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Edited by: European Business Service, Sibiu 2013. Copyright .

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CAREER Journal

Ediia Nr. 1 Anul 2013 GRATIS

TOP Companies Carier la o firm de TOP JOB PORTALS Cutare online a unui job EXPERT FACTORIES Pregtire profesional pentru o
carier de succes

Recrutare resurse umane

Motivation vs. Fluctuation

Motivarea personalului
STC General Manager


S t a r Tr a n s m i s s i o n - is more than work!


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Career journal
Edition 2013 Publicat de/ Published by: EBS European Business Service SRL Str. D. D. Roca Nr. 64D 550043 Hermannstadt/ Sibiu Suport editorial/ Editorial support: SC Pluspole SRL, Autori/ Authors: Rzvan Bembea, Christian Weident, Holger Wermke (Pluspole SRL), Heike Knzel, Laura Chilom, Prof. Dr. Ing. Ioan G. Trnovan, Jana Prohaszka, George Butunoiu, Sebastian Metz, Dr. Eva- Nicoleta Burduel, Ruxandra Hanea, Anca Rhian, Annika Pattberg Foto/ Photos Alex Kalmbach, Andres Rodriguez, Michaelis Panagiotidis, Judith Dzierzawa, Viorel Sima, Jose Manuel Gelpi Diaz, Gunnar Pippel, iqoncept, Ivana Sel, Blaj Gabriel, Gabriel Tudor, Kirsty Pargeter, Yuri Arcurs, Marco Mayer, Melinda Nagy, Edyta Pawlowska, Cathy Yeulet, Tom Wang, Yanik Chauvin, Wikimedia Commons, mediafax-foto, Octav Ganea Editare/ Editing: Jrg Prohaszka Publicitate/ Sales: Adina Blajiu, Daniel Heghes, Elena Rhian Cercetare/ Research: Magdalena Neamu, Elisabeth Kber Departament finaciar/ Contracting and financials: Rodiana Perea Proiectare/ Projecting: Geanina Ghinu Cover foto: Bernd Krottmayer, General Manager, Star Transmission Cugir, Copyright 2013 by SC EBS European Business Service SRL, Sibiu (Hermannstadt) Anul apariiei/ year of publication: 2013 Tipar/ Print: S.C. Global Print BDV S.R.L.
trademarks, Copyrights and Restrictions. All material in this magazine, including, but not limited to, images, illustrations, is protected by copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights that are owned by EBS European Business Service, Romania (EBS), its related companies or by other parties that have licensed their material to EBS. Material in this magazine is solely for your personal, non-commercial use. Such material may not be copied, reproduced, republished, modified, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, including by e-mail or other electronic means, without the express prior written consent of EBS. Use of the materials in any other publications or on Web sites or networked computer environment, or use of the materials for any purpose other than personal, non-commercial use is a violation of EBS's copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary rights, and is prohibited. The titel "Career Journal" is a registered trademark TM of SC EBS European Business Service SRL


Jrg Prohaszka - Editor

Stimate cititor, datorit creterii fenomenului globalizrii i cross-linking-ului pieelor, multe ri i zone urbane economice sunt afectate de problema exodului de creiere. Din aceast cauz, managementul resurselor umane devine nucleul activitii multor, n special cele care au o cerere mare de grupuri profesionale binecunoscute cum ar fi ingineri, specialiti IT i personal medical. Provocare sau abandonare, motivaie sau fluctuaie, acestea sunt doar cteva din subiectele acestei ediii, care apare anual. V doresc o lectur benefic i informativ a revistei noastre.

ISSN 2285-9519 ISSN-L 2285-9519

Dear Reader, due to increasing globalization and cross-linking of markets, many countries and economic conurbations are aected by the problem of brain drain. The Personnel Management is therefore taking center stage at many companies. This refers predominantly to companies with a high demand for popular professional groups such as engineers, IT experts and medical sta. Challenge or surrender, motivation or fluctuation. These are just some of the topics in this edition, which appears annually. I wish you a beneficial and informative reading of our Career Journal.

Jrg Prohaszka

Online version: 3

Photo: Gabriel TUDOR


Cover story
Star transmission is more than work!

De peste 10 ani compania STC produce cu succes la Cugir i ncepnd cu anul 2011 i la Sebe Alba. Conducerea exemplar i responsabilitatea social a ntreprinderilor sunt doar cteva dintre motivele care stau la baza succesului filialei Daimler. Star Transmission produces successfully for over 10 years at the site Cugir and recently with a 2nd plant in Sebes, Transylvania. Exemplary leadership and corporate social responsibility are just some of the reasons for the success of the Daimler subsidiary.

8 32

The ends justify the means
Scopul scuz mijloacele

Motivation vs. Fluctuation

Factorii de carier
Career factors

Editorial 3 Management romnesc bazat pe principii germane 7 Cover Story: Star Transmission more than work! 8 Motivaie vs. Fluctuaie 15 Focusul pe piaa muncii: n condiie bun n prezent, 16 nevoie de mbuntiri pe viitor Statistici 18 Arvato - un angajator puternic n Transilvania 21 PIONIERII pornii la drum 24 Studiu i munc n strintate - nu totul e ceea ce pare 26 Ghid practic: Detaarea salariailor n Romnia 28 Factorii de carier 32 Care sunt ateptrile angajailor de la angajatori? 34 Ce ateapt companiile de TOP de la tinerii profesioniti? 35 Marquardt Schaltsysteme: Noi nu facem compromisuri i nc i 36 angajm pe cei mai buni. ABILITI cheie pentru succes 38 Recrutarea de personal: Scopul scuz mijloacele 40 Pia sczut, servicii diversificate 41 O zi din viaa unui Headhunter! 44 E-Recruiting FAST- FOOD pentru Managerii HR 47 e-jobs: Din poziia de lider... 48 Parteneriat pentru dezvoltarea resurselor umane 50

Editorial Adopting German principles Cover Story: Star Transmission more than work! Motivation vs. Fluctuation Spotlight on the labor market in Romania Statistics Arvato- a powerful employer in Transilvania PIONEERS on the road All that glitters is not GOLD Secondment of employees to Romania a practical guide Career Factors What are the expectations of employees from the employers? What expect the TOP companies from the young professionals? Marquardt Schaltsysteme: We do not compromise and still hire only the best Key Competences for the success Personnel Recruitment: The end justifies the means Shrinking market, diversified services A day in the life of a Headhunter! Fast food for HR Managers e-jobs: As a leader... Partnership for the human resources development


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Formare profesional dual

Decizii importante pentru dezvoltarea economic a Romniei

Dual Vocational Training

Important step for the economic development in Romania


Expert "Factories"
Fabricile de experi

Selecia de personal
Personnel selection


Career Guide
Ghid n carier

Departamente HR vs. companii de recrutare Interviu cu George Butunoiu Fabricile de experi Universitatea Romneasc "frumoasa adormit sau instituie educaional modern? Universitile de-a lungul vremurilor schimbtoare Formare profesional dual Decizii importante pentru dezvoltarea economic a Romniei Formarea dual Formarea profesional dup modelul de succes german Selecia de personal Ct de fiabile sunt sistemele de selecie a personalului? Hogan Assessment Carpathian Transport Line - Poziie de top cu echip de top 10 reguli de aur pentru interviu "V rog s mi trimitei CV-ul!" Link-uri utile Ghid n carier Calendar Trguri de Carier 2013 Pagini web utile Cri

51 54 56 59 61 64 67 70 72 74 76 78 80 80 81 82 83 84

HR Department vs. Recruiting Company Interview with George Butunoiu Expert "Factories" Romanian Universities Hundred year slumber or modern educational institutions? Universities through changing times Dual Vocational Training Important step for the economic development in Romania Dual training A successful professional education according to the German approach Personnel selection How reliable are personnel selection systems? Hogan Assessment Carpathian Transport Line - Top position with top staff 10 golden rules for the inteview Please send me your CV! Useful links Career Guide Job fair calendar 2013 Useful Websites Books 5

CINETIC STUDIO offers all services and solutions in consultancy and design, following the project until the completion of the construction and its reception. Consultancy at the implementation of the project PUZ, PUD urbanism studies Feasibility study Geotechnical and topographical studies Technical documentation for the construction permit (D.Th.A.C.) Technical project Construction site tracking Interior and exterior design

Marquardt Schaltsysteme Sibiu

Continental, Sibiu

E.ON GAZ Trgu Mure

Dipl. Arh. Rzvan Bembea Str. Ioan Lancranjan nr.13 Alba Iulia, Romania Tel: +40 (0) 723 668 195 E-Mail:

Founded in 2003, the architecture office of CINETIC STUDIO made its entry into the business with the development of residential, retail spaces and interior design. During the 10 years of activity we have improved dramatically the quality of our services and we have also diversified them in the field of consultancy on European funds. We have been involved in architectural projects such as office, industrial and residential buildings, wind farms, park and landscape design. Also, in the meantime, inside the company the management style that was adopted has increased the sta number and consequently, the motivation and the empowerment of our team. In the CINETIC STUDIO team work also topographical engineers, geotehnicians and devisers. There was created a subsidiary group of companies derived from CINETIC STUDIO which, at this time, serves as project manager and urban architecture planner. CAD CONCEPT handles the static side of the project. DINAMIC PROIECT handles all types of installations.

INGENIEURBRO Dipl. Ing. Daniel Baba Metzerstrasse 22 26121 Oldenburg, Deutschland Tel: +49 (0) 441 885 9980 Mobil: +49 (0) 160 937 169 86 E-Mail:


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Management romnesc bazat pe principii germane

Adopting German principles
Adoptarea unei filosofii de business germane, a nsemnat pentru CINETIC STUDIO propulsarea ctre o zon nesperat a succesului nc de la nceputul activitii noastre. Adopting a German business philosophy, meant driving the company CINETIC STUDIO towards an unexpected success, even from the start of our activity.
rchitecture is a branch where it is difficult to entry and even harder to maintain. When we started the company in 2003, we aimed especially large projects, such as civil and industrial engineering because this type of projects allow you to express yourself and quickly get noticed.
Therefore, we ventured into partnerships with prestigious companies, especially


Administrator Cinetic Studio, Alba Iulia

rhitectura este un domeniu n care intrarea pe pia este grea iar meninerea este i mai grea. Cnd am deschis firma n anul 2003, am urmrit ndeosebi proiecte mari, de construcii civile i industriale, deoarece proiectele de acest gen i permit s te exprimi i te ajut s te remarci rapid.
Ne-am aventurat astfel n parteneriate cu companii prestigioase, n special din do-

meniul auto: Continental, Marquardt, Kern-Liebers Carpathia, Siemens, Industrieanlagen etc. La nceput, a fost probabil vorba de noroc ns, pentru a ctiga respectul i ncrederea pe care se bazeaz o relaie durabil cu o companie german, a trebuit s dovedim c meritm acest lucru. Identitatea noastr a prins noi contururi i am acceptat ca i valori proprii exigena n ndeplinirea proiectelor, standardele ridicate, profesionalismul i seriozitatea. Rennoindu-ne mereu managementul pentru a fi la cerinele care ne-au fost impuse, am reuit s ne situm ntr-o sfer competitiv, care ne-a adus avantaje deosebite ntr-o perioad cum a fost criza economic cu care ne-am confruntat. n prezent, simim c avem suficient experien i energie deopotriv pentru a ne extinde. Astfel, am deschis n anul 2012 un birou nou n Germania, pia la care ne putem adapta uor datorit experienei noastre cu mediul de lucru german. Este i o provocare ns, dar avem o echip complet, care are toate specialitile i cu toi aceti "ai" n mnec nu ne dorim dect s turm motoarele i s ne punem valorile la treab. CJ

Currently, we feel that we have both the experience and the energy to expand. Thus, in 2012 we opened a new office in Germany, a market we can easily adapt to, given our experience with the German working environment. However, it is also a challenge, but we have a complete team that has all specialties and with all these cards up our sleeves, all we want now is to steer up the engines and put our values to work. CJ

from the automotive field: Continental, Marquardt, Kern-Liebers Carpathia, Siemens, Industrieanlagen etc. At first, it was probably luck but, in order to earn the respect and the confidence upon which a sustainable relationship with a German company relies, we had to prove that we deserved it. Our identity caught a new shape and we accepted as our own values the exigency in fulfilling the requirements, the high standards of the work, the professionalism and the reliability. By constantly renewing our management to stand up to the requirements that we have been imposed, we managed to place ourselves in a competitive field that brought us great benefits at a time like the economic crisis that we faced .



Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Cover story

Star transmission is more than work!

De peste 10 ani compania STC produce cu succes la Cugir i ncepnd cu anul 2011 i la Sebe Alba. Conducerea exemplar i responsabilitatea social a ntreprinderilor sunt doar cteva dintre motivele pentru succesul filialei Daimler. Extinderea rapid a avut ca rezultat creterea numrului de angajai ceea ce necesit factori de motivare dincolo de sistemele financiare. Articolul descrie modul n care compania STC este pentru angajai o clar valoare n plus, n scopul de a satisface nevoia tot mai mare de personal. Star Transmission produces successfully for over 10 years at the site Cugir and recently with a 2nd plant in Sebes, Transylvania. Exemplary leadership and corporate social responsibility are just some of the reasons for the success of the Daimler subsidiary. The rapid expansion and the resulting increase in the number of employees require motivation factors beyond monetary systems. The article shows how STC is a clear added value for employees in order to meet the increasing need for staff.

STC General Manager 9

Cover story

- o companie Daimler
Cu putere maxim spre un viitor durabil


Fabrica STC n Cugir I STC plant in Cugir

STC este un furnizor internaional din industria auto specializat n producia de roi dinate, axe i alte componente pentru motoare, cutii de viteze i dispozitive. Asigur de asemenea servicii de inginerie i ncepnd de anul acesta asambleaz i cutii de viteze.
iecte vom avea cu siguran ansa unei creteri continue. n viitor ne dorim s dezvoltm i mai mult al doilea domeniu Centrul de tehnologii unde producem dispozitive, prototipuri, serie mic i oferim servicii de inginerie. Momentan folosim acest departament pentru a ne construi dispozitivele i sculele de care avem nevoie intern i pentru a pregti tinerii ntr-un program de instruire dual. Acest plan funcioneaz dup un model german i permite tinerilor s urmeze o coal i n acelai timp s deprind cunotinele tehnice necesare pentru a le facilita intrarea n domeniul industriei auto. Partea cea mai important pentru dezvoltarea noastr se refer la al treilea domeniu montajul de cutii de viteze. Cnd am nceput s montm primele cutii de vitez de schimb n 2011 la locaia noastr din Sebe, STC a intrat ntr-o nou er. Un alt model va fi montat la sfritul acestui an i va reprezenta legtura, puntea spre montajul de serie

"Oamenii cea
mai important resurs a noastr"
Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

tunci cnd producia funcioneaz fr cusur i la capacitate maxim, satisfacia este garantat. Dac n plus exist i o oportunitate de dezvoltare a activitii companiei i de extindere a gamei de produse, deja vorbim de o ans nemaipomenit. n zilele noastre creterea continu nu este att de obinuit cum s-ar putea crede i implic mai mult dect dezvoltarea unei game de produse. Creterea este orientat spre client i pe dezvoltarea lor strategic. De aceea, anul trecut am decis s ne canalizm dezvoltarea companiei pe 3 direcii. n primul rnd, domeniul tradiional care se refer la producia de componente pentru motoare i cutii de viteze. Am eficientizat acest domeniu i i-am optimizat procesele, iar pe viitor l vom stabiliza i mai mult pentru a ne pstra poziia privind costurile. Prin i datorit acestor pro-

Cover story
al cutiilor de vitez pe care STC le-ar putea livra n anii care urmeaz. Datorit acestui proiect de anvergur, putem spune c viitorul sun bine pentru STC, angajaii i clienii notri. Suntem foarte ncntai c dezvoltarea continu a firmei noastre atrage crearea de noi locuri de munc, n 2011 STC angajnd peste 170 de oameni. Compania noastr promoveaz o cultur de dezvoltare continu i ansa de a dezvolta o carier de succes. Star Transmission este mai mult dect un loc de munc, este un stil de via, este.MUNC I DELECTARE ! n urma colaborrii cu universitile tehnice, exist studeni care vin la noi pentru stagiul de practic i apoi decid s rmn. Ne facem reclam la radio i participm la trguri de locuri de munc la universiti. n efortul de a gsi cel mai potrivit candidat, departamentul nostru de resurse umane este sprijinit i de experi din afar. un program special menit s creasc potenialul angajailor Programul de Talente. Participanii la acest program pot deveni experi n domeniul lor, sau pe de alt parte, s dezvolte abiliti de lider care i vor permite, atunci cnd apar oportuniti, s ocupe o poziie de conducere n cadrul companiei. Dup cum am mai subliniat, motto-ul nostru este "STC is more than work" (STC este mai mult dect un loc de munc). De aceea, la fiecare 2 luni, organizm cte un after-work party cu diferite teme. Astfel, angajaii au ocazia s se cunoasc mai bine, pot lega prietenii care automat duc la o colaborare mai bun n mediul normal de lucru. direcionate spre renovarea unei coli. Suntem pe deplin contieni c responsabilitatea noastr nu se limiteaz doar la acionarii notri sau strict la angajai. Scopul nostru este s ne armonizm activitatea cu cea a comunitii din care facem parte i ne strduim s ne ndeplinim aceast datorie moral n mod constant i ct putem de bine.

Spre o imagine nou, actual a companiei

Pentru a transmite emoia din activitatea noastr de zi cu zi, potenialul companiei i avantajele clienilor notri de a produce n Romnia, este foarte important s ne promovm ntr-un mod ct mai profesionist. Cu acest scop am nceput s crem o identitate vizual pentru compania noastr. Am creat o pagin de internet mai atractiv i mai accesibil unde ne vom posta i locurile de munc disponibile; vom folosi de asemenea o prezentare actualizat n care ne vom promova compania ntr-un mod profesionist. Anul acesta am realizat i un nou film de prezentare care surprinde valorile nostre de baz i pulsul familiei noastre STC. O familie care dorete s atrag i ali membri valoroi i n care vom continua s investim tot ce avem mai bun. CJ

Angajamentul fa de responsabilitatea social

Convingerea c STC este o companie de success trebuie s combine prezena activ din domeniul tehnic i profesional cu activitile sociale i culturale. De aceea, compania noastr se implic n sprijnirea diverselor activiti din zona cultural, de educaie i sntate public. De asemenea, suntem contieni de importana protejrii mediului i n consecin acionm ca un membru responsabil al societii prin aplicarea i respectarea reglementrilor romneti i europene din acest domeniu. n 2011, la srbtorirea a 10 ani de existen, am dorit s marcm acest eveniment prin planificarea a 10 aciuni. Fiecare din cele 10 zile premergtoare aniversrii a fost dedicat unei activiti speciale, printre care putem aminti aciunea de ecologizare, donaia la spitalul din Cugir (pentru echipamente medicale) i la un liceu din Sebe (laborator de limbi strine). Pn la sfritul anului compania noastr va demara o nou aciune de sponsorizare pentru spitalul din Cugir, de data aceasta sprijinul financiar fiind acordat pentru renovarea i modernizarea seciei de nou nscui. n Sebe, anul acesta eforturile noastre sunt

i preuim pe oamenii notri

De ce ar alege un potenial candidat s lucreze pentru STC? Pentru o varietate de motive. n primul rnd, STC este mai mult dect un loc de munc este o familie! Problemele care pot aprea sunt privite ca provocri care atrag oportunitatea de dezvoltare, de mbuntire a competenelor i abilitilor. Un candidat poate gsi aici un mediu multicultural, ocazia de a munci alturi de specialiti de valoare, dispui s-i sprijine n evoluia lor, acces la know-how de ultim or, seriozitate i rigoare, premise eseniale pentru o calitate de vrf. Conducerea companiei este permanent dedicat procesului de dezvoltare continu a personalului su prin programe de instruire att intern ct i la compania mam din Germania- Daimler, acolo unde angajaii au posibilitatea s interacioneze cu specialiti de prim clas. Mai mult, un candidat poate gsi stabilitate i o ans real de a-i construi o carier de succes. Evoluia unei persoane este atras natural de mediul de lucru care promoveaz performana. Preocuparea noastr pentru educaia angajailor se reflect i n sprijinul financiar pe care l oferim angajailor studeni pentru plata taxelor de colarizare. Odat ce un candidat a intrat n compania noastr, posibilitile nu se opresc la instruirile specializate din Romnia sau din afar, deoarece avem

Teambuilding nseamn i s srbtoreti la momentul potrivit. Teambuilding means also to celebrate at the right time. 11

Cover story

- a Daimler company


STC is an international automotive supplier specialized in the production of gears, shafts and other engine, transmission and jig components. Moreover, it provides engineering services and starting with this year it also deals with transmission assembly.
The most important point in our development refers to our third field, i.e. transmission assembly. When we started assembling the first spare transmissions in 2011 at our location in Sebes, STC began a new era. Another model will be assembled at the end of this year and it will represent the connection, the bridge to the series assembly of the transmissions that could be delivered in the following years by STC. Due to this important project we can say that the future holds great prospects for STC, our employees and our customers. is a family! The problems that sometimes appear are seen as challenges that bring along the opportunity for development, for improving skills and abilities. A potential candidate can find here a multicultural environment, the opportunity to work with highly skilled and supportive specialists, access to cutting edge knowhow, seriousness and thoroughness, essential premises for high quality. The company management is permanently committed to the continuous development of its personnel through training programs in house and also at the mother company in Germany - Daimler where our employees have the opportunity to interfere with highly trained specialists. Above all these, a potential candidate can find stability and a real chance to develop a successful career. Our company prompts a persons development due to its working environment that encourages performance. Our preoccupation for the employees education is translated also through the financial support we offer to students working in our company for the payment of their tuition fees. Once a candidate enters our company, the possibilities are not limited to specialized trainings in and outside Romania, as we carry out a distinctive program meant to boost our employees potential the Talents Program. The participants in this program may grow to become highly trained specialists or develop leadership abilities which will allow them to occupy a management position in the company when opportunities arise. As we have already pointed out our motto is "STC is more than work". There-

With full power towards a sustainable future

hen production functions flawlessly and at full capacity, satisfaction is guaranteed. If there is also an opportunity for developing the companys activity and extend the product range, this is an amazing prospect. Nowadays, continuous growth is not as common as we might think and it implies far more than developing a product range. This growth is customer oriented and connected to their strategic development. This is why last year we decided to develop our companys activity in 3 directions. First of all, the traditional field refers to the production of components for engines and transmissions. We have increased the efficiency of this area and have optimized its processes and we will keep stabilizing it in order to maintain our cost position. By means and due to these projects we will definitely have the chance of a constant growth. In the future we would like to develop more extensively our second field Technology Centre - where we produce jigs, prototypes, small series and we also offer engineering services. For the moment we use this department to build the devices and tools that we need in house and also to train the young people in a dual training plan. This plan functions according to the German model and allows the young people to study in a formal environment (school, universities) and at the same time to acquire the technical knowledge needed to facilitate their entry in the automotive branch.

People our most important resource

We are very pleased that the constant development of our company triggers the creation of new workplaces, as in 2011 we managed to employ over 170 people. In our company an employee can find a culture which allows continuous growth and chances to develop a successful career. Star Transmission is more than work, it is a lifestyle, it is WORK and FUN! Due to the collaboration with the technical universities, there are students who come for their practical training in our company and then remain here. We advertise our open positions on the radio and we take part in job fairs at the universities. When we look for new employees our HR department gets support also from external experts, in our efforts to spot the best candidate.

