Rise in Buddhism and Jainism

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The plan, elevation, section and total form is derived from a circle The Stupas were large halls with a dome and bore symbols of the Buddha. The famous stupa emerged under the architectural patronage of Ashoka. First made with brick, but when Ashoka realized that they wouldnt stand the vigours of time and weather, he switched to stone. Buddhist stupas during the Mauryan period were simple mounds without decorations. World famous stupa is at Sanchi. A small square balcony at the top is known as Harmika Around the base of the dome a terrace (medhi) was added from the ground, thus adding a separate and upper ambulatory passage (pradakshina path) 1.8 m wide. The 4 gateways are known as Toranas. Toranas consist of 2 square upright columns.

The Panels on toranas consists of figures. Western- group of dwarfs Southern- lions Northern and eastern- elephants The ambulatory or pradikshna path is fenced by railing known as vedica.

It was erected by Ashoka. It has an important place in Buddhist architecture. The pillar at Sarnath is more than 15m high. It has a group of four lions on it. These lions originally supported a massive metal wheel with 24 spokes called wheel of law. Its capital more than 2 m high. It resembles the shape of an inverted bell. It has a circular abacus. Contains 4 figures of animals( elephant, bull, lion & horse)

Animals symbolize guardians of four quarters of universe Elephant- east


Bull south Horse west Lion- north

A chaitya is a Buddhist or Jain shrine including a stupa. Chaitya is often used to denote assembly or prayer hall that houses a stupa. It has a small rectangular door-way which opens to a vaulted hall. It is divided longitudinally by 2 collonades. The roof is usually semi-circular

They are the residential places of Buddhist priests.

There are 25 rock cut viharas at Ajanta and 11 at Ellora. They consist of a main hall, assembly hall and dining chambers. Cells are provided for meditation. The shrines contain beautiful figures of Buddha. The walls depict the stories based on Buddha's life. They were usually built of stone or brick.

Ajanta caves
These caves altogether 30 in number are located in the shape of a horse-shoe and contain all the characteristics of Buddhist architecture. They were intended to be monastery and contain Chaitya (prayerhall) and Viharas (residential facilities for monks).

Total 12 Buddhist cave. There is only one chaitya and the remaining are viharas. At Ellora, there are in total 34 famous temples carved out of stone. The cave temples of Ellora can be divided into three groups, mostly belonging to three periods: Buddhist, Hindu and Jain. Out of 34 cave temples only 12 of the temples belong to the Buddhist period. Infact even these temples also include the Hindu and Jain theme. This represents the slow decline of Buddhism.

Vaulted hall. 2 rows of colonnades forming a broad nave in the centre. Stupa has a cylindrical base supporting a huge dome with statue of Buddha seated in front with his feet down. Columns are rectangular. They carry heavy entablature which is elaborately sculptured.

The Ajanta caves are famous for their Frescoes. The Ajanta paintings contain beautiful paintings and illustrations in Buddha's life. Ranked among worlds finest mural paintings. Plaster used for walls is about 1 cm thick. Plaster comprises of hay, cow dung and rice husk. The surface was made evenly smooth. The surface was then coated with lime. Outlines were drawn and finally color was applied to produce beautiful paintings.

The art and architecture under mauryan and gupta empires


Sculptures and wall paintings of Ajanta Caves The themes dominate the influence of Buddha These art pieces of this place depict the daily life of the then India whilst showcasing the intricacies of the sculpture during the Gupta period. Buddhist art flourished during this period, which has often been described as a golden age. A famous rock-cut monastery at Ajanta consists of several chaitya halls and numerous residential viharas. Both facades and interiors contain elegant relief sculpture, while interiors are covered with painted murals that feature superb figures.


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