of the CMHS team. Works with endusers on process improvement. When applicable, coordinates and directs activities of, and/or provides support for, consultants, contractors, and other Information System resources. Serves as the primary liaison with AllScripts support for problem resolution and request activities. Responsible for data extracts, data scrubbing and data conversions. Writes custom reports from Allscripts Enterprise applications. Qualifications: Bachelors Degree or equivalent or 5 or more years experience in Healthcare. Three to five years of experience working with Hospital Information Systems, supporting application software, analyzing business problems, hands-on clinical experience, and / or project management Specialized knowledge of integrated hospital systems. Knowledge of analysis, debugging and standard project management tools. Allscripts software support and Microsoft office automation applications experience is preferred. Project Management Professional Certification desired. VCS331295

RN II - Emergency Department - FT Days & Nights Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides professional nursing care to Emergency Department patients in support of medical care as directed by medical staff and pursuant to objectives and policies of the hospital. Coordinates patient care planning with other hospital disciplines. Reports to the Department Manager and interfaces with RN IV, Department Educator, Assistant Manager and Unit Supervisors. Qualifications: Associates degree (ADN) required, BSN preferred. Current CA RN license. Must have current ACLS, PALS (or ENPC) and BLS certification. Minimum of one (1) years Hospital Nursing experience required. (1) Full-Time 7am to 7pm & (1) Full-Time 7pm to 7am VCS331581

RN II - Emergency Department - FT Days & Nights Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Provides professional nursing care to Emergency Department patients in support of medical care as directed by medical staff and pursuant to objectives and policies of the hospital. Coordinates patient care planning with other hospital disciplines. Reports to the Department Manager and interfaces with RN IV, Department Educator, Assistant Manager and Unit Supervisors. Qualifications: Associates degree (ADN) required, BSN preferred. Current CA RN license. Must have current ACLS, PALS (or ENPC) and BLS certification. Minimum of one (1) years Hospital Nursing experience required. (1) Full-Time 7am to 7pm & (1) Full-Time 7pm to 7am VCS331313

540 Help Wanted

540 Help Wanted

Comm. Prop. Mgr. Oxn. Experienced. Strong verbal/written skills, Organized, good w/figures, some acctg., CAMS. Good office & computer skills, Fax resume to: 805-981-6299 or email: Humanresources@ VCS331626

540 Help Wanted

Cummins Cal Pacific is looking for professional sales people to manage & develop accounts within the Ventura County territory. Interested candidates apply online at www.cumminscal



SR Allscripts Systems Analyst Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed nonprofit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off & a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Senior member of the Information Systems team, providing experience, knowledge and leadership to the enterprise-wide implementation and ongoing maintenance of the Allscripts Enterprise EHR and Allscripts Enterprise Practice Management, and associated applications. Communicates directly with, and provides input to, Information Systems management. Effectively communicates with Physicians and Physician Office Staff. Provides leadership, analysis, design, trouble-shooting, testing, implementation and routine job support, as required. Provides operational support for applications including data integrity, maintenance, training and vendor interaction. Provides clear and concise training and documentation on operational processes. Meets with customers, internal and external, assuring documentation is clear and understood. Leads and/or provides application expertise for input to various committees and projects and other members of the CMHS team. Works with endusers on process improvement. When applicable, coordinates and directs activities of, and/or provides support for, consultants, contractors, and other Information System resources. Serves as the primary liaison with AllScripts support for problem resolution and request activities. Responsible for data extracts, data scrubbing and data conversions. Writes custom reports from Allscripts Enterprise applications. Qualifications: Bachelors Degree or equivalent or 5 or more years experience in Healthcare. Three to five years of experience working with Hospital Information Systems, supporting application software, analyzing business problems, hands-on clinical experience, and / or project management Specialized knowledge of integrated hospital systems. Knowledge of analysis, debugging and standard project management tools. Allscripts software support and Microsoft office automation applications experience is preferred. Project Management Professional Certification desired. VCS331570