We value our people

Why would a potential candidate choose to work for STC? There is not just one reason! First of all, STC is more than work - it


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Cover story

the way a team works together determines its success. this includes to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of all team members and to rely on each other at any time.

fore, every 2 months we celebrate an after work party with different themes. Thus, our employees can get to know each other better; they can develop friendships, which automatically lead to a better collaboration in the normal working environment.

ization of the Maternity Department. In Sebes this year our efforts are directed to the renovation of a school. We are perfectly aware that our responsibility is not limited to just our shareholders or strictly to our employees. Our goal is to harmonize our business with the community we are activating in and we strive to fulfill this duty constantly and at our best.

Commitment to Social Responsibility

The belief that STC is a successful company must combine the active presence in the technical and professional field with social and cultural activities. Therefore our company is involved in supporting various activities in areas such as culture, education and public health. We are also aware of the importance of environment protection and as a consequence, we act as a responsible member of society by applying and observing Romanian and European regulations in the field. In 2011, when we celebrated our 10th anniversary, we wanted to mark this event by planning 10 actions. Each of the 10 days before the anniversary was dedicated to a special activity, among which we can mention the cleaning action and the donations to the hospital in Cugir (for medical equipment) and a high school in Sebes (foreign languages lab). By the end of the year our company will start a new sponsoring action for the hospital in Cugir, this time providing funds for the renovation and modern-

Towards a new, fresh corporate image

In order to transfer the emotions of our daily business, the potential of the company and the advantages for our customers to produce in Romania, it is very important to advertise our company in a professional way. With these goals in mind we started to strengthen our corporate identity. We created a fresh, more user friendly and attractive webpage where we will also post our open jobs; we will also use an updated company presentation that will allow us to present ourselves more professionally. This year we have also made a brand new company movie which highlights our core values and sends out the heartbeat of our STC family. A family that is willing to attract more valuable members and that we will continue to care for and invest in. CJ

Locaia Cugir STAR TRANSMISSION Strada Victoriei Nr. 10 A RO-515600 Cugir, jud. Alba Locaia Sebe STAR TRANSMISSION Strada Augustin Bena Nr. 106 Secretariat & Media Relations Telefon: +40 (0) 258 806 100 Telefax: +40 (0) 258 806 101 RO-515800 Sebe, jud. Alba V invitm s trimitei CV-urile la adresa de email 13

We measure it.

Testo Romnia - Soluii complete de msurare We measure it.

Testo Romnia este cea mai nou lial a productorului mondial de instrumente de msur Testo AG. ninat n 1957, Testo s-a remarcat prin inovaii importante - primul termometru digital produs vreodat (1976) sau primul analizor gaze de ardere Testo Romnia este cea mai de nou lial a (1981). productorului mondial de instrumente de msur

Testo Romnia - Soluii complete de msurare

Testo Romania is the newest subsidiary of the world leading measuring instruments manufacturer Testo AG. Founded in 1957, Testo stood out through important innovations - the rst ever produced digital thermometer (1976) the rst ue gas analyzer Testo Romania is the or newest subsidiary of the world (1981). leading measuring instruments manufacturer Testo AG. Founded in 1957, Testo out for through Produced in Germany, the tools stood are useful many important innovations - the as rst ever produced digital applications in areas such instalations, buildings, thermometer (1976) orfood the rst ue gas analyzer industrial processes, industry, energy and (1981). pharmaceuticals. The worldwide leader has subsidiaries and distribution agencies in for over 70 Produced in Germany, the tools are useful many countries. Its customer service and quality contributed applications in areas such as instalations, buildings, to becoming a top global employer. industrial processes, food industry, energy and pharmaceuticals. The worldwide leader has Testo Romania supports users with information and subsidiaries and distribution agencies in over 70 tools that benet from the advanced technology countries. Its customer service and quality contributed developed by German researchers. to becoming a top global employer. Testo Romania supports users with information and tools that benet from the advanced technology developed by German researchers.

Produse n ninat Germania, au o aplicabilitate Testo AG. ninstrumentele 1957, Testo s-a remarcat prin extrem de variat n-domenii precum cel digital al instalaiilor, inovaii importante primul termometru produs construciilor, proceselor industriale, industriei vreodat (1976) sau primul analizor de gaze de ardere alimentare, energetice sau farmaceutice. Liderul (1981). mondial prezent cu liale i agenii distribuie Produse este n Germania, instrumentele au ode aplicabilitate n peste 70 de ri, calitatea i serviciile oferite extrem de variat n domenii precum cel al instalaiilor, transformndu-l ntr-un angajator de top la nivel construciilor, proceselor industriale, industriei global. alimentare, energetice sau farmaceutice. Liderul Testo Romnia vine sprijinul utilizatorilor cu mondial este prezent cun liale i agenii de distribuie informaii instrumente care beneciaz de tehnolon peste i 70 de ri, calitatea i serviciile oferite gia avansat dezvoltat cercettorii transformndu-l ntr-unde angajator degermani. top la nivel global. Testo Romnia vine n sprijinul utilizatorilor cu informaii i instrumente care beneciaz de tehnologia avansat dezvoltat de cercettorii germani.

Testo Romnia - Cluj Napoca

T. 0264 202 170 - F. 0264 202 171 -

Testo Romnia - Cluj Napoca

T. 0264 202 170 - F. 0264 202 171 -
Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Motivaie vs. Fluctuaie

Problema privind lipsa de experi nu este un fenomen pur romnesc. Aceasta este o problem european. rile industrializate sunt ntr-o concuren constant i se lupt pentru specialiti de nalt calificare. Migraia forei de munc ntre ri creeaz un dezechilibru pe termen lung n sistemele de recompens. Experii pleac acolo unde sunt cel mai bine pltii, n timp ce industria se mut acolo unde suport cele mai reduse costuri.

Motivation vs. Fluctuation

The problem concerning the lack of experts is not a pure Romanian phenomenon. It is an European problem. The industrialized countries are in a constant competition and are fighting for high qualified specialists. The massive shift of labor force inbetween the countries creates a long-term imbalance in the compensation systems. The experts are going where they get best paid. The industry will go where they have to pay the least. 15

n condiie bun n prezent, nevoie de mbuntiri pe viitor


Datorit msurilor politico-economice din ultimii ani, situaia de pe piaa forei de munc romneasc arat destul de pozitiv n comparaie cu alte ri din regiune. Rata oficial a omajului pentru 2012 este estimat de ctre Institutul Naional de Statistic cu 7,4 la sut, ceea ce reprezint 1,6 la sut mai mult dect n 2008, cnd rata omajului a atins cel mai sczut nivel din 1990 ncoace. Multe companii au profitat de relaxarea temporar de pe piaa muncii n anul 2009, fcnd n acea perioad angajri noi.
vorbesc potrivit unui studiu realizat de British Council fluent o limb strin. n primul rnd este engleza, urmat de francez, spaniol, italian i german. mbtrnirii si a scderii populaiei. Acest scenariu l descrie firma de consultan Manpower ntr-un studiu bazat pe rezultatele recensmntului din 2011. Populaia a sczut n 10 ani cu 2,6 milioane de persoane i a ajuns la 19 milioane de locuitori. Se estimeaz c aproximativ 2 milioane de romni lucreaz n strintate. Dup prerea Comisiei UE majoritatea lucreaz n Italia (890.000), Spania (825.000) i Germania (110.000). O alt problem este proporia dintre populaia lucrtoare i pensionari, ea fiind ntre 4,8 i 6,2 milioane de persoane. O mare problem este situaia educaional din ar care n comparaie cu nivelul UE este mediocr. Experii de la Manpower avertizeaz asupra deteriorrii nivelului educaional n urmtorii ani, dac guvernul nu se mpotrivete acestui lucru. Cele mai mari probleme pe care le vd constau n sub-finanarea sistemelor de nvmnt i a profesorilor care sunt prost pltii i, prin urmare, insuficient motivai. CJ

ererea de for de munc este n continuare mare, ce a dus ca salariile s creasc n mod constant ncepnd cu anul 2000. Parial salariile au crescut mai repede dect productivitatea. Salariul mediu brut a crescut ntre 2008 i 2011 cu 13 la sut, ajungnd de la 1.682 RON la 1.920 de RON. Costul mediu de munc era n anul 2011 n valoare de 3.73 euro, comparnd statele UE, costul este mai mic numai n Bulgaria. Sectoarele cu cele mai mari creteri salariale au fost industria auto, inginerie mecanic i prelucrarea lemnului. Numrul populaiei cu drept de munc se ridic la 8,3 milioane de persoane, dintre care 4,6 milioane au o meserie n care este obligatorie asigurarea social, iar 2,3 milioane lucreaz neoficial conform estimrilor guvernului. Majoritatea, adic 2,8 milioane, lucreaz n sectorul serviciilor iar 1,7 milioane n industrie. n ar exist diferene regionale mari cnd este vorba de ocuparea forei de munc. n timp ce regiunile de vest i centrale, precum i Bucuretiul nregistreaz o rat de ocupaie foarte ridicat, mai exist n nordul i n estul rii un potenial nefolosit al forei de munc. Anual, aproximativ 90.000 de absolveni prsesc universitile publice i private. Cte 25 la sut au o diplom pe profil economic sau tehnic. Neglijat n ultimii ani, a fost ns formarea de lucrtori calificai. n urma reformei de nvmnt din anul 2011 s-a hotrt ca colile profesionale s fie reintroduse. 38 la sut dintre romni

Ca i angajator strin, este util s se cunoasc i s se neleag fondul cultural al angajailor romni.
n societatea romn, care este foarte centrat pe familie, relaiile personale joac un rol foarte important. Relaiile pe termen lung sunt adesea caracterizate prin loialitate i ncredere. Credina ortodox i deceniile de comunism au ncurajat o gndire n ierarhii stricte. n acest sistem procesul de luare a deciziilor este de sus n jos, adic managerii decid, angajaii execut. Aceast mentalitate se schimb lent. Pn acum civa ani, multe companii erau expuse lipsei de loialitate fa de angajator. Schimbrile frecvente ale locului de munc erau un fenomen frecvent observat. Ca urmare a crizei economice, muli angajai se sfiesc s-i schimbe locul, dar apreciaz o surs sigur de venit. n timp ce n anii 2009 i 2010 a fost nregistrat o rat a fluctuaiei de pn la 20 la sut, la nceputul anului 2012 rata a ajuns la doar 7,8 la sut, susine un studiu realizat de ctre firma de consultan Mercer. Piaa muncii din Romnia va scdea, probabil, n urmtorii ani din cauza


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Foto: Ghinu

spotlight on the labor market in Romania

Thanks to the political actions under taken in recent years in order to stabilize the economy, the situation on the Romanian labor market seems to be quite positive compared to other countr ies in the region.
The majority, 2.8 million, works in the service sector, 1.7 million in the industry. In the country, there are large regional differences in the employment situation: While the western and central regions, as well as Bucharest show very high employment rates, there are potential workforce reserves in the north and east of the country. Every year, about 90,000 students leave the public and private universities. 50 percent of them graduate with a technical (25%) or economic degree (25%). On the other hand, the governments have neglected in recent years the training of skilled workers. As part of a reform of the educational system in 2011 the abolishment of the professional schools was revoked. One positive aspect that should be mentioned is the relatively good command of foreign languages. According to a study of the British Council 38 percent of the Romanians speak a foreign language fluently. Foremost is English, followed by French, Spanish, Italian and German. Weak relationships may result in a lack of loyalty towards the employer. Many companies have faced this phenomenon not long ago. Frequent job changes in the workforce were commonplace. In consequence of the economic crisis, many workers who intended to change the job dismissed such plans in favor of a secure income. While between 2009 and 2010 the companies recorded change rates up to 20 percent, in early 2012 the ratio went down to only 7-8 percent, according to a study carried out by consulting firm Mercer. Another study forecasts a shrinking of the Romanian labor market in the coming years because of the aging and a declining population. This scenario is described by Manpower based on the census results of 2011. The population already declined in 10 years by 2.6 million people ending up at some 19 million. It is estimated that about 2 million Romanians are still working abroad, in accordance with EU Commission mostly in Italy (890,000), Spain (825,000) and Germany (110,000). Another problem is the ratio between working population and retirees. This is in Romania at 4.8 to 6.2 million - and this gap will widen in the coming years. A big issue regards the educational system in the country, which ranks at EU average. The experts from Manpower warn against a deterioration of the educational level in the coming years, if the government will not take measures. The biggest problems they see are the financing shortfall of the education system and poorly paid, and therefore insufficiently motivated teachers. CJ

he official unemployment rate for 2012 is estimated by the National Statistics Institute at 7.4 percent that is 1.6 percent more than in 2008, when the number reached its lowest level since 1990. The temporary relief on the labor market in 2009 arose as an opportunity from which many companies took advantage immediately to employ new staff. Due to the high demand for labor, the average wages have seen a steadily increase since 2000. Partially wages grew faster than productivity. The gross average wage rose from 2008 to 2011 by 13 percent from 1,682 RON to 1,920 RON (425 euros). The average labor cost amounted to EUR 3.73 in 2011, compared with the EU average, lower costs are to be found only in Bulgaria. The sectors recording the highest wage increases were the automotive industry, mechanical engineering and wood processing. The number of employable population is 8.3 million people, of whom 4.6 million are in an official employment, another 2.3 million are estimated to work without working contracts.

n Bucureti, perei ntregi sunt acoperii de anunuri, pentru a atrage n strintate tinerii muncitori calificai. in Bucharest everywhere billboards stuck to the walls, to entice young skilled workers abroad.

As a foreign employer, it is helpful to understand the cultural background of his Romanian workforce.
The family-centered Romanian society ranks personal relationships very high. Long term relationships are often characterized by loyalty and trust. Orthodox faith and decades of communism have also encouraged thinking in strict hierarchies. Decision-making processes within this system work mostly topbottom, which means managers and supervisors demand, the staff delivers. 17

Statistici / Statistics

Sursa: Institutul Naional de Statistic (INS)

Sursa: Institutul Naional de Statistic (INS)


Sursa: Agenia Naional pentru Ocuparea Forei de Munc


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Legend 19

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Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Un angajator puternic n Transilvania

Furnizor internaional de servicii de outsourcing, Arvato a deschis n aprilie 2012 un centru de servicii n Sibiu, Romnia. Dup Braov este deja al doilea punct de lucru din Transilvania pe care compania din Gtersloh l ntrebuineaz n domeniul servicii clieni. Filiala Bertelsmann se alf n topul furnizorilor de servicii din acest domeniu de activitate i ofer soluii pentru angajatori din ntreaga lume. n Romnia, compania presteaz servicii pentru clieni renumii i cu potenial de dezvoltare ridicat, crescnd totodat constant ca angajator atractiv pe plan local.

rvato este o companie foarte mare, cu aproximativ 63.000 de persoane, expertul n outsourcing angajeaz aproape dou treimi din personalul existent n cadrul companiei-mam, Bertelsmann. O mare parte dintre aceti angajai lucreaz n domeniul Relaii Clieni. Cu un total de 75 de centre de servicii n ntreaga lume, Arvato se numr printre furnizorii de top ai acestei brane. Actualmente la nivel global, aproximativ 150 de milioane de consumatori sunt deservii n mai mult de 30 de limbi, de un numr de peste 20.000 de angajai Arvato. n locaiile aflate n continu dezvoltare din Transilvania, sunt angajate aproximativ 650 de persoane. n nou limbi

diferite, printre care se numr engleza, germana, franceza, italiana, olandeza i rusa, se ofer servicii pentru clienii unor angajatori de renume din domenii precum turism, E-Commerce, IT i Consumer Electronics. n Romnia, furnizorul de servicii din Gtersloh este reprezentat, nc din 2010, n Braov. Aici aproape 500 de angajai opereaz n departamente de Servicii Clieni, oferite diverilor clieni Arvato. La nceputul acestui an, compania a decis s creeze mai multe locuri de munc n regiune i a deschis n mijlocul rii nc un centru de servicii, la Sibiu. Pe o suprafa de 1350 metri ptrai, ocupat de Arvato n Centrul de afaceri din Sibiu, se numr n prezent aproximativ 150

de operatori servicii clieni, numr ce tinde s creasc pe viitor. Datorit potenialului de dezvoltare ridicat al clienilor Arvato, crete i nevoia suplimentar a acestora n ceea ce privete Serviciul Clieni de bun calitate. Serviciile excelente oferite pn acum de echipele din Braov i Sibiu au reuit s conving angajatorii, astfel nct i pe viitor Arvato s poat prelua n Romnia servicii aferente domeniului Relaii Clieni. Datorit acestei creteri durabile Arvato se dovedete a fi un angajator puternic pe termen lung n regiune i crete numrul angajailor n punctele de lucru din Romnia. Furnizorul de servicii sprijin talente naionale i internaionale i este preocupat s 21

seasc persoane motivate, care s susin serviciul clieni. Ceea ce presupune a fi n contact direct cu cel mai de pre capital al angajatorilor Arvato, i anume cu clienii acestora, a rspunde telefonic, prin e-mail i n chat-uri att la ntrebri simple ct i la cele specifice cu un grad de dificultate mai ridicat. O nevoie permanent o constituie fora de munc, vorbitorii de limb german, englez, francez sau italian. De asemenea, Arvato ofer angajailor si, pe lng activitile din cadrul Servicii clieni, oportuniti extinse de dezvoltare n funcii de conducere ale centrului de servicii.

Arvato partener internaional de outsourcing cu oferte integrate

Pe lng serviciile pentru clieni aferente domeniului Relaii Clieni, Arvato ofer i diverse alte servicii pentru clienii din ntreaga lume. Expertul n outsourcing este activ n 39 de ri, n peste 110 locaii i ofer soluii integrate n domenii de activitate ca IT, comer electronic, Managementul Lanului de Aprovizionare, Management Relaii Clieni,

Creaie i Finane, precum i diverse servicii legate de crearea i distribuirea de materiale tiprite i medii de stocare digitale. La nceputuri, portofoliul Arvato se rezuma doar la activiti de tiprire i livrarea materialelor printate pentru compania mam, Bertelsmann. Astzi, expertul n outsourcing se numr printre furnizorii de top din brana sa. Arvato se bazeaz pe integrarea unui ansamblu larg, pentru a le putea oferi clienilor si soluii complete, ce aduc o valoare adugat semnificativ. Astfel compania din Gtersloh ofer, de exemplu, nu doar producia materialelor tiprite, ci totodat dezvolt la cerere soluii logistice eficiente pentru a economisi la transport, timp i costuri. Clientul alege ce pachet de soluii individualizat s i fie pregtit de Arvato. Datorit acestei oferte de servicii integrate, expertul n outsourcing se distinge cu succes din rndurile concurenei. Clieni din domenii precum Automotive, energie, bnci i asigurri, comer, Entertainment, High Tech i sntate au ncredere n furnizorul de servicii. Orice soluie se axeaz pe raportul clienilor de afaceri cu clienii finali ai acestora. Astfel, domeniul Relaii Clieni reprezint o parte esenial n filosofia companiei Arvato. CJ

Arvato- a powerful employer in Transilvania

International outsourcing services provider, Arvato opened a service center in Sibiu, Romania in April 2012. After Brasov, the Sibiu center is the second office in Transilvania the company in Gtersloh employs for customer service. The Bertelsmann subsidiary ranks among the top service providers in this field and offers solutions to employers all over the world. In Romania, the company delivers services to well-known customers who have a high development potential and it continually grows so as to become an attractive local employer.


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

rvato is a large company, with approximately 63,000 employees, whose outsourcing expert hires close to two thirds of the total number of staff members within the mother company, Bertelsmann. Many of these work for the Customer Service Department. Having as many as 75 service centers around the world, Arvato ranks among the top providers in this line of business. Globally, approximately 150 million consumers are served at present in more than 30 languages by more than 20,000 Arvato employees. In the continually developing locations in Transilvania, approximately 650 employees serve customers in nine different languages, among which we might mention English, German, French, Italian, Dutch and Russian; these are the customers of well-renowned companies with fields of activity like tourism, ECommerce, IT and Consumer Electronics. In Romania, the Gtersloh service provider has penetrated the market since 2010, starting in Brasov. Close to 500 employees operate in Customer Service Departments, serving various Arvato customers. At the beginning of this year, the company has decided to create more jobs in the area and has opened a new service center in the central region-in Sibiu to be more specific. Arvato offices cover a 1350 square meters area in The Sibiu Business Center building. At present there are around 150 operators working in customer service, and their number is expected to increase in the future. Due to Arvato customers' high development potential, the additional need for high quality customer service will also increase. The excellent services provided so far by the teams in Brasov and Sibiu have managed to satisfy the employers' expectations to the extent that in the future Arvato may again take over customer care related services in Romania. Due to this durable growth, Arvato proves itself to be a powerful regional employer in the long run, constantly increasing the employees' number in the offices in Romania. The service provider encourages national and international people talented in this field and is preoccupied with finding motivated persons to support the customer services.

This implies being in direct contact with Arvato's most valuable asset which is their customers, it implies answering by phone calls, via e-mail or chat to questions ranging from very simple to specific ones, having a higher degree of difficulty. A permanent need is the work force, coming from German, English, French or Italian language speakers. Furthermore, Arvato offers its employees, in addition to the activities within the Customer Service Department, widespread opportunities to develop professionally, by being promoted to leadership positions in the service center.

tries, energy, banks and insurance, commerce, entertainment, high tech and health care trust their service provider. Every solution found is based on the relationship between customers and their end users. As a conclusion, the Customer Service field of activity plays an essential part in the philosophy of the Arvato company. CJ

Arvato- international outsourcing partner providing integrated offers

In addition to the services provided for the Customer Service Departments, Arvato also offers a wide variety of different services to customers all over the world. The outsourcing expert is present in 39 countries, in over 110 locations, offering integrated solutions in fields of activity like IT, E-Commerce, supply chain management, customer services management, creative departments and finance, as well as services related to the design and distribution of printed material and digital storage media. In the beginning, the Arvato portfolio comprised activities of printing and delivering the printed material for the mother company, Bertelsmann. Today, the outsourcing expert ranks among the top providers in this field. Arvato aims at integrating a large information system in order to offer its customers complex solutions, which return a significant added value to their business. Thus, the company in Gtersloh offers, for example, not only the production of printed materials, but also finds, on request, effective logistic solutions to save time and money with transportation. The client may ask for a personalized solutions package to be prepared by Arvato. Due to this integrated services offer, the outsourcing expert becomes easily distinguishable from other competitors. Customers from fields of activity like automotive indus-

Adres Braov: Braov Business Park Ionescu Crum 1 Tower 1, Floor 6 500446 Braov Adres Sibiu: Business Center Sibiu Nicolaus Olahus Str., no 5. RO-550370 Sibiu Mail: Telefon: +40 (0) 784 278 286 23

PIONIERII pornii la drum

ai sunt nc multe dincolo de orizont - acesta este titlul unei piese rock, a muzicianului german Udo Lindenberg, care pare o descriere potrivit a oportunitii pe care au avut-o studenii i cursanii de la Cooperative State University la sfritul anului 2011, nainte de a ncepe efectiv s lucreze la proiectul WITTENSTEIN. Precum PIONIERII pornii la drum, acetia cltoresc ntr-o ar strin, la alegere, dup ce termin cursul sau trainingul, pentru a ctiga experien peste hotare i pentru a nva lecii importante, nu doar despre activitatea lor, ci i despre via n general. Ei ajung s cunoasc ndeaproape att ara respectiv, ct i oamenii i cultura de acolo- dar mai presus de toate se descoper cu adevrat pe sine. mpreun cu PIONIERII pornii la drum proiectul WITTENSTEIN a readus la via o tradiie datnd din Evul Mediu, care a devenit iari de actualitate i a dobndit o importan special pentru era globalizrii din timpurile noastre. Tradiia de a pleca n cltorie (numit uneori i vals sau anii zilierului) era la origini practicat de tinerii care i terminaser ucenicia de meteugari. n vremurile de demult, multe ghilde le impuneau s plece s lucreze cu ziua, aceasta fiind o etap obligatorie a instruirii lor profesionale, nainte de a fi achitai de orice ndatorire pe care o aveau fa de meterul lor. Pionierii care aleg s o porneasc la drum vor face o cltorie de dou sau trei luni care la va schimba viaa, prin care se sper ca toate aceste ntrebri s devin experiene trite, s le lrgeasc orizonturile, s le mbunteasc competenele culturale i s le dezvolte personalitatea- ceea ce i va ajuta att pe tinerii respectivi ct i pe cei de la WITTENSTEIN, ca i angajator, s progreseze pn la a deveni o corporaie multinaional de mecatronic.


