Preachalways!: Discussions About Healing Index

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Discussions about Healing index

Don't do this!

If you want to get healed, let me tell you something I used to do that will definitely not work. That is sitting around condemning yourself for your lack of faith. The devil would love to use you against yourself in this way. If you are thinking any of these thoughts, you can be sure that they do not come from God: "I'm a failure. I stink. I just can't believe for my healing. Everyone else can, but I can't get healed. I know what the Bible promises me, but I just can't get it. My heart must be so wrong. If I were just a better Christian, I could believe God. I'll bet Jesus is mad in heaven right now, saying, 'Oh, ye of little faith. How long must I put up with you?' What's the matter with me? Why can't I have childlike faith in God? My faith is so small. I'm a spiritual mess-up."

According to Philemon verse 6, your faith grows by acknowledging the good things that are in you in Christ, not by acknowledging doubt and unbelief. According to Romans 10:17, faith comes by hearing the Word, not by hearing yourself trash yourself. Stop focusing on yourself and start focusing on the Word. Stop considering yourself and start considering your High Priest who is the author and the finisher of your faith. Stop pulling up your seed and start watering it. If it's any consolation, I used to think the thoughts above, and I was cured of it by continuing to read the Word about healing. Instead of struggling to get faith, read the Word and faith will come by hearing it. It may not seem like anything is changing for a while, but keep it up. You will find that it is not nearly as hard to believe God as you thought it was.

Also, you may be struggling with something you don't need to struggle with. It is not supposed to be a struggle to "pull down" Trust Rating your healing from heaven with your faith. Your faith receives something that God has already decided is yours. God is freely % offering healing to you. Once you see that, you will understand that it is not a struggle at all, any more than you have to struggle to


believe that you are saved when you receive Jesus. We who believe have entered into rest, not struggle. Struggling is not faith. Faith rests in the promises of God. Dissing yourself will never produce positive fruit. Why give the devil a day off? He doesn't even need to send any of his troops your way when you do his dirty work for him! God is for you. If God is for you, why should you be against you, thus taking sides against God concerning yourself? Quit it now! Read the Word and build your faith, rather than tearing down your faith!



Don't do this!


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