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A bimonthly e-magazine of Business Excellence, RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi

e -xplorer
Volume 1, Issue 1 May 2013

Awakening & Empowering through Knowledge

This time
ISO 9001: 2008 Project Management at RDCIS Technology dissemination Crossword Know Your equipment -Gleeble 3500C Innovative Project by RDCIS Glossary of Technical termsCoal & Coke Person behind the name Conference ARCS13 at RDCIS

Since time immemorial, human being has been striving to excel its own achievements. The passion for excellence has become the mantra for the survival and success in the todays extremely competitive business environment. It is this culture in the organisation which keeps the organisation not only afloat but wins the race also. Excellent organisations strive to delight their customers and stakeholders with their superior-than-ever before services and products. To inculcate this culture in our Company, SAIL, the philosophy of Business Excellence (BE) is being introduced in more explicit manner. CII Exim Bank Business Excellence Model has been adopted by SAIL to pursue excellence in the company. Business Excellence departments have been created in all plants/ Units throughout SAIL. RDCIS has also created a Business Excellence Area as a nodal agency to steer the Business Excellence practices in the organisation. Various elements of BE like Leadership, People, Partnership, Resources, Processes, Products & Services, Customers, Business Results, Societal factors etc will be collec-

tively enabled to augment the culture of Excellence in this Corporate R&D Organisation of the Company. Information is a pre-requisite for creating excellence. Hence, RDCIS has decided to start a Business Excellence e-magazine to be called as e-Xplorer to dissemination information to all RDCIS Collective. Business Excellence Area is the nodal agency for this emagazine. Frequency of publication of eXplorer shall be bimonthly. The magazine will cover topics like Total Quality, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), R&D Project Management, Innovations carried out by RDCIS, and popular articles on technology and management etc. We invite articles and knowledgepieces from all for publication in the eXplorer Team e-Xplorer is thankful to its ED I/c Sri Sridhar Varadarajan for mooting the idea of launching this e-magazine from RDCIS. Please Join us in our movement of Awakening and Empowering through Knowledge Warm Regards Team e-Xplorer RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply

Page 1

Quality Management System

An Introduction to ISO 9001:2008
Genesis of the Standard


The ISO 9000 series of Standard, including ISO 9001, was first published in 1987 as an International Standard for development of a Quality System in any type or size of organization

The ISO 9000 series of Standard, including ISO 9001, was first published in 1987 as an International Standard for development of a Quality System in any type or size of organisation. It was based on the BS 5750 series of standards from BSI (British Standards Institution) that were proposed to ISO in 1979. However, its history can be traced further back to some twenty years before that, to the publication of the United States Department of Defense MIL-Q-9858 standard in 1959. Similar to the MIL-Q-9858, NATO on similar lines adopted AQAP series of standards in 1969, which ultimately was revised into the BS 5750 series of Quality System requirements standards in 1979 before being submitted to ISO. The Standards application in Organisations The standard covers all aspects of an organizations activities, which includes, identifying its key processes, defining roles and responsibilities, defining quality policy & objectives, and documentation requirements. It also covers the importance of understanding & meeting customer requirements, communication, resource requirements, training, product & process planning, design processes, purchasing, production & service, monitoring and measurement of products & processes, customer satisfaction, internal audit, management review, and improvement processes. ISO 9001 is based on the following eight Quality Management Principles, which are incorporated within the requirements of the standard, and can be applied to improve organizational performance:

Customer focus, Leadership, Involvement of people, Process approach, System approach to management, Continual improvement, Factual approach to decision making, Mutually beneficial supplier relationships. It provides a structured yet flexible framework for a customer-focused quality system (QMS) that drives performance improvement. The implementation of ISO 9001 can provide organizations with continual improvements in their overall business performance, effectiveness, and efficiency Benefits of ISO 9001 Many companies that have implemented a quality management system have realized cost savings through improved process effectiveness and efficiency. There are also many other advantages including improved employee & customer satisfaction, resulting from better defined and implemented business processes. Some of the direct benefits achieved by ISO 9001 certified companies include:
Motivated staff, who understand

their roles and how their work affects quality, Improved product and service quality and happier customers, and Improved management and operational processes, resulting in less waste (both time and materials), increased productivity, efficiency and cost savings.

