Community Internship Finals

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Final Examination- May 18, 2013

PROPER STORAGE AND HANDLING OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 1. Store pharmaceutical product /drug according to storage condition specified in the label. - cool place: 8-15 Centigrade-ref; 2-8 Centigrade-biological ref; 20-25 Centigrade- aircon (vaccines) - protect from light 2. When no storage condition is specified, it is understood that the product must be free from excessive temperature, moisture and freezing. 3. Hazardous chemicals must be stored separately in locked cabinet that is properly labeled. 4. In handling hazardous chemicals, always observe safety measures like wearing of gloves, use of mask, etc. 5. In repacking drug products, the ff packaging must be used: a. vials: small plastic, glass container, plastic envelope for tablet and capsule b. paper, plastic bags c. small boxes d. prescription bottles 6. Dont dispense drug products if the ff physical signs are present. Physical signs present degradation of product. -presence of precipitate/solidification of liquid rug -change in color/formation of color -liquification/of softening of solid (tab, cap,syr-withstand compression) -rancidity of ointment and medicated applications

DRUG PROCUREMENT AND INVENTORY CONTROL - Hospital Ph: therapeutic committee; limited -Community Ph: any; can be consumed; depend on purchaser 1. Know the most legible supplier/ distributors. -registered -check: Company Registration(license to open-update); Product List (Lot/Batch #, Expiration Date: if registered) 2. Limit your suppliers/short listing. -to monitor -limit to most important/legible suppliers 3. Refer your purchases with your faltas. 4. Buy products with longer expiration dates. -fast moving -need replenished 5. Return to suppliers non-moving and near expiry drugs. -2-3 months before expiration date

INVENTORY CONTROL -First in, First out -quarterly

TYPES OF SUPPLIERS a. direct supplier - manufacturer -chain drugstore, wholesale -more deals to offer, cheaper price b. indirect supplier c. retail supplier

- distribution *PITC- Philippine International Trading Center - supplies goods to government *OTC -monitoring -largest single unit (large investment, control inventory) ROI: return of investment

CONTENTS OF INVENTORY CARD -generic and brand name -dosage form and strength -expiration date -date purchased -price METHODS OF INVENTORY: for continuous flow of management -manual -computerized *Want Book -provide continuous flow of supply

ASPECTS OF INVENTORY 1. Stock Turnover- fast moving or slow moving * a cycle of purchase 2. When to Order- sellable; ahead of time 3. How much to Order 4. Warehousing/Storage


TECHNIQUES TO AVOID EXPIRATION DATE -inventory -warehousing -first in, first out -first expiration, first out -bar coding *to prevent accumulation of expiration

PRICING - value placed on goods and services - amount of money needed to acquire products - depends whether the product comes from local/multinational companies *local: 200%, generics(RiteMed) *multinational: 10-15%, branded (Zuellig, Unilab, Pfizer)

METHODS OF PRICING 1. %age mark-up -cost of ingredient + (C.I x %); mark-up/selling price x100 -difference between cost of product and selling product 2. %age up + minimum fee: with label, container 3. Professional fee: cost of product + Professional fee


* gross profit: revenue-cost of product -no expenses, before deducting * revenue/sales: cost + gross profit - delivery of goods and services * expenses: use of resources to support revenue * net income: revenue expenses (difference) * profit: greater revenue than of expenses * net loss: greater expense than of revenue = revenue and cost of product before deducting/overhead/payroll/taxes: gross profit *selling price-gross profit= cost *selling price-cost of merchandise= markup *cost + gross profit=revenue/sales

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