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Invited Commentary

Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Treatment of the

Painful Sacroiliac Joint
Peter A. Huijbregts, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, FCAMT

s also noted by Dr. Laslett there is whereas two other tests were noted to be roiliac joint pain. Sensitivity further in-
an overabundance of book and potentially reliable. creased when diskogenic patients were
journal article references out there Confusion set in for me after this ini- excluded based on the repeated move-
that provide models for diagnosis tial elation when I realized that my clini- ment examination6.
and management of sacroiliac joint dys- cal construct of SIJD, defined by Paris3 as There were some very strong points
function (SIJD) based solely on author- a state of altered mechanics, character- to this research indeed. One was the issue
ity-based knowledge and—in my opin- ized by an increase or decrease from the of adequate face validity of the test cluster
ion—unwarranted extrapolations from expected normal or by the presence of an used based on established interrater reli-
anec­dotal clinical observations and from aberrant motion, was in fact quite differ- ability of the individual tests as also noted
basic science studies on lumbosacral re- ent from a diagnosis of sacroiliac joint by Dr. Laslett here. Of course, interrater
gion anatomy and (patho) biomechanics. pain. At that time—and still to some ex- reliability is increased even when cluster-
When I was first introduced to Dr. Las- tent—my clinical reasoning was guided ing individually unreliable tests if doing
lett’s work on reliability of individual sac- by a mechanism-based classification sys- so increases the amount of options that
roiliac joint pain provocation tests1, I tem that was founded on the premise that are considered agreement. By using at
have to admit that I was elated and at the impairments identified during examina- least four proven reliable tests in the clus-
same time confused. tion were the cause of musculoskeletal ter of sacroiliac joint provocation tests
Identifying myself strongly as a pain and dysfunction4. So now I was able studied, Laslett et al6 greatly increased
physical therapist specializing in ortho- to diagnose pain emanating from the sac- this aspect of research validity. Also, this
paedic manual physical therapy (OMPT), roiliac joint but I was no closer to an evi- research allowed classification of at least
SIJD for me was a very real construct. I dence base for a diagnosis of SIJD that some of the patients, i.e., the diskogenic
had spent many years perfecting means could then guide my specific OMPT in- patients, to be included in a treatment-
both to diagnose this dysfunction with terventions. based system that then could determine
manual diagnostic tests and to treat it Over time my clinical reasoning— treatment. But still, even with this re-
with specific manipulative interventions and that of many within physical ther- search we are again left with the question
and exercise instruction. However, time apy—has become increasingly influenced as to what to do with patients we diagnose
and again the positional and motion pal- by treatment-based classification. In the with sacroiliac joint pain?
pation tests required for establishing a treatment-based system, a cluster of signs Although we could argue about the
specific OMPT diagnosis of a positional and symptoms from the patient history appropriateness of using prevalence data
fault and/or direction of hypomobility and physical examination is used to clas- from studies in a specialized secondary
that then could guide those favored ma- sify patients into subgroups with specific care setting7 as pre-test values to establish
nipulative interventions were shown to implications for management5. In more post-test probability of a diagnosis of sac-
have insufficient reliability for clinical recent research also discussed in detail in roiliac joint pain in patients with low
use. I was also well aware that these stud- Dr. Laslett’s current review paper, Laslett back pain presenting to physical therapy
ies showing insufficient reliability ques- et al6 incorporated the treatment-based and other primary care settings, I agree
tioned the very validity of the SIJD con- McKenzie classification system with a with Dr. Laslett’s suggestion of adopting
struct2. So finally, Laslett and Williams1 cluster of sacroiliac joint provocation the combination of a McKenzie evalua-
had established that four provocation tests and showed excellent sensitivity and tion and his cluster of sacroiliac joint
tests had sufficient interrater reliability, specificity values for the diagnosis of sac- provocation tests as a sacroiliac joint clin-

University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences, St. Augustine, FL.

The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy n volume 16 n number 3   [151]
Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Treatment of the Painful Sacroiliac Joint

ical prediction rule (SIJCPR). Clinical identified respond consistently and fa- 3. Paris SV. Mobilization of the spine. Phys
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variables obtained from patient history, trolled trials determine which of the al. Reliability of physical examination items
examination, and simple diagnostic tests interventions shown efficacious in the used for classification of patients with low
that can assist in making a diagnosis, es- second step is in fact the most effica- back pain. Phys Ther 1998;78:979–988.
tablishing prognosis, or determining ap- cious. And who knows, maybe this re- 5. Delitto A, Erhard RE, Bowling RW. A treat-
propriate management8. It is clear that search will find that my favored inter- ment-based classification approach to low
the proposed SIJCPR is a diagnostic vention of manipulation has a place in back syndrome: Identifying and staging pa-
CPR, although Dr. Laslett does suggest the management of patients diagnosed tients for conservative treatment. Phys Ther
-based on his extensive clinical experi- with sacroiliac joint pain after all? If not, 1995;75:470–485.
ence- that the matched interventions for it is up to us using this intervention to 6. Laslett M, Young SB, Aprill CN, McDonald
patients fitting this CPR are lumbosacral establish—by way of this same ADTO— B. Diagnosing painful sacroiliac joints: A
stabilization and—although notably model and mirroring the impressive validity study of a McKenzie evaluation and
outside of the physical therapy scope of work done by Dr. Laslett- what the diag- sacroiliac provocation tests. Aust J Physio-
practice—intra-articular infiltration. nostic characteristics are of those pa- ther 2003;49:89–97.
To establish this proposed link be- tients that do respond favorably to ma- 7. Maigne JY, Aivaliklis A, Pfefer F. Results of
tween the SIJCPR and said interven- nipulative interventions. sacroiliac joint double block and value of
tions, the next step is to now submit this sacroiliac pain provocation tests in 54 pa-
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sessment-Diagnosis-Treatment-Out- 1889–1892.
come (ADTO) research model first de- 1. Laslett M, Williams M. The reliability of 8. Laupacis A, Sekar N, Stiell I. Clinical predic-
scribed by Spratt9. Reliability of this selected pain provocation tests for sacro- tion rules: A review and suggested modifica-
proposed diagnostic group of patients iliac joint pathology. Spine 1994;19:1243– tion of methodological standards. JAMA
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[152]   The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy n volume 16 n number 3

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