Habit is the intersection of knowledge (what to do), skill (how to do), and desire (want to do)

Page 2

food safety hazards in order to ensure that food is safe. It can be used by any organization regardless of its size or position in the food chain. ISO 50001:2011 - Energy Management System ISO 50001 is based on the management system model of continual improvement also used for other well-known standards such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001. Using energy efficiently helps organizations save money as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change. ISO 50001 supports organizations in all sectors to use energy more efficiently, through the development of an energy management system (EnMS). This makes it easier for organizations to integrate energy management into their overall efforts to improve quality and environmental management. Like other ISO management system standards, certification to ISO 50001 is possible but not obligatory. Some organizations decide to implement the standard solely for the benefits it provides. Others decide to get certified to it, to show external parties they have implemented an energy management system.

Popular Management System Standards in Use currently ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified. It can be used by any organization, large or small, regardless of its field of activity. In fact ISO 9001:2008 is implemented by over one million companies and organizations in over 170 countries. ISO 14001:2004 - Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2004 focuses on environmental management systems. The ISO 14000 family addresses various aspects of environmental management. It provides practical tools for companies and organizations looking to identify and control their environmental impact and constantly improve their environmental performance. ISO 22000:2005- Safety Management System ISO 22000:2005 sets out the requirements for a food safety management system and can be certified. It maps out what an organization needs to do to demonstrate its ability to control

Contributed by Shri P K M Kashyap, AGM, TQP, RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi

Unite for Quality, because Quality is everybodys business!

When the trust account is high, communication is easy, instant, and effective

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R & D Project Management


Project Management at RDCIS : Part I - Planning Aspects

RDCIS carries the research work in the form of project. These research projects are selected by a series of steps. These steps include identification of the theme of the project, brain storming on various issues related to the project, identification of resources like project task force, budget, duration of project, equipment and consumables, need of external agencies/ consultant etc. Project coordination Division (PC Division) is a nodal agency for planning & monitoring of all R&D projects. RDCIS pursues mainly following five different categories of research programmes: A Project Profile (Preliminary) is made where in objective of the project, scope of work, approach, benefits and resources are described. The project profile is submitted to the Project Coordination Division, for approval. A presentation is made before a high level Committee called Project Approval Committee (PAC) which reviews the proposal and suggest the requisite improvement in Objective/approach of the project. The Chief Executive along with Heads of Areas, Head of Finance, and Head of Material Management participate in this meeting. Plant-based projects are selected based on the requirement of customers, determined through interaction with customers, both formally and informally. It covers the requirements specified by the customer as well as the requirements deemed necessary, though not specified by the customer, and the associated statutory and regulatory requirements. Before committing to plants, requirements and expectations are identified and documented. If necessary, more relevant data are collected from plants and other sources (published literature etc.) to assess the technical requirements for formulation of scope of the project. For plant based projects, list of projects along with the Project Profiles (Preliminary) finalized after presentation in the PAC and incorporation of suggestions of the PAC is sent by Chief Executive, RDCIS to Chief Executives and Heads of Works of SAIL Plants and Units.

Plant-based projects are selected based on the requirement of customers, determined through interaction with customers, both formally and informally. It covers the requirements specified by the customer as well as the requirements deemed necessary.

Plant Performance Improvement (PPI); Product Development (PD); Scientific Investigation & Development (SID); Basic Research (BR) and Technical Services (TS)

Being corporate R&D of SAIL, our research projects are mainly devised to improve processes & product mix of SAIL plants & mines. Project-based technological services to SAIL plants are the main stay of RDCIS, SAIL. Research work at RDCIS are mainly directed towards the following performance improvement and revenue enhancement themes :
Improvement in Yield, Productivity, Quality and Equipment Performance & Effectiveness Reduction in Material usage and Energy Consumption Development/ Marketing of Bye Products/ Refractories etc. New value added Product Development and Commercialisation Plant investigation Feasibility studies Environmental Studies & pollution control Specialised Testing Process Investigation Mathematical Modeling Instrument and Equipment Development Software Development Process Flow sheet Development New Knowledge Generation Existing Knowledge Up-gradation

