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Republika ng Pilipinas

Rehiyon XI SANGAY NG LUNGSOD NG DABAW Lungsod ng Davao
TEL. NOS. 224-3274/224-0100/224-3274/227-4726 221-0059/222-1672/221-8587/224-0854/225-3600


Name:____________________________________________Section:__________________________________ School:____________________________________ 6. Betty is happy. She showed her grades I.Blacken the circle that corresponds to your to her mother. Her mother kissed and smiled. answer. a. Bettys grades are low. b. Bettys grades are poor. 1.What is the good title for the story? (Listen to c. Bettys grades are high. your teacher as she/he reads the story.) 7. Charles is crying. He has a pair of scissors in a. Why Jane Was Late? his hand. A finger has blood. b. Why Jane Was Absent? a. Charles was spanked. c. Why Jane Woke Up Late? b. Charles finger got cut. c. Charles brought a knife. 2. What does this sign mean? 8. Miss Reyes wears a cap. Her dress is always white. a. because she is a nurse b. because she is a teacher c. because she likes white dresses. a. No Left Turn b. No Parking c. No U-Turn 9. 3.The children are in the canteen. The teachers ordered their snacks. The principal is also seated. What time of the day is it? a. lunch time b. dinner time c. recess time Items 4-8 Can you tell why? 4.Mother was shouting for help. The firemen arrived. a. There was a robber. b. Their house was on fire. c. Somebody bought their house. 5. Elena is looking for something. She was about to cry . Elena said, I cant buy a sandwich for snacks. a. Her money got lost. b. She had much money. c. Her money was given to the beggar. People are busy preparing foods. There are lots of delicious foods. They are having procession. What is going on? a. Fiesta b. All Saints Day c. New Years Celebration 10. Jomer played internet games until midnight. He has no moretime to study. Therefore, _________. a. he failed in the test. b. he felt sleepy in the class. c. he got the highest score in the test. 11. Arnel was so naughty that he hit the dog with hisball. He even teased it. Therefore,______. a. he ran after the dog b. he was loved by the dog c. he was beaten by the dog.

12. Father goes to work early in his office. When heComes home, he fixes the furniture. Sometimes he repairs he windows and repaints the walls.Therefore, _________. a. Father is kind. b. Father is cheerful c. Father is industrious 13. You must read about plants and insects. What book will you read? a. Science book b. Mathematics c. Language book 14. If you want to learn about history, what book will you use? a. Health book b. Mathematics book c. Social Studies book Items 15-22 What may happen next? 15.


The water in the kettle gets hot. It becomes hotter and hotter. Bubbles start to form on the surface. a. It is going to cool. b. It is going to boil. c. It is going to dry up. 19. It was Clean Up Week in school. Jim and Eric got the broom and the dustpan. a. The boys played. b. The boys went home. c. The boys cleaned the yard. 20. The children were playing in school. Soon, they ran to their classroom. Why did they run to their classroom? a. The school bell rang. b. It was time to go home. c. They ran to their classmates. 21. A little boy liked to eat ripe guavas. The ripe guavas were at the top of the tree. What did the little boy do to get the ripe guavas? a.He started to cry very loud. b.He threw a stone to the guavas. c.He asked the help of his brother. Items 22-23 Which of the following sentences shows the fanciful descriptions? 22.MangBino is a calesadriver.Hiscalesa is as big as a house. He drives a calesa in his own barangay. He loves his work. a. He loves his work. b.MangBino is a calesa driver. c. Hiscalesa is as big as a barangay. 23. Efren is a boxer. He is the strongest boxer in his hometown because he is very strong. One time somebody called him a bad name. Do you know what he did? He picked up the man and hurled him up in the air. a. Efren is a boxer. b. He picked up the man and hurled him up i the air. c. He is the strongest boxer in his hometown for he is very strong.

Mother Bird lays eggs. She lays many eggs. She sits on the eggs. She sits on the eggs for days. a. The eggs will hatch. b. The eggs will disappear. c. The eggs will turn into gold.


The helper forgets to close the faucet. The water overflows. The bathroom gets flooded. The kitchen gets flooded. a. The faucet is closed. b. The helper cries for help. c. The house gets flooded. 17.

The sky is dark. The clouds are black and big. Lightning flashes. Thunder roars. a. It is going to rain. b. It shows windy day. c. It is going to have an el nino.

Items 24-28 There was a carpenter. He worked hard everyday. He sang as he worked. He sang, I am not rich. I have no money. But I am happy. His neighbor who was a rich man did not like his song. He told the carpenter to stop singing. He gave him money. The carpenter took the money and did not sing for two days. He had money, but he could not sing. He was not happy. He returned the money to the rich man.

30.What makes the speaker cry? a. Because of teasing b. Because the sisters dont play with him/her c. Because their mother loves the sisters more 31. When did the sisters show their concern to the speaker? a. When his/her head was hurt. b. When he/she was already crying. c. When he/shewas already with his/her mama. 32. How did the speaker feel at the start? a. Angry at the sisters b. Angry at the mother c. Angry at himself/herself. 33. If you were one of his/her sisters, would you do the same as what they did in the poem? Why? a. Yes, because I dont love her/him. b. Yes, because thats the way how I love her/him. c. No, because I dont want to see my younger brother/sister crying. Items 34-37 Flying kite is a favorite game among Filipinos. From the month of January to March, young and old alike fly kites. During these months, the days are sunny. There is no rain anywhere in the country. Trees and flower are in bloom. Up in the sky, kites of different colors also bloom. 34. Based on the story, what is a favourite game among Filipinos? a. boxing b. Basketball c. Kite flying 35When does kite flying take place? a. December to February b. February to March c. January to March 36. Why do Filipinos fly kites in these months? a. The days are rainy. b. The days are sunny. c. The flowers are in bloom

24. The carpenter liked singing because a. it made him happy. b. his work was easy. c. he was a good singer. 25. The rich man gave him money because a. he wanted to help the carpenter. b. he did not like the carpenters song. c. he wanted the carpenter to stop singing. 26. The carpenter returned the money because a. he had plenty of money. b. he did not like the rich man. c. he wanted to continue singing. 27. What do you think the carpenter did next? a. He went to another place. b. He did not work anymore. c. He continued singing as he worked. 28. What do you think the rich man did? a. He sang when the carpenter sang. b. He slept when the carpenter sang. c. He listened to the carpenters song. Items29- 33 Sisters My sisters tease me everyday About my hair, my ribbons And my dark skin. They never stop until I cry And tell my mama how bad they are! But one day I feel When my head was hurt They carried me in their arms And put me on my bed! 29. Who is speaking in the poem? a. A small boy. b. A small girl. c. A younger sister.

37..What happens to trees and flowers during these months? a. They are colorful. b. They are in bloom. c. They are like kites Items 3-40 Fill out the form shown below correctly.

Information Sheet Name:______________________________ Grade & Section:_____________________ Teacher:____________________________ School:_____________________________ Birthdate:___________________________ Address:____________________________ _________________________________

Fourth Periodical Test Grade 3- English Teachers copy For Item No. 1
One morning, Jane woke up late. She didnt get up at once. She didnt dress up quickly. She ate lazily and walked to school. When she arrived in school, classes were already going on.

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