Cltorind singur, dar nu lsat singur

Modul n care absolvenii de la WITTENSTEIN abordeaz ideea de cltorie necesit un spirit de pionier. n limita a civa parametri oferii orientativ de companie, acetia i stabilesc propria misiune i i organizeaz ederea ntr-o ar strin. Urmresc, identific i exploreaz noi posibiliti. Ridicnduse la nlimea ateptrilor create de un mediu intercultural i acumulnd experien relevant pentru viitor, ei vor deveni adevrai deschiztori de drumuri. Totui, s cltoreti de unul singur nu nseamn c vei fi lsat s te descurci singur: departamentul de resurse umane de la WITTENSTEIN le ofer tinerilor tot sprijinul necesar, ine legtura cu acetia n mod constant pe durata deplasrii lor i i ajut la rezolvarea a numeroase probleme. Pionierii continu s fie angajai la WITTENSTEIN pentru a le da posibilitatea s se concentreze la o anumit ar i la poporul ei, fr a li se distrage atenia inutil. CJ

Carl Wolff Gesellschaft, Siebenbrgischer Wirtschaftsclub in Deutschland e. V. Anschrift: Karlstrae 100 80335 Mnchen Kontakt: E-Mail: Internet:
Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

PIONeeRs on the road

heres more beyond the horizon this title of a song by the German rock musician Udo Lindenberg is also an apt description of the opportunity that has been available to Cooperative State University students and trainees since the end of 2011, prior to finally starting work at WITTENSTEIN. As PIONEERS on the road they travel to a country of their choice after completing their training or degree course in order to gain experience abroad and learn important lessons not only about work but also about life in general. They get to know the country concerned as well as its people and its cultural heritage and above all they discover valuable insights into themselves. With its PIONEERS on the road project WITTENSTEIN has revived a tradition that dates back to the Middle Ages but which has acquired new topicality and special relevance in todays global age. The tradition of taking to the road (sometimes also referred to as the waltz or the journeyman years) was originally partaken in by youngsters who had completed their apprenticeship as a craftsman. In the olden days, many guilds required them to become journeymen as a compulsory part of their professional training before they could be absolved from the obligations that bound them to their master.

Consulting service for investors in Romania

Business Consulting Industrial estate HR-Management Media Design

The pioneers who opt for/choose to take to the road spend two or three months on a life-changing journey, which () is hoped to transform all these questions into lived experiences, broaden their horizons, improve their cultural competence and develop their personality and help both the young people themselves and WITTENSTEIN, as their employer, move forward on the way to becoming a global mechatronics corporation.

Travelling alone but not left alone

The manner in which WITTENSTEIN graduates approach their time on the road calls for pioneering spirit. With only a few parameters provided by the company as guidance, they define their own mission and organize their stay in a foreign country. They pursue, identify and explore new avenues. By rising to the challenges of an intercultural environment and accumulating experience relevant to the future, they ripen into true pioneers. However, travelling alone doesnt mean being left alone: WITTENSTEINs Human Resources department provides the youngsters with all the necessary backup, maintains regular contact with them while they are away on the road and frees them up in many respects. The pioneers continue to be employed by WITTENSTEIN in order to enable them to focus on the country and its people without any unnecessary distractions. CJ
More information youll find at: or just simply scan the QR-code with your smart phone. Mai multe informaii putei gsi la: sau scanai codul QR cu smartphone-ul.

Sibiu/ Hermannstadt Phone: +40 (0) 269 21 53 45 Fax: +40 (0) 372 87 51 95 E-mail: Web: 25

Nu totul e ceea ce pare

Studiu i munc n strintate

rivind rezultatele ultimului recensmnt, se nelege ct de mare este pierderea de muncitori. Exist sute de mii de oameni care au prsit ara pentru totdeauna sau doar pentru o perioad limitat. Tentaia de a-i cuta norocul la distan este mare, muli romni viseaz la o carier n rile occidentale industrializate sau n cele de peste oceane. Dar ateptrile rmn n mare parte nendeplinite. Ulterior, imigranii sunt nevoii s admit c n strintate este cu mult mai dificil dect se ateptau. Surprinztor, aspectele lingvistice au o importan secundar. Mai dificil este s in pasul cu mentalitatea occidental i cu ateptrile ridicate ale companiilor din strintate. Un alt obstacol este recunoaterea profesiei nvate sau a studiilor. Acest lucru este valabil, de exemplu, la asistentele medicale din Romnia, care trebuie s fac teste suplimentare n Germania n vederea recunoaterii finale. Printre sectoarele cele mai populare se numr medicina, inginerii i de civa ani toate categoriile de experi IT (programatori, web designeri, specialiti n baze de date). n Romnia ar fi foarte fericii, dac aceste posturi vacante s-ar ocupa. Rmne sperana c dorul de cas este mai mare dect dorina de a cltori. CJ

ooking at the results of the last census, it becomes clear how big is the loss of workers. There are hundreds of thousands who have left the country - forever or only for a limited time. The temptation to seek his fortune in the distance is big. Many Romanians dream of a career in the Western industrialized countries or even overseas. But the high expectations remain largely unfulfilled. Far too late have the immigrants to admit that there is abroad a lot harder than they expected. The language issues are only of secondary importance, it is much more difficult to keep pace with the Western mentality and the high expectations of the companies abroad. Another obstacle is the recognition of the learned profession or of the studies. This applies for example to the Romanian nurses who have to take further tests in Germany for final approval. Among the most popular sectors belongs the medical profession, the group of engineers and since some years all kinds of IT experts (programmers, web designers, database specialists). In Romania they would be happy if these vacancies could soon be occupied again. It remains the hope that the homesickness is greater than the desire to travel. CJ

Ciprian Stanescu,

Head of department , Leadership Programs Department, Aspen Institute Romania

Am avut ocazia s nu m ntorc acas, s lucrez i s locuiesc ntro alt ar dar am refuzat, pentru c aa cum spuneam, aveam i am o datorie fa de mine i fa de lucrurile n care cred. Dac a regreta, nu m-ar ajuta deloc, aa c prefer s nu m lamentez n faa problemelor ce apar n Romnia, spunndu-mi ce bine mi-ar fi fost dac nu m-a fi ntors.

I had the opportunity not to come back home and to work and live in another country but I refused because, as I was saying, I had and I still have a duty to myself and to things in which I believe. If I regret, it would not help at all, so I prefer not complain about the problems that Romania faces, by telling myself "how good it could have been if I didnt come back.


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

All that glitters is not GOLD

Psiholog I Psychologist

Andrei Roth

Fost analist financiar la Microsoft I Former financial analyst at Microsoft

"Romnia din multe perspective este un pmnt fertil"

La nivel personal, Romnia este patria mea i locul cruia i datorez primele mele mari bucurii i succese, pe scurt creterea i dezvoltarea mea. Romnia este identitatea mea. Dar s fiu pragmatic: Romnia din multe perspective este un pmnt fertil, o ar n curs de dezvoltare cu multe oportuniti de carier, poate chiar mai multe dect n Occident. Mai uor poi deveni un psiholog de succes aici dect n Germania unde competiia este mult mai strns. Romnia nc faciliteaz o anume pia a muncii, un anume tip de succes profesional chiar cu toat instabilitatea legilor sau a economiei din prezent. n Romnia sunt oameni de calitate, iar romnii sunt o naie de persoane inteligente i descurcree, buni ntreprinztori! Aici tinerii oneti, intelectuali i muncitori pot deveni n scurt timp oameni de afaceri de top pe cnd ntr-un sistem oarecum binedefinit, cu reguli stricte, termene ndelungate, rigid, precum cel din Marea Britanie nu poi fenta ndeplinirea unor pai necesari spre progres.

"Vreau s lucrez pe cont propriu, pentru a profita de multele oportuniti pe care le vd n fiecare zi aproape."
Aici poi s aduci ceva nou i chiar s schimbi lucrurile. n Romnia pot aplica definiia pentru business de a lua o idee i a o face relevant pieei. Senzaia mea era c n SUA e mult mai greu s inventezi roata, lucrurile sunt puse la punct i funcioneaz ntr-un sistem stabilizat. n cazul meu, valorile etice nu vin din cursurile de la Universitate dei n State am urmat astfel de cursuri, i acolo se pune accent pe ele -, ci din familie. Acolo am nvat ce nseamn corectitudinea, ncepnd de la a nu da gol cu mingea unui copil care a czut i s-a accidentat, pn la inerea promisiunilor, chiar dac nu sunt contractuale. Valoarea mea cea mai mare n Romnia este c sunt integru i c oamenii tiu c se pot baza pe mine.

"Romania from many perspectives is a fertile land"

On a personal level, Romania is my homeland and the place to which I owe my first great joys and successes, shortly my growth and development. Romania is my identity. But to be pragmatic: Romania from many perspectives is a fertile land, a developing country with many career opportunities, perhaps even more than in the West. Easier you can become a successful psychologist here than in Germany, where the competition is more tight. Romania still facilitates a specific labor market, a certain type of professional success even with all laws or economic instability. In Romania there are people of quality, and Romanians are a smart nation and good entrepreneurs! Here the young intellectual and honest workers may become in a short period of time top businessmen, while somehow in a clearly defined system, with strict rules, extended terms, stiff, such as United Kingdom one cannot "get around" the fulfillment of the necessary steps toward progress.

"I want to work on my own, to take advantages of all the opportunities I see every day very close."
Here you can bring something new and even change things. In Romania you can apply the definition for business from taking an idea and make it relevant on the market. My feeling is that in the USA its much more difficult to invent the wheel, the things are made at the point and work in a stabilized system. In my case, the ethical values are not coming from the courses from University - even though in the USA I have followed such courses and there is a focus on them - it comes from the family. Then I learned what it means to be correct, not to score with a ball of a boy who fell and got injured, to keep the promises even though they are not contractual. My greatest value in Romania is that I am honest and people know they can rely on me.
Sursa: 27

Detaarea salariailor n Romnia

"Majoritatea reglementrilor au la baz dreptul UE"
Cadru legal general
Odat cu aderarea Romniei la UE s-au simplificat considerabil condiiile de edere i de munc pentru persoane detaate din UE, nefiind necesare n acest caz nici o autorizaie de munc i nici un permis de edere. Dac durata ederii depete 90 de zile este totui necesar nregistrarea la Oficiul Romn pentru Imigrri (ORI). ORI elibereaz n acest sens certificate de nregistrare, a cror obinere nu este problematic n cazul persoanelor detaate din UE. Observaie: n cazul ederilor pe o durat mai ndelungat se impune nregistrarea din timp, avnd n vedere c certificatul de nregistrare este necesar pentru nregistrarea fiscal. Detarile n cadrul prestrii de servicii transnaionale trebuie de asemenea s fie notificate inspectoratului teritorial de munc (ITM) cu indicarea unei persoane de contact la faa locului.

ghid practic

Deseori asigurarea know-how-ului necesar n proiectele unei companii n Romnia presupune n mod inevitabil detaarea transnaional de salariai. n contextul unei detari n Romnia se impune respectarea unor prevederi care in att de drept fiscal ct i de dreptul muncii, cel al asigurrilor sociale i de dreptul de edere. Urmeaz observaii importante i un ghid practic referitor la detaarea salariailor din UE.
romn care se depune de ctre angajatorul strin). 2. Dup sosirea n Romnia n funcie de durata detarii sunt necesari urmtorii pai importani: a. notificarea autoritii fiscale cu privire la nceperea activitii persoanei detaate de ctre societatea romn la care are loc detaarea; b. cererea persoanei detaate n vederea clarificrii situaiei sale fiscale; c. obinerea certificatului de nregistrare de la ORI; d. nregistrarea fiscal; e. depunerea unui formular pentru stabilirea rezidenei fiscale; f. lunar: declararea i plata la termen a impozitului pe venit pentru luna precedent, personal sau prin reprezentant fiscal; g. depunerea formularului pentru stabilirea rezidenei fiscale naintea prsirii Romniei. Modificri care privesc locuina, angajatorul .a. asemntoare vor fi notificate n mod obligatoriu autoritii fiscale i ITM. 3. Dup prsirea Romniei de ctre persoana detaat: a. notificarea autoritii fiscale de ctre societatea romn la care a avut loc detaarea cu privire la ncetarea activitii persoanei detaate (nu este o cerin legal, ns de regul este impus de ctre autoriti) b. obinerea unei confirmri cu privire la impozitele achitate n Romnia.

Christian Weident este avocat german, partener i coordonator al departamentului de dreptul muncii al casei de avocatur STALFORT. Legal. Tax. Audit. n cadrul procesului legislativ n vederea flexibilzrii dreptului muncii romn, a formulat cu succes propuneri legislative n cooperare cu Camera de Comer i Industrie RomnoGerman. De la publicarea legislaiei modificate, a inut mai multe prezentri n Germania i Romnia despre aceasta. Christian Weident is a German attorney at law, partner and head of the labour law department of the law firm STALFORT. Legal. Tax. Audit. During the legislative procedure in view of the flexibilisation of the Romanian labour law, he has successfully submitted legislative proposals in cooperation with the GermanRomanian Chamber of Commerce. Since the publication of the amended legislation, he has given speeches pertaining thereto in both Romania and Germany.

Paii de urmat n vederea unei detari legale

1. naintea sosirii n Romnia nc naintea sosirii detaailor sunt necesare activiti prealabile: a. ncheierea unui contract ntre societatea care detaeaz i societatea la care are loc detaarea; b. ncheierea unui contract de detaare/ unei convenii de detaare ntre angajator i cel care urmeaz s fie detaat; c. obinerea unui certificat de reziden fiscal pentru persoana care urmeaz s fie detaat de la autoritatea fiscal din ara de origine; d. obinerea dovezii necesare privind meninerea apartenenei la sistemul de asigurri sociale din ara de origine (certificat A1); e. nregistrarea persoanei care urmeaz s fie detaat la ITM (formular n limba

Observaii cu privire la detaare

Durata maxim a detarii se determin n principiu conform dreptului aplicabil raportului de munc al persoanei detaate. Menionm n special prevederile art. 6 din Legea nr. 344/2006 privind detaarea salariailor n cadrul prestrii de servicii trans-


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

naionale, potrivit crora, indiferent de legea aplicabil raportului de munc, persoanele detaate n Romnia beneficiaz de condiiile de munc stabilite prin legea respectiv prin contractul colectiv de munc aplicabil n Romnia cu privire la: a. durata maxim a timpului de munc i durata minim a repausului periodic; b. durata minim a concediilor; c. salariul minim, inclusiv compensarea muncii suplimentare; d. condiiile de punere la dispoziie a salariailor de ctre agenii de munc temporar; e. sntatea i securitatea n munc; f. msurile de protecie pentru femeile nsrcinate sau pentru cele care au nscut recent, precum i pentru copii i tineri; g. egalitatea de tratament dintre brbai i femei, precum i alte dispoziii n materie de nediscriminare. Aceasta reprezint transpunerea principiului locului de munc stabilit n directiva UE privind detaarea, ns nu mpiedic aplicarea condiiilor de munc mai favorabile salariatului. CJ

secondment of employees to Romania

In order to ensure the necessary flow of know-how into Romanian projects of a company, the transnational assignment of employees is often unavoidable. In the context of a secondment to Romania, many provisions pertaining to fiscal, labour, social security as well as residence legislation must be observed. Please find hereinafter some important aspects as well as a guide concerning the secondment of employees from the EU. Common legal framework
Pursuant to Romanias EU accession, the residence and labour conditions for employees seconded from the EU have been simplified substantially: neither a work nor a residence permit is required. However, in case the stay exceeds 90 days, registration with the immigration office ORI is required. ORI issues registration certificates (certificat de inregistrare) to this purpose an uncomplicated procedure for persons assigned from the EU. In practice, however, in case of longer stays, such registration should occur at an early stage, as the registration certificate is necessary for the fiscal registration.

Majoritatea reglementrilor au la baz dreptul UE. Acestea sunt aplicabile n mare parte i persoanelor detaate din SEE i din Elveia. n cadrul acestui articol, majoritatea ntrebrilor pot fi abordate doar cu titlu general sau nu pot fi abordate deloc spre exemplu ntrebarea interesant cu privire la legislaia asigurrilor sociale aplicabil detaatului. n mod cert, fiecare detaare presupune o pregtire particularizat adaptat la cazul concret. 29

Secondment in the framework of transnational provision of services is furthermore subject to notification to the labour inspectorate ITM; additionally, a local contact person has to be indicated.

Steps for a secondment which is in line with the law

1. BEFORE ARRIVAL IN ROMANIA Even before the arrival of the assigned person, certain preliminary activities are required:
a. conclusion of an agreement between the seconding and the receiving company; b. conclusion of a secondment contract/ agreement between the employer and the employee to be assigned; c. obtaining a fiscal residence certificate for the employee from the fiscal authority in the state of origin; d. obtaining the necessary evidence of the fact that the employee will remain in the social security system of the state of origin (A1 certificate); e. registration of the seconded person with the Romanian labour inspectorate (ITM) (Romanian form, to be submitted by the foreign employer).

3. UPON DEPARTURE OF THE SECONDED PERSON: a. notification by the Romanian receiving company to the fiscal authority concerning the termination of the activity of the seconded person (not a legal requirement, however in practice often required by the authorities); b. obtaining a confirmation regarding the taxes paid in Romania;

Final observations
Most provisions are based on EU law. Most of them apply to persons seconded from the EEA and Switzerland, as well. In this article, most questions can only be addressed on a general note or cannot be addressed at all e.g. the interesting question regarding the social security law applicable to posted workers. Certainly, each assignment requires a thorough preparation adapted to each individual case.

Observations on secondment
The maximum duration of the secondment is determined according to the law applicable to the labour relationship of the seconded person. In particular, reference to art. 6 of law no. 344/2006 concerning the posting of workers to Romania in the framework of the transnational provision of services is relevant. Hereunder, persons seconded to Romania, irrespective of the law applicable to their labour relationship, are entitled to work conditions according to the applicable Romanian law and mandatory collective labour agreements as concerns: a. maximum working hours and minimum rest periods; b. minimum annual holidays; c. minimum wage, including compensation of overtime; d. conditions for the supply of temporary workers by temporary work agencies; e. safety and health protection at the work place; f. protection of pregnant employees, employees who have recently given birth, children and young employees; g. equal treatment between women and men and further protection against discrimination; The above is an implementation of the place-of-work-principle set forth in the EU Posting of Workers Directive, however does not impede the application of work conditions which are more favorable to the employee. CJ

2. AFTER ARRIVAL IN ROMANIA Depending on the duration of the assignment, the following important steps are required: a. notification by the Romanian receiving company to the Romanian fiscal authority regarding the beginning of activity of the seconded person; b. request of the seconded person for clarification of his fiscal situation; c. obtaining the registration certificate from the ORI; d. fiscal registration; e. submission of a form for the determination of the fiscal residence; f. monthly: declaration and payment of income tax for the previous month in due time, personally or through a fiscal representative; g. submission of a form for the determination of the fiscal residence before the departure from Romania.
Changes concerning accommodation, employer or the like are subject to notification to the fiscal authority and to the ITM.

STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. Bucureti Sibiu Bistria Berlin Birou Bucureti: Tel.: +40 (0) 21 301 03 53 Fax: +40 (0) 21 315 78 36 E-Mail: Web:


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013 31


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Factorii de carier
Career Factors

Care sunt factorii ce influeneaz cariera unei persoane? Este discutabil dac ateptrile sunt justificabile. Tinerii care intesc o carier, trebuie s fie contieni de faptul c ar trebui s dein competene cheie pentru a avea o ans real de promovare.

What factors affect a person's career? It is also questionable whether the expectations are justified. Young people who are considering a career, must however be aware of the fact that they have to own key competences in order to have a real chance to advance. 33

Ce ateapt tinerii angajai de la angajatori? What are the expectations of employees from the employers?

teptrile tinerilor sunt exact motivele pentru care ei se angajeaz. Renumele companiei e unul dintre principalele motive pentru care ei se prezint la interviu. A face parte dintr-o companie multinaional ofer automat posibiliti multiple de dezvoltare i promovare. Tnrul angajat aspirant la o carier intro companie de top, ii dorete posibilitatea obinerii unei funcii manageriale, o recompens financiar considerabil si contracte de munc pe perioade ndelungate. Stabilitatea, transparena, ncrederea, nevoia de confirmare a valorii adugate pe care o aduce proiectului, un mediu in care scopul muncii sale s fie bine definit, profesionist, sunt cteva dintre ateptrile pe care le au angajaii. Unii dintre ei caut ceva nou, unii sunt in cutarea unui mentor, unora le provocarea, unii ii doresc dezvoltare personal i profesional. Din orice categorie fac parte, ateptrile financiare sunt cele care primeaz , indiferent c se numesc salar, bonus, recompens, beneficiu. CJ
Trgu-Mure Referent proiecte Consultan accesare Fonduri Europene Referent - EU Projects and Funding
Ateptrile mele ca i angajat sunt strns legate de climatul de lucru, recunoaterea performanelor profesionale, comunicare i suport. Cu alte cuvinte, a opta pentru o companie care este atent la mediul de lucru pe care l ofer, investete n angajai, apreciaz cu sinceritate munca i eforturile depuse, implic angajaii n cadrul companiei astfel nct s simt c fac parte din acea companie i cred n valorile i obiectivele ei i nu n ultimul rnd ofer siguran. My expectations as an employee are tightly related to the work environment, the recognition of the professional performance, communication and support. In other words, I would rather choose a company that pays attention to the working environment it creates, that invests in the employees, that honestly appreciates the work and efforts, that gets its employees involved in the company culture thus making them feel they are an important part of the company and last but not least, offers security.

oung people's expectations are exactly the reasons why they get employed. The company's reputation is one of the main reasons why they are attending the interview. To be a part of a multinational company offers multiple possibilities of promotion and development. The young employee, who aspires to a career in a top company, wants to have the possibility to obtain a managerial function, a substantial financial reward and work contracts for a long period of time. Stability, transparency, trust, the need for confirmation of the value added to the project, a professional medium , well defined, are some of the main expectations that employees have. Some of them are looking for something new, some are looking for a mentor, some loves the challenge, and some wants personal and professional development. In any category, financial expectations are the ones that prevail, whether they are called salary, bonus, reward or benefit. CJ
Drago TITUS,
Timioara Director Calitate, Decathlon Quality Production Leader, Decathlon

Raluca TNASE,
Bucureti nceptor n Marketing Beginner in Marketing

Pentru mine este la fel de important s am un salar satisfctor ct i un mediu plcut de lucru. Din punct de vedere material, pe lng un salar de baz, ar fi utile bonuri de consum lunare sau prime de srbtori. De asemenea, plata orelor suplimentare const un alt avantaj. Pun foarte mare pre i pe oportunitile de dezvoltare oferite de companie: training-uri, schimburi de experien, accesul la tehnologii i informaii de ultim or, posibiliti de promovare sau reorientare profesional n cadrul aceleiai companii. For me is both important to have a good salary as well as a pleasant working environment. From the material point of view, apart from a basic salary, monthly meal tickets, paid extra-hours or holiday bonuses would be more than welcome. I also cherish the improvement and development opportunities offered by the company: trainings, experience exchange, access to modern information and technology, promotion possibilities or professional reorientation inside the company.

