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COURSE OUTLINE Course Number: Chemistry 40.

1 Course Title: Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory Co-requisite: Chem 40 Objectives: To understand, apply, and master the various techniques and practices used in the biochemistry laboratory. To understand the concepts involved in these laboratory techniques and practices. Expt 1: Expt 2: Expt 3: Expt 4: Expt 5: Expt 6: Expt 7: Expt 8: LIPIDS Expt 9: Expt 10: EXTRACTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF PROTEINS ENZYMATIC CATALYSIS STABILITY OF PROTEINS ISOLATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS HYDROLYSIS OF NUCLEIC ACIDS EXTRACTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYSACCHARIDES HYDROLYSIS AND ANALYSIS OF POLYSACCHARIDES DETERMINATION OF SAPONIFICATION AND IODINE NUMBERS OF SOME TOTAL SERUM CHOLESTEROL DIGESTION

Pre Laboratory Report (3 points) Pre laboratory reports must be submitted at 1:00 PM. Pre laboratory reports must be written on plastic-covered record notebooks. o Cover must contain 2x3 white paper with the following information: Chem 40.1 2QY2 Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory Surname, First Name, Middle Initial o Bottom right of first page must contain the following information: Surname, First Name, Middle Initial Person to Contact in Case of Emergency: Phone Number: o Second page will serve as the acknowledgement page. This will follow the format below: Experiment # Experiment Title Page # Score Instructors Signature o Third page and the succeeding pages will have the following data: Name: Date Submitted: Group mates: Date Performed: I. Objectives II. Chemicals/Reagents and Materials/Equipment III. Schematic Diagram/Flow Chart Entries must be legible and neat. Some logical order should also prevail. Some investigators use every page of the notebook for the sections outlined below. Others use the right-hand page for the various sections and the left for computations, short notes, ideas for further work, etc. Whichever you choose, be sure to leave a few pages at the front for a Table of Contents and room within each lab write-up and between labs for later annotation. The notebook entry for any experiment should contain; Each page should give the date for the work described on that page. Give title of the experiment or exercise on the first page for each new experiment.

Data/Results Sheet This should be submitted per group at the completion of each experiment and should be written in a white paper (8.5x11). It must have the following format: Group Number/Name: Date Performed: Group Members: Date Submitted: Numerical data should be in tabular form. Other results and observation should be in outline form, brief and concise. Post Laboratory Report Post laboratory reports must be submitted on the second day after the completion of the experiment at 1:00 PM. (Note: 2 points deduction per day for late post laboratory reports and 0.5 point merit for reports submitted before the due date.) Post laboratory reports must be handwritten in one or two sheets of white paper (8.5x11) and must have the following format: Group Number/Name: Date Performed: Group Members: Date Submitted: Experiment No. & Title Introduction Results and Discussion Summary and/or Conclusion Answers to Questions References Formal Report A number of experiments will require the submission of a formal report. The formal report should be handwritten (except for tabulation of data and computations, if there are any). A copy of the data sheet checked and signed by the instructor must be attached to the formal report Follow the format below for your formal report: =============================================== =============================================== =============================================== ========================

Student Number1 Department of Biology, College of Science, University of the Philippines Baguio Date Submitted ABSTRACT (Calibri, 11, bold)

TITLE OF EXPERIMENT (Calibri, 14, bold)

This part summarizes the whole paper. It must clearly state the (1) objective/s of the experiment; the (2) general reaction/s that took place; (3) main procedure done (just a summary and should not be in detail); (4) results relevant to the objective/s and (5) conclusion DO NOT mention human and instrumental errors here. Make your abstract BRIEF and CONCISE. INTRODUCTION (Calibri, 11, bold)

Make your introduction interesting. This must give a (1) background information of the study. Give only relevant information. AVOID MAKING IT LECTURE TYPE DISCUSSION. Show the (2) importance of the study (like application, and must answer why this study is performed). And most important, the (3) objective/s of the experiment must be clearly stated at the end of the introduction. RESULT/S (Calibri, 11, bold) Must be presented in tables or figures. Title or label of tables, by convention, is written above or before the table. On the other hand, label of figures is usually written below the figure/diagram. a record of observations, data tables, graphs, photographs, etc. The data must be legible, orderly, completely labeled, and intelligible enough that you can understand it months or years later. Always try to display data carefully. When results are to be compared, place them so that they can be compared conveniently. Plan ahead so the data collection and display are simple, complete, accurate and clear .

DISCUSSION (Calibri, 11, bold) Have a systematic flow of discussion. Your discussion must have the following: (1) balanced chemical equation for any chemical reaction that was performed. (2) results of the experiment that should be presented as their interpretation or analysis is being discussed. Dont forget to state important details like color changes, weight of extracts or products, % yield, etc. (3) purpose of steps and/or reagents that may have affected the results (4)errors: possible errors that may have resulted from side reactions or wrong understanding of the procedure (5) If side reactions are possible, show balanced chemical equations for these and state whether their occurrence will result to a positive error or negative error. CONCLUSION (Calibri, 11, bold) Give overall result of the experiment or a short analysis of the findings. The analysis may be graphical or tabular as long as there is written text explaining the relevant points. A summary chart may simplify the exposition. Summarize observations as much as possible. Also, state if your objectives have been met.

LITERATURE CITED (Calibri, 11, bold) Author (s). Year Published. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publishing Company, Inclusive pages. [Book source] Author (s). Year of Publication. Title of Journal. Publisher Volume (Number): Inclusive Pages. [Journal source]

Webpage URL, date last retrieved/accessed. [Internet source] APPENDIX (Calibri, 11, bold) Calculations, Figures/Pictures ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS (Calibri, 11, bold) ================================================ ================================================ ================================================ ===================== LABORATORY POLICIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Late formal reports will merit a grade of ZERO. No answers to pre-lab, no Experiment. No answers to post-lab, no points for lab performance. Students who come in between 1:01 to 1:14 will be considered late & will be given 2 pts demerit for each late mark. Students who come in 15 minutes late will be considered absent and will be given ZERO for the pre-lab and postlab/formal report. An absence means a grade of ZERO for the individual performance for that experiment. No make up experiments are allowed for both excused and unexcused absences. However, for excused absence, the student may submit post laboratory report using the data of his/her group mates. No make-up experiments for excused and unexcused absences. No repetition of failed experiments.

7. 8.

OTHERS Proper laboratory attire must be followed. NO Labgown, NO schematic diagram, NO EXPERIMENT, NO CHEATING (exams, laboratory reports). If caught, a grade of 5.0 will be automatically given and a recommendation for expulsion. No eating and playing inside the lab. Cellular phones and other gadgets are not allowed during the lab sessions. Visitors must not be entertained inside nor at the door of the laboratory room. Always ask permission from the instructor if you are to leave the laboratory. Monitors are assigned for every experiment. The duties of the monitors include the following: o Submit a list of the reagents and equipment that will be needed a day before you perform the experiment. o Sign out and return any equipment (i.e., hot plate, weighing balance, etc.) that will be needed by the class. o Make sure all the working areas are clean after the experiments, stoppers of reagent bottles are replaced, and all electronic materials are unplugged.

Grading System

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 4.0 5.0 200 400

Percent 97-100 94-97 90-93 85-89 8075-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 59 - 55 54-below

Distribution of Points 2 exams Lab reports Laboratory Performance & Prelab/Postlab reports pts. = 70)

200 (97 pts.; 11 x 3 pts. = 33; 7 x 10

Passing Score is 480, that is, 60% of the total points.

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