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Juhi Ramchandani


1. Positive psychology a. Studying one individual in depth and trying to make life better b. Aiming for a better lifespan c. Our definition of psychology 2. 8 Forces a. Force 1: Psychoanalytic Freud & Neo-Freudians i. Exploring the unconscious ii. Exploring the past memory b. Force 2: Behavioral Psychology (Behaviorism) John B. Watson i. Behavior that you can see, test, & experiment ii. NOT Emotions* c. Force 3: Humanism Maslow & Rogers i. Motivation & Motion d. Force 4: Cognitive Psychology Neisser & Piaget i. Thinking & mental processes e. Force 5: Biopsychology Hippocrates i. How youre doing with your body ii. Psychosomatic f. Force 6: Social Cultural Psychology Fromm, Horney, Lewin i. A.k.a. Relationship Psychology g. Force 7: Spiritual Psychology your God(s) h. Force 8: Creative Psychology YOU (no founder) i. Theories for personality development & history of psychology j. Each of 8 forces creates stress (stressor is or +) k. Foundation of therapies (represent therapy and counseling ideas) i. APA I American Psychological Association ii. APA II American Psychiatric Association 3. 4.

13. Theories of motivation are not the same as theories of emotion 14. Emotion (E) + Intelligence (I) + Motivation (M) = need for Achievement (nAch) 15. Yerkes-Dodson vs. Rescorla-Wagner -Y-D: you need a moderate amount of emotion + (stress +) motivation for optimal performance *variations means performance is not optimal *moderate is dependent on the person (heuristic to you) -R-W: surprise is motivation -TQ: Yerkes-Dodson can agree with Rescorla-Wagner. TRUE!! *True because moderate and surprise is heuristic, but the surprise must be moderate for them to agree. 16. Marvin Zuckerman A, A+, Al of the alphabet letters -studied supernormal letters of the alphabet 17. Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence (EI) -Did he popularize EI? YES! *his book, called Emotional Intelligence, was on the NY Times bestseller list for a year -basically about thinking before acting (engage brain before opening mouth) 18. Child prodigies = child geniuses -Cattell 16 Personality Factors had a Bachelors Degree at age 18 so he was a child prodigy -TQ: What motivates child prodigies? Intelligence, studying, books, facts, knowledge, information, success, mastery of knowledge 19. Limbic system -Process of emotion: amygdale & hypothalamus (fast track system) *always faster process than non-emotional information -Process of non-emotional information: thalamus & hippocampus -both send info to the frontal lobe through the Medial Forebrain Bundle (brain bridge) -Frontal lobe responds to the information

93. 450 therapies recognized by APA 1+2 -8 therapies are the 8 forces -remaining 442 are spinoffs of the 8 forces -models for all therapies = 8 forces 94. Effective therapists and counseling characteristics: -self-evident: if you went to a therapist, you would like: *to see credentials on the wall *the therapy to be effective even during the first hour *the therapist to communicate that this experience will be good *the therapist to be using integrated or eclectic therapy to match the clients needs -Therapy = Counseling for the test (interchangeable) 95 & 96. Mental disorders classified by the alphabet: -BC normal -DEF mental disorders *D-mild *E-moderate *F-Severe -Mental Disorder vs. Psychopathology: *psychopathologists try to hurt others, while those with a mental disorder try to hurt themselves. 97. Rogers & Maslow created force 3 humanism -Rogers = great therapist -Maslow did NO THERAPY *transparent *sat on Rogers clients therapy sessions, watched them and asked them if they would mind to be recorded so that Maslow could share these techniques with other psychologists and use them to help others 98. Overarching terms for combining therapies Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Forces 2 & 4) 99. Resistance opposite of alliance -resistance: client does not want to be there; forced to be there (by family, court, etc.) -therapist must try to reverse it 100. Why self actualize? -to help others

-transcendence is tacked on above self actualization; when you transcend, you are able to help others -for Rogers, self actualization was actually fully functioning -you become self actualized so hopefully you will be good with your partner *The better you are your partner will see that. -Can you teach self actualization/fully functioning? YES!!! (What parents do with their children) -The better you are, the better the world becomes -Stochastic Emergence: emerging personality (in the future) *personality changes every 10 years

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