The Lighthouse

Healthcare Speech-Language Pathologist Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Performs diagnostic evaluations and administers treatment to patients with communication, voice, cognitive-linguistic and/pr swallowing disorders. Qualifications: Required: Masters degree in Speech-Language Pathology from an institution approved by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Licensure by the State of California or registry with State of California Board of Speech-Language and Audiology for the Required Professional Year. Completion of academic requirements for the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology (CCC-SLP) forms the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Preferred: Six to twelve months experience with some intensive training in speech-language pathology and rehabilitative therapy. Knowledge or regulatory agency requirements and recommendations VCS331310

Healthcare Speech-Language Pathologist Located close to the beach, just 60 miles north of Los Angeles, Community Memorial Hospital is a 242 bed non-profit, acute care facility, committed to provide quality patient care in an environment that promotes clinical excellence and innovative leadership. We offer some of the best benefits in the industry, along with great career choices, training, and leadership development. At our facility, our employees share their enthusiasm for life as well as for helping others. As you balance your work life with your other passions, were there for you every step of the way. CMHS offers excellent benefits, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and AD&D insurance. We also offer a comprehensive 403(b) retirement plan, flexible spending accounts, paid time off, and a variety of other great benefits. If you are interested in joining teams that meld quality care and compassion to create an environment of excellence, please take a moment to discover more about what its like to work at Community Memorial Health System. Please apply online at CMHS is an EOE/AA Employer Responsibilities: Performs diagnostic evaluations and administers treatment to patients with communication, voice, cognitive-linguistic and/pr swallowing disorders. Qualifications: Required: Masters degree in Speech-Language Pathology from an institution approved by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Licensure by the State of California or registry with State of California Board of Speech-Language and Audiology for the Required Professional Year. Completion of academic requirements for the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology (CCC-SLP) forms the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Preferred: Six to twelve months experience with some intensive training in speech-language pathology and rehabilitative therapy. Knowledge or regulatory agency requirements and recommendations VCS331579 Every Sunday in The Star Homes, new homes, apartments, rentals and agents.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Positively foryou.

Ventura County has some cheap gas prices out there. Together well find them. Visit Positively foryou.


540 Help Wanted

FILLMORE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Secretary to the Superintendent 8 hrs. per/day, 12 mos. ($22.89 - $27.80 per/hr) Type 60 words per min. Bilingual preferred Contact: Susan Leon, 805-524-6034 or apply online at: Deadline: June 21, 2013 VCS331625 SALES

540 Help Wanted

Looking for F/T Expd Veterinary Technician and Veterinary Receptionist to join our knowledgeable team. Must be able to multi-task, use common sense to find solutions to daily happenings, accurate data entry/record keeping, compassionate /professional interactions with clients/ patients and be self motivated. Full Time position available includes one weekend day. Wage depending on experience. Health insurance, profit sharing and CE included. Email resumes to: VCS331412

609 Apartments Unfurnished


609 Apartments Unfurnished


609 Apartments Unfurnished

VENTURA 1 BR, balcony, ocean view. $1,350/mo. 2 BR Apt, near mall, lndry avail, $1,400/mo. 805-620-0847 VCS330717 Ventura, 1brm avail quiet share bath non-smoking, $700+dep incl all util., 805-218-2239 VCS330558 VTA 1+1 Near Old Town washer/dryer, oven range & refrig. $999/mo, utils pd. 818-399-5066 VCS331785 VTA 1+1 newly renovated walk to Downtown Ventura. $1,200/mo, utils paid. 805-653-0809 VCS330979 VTA 2br 2ba x-Lg units w/all appliances, close to shopping Some units avail for handi capped and/or seniors. $1385 805-658-7453 VCS331960 VTA Apts. Available for Low Income Families. 2+1, $1,026 2+1, $1,231 All Utilities Included. Income Guidelines Apply. Kalorama St @ E. Thompson 805-325-1730 VCS331416 VTA E. 2+1 $1185/mo., 1+1 $975. Clean & quiet complex. Cat ok. N/S. Call 805-218-5814 VCS331108 VTA Enjoy Resort Style Living at.....

