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Spring 2012 Downtown Chicago Bike Count

What is the Downtown Chicago Bike Count?

On Tuesday, March 27, 2012 the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), with the help of 40 volunteers, conducted a bicycle cordon count surrounding the Central Business District (CBD) along four screenlines; Chicago Avenue, Canal Street, Harrison Street, and the Lakefront Trail. Counters recorded the number and gender of bicyclists traveling inbound during the morning rush hours and outbound during the afternoon rush hours. The data will be used to support bicycle improvements throughout Chicago, document annual ridership and help create a comprehensive network of safe, efficient and innovative bikeways. The count locations were selected based upon bridge crossings and the network of streets in and out of the CBD. This is the first count in 2012, and CDOT will conduct the Downtown Chicago Bike Count on a quarterly basis throughout the year.

Overall Statistics

Female 22% Male 78%

Bicyclists Using Bike Lanes

No 41%

Highest Count Locations

Inbound 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM 1,283 total bicyclists Wells - 306 Kinzie - 304 Washington - 106 Chicago - 77 Jackson - 73 Outbound 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM 1,821 total bicyclists N Lakefront Trail - 376 Kinzie - 222 S Lakefront Trail - 157 Canal - 146 Wells - 129

Yes 59%

Count Locations with Bike Lanes

With 27% Without 73%

Spring 2012 Downtown Chicago Bike Count

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
100 100

7AM - 9AM Count Locations 1,283 Total Inbound Bicyclists 18 Count Locations
(No Data)

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

4PM - 6PM Count Locations 1,821 Total Outbound Bicyclists 19 Count Locations

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

41 deg

65 deg

Chicago Ave

Chicago Ave


La Salle St

Wells St

Wells St

State St

Grand Ave
gsb K in ury

Orleans St

Grand Ave

Kinzie St

Kinzie St

Lake St

Inbound Only Central Business District

Number of Bicyclists 15 - 36

Lake St
Randolph St

Outbound Only Central Business District

Number of Bicyclists 27 - 36 37 - 70

Washington St Madison St
Monroe St

Monroe St

37 - 70

Canal St

Adams St

Canal St

bridges closed

71 - 106 107 - 306

Adams St

bridges closed

71 - 106 107 - 376

Jackson St

Michigan Ave

State St

Clark St

Superior St

Larrabee St

Dearborn St

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r nt T efro

Dearborn St Plymouth Ct State St

Wabash Ave

Lakefront Tr

Wabash Ave

Van Buren St

Michigan Ave

Harrison St

Harrison St

Balbo Dr

Balbo Dr

*Bridges closed due to Wacker Drive reconstruction

*Bridges closed due to Wacker Drive reconstruction

Lakefront Tr

Clark St


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