Nu m atept s ne deschid ua pentru c am fcut o facultate, dar m atept s aprecieze experienele pe care am ncercat s le valorificm pn atunci. Nu m atept s ne pun pe acelai loc cu oamenii ce au ani buni de experien, dar m atept s ne susin n explorarea potenialului. Nu m atept s ne tolereze lipsurile, dar m atept s neleag c suntem o generaie cu valori i nevoi diferite. I do not expect them to open their door just because we graduated an university, but I expect them to appreciate the experiences we tried to value until that moment. I do not expect them to place us at the same level with the professionals, but I expect them to support us exploring our potential. I do not expect them to tolerate our weaknesses, but I expect them to understand that we are a generation with different needs and values.


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Ce ateapt companiile de TOP de la tinerii profesioniti? What expect the TOP companies from the young professionals?
Companiile se pot deosebi prin serviciile sau produsele oferite ns ateptrile pe care le au de la angajai rmn aceleai. n funcie de natura jobului, efii au ateptri foarte specifice de la angajai, ns n general, se ateapt la urmtoarele caliti cu caracter general.
tiv. De la un angajat cu atitudine pozitiv, se ateapt s:

Companies may differ in services or products, but expectations for employees remain the same. While most bosses will have very specific expectations of their employees depending on the job, they will expect ngajatorii caut angajai care au o atitudine pozi- these general qualities.

Aib un comportament agreabil Fie politicos Aib o inut corect, o igien excelent i s tie cum s se mbrace adecvat Aib o perspectiv optimist. Sarcinile sunt percepute mai degrab ca i posibile oportuniti, nu ca i dificulti insurmontabile Arate entuziasm pentru job. Chiar dac nu sunt nc angajai, au nceput deja s gseasc soluii la sarcini legate de serviciu. Ascult activ i pun ntrebri pertinente si pline de perspicacitate Fie dornic s munceasc din greu Fie serios, cinstit i de ncredere. Angajatorii pot verifica referinele pentru a-i confirma impresiile pe care i le fac n timpul interviului Aib spirit de echip, s i plac colaborarea i s relaioneze uor cu oamenii S fie bine integrat n organizaie

mployers are looking for employees who have a positive attitude. An employee with a positive attitude is expected to:

Angajatorii se ateapt ca angajaii s se integreze n mediul de lucru. Perspectiva angajatorului: n general, angajatorii presupun c o persoan care aplic la un anumit job cunoate mediul obinuit de lucru. Dac un candidat accept o ofert de munc, el accept totodat i mediul n care va lucra. Anumite condiii sunt negociabile, dar ele difer n mare msur de la un loc de munc la altul. Este mult mai probabil pentru angajaii care pot colabora cu colegii lor s creasc productivitatea companiei Angajaii care lucreaz ca o echip i ating obiectivele n mod mai eficient Munca n echip ncununat de succes conduce la un moral ridicat i la un mediu de lucru plcut Se pierde mai puin timp cu medierea conflictelor dintre angajai. CJ

Have a pleasant demeanor Be courteous Have good posture and excellent hygiene and know how to dress appropriately Have an optimistic outlook. They see tasks as potential opportunities, rather than insurmountable problems Show enthusiasm for the job. Even without being hired, they already engaged in problem-solving tasks related to the job. They listen actively and ask insightful, pertinent questions Be willing to work hard Be reliable, dependable and trustworthy. Employers may check references to confirm impressions they form from the interview Be a team player who enjoys collaborative efforts and gets along with people Fit in with the organization

Employers expect employees to fit into the work environment. Employers viewpoint: generally, employers assume that a person applying for a specific job is familiar with the typical working environment. If an applicant accepts a job offer, they also accept the environment that goes with thejob. Certain conditions are negotiable, but they vary greatly form one job to another. Employees who can collaborate with their co-workers are likely to boost the productivity of the company Employees working together as a team are more effective at meeting goals Successful team efforts lead to high morale and a happy workplace Less time is lost mediating conflicts between employees. CJ 35

Marquardt Schaltsysteme

"Noi nu facem compromisuri i nc i angajm pe cei mai buni" "We do not compromise and still hire only the best"
Career Journal: Ct de important este pentru dumneavoastr ca angajaii s se identifice cu compania? Schmidt: Este mai important ca angajatul s se identifice cu compania deoarece dac este mulumit de ceea ce face, va face o treab bun pe termen lung. El trebuie s evolueze ctre o spiral ascendent. O satisfacie crescut nseamn rezultate bune. Career Journal: Candidaii se pregtesc adecvat nainte de a veni la interviu? Schmidt: Din experiena personal pot spune c sunt bine informai dinainte i chiar tiu unde aplic. n unele privine sunt mai profesioniti ca n Germania. Toat lumea are CV-ul redactat n cel puin dou limbi. Career Journal: Cum verificai dac cei care aplic au spus adevrul n CV i dac dein competenele la care fac referire? Schmidt: Nu avem cum s dovedim acest lucru. Cel mult putem face o evaluare critic a competenelor n cursul interviului. Aplicanii de aici nu au certificate de la locurile de munc anterioare, ci doar un CV redactat de ei nii ntr-un mod ct se poate de pozitiv. Career Journal: n afara abilitilor tehnice, care sunt competenele cheie absolut necesare pentru angajaii de la Marquardt? Schmidt: Acestea sunt n principal competene de ordin social, munca n echip, interaciunea cu oamenii, modul de abordare a proiectelor, felul n care gestioneaz valuta sau alte valori. Este foarte important, desigur, s nelegem situaia n care se afl angajatorul. Career Journal: Cum pot universitile s i ajute pe studeni s se pregteasc mai bine din punct de vedere practic? Schmidt: S ofere mai multe stagii de pregtire i s i susin. Noi oferim astfel de stagii de mult vreme, iar n ultimii doi ani sprijinul acordat universitilor a crescut semnificativ. Career Journal: Un numr din ce n ce mai mare de muncitori calificai pleac din ar. Credei c Marquardt va trebui s fac compromisuri n ceea ce privete selecia angajailor? Schmidt: Noi nu facem compromisuri i nc i angajm pe cei mai buni. Am observat c muli oameni care au plecat acum ceva timp n strintate, s-au ntors. Tendina este uor de observat i se va accentua n urmtorii ani datorit continuitii problemelor economice, lucru ce va conduce la scderea cererii de muncitori n strintate. Sigurana unui loc de munc e mai mare aici, cel puin n cadrul marilor companii germane, dect de exemplu, n Germania. Am de asemenea convingerea c cei mai buni rmn aici, dar nu pot verifica acest lucru pentru fiecare caz n parte. CJ Career Journal: How important is it for you that the employees identify with the company? Schmidt: It is more important for the employee to identify with the company, because if he is satisfied with what he does, he will do a good job in the long term. He has to come in a positive spiral. High satisfaction means good results. Career Journal: Do the candidates prepare adequately before they come to the interview? Schmidt: My personal experience is that they are well informed in advance and actually know where they are applying. They are in some details even more professional than in Germany. Everyone has his or her CV available in at least 2 languages. Career Journal: How do you test whether the applicants are honest in the CVs and fulfill the competencies referred to? Schmidt: We have no way to prove it. We can critically scrutinize the skills in the interview, at the most. Applicants have no work certificates here, just a CV, written as positively as possible by themselves. Career Journal: Apart from the technical skills, which are the absolutely necessary key competences for employees at Marquardt? Schmidt: These are primarily social skills, teamwork, dealing with people, dealing with projects, dealing with foreign money and values. Very important is of course the understanding of the employer situation. Career Journal: How can universities help the students better prepare for practice? Schmidt: Offer more internships and support the students in their activity. We have offered internships for a long time, and starting two years ago we stepped up our support of the universities even more significantly. Career Journal: An increasing number of skilled workers are leaving the country. Where Marquardt will have to make compromises in terms of employee selection? Schmidt: We do not compromise and still hire only the best. We have noticed that many people who once went abroad came back. The trend is noticeable and will increase with the continuing economic problems, in the coming years, as the demand for workers abroad will be lower. The job safety is bigger here, at least in the major German companies, than, for example, in Germany. I also believe that the best people stay here but this I cannot verify for each individual case. CJ


Jrgen Schmidt (CEO), Marquardt Schaltsysteme

Marquardt Schaltsysteme S.C.S. Str. Munchen No. 2 Zona Industriala Vest 550018 Sibiu, Rumnien Phone: +40 (0) 269 501 700


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Ad Schneider 37

ABILITI cheie pentru success

O abordare amnunit i corect a comunicrii ar trebui s evidenieze natura sa integrativ i caracteristica interactiv dintre cei care iau parte la acest act. Cunotinele bine fundamentate i lipsite de prejudeci, susinute i de un pronunat sim al deosebirii de ceilali sunt o condiie esenial ntr-o lume extrem de interdependent i lipsit de frontiere, unde fiecare participant la procesul de comunicare este important n egal msur i poate fi valorificat n propriul su context.

"Comunicarea a devenit cel mai important criteriu ..."

stfel, conectivitatea a devenit un termen potrivit nu doar pentru dezvoltarea recent a tehnologiei informaiei i comunicaiilor dar i pentru procesul de comunicare, prin intermediul contextualizrii. Patru tendine s-au combinat pentru a-i gsi calea ctre un viitor interdependent, care transform diferenele dintre noi n preocupri similare i o agend comun: a) progresul tehnologic, b) globalizarea economic , c) migraia populaiei pe scar larg i d) dezvoltarea multiculturalismului. Considerate n ansamblu, aceste variabile susin dezvoltarea unei comunicri interculturale mai experimentate.

ajutorul logicii i al cunotinelor factuale. A treia abilitate a ceteanului, n strns legtur cu celelalte dou, este cea pe care am putea-o numi imaginaia narativ. Aceasta ar nsemna abilitatea de a ne putea imagina cum ne-am simi dac am fi n locul altei persoane, de a fi un cititor inteligent al povetii celeilalte persoane, de a nelege sentimentele, dorinele i nzuinele pe care altcineva le-ar putea avea. Cultivarea sentimentului de compasiune a constituit o parte esenial a celor mai bune idei moderne de educaie democratic, att pentru naiunile vestice ct i pentru cele non-vestice.

Comunicarea nu este nici un proces izolat, nici unul unidirecional; din contr, comunicarea eficient se bazeaz pe abilitatea de a forma legturi, de a reuni indivizi, grupuri de oameni sau chiar mulimi, n loc s evidenieze i s accentueze divizarea. Abilitatea de comunicare permite unui individ sau unui grup de persoane s creeze, s menin i s desfoare o interaciune fireasc i reuit, att n contexte intraculturale ct i interculturale. Mai mult dect Dr. Eva- Nicoleta Burduel att, abilitatea de a comunica eficient perDr. Eva- Nicoleta Burduel este n prezent Pro- mite individului s se dezvolte, att pe plan fesor Asociat n cadrul Universitii Lucian Bla- personal ct i profesional, i faciliteaz asga din Sibiu. n 2003 a susinut teza de docto- censiunea ctre o poziie de lider.
rat intitulat Aldous Huxley's Cultural Context (Contextul Cultural al lui Aldous Huxley). Este autoarea a trei cri i a tradus o carte n limba englez.

Accentul deosebit pus pe dobndirea de cunotine i pe rentabilizare va redireciona interesul ctre obinerea de competene i mai puin ctre obinerea de diplome, ca de exemplu: antreprenoriat, contientizaDr. Eva-Nicoleta Burdusel is currently an rea diferenelor culturale i interacionarea, Associate Professor at the Lucian Blaga discursul n public/arta argumentrii, elaboUniversity of Sibiu. In 2003 she defended her doctoral dissertation entitled "Aldous Huxley`s rarea unor tehnici proprii de nvare, capacitatea de a utiliza informaiile n mod eficiCultural Context". She has authored 3 books ent, caliti personale necesare la locul de and translated one into English. munc. Martha Nussbaum ne atrage atenia asupra i subliniaz nevoia urgent de instruire a studenilor cu lecii pentru via: Cetenii nu se pot raporta n bune condiii la lumea complex din jurul lor doar cu

Comunicarea a devenit cel mai important criteriu luat n considerare de angajatori n procesul de recrutare a celor cu titluri universitare. Principalele aspecte de care angajatorii sunt preocupai la o persoan liceniat nu au mare legtur cu studiile universitare ale acesteia. ntr-o ierarhie a calitilor pe care angajatorii le caut ntrun liceniat, primele patru poziii nu au aproape deloc legtur cu caracteristicile universitare: capacitatea de a lucra n echip, de a-i organiza activitatea, punctualitatea, moralitatea i abilitile de comunicare - cu colegii, cu superiorii, cu clienii etc. Educaia este mai degrab un proces dinamic dect unul static, de aceea ar trebui s impulsioneze creativitatea mai mult dect analiza, gndirea critic mai mult dect reproducerea mecanic; curiozitatea i receptivitatea n loc de referirea retrospectiv la cunotine fundamentale. Vedem ce suntem pregtii s vedem. Vedem ce vrem s vedem. Vedem ce suntem obinuii s vedem. Vedem ce ne-au precondiionat sentimentele s vedem. (...) Suntem analiti exceleni dar nu la fel de buni designeri, deoarece designul presupune un mecanism foarte diferit de gndire. CJ


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Key Competences for the success

An accurate and thorough approach to communication should highlight its integrative nature and interactive character between its actors. Informed and unbiased knowledge endorsed by enhanced awareness of otherness is a prerequisite in a highly interdependent and borderless world where each participant to the communication process is equally important and can be valued in its particular context.

hus connectivity is a term appropriate not only for the recent development of information and communication technologies but also for the communication process by means of contextualization. Four trends combine to usher in a more interdependent future that shapes our differences into a set of shared concerns and a common agenda: (a) technological development, (b) globalization of the economy, (c) widespread population migration, and (d) the development of multiculturalism. Taken together, these dynamics argue eloquently for the development of more proficient intercultural communication. Communication is neither an isolated nor a one-way process; on the contrary, effective communication relies heavily on the ability to build bridges, to connect individuals, groups or masses of people instead of emphasizing and deepening the divide. Communication competence enables an individual or a group of people to provide, maintain and ensure smooth and successful interaction, both in intra- and inter-cultural contexts. Moreover, effective communication skills empower individuals both in their personal life and professional development and facilitate the evolution to leadership. An intensified emphasis on knowledge creation and capitalization will shift the focus on acquiring competencies rather than degrees, such as: entrepreneurship,

cultural awareness and interaction, public speaking/the art of argumentation, learning to learn, information literacy, soft skills. Martha Nussbaum calls to our attention and advocates the urgent need of training students with the skills for life: Citizens cannot relate well to the complex world around them by factual knowledge and logic alone. The third ability of the citizen, closely related to those two, is what we can call the narrative imagination. This means the ability to think what it might be like to be in the shoes of a person different from oneself, to be an intelligent reader of that person`s story, to understand the emotions and wishes and desires that someone so placed might have. The cultivation of sympathy has been a key part of the best modern ideas of democratic education, in both Western and nonWestern nations. Communication has emerged as a topranking criterion for employers in the process of graduate recruitment. The

main aspects that employers are concerned about regarding a university graduate have little connection with his or her academic studies. In a hierarchy of things employers look for in a graduate, the first four positions are poorly connected with the academic characteristics: the graduate`s ability to work in a team, to organize his or her work, his or her punctuality, morality and communication skills with peers, superiors, customers, etc. Education is a dynamic process rather than static, therefore it should trigger creativity more than analysis, critical thinking versus mechanical reproduction; inquisitive and open-mindedness instead of retrospective background. We see what we are prepared to see. We see what we want to see. We see what we are used to seeing. We see what our emotions have sensitized us to see.{ } We are excellent at analysis but not nearly so good at design, because design needs a very different sort of thinking. CJ 39

Scopul scuz mijloacele

Recrutarea de personal

Personnel Recruitment

The end justifies the means

Vremurile cnd pieele forei de munc erau pline de lucrtori calificai i companiile puteau recurge la resurse nelimitate au trecut. Astzi, noi modaliti trebuie abordate. Dar sunt aceste modaliti att de promitoare precum par?
Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

The times when labor markets were full of skilled workers and the companies could draw on unlimited resources passed. Today, new ways must be approched. But are these ways so promising as they seem?

Pia sczut, servicii diversificate

Mandat de vis sau misiune imposibil pentru headhunterii profesionali? La nceputul anului 2012 guvernul romn cuta consultani pentru a gsi 50 de manageri pentru 15 companii de stat printre ele firma aerian Tarom, compania Hidroelectrica ori societatea feroviar CFR. Printre cei interesai, care au depus oferte se aflau gigani din industrie precum Egon Zehnder i Stewart Spencer. Cele dou compranii sunt o excepie. Ambele companii sunt printre puinele firme de consultan de vrf din domeniul de recrutare personal care nu i-au deschis b i r o uri oficiale n Romnia. Piaa romneasc de recrutare este n prezent, dup prerile experilor, mprit ntre aproximativ 60 firme de consultan.
cu experien i controlori. Situaia este similar i n alte funcii de sprijin, cum ar fi resursele umane.

cestea includ gigani din industrie, cum ar fi reelele de consiliere IIC Partners, Boyden Global Executive Search i Stanton Chase International, care acioneaz direct sau prin intermediul filialelor din Romnia. Potrivit Heike Kuenzel de la firma de consultan Key2Success, pia a fost mprit pn de curnd ntr-un grup mic de aproximativ zece furnizori, care s-au axat exclusiv pe Executive Search i aproximativ 50 de societi care presteaz servicii n domeniul de recrutare pentru poziii din Middle Management. n ultima categorie sunt i firme precum Manpower i Adecco, care sunt puternice n leasingul de personal.

Oportuniti de angajare apar n ultimul timp n special n domeniul energiilor regenerabile. Misiuni de cutare vin i din domeniul infrastructurii, precum i din domeniul farmaceutic. Cerere se vede, de asemenea, din partea furnizorilor auto, din Volumul total a pieei a sczut n ulti- care un numr mare i extinmii ani, deoarece, conform lui Kuende capacitile n Romnia. zel, multe companii au micorat bugetul de resurse umane. n prezent, potenialii clieni activeaz mai nti propriile lor departamente de resurse umane pentru a ocupa posturile vacante. Acest lucru devine ns, n anumite segmente, tot mai dificil. ntre timp, ca urmare a crizei economice, profilurile recruterilor au devenit mai largi. Cele mai multe companii de consultan ncearc s se poziioneze pe un domeniu ct mai variat. Pe lng achiziionarea de mandate de cutare cele mai multe companii ofer asisten n evaluarea extern a angajailor, instruirea personalului, managementul personalului sau managementul de Outplacement. Avnd n vedere lipsa de personal n unele segmente, companii care intenioneaz s investeasc n Romnia, ar trebui s consulte ct mai devreme o firm de recrutare. n acest mod, se pot obine ntr-un dialog lipsit de obligaii, informaii utile

referitoare la locaii adecvate pentru desfurarea unui anumit proiect. Avnd n vedere numrul mare de juctori din pia, se pune ntrebarea, pe ce ar trebui s pun companiile accent la cutarea unei firme de recrutate. Cel mai important criteriu n evaluarea unui serviciu sunt cunotinele sale fa de industrie sau cunotinele echipei cu care se va lucra. Consultantul ar trebui s fi lucrat el nsui n domeniul cutat sau firma ar trebui s fie capabil s prezinte diferite proiecte de referin din domeniu. Ca i client, lsai un consultant s v explice procesul de recrutare. Compania se bazeaz pe baza sa de date, sau intr pe pia pentru a gsi candidai potrivii? Nu se tie cum era situaia n cazul companiilor de stat. Aici, cutarea descurge lent, dar mai puin din lips de candidai corespunztori, ci din cauza opoziiei politice fa de managerii profesioniti. CJ 41

Mai ales la meseriile cu o cerere foarte mare chiar i profesionitii au probleme de a gsi personal disponibil. Dezvoltatorii de software, de exemplu, sunt foarte dificil de gsit, mai ales n oraele unde societile corespunztoare i au sediile. Companiile ncearc drept urmare s recruteze absolveni direct de la universitate i s i pregteasc pe plan intern. Cerere continu exist de asemenea n sectorul financiar pentru contabili

shrinking market, diversified services

Dream mandate or mission impossible for professional headhunters? In early 2012, the Romanian government looked for advisers to search for 50 managers for 15 state-owned companies - including the airline Tarom, the energy company Hidroelectrica and the railway operator CFR. Among those interested, that submitted a bid, were industry giants such as Egon Zehnder and Spencer Stewart. The two companies are an exception on the Romanian market for recruitment consultants. Both companies are among the few leading players who have not opened an official office in Romania, yet. The market itself is splitted up according to industry experts among some 60 consulting firms.
These include industry giants like the consultancy networks IIC Partners, Boyden Global Executive Search, or Stanton

Chase International, which are acting directly or through affiliates in Romania. According to Heike Kuenzel, owner of the consulting firm Key2Success, the recent market situation was the following: a small group of about ten companies focused exclusively on executive search; another group of about 50 companies was mainly providing services in recruitment for middle management positions. The latter group includes as well companies such as Manpower and Adecco, which are also strong in the area of personnel leasing. Most of the recruitment companies have their offices in the capital of Bucharest. Larger companies also operate local offices in the major cities of the country. This enables them to manage even larger recruitment operations, for example in the case of new plant openings. The recruiting companies in Romania are still suffering from the aftermath of the economic crisis hitting the country in 2009 and 2010. The total market volume has shrunk, because many companies have cut sharply their human resources

budgets. Currently, potential customers first activate their human resources departments to fill vacancies - whereas this has become increasingly difficult in some segments. Even professional recruiters sometimes face trouble when they have to find personnel with high demanded skills. Software developers, for example, are very difficult to get, especially in cities where there are respective companies. As result the companies themselves try to recruit graduates straight from university and form them internally. There is also resilient demand in the financial sector for experienced accountants and controllers. The situation is similar in other support functions such as human resources. Employment opportunities appear in recent times, especially in the area of renewable energies. Many search jobs are coming from companies in the infrastructure sector as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. Demand is also to be seen from automotive suppliers, of which a significant number is expanding its production capacities.