617 Condos/Townhomes Unfurnished

617 Condos/Townhomes Unfurnished

CAM 6 yr New Luxury 3+3.5 att 2 car gar, pets ok, pool, $2,295/mo. Agt 818-414-9007 VCS331393 CAM Lakeside Village 2 BR newly remodeled, new appls, pool, tennis, lake front, f/p, W/D, N/S/P. $2,100/mo. 805-444-4461 VCS330543 CAM SPRINGS 3+3 Twnhm Pool, spa, club, gated, N/S. 1 year min lease. 884 Paseo Serenata. $2,100/mo+ $3,100/dep. 805-482-3677 or 805-558-1178 VCS331263 Crossroads Investments 300 Esplanade Dr STE 580 Oxnard, CA 93036 805-485-4040 APARTMENTS NORTH OXNARD 2+2 upstairs, carport, coin-op, wtr & trash pd, near school & park, $1,250. CONDOS VENTURA: Todd Ranch II 3+1.5 twnhouse, gar, fenced yrd, balcony, hkup, comm pool, clubhouse, near school & Ventura Aquatics Center, $1,700. VCS331452 NBP 2+Loft+1.5 CONDO 2 car att gar, $1,750/mo. GE Realty 805-496-9650 VCS331671 OXNARD

617 Condos/Townhomes Unfurnished


Camino Ruiz Square

1 & 2 BEDROOMS *Call For Pricing!

INCLUDES: washer/dryer refrig dishwasher gas range central a/c microwave Open Mon-Sat 9a-6p 105 Camino Ruiz #21 Equal Housing Opportunity

Mariners Place Apartments

1 & 2 Bedrooms

Gated Community Garages Pool & Jacuzzi Barbecue Laundry Room VCS330684

VTA West end 2+1 nr downtown, the beach and has easy freeway access. New paint and carpet. Water paid. $1150 E. Ramona VTA Very unique 1+1.75 three story unit w/ a 2 car garage. Large private patio off bedroom and liv ing room. Office and sauna on first floor, laundry room on second floor. $2295 San Pedro VTA 1+1 west end with laminate floors and owner provided washer & dryer. Water & trash Paid. $1050 Fraser OXN 3+2 Las Brisas unit, close to shopping, resturan ts & easy freeway access. Washer,dryer & refrigera tor included for tenants use. Trash paid. $1695 Blackberry OXN 2+2.5 multi-story unit close to the beach and harbor. Ocean views from the living room and deck off the 3rd floor. $2350 Mandalay Beach OXN 2+1 downstairs unit, close to Hobson Way Park. Water paid. $1200 S. G St Pt HUE 3+2.5 Las Palo mas unit, close to the base, resturants, shopping and schools. Complex has pool, spa and tennis court. $1850 Captains Pt HUE 3+2.5 Anacapa Walk close to school, restu rants and the base. Walk ing distance to the beach. Washer, dryer and refrig erator for tenants use. Owner will consider a pet w/ larger security deposit. $2200 N. Ventura Pt HUE 2+1 front unit, close to base, shopping, schools. Living room has fireplace. Washer/dryer/ for tenants use. $1275 Pearl CAM 2+2 Ponderosa Creek, close to aquatic center, shopping and schools. Complex has pool and is gated. Trash paid. $1600 Via Montoya


If you enjoy closing deals & fast paced sales environment, we have a place for you. 17 yr old company seeks tenacious reps to earn skys the limit income. Friendly, supportive office works great with hippies, grungers or 3- piece suits. Absolutely no sales experience needed. We offer a complete training program. Not MLM, we are looking for career type long term reps. Currently 7 reps making $31.42 per hour, hourly plus commission. Great hours M-F 7am to 2:15pm, Come in & give it a shot. Call MAT now @ 805-644-7758 VCS330918 SERVICE EVALUATOR No Associated Fees Safeway Inc. is a Fortune 100 company and one of the largest food & drug retailers in North America based on sales. The company operates 1,678 stores in the United States & western Canada We are seeking responsible, motivated and computer literate individuals to provide feedback specific to store conditions and service levels. Hourly rate paid for driving, observation, & report times. Reimbursement for mileage based on the distance associated with assignments. For additional info & to submit an online application visit: VCS331595


