Creation of Provider in Pplus Application 1) Login To Pplus Application Using Valid Credentials

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Creation of Provider in Pplus application 1) Login to Pplus application using valid credentials

2) Select Database type as TEST from dropdown

3) Select the application database you want to connect with and click OK button

4) Click on New button to create a new record in Pplus database

5) Select Contact Type as Provider. Red blinking fields are mandatory

6) Fill all the mandatory fields and click on Save button

7) A record is displayed in right hand side under Groups section and highlighted with blue color

Creation of a new Patient in Pplus application 1) Click on New button

2) Select Contact Type as Patient. Red blinking fields are mandatory

3) Fill all the mandatory fields and click on Save button

4) A record is displayed in right hand side under Groups section and highlighted with blue color

5) Right click on the blue highlighted record of patient in Groups section and selected Apply PAP to apply program with patient

6) Go to Status/To Dos tab and select status

7) Right click on the program and select Apply Product (Botox etc) to apply product with patient

8) Go to Status/To Dos tab and select valid product status

9) Select the Provider tab and click on first Add button to add provider to the patient

10) Enter the Search criteria for provider created (existing) and Click on the Search button in Providers window

11) Select the row and click on Select button

12) Select Relation Type as Treating and Shipping and click on OK button. Provider is attached with the patient

13) Select Contact tab and click on Add/Edit button displayed in Phone section

14) Click on New button in Phones window. Select Phone Types as Shipping and Office from Available Phone Types and move to Selected Phone Types section by clicking right arrow. Enter phone number in Phone/Ext: field

15) Close the Phones window and select Provider tab and click on Add button in Site section

16) Enter the site search criteria and click on Search button in Sites window

17) Select the user site details displayed in a row and click on Select button

18) Select Treating and Shipping from Available section and move to Selected section by clicking right move arrow and click OK button

19) Click on Save button in main window

Registering Provider (Physician) in Web Portal 1) Open the Provider portal with correct URL

2) Click on Register Now tab, Registration page is displayed

3) Fill the registration details and click on Submit button

4) Registration successful page is displayed

5) Now we have to link the provider created in Portal with the Provider existing in the Pplus database using Portal Admin application Open the Portal Admin application

6) Click on the User link displayed against the Provider Portal user is using

7) Select the Provider user created using the Provider portal and click on Search button

8) Select the record row displayed under Search Result section and click on User Selected button

9) Record is moved from Search Results section to Selected Results section. Select the record row and click on Next button

10) In Step1-Search for Physician section, search provider created (existing) in Pplus application and click on Search button

11) Select the searched result displayed under Step2-Select Physician and click on User Selected button

12) Record is moved from under Step2-Select Physician section to Step3-Review Physician section. Select the record and click Next button

13) Select Search for all sites radio button and enter search criteria and click on Search button

14) Select the searched result and click on User Selected button

15) Select the row from Review Selected Site section and click on Next button

16) Select the status as Linked and click on Submit button

17) E mail will be sent to Provider to create Login credentials, on the mail address provided while registering on Web Portal. 18) Open the mail and click on the link Click Here to Establish a User Name and Password displayed below Option1 label. A new provider portal is displayed

19) Enter Login details and other mandatory fields

20) Click on Submit button, User Agreement Terms and Conditions are displayed. Click on I agree to the terms of Use button

21) Patient List page is displayed and provider is successfully logged into the Provider portal

22) Click on Enroll a new Patient link displayed on the left hand side of the web page

23) Select New Patient from Patient Name section and click on Continue button

24) Enter the mandatory fields and click on Continue & Save button

25) On the Treatment Information page fill the mandatory fields and click on Continue & Save button

26) On the Physician Information page fill the mandatory fields and click on Continue & Save button

27) On the Insurance Information page user can select any of the option Uninsured and Insured. Select Insured option. Fill the mandatory fields and click on Continue & Save button

28) Review Sections page is displayed with all the details filled by user to verify and update if any. After verification of data, select acknowledgement checkbox at the bottom of the page and click Finish button

29) Enrollment Confirmation page is displayed with option to Enroll another patient button on it

After successful enrollment of a Patient in Provider Portal, one pdf file is generated with all the details of the patient mentioned while enrollment process and sent to Electronic Document Cabinet (EDC) application. 1) Open EDC , select database applicable to user application and login with valid credentials.

2) Click on Workflow in toolbar

3) Navigate to Inbound Fax by selecting Program Support QueuesInbound Fax and click OK button

4) Search for user data based on date stamp from the existing list of data

5) Select Patient Doc from the Select Type dropdown

6) Enter the Patient Id of the patient existing in Pplus application which to be linked with this patient for mapping of Patient registered through portal and Patient record created manually in Pplus.

7) Click on Approve button in EDC application. In pop up window click Yes

8) Open the Pplus application and select the Patient which is mapped to Portal Patient through EDC

9) Click on Document Cabinet tab displayed at the bottom of the Pplus window and tag it

10) Select Status/To Dos tab and change the product status till status code 340 (Initial Approval)

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