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Given the shortage of staff in some segments, companies that plan to invest in Romania, should consult a recruiter in the early stage of an investment. In nonbinding conversations with recruitment companies you can obtain important information regarding a suitable location. This is just one example of how recruitment advisers have expanded their services in recent years. Besides the acquisition of search mandates most companies actually offer assistance in

the external evaluation of employees, staff training, staff management, or the management of outplacement. The large number of players in the market makes it essential to select carefully the appropriate recruitment company. The most important criterion in the evaluation of a consultant is his knowledge of the industry. The consultant should have either worked in the respective industry or the company should be able to dem-

onstrate adequate reference projects. Let the consultant explain the procedure of recruitment. Does the company rely on its database only, or does it go into the market to find suitable candidates? What about the search mandate for the state companies? Here, the search makes slow progress, but this is less due to the lack of suitable candidates but because of political opposition to professional managers. CJ

Media salariilor n Romnia /Average salary in Romania

Sursa: Institutul Naional de Statistic (INS)

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Heike KNZEL, General Manager



Hunting for the Munch or Rubens of your siguran nu mai este abordarea potrivit a consultanilor din ziua de astzi. Fiind o companie ce ofer servicii de consultan ne axm mai mult pe consiliere dect pe vnatul clasic, iar un client care apeleaz la serviciile unui headhunter pentru o poziie vacant important n companie i caut un ajutor real i profesionist pentru a gsi un candidat cu expertiz i cunotine care poate livra repede rezultatele dorite i care se potrivete cultural cu compania pentru o integrare rapid n echipa deja existent.
lucra ci se bazeaz i pe capacitatea de a identifica exact unde poi gsi aceti profesioniti. Rolul companiilor de recrutare nu mai este acela de a posta joburi pe portale de recrutare, de a atepta aplicaii, de a face selecie de CV-uri i de a intervieva candidai. Majoritatea clienilor notri primesc numeroase aplicaii care nu au corespondent cu nevoia lor de recrutare, de aceea contracteaz extern o companie specializat s i susin n selecia candidailor potrivii i mai important n a seta direcia unde i pot gsi. Dup identificarea potenialilor candidai, urmtorul hop este atragerea lor. Este adevrat c din cauza restructurrilor, pe pia sunt activi un numr mare de candidai disponibili, ns, din pcate, nu ndeplinesc ntotdeauna cerinele prioritare ale clienilor pentru care conducem cutri focusate pe anumite criterii. n ultimii ani am observat c este mai dificil ca n trecut s atragi candidai buni, deoarece se tem s fac o schimbare din cauza instabilitii economice, prefernd s rmn ntr-un loc stabil i s nu accepte alte provocri, considernd c nc nu este un moment bun s i asume riscuri. Prin cldirea unei relaii de ncredere i transparen poi s contracarezi aceast mentalitate, iar relaia se cldete prin prezentarea corect a oportunitilor noului job fr a crea false expectane candidailor i prin asigurarea lor c le vei fi alturi pe tot parcursul procesului de recrutare i dup plasare. Adiional, ne confruntm cu problema delicat a expectanelor salariale; avem candidai cu pachete salariale mari obinute n perioada creterii economice i care tiu c nu pot obine o mrire a pachetului dac ar schimba jobul, prin urmare prefer s rmn cu angajatorul curent. Prospecii interesai totui de noi proiecte vor s fac schimbarea numai cu o majorare a pachetului, mai ales c n ultimul an salariile au fost ngheate; majorare pentru care clientul nu are alocat un buget, mai mult dect att clientul nc se lupt cu scderea costurilor interne de unde are o presiune foarte mare. Rolul nostru de mediator devine foarte sensibil i provocator n aceast etap a procesului de recrutare. Candidaii interesai de proiecte sunt evaluai i filtrai prin mai multe metode; o mare importan o acordm interviurilor personale deoarece evalum nu numai pregtirea profesional ct i potrivirea cultural care este de nelipsit n procesul nostru de recrutare i aliniem expectanele clienilor internaionali cu resursele de pe piaa local, cu mentalitile i comportamentul candidailor. Dup ce am reuit s calibrm percepiile i expectanele att ale candidatului ct i ale clientului prin plasarea persoanei potrivite avem o mare bucurie i satisfacie s urmrim att dezvoltarea candidatului plasat ct s i meninem relaia cu clientul, avnd asigurate premisele unei colaborri de succes care ne menine dedicai s oferim clienilor o experien unic i nu doar respectarea unor termeni contractuali pentru fiecare proiect pe care l ncepem, iar n acelai timp s putem cultiva pasiunea i entuziasmul n interiorul echipei noastre de consultani i de researcheri. CJ

entru a atinge acest obiectiv este critic s nelegi foarte bine nevoile clientului, prin urmare cunotinele i experiena consultantului implicat n proiect sunt eseniale. n condiiile actuale de pia, bugetele clienilor pentru externalizarea recrutrii este tot mai mic, iar n prima faz acetia ncearc s recruteze prin departamentul propriu de HR nainte de a contracta o companie de recrutare. n mod obinuit, furnizorii de servicii de recutare sunt antrenai n proiecte n care este nevoie de profesioniti care s livreze imediat i care nu au fost identificai i atrai prin resursele proprii ale companiei. Prin urmare se ateapt din partea unui Consultant de Recrutare s aib o bun nelegere a variilor industrii ct i s vin cu soluii de cutare a candidailor n funcie de cerinele clientului. Se ntmpl ca un client s aib nevoie astzi de un Manager de

O companie trebuie s " aib combinaia potrivit

dintre vnatorii de job-uri i carieriti "

Vnzri pe produse electronice care se comercializeaz n magazine tip DIY iar mine un alt client s aib nevoie de un ef de Fabric ce supervizeaz producia de maini sau de un Controlor Financiar pentru un business foarte complex de trading; o cutare bun nu ine cont numai de nelegerea cerinelor tehnice ale rolului i de potrivirea cultural cu mediul n care va


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

A day in the life of a


Hunting for the Munch or Rubens of your candidate is for sure not the typical attitude of todays search consultants. Being a consulting service we are rather advising than hunting and a company which engages today a headhunter has an important position vacant and seeks for professional advice to fill this position with a candidate who has the needed professional background and experience to quickly deliver results and who fits to the corporate culture to integrate well in an existing team.
it is even more difficult to attract good people because they prefer to remain in their safe work place and consider it not yet a good time for a change. Presenting the potential opportunity to our targeted candidates while not raising false expectations is crucial in this tion which keeps us committed to walk the extra mile in each search and to keep the enthusiasm and passion on a high level in our team of consultants and researchers. CJ

o reach this goal, a very good understanding of the clients needs is crucial and here know -how and experience of the engaged consultant is required. In todays market, the budgets to externalize recruitment services are reduced and most of the companies try first on their own before engaging an external consultant. Consequently, the recruitment service providers are today asked to support in bringing highly qualified plug and play professionals on board which could not be identified or attracted by own efforts. It is therefore expected from a Recruitment Consultant to have a very good understanding of different industries and to know where to find suitable candidates. If a client needs today an experienced Sales Manager for electronic products which are sold in the DIY chains and tomorrow a client requests a Plant Manager who supervises the production of technical equipment or a Financial Controller for a complex trading business, we need to understand not only the technical requirements of the role and the environment our candidate shall be place into, it is crucial to know where we can find those professionals. As mentioned before, today a recruitment company is not engaged to arrange some job advertising and to wait and select from the applications. Most of our clients receive a lot of applications which are not necessarily covering their needs and thus seek for professional advice in researching and selecting suitable candidates. After identifying potential suitable candidates, the next hurdle comes in attracting them. It is true that due to restructurings more job seekers are on the market, still our searches are very focused and the qualifications of the ones seeking a new job do not necessarily match our clients requirements. We experienced in the last years that

the right mix between job seekers and career builders"

phase and sets the ground for a trustful relationship to our candidates. In addition we face the problem that people reached quite high packages from the boom times and will not be able to achieve a better remuneration with a change and thus prefer to remain at their current employer. Other professionals willing to change however expect a raise in salaries because they have their salary frozen since some years and we are again confronted with growing expectations while the pressure on costs and thus also on salaries from an employer perspective remains high and our role as a mediator becomes challenging also in this phase of a search. Interested candidates are filtered by different methods; we are focusing on personal interviews because we need to assess not only the professional background but also the cultural match which is a crucial part of the assessment, where we need to align expectations of international clients with local availabilities, mentalities and behavior. Once we succeed in aligning both sides perceptions and expectations and we place a candidate, it is for us a joy to follow the development of our candidates and our clients relationship, having set the ground for a successful collabora-

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Peste 5000 de implanturi inserate, centrul de tomografie computerizata, centrul de frezat zirconiu Lava 3M, unic in tara, sunt doar cateva dintre motivele care au adus clinica noastra in topul clinicilor dentare din Romania. De asemenea, am reusit sa construim o echipa de specialisti, care are in componenta 5 cadre universitare si putem spune ca ne mandrim cu acest aspect. Avantajul principal al Clinicii Dentare Prof.Dr.Bratu este faptul ca poate oferi pacientilor servicii complete (consult si tratament multidisciplinar), asigurate de cadre de specialitate, in acelasi spatiu si un alt atu este faptul ca personalul clinicii este vorbitor de limba engleza, germana si italiana. Serviciile oferite de Clinica Dentara ,,Prof.Dr.Bratu sunt: Implant dentar Pedodontie-Ortodontie Chirurgie orala Estetica zambetului Radiodiagnostic dentar Dental SPA Endodontie Dental Education Center Protetica dentara (Cursuri post-universitare pentru medici)

Phone: +40 (0) 746 149 302 (German speaking) +40 (0) 741 008 903 (English speaking) +40 (0) 752 941 782 (English speaking) Fix: +40 (0) 269 21 53 45 E-mail:,
Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013 Timisoara, Str.Memorandului, Nr.16, Telefon: 0256/275221

Aprute nc din 1995, ofertele de joburi online s-au extins rapid pe internetul din Europa i sunt n prezent foarte la mod. Fenomenul care a declanat aceast situaie a fost criza financiar din 2008, cnd mii de angajai i-au pierdut locul de munc i s-au grbit s aplice urgent pentru un altul. i astfel acest an a devenit un an al schimbrilor pentru recrutarea online la nivel global, recrutare ce a condus la o internaionalizare a site-urilor cu oferte de munc.

FAST- FOOD pentru Managerii hR

otui, aceste piee nu sunt populare doar n rndul celor ce i caut un job; din ce n ce mai multe companii se folosesc de aceste site-uri pentru a gsi noi profesioniti, deoarece recrutarea online mbuntete procesul intern de recrutare. Ei bine, asta ne face s ne ntrebm cum funcioneaz mai exact un site de recrutare. O dat ce s-a hotrt asupra unui anumit numr de oferte online, este important pentru candidat s i prezinte abilitile i calificrile ct mai detaliat i s i creeze un profil al jobului. Cu acest dosar, a crei posibiliti de vizualizare public depinde de administratorul site-ului respectiv, putei aplica online la diferite oferte de munc venite din partea mai multor companii. Cu toate acestea, acest proces poate merge i n sens invers. O companie poate inteniona s angajeze o persoan, dac aceasta deine calificarea dorit de compania respectiv. De ce ns a devenit recrutarea online att de popular n ultimii ani? Cutarea de joburi n mediu virtual are unele avantaje fa de procedeele 'tradiionale'. Site-urile de joburi ofer o varietate larg de locuri de munc, situate n orae diferite, uneori chiar i n ri diferite. Pentru companii, avantajul este c pot cuta fora de munc ce corespunde nevoilor proprii cu costuri reduse, la nivelul ntregii ri - sau poate chiar n toat Europa, pentru c este nevoie doar de un simplu click. Un alt avantaj ar fi procesarea rapid a informaiilor de pe site-urile de joburi, deoarece acestea cuprind oferta propriu-zis, precum i toate interaciunile dintre candidat i

companie, pn n momentul acceptrii poziiei oferite. n plus, procesul de management al aplicaiilor este optimizat i simplificat. Mai mult dect att, bazele de date ce conin att profilul jobului dorit ct i pe cel al candidatului, vor fi reactualizate aproape zilnic. Spre deosebire de anunurile din ziare sau reviste, recrutarea online ofer o imagine clar a raportului dintre cerere i ofert, datorit metodei de potrivire automat pe care o folosete, ceea ce simplific modul de cutare a unui job, sau, viceversa, selecteaz candidaii nepotrivii. Un dezavantaj al aplicrii online ar fi lipsa posibilitii de consultare. Candidaii care nc nu sunt pe deplin hotri ctre ce domeniu s se ndrepte, prefer s se adreseze ageniilor de recrutare sau de head-hunting, pentru a fi consiliai individual, n funcie de abilitile lor. n concluzie, o persoan sau o companie care tie exact ce caut i n ce direcie ar trebui s mearg, poate economisi mult timp i muli bani, dac apeleaz la recrutarea online. Cu ct jobul sau expertul dorit este mai special, cu att consultarea mai multor agenii de recrutare i de head-hunting este necesar. Costurile acestor opiuni nu sunt comparabile, deoarece produsul este diferit. CJ 47

Existing since 1995, online job boards have spread rapidly through the Internet in Europe and are currently very much in vogue. The trigger was especially the financial crisis of 2008 when thousands of workers lost their jobs and urged quick action on the part of the applicants. Thus was this year a year of change in the global e-recruiting and it developed an internationalization of the job boards. However, these markets are not only popular among job seekers, more and more companies are using this opportunity to find new professionals, because e-recruitment improves the internal recruitment process. Well, it puts forward the question regarding how exactly an online job board works.

Fast food for HR Managers

nce he or she has decided on a number of website offers, it is important for the candidate to publish skills and qualifications in as much detail as possible and to create a job profile. With this application folder, whose public accessibility depends on the website provider, one can now apply online to the various job offers of the companies. However, this process also works in reverse, meaning that the company also targeted to go/get to the job seekers, if they bring the required qualifications. But why did e-recruiting become so popular over the past few years? The virtual job search has some advantages in comparison to the "traditional" recruitment processes. Basically job boards offer a wider range of job offers, which can be across cities as well as borders. The advantage for the companies is to search at a low-cost across the whole country for skilled workforce even entire Europe is just a mouse-click away. Another advantage is the fast processing of the online job boards, because they include the advertisement of the job, and all communication between the candidate and the company, up to the
al pieei de joburi din Romnia, eJobs i-a asumat n cei peste 13 ani de activitate, misiunea de a oferi clienilor si cele mai bune servicii i instrumente de recrutare, eficientiznd procesul complex de identificare i selecie a viitorilor angajai. Prin relevan i inovaie tehnologic, eJobs optimizeaz ntreg procesul de recrutare al companiilor, identificnd i maximiznd gradul de compatibilitate dintre profilul candidailor i nevoile de HR ale angajatorilor, oferindu-le acestora oportunitatea de a beneficia complet de avantajele oferite de recrutarea online: ReLeVAN eFICIeN SUPORt DeDICAt SeRVICII PeRSONALIzAte RAPIDItAte Aceste informaii vin s ntreasc poziia site-urilor de recrutare n desfurarea unui proces de recrutare complex i avantajele oferite de aceast metod att pentru angajatori ct i pentru candidai, avantaje uor de identificat la scurt timp dup momentul n care cele 2 categorii prezente pe piaa muncii au nceput s utilizeze serviciile oferite de siteurile de recrutare.

As a leader...

completion of the job/job completion. In addition, there is an optimization and simplification of the application management process. Moreover, the databases that contain the job and candidate profiles will be updated almost daily. In contrast to job advertisements in newspapers and magazines, job boards allow e-recruiting a direct reflection of the supply and demand (ratio) by employing the matching method, which simplifies the job search, or vice versa, select unsuitable candidates. A shortcoming of the job search on the Internet is the lack of consultation. Especially jobseekers who still have no clear idea in which professional direction they want to go, find in job agencies or at Head-Hunters a better choice in order to get specific counseling tailored to their skills. In conclusion, a person or a company that knows exactly what it wants and in what direction it should go can save a lot of money and time with e-recruitment. The more special the required job or expert is, the more recruiting agencies and headhunters are necessary to be put at work. The costs produced by these methods are not comparable because the product is different. CJ

Din poziia de lider...


of the jobs market in Romania, during the over 13 years of activity eJobs has undertaken the mission to offer to its clients the best services and recruitment instruments by streamlining the complex process of identification and selection of the future employees. Through relevance and technological innovation, eJobs optimizes the entire recruitment process of the companies, identifying and maximizing the level of compatibility from the applicants profiles and considering the HR needs of the employers by offering them the opportunity to benefit from the advantages offered by the online recruitment method : RELEVANCE EFFICIENCY DEDICATED SUPPORT CUSTOMIZED SERVICES FASTNESS The information are meant to argue the actual position of the recruiting website in conducting a complex recruitment process and the advantages offered by this recruiting method for the employers as well as for the job seekers, advantages which are easy to identify shortly after the two categories on the labour market (employers and job seekers) have started to use the recruitment websites. Laura CHILOM,
PR Executive, eJobs


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013 49

Parteneriat pentru dezvoltarea resurselor umane

Partnership for the human resources development

ransilvania este din punct de vedere al investiiilor, una din zonele de atracie pe harta Romniei. H&H Consulting s-a dovedit de-a lungul timpului a fi partenerul pe care companiile care investesc n zon se pot baza. Expertiza noastr acoper urmtoarele domenii: recrutare a echipei manageriale sau a unor specialiti de ni, training, assessment centers, consultan organizaional i consultan administrativ. n ultimii ani, proiectele n care neam implicat au fost cele de tip greenfield. n astfel de proiecte e foarte important nelegerea clientului i a investiiei i asta implic mult responsabilitate, pentru c de rezultatele muncii noastre, de calitatea oamenilor recrutai i de informaiile oferite depinde pn la urm reuita investiiei i dezvoltarea pe termen lung a companiei client. n recutare, ne dorim s depim bariera interviului clasic tip ntrebare rspuns, avnd n vedere c recrutm oameni cheie n companii. Astfel, interviul este o discuie deschis n cadrul creia descoperim omul, rezultatele anterioare, capacitatea de a rezolva probleme, viziunea cu privire la proiectul n cauz. Este important profunzimea discuiei, pentru c ne d posibilitatea de a lua o decizie bun, att pentru client ct i pentru candidat. Succesul nostru este dat n primul rnd de echip, o echip frumoas, zicem noi. Suntem o echip complet, fiecare dintre noi avnd expertiza necesar pentru un anumit serviciu pe care l oferim. Ce ne difereniaz? Clar, nu renunm pn nu ajungem la un rezultat care s aduc partenerilor notri beneficiile ateptate. Ne pas de clienii notri, ne place s i ajutm, iar ei gsesc n noi un real partener de discuie. De asemenea, ne place ceea ce facem i asta se vede. Investim n noi i ne dezvoltm Despre h&h Consulting H&H Consulting a fost nfiinat n 2001, cu scopul de a rspunde necesitii unor servicii profesionale de consultan n domeniul managementului resurselor umane. Credem ntr-o lume n care organizaiile funcioneaz pe principiile libertii, responsabilitii, implicrii i respectului reciproc, cu angajai autonomi care se coordoneaz natural pentru realizarea obiectivului comun. Credem de asemenea, c prin competenele noastre, putem ajuta organizaiile client s se dezvolte n aceast direcie. Colaborm cu clieni din domenii precum: IT, automotive, aeronautic, silvicultur\prelucrarea lemnului i nu numai.

constant competenele n consultana HR, deinnd diferite acreditri precum ITOL, Human Synergistics, Thomas International, Cognitrom Assesssment System. CJ

ransylvania, in terms of investment, is one of the interest areas on the map of Romania. H & H Consulting has proven over the years to be the partner these companies can rely on. Our expertise covers the following areas: recruiting projects for the management team or niche specialists, organizational consulting projects, training, assessment centers and administrative consultancy. In recent years, we engaged a lot in greenfield projects. In such projects is very important to understand the client and the investment (domain, needs, etc.) and this involves a lot of responsibility. The results of our work, the quality of the recruited people and the provided information can ultimately influence the long-term success of the investment and the development of the company. In the recruitment process, we wanted to overcome the barriers of a classic interview, particularly because most of the people we interact are key people inside companies. Thus, the interview in our case means an open discussion in which we are interested to discover the person, past performance, his ability to overcome and solve problems, his vision regarding the project. We want to see the man in front of us, natural and real, with his strengths and limitations, as this enables us to make a good decision both for client and candidate. Our success is given first by the team that we like to call as "nice". We are a complete team; each of us has the necessary expertise for a particular service that we offer. What sets us apart? Clearly, we dont give up until we have the result which brings to our partners the expected benefits. We care about our customers, we enjoy helping them, and they can find in us a real discussion partner. Also, we love what we do and this is visible. We invest in ourselves and constantly develop our skills in HR consulting, holding various accreditations such as ITOL, Human Synergistics, Thomas International, Cognitrom Assesssment System. CJ Anca Rhian

Str. Rennes nr. 21, etaj III 550006 Sibiu Tel: +40 (0) 269 252 323 Email: Web:
H&H Consulting Identity h & h consulting was founded in 2001, in order to meet the need of professional consulting services in human resource management. we believe in a world in which organizations operate on principles of freedom, responsibility, involvement and mutual respect, with autonomous employees who are naturally driven by a common objective. we also believe that by our competences, we can help client organizations to develop in this direction. we work with clients in areas such as it, automotive, aerospace, forestry and more.
Ruxandra Hanea, Director General


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

cu George Butunoiu
Consultant n executive search, head-hunter, autor, fondator i membru activ n diverse organizaii, asociaii i proiecte de business Career Journal: Care sunt diferenele ntre departamentele interne de HR i o companie de resurse umane sau executive search? Butunoiu: General vorbind, ntr-un proces de recrutare exist dou componente mari: atragerea candidailor i evaluarea lor. Exist trei surse principale de candidai (sourcing): anunuri n mass-media (pres, internet etc.), bnci de date i abordare direct. Primele dou sunt folosite n recrutrile pentru poziii joase i de mijloc, ultima n cazul posturilor de conducere. Avnd lucrurile astea clare n minte, diferenele dintre ce poate face singur un departament de recrutare dintr-o companie i ce poate s-i aduc n plus o firm de recrutare sau una de executive search se vd uor. n ceea ce privete sourcingul, n cazul anunurilor firmele nu prea au nevoie de ajutor din afar (de la firme de recrutare); i unii i ceilali fac cam acelai lucru, cu costuri i cu rezultate comparabile. Bncile de date sunt utile n puine cazuri, de pild n domenii de ni, foarte tehnice/ specializate, cnd mobilitatea candidailor n afara domeniului e foarte redus, fluctuaii mici; sunt folosite n general n cazurile n care specializrile/ calificrile pe domeniul respectiv se fac lent/ pe perioade lungi i cu eforturi mari, nct s nu fie rentabil pentru specialitii respectivi s ncerce s schimbe domeniul de activitate. Asta e o garanie c respectivii pot rmne n bncile de date pe termene foarte lungi (nelimitat, practic) i c nu e nevoie de actualizri dese i costisitoare ale acestor bnci de date. n marea majoritate a cazurilor numai firmele de recrutare au astfel de bnci de date, destul de rar i poate permite o firm s ntrein aa ceva. Abordarea direct e un instrument exclusiv al firmelor de recrutare i al firmelor de executive search. Rareori i poate permite o companie (prin (sub) departamentul de recrutare, prin cel de HR sau prin oricine altcineva) s


