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Comparative and non Comparative study Evaluation

In this paper two different studies will be discussed , one is "The

Relationship between Motivation and Achievement Attitude towards
Tests, Self Concept and Psychological Adjustment of a Sample of
Intermediate and Secondary School Students in Bahrain" which is a
non-comparative study . The second one is " Enhancement effect of My
. Math Lab and webct in a math class" which is a comparative study

: The study purpose

The purpose of the non-comparative study is to investigate the

relationship between motivation and achievement, attitude towards tests,
self concept and psychological adjustment of a sample of intermediate
and secondary students in Bahrain, and to find out the relationship
between the dependent variables and the sex, educational level, age,
socioeconomic status, and birth order of students .However , the purpose
of the comparative study is to describe and investigate the enhancement
effect from two different Web based learning management systems on
developmental mathematics students in traditional lecture based
. classroom

: Participant

: The non-comparative study

The sample consisted of (107) students (50 males and 57 females)
.selected randomly from inter-mediate and secondary schools

: The comparative study

. Three sections of intermediate algebra course

: Instrument

The non comparative study (The Relationship between Motivation and

Achievement Attitude towards Tests, Self Concept and Psychological)
sample consisted of (107) students (50 males and 57 females) selected
randomly from inter-mediate and secondary schools. The investigator
administered four instruments: Motivation to Achievement Questionnaire
(MAQ), Attitude towards Tests Measure (ATM), Self Concept Checklist
(SCC) and Psychological Adjustment Questionnaire (P AQ). However the
comparative study ( Enhancement effect of My Math Lab and webct in a
math class ) implement the two management systems (My Math Lab and
webct) in two classrooms or labs each in one lab .Each class study the
same lessons using different MS then both have . Both sections tought by
. researcher and were given three exams in the semester

Advantages and disadvantages

: The comparative study

: Advantages
: It use more than one instrument -
:Three tests and final exam and surveys in the following aspects

: disadvantages
Apply the Math Lab in two classes but the webct only in one class , -
. there is no reason stated why this is implemented
. It doest show the specific characteristics of each technology -
Studying more than one new technology at the same time make it -
.difficult to focus on all the aspects of the technology

: The non-comparative study

It seek for relationships between more than one variable where all -
variables can be controlled : the relationship between motivation and
achieve-ment, attitude towards tests, self concept and psychological
adjustment , the sex, educational level, age, socioeconomic status, and
birth order of students

It use four instruments : Motivation to Achieve-ment Questionnaire-

(MAQ), Attitude towards Tests Measure (ATM), Self Concept Checklist
.((SCC) and Psychological Adjustment Questionnaire (P AQ

: Disadvantages
. The used instruments are not discussed or explained briefly
: Findings

: Comparative study
There was a significant difference between the mean scores of students
due to birth order on the psychological adjustment. 6. There were no
significant differences between the mean scores of students due to
socioeconomic status (SES) on the four dependent variables: motivation
to achievement, attitude towards tests, self con-cept and psychological

: The non-comparative study

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