At some time in your life, you probably had someone believe in you when you didn't believe in

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The initial project proposal, termed as Project Profile (Preliminary) comprises of the followings:
Project Title Category Background & Justification Objective Approach Resources - Duration ( Date of Start, Date of Completion) - Engineer-days Required (Group -wise, Year-wise) - Capital Cost (with equipment details), Direct Revenue -Cost (Year-wise) - Task-force Members Benefits (Technological and Monetary)

ject is assigned to a Co-ordinator. The Co-ordinator manages the interface amongst the concerned groups judiciously for successful implementation of the project. For a project, other than multi-assignment project, a Spokesperson takes the lead role. For Laboratory based projects, similar presentation is made by Spokesperson and the list of laboratory based project is finalized. After the concurrence is received from SAIL Plants/ Units, the concerned technology groups are requested to prepare Project Microplan Document (PMD), which comprises the following: A. PROJECT PROFILE B. QUALITY PLAN & RESPOBSIBILITY C. PROJECT OUTLAY D. MAJOR RESOURCES AND CONSTRAINTS E. ESTIMATED ANNUAL BENEFIT

Project Microplan Document (PMD) Quality plan includes details of milestones & duration, role & responsibilities of task force, details of cost outlay, resource planning, consultancy / testing from outside etc.

In case, a project entails involvement of more than one technical discipline, project is divided into various assignments for better management of the project and termed as multi disciplinary project. The overall responsibility of the pro-

Contributed by Shri S S Das, DGM, & HoG (PC) RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi

Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions

Page 5

Technology Dissemination
Technology Dissemination Programmes Technology Dissemination Centre (TDC) was created at Research & Development Centre for Iron & Steel (RDCIS) in 1993 at Ranchi, to disseminate technical information in a structured manner for its large pool of technical personnel in its steel plants and Units. The major objective was to augment technological awareness among SAIL personnel with relevant and latest information on different aspects of iron and steel technologies. RDCIS is having a vast reservoir of process know-how for iron and steel manufacturing and product development and is utilized to disseminate expertise and knowledge-base through Technology Dissemination Programmes also known as TAPs. During 2012-13, RDCIS organized 24 such programmes on various technologies and products both at Ranchi and steel plants. These programmes were attended by participants from all SAIL plants and Units. Recently one The TAP has been organized on Enhancing Market Acceptability of Steel Plants organized during May 7 10, 2013 at RDCIS, Ranchi. Sri S Varadarajan, ED I/c RDCIS while inaugurating TAP, stressed that steel plants, RDCIS and marketing personnel should work in unison so that SAIL can reap the maximum benefits from the ongoing modernization projects being undertaken in our steel plants.


Ten faculty members from RDCIS and two from CMO delivered talks on the following topics:
Special efforts and product devel-

TDC organises structured Technology Awareness Programmes (TAPs) for engineers of Steel Plants & Mines of SAIL to disseminate the knowledge and expertise throughout SAIL.

opment efforts
Quality requirement of special

steels (flat product) Line pipe steel from SAIL

High strength HR coils and de-

fence grades
Upcoming products with new BIS

An overview of RDCIS and R & D

master plan
Coated steels & products from


Special grades of plates Hot rolled high performance steel

Market potential for special steels

(flat products)
Special quality cold rolled steels

from CRM II / III, BSL Processing & application of IF and BH steels : prospects in SAIL

Total twenty one participants from different plants and units of SAIL attended the programme
Forthcoming TAPs : A. Integrated Approach for improving BF performance (09-12, July 2013) B. Advancement in Flat Rolling Technologies.(05-08 August

Syndicate discussions were held on strategy to acquire large market share in (a) Auto sector and (b) Plates

We see the world, not as it is, but as we areor, as we are conditioned to see it.

