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Mahogany, ebony, balsawood, cacao plant, rubber tree, manioc (cassava), yams, taro (gabi), breadfruit, banana, plantain, coconut palm.

Birds, bats, insects, reptiles, vertebrates and invertebrate s, mammals (carnivores and herbivores.) Wildebeest, gazelle, deer, antelope, buffalo, rhinoceros, zebra, giraffe, elephant, lion, leopard, hyena, wild dog, jackal.





Mountainous with steep slopes, stable shield areas with low or moderate slopes.

Wet equatorial climate, monsoon and trade-wind littoral climate.

Low Latitude Environment s


Grasses, rice, sorghum (kaffir corn / guinea corn), wheat.

Plateaus, cliffs, mesas, valleys, bornhardts and tors.

Wet-dry tropical climate and semiarid subtype of the dry tropical climate.

Tropical Desert

Thorn forest, thorn woodland, Desert thorn-tree desert environment grass, desert -adapted vegetation, citrus animals. trees.

Mountains, mesas, buttes, hogbacks, volcanic necks, granite domes, dunes.

Semi desert and desert subtypes of the dry tropical and subtropical climates, western littoral subtype of the dry tropical climate and the semi desert subtype of the Mediterranean climate.


Rice, wheat, winter legumes, peas or green fertilizer crops, sugar cane, peanuts, tobacco, cotton, tea, corn, pines. Cereals like wheat, barley, and oats, citrus fruits, grapes, olives, avocados, nuts (almond and walnut), deciduous fruits, carrots, lettuce, cork oak, cauliflower, broccoli, artichokes, strawberries, sugar beets, forage crops like alfalfa. Pulpwood, Douglas fir, western cedar, western hemlock.


Low, flat, coastal plain, subdued hill and mountain terrain with very steep slopes, deep trenches.

Humid and perhumid subtypes of the moist subtropical climate, mild winter, tradewind littoral climate.


Moist Subtropical Forest

Farm animals, cattle.

Mid Latitude Environment s


Cattle (sheep and goats).

Semiarid, sub humid and Steep slopes, humid fan surfaces subtypes of the and canyon Mediterranean floors, hillsides, climate, dryvalley floors. summer, wetwinter climate.

Marine WestCoast

Glacial troughs and fiords, coastal mountains.

Humid and perhumid subtypes of the marine west coast climate, mild winter.




Till plains and moraines, rocky hills, plains on former lake floors and undulating uplands, glacial terrain.

Humid and perhumid subtype of the moist continental climate, sub humid subtype, cold winters, warm summers. Sub humid subtype of the moist continental climate and steppe subtype of the dry mid latitude and dry subtropical climates, humid subtype of the moist continental climate, and humid subtype of the moist tropical climate. Similar to tropical desert, but has extremely cold winters.


Moist Continental Forest

Cereals, including corn, wheat, rye, oats and barley, beet sugar, soybeans, rice.

Cattle (dairying).

Mid Latitude Environment s

Prairie and Steppe Grassland

Corn, wheat, grasses.

Grazing animals, sheep, goat and other cattle, bison, short-grass veldt.

Great plains, grasslands.

Mid Latitude Desert

Similar to tropical desert.

Biomes High Latitude Environment s

Needle leaf evergreen trees, larch, barley, oats, rye, wheat, pulpwood, pine, fir. Grasses, sedges, lichens, shrubs of willow, birch-lichen woodland, needle leaf forest.


Ice sheets, discontinuou s permafrost, and sporadic permafrost. Permafrost.



Boreal Forest

Cattle (dairying).

Boreal forest climate, long cold winters. Tundra climate, coldness throughout all months.


Caribou, reindeer, muskoxen, wolves, wolverines, arctic foxes, polar bears, snowshoe rabbits, lemmings, insects like blackflies, deerflies, mosquitoes, and no-see-ums (tiny biting midgets), reptiles and amphibians, migratory birds like waterfowl, sandpipers and plovers, ptarmigan (arctic grouse) and lynx.

Ice Sheet

Devoid of vegetation.

Few species associated with marine habitat.

Ice sheets and floating sea ice.

Ice sheet climate.

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