877.859.3308 VCS331613

Rentals 600-683

FILLMORE Adult 55+ 1br, a/c, all utils pd, except elec. From $795. HUD/Pet OK. 805-524-4124 or 805-642-9527 VCS330901 Beautiful New Apartments. Full hardwood floors, granite counter tops. Must See! 805-402-5737 VCS331949

OXNARD NORTH 1+1, $1,050/mo 2+1, $1,400/mo w/garage $1,200/mo w/out garage. Elma 805-604-9578 VCS331719 OXNARD STUDIO Detached, private, $900/mo+ $400/dep. Utilites included. No smoke, no pets. Jennie 805-816-0546 VCS330559 Simi Valley, 2+1, nr fwy, schools & shopping centers, Patricia Apartments $1300 805-495-8400 ext 369 VCS331764 SIMI VALLEY 2bd+2ba near fwy/shops & schools. $1,295/mo. Fairbanks Apts. 805-495-8400 ext: 369 VCS331208 T.O.- GRANADA GARDENS 1+1, $1,315/mo+dep. 2+2, $1,545-$1,595/mo+dep Sorry No Pets. Good Credit Required. 805-492-2113 VCS331088 T.O. SUMMER SPECIAL @ MOUNT CLEF APTS 1 BD - $1,200 2 BD - $1,500/mo

Open House June 22, from 10 to 3. 1 blk from beach. New paint and carpets. Hardwood in one bdrm. Walk-in closet in master. Large kitchen w/dishwasher; has micro and stacked washer/dryer. All electric. Covered parking. Water and trash included. Previous landlord contact and good credit score required. 233 S. Ventura Rd. #133. Email or call. 2 story 2bdrms 1full/1half baths $1,350.00/mo

Condo Near Beach!

OXNARD 3bd+2ba

(818)601-2432 VCS331795

609 Apartments Unfurnished

Village Apts
Spacious floor plans, heated indoor pool & spa tennis ct & gym.

Channel Island Studio $925 1+1 $1,050 2+1 $1,275

Oxnard Beach

Simi Valley, 2+2, upstairs, detached 2 car gar, non smoking, avail July $1750/mo + dep 805-526-8812 VCS331727 T.O. Northwood Townhome 3bd+2.5ba, loft, 2 car gar, perfect condition, views, approx 2,000sf. $2,600/mo.

805-380-4384 or 805-587-9164 VCS331752

The Lighthouse

2088 W. Hillcrest Drive NEWBURY PARK Studio - $1,225 One Bedroom - $1,395 Dual Master - $1,725 Move-in June & receive $500 GIFT CARD! Renovated, f/p, all appliances included. Small dogs welcome. VCS331340

No Application Fees

Only $500 dep!!

3650 Ketch Ave (805)984-5880 VCS331562

VENTURA Newer 3+2.5 2 car att gar, ss appl., stackable w/d, $2,100+dep. Drive by only: 5333 Gillespie St. AGT Alex 805-558-8642 VCS331592 VTA - 2+1, nr govt ctr, new thru-out, tile fl, gran ite kitch, pool, lndry $1300 805-766-1926 VCS331251 Westlake Village Stoneybrook 3bd+2ba, 1,835sf, end unit, single story, pvt patio, new carpet, paint, stove, atrium, eat-in kitchen, stall shower, walk to shops & restaurants. $2,950/mo/ lease. OPEN SAT. 6/22 and SUN. 6/23, 12-4pm. *2943 Shadow Brook Lane* 818-879-0139 VCS331790



DEL CIERVO APARTMENTS Low Deposits OAC 1 & 2 Bedrooms *on availability


CALL TO HEAR ABOUT OUR GREAT DEALS! Studio Studios with Lofts 1 Bedrooms Open Mon-Sat - 9am - 6pm VCS331008