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1 8 11 13 14 15 2 3 7 9 12 10 4 5 6




19 22 25 23 24 26



Section A
1 4 8 9 11



1 2 3 5 6 7 10 14 17 18 19 21 24 A feature introduced in the operating system of Computer to quickly accept a new hardware (4, 3, 4). The seventh sign of Zodiac (5). Black or dark brown combustible mined substance used in Iron Making (4). The Quality Guru who propounded the theory of Off-line Quality Design (7) A prickle; Something that wounds or causes discomfort or annoyance (5). In the noun form, a word that means request, plead, beseech; invitation (old use) (11). Protection of an intellectual property right for a brief period (5, 6). To seek right or justice through legal process (3). A platinum-grey metallic element used mainly as an alloy in special steels (7). Either of two fleshy folds that surround the opening of the mouth (3). A person from Saddam Husseins country (5). Famous distant learning university of India (Abbrev) (5). Ball Game played either on grass or on water though with different rules (4).

Overall intention and direction (as formerly expressed by Management) of an organization, may or may not be related to quality (6). Requirement of Customer besides the implied and obligatory according to ISO 9000 standard (6). The dark area especially the blackest part of a shadow from which all light is cut off (5). A person from an African country is addressed thus (5). A collection of produced units from which a statistically valid sample is to be drawn and inspected to determine conformance with acceptability criteria; to a very great degree or extent (3). Regret; repent; become sorrowful (3) An exclamation of sorrow, grief, pity, concern etc (4). To peruse carefully and attentively; to deceive or trick (3). In quality control, degree to which an item is capable of performing its required function at any randomly chosen time during its specified operating period; the act of leaning on a reliable person (13). A Switzerland based institution that sets standards for many Businesses and Technologies. (Abbrev) (3). A type of font used in Computers (4). A mixture of Nitrogen, Oxygen and minute amounts of other gases that surrounds the earth and forms its atmosphere (3). A Software approach that integrates business functions/ systems for improved organizational effectiveness (Abbrev) (3). To arrange in a line so as to be parallel; to bring into cooperation or agreement with a particular group, party, cause (5). A unit of weight measure (5). A person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand; a paradox (6). The design approach suggested by a Japanese Quality Guru; Strong and sturdy (6).

12 13 15 16

19 20 22 23 25 26 27 28

Section B
The saying by a Canadian sociologist that, In a organizational hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. Jumble the letters in the cells 12, 17, 15, 19, 20, 23, 27, 28, 5, 7, 10, 18, 21, 24 to form the words.

Answers of Crossword - I are given in the same issue

Contributed by Shri P K M Kashyap, AGM, TQP, RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi, M 8986880150
Page 7

When air is charged with emotions, an attempt to teach is often perceived as a form of judgment and rejection.

RDCIS Laboratory Facilities

Thermo-Mechanical Simulator (GLEEBLE-3500C) The Gleeble-3500C is a fully integrated digital closed-loop control thermal and mechanical testing system. Easy-to-use Windows based computer software, combined with an array of powerful processors, provide an extremely user-friendly interface to create, run and analyze data from thermal-mechanical tests and physical simulation programs. The result is a system unequaled for physical simulation and thermal-mechanical materials testing. The direct resistance heating system of the Gleeble 3500C can heat the specimens at rates up to 10,000 C/ second, or can hold steady-state equilibrium temperatures. High thermal conductivity grips hold the specimens, making the Gleeble 3500C capable of high cooling rates. An optional quench system can achieve cooling rates in excess of 8,000 C/ second at the specimen surface. The Gleeble 3500C mechanical system is a complete, fully integrated hydraulic servo system capable of exerting as much as 10 tons of static force in tension or compression. Displacement rates as fast as 2000 mm/ second can be achieved. LVDT transducers, load cells, or extensometers provide feedback to ensure accurate execution and repeatability of the mechanical test program. The mechanical system allows the operator to program changes from one control mode to another during any given test. This capability provides the versatility that is necessary to simulate many thermal-mechanical processes. Control modes that are available include stroke, displace-


