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Battle report for DBMMv2 Teutonic Orders vs Medieval German A) Pre setup: Player: Herbert as Teutonic Grand Master,

, James as Duke of Brandenburg Army List: selection base on DBMM army book 4/13 Medieval German, 4/30. Teutonic Orders, after 1300AD. Scale: 600 points per side, all available Stratagems allowed. Attacker: Teutonic Orders, defender: Germans B) Deployment: After throwing dices for terrain, German side got 2 rocky hills and boggy flat ground, all counts as rough going along his deployment zone. Teutonic got 2 big woods cover the 2 wings, both sides seems got favorable defending position. Germans used 3 commands plus a Allied command, CinC with major part of Knights RegKn(O) plus large amount of Hordes IrrHd(O) deployed in right wing. The Allied Gen plus his command, consisted of major Bd(I) and Bw(O), plus few Knights RegKn(O) in centre, the focus was 2 Bge(S) in support. A terrified group of Bd(X) deployed with 3rd command in Germans left wing, Bd(X) able to quick kill knights in both round, so it was Germans secret weapon against the Teutonic knights. 1 Command with mainly Knights sent outflanking from right edge battlefield. The plan of German was a coordinated attack with right wing outflanking force plus CiC commands, crush the Orders left wing and carry the day. The secured deployment position guarantee the German line intact before the outflanking force arrival. The Teutonic Order deployed 3 commands with rather equal forces, CiC command the German knights IrrKn(O), which made sure these impetuous troops under control. He also got all the Spear RegSp(O)/IrrSp(I). Both right and left got the cream of army: 3 Double based RegKn(S) and a handful of supported troop, such as LH(O), Cv(O), Ax(O) and Ps(O). The plan was simple, if there is no outflanking enemy came in, the Orders will select a part of enemy line and frontal attack with double based knights in lead. But all depend on no outflanking


C) The course of battle Battle started with Germans from 0900, early stage found no active action from both sides, the Grand Master worried outflanking enemy so no move order issued, obviously the Duke was waiting for his outflanking pincer. The dust rose in Orders left wing about 1100, the LH(O) deployed over there reported Enemy knight insight!! At the same time Duke of Brandenburg personally led the charge into Orders spear foot, trumpet was sounded. Grand Master swiftly recalled his right wing commander, came with double based knight to face the crisis in left wing. He put his trust on those long trained brothers in left, they should be able to hold the line until reinforce from right wing. The German knight charged home into the thick mass of Teutonic spear foot, even though they cut down the front rank, the mass was too thick to get through, so the German momentum was hold. At the same time Teutonic left wing commander led his Order brothers

charged back into the German knight, their good morale and high level training told the different, those German knight faced them melted away within a minute, a hole was opened among the German battle line. God seems replied the praying of the Teutonic brothers. Observed the worse situation, the German outflanking commander led and charged bravely into the prepared defending line of Teutonic crossbow. A unlucky shot pierce his heart and he fell down from his horse, the Germans last chance to save the day gone. Understood it was not his day, the German CinC order a general withdraw and looked to fight for another day, Teutonics were too tired to purse so could only watching their enemy moved away.

D) Highlight of Battle or rules Double based Kn(S) in wedge really powerful Irregular troops difficult to move under DBMM, so those IrrBd(X) not even participated any fighting after they deployed in wrong wing. Inferior troops much better than v1 and Superior less powerful

Right now DPS has this Teutonic army ready to sell, if you want to own this powerful army, please contact us if you are from follows: DPS
Set up Knights supported by Baggage S

Large number of German Hordes

Medieval German Knights (O)

thick mass of Teutonic spear foot near center 3 Doubased knights with handful of support troops

Close up of thick masses of Teutonic spearmen blocks defending vs Medieval German Knights

:Medieval German Knights charging Teutonic Spearmen in Centre

:Teutonic Bowmen who would shoot down one of the Medieval German commander.jpg

:Setup in left of Teutonic centre.jpg

:Setup in Medieval German left.jpg

:Teutonic Knights in Wedge breaking through Medieval German Knights.jpg



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