Townhomes For Rent Spacious Floorplans 2 & 3 Bedrooms $1,850 - $2,350 All units include w/d & attached garages. 1500 Tulipan Circle 805.278.1500 VCS331360
OXN Channel Islands Harbor 2+2.5+Office, 1,734sf, beautiful water view, $2,300/mo. Avail July 15th. Call for showing 805-551-4442 VCS331856 OXN Impeccable Executive Seabridge Island Port Marluna 3rd floor corner penthouse condo. Beautiful Marina Views. Gated. Turn-key ready, fully furnished with new designer furniture: including two HD TVs and music system. 2+2, outdoor terrace, 30ft boat dock, 2 car underground parking w/storage. 2 year lease, $2,500/mo. Must have refs & apprvd credit. No Pets/Smoking. Call Frank 805-455-0344 or Email: VCS331373 Port Hueneme Fabulous 2+1.5 near harbor, beaches, garage with opener, newer carpet, paint, large private patio, huge master, country kitchen, many utilities paid, $1295 Keith Hanson Realty 805-981-1552 VCS331830



through hundreds of homes for sale using local MLS. Visit


Beautiful Grounds BBQ Area Pool and Jacuzzi Tennis Courts Close to Shopping

When Available SPACIOUS 2 Bedrooms Pool, covered prkg and laundry room. Easy Fwy Access. Sorry, NO pets. Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm Sat: By Appt 223 Erbes Rd #101 VCS330905
VENTURA: 1+1, $900/mo. 2+1, $1,200/mo. Vance 805-641-1776 VCS331720 VENTURA COUNTY


Harbor View Villas Luxury Apt. Homes

Fabulous Ocean Views FREE Cable! 333 N. Kalorama St.

Cable Installer Lead Tech - Cat5 & Cat6 Exp Reqd. F/T + OT. Good pay. Email resume:




1905 N. H St. Harborview apts/gardner management VCS331695 VTA


621 Duplexes Unfurnished

CAM, prv luxury w/view, 1bd 1.5 ba upstairs w/deck, f/p, lndry, granite tops, wood flr, fridge, N/S, $1400 + sec 805-708-9088 VCS331594 STA PAULA 4+2.5, 2 car gar, $1700/mo. 250 S. 12th St. Punam 805-886-5295 VCS331543




800-221-STAR (7827)


Private balconies + views. Starting at $759 per month. Walking distance to stores, and to doctors offices. Heated pool, BBQ area, gym, rec room, festivities. 115 N. 4th Street Santa Paula, CA 93060 Pets ok. Section 8 welcome. 805-525-5804 VCS331026

757 & 800 sqft, upstairs/downstairs, includes garage

$1,250/mo Pinehurst 866-963-4667 VCS331980


1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms From $1,367 Dont Forget To Ask... About Our Great MOVE-IN SPECIAL Open to view Spacious floor plans Washer/Dryer Pet Friendly Full kitchen appl. Pkg. Parking Garage/Carport Open Daily Mon-Sun 9a-6p

Make a Change Tierra Vista Apts

Online garage sale map. Every Friday P.M.

All properties are no pets no smoke, one year lease unless otherwise specified We are a proud sponsor of the Pier under the Stars VCS331462

**additional rent/deposit required

Thursday, June 27, 2013

627 Houses Unfurnished

CAM HEIGHTS pvt 2bd+2ba on a cul-de-sac. Large bdrms A/C, indoor lndry, cvrd patio built in 2006. $1,775/mo. Avail Now. 805-341-9049 VCS331344 CAM: Mission Oaks Ventana 4+2.5, att 2 car gar, 1,781sf. $2,350+sec. Capric Properties - John 805-377-3689 VCS330592

611 Beach & Vacation Rentals

OXNARD Silver Strand 3+1 townhouse, 1 car gar, w/d hkup, no pets. $1,600/mo+ $1,000/sec. 805-984-1405 VCS330961

