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Epidemics and Endagered Doctors- The SJAC Weekly Update

6/26/13 6:55 PM



The SJAC Weekly Update- June 25, 2013

Epidemics and endagered doctors: Syria's man-made health crisis

Hepatitis, typhoid, cholera, and dysentery. Those are the just some of the diseases expected to continue to spread through Syria. According to Dr. Jaouad Mahjour, a Director at WHOs Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, outbreaks are inevitable. Syrias health crisis will escalate unless more action is taken. The bulk of this responsibility lies not with brave health workers, but with political and military actors who must be conscious of and accountable for the ramifications of their actions on the health of millions. Experts are increasingly recognizing that theres nothing natural about natural disasters. Although earthquakes and floods are natural events, their repercussions are not. Whether or not a drought leads to starvation is a result of government planning, politics, and poverty, among other social and economic factors. In Syria, the rapidly escalating health crisis is very much the result of violence and criminal governmental policies. Despite the persecution of doctors and medical professionals, they are playing a key role not only in rehabilitation, but in important documentation work as well. Their documentation, by identifying and recording violations, is shedding light on the vast scale and scope of human suffering during the conflict. KEEP READING.

Transitional justice working group meetings underway

Today and tomorrow, the SJAC's third working group is meeting to discuss strategies for institutional reform in Syria as it relates to transitional justice. This weekend, Syrian and international experts will meet for the fourth and final working group to address possibilities for truth-seeking. More information forthcoming.

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The SJAC is an independent, non-political, Syrian-led, and multi-laterally supported organization that serves as a coordinating body for all actors promoting transitional justice and accountability for Syria. The SJAC provides vetted, accurate data on human rights violations occurring on all sides of the conflict in Syria. The SJAC expertise and data is used in the transitional justice process for Syria.

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Epidemics and Endagered Doctors- The SJAC Weekly Update

6/26/13 6:55 PM

Copyright 2013 Syria Justice and Accountability Centre, All rights reserved.

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