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of St.

Johns in Pine Meadow

St. Johns mission is to nurture all people in their spiritual growth, in their Christian education, and in their relationship with God. The Rev. Salin Low, Rector July 2013

The peace of God be among you!

I admit that the training of my childhood is very hard to overcome. For me the plural of you will always and forever be you all. Its the only thing that makes sense to me. However, the writers of the Book of Common Prayer were evidently not from the American South, so they think you is either singular or plural. Our understanding of the meaning of that word must be determined by its context. In the blessing pronounced at the end of the Eucharist, I as priest speak of the peace of God as being among you. Unless members of the congregation are suffering from some sort of mental disorder, that is obviously a plural use of you. So why is it a blessing for Gods peace to find a place among us rather than simply with us? Gods peace certainly isnt meant to be a buffer between us that keeps us from having to deal with one another. And the word among indicates that Gods peace isnt something that each of us should hold onto individually or privately. Gods peace is offered to strengthen our ties to one another, to bring us together to work in community. In a sense we can only know and appreciate that peace when we are coming together to discern what God is calling us as a community to be and striving jointly to achieve the mission God has given us. The things we do at St. Johns as a community: serving at the Open Door, offering the Alzheimers series, fundraising events, and even our regular worship, are places God has promised to be with us and to offer us the peace of knowing we are using the gifts he has given us to accomplish his purposes with and for his people. We all get into routines which can limit how we interact with other members of the parish. We go to one weekly service most or all of the time. We sit in the same area of the church. We may or may not go to coffee hour to visit. Then come July and August when the churchs schedule changes. There is an inclination to say, I go to the 8 (or 10) oclock service and will return when that service returns. The 9 oclock service doesnt work for me. I can be the same way on many occasions. But one blessing of the combined Sunday service in the summer is that it reminds us that Gods peace is meant to be among all of us at St. Johns. It is offered as a way of strengthening our relationships and ministry with all members of the parish. It is good to see the faces and maybe even chat with folks that we dont see as much when there are two Sunday services. And there is a greater peace with realizing that Gods work is being done by more people than we see most weeks of the year. It is being done by you all. Blessings and Peace, P.S. There is also the service on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. It was begun as a way for those away on weekends in the summer to continue to be among us even when Sunday worship didn't work.



Operating Income Operating Expenses $ 9,857 $ 13,765

Prayer Requests Requests are handled confidentially through the office or by speaking to the Rector. You may fill out a prayer request form or contact the office. If you would like to be a part of the prayer circle, please speak to the Rector. Church Office Hours Office hours are 8:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

Operating Income Operating Expenses $ 58,382 $ 76,494

(Broadly Defined)
Let the office know about happenings in your own life and in the lives of other parishioners, especially hospitalizations, so the rector can contact those in need of comfort. High School Graduates Emily Atwood Zachary Phillips Reid Gargiulo College Graduates Elizabeth Snyder Henry Ross Marrit Budny Deaths Jonathan Messenger (Son of Sanna & Merlin Messenger) Lois Norton (Former Parishioner) Randi T. Krohner (Mother of Ken Krohner) Burials

During the summer, when you may be away for several Sundays, those of you who do online banking could arrange for pledge payments to be sent to the church. Sue Bremer, Treasurer

Shopping Cards
An Easy Way to Help

Now Available for Immediate Purchase $100 Stop & Shop Cards
When you buy shopping/gift cards through St. Johns, you are making a contribution that does not cost you financially. It may take a little planning. Orders are taken the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and cards are delivered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Order forms are available in the narthex and parish hall and can be placed in the lockbox at any time.

Next IngatheringJuly 7th The June offering was $35.71. We collect all month, so feel free to bring in at any time and bless it on the first Sunday of the month. The total for the year to date is $381.63. Bring coins anytime. We will keep them safe.

Nancy Zimbalist Herb Sheffield (Brother of Charlotte Dufour) Baptism Evelyn Josephine Chicoski (Daughter of Jessica & Edward Chicoski)

July Worship Assistance

July 7 AcolytesCaroline Bremer, Kevin Case ReaderBrian Jones Greeters Joan & Ron Caine July 14 AcolytesColleen Doyle, Jill Smith ReaderStan Moraski Greeter Lucie & Louis Martocchio July 21 AcolytesZak Phillips, Donna Colavecchio ReaderAnne Hall Greeters Nancy Butler & Tom Chappell July 28 AcolytesRalph Hitchcock, Stan Moraski ReaderGordon Ross GreeterSue Hall Greeters set up for coffee hour during the summer. Special thanks to Ron & Joan Caine, Tami Millard, Tom Chappell, Bruce Wearne, Rick & Jill Smith for cleaning the church. Special thanks to Jill & Rick Smith for washing the outside of the church. Special thanks to Mac Wilson for taking care of the lawn maintenance and for helping with Austin Mareks Eagle Scout project. Many thanks to Linda Snyder and the church school teachers and assistants who helped with Awards Sunday. Thanks also to everyone who provided food and helped with the picnic. Thanks to Norma Pappalardo, and all the volunteers on making our garden look so beautiful. Special thanks to all who contributed to a wonderful 10th anniversary party for Halyna. Thanks to everyone who helps with the mission and ministry of St. Johns.