VCHFR.COM 805-650-2500

Call 866-799-0390 VCS330890


627 Houses Unfurnished

CAM MOBILE ESTATES new home 3 bdrm 2 ba high ceilings, on cul-de-sac. $1,800/mo, water & trash incl. One person must be 55+. 805-816-1833 VCS331218 CAM Popular Leisure Village 55+ Community 2+2+den. High ceilings, washer/dryer incld. Great Location. No S/P. $1,950/mo+$2,000/dep. Call Peggy Sue @ Re/Max 805-218-9914 VCS331638

627 Houses Unfurnished

PT Hue 3+1, attach gar, nr Bard/Schools/Base, lrg drive way, nice yard, No Pets/ Smoking. $1,600/mo. 805-276-6970 or 805-844-8220 VCS331283 Simi Valley 4+2.5 + office, beautiful 2 story home, 2727 sqft, formal din rm, upgraded kitch w/breakfast nook, gas f/p, custom firepit, RV access. $3300/mo. Avail Now. Please Call 805-520-0527 or 805-304-1672 VCS331665 VTA E. 3+2,lndry hkup, dbl gar, pvt yd, sm RV access, no smkr, pet? $1,750. Show Sat 1-5p, 8850 N.Bank Dr. 805-671-9292 VCS331204

677 Rooms For Rent

OXN S. Rooms, w/ pvt bath, $550/mo+dep, priv bath , utils paid. No smoking or pets 805-981-4240 or 805-407-8055 VCS331934 OXN W. 1 block to Marina, maid, clean & quiet, WiFi, all privs. $650. 805-444-6888 or 805-985-0319 VCS331778 SIMI ROOM w/pvt bath in a townhome xlnt location, Incls:utils,pool/jacuzzi, lndry privs & gar prkg. $700/mo. 805-582-2816 VCS331818 THOUSAND OAKS $500/mo+utilities. Available Now! 805-492-5969 or 805-300-5969 VCS331445 VTA E. $600 Room w/free utilities. Clean, quiet and beautiful home. No pets or smoking. 805-659-1833 VCS331707 VTA ROOM @ $650/mo. in 4 bedroom house w/sauna. No pets/smokg, utils incld. 805-807-1437 VCS331052 WESTLAKE VILLAGE Furnished & Unfurnished rooms for rent. $750/mo+ $650/mo. 818-889-0102 VCS331268

885 Commercial Industrial Rent

CAMARILLO COMMERCIAL BAY 1,200 -p 2,400 sq ft $0.90 sq foot/ divisible roll up doors Dawson & Pleasant Valley OFFICE SPACE approx 600-830 sq ft 2nd floor offices Dawson & Pleasant Valley $400-$550 per month Crossroads Investments 805-485-4040 VCS331342 SIMI General Industrial 620sf, 731sf, 803sf, 1022sf, 1480sf. Office & Warehouse Easy St. & Madera - great location near Walmart. 155 Easy St. Call John at 805-526-5260 VCS331054 SIMI INDUSTRIAL 800sf - 5000sf, with office & warehouse, roll up door, terrific location, great terms and pricing. Mid Valley Properties 805-527-9632 Ext: 1 VCS331698 VENTURA Approx 14,000 sq.ft. free standing industrial bldg. Terrific location. Minutes to 101 Fwy.Great Price & Terms. 805-644-0941 VCS331528

887 Stores/Ofces Rent/Lease

SIMI OFFICE SPACE 700sf - 1,000sf. Available. Excellent terms & pricing. Mid Valley Properties 805-527-9632 Ext: 1 VCS331699 SIMI Private Offices in large suite in a class A building. from $750/mo, incl: free WiFi, elect, cvrd prkg, janitorial, use of common area, kitchen and reception. Pam 805-750-2999 VCS331756 VENTURA 300 - 2,100sqft Office Suite. Corner of Harbor Blvd & Spinnaker DrIve. Great location and minutes to 101 Fwy. Reasonable Pricing. 805-644-0941 VCS331529 Ventura Professional Office Space $.95 per sq.ft. ($1,197 for 1,260 sq.ft.) Utilities pd. @ 101 Fwy at Victoria. Call 805-479-8284 VCS331477

