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Friday, May 25, 2012

Black Men & Boys Series: Meet The Good Sheppard

"The Good Sheppard" (center) with Anthony Stewart and Trooper Carl Wright, President of San Diego Chapter of the B ffalo Soldiers !th and "#th ($orse) Ca%alry at &eteran's &illage of San Diego(

SA) D*+G,, CA - ,n Sat rday, .ay "!th, Sean Sheppard, also /nown as "The Good Sheppard," recei%ed an honorary 0e01ership fro0 the San Diego Chapter of the B ffalo Soldiers for his ser%ice to the nation's ho0eless and %eterans( Trooper Carl Wright, president of the San Diego Chapter of B ffalo Soldiers shared, 2Sean has de0onstrated %al es that 0a/e o r co00 nity stronger 1y

enco raging fa0ily and friends of all ages to get in%ol%ed and 0a/e a difference, ser%ing the ho0eless and %eterans, getting high school and college st dents in%ol%ed in co00 nity ser%ice, and s pporting the A0erican 3egion and the B ffalo Soldiers(4 The B ffalo Soldiers, co0prised of for0er sla%es, free0en and Blac/ Ci%il War soldiers, were 0e01ers of the 5(S "#th Ca%alry 6egi0ents of the 5nited States Ar0y( The San Diego B ffalo Soldiers 0ission is to pro%ide a historically acc rate acco nt of the B ffalo Soldiers' contri1 tion to A0erican history, specifically the participation of the !th 7 "#th $orse Ca%alry( $onorary 0e01erships are awarded to any person who has perfor0ed disting ished ser%ice for the 5nited States, local co00 nities, or for the B ffalo Soldiers( Sean fo nded +01race in 8###, an organi9ation that ses co00 nity ser%ice to 1ring di%erse gro ps of people together to 1ring a1o t social wellness in o r society( +01race foc ses on the tili9ation of college st dents and recent grad ates to de%elop their leadership : alities and re0edy co00 nity pro1le0s s ch as health disparities and ho0elessness on a %ol nteer 1asis( $is lti0ate goal is to 1ring a1o t legislation that 0a/es co00 nity ser%ice 0andatory for all college st dents that attend state f nded instit tions of higher ed cation( Sean's organi9ation ca ght the attention of ;The &iew< co-host Sherri Shepherd, when she learned that Sean 0o%ed a ho0eless wo0an into his own ho0e in an effort to help her and her son re1 ild their li%es( That ho0eless wo0an happened to 1e a star on the for0er tele%ision show ;A0erican Gladiator(< Shepherd was so 0o%ed 1y the story, that she as/ed her wedding g ests to donate to +01race in lie of gifts (%iew the %ideo here)( Sean shared a1o t his honor, 2* ha%en<t always had the highest regard for acti%e 0ilitary and %eterans 1eca se of the negati%e effect the &ietna0 War had on 0y father who saw co01at in the Ar0y (!"st +BC, "st 5S Ar0y)( =or 0y life to change to the point of 1eing honored 1y the legendary B ffalo Soldiers is s rreal and 1eyond h 01ling( *t's the 0ost significant personal recognition *'%e e%er recei%ed(4

Sean Sheppard, standing with the San Diego Chapter of the B ffalo Soldiers !th and "#th ($orse) Ca%alry as the second official $onorary .e01er at &eteran's &illage of San Diego( &isit www(e01race"(org to learn 0ore( Tracey at =riday, .ay 8>, 8#"8 ,riginal 563? http?@@www(1lac/gi%es1ac/(co0@8#"8@#>@1lac/-0en-1oys-series-0eet-good(ht0lA0B"

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