Herbalife Measurements: Name Darshika Age 23yrs Height 157.5 Cms

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Herbalife Measurements

Name Age Height Darshika 23yrs 157.5 cms



BMI (Body Mass Index)


RM (Resting Metabolism)

1431.64 KCALs

Scientifical Weight lose measurements 2 x Herbalife {Formula 1 (2 Spoon) + Personalised Protein Pow Healthy Lunch = 400-650 KCALS Total counted Calories= 2x220 + 650 = 1090Kcals

1431 - 1090 = 341KCALS every DAY

Diet Pla
Water intakes Sessions Morning
you will be consuming 1 litre of water in calculative with afresh and herbalife shake. 1 glass of luke warm at early moring can be added to start you refresing day.

Products Afresh Tea Exercise (cycling/yoga/h ome work out)


Herbalife shake

This whole proces will help you to consume good amount of water through out the day and more fluid out of your body.

Healthy Lunch with salad Afresh drink



Afresh Tea

This stage would be intersting more ligher than both other sessions. Please consult with me if you feel hungry at your

Evening Evening

Herbalife shake Exercise Walk would best to finish your day.


Water Intake =


Average weight is suppose to be in middle of 48-52Kgs according to you height. Interstingly, you just need to get rid off your extra fat around you belly and that will be controlled just to adding nutrional shakes and Cell-U-loss. Ideal BMI is 18-22. A BMI of more than 25 means obesity and body leads to diabetes or high blood pressure. Obese people are more likely to suffer from the diseases like knee pain, fatty liver, heart diseases, canncer and many more. RM=Energy Required to maintain vital functions. 60-70% of daily enery use is for resting metabolism

urements oon) + Personalised Protein Powder (1 Spoon)} shake = 220 KCALS

0 + 650 = 1090Kcals

Regular work out & bit of activity would be great to increase you calories usage and it will help you to reduce weight rapidly.

Diet Plans
Quantity 1 Make it mandatory to your life style. It will make your more healthier and active through out the day!

1 1litre bottle with 2 spoon of Afresh

Lot of water to cuter off the fluid form body

Soups, Boiled/Raw vegetables, Curd & fruits can be added to overcome you Hunger in between your meal timings.

Summary Danger Zone Moderate In-level

To reduce you desired weight, Calories will play a critical part and help to reduce extra few kilos from body. More Calories used daily =


7:00 - 8:00 (Early Morning) Try to adjust with your timings So, it wont be hectic for you to balance with your shake and exercise. 8:00 - 9:00 (Morning)

1:00 - 2:00 (Afternoon) 3:00-4:00 4:30-5:30

8:00 - 9:00

3-4 litre of water would assist you Daily diet to reduce access weight from body.

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