909 Boats
TWO JET SKIS 1200 cc, Yamaha 00 3 Seater. Forced to sell due to divorce, pd $26,000, asking $9,900. Have been garaged, xlnt cond, ready to turn key & go! Lots of extras and travel trailer included!(cf7740pm)

Transportation 950-998

977 Auto For Sale

Runs & looks new! Never smoked in! New tires, lthr int., sun roof! Smogged, fully loaded, clean title! 109k miles. $7,900/obo. (4TKN570). 805-901-2088 VCS331520 19k miles, pearl color, leather, loaded, like brand new, at low book! $21,000. (6KUU792). 805-933-9292 VCS331514

BMW 525i 2001

968 Auto Under $1000



918 Campers/Trailers
COMFORT 22ft LIGHT 5th WHEEL TRAILER 1991. Used 3 times, almost new inside. $3,200/obo. 805-643-0915 VCS331827 PROWLER LITE 5th Wheel 2001, 25.5 foot, slide out, 1/2 ton towable, incl hitch, xlnt cond. $7,900/obo., 805-642-1935 VCS330743 TRAILER: Cruiser RV fun finder 189 FD 2008, new in 2009. Xlnt condition with many extras. Must See for your summer vacation. Vin#2581016. $11,500. Call to view 805-646-4473 VCS331328

995 Wanted Vehicles


VTA 2+1 west end single story home, with new car pet and paint, on a corner lot, close to shopping and schools. Water & trash paid. $1375 Kellogg VTA 3+2.5 single story east end, in an established neighborhood, close to school and Kimball shopping center. Large fenced backyard. $2100 San Benito VTA 3+2 single story above the college, with tiled floors thoughout, granite counters in kitch en. Fenced backyard, monthly gardening service. $2250 N. Ashwood VTA 4+2 with granny flat and pool. Close to schools, shopping and easy freeway access. Possible RV parking. $3000 Bays *additional deposit required

Lake Front 2 Story Home, 2600 Sq. Ft. Available July 1st 4bdrms, 2full/1half baths $4,995.00/mo


Need Extra


(818)601-7728 VCS331794

Find new & used cars.

We Buy
Running or NOT!
Cant Find The Pink Slip or Registration?

CASH FOR YOUR VEHICLE RV/Boat o/b-running/not, vehicle 95-up, RV 80-up. 1-800-613-5410
VCS331350 WANTED Old Race Cars, Classics, Motorcycles: Harley, Ducati, Porsche, Jaguar, Austin Healy, Ferrari, Corvette, Mustang Camaro barracuda old toys, auto memorabilia one item to entire collection. Come to you, pay in cash. 800-299-3114 or 805-495-7445 VCS330739

The Lighthouse

677 Rooms For Rent

Camarillo Large View Room with pvt bath. Kitch/lndry privs, utils incl, NO smoking/ pets/drugs. $650mo+$300dep. 805-484-2915 VCS331702 CAMARILLO Mission Oaks $575. Share house and utilities with 2 gentlemen. NS, ND, NP. 805-822-3646 VCS331674 CAMARILLO Quiet Room, lndry & kitch privs., N/S/P, $650/mo, util incl. Avail Now! Leave a clear message 805-482-3332 VCS331927 CAM Master Bedroom with pvt entry/bath, pay bi-wkly $410 or 1 bdrm $350 bi-wkly. 805-857-0310 VCS330554 MRPK nice furnished rm & bath, full house priv., $750 incl. util 805-529-4903 or 805-501-1455 VCS331542 OXNARD 1bd+1ba. Hemlock & Ventura Rd. $525/mo+$300/dep. No drugs. 805-320-0971 VCS331678 OXNARD 1 Bedroom Cable, kitchen, lndry privs, No pets/smoking. $500/mo. 805-248-6222 VCS331816 OXNARD Furn. room, kitchen privs, $500+ $200 dep. internet incl, No smoke no pets 805-485-9728 VCS331875 Oxnard large furnished room for one person only near Oxnard College has private entrance and private bath no smoking or pets includes utilities & cable $600 per month $600 security deposit call Ricky 805-483-3214 VCS331193 OXN FURNISHED ROOM $600 with private bath, includes utilities and house privs. N/S/D/P. 805-483-3152 VCS331923 OXN lrg home, quiet clean. bedroom own bath. kitch, laundry, privl. no smoking, no drugs. $490/mo, lv msg 805-983-1813 VCS331838