Gill Memorial Garden Summer Schedule

Week Beginning July 1 Jill Smith Week Beginning July 8 Gordon Ross Week Beginning July 15 (Let the office know if you can help) Week Beginning July 22 Ellen Childs Week Beginning July 29 Nancy Gibson Thanks to all the garden workers. We are fortunate to have such a dedicated group of volunteers.


Open Door Soup Kitchen - At least five volunteers are needed for the 3rd Saturday of every month to participate by cooking, serving, answering phones, and/or stocking canned foods, etc. There are sign-up sheets posted downstairs through October 2013. Please sign up as often as you are able! Knitting & Crafts GroupWe are expanding our knitting group to include small crafts as well. We meet after the 10 am service on the first Sunday of the month. Denise is able to show the basic knitting stitch that is needed to make a simple scarf or prayer shawl. If anyone has a craft they would like to share, bring it in and join us. Diane Hayes has offered to teach her skill of crochet beading. Come join us!! Hurricane Sandy Relief Effort Denise is planning to go on a short mission trip to Staten Island, New York, on Saturday, August 24th to serve at their Food Pantry. If anyone is interested in serving, please email her at Further details to follow.

Thanks to those who help. Next Meal on July 27
We take dinner to an HIV/AIDS residence in Hartford on the 4th Saturday of every month. If you would like to learn more about participating in this important outreach ministry, please contact the Rector at Special thanks to Salin Low and Pam Tooke for helping with the June meal. Stan Moraski will be coordinating the meal for July. If anyone would like to help out, please contact the office.


(At least for dinner)

Rhythms of Grace


P. O. Box 27 Pine Meadow, CT 06061 Phone: 860 379-3062

Rhythms of Grace, a monthly worship service on the first Sunday at 1 p.m. was designed to meet the needs of families with children on the Autism Spectrum and with other special needs. Those who help feel it is a rewarding experience to work with children and families who need the attention and who are new to St. Johns. Contact Linda Snyder at for information.

Address Correction

The Episcopal Church Were Here For You

Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday 7:30 pm

news from

church school

Confirmation Class Coming This Fall

The class will once again use Confirm Not Conform, although in an updated version with less homework. As in past years there will be approximately 15 class sessions, mostly on Sunday after church, an outreach project, an overnight at Camp Washington, and visits to worship services in other traditions. Students are expected to attend one of three services at St. Johns weekly. Freshmen and above are eligible. While the material focuses on youth, adults have benefited and are welcome. Confirmation will be May 18, 2014. See the rector for more information.

The Church School teachers are very excited about the new curriculum - "Godly Play," modeled after the Montessori design of education. It combines storytelling with individual or small group response to the story using the sets of pieces to tell the story. We hope that members of the parish will help effect the change by donating toward the program sets, which cost approximately $200 each, or by helping to make some of the pieces with our in-house carpentry skills.

July 2013
St. Johns ChurchCalendar of Events
Anniversaries in Italics


Molly Sexton Read & Tom Fritch Laura & Bruce Wearne

2 3

No Service 8:00 PM AA

Office Closed

5 6


8:30 PM AA

9:00 AM Holy Eucharist


7:30 PM Holy Eucharist 8:00 PM AA Jessica & Peter Hinman




8:30 PM AA


9:00 AM Holy Eucharist Eilleen & Dick Bartram

Ellen & David Childs

Lucie & Louis Martocchio


7:30 PM Holy Eucharist 8:00 PM AA Peggy & John Budny




Open Door

8:30 PM AA


9:00 AM Holy Eucharist Barbara & Paul Patch

Sue & Blake Hall



7:30 PM Holy Eucharist 8:00 PM AA Christine & Luke Nelson



Carol & Mac Wilson


Peters Retreat

8:30 PM AA


9:00 AM Holy Eucharist



Joanne & Frank Hohmeister


7:30 PM Holy Eucharist 8:00 PM AA Doris Bryant & Del Springer Debbie & Wally Truss 7/19 7/19 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/27 Ron Caine Kevin Case Bradley Radziewicz Gray Horn Maggie Dougan Russ Martocchio 7/30 7/30 7/31 Brooke Nelson Caitlin Doyle Wally Truss

July Birthdays 7/4 7/8 7/8 7/10 Gary Colavecchio Candy Flaherty Chris Osborne Teddy Bremer

7/11 7/13 7/15 7/15 7/16 7/17

John Gargiulo Schuyler Horn Peter Stull Doris Bryant Don Phillips Colin Coates

Linda Snyder gave the students books. The younger kids looked a lot more interested than the older ones. She also had a gift for the teachers who have been so dedicated to this ministry.

The choir sang a clandestinely rehearsed number. Parishioners contributed to a generous gift. Kevin brought flowers. All in all it was a fun way to thank Halyna for 10 wonderful years of sharing her musical gifts with the parish. And the best part was that we managed to surprise her.

Once again we honored our high school graduates and gave them a small gift to remind them of St. Johns. Good luck! On a hot June day the New Hartford Garden Club visited the Gill Garden, thanks to Norma Pappalardos invitation and hard work They were curious about the plants and glad to get into the cooler shade of the gazebo.

On June 16 Evelyn Josephine Chicoski was baptized at St. Johns. Her parents are Ed and Jessica, and Marlita is her big sister! We welcome her into the household of God!

Austin Marek has worked for many months to build a shed for St. Johns as his Eagle Scout project. Hes had several helpers we knowespecially Mac Wilson. Weather hasnt helped rain and heat on work days. Now the siding is being installed. Check it out .

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