Describing Activities: Dialogue Performance English

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Describing Activities



In the Monday morning, Andre and Dian talking about yesterday, when he just loss Andre at Andres house.

A : Hallo Dian. Whats up bro? Have you done your English Jobsheet ? B : Hello, Go. I have done my job. How about you? Have you? A : I have done too. I think its a little dificult but, i think i can do that. All of the material is consist in our book. So we just need to open and understanding whats is that mean. B : I think so. Do you know? I just need an hours to clear my Job. Because I think i ever get that material when im on High School. Hahaha. Its so helpfull bro. A : Yayaya, i can see that. You are expert in English. Ehm, by the way, my mom said that you were in my home yesterday. What is the matter? B : Haha, dont be like that. Im getting shy, now. Yups, you are right. Actually i just want to drop in your home. Just to get some hot tea. You know, i was get rain there. A : Are you kidding me? Just wanna get some tea? You are so different. You are so funny this Semester. And i like it. B : Hahaha, are you sure? I never change. This is my hiden character. And now is starting appear. Hahaha. A : What i say? Now you are so funny right. Hahaha. Ehm by the way where were you come from till finally you come in my home? B : Ehm, after i company my sister in Ada Setiabudi then i wanna get home directly. But its rainy, so i decided to went to your home. Unfortunately you didnt there. A : Im so sorry. By the way, have you call me yet before you come in? B : No i have not. You know, that its just suddenly. I miss with your tea. Hahaha. Ehm, actually what are you doing yesterday? Your mom said that you going to group study. Is that true? A : Upps, im out. Actually i go with a girl. You know, if i said if i wanna go with a girl my mom must be forbaded me, bro. So i have to lie. B : Wahh, you just add your sins bro. By the way, who is that girl? Wheter i know her? A : Ehmm, i think you know her. She is initial S. B : Wah, you completely make me curious, bro. S? Ehmm, let me think. You can stop if im correct Sari, Santi, Sidamora, Selena, Sintia, Siska, Septina, Sri, Sundari. There any one correct? A : Unfortunately, you are wrong. Do you really want to know, who is the Initial S? B : Ehm, actualy i dont. But if this can make you happy, i just can say yes.

A : Is that mean, you love me, bro? Dont make me illfeel with you. We are a man. There is no love between two man. B : No, have you lose your mind? Dont be crazy bro. So back to the Initial S. Who is that girl? A : Ehm, she is Secret. Hahahaha. I wont let you know, who i love right now. Because if you know that, you will mock me. Hhahaha. B : Oww, you are little crazy i think. Hahaha. Ehm, by the way, what are you doing with her? A : Hemm, just a little right? No problem. I just want to get a dinner with her. Just make me closer. Then, let God set all the things. Hahhaha. B : Wah, yups you are right. Just let God do. God will make a way bro. Dont worry about love. A : Yes, you are right. God have prepared all the best for us. For our life include there is about our love story. B : Yups. Ehm by the way, just dinner? What have you done before or after getting her for dinner? A : Ehm, at 6 pm i pick her from her house. Than we goes to see some view from Tembalang bridge. You know, there is one of a few place that have a beauty view. B : Yes you are right. Id love to see the view from that place in the night. And then, what are you doing next? A : After that, we get a dinner. Of course in the romantic place too. Do you know? I think she is respond about my feeling bro. Its just make me like have another power source to face day by day. Hahahaha. B : You are realy romantic person. But dont make it be your reason to spend half your time for her. You have could separate your time efficiently. A : Yes, of course i do. Ehm, and then after dinner, actually i want to say all of my feeling to her. But im still afraid to say. B : What wrong? You have a moment, and you said that she was responding your feeling to her. So what you waiting for? A : Ive become so numb bro. Because i cant feel her in my heart sometimes. Im afraid, she is just play with my heart. I wont its happend. B : What based till you can say like that? Is that about her ex-Boyfriend? A : Yes, you are right. I ever see her get some call or some message from her ex-boyfriend. B : But, i think if you really love her, and absolutely sure that she is yours, you have do everything to get her love. Everything is gonna be okay bro. A : Yess, thanks bro. I just need your support right now, and you have give it to me. Thanks.

B : Its a friendship. We have to support our friend in all condition. A : yes, you are right. Now, i will make sure that she love me forever. Because im sure that i can. And i feel the winning in my. B : That i wanna heard from a man who will get his love. Just keep on spirit bro. A : Yes, i will. By the way, where are you going to after you didnt meet me in my home? Were you back to your boarding house? B : Hemm, exactly im not. Its still too far from my boarding home. So i decided to stay in little resto near your home. Accidential, i was hungry. So in the rainy day, i get some food. Hemm, its so delicious. Hahahhaa. A : Wah, im so sorry bro if i cant be there when you need me. B : Its ok Bro. Its my fault too. I was not tell you yet. A : Its Okay. Its not my ordinary day. That was a special day. Hahahaha. By the way,what are you ate in there? B : Hahaha, i know that bro. Ehm, i eat a fried rice, and a hot orange juice. And its so cheap. You know, it just pay 8.000,- for all i eat. A : Waw, by the way, what resto that you mean? Damar Resto right? B : Yess, you are right. Do you often go there? I think its a good resto, have a clean place, and delicious taste. A : Ow, you are right. Its one of my favorite resto in Semarang. Hahaha. So, what you doing next? When the rain stopped? B : The rain stoped after i have dinner. Hahaha. And then i back to my boarding home. Then i just spend my night in room. A : Hahaha. What about your girlfriend? Do you still with her? B : No, i dont. I have been along time break. It all about 4 month bro. A : O, im sorry jack. Im not meaning on that. Do you wont get a new? B : No, i dont yet. May be now, i will focus to study. After i finished my study, i will start to looking for a girl who will company my life. A : Yes, i agree with you bro. Id like what your statement. B : Ehm, by the way, when you back home? Did your mom worry about you? A : Actualy ive got some massage from my mom, that order me to as soon as to back home, but i lie if i need about an hour more to finished my job.

B : Hahaha, you are so bad boy. Dont repeat at another time. You just make your mom dissapointed. A : Hahaha, Ok brother. May be i will tell her the truth when i have great condition to say. Hahaha. I arrived at 9 pm. Not too night ha? Hahaha. B : So, by the way, do you have time today? A : What wrong? Ehm, i think im free today. B : Ehm, how if we do our dialouge for English tomorrow? A : Oops, i forget it bro. Ok, lets we do that. Where ? B : Your home? If you not fussily. How? A : of course, lets we do in my home. You said that you still miss with my special tea. Ill give you my special coffe later. Hahahaha. B : Ok, after school right. Thanks bro. A : Yups. Anything for you bro. Ehm, by the way dont forget to bring a dictionary. I think we need it bro. B : Okay, after school i will back in my boarding home first to take it. A : Ok, thanks. B : Youre welcome bro. After this conversation they go to their class to continue their lesson, and thats all about the story between two boys with a great friendship.

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