Departamente HR vs. companii de recrutare

funcie de nite parametri cuantificabili de regul doar cererea i oferta stabilete nivelul preurilor. Career Journal: Care ar fi strategia dvs. dac ai fi directorul unei companii nevoite s angajeze masiv? Butunoiu: Strategia de HR dac a fi directorul unei mari firme multinaionale n expansiune: a cuta un director de HR foarte detept! Unul dintre multele comaruri ale oricrui patron de firm este cum s rspund la ntrebarea fundamental dac e mai bine s angajeze mai muli oameni mediocri i ieftini sau mai puini, ns mai scumpi. Civa sunt absolut siguri c tiu rspunsul corect, i nu mai stau pe gnduri. Unii aleg prima soluie, uitnd s mai calculeze dac muli i ieftini nu cost cumva mai mult dect puini i scumpi. Cei mai muli, ns, fac alegerea pe ghicite i apoi sunt obsedai de ideea c, dac ar fi ales invers, poate lucrurile ar fi mers mult mai bine. Din aceast ultima categorie fac parte, n primul rnd, cei crora nici nu le trece prin cap c ar trebuie s fac o astfel de socoteal nainte de a lua o decizie. Apoi, cei care i spun c astea sunt mofturi, c nasul lor e cel mai bun strateg. Pe urm, sunt cei care ar vrea s fac aceste calcule, ns nu tiu cum. ntrun grupule mic intr restul, care i vor i tiu i cum. CJ

abordeze candidaii poteniali direct, fr s se fac de rs. n ceea ce privete evaluarea, pentru posturile de pe nivelurile joase sau medii, evalurile competenelor tehnice i a profilurilor de personalitate se pot face destul de bine n interiorul companiei, cu specialitii proprii; ceva mai puin la poziiile de top, mai ales atunci cnd exist o legtur puternic ntre profilul de personalitate i cel tehnic (se influeneaz i se determin unul pe cellalt) aici experiena suplimentar a celor din firmele de recrutare poate sa fie decisiv. n cazul poziiilor de top management, experiena ndelungat i variat a unui recruiter experimentat dintr-o firm de recrutare poate s fac o mare diferen, dac e nevoie s se mearg mult n adncime, pe analize de detaliu. Verificarea referinelor e greu de fcut direct de ctre cei din firma angajatorului, i din raiuni de deontologie (confidenialitate, conflict de interese etc.) ct i de eficacitate efectiv a verificrii. Aici o firm bun de recrutare poate face o diferen decisiv. Aadar, o firm va putea s justifice nite pli (uneori consistente) ctre firmele de recrutare (generic aici includ i pe cele de executive search) n cazul n care o diferen aparent minor dintre doi candidai poate duce la diferene mari n cifra sa de afaceri. Schematiznd la maximum, dac o firm de recrutare poate gsi un candidat doar cu 1% mai bun, asta ar putea s nsemne o diferen de 100,000 n rezultatele companiei la sfritul anului, deci ar prea justificat o plat de 10,000 ctre firma de recrutare. Iar dac te gndeti c ar putea gsi un candidat cu 5% sau chiar cu 10% mai bun, cu att mai mult... ns rareori tarifele firmelor de recrutare se calculeaz n 51

HR Department vs. Recruiting Company

Thus, a company will be able to justify some payments (sometimes substantial) to recruitment companies (generic here I include also the executive search companies) if a seemingly minor difference between two candidates can lead to large differences in its turnover. For example, if a recruiting company can find a candidate just 1% better, this might represent a difference of 100,000 in the companys turnover at the end of the year, therefore paying a recruiting company 10,000 can be justified. And if you think you could find a candidate with 5% or 10% better, then even more ... But rarely the rates of a recruiting company are calculated according to some measurable parameters - usually only the demand and supply sets the price.
Career Journal: What would be your strategy if you were the manager of a company that has to employ heavily?

Career Journal: What are the differences

between internal HR departments and a recruiting or executive search company?

Butunoiu: Generally speaking, in a recruiting process there are two major components: finding the candidates and evaluating them. There are three main sources of candidates (sourcing): announcements in the media (press, internet, etc.), databases and direct approach. The first two are used in recruiting for entry and middle management positions, the last one for top management positions. With these things clear in mind, the differences between what a single HR department in a company can do and what could a recruiting or executive search company bring in addition, one can see easily. In terms of sourcing, for ads companies do not need outside help (from recruiters); both do almost the same thing, with comparable costs and results. Data bases are useful in a few cases, for example in niche areas, highly technical / specialized, when mobility of the candidates outside the area is very low, small fluctuations; they are generally used in cases when qualifications in that field are slow and done with great effort, that it is not profitable for those professionals to try to change the industry. This is a guarantee that those candidates can stay in the data banks for very long periods (unlimited, basically) and that

there is no need for frequent and expensive updates of these databases. In most cases, only recruitment companies have such data banks, rarely a company can afford to maintain one. Direct approach is a tool used exclusively by recruitment and executive search companies. Rarely can a company afford (through the recruitment or HR (sub)department or anyone else) to approach potential candidates directly, without embarrassing themselves. In terms of evaluation, for entry and middle management positions, technical skills assessments and personality profiling can be done quite well within the company, with its own specialists; slightly less for top positions, especially when there is a strong link between personality and technical profile (they influence and determine each other) - here the additional experience of recruitment companies can be decisive. In the case of top management positions, the long and varied experience of an experienced recruiter in a recruiting firm can make a big difference if you need to go more in depth, with detailed analysis. Checking references is difficult to do directly by HR specialists from inside a company, for reasons of ethics (confidentiality, conflict of interest, etc.) and also, of the actual effectiveness of verification. Here a good recruitment firm can make a decisive difference.

Photo: mediafax-foto, Octav Ganea

Butunoiu: If I were the manager of a large multinational firm in expansion I would be looking for a very smart HR Manager! One of the many nightmares of any company owner is how to answer the fundamental question whether it is better to hire more mediocre and cheap people or less people, but more expensive. Some are absolutely sure that they know the right answer and jump to it. Some choose the first solution, forgetting to calculate if more and cheap dont actually cost more than few but expensive. Most employers choose by guessing though and then they are obsessed with the idea that, if they would have chosen otherwise, maybe things would have gone much better. This last category includes those who dont even consider making such a count before taking a decision. Then, there are those who say that these reckonings are just whims and their nose is the best strategist. There are also those who would like to do these calculations, but do not know how. In a very small group enter the rest, who want and also know how to do it. CJ


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Serviciul face diferena

The service makes the difference

Pe parcursul celor 15 ani de experien de business, managerul i fondatorul, dl. Radu Lazr, a reuit s-i adapteze oferta la dorinele clienilor. Un important impuls pozitiv a fost dat de intrarea SOBIS SOLUTIONS n firm, n anul 2005. ncepnd de atunci oferta de produse a fost extins i s-a axat n principal pe produsele de cltorie de afaceri. Astzi agenia de turism este un furnizor respectat, flexibil i multifuncional, n ceea ce privete zborurile i cltoriile de afaceri, n toat lumea. De asemenea, au fost adugate i alte produse n portofoliu, i anume organizarea de seminarii i a evenimentului n sine, precum i organizarea de team building-uri. Acestea au loc, n principal, la Albota, unde se afl i sediul partenerului. SOBIS TURISM poate furniza oferte individuale de cltorie, iar la cerere se poate oferii ghidaj n limba german. Aceast agenie IATA are un excelent personal calificat i competent, ce ofer servicii de prim clas, inclusiv n week-end. Clienii notrii primesc, att asisten de specialitate i consiliere pentru planificarea cltoriei lor, ct i, cele mai bune oferte posibile.

During its 15 year business history the manager and founder, Mr. Radu Lazar, was able to adjust the offer to the customers desires. An important positive impulse was given by the entering of SOBIS SOLUTIONS into the firm in 2005. Starting then the product offer widened and was focused mainly on business travel products. Today the travel agency is a respected, flexible and multi-tasked provider of flights and business travels worldwide. It also added another product to its portfolio, namely the event and seminar organization and team buildings. These are taking place mainly at Albota, the partner establishment. SOBIS TURISM can provide individual travel offers with German guidance when desired. This IATA agency has an excellent qualified and competent staff offering first class service including on weekends. Our clients get not only expert assistance and counseling for their travel planning, they also get the best offers they can wish for.

Sibiu Calea Dumbrvii nr.101 550399 - Sibiu Tel.: +40 (0) 269 218 045 e-mail: Media str. Ludwig Roth nr.16 551002 - Media, jud. Sibiu Tel.: +40 (0) 269 843 018 +40 (0) 369 421 053 e-mail: Sebe str. Vntori nr.83 515800 - Sebe, jud. Alba Tel.: +40 (0) 258 731 048 e-mail: 53


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Experii au prsit ara n mas i studenii prefer s studieze n strintate. Se pune ntrebarea implicit care sunt cele mai potrivite alternative. n primul rnd, este necesar s se verifice dac i cum Universitile asigur o instruire de baz orientat spre practic. Pe de alt parte, se impune din ce n ce mai mult mbuntirea abilitilor practice i a competenelor cheie ale personalului propriu. Unde i cum depinde de ct de ridicate sunt ateptrile. Dac se face acest lucru, depinde dac societatea i asum riscul de a pierde personalul instruit costisitor pentru o alt r sau pentru firma concurent de alturi.

Experts left the country en masse and students prefer to study abroad. It is a legitimate question about the appropriate alternatives. Firstly, it is necessary to verify if and how the Universities ensure a practical oriented basic training. On the other hand, it is more and more necessary to improve the practical skills and key competences of their own staff. Where and how, depends on how high the expectations are. If, depends on whether the company take the risk of losing an expensive trained employee to a foreign country or to the competitor next door.

Expert "Factories"
Fabricile de experti
lor cheie nu se constituie drept standard n procesul de pregtire la nivel de nvmnt superior. ns, datorit sistemului Bologna, acest lucru se va schimba n urmtorii ani, dat fiind c aceste calificri cheie se numr printre precondiiile stabilite pentru obinerea acreditrii cu succes a unei specializri. Cel trziu la proxima reacreditare, ageniile vor urmri cu atenie dac i n ce msur sunt predate calificri cheie. Datorit acestei dezvoltri, procesul Bologna ar trebui privit drept o oportunitate de a pregti absolvenii facultilor pentru piaa forei de munc din zilele noastre, de a ntri i stimula dezvoltarea personalitii acestora. Exist multe posibiliti de a transmite calificri cheie: fie n cadrul unor seminarii complementare sau de aprofundare, fie sub forma unor evenimente, organizate i desfurate de ctre studeni. Diversitatea ideilor este aproape nelimitat. Fiecare universitate trebuie s stabileasc pentru sine cum va include calificri cheie n oferta de studii i ce grad de importan ar trebui acordat acestei tematici. ns un lucru este cert: n acest scop universitile au nevoie i de sprijinul economiei, i al companiilor.

Numeroase companii, indiferent de domeniul de activitate din care fac parte sau a numrului de angajai ai acestora, sunt de prere c specializarea, cunotinele profesionale i calificrile cheie sunt importante n egal msur. Universitile au responsabilitatea de a pregti absolvenii ct mai bine cu putin pentru piaa forei de munc. Pentru a rspunde acestei responsabiliti este necesar att o pregtire de profil, ct i o pregtire n domeniul competenelor cu caracter cuprinztor. Pn n momentul de fa - n majoritatea cazurilor, pregtirea n domeniul calificri-

Many companies, irrespective of their line of business or of the number of employees, appreciate that specialization, professional knowledge and key skills are equally important. Universities have the responsibility to train the graduates as well as possible for the workforce market. In order to meet these expectations, both a specialization in the line of work and a training in comprehensive competences are necessary. Until now, in most cases, the preparation in key skills has not been considered a standard in the higher education training

process. However, due to the Bologna system, this is about to change in the following years, as these key skills are some of the prerequisites for a successful accreditation of a certain specialization. At the next re-accreditation, at the latest, the accrediting agencies will observe closely if and to what extent the key abilities are being taught. Due to this development, the Bologna system should be regarded as an opportunity to train graduates for the present day workforce market, to strengthen and stimulate the develop-

ment of their personality. There are many ways of teaching key skills: conducting complementary or follow-up seminars or setting up an event, organized and coordinated by students. The diversity of ideas has almost no limits. Each university gets to decide how to include key skills in the offer of study and the importance this subject matter should be granted. One thing is certain though: to achieve this goal, universities also require support from economy and from companies. 55

"frumoasa adormit sau instituie educaional modern?

"Evoluiile din ultimii douzeci de ani au condus nvmntul superior ctre o contradicie fundamental"
Career Journal: Multi tineri, aleg o facultate, nu pentru ca i-ar interesa cu adevrat, ci pentru c reprezint un criteriu important n gsirea unui loc de munc. De ce credei c se ntmpl acest lucru? TRNOVAN: Experiena ndeajuns de lung pe care o am n universitate m-a fcut s neleg c studenilor din ziua de astzi le lipsesc, n primul rnd, modele peremptorii ctre care s tind i dup care s se orienteze (i trebuie s recunoatem c de multe ori ne lipsesc i nou). Lipsesc de asemenea cultura muncii, onoarei i demnitii, motivaiile sociale i profesionale pe care s le putem oferi tinerilor, de genul dac ajungi inginer vei fi un om respectat n societate, vei avea un salariu care-i va permite o via decent, . Iar fr motivaie, oricine va ncerca s-i ating elul pe baza aciunii minime. Career Journal: Cum s-a schimbat curicula n ultimii 20 de ani, avnd n vedere contextul societii i al tehnologiei moderne? TRNOVAN: Dup prerea mea, schimbrile curriculare au fost fundamentale n ultimii douzeci de ani. Cred c cel mai mare ctig al acestei perioade a fost circulaia informaiei i dobndirea accesului la informaie. Din pcate, evoluiile din ultimii douzeci de ani au condus nvmntul superior ctre o contradicie fundamental: numrul universitilor a crescut de dou ori i jumtate, iar numrul fizic al potenialilor candidai a sczut dramatic. Urmarea logic a acestei contradicii este diluarea performanei universitare i scderea nivelului de pregtire al absolvenilor. Career Journal: Tot mai multe companii, din diverse domenii de activitate, semnaleaz dificultatea gsirii de profesioniti/personal calificat. Care este poziia dvs. vizavi de aceast problem? TRNOVAN: La modul general peste tot n lume profesionitii buni sunt greu de gsit, iar cei foarte buni sunt scumpi, astfel nct nu ne putem atepta s-i gsim gratuit i fr efort. Pe de o parte, companiile ar trebui s caute viitori specialiti acolo unde acetia se formeaz, adic n universiti. Dac recunoatem c vrnd-nevrnd motorul societii moderne este eficiena material, atunci trebuie s admitem c studenii buni ar putea fi recrutai cu ajutorul unor burse, faciliti pentru efectuarea practicii sau proiectelor de finalizare a studiilor. n acest fel, companiile ar avea ocazia s testeze compatibilitatea i adaptabilitatea viitorilor specialiti n raport cu propriile lor condiii i s aib o baz de selecie mai larg, care s sporeasc ansele unor alegeri potrivite.

Universitatea Romneasc


Prof. Dr. Ing. Ioan G. TRNOVAN

Universitatea Tehnic din Cluj-Napoca Facultatea de Inginerie Electric

Prof. Dr. Ing. Ioan G. TRNOVAN este absolvent al Facultii de Electrotehnic din Cluj-Napoca, cu titlul de Doctor Inginer. Profeseaz din anul 1984 ca profesor universitar, confereniar i inginer cercettor n cadrul Facultii de Inginerie Electric, Cluj-Napoca. ncepnd cu anul 2012 ocup funcia de Decan al aceleiai faculti. Prof. Dr.Ing. Ioan G. TRNOVAN is a former graduate of the Electrotechnical Faculty from Cluj-Napoca, with the title Engineer Doctor. He has been teaching ever since 1984 as an university teacher, lecturer, associate teacher and research engineer at the Electrical Engineer Faculty, Cluj-Napoca. Starting with 2012 he has become Dean of the same faculty.

Career Journal: Ct de mult v influeneaz curicula ceea ce se cere n practic de ctre marile companii? TRNOVAN: Facultatea pregtete studenii astzi, pentru lumea de mine. Facultatea nu poate asigura pregtirea studenilor pentru o singur companie, sau cum se spune n lumea bancar, nu putem s punem toate oule ntrun singur co. Nimeni nu poate s-i garanteze unui student c dup absolvire va lucra la o anumit firm, astfel nct dirijarea pregtirii spre teme nguste ar fi o greeal. Dimpotriv, cred c facultatea este datoare s ofere studenilor o pregtire fundamental de baz, care s le permit mai apoi s se adapteze ct mai uor i eficient la provocri ct mai diverse. Privind lucrurile astfel, este justificat o pregtire teoretic solid, o fundaie pe care mai apoi viitorul absolvent s poat avea opiuni de construire ct mai variate. Varianta corect ar fi pregtire fundamental n ciclul de licen, pregtire de specialitate n ciclul de master i pregtire centrat pe temele marilor companii (care s ofere i finanare complementar) n ciclul de doctorat. Career Journal: Cum vi se pare idea de a solicita unui profesor s aib o lun de practic efectuat ntr-o companie? TRNOVAN: Mi se pare o idee foarte bun i cred c ar fi un pas nainte n pregtirea studenilor, un pas real, dar i necesar. Aplicativitatea practic a cunotinelor dobndite n facultate este unul dintre dezideratele care revin n permanen n discuiile cu firmele i cu studenii, iar aceast component nu se poate dezvolta dac noi nine nu suntem la curent cu realitile economice ale zilelor noastre, dac nu tim ncotro se ndreapt lumea real. CJ

Universitatea Tehnic din Cluj-Napoca Facultatea de Inginerie Electric Str. G. Baritiu nr. 26-28, 400027 Cluj-Napoca, Romnia Secretariat: Sala 342 Tel.: +40 (0) 264 401 229 e-Mail:


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Hundred year slumber or modern educational institutions?

Interview with Prof. Dr.Ing. Ioan G. TRNOVAN

Romanian Universities -

Evolutions in the past 20 years led higher education towards a fundamental contradiction
Career Journal: Many young people choose to go to a certain faculty, not because they are really interested in a specific area of study, but because it is an important criterion in finding a job. Why do you think this happens? TRNOVAN: In my long enough experience here at the university, I have come to understand that students nowadays do not have (and we have to admit that many times, neither do we), above all things, peremptory models to aspire to and after which to shape their lives. We also lack the senses of work culture, of honour and dignity, social and professional motivation to pass on to the young people, like, for example :If you become an engineer, you will be a highly respected person and your income will allow you to lead a decent living... Without motivation, anyone will try to achieve his or her goal with minimum action. Career Journal: How did the curricula change over the past 20 years, considering the modern technology and the social context? TRNOVAN: In my opinion, the curricula underwent fundamental changes in the past 20 years. I think the best thing that happened during this period was the information circulation and granting the access to information. Unfortunately, evolutions in the past 20 years led higher education towards a fundamental contradiction: the number of universities is 2.5 times higher whereas the actual number of potential candidates has plumetted. The logical consequence of this contradiction is the diminished university performance and the graduates' lower training level. Career Journal: More and more companies with various lines of business have raised the red flag on the difficulty of finding professionals/skilled staff. What is your attitude towards this issue? TRNOVAN: Generally speaking, good professionals are hard to find anywhere in the world, and the best ones don't come cheap, so we cannot expect to find them effortless and for free. On the other hand, companies should look for future specialists there where these are getting trained, which is in universities. If we admit that, whether we like TRNOVAN: The university is training today's students for tomorrow's world. Still, it cannot train all the students for one single company, or as a banker might say it, we cannot put all eggs in one basket. No one can guarantee a student he or she will work for a certain company after graduation, so directing the training toward narrow fields of study would be a mistake. On the contrary, I believe the university has to offer students a basic fundamentals training program which later on allows them to easily and efficiently adapt to diverse challenges. Approaching things this way, a solid theoretical training is fully justified, it is a foundation on which the future graduate can build up various options. The correct alternative would be securing fundamental training during the first degree cycle, specialist training programs during the Master's degree and special training based on major companies' requirements (offering additional financial support, as well) during the PhD degree. Career Journal: What do you think of the idea of asking a professor to complete a month's time of practical training within a company? TRNOVAN: I think it is a very good idea and I believe it would be a step forward toward student training, a real as well as necessary step. Practical applicability of knowledge acquired during university study is one of the issues permanently discussed with companies and students, and this element cannot develop unless we ourselves are updated with today's economic realities, unless we know where the real world is heading to. CJ 57

it or not, the engine of modern society is pecuniary interest, then we also have to admit that good students could be recruited by offering them scholarships, practical training or graduation projects completion facilitations. In this way, companies might have the opportunity to test the compatibility and the adaptability of future specialists according to their own needs and secure a wider range of selection, which might enhance the probability of making the right choice. Career Journal: To what extent will the requirements of major companies influence the curricula?

Founded in Satu Mare, Romania in 2005, Consult Scolari Association is a Study Centre responsible for teaching adults in line with the lifelong learning concept. We provide a wide array of trainings and accredited courses for adults in the fields of foreign languages, auto industry and management.