ment, force, various extensometers, true stress, true strain, engineering stress, and engineering strain. Applications The Gleeble system can be utilized for simulation of processes, like hot rolling, forging, continuous casting, mushy zone processing, weld HAZ cycle, strip annealing, heat treating, quenching, etc. It can also be used for material testing, like hot tensile testing, uniaxial and plane strain hot compression, strain induced crack opening, thermal/ thermalmechanical fatigue, creep/ stress rupture, thermal cycling, heat treatment, dilatometry/ phase transformation, stress relaxation studies, nil strength/ nil ductility temperature determination, etc. Research Work carried out by RDCIS The Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulation facility has been used for a number of important R & D projects leading to quality/yield improvement, process optimization, steel product development. A large number of research establishments, steel makers, academic institutes, manufacturing industries, like Tata Steel, Jamshedpur, Essar Steel, Hazira, WRI, Trichy, DRDL, Hyderabad, VSSC, Thiruvanthapuram, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, BARC Mumbai, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Bombay, ARAI Pune, LPSC, Trivendrum, NFC, Hydrabad have utilized this national facility. Some of the R & D projects undertaken using this facilities are, 1. Simulation of Thermo-mechanical Processing and Hot Workability Studies of High Strength Steels (RDCIS) 2. Modeling and Control of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties During Hot Strip Rolling (BSL)

Gleeble system can be utilized for simulation of processes, like hot rolling, forging, continuous casting, mushy zone processing, weld HAZ cycle, strip annealing, heat treating, quenching, etc.

Contributed by Dr. Vinod Kumar, AGM, Steel Product, RDCIS, SAIL, M 8986880202

The only person I know, is the person I want to be

Page 8

Innovative Project by RDCIS


COMPUTERISED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT RDCIS, SAIL, RANCHI A software system titled Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) has been developed for Construction & Maintenance (C&M) Department at RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi. The CMMS software has been designed for storage, retrieval & processing of both civil and electrical maintenance records through user friendly interfaces. The software covers details of quarters, occupants, contracts, measurements, abstracts, tax details, deductions etc. The features also include role based access mechanism, security mechanism, and duration based data locking system. The application software is installed, configured on a server machine, both at RDCIS & at SAIL Township separately and available on-line, for access by the end users. In addition to this, a software module for Complaint Lodging System has also been developed and implemented on a LAN at SAIL Township, to extend the facility of lodging the complaints through computers located in Maintenance Office. The software does the cost calculation and also helps in generating various MIS reports meeting the auditing & statutory requirements of Finance Department. This will also help the management for quick decision making, timely accounting of the cost of maintenance activities and better customer satisfaction.

Regular use of the system would lead to following benefits:

Timely accounting of maintenance activities Generating MIS reports Availability of on-line information for individual complaints Expenditure tracking Transparency Complaint Redressal Interface

Online Requisition


Data Storage & Retrieval MIS report Preparation of Bills Statement of Tax Statement of deductions etc.


Manual Requisition

The software has been developed and deployed using software tools like Oracle Designer and Oracle Developer Suite with Oracle database. It has the potential for horizontal transfer to other maintenance offices in SAIL Plants/Units. The processing of bills through LAN is being planned for next phase. This will reduce manpower involvement and conserve resources.

The Software has been successfully implemented at SAIL Township as well as RDCIS office for both civil & electrical complaints. The system is in regular use. Bills processed through system are submitted to the Finance Department, for timely payment to the contractors. 10 monthly bills of Office & Township maintenance (Civil & Electrical) have been processed through this software.

Contributed by Ms. S. Selvi, Mgr, C&IT, G D Maheshwari DGM, C&M & P K Maini Sr. Mgr. C&M , RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi, M 8986880320

The way we see things is the source of the way we think or the way we act

Page 9

Glossary of Technical Terms

Coal & Coke Coking Coal : Coals that when heated to sufficiently high temperatures pass through a transient plastic stage in which `they successively soften, swell and resolidify into a coherent cellular coke. Coking Pressure : During carbonization, the plastic layers swell as a result of gas evolution and push the sides of the charge against the chamber (oven walls.) This is known as coking pressure. CRI : It determines the reactivity of coke with respect to CO2 at 11000C under standard test conditions. CSR : It determines the strength of coke with respect to CO2 at 11000C under standard test conditions. Dilatation : Expansion / contraction properties of coal as measured by dilatometer, and expressed as % contraction and % dilatation. Fluidity : Maximum fluidity of plastic mass measured by Geisler plastometer. Incineration : Complete burning.