Real Estate 700-874

885 Commercial Industrial Rent

705 Acreage/Land
Imperial County Nyland 141 Acre Citrus: Lemons, Grapefruits. Very affordable water. $15,000/per acre. Broker, Peter Macera DRE#00544725 1-800-619-3277 VCS331975

2660 E. Main- Move in ready medical offices 600, 2100, 6300sf. 1445 Donlon- Modern office 1600sf. 2443 Portola- Executive Office 2408sf


through hundreds of homes for sale using local MLS. Visit




To Get The

Call Sandy 805-644-0000 or 805-402-9101 VCS331319

VTA INDUSTRIAL SPACE 960sf - 2,125sf, with office & warehouse, roll up door, terrific location, great terms and pricing. Mid Valley Properties 805-527-9632 Ext:1 VCS331701 VTA: 4th Floor Penthouse 1,400sqft. @ $1,750/month. For more info visit: & reference VCS Number below. 805-479-8284 VCS331862 VTA OFFICE SPACE Beautiful units from 540sf - 4,500sf. Great terms & pricing. Now Available! Mid Valley Properties 805-527-9632 Ext: 1 VCS331700

805-754-9839 VCS331308

24 hrs/7 days

Call Us First

a directory of regional new housing communities. Visit


VCHFR.COM 805-650-2500
We are a proud sponsor of the Pier under the Stars VCS331464

All properties are no pets, no smoke, one year lease.

Find a home.

780 Houses For Sale

Cam. 15 La Crescenta, gated, 2 acres, 9 bd 5 b, L.P. Estates, 5 car, $1.3 mil/obo 805-312-1504 VCS331131

887 Stores/Ofces Rent/Lease

NEW HOME OF 99 ONLY STORE Prime Location In Thousand Oaks Neighborhood Center, 2 spaces Available (1,130 & 2,622 SF) @ $1.20sf/ea NNN. Call Ana (310)675-1179 VCS331056 CAMARILLO RETAIL Santa Rosa Plaza, 650sf to 3400 sf. David Press (310)553-6512 VCS330724

Local news Any way you

want it.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Newbury Park/Dos Vientos 4bd+2.5ba, bonus rm, 3 car garage, cul-de-sac, great schools, small pet ok. N/S. $3,500/mo. 360-921-7567 VCS331803

Recreation 900-945


Commercial Real Estate 875-893

885 Commercial Industrial Rent
CAMARILLO 675 to 4,480 sf Warehouse with offices and bathroom. Great location! No Auto. 805-649-4857 VCS331163

Unique Upper Ojai views & privacy on 21 ac. New solar home, all util incl. 2bdrms, 2baths, $3,000.00/mo

Artist Retreat

909 Boats
1985 30 CHRIS CRAFT 281 Super clean in & out, 2 Mercury engines, sleeps 6, stove, head, shwr, fridge, radar, bait tank, GPS, 2 fish finder & much more in Oxnard. Freshly painted bottom. $10,000 661-724-9240 VCS331500

(805)798-0434 VCS331687


OXN Rent or Option to Buy 3bd+2ba, 2 car garage, fenced yard. 805-983-9283 VCS330662

Central Business District DOW SHOPPING CTR Retail, Office or Restaurant. 1,440 SF Min. 5,808 sq.ft., $1.35/ft Gross. Broker Bob



For home delivery or advertising information call 805.437.0000

!   ! $$$ $



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The Lighthouse

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

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The Lighthouse







Thursday, June 27, 2013






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