Foreign language studies

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Management trainings

Web: E-mail: Tel: +40 261 710 513 Fax: +40 261 711 518
Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Universitile de-a lungul vremurilor schimbtoare

Societatea romneasc se afl ntr-un proces de schimbare i modernizare n care toate elementele de ordin economic, social, politic, civic au cunoscut o nou dinamic n ncercarea de adaptare la condiiile prezente. Importana nvmntului superior devine tot mai evident n societatea romneasc. Universitatea devine resurs instituional absolut indispensabil economiei i societii romneti pentru construirea societii bazate pe cunoatere.
n perioada comunist sistemul nvmntului superior romnesc era supus integral deciziilor mai mult sau mai puin arbitrare venite din partea Ministerului nvmntului i nu i punea problema existenei sale, deoarece intrrile i ieirile sale erau garantate de ctre stat, iar calitatea procesului de nvmnt nu influena prea mult relaia sa cu mediul extern. Dup decembrie 1989 sistemul de nvmnt superior a intrat ntr-o criz existenial, prin ruperea raporturilor rigide dintre universiti i mediul nconjurtor i apariia unui cmp de fore extrem de puternice n mediul politic, economic i social extern. Astzi ele se afl ntr-un profund proces de transformare i tind s-i modeleze activitatea n acord cu problematica realitilor economice i sociale. Instituiile de nvmnt superior se confrunt astfel cu transformri fr precedent n ceea ce privete cadrul propriu de funcionare, ateptrile din partea publicului, atribuii i responsabiliti. Dac pn recent misiunea lor se rezuma n special la procesele de nvare i cercetare, astzi nu mai pot fi privite ca instituii n sine, izolate, ele trebuie conectate la problemele cu care se confrunt societatea. Funcia fundamental pe care o ndeplinete un sistem de nvmnt superior eficient este aceea de a oferi societii o for de munc adaptabil, mobil i uor de ocupat, capabil s aplice abilitile cerute de piaa local, regional i naional a muncii. CJ

Fr doar i C u r r i c u l a . . . poate,... universitatea s-a schimbat mult n ultimii 20 de ani, nu mai e ce era acum 200 de ani sau dar mai important este faptul c s-a
nici mcar nu mai este cea care era acum 10 ani. Universitatea reprezint un complex extrem de important de business, pentru c, bugetul unei universiti este construit cu totul i cu totul altfel dect este construit orice fel de buget n Romnia, n sensul n care sursele de venit nu sunt unice, nu este o singur sau dou surse de venit, sunt foarte multe sursele de venit ale universitii. De civa ani de zile noi nu reuim s oferim for de munc calificat suficient pentru solicitrile pe are le avem, ceea ce le spun eu studenilor este faptul c nu este suficient s termini o facultate, pentru c e o mare diferen ntre a termina facultatea i a tii.(...) Ateptrile angajatorilor n ultimii ani sunt cu totul i cu totul altele, i ne confruntm cu un aflux, o presiune extraordinar a angajatorilor asupra universitii pentru a putea furniza for de munc calificat.

realizat o schimbare fundamental a modului de organizare a studiilor de licen. Astfel, ncepnd cu anul 2005, s-a trecut la sistemul Bologna, sistem care presupune organizarea studiilor de licen pe durata a patru ani. Pe lng schimbarea sistemului de desfurarea a ciclurilor de studii, curricula a fost schimbat profund, ea fiind acum mult mai bine adaptat cerinelor de pe piaa muncii. Datorit caracterului su profund dinamic i m refer aici la procesul de nvmt, n permanen mai avem ceva de lucru. Premizele sunt bune, dar este de lucru i la un nivel superior, adic la cel decizional, la nivelul ministerului de profil. Mai avem de lucru i n ceea ce privete nivelul de pregtire a corpului profesoral, dar i al modului n care cei interesai sunt motivai a intra n acest sistem educaional. Curriculum has changed a lot, but more important is that there has been a fundamental change in the organization of bachelor degree studies. Thus, since 2005, it has been integrated in the Bologna system, a system that involves organizing undergraduate studies during four years. In addition to changing the study cycle, the curriculum has changed profoundly, it is now much more adapted to the labor market. Due to the very dynamic feature of our educational process, we always have something more to do. Premises are good, but we also have to work at a higher level, at the decisional level. Also the training level of teachers should be improved and of the way those who want to enter the educational system are motivated.

"Undoubtedly the university is not what it was 200 years ago, is not even the one that it used to be 10 years ago. University is a very important business complex, because, a university budget is built totally different than any other budget built in Romania, in the sense that the income sources are not unique, there are many sources of income that a university must have." "For several years already, we have failed to provide sufficient qualified manpower for the demands we have; what I tell students is that it is not enough to finish college, because there's a big difference between graduate and actually knowing what he should be doing.(...) The expectations of the employers in the recent years are totally and completely different, and we are facing with a tremendous pressure coming from the employers that the university provides skilled labor force."

Mihnea COSTOIU - Rectorul Universitii Politehnice Bucureti


Valentin NVRPESCU - Decanul Facultii de Inginerie Electric Bucureti 59

omanian society is in a process of change and modernization in which all the economic, social, political, civic elements saw a new dynamic in trying to adapt to present conditions. The importance of higher education becomes more evident in the Romanian society. University becomes an absolutely indispensable institutional resource for the Romanian economy and society for building a knowledge-based society. During the communist period the Romanian higher education system was fully submitted to the more or less arbitrary decisions coming from the Ministry of Education and its existence didnt raise any questions, because its inputs and outputs were guaranteed by the state and the quality of education did not influence too much the relationship with the external environment. After December 1989, the higher education system has entered into an existential crisis by breaking the rigid relationship between universities and the environment and the emergence of very strong field of forces in the political, economic and social external environment.

Universities through changing times

Today they are in a profound process of transformation and tend to shape their activities according to the economic and social current issues. Higher education institutions face unprecedented changes regarding their own operational frame, the public expectations, the roles and responsibilities. If their mission until not long ago, was summed up especially by learning and research, today they can no longer be regarded as isolated institutions, they must be connected to the problems that society faces. The fundamental function that an efficient system of higher education fulfills is to provide to society an adaptable, mobile and easily occupied workforce, able to apply the skills required by local, regional and national work market. CJ

Procesul Bologna ...

a rezultat n urma unei serii de ntlniri i acorduri ale minitrilor din rile europene i are menirea de a asigura comparabilitatea standardelor i a calitii calificrilor din nvmntul superior. Prin acordul de la Bologna, a fost creat Spaiul European pentru nvmnt Superior, n special n urma prevederilor Conveniei de recunoatere a diplomelor de la Lisabona. A fost numit astfel dup locul unde a fost propus, la Universitatea din Bologna, i a fost finalizat prin semnarea declaraiei de la Bologna n 1999 de minitrii educaiei din 29 de state europene. A fost naintat i altor ri semnatare ale Conveniei Culturale Europene a Consiliului Europei; alte ntruniri guvernamentale au avut loc n Praga(2001), Berlin (2003), Bergen (2005), Londra (2007) i Louvain/ Leuven (2009). Exist n prezent 47 de ri participante la Procesul Bologna. n timp ce Comisia European este un susintor important al Procesului Bologna, Convenia de recunoatere a diplomelor de la Lisabona a fost pregtit de Consiliul Europei i de ali membri ai UNESCO responsabili de regiunea european. Romnia a fcut mari progrese spre integrarea n Spaiul European pentru nvmnt superior, reorganiznd ntreg sistemul educaional. Noua sa structur a fost aprobat de Consiliul naional al rectorilor n noiembrie 2003, iar n 5 noiembrie 2003 a fost publicat Declaraia de la Conferina naional a nvmntului Superior.

The Bologna Process ...

is a series of ministerial meetings and agreements among European countries designed to ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher education qualifications. Through the Bologna Accords, the process has created the European Higher Education Area, in particular under the Lisbon Recognition Convention. It is named after the place where it was proposed, the University of Bologna, with the signing in 1999 of the Bologna declaration by Education Ministers from 29 European countries. It was opened up to other countries signatory to the European Cultural Convention of the Council of Europe; further governmental meetings were held in Prague (2001), Berlin (2003), Bergen (2005), London (2007) and Leuven (2009). The Bologna Process currently has 47 participating countries. While the European Commission is an important contributor to the Bologna Process, the Lisbon Recognition Convention was prepared by the Council of Europe and members of the Europe Region of UNESCO. Romania made major steps towards the European Higher Education Area by reorganizing the entire education system. The new structure was approved by the National Council of Rectors in November 2003 releasing on 5 November 2003 the Declaration of the Higher Education National Conference.


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Decizii importante pentru dezvoltarea economic a Romniei

Sebastian Metz is since January 2012 Executive Director at the GermanRomanian Chamber of Commerce. The studied economist has many years of experience within the global network of AHK.

Formare profesional dual

The AHKs are the most important partners abroad of the Federal German Ministry for Economics and Technology in terms of promotion of German business in other countries. Together with Germanys missions abroad (i.e. embassies and consulates) the AHKs officially represent the interests of Germanys industry and commerce in respect of political and administration authorities in their host countries. This function obliges the AHKs to neutrality and objectivity.

Sebastian Metz, Executive Director AHK Romania

Disponibilitatea forei de munc calificate reprezint de muli ani unul din subiectele principale n rndul companiilor germane din Romnia. n cadrul procedurilor de selecie a locaiilor, efectuate att de concerne multinaionale ct i de IMM-uri n ntreaga lume, investitorii strini analizeaz disponibilitatea personalului calificat n poteniala nou locaie. Problematica nu se rezum ns doar la existena unui numr suficient de poteniali angajai calificai n noua locaie, ci i la asigurarea disponibilitii acestora pe viitor aadar un semn de ntrebare cu privire la sistemul educaional specific rii respective.
ntrebarea cu privire la sistemul educaional naional este deosebit de important pentru investitorii strini care au decis deja s investeasc n Romnia. Totodat si schimbrile structurale ale economiei romneti fac ca aspectul privind calificarea forei de munc s devin din ce n ce mai important pentru dezvoltarea economic a trii. Cerinele

Formare profesional dual n Romnia

privind calificarea angajailor cresc, produsele fabricate n Romnia devin calitativ mai valoroase i mai complexe Romnia se transform ncet dintr-un banc de lucru extins ntr-o locaie, n care se practic tot mai des i cercetarea i dezvoltarea. n acest scop, trebuie stabilite condiiile cadru necesare.

Dup 1989, Romnia nu a mai investit foarte mult n formarea profesional. Prioritile n politica educaional au fost altele: aproape c s-au concentrat doar pe studii universitare. Acest aspect este i rmne important, ns, pentru a rspunde necesitilor economice (n special ale industriei productoare), este tot att de important, ca aceast infrastructur educaional s fie completat de o formare profesional de specialitate i practic. Companiile au atras adesea atenia asupra faptului c absena unei forme de educaie profesional la nivel de nvmnt preunivesitar constituie o lips n sistemul educaional din Romnia. Pn in prezent, singura alternativ era ca aceste companii s formeze singure specialiti n domenile de activitate utile lor, prelund 61

astfel parial sarcini ale statului. Prin urmare, este absolut necesar ca politica educaional romneasc s acorde nvmntului tehnic i profesional mai mult atenie iar sistemul de nvmnt colar (dar i cel universitar) s rspund cerinelor vieii profesionale i nevoilor companiilor. Prin ordinul 3168/2012 din februarie 2012, Guvernul a fcut un pas important pentru ca formarea educaional s se raporteze mai mult la cerinele vieii profesionale. Ordinul aprob metodologia privind organizarea i funcionarea nvmntului profesional de doi ani, puternic influenat de sistemul de nvmnt dual german. Este vorba despre o specializare practic, care, prin strnsa colaborare ntre companii i instituiile de stat, s rspund cererii pieei forei de munc la nivel local. Astfel se dorete ca angajatorul s nu mai fie nevoit s instruiasc angajatul n sistem propriu, ci s poat angaja persoane deja calificate corespunztor. Elevii care au finalizat cu succes clasa a IXa, ceea ce nseamn vrsta de 1516 ani, pot opta pentru colarizarea n nvmntul profesional. Acces la acest tip de nvmnt au totodat i candidaii care au absolvit cel puin clasa a IX-a nvmnt liceal, dar care mai apoi au renunat la studii, precum i cei din seriile anterioare care au absolvit scoli de arte sau meserii. Procesul educaional va dura doi ani. Primul an cuprinde 40% pregtire teoretic i 60% pregtire practic, i suplimentar 6 sptmni n cadrul companiei. Al doilea an de nvmnt profesional va cuprinde doar 25% teorie i 75% practic, precum i 5 sptmni de practic profesional n cadrul companiei. Aadar, att de valoroasa parte de practic va ctiga n importan. Pe lng toate acestea operatorul economic are influen asupra ofertei privind calificarea profesional i poate participa la elaborarea programei colare. Organizarea stagiilor de pregtire practic este flexibil i se face n urma unei convenii ntre unitatea de nvmnt, inspectorul colar i companie. Cursurile practice ale elevilor sunt coordonate de un tutore, care provine fie din uni-

tatea de nvmnt profesional, fie din companie.

Iniiative germane n Romnia

duale printre experienele pozitive numrndu-se i calificarea n sectorul construcii (ca de exemplu: izolatori, sudori, fierari betoniti, zidari). n prezent ne pregtim s oferim sprijin concret companiilor germane n domeniul nvmntului profesional dual. Ne dorim s atingem i n Romnia standarde educaionale asemeni celor cu care companiile germane sunt obinuite n Germania. Totodat sprijinim momentan iniiativele n curs ale companiilor germane n domeniul formrii profesionale duale n Romnia. Activitatea practic n urmtorii ani va demonstra eficiena colaborrii ntre toi factorii implicai i modul n care noul sistem se va impune n diverse regiuni. Definitorie pentru succesul noului sistem de nvmnt profesional dual n Romnia, este asigurarea unui standard ridicat al calitii calificrii, deoarece doar astfel crete i valoarea pentru toate prile implicate. CJ

Economia german din Romnia a rspuns pozitiv la noile planuri-cadru i a demarat primele iniiative. De exemplu, companiile germane din Braov au iniiat n aceast toamn dou domenii de formare profesional: muncitori calificai n maini-unelte computerizate precum i lucrtori calificai pentru domeniul mecatronicii. Aproximativ 140 de elevi au optat pentru aceste dou domenii de formare profesional, absolvite momentan ntrun total de 12 companii precum i n coal Profesional Braov.

Formare profesional dual i AhK Romnia

AHK Romnia, n calitate de liant i intermediar ntre companiile germane, Ministerul nvmntului i unitile de nvmnt de stat, salut acest nou ordin, deoarece astfel tinerii pot fi integrai pe piaa forei de munc mai devreme i totodat bine pregtii. Introducerea (reintroducerea) nvmntului profesional poate contribui considerabil la mbuntirea situaiei forei de munc calificat la nivelul rii. Nu doar Romnia se confrunt cu ncercri grele din cauza procentului sczut al forei de munc de nivel calificat. Att reeaua noastr la nivel global, ct i persoanele noastre de contact din Germania ne aduc la cunotin faptul c numeroase ri prezint interes cu privire la sistemul german de nvmnt profesional dual n special datorit crizei economice la nivel european i a numrului mare de tineri omeri, numr ce supune momentan structurile sociale i economice ale multor ri din Uniunea European unor ncercri majore. n calitate de reprezentant al economiei germane n Romnia, AHK a pledat n faa Guvernului Romniei timp ndelungat pentru sistemul de nvmnt profesional dual. Totodat, am derulat proiecte personalizate pentru companii n domeniul formrii profesionale

Deutsch-Rumnische Industrieund Handelskammer Camera de Comertsi Industrie RomanoGermana Str. Clucerului 35, et.2, sect. 1 011363 BUCURESTI, ROMANIA Telefon: +40 21 223 15 31, 32; 33; 34; 35 Telefax: +40 21 223 15 38, 223 10 50 Email: Homepage:


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Important step for the economic development in Romania

The skilled workforce avail- Dual vocational training in ability is one of the major Romania 1989, Romania stopped investing concerns of German com- After too much in vocational training. The pripanies in Romania. In the orities of the educational policy were difprocess of selecting the right ferent: they focused primarily on higher alone. This aspect is and conlocations, carried out by education tinues to remain important , but in order multinational corporations to satisfy the economic necessities (espeas well as by SMEs all over cially those of the production industry), it equally important that the educational the world, foreign investors is infrastructure be completed by a vocaanalyze the availability of tional training and practice in the field. skilled personnel in the pohave often raised awaretential location. The issue Companies ness on the fact that the absence of a at stake in this case does not vocational education system at the preonly refer to the existence university level is a deficiency of the Roeducation system. Up till now, of a satisfactory number of manian the only alternative these companies possible skilled employees in had, was to train their own specialists in the new location but also to the appropriate fields of activity and thus partly assumed the tasks of the state. ensuring their availability they Consequently, it is imperative that the in the future- therefore an Romanian educational policy considers uncertainty referring to the technical and vocational training more whereas the public education education system of a spe- seriously system (as well as the higher education cific country. one) should meet the requirements of
he dilemma regarding the national education system is of great importance to the foreign investors who have already decided to invest in Romania. On the other hand, the structural changes of the Romanian economy make the workforce skilling become a more and more important aspect for the country's economic development. The requirements for skilling the employees are growing, products made in Romania are more complex and of a higher quality Romania easily transforms from an extended workbench into a location, where research and development are increasingly often put to work. Pursuant to this goal, the necessary framework has to be established. 63

Dual Vocational Training

The Government made great progress by issuing the 3168 Order in February 2012, which makes educational training more related to the requirements of professional life. The Order approves the methodology regarding the organization and functioning of the two-year vocational training, as it was strongly influenced by the German dual education system. The issue here is the specialization in practice, which, through the strong cooperation between companies and state institutions, will satisfy the local labor market demand. Thus, the employer is no longer forced to train the employee in the company's own system and can hire already qualified persons for the job. Students who have successfully completed one year of high school, which means they are 15 or 16 years old, may choose to get vocational training. Students who have completed the first year of high school and then dropped out, as well as those from previous years who graduated from art schools or trade schools can also benefit from this type of training.

professional life and companies' needs.

The educational process will last for two years. During the first year, the training consists of 40% theory and 60% practice and 6 additional weeks within the company. The second year of vocational training consists of only 25% theory and 75% practice as well as 5 weeks of practice in the field within the company. Hence, the valuable practice activities will become more important. Besides all these, the business operator influences the vocational training offer and may take an active part in drawing up the curriculum. Arrangements for practice training periods are flexible and are developed as the result of a mutual agreement among the educational institution, the Inspector of schools and the company. Students' practical courses are coordinated by a mentor, who is either a teacher from the respective institution or a company employee.

persons in Germany have informed us that many countries are interested in the German dual vocational training system- especially because of the European economic crisis and of the large number of unemployed young people, a number which currently puts major strain on social and economic structures in many countries of the European Union. As a representative of the German economy in Romania, AHK has long lobbied the Romanian Government promoting the dual vocational training system. At the same time, we have developed customized projects in the dual vocational training system for companies- and among the positive experiences we had we might mention training workers for construction jobs (for example welders, industrial isolators, steel fixers, bricklayers).

At the moment we are preparing to offer actual support to German companies with the dual vocational training. In Romania, we wish to reach the same educational standards the German companies reached in their own country. At the same time, we support all ongoing projects in dual vocational training that German companies initiated in Romania. The practical activity in the years to come will prove the efficiency of the cooperation among all factors involved in the process and the way in which the new system will prevail in different regions. What is characteristic for the success of the new dual vocational training system in Romania is that it secures a high quality standard of training, because only in this way can all the parties involved benefit from its added value. CJ

German initiatives in Romania

German economy in Romania had a positive reaction to the new curricula and took the first step. For instance, German companies in Brasov initiated two vocational training fields this fall: skilled workers in computerized machine tools and skilled workers in mechatronics. Approximately 140 school students got to choose from these two vocational training fields, which are currently completed in as many as 12 companies and in The Brasov Vocational School.

Dipl.-Volkswirtin Germany Trade & Invest

Friedrichstrae 60 10117 Berlin, Germany T. +49 (0)30 200 099-0 F. +49 (0)30 200 099-111

Dual vocational training and AHK Romania

AHK Romania, as binding agent and mediator among German companies, the Ministry of Education and the public education institutions, greets this newly issued Order since this way young people can be earlier integrated into the labor market and better trained, at the same time. Starting (restarting) the vocational training system may significantly contribute to the improvement of the skilled workforce situation at a national level. Romania is not the only country that faces difficulties because of the skilled workforce shortage. Both our global network as well as our contact

n 2012 - n mod special datorit angajamentului companiilor germane, au fost lansate mai multe proiecte pilot pentru o formare profesional dual i modern n Romnia. Formarea dual, conform modelului german, presupune: ca elevii s asimileze deprinderi practice n cadrul ntreprinderilor implicate n procesul de formare al acestora, iar cunotinele teoretice n cadrul colii Profesionale. Astfel de proiecte pilot, bazate pe modelul german, se deruleaz momentan n Braov, Sibiu, Timioara, precum i n Carei.Pe lng aceste noi proiecte de formare dual, exist n continuare diverse companii germane care practic formarea profesional n regim propriu. La nceputul anului 2012, o companie din sudul Germaniei a lansat n Cluj- Napoca un proiect de formare mai amplu. n toate cazurile, companii germane soluioneaz problema cu privire la fora de munc calificat. Pn acum, feedback-ul din partea celor implicai este unul pozitiv. Proiectele pilot sporesc curajul n vederea altor ntreprinderi. Germany Trade & Invest ureaz tuturor celor implicai mult succes n continuare! in 2012 especially due to the German companies' commitment , several pilot programmes for a dual and modern vocational training in romania were launched. Dual training, according to the German model, expects students to acquire practical skills working for the companies involved in the training process and theoretical knowledge in the Vocational schools. such pilot programmes, based on the German pattern, are put to work in Brasov, sibiu, timisoara and carei, at the moment. Besides these new dual training projects, there are still various German companies which oer dual training opportunities on their own terms. at the beginning of 2012 a company in south Germany launched a wider training project in cluj-napoca. in all cases whatsoever, German companies manage to find solutions to the problem of skilled workforce. until now, the feedback they got from all those partaking was a positive one. Pilot programmes build confidence for other enterprises , as well. Germany trade & invest wishes all the parties involved great success!

Formarea dual /Dual training


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013



aLtRO deSiGneR 25

aLtRO timBeRSaFe 11



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Ce au toate aceste domenii n comun? Soluiile de pardoseli din PVC de la Altro.

TEL: +04 (0) 740 242 942 E-Mail: 65

CADITEC ofer servicii integrate de inginerie de la concept la produs, avnd experien n industria de automobile i producia de dispozitive i utilaje de producie. Prin outsourcing ctre Romnia n domeniile de proiectare CAD i de producie n serie, firma Caditec susine att furnizorii de sisteme germane din industria de automobile, ct i clienii din construcia de maini i utilaje speciale s devin mai competitivi pe pia. n acelai timp, dezvoltm i proiectm pentru clienii din industria romneasc, dup standardele internaionale, automotive. Clientul beneficiaz de servicii de proiectare CAD prestate de o echip cu un know-how i profesionalism dovedit n numeroase proiecte internaionale pentru marii furnizori i productori de autoturisme din Europa. Serviciile Caditec includ : Dezvoltare i proiectare n Catia V4/ V5, ProE, UniGraphics NX sau Inven tor - proiectare funcional i tehnologic pentru diverse repere i ansamblu la costuri optime; proiectare CAD de utilaje i sisteme de producie; conversii date n 2D i 3D, dup specificaiile clientului, modele para metrizate, detaliere 2D tehnologic; Calcule FEM / FEA (Ansys/LS Dyna) Static / Dinamic, domenii de temperatur, cmpuri electromagneti ce, cmpuri multiple, multiple efecte fizice, Crash Impact, procese de transformare, rezisten/ mbtrnire, mecanic fractal.
Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

S.C. Caditec S.R.L. Calea Feldioarei Nr. 75C, 500483 Braov Tel.: +40-268-310 864 Fax.: +40-268-306 166 Email:


dup modelul de succes german

Modelul german de formare profesional este recunoscut pe plan internaional ca un model de succes. ncercri de a introduce un astfel de model de formare, mbinnd formarea practic i teoretic, n Romnia, au fost fcute de mai multe ori n ultimele dou decenii - dar fr a se impune pe termen lung.