Inerts : Coal macerals, which on heating in absence of air do not produce plastic mass are known as inert macerals. Inertinites are inert macerals. Mesophase : Liquid crystal phase. Micum Indices : Give the strength of coke, M40 represents impact strength; and M10 the abrasion strength. Rank : Rank is a classification designation that denotes the degree of maturity in its metamorphic path, or progressive alteration, from lignite to anthracite, inherent moisture, VM on pure coal basis (dmf) and reflectance of vitrinite are the major rank parameters. Reactives : coal macerals which on heating in absence of air produce plastic mass. Vitrinities, semi-vitrinites and exinites are reactive macerals.

Carbonisation Process of heating a coal in absence of air to sufficiently high temperature to yield a residue having higher carbon content than the original coal

Pilot Coke Oven at RDCIS, Ranchi

If you don't let a teacher know what level you are -- by asking a question, or revealing your ignorance -- you will not learn or grow
Page 10

The person behind the name


6 A book or movie which inspired me to be a better person / better leader. Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma The Seven habits of Effective people By Stephen Covey. 7 Some achievements which I am proud of: ISO 9001 certification of Plate Mill SMS 2 in 1993-94 Achieving rated capacity of BBM of Bhilai Steel Plant for the first time in 2003-04 Evolving the system for the implementation of R&D master Plan 8 What is it that makes RDCIS different? The know how is important for the operation of technology but know-why is important to provide innovative solutions to the Technological problems. The passion of RDCIS collective to look for know-why aspects makes job of RDCIS different and special, RDCIS has to continuously augment its knowledge base to help SAIL to achieve its full potential. RDCIS should do more basic research to generate new ideas. 9 My favourite quote: Winners dont do different things; They do things differently- Shiv Khera 10 My advice to young managers 80% of your time should be focused on allotted jobs. 10% of your time should be devoted to upliftment of society by involving yourself and devote 10% of your time in self development and doing things not directly connected with your job. It will broaden your perspective and make you a better person and manager.

Shri Sridhar Varadarajan Executive Director Incharge RDCIS, SAIL

1 Childhood memories that are still with me today. Evening games at Don Bosco oratory at Broadway, Chennai. My being a member of Don Bosco Scout group at Chennai. 2 One thing which I remember about my college days. Good Food, Hostel facilities and the cool ambience at the Indian Institute of Science campus in Bangalore 3 Leadership lessons I remember the best. Be simple and be specific. Be reflective-there is always a better way of doing things. Acknowledge mistakes, take corrective action and move along. Treat everybody with Respect. 4 My management mantras are : Be a team player Manage your time effectively. Respect Hierarchy Have a learning attitude 5 The business leader I admire the most J R D Tata & N.R. Narayana Murthy

Interdependence is a choice only independent people can make

Page 11


Business Excellence RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi

lndian steel industry has been rapidly growing with expansion and modernization of steel making facilities to cope up with the increasing domestic as well as global demand. At the same time, steel makers have faced serious challenges of stringent quality requirements of the market compelling them to develop smart refractory materials and suitable refining technologies. In view of the above and as a knowledge hub of SAIL, R&D Centre for Iron and Steel (RDCIS), in association with Centre for Engineering & Technology (CET), SAIL and MECON Limited is organising an International Conference on "Advances in Refractories and Clean Steel Making (ARCS13)" during June 26 to 28, 2013 at lspat Bhawan, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India, on the theme "Challenges & Opportunities in Refractory and Clean Steel Making". For more information, you may please visit :

Ispat Bhawan Ranchi - 834002

PHONE: 0651- 2411111 FAX: 0651- 2411156 Editorial Board Shri V Kumar, GM (BE) Dr B B Agrawal, DGM (TM and TDC &TQP) GD Maheshwari, DGM (C&M) S S Das, DGM (PC)

Resource Team PKM Kashyap, AGM (TQP) V Pavan Kumar, AGM (IDC & IPR) Neeta Chakravarti, AGM (TDC) P K Maini, Sr. Mgr. (C&M) S Selvi, Manager (C&IT)

Section A













Answer to the Crossword I






May kindly send your valuable suggestions to Dr. B B Agrawal at










Start with the end in mind.

All quotes by -Stephen R. Covey

Section B

The saying by a Canadian sociologist that, In a organizational hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. Jumble the letters in the cells 12, 17, 15, 19, 20, 23, 27, 28, 5, 7, 10, 18, 21, 24 to form the words




Page 12

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