Formarea profesional

in septembrie 2012 a fost lansat la Braov un nou proiect. n comparaie cu cele anterioare, are o bun ans de a fi un succes. coala Profesional German de la Braov este o coal privat care a fost fondat la iniiativa Clubului de Afaceri German din Braov (DWK). Parteneri n proiect sunt Inspectoratul colar Judeean, administraia local a oraului i 13 companii din zona Braovului. La nceputul primului an de formare 130 din 220 de locuri planificate au fost ocupate n cinci clase. Accentul principal se pune la aceste formri profesionale pe domeniile de electromecanic i de mnuire a instrumentelor de lucru. n viitor va urma o clas de tehnologie de sudare, anun Werner Braun, preedintele DWK. Grupul int al acestui proiect sunt tinerii cu vrste cuprinse ntre 15 i 16 ani, care sunt n cutarea unei pregtiri profesionale temeinice. O hotrre a Guvernului din 3 Februarie 2012 creeaz posibilitatea de a oferi o pregtire de 30 de luni, acestea fiind mprite n doi ani, urmnd modelul german. n practic acest lucru arat astfel: ntre coal, companie, elev i prinii

acestuia se ncheie un contract de formare profesional. n primul an, elevii primesc 40 la sut de predare a teoriei la coal i 60 la sut formare practic n cadrul companiei. n cel de-al doilea an procentajul se schimb la un raport de 25-75 la sut. Studenii vor primi un sprijin financiar de 400 RON pe lun. Din care compania angajator ofer 200 RON, iar statul contribuind cu a doua jumtate de 200 RON. La finalizarea cu succes a pregtirii profesionale, elevii primesc o diplom de calificare de nivelul al II-lea, care le ofer posibilitatea de a-i continua pregtirea colar chiar i pn la bacalaureat. nfiinarea colii a urmat dintr-o necesitate, pentru c statul romn a neglijat formarea profesional n ultimii ani. Bacalaureatul i studiile ulterioare au devenit intele principale ale prinilor i ale elevilor. Pentru companiile care pe lng absolveni universitari i muncitori necalificai simt o mare lips de muncitori calificai, acest lucru nseamn c imaginea muncitorului calificat trebuie mbuntit. Tinerilor le trebuie comunicate oportunitile prin care li se ofer o pregatire profesional.

Proiectul a fost nceput n anul 2010, cnd o prim incursiune n form unui sistem de nvmnt dual i privat a fost prezentat. La acea vreme nu exista ns nici un cadru legal pentru acest proiect. Un al doilea pas a fost fcut pe data de 15 noiembrie 2011 cnd DWKul a lansat programul de practic "Fit for Future" dedicat liceenilor braoveni. De abia la 3 februarie 2012 a sosit timpul. Decizia ministerial cu numrul 3168, care definete formarea profesional i o reintroduce ca form de nvmnt independent, a aprut. Cteva zile mai trziu, coala Profesional German a fost nfiinat. Susintorul oficial al colii este Colegiul Tehnic "Mircea Cristea" din Braov. coala a fost amenajat n complexul de cldiri al liceului industrial al fostei fabrici de rulment. Echiparea colii a fost efectuat n conformitate cu criterii tehnice foarte ridicate: nu numai reeaua de calculatoare ci de asemenea diversele programe de aplicaii, unele dintre ele interactive, au un nivel universitar. Conform domnului Braun, ceea ce a fost fcut pn acum este doar nceputul. Cererea de lucrtori calificai este ridicat, astfel nct mult munc i mai ateapt pe cei implicai n proiectul colii profesionale. CJ 67

according to the German approach

In practice, a contract will be signed between the school, a partnering company as well as with the student and his parents. In the first year, students receive 40 percent theory classes at the school and 60 percent hands-on training in the company. In the second grade, the ratio shifts to 25 and 75 percent. The students will receive financial support of 400 RON per month, of which the company bears 200 RON, while the state is contributing with the remaining 200 RON. After the successful completion of the educational program students receive a qualification diploma (a so called level II diploma) that allows the student to follow his education towards a university-entrance diploma. Setting-up this new school was born out of necessity. The Romanian government neglected over the past years the classical professional education. As a consequence the majority of young Romanians were eager to achieve a high school degree followed by subsequent university studies. This situation led to undersupply of qualified workers for the companies that only have the choice between highly qualified graduates and unskilled workers. This big gap has to be closed, at the same time the image of skilled workers must be improved and also, the young people have to be informed about the opportunities that such professional trainings offer. According to Werner Braun, who is the Chairman of the German Business Clubs, the school opening marks the preliminary highlight of a long-term initiative that started already in 2010. Then, a first attempt was undertaken to initiate a twotier, private school system with both practical and theoretical elements. At that time there was still no legal framework for it. The second step was made in November 2011 when the German Business Club launched its internship program "Fit for Future" that addresses high school students in Brasov. Only on February 3, 2012, the time had come. At the number 3168 appeared the ministerial decision, which defined the legal framework for the professional education. A few days later the German Professional School was founded. It is officially represented by the Technical College "Mircea Cristea". The school found home in the buildings of the former industrial lyceum of a ball bearing factory. The equipment of the school was carried out according to very high technical criteria: not only the computer network but also the various application programs, some of them interactive, have a university level. CJ


The German model of professional education is internationally renowned as a key factor for the success story of the German industry. During the last years, we have seen several approaches trying to introduce similar education models in Romania - though these attempts did not lead to a transferable best practice.

n September 2012 in Brasov, a new project was launched that, in contrast to its predecessors, has a reasonable chance to become a success. The German Professional School Brasov (coala Profesional German) is a privately managed school that was founded under the initiative of the German Business Club (DWK) in Brasov. Partners in the project are the County School Inspectorate, the City Authorities and 13 companies with production facilities in the Brasov Metropolitan Area. The first school year started with 130 students enrolled in five classes. At full capacity, the school will offer 220 places. The curriculum puts emphasis on subjects like electro-mechanics or operating machine tools. For the future, the organizers of the school announce a broadening of the schools educational program, i.e. towards welding technology. The target group of this kind of education are local 15-16 year olds who are seeking a thorough professional training. A Government decision of February 3, 2012, created the possibility for this 30-month training - divided into two school years.

coala Profesional German Bld. 13 Decembrie nr. 131 Braov - 500030 Tel: +40 (0) 368 436 159 Email: Web:


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Deschide tot doar cu o cheie! One key for all!

CeScylinder Sisteme de inchidere mecanice, cilindrii de siguranta, pentru mobila sau cilindrii speciali

CeStronics Sisteme de siguranta electronice si mecatronice

CeSlocks Incuietori de calitate

CESrom, membra a grupului CES, Str. Metalurgistilor 3D, 550137 Sibiu Telefon 0269 - 206002 Fax 0269 - 206005 E-mail Website 69


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Selecia de personal
Personnel selection
Experii au prsit ara n mas iar studenii prefer s studieze n strintate. Se pune ntrebarea implicit care sunt cele mai potrivite alternative. n primul rnd, este necesar s se verifice dac universitile asigur o instruire de baz orientat spre practic. Pe de alt parte, se impune din ce n ce mai mult mbuntirea abilitilor practice i a competenelor cheie ale personalului propriu. Unde i n ce fel depinde de nivelul ateptrilor. Dac se face acest lucru, compania i asum riscul de a pierde personalul instruit costisitor pentru o alt ra sau pentru firma concurent de alturi.

Experts left the country in masse and students prefer to study abroad. It is a legitimate question about the appropriate alternatives. Firstly, it is necessary to verify if and how the Universities ensure a practical oriented basic training. On the other hand, it is more and more necessary to improve the practical skills and key competences of their own staff. Where and how, depends on how high the expectations are. If they do it the company takes the risk of losing an expensive trained employee to a foreign country or to the competitor next door. 71

Datorit numrului mare de aplicaii primite, companiile s-au vzut nevoite s gseasc o modalitate de a selecta persoanele cele mai potrivite pentru un anumit job, i de a le deosebi de cele nepotrivite. n cele din urm, compania i va asuma fa de noul salariat un angajament pe termen lung i tocmai de aceea trebuie s selecteze cei mai buni posibili candidai.
xist ns i elemente care arat c testele de aptitudini nu sunt cea mai bun soluie pentru a determina dac un candidat este calificat pentru o anumit poziie. Pe de o parte, un asemenea test este doar un rezultat neconcludent de moment - orice candidat poate avea o zi proast din cauza unei dureri de cap, i n consecin, s nu rezolve corect sarcinile. Abilitile sociale i inteligena emoional nu ar trebui s fie afectate. Ne ntrebm poate de ce liderii nu sunt supui unor astfel de teste naintea angajrii, dac sunt considerai att de capabili. Pe de alt parte, practica ne-a demonstrat c rezultatul favorabil la un test de predictibilitate nu garanteaz succesul profesional. Aplicanii cu rezultate bune la teste se dovedesc a fi mai puin potrivii cnd vine vorba de practic dect cei care au avut rezultate slabe. Rezultatele la testele aptitudinale scrise nu sunt n concordan cu evalurile ulterioare ale agenilor de vnzri retail. Cele mai bune rezultate se obin la evalurile acelor cursani care i urmresc i i ating scopul i care rezolv sarcinile pe ndelete. Situaiile n care nu se obine cu uurin un rezultat favorabil sunt rare. CJ

de selecie a personalului?



Consultant n executive search, head-hunter, autor, fondator i membru activ n diverse organizaii, asociaii i proiecte de business. Butunoiu este unul dintre juctorii cheie de pe piaa de consultan romneasc. Din anul 2006 conduce propria sa companie de consultan HR i executive search, George Butunoiu Ltd.

"Sistemele de testare utilizate n recrutarea de personal sunt utile i pot s fac o diferen, ns nu sunt deloc uor de aplicat."

Dac nu sunt administrate de ctre cine trebuie, dac nu sunt integrate ntr-o evaluare global, inteligent, coroborate cu celelalte instrumente de evaluare, pot face mai mult ru dect bine. nainte de toate, nu prea exist metode tiintifice n executive search sau, mai corect spus, exist doar ntr-un domeniu restrns al meseriei (n evaluarea personalitii), ns nu le folosesc dect puini recrutori. Evaluarea candidailor se face n trei mari direcii: competena tehnic (ct de bine i cunoate meseria), profilul de personalitate i profilul moral. Aptitudinile tehnice nu pot fi verificate prin intermediul testelor, clientul (angajatorul) fiind cel care face ntotdeauna evaluarea cunotinelor tehnice, n funcie de situaia lui concret i de nevoile lui, ns i acest lucru este verificat doar rareori n mod direct. n afar de asta, sunt i puini recrutori sau head-hunteri pe pia care s fie att de specializai ntr-un domeniu nct s-i poat verifica pe cei mai buni specialiti de pe pia. CJ

testele aptitudinale ar trebui s ofere:

Evaluarea cunotinelor generale Analiza aptitudinilor i a performanei ansa oricrei companii de a descoperi cele mai importante abiliti de care e interesat Crearea de condiii pentru compararea candidailor nivelul lor nu este reflectat cu exactitate de notele de la coal Testul va asigura obiectivitatea i va combate favoritismul sau alt gen de influene, datorate contactelor Compania arat modern i tiinific
Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013


Finding Mr. Right, Avoiding Mr. Wrong


Due to the large number of applications received, companies need to come up with an instrument which might enable them to distinguish appropriate from inappropriate candidates. Eventually, the company will make a long-term commitment with the new employee and will therefore select the best possible candidates.
ut there are also critical elements that support the fact that aptitude tests are not an accurate way of determining whether an applicant is suitable for a certain position. On the one hand such a test is only a snapshot - any candidate can have a bad day, due to a severe headache, and solve the tasks accordingly. Social skills and emotional intelligence should not be affected. One might wonder why leaders are not subject to such tests prior to their appointment, if they are thought to be so good. On the other hand, practice has shown that the successful result of a predictability test does not entail professional success. Applicants with a very good test result can perform worse in practice than applicants with poor test results. The results of written aptitude tests are disproportionate with the later assessment of retail male / female sales assistants. The best results are obtained assessing trainees who pursue and achieve their ambitious goal and rework the subject material at their leisure. Exceptions to obtaining a result with flying colors are rare. CJ

"Testing systems used in personnel recruitment are useful and can make a di erence, but they are not easy to apply." If they are not run by the right person, if they are not incorporated into a global, intelligent evaluation combined with other evaluation instruments, they can do more harm than good. First of all, the scientific methods in executive search are applied only in a small area of the field (in personality assessment), but only few recruiters use them. The assessment of the candidates follows three important directions: technical competence (how well does he know his craft), personality profile and the moral profile. The technical skills cannot be veri-

fied through tests, the client (employer) is the one who does this evaluation, according to his certain needs and situation, but this is actually only rarely and superficially verified directly. Besides, there are only few recruiters or head-hunters that are specialized in a field, therefore being able to verify the technical skills of the specialists present on the market. CJ

The aptitude tests should provide:

Examination of the general knowledge Analysis of the capabilities and performance Any company can discover the most important skills for theierselves Creating conditions of the comparability of candidates - this can be done poorly by school grades The test shall ensure objectivity and is thus aimed against partisanship and favoritism due to contacts The company appear modern and scientific 73


Executive search consultant, head-hunter, author, founder and an active member in different business organisations, associations and projects, Butunoiu is one of the major players of the Romanian consulting market. Since 2006 he is the owner of his own HR consulting and executive search company, George Butunoiu Ltd. George Butunoiu Ltd.

Str. Andrei Mureanu 17, sect. 1, Bucureti Phone : +40 (0) 212 332 093 E-mail :

O autoritate internaional n evaluarea personalitii i n consultan, Hogan Assessment Systems are peste 30 de ani de experien n a ajuta companiile s si creasc eficiena prin angajarea oamenilor potrivii, prin dezvoltarea talentelor-cheie, precum i prin evaluarea potenialul de lider. An international authority in personality assessment and consulting, Hogan Assessment Systems has over 30 years of experience in helping companies increase efficiency by hiring the right people, developing key talent, and evaluating leadership potential.

hogan Assessment
Hogan Assessments sunt instrumente premium folosite n toate procesele de talent management. Evalurile Hogan prezic performana la locul de munc prin evaluarea factorilor de personalitate n condiii uzuale, de zi cu zi, a comportamentelor contraproductive i a valorilor i preferinelor. Evalurile sunt fundamentate n zeci de ani de cercetare i acoper o gam larg de familii de ocupaii de la reprezentant vnzri i customer care pn la CEO. n ntreaga lume, peste 3.5 milioane de aduli au parcurs aceste evaluri n peste 40 ri, iar la nivel organizaional evalurile au fost folosite de mai mult de jumtate din companiile din top 500 cele mai bogate. n Romnia i Republica Moldova, HART Consulting este distribuitor autorizat Hogan Assessments. CJ Hogan Assessments are premium instruments used in all talent management processes. Hogan assessments predict job performance by assessing normal personality factors on daily conditions, counterproductive behaviors, and values and preferences. Evaluations are grounded in decades of research and cover a wide range of occupations families from salesperson, customer care to CEO. Worldwide, more than 3.5 million adults have completed these assessments in over 40 countries, and at the organizational level assessments have been used by more than half of the top 500 richest companies. In Romania and Republic of Moldova, HART Consulting is an authorized distributor of Assessments Hogan. CJ

Robert Hogan, Ph.D. este o autoritate internaional n ceea ce privete evaluarea personalitii, a abilitilor de leadership, precum i n eficiena organizaional. Activitatea Dr. Hogan n msurarea personalitii se distinge prin faptul c este bazat pe teorie. El este extrem de apreciat pentru felul n care a demonstrat modul n care factorii de personalitate influeneaz eficacitatea organizaional n diverse domenii - de la climatul organizaional i de conducere la selecia i performana unei echipe eficiente. Dr. Hogan este autorul a peste 300 de articole, capitole i cri, inclusiv Personalitatea i soarta organizaiilor (2006). Dr. Hogan i-a luat doctoratul la Universitatea Berkeley din California i este specializat n evaluarea personalitii. robert hogan, Ph.D. is an international authority on personality assessment, leadership, and organizational eectiveness. Dr. hogans work in personality measurement is as distinctive as it is theory-based. he is widely credited with demonstrating how personality factors influence organizational eectiveness in a variety of areas ranging from organizational climate and leadership to selection and eective team performance. Dr. hogan is the author of more than 300 journal articles, chapters and books including Personality and the Fate of Organizations (2006). Dr. hogan received his Ph.D. from the university of california, Berkeley, specializing in personality assessment.

Robert HOGAN, PH.D. President

Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013 75

Poziie de top cu echip de top

Carpathian Transport Line (CTL) S.R.L. s-a nfiinat n luna ianuarie 2003 ca firm independent desprins din departamentul pentru Romnia al unui grup de logistic. elul primordial a fost nc de la nceput oferirea de servicii calitative de curierat pe piaa transporturilor din Romnia spre Europa i invers. CTL ocup astzi pe segmentul transporturilor directe a bunurilor la bucat i de curierat expres o poziie de top. Acelai lucru este valabil i pentru personalul angajat.
Career Journal: Cum v afecteaz pe dvs. ca angajator german, lipsa actual de personal calificat n Romnia? CTL: Noi am vzut de mult timp n aceast provocare de fapt o ans. Doar cteva din universitile din Romnia dispun de cunotine teoretice n domeniul logisticii, drept pentru care noi ne ocupm personal, aproape n mod exclusiv, de formarea i perfecionarea angajailor, dar i a subcontractorilor notri. Noi am ajuns astfel n situaia s ne fidelizm personalul de cea mai bun calitate prin dezvoltarea continu i transmiterea directivelor noastre cu privire la calitatea managerilor pentru transporturi i a expeditorilor. Astfel ne asigurm pe termen lung poziia dominant pe pia. Career Journal: Care sunt criteriile de selecie n Romnia la alegerea efilor de departamente? CTL: n prim faz punem mai mult accent pe trsturile personale de caracter dect pe cunotinele de specialitate. Important este ca i candidaii s fie capabili s se identifice cu elurile urmrite de firm. Ei trebuie s dezvolte viziuni, trebuie s i doreasc s mite ceva i s poat s-i imagineze s creasc mpreun cu noi pe termen lung. Career Journal: Dup prerea dvs., ce l motiveaz cel mai mult pe angajatul romn? CTL: Conform celor relatate de angajaii notri, contien tizarea faptului c faci parte dintr-o ntreprindere de top din segmentul acesta de pia constituie de departe cel mai bun motor motivaional.
Quality Round Table

Carpathian Transport Line

prin identificarea cu liniile directoare ale firmei, dar i prin faptul c toi angajaii se dedic cu pasiune muncii lor. F ce-i place i iubete ceea ce faci constituie n acest loc un motto esenial. Career Journal: Cum s-a ajuns la o specializare exclusiv pentru piaa transporturilor din Romnia? CTL: Noi am identificat deja foarte devreme, la nceputul anilor 90, oportunitile din sectorul transporturilor din Romnia i am utilizat know-how-ul existent precum i reeaua noastr excelent pentru a deveni n mod consecvent un juctor n vrful acestui sector. Noi nelegem prin aceasta s fim lider al calitii pe segmentul nostru de pia. Career Journal: V rugm s ne descriei punctele forte mai deosebite ale firmei dvs. CTL: Noi vorbim limba clientului, ne adaptm necon diionat cererilor lor de pia i nu promitem niciodat ceva ce nu putem ndeplini. Efectum aproape n mod exclusiv transporturi directe, transportnd parial mrfuri foarte sensibile i cu termene fixe de livrare, mai ales pentru sectorul construciei de autovehicule, i aici se afl n mod evident cel mai important punct forte al nostru. CJ

Thomas Paar
Company founder and owner Fondator companie i proprietar

Career Journal: Care sunt cele mai importante trei caliti ale unui manager n transporturi n Romnia? CTL: Pasiunea pentru munca sa, un grad nalt de competen social i n mod ideal cunotine de specialitate cuprinztoare. Career Journal: Care este pentru dvs. cel mai important lucru n vederea dezvoltrii firmei? CTL: Considerm drept foarte important faptul ca echipa noastr s funcioneze ca o unitate compact de ntreprindere, iar fiecare angajat s fie utilizat conform capacitilor sale. Ne repugn ideea de a arde pn la scrum angajai n anumite poziii, doar pentru a ine ocupate posturile. Noi ne autoperfecionm i cretem


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Top position with top staff

The company Carpathian Transport Line (CTL) Ltd. was founded as an independent company in January 2003, created from the Romanian department of a Germany based logistics company group. Since the beginning, the goal has been to deliver expedition services of the highest quality for the transport market in Romania from and to Europe. In the segment of direct transports for piece goods and express deliveries, CTL has a top position today. This is also valid for its staff.
petence. It is important that the candidates are able to identify themselves with the company goals. They must have visions, they should wish to move things and be able to imagine that they grow together with us in the long run. Career Journal: What motivates Romanian employees, in your opinion? CTL: According to the statements of our own employees, the greatest motivation motor is the consciousness of being part of a company which occupies a top position on the market, additionally to participating in developing their own country. Career Journal: Which are the three most important abilities for a transport manager in Romania? CTL: Passion for his work, a high degree of social competence and, ideally, comprehensive specialised knowledge.

Carpathian Transport Line

Round Table Report

Michael Stubl, CEO

Career Journal: As a German entrepreneur, how are you affected by the lack of experts in Romania? CTL: We understand this challenge as an opportunity since long. Until now, only few universities in Romania have been offering theoretical specialised knowledge for the logistics domain. That is why we take charge of specialising and perfectioning our employees and subcontractors almost exclusively by ourselves. By continuing to permanently develop and transmit our quality guidelines for transport managers and carriers, we are able to bind the best staff to us. Thus, we ensure ourselves as a company a long-term top position on the market. Career Journal: According to which criteria do you select your managers in Romania? CTL: At first, we value traits of character more than specialised com-

Career Journal: What is especially important for you regarding the development of your company? CTL: It is especially important to us that our team functions as one enterprising unit and that each employee is really deployed according to his/her capabilities. We go against burning out staff on certain positions, only to keep those positions taken. We improve and grow by identifying ourselves with the companys directives and through the fact that all its employees are passionately dedicated to their work. Do what you love and love what you do is the essential motto in this context. Career Journal: How did you get to specialise exclusively on Romanias transport market? CTL: We detected the opportunities in the Romanian transport sector very early, already in the early 90s, and we used our know-how and our excellent network in order to be a consequent top player in this sector. We understand ourselves as quality leader in our market segment. Career Journal: Please describe us the special pluspoints of your company. CTL: We speak the customers language, we unconditionally accept their market requirements and we never promise anything that we cannot keep. We transport almost exclusively by direct transports, partly, very sensitive goods, mainly for the automotive sector, and goods with tight or fixed delivery deadlines. Clearly, this is our very special strong point. CJ 77

10 reguli de aur pentru interviu 10 golden rules for the inteview

Interviul de angajare este deseori un punct de cotitur n vieile noastre profesionale. Din acest motiv, ar trebui privit cu maxim seriozitate i responsabilitate. Pentru c pregtirea deseori anticipeaz rezultatele, v propunem 10 pai pentru un interviu de succes.

The interview is often a turning point in our professional lives. For this reason, it should be regarded with the utmost seriousness and responsibility. Because preparation often anticipates the results, consider the following ten steps for a successful interview.

1. Angajatorii sunt plcut impresionai i apreciaz cnd un 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

candidat tie nc dinainte de interviu detalii despre companie. Dac nu vrei s dezamgeti, f-i temele de acas.

Employers are impressed and appreciate it when a candidate knows details about the company even before the interview. If you do not want to disappoint, do your homework. Whatever happens, do not be late! That day, the interview should be the number one priority in your agenda. Look yourself critically in the mirror! Make sure that you have a decent outfit, general neat aspect and that your smile is there. Adopt a confident attitude, despite your emotions. A positive and enthusiastic state of mind will attract similar reactions around you. Once arrived at the interview, shake firmly the interviewers hand and establish eye contact from the first moment. Talk politely, clever and calm. Avoid raising your voice, interruptions, contradictions and bad jokes. Such reactions can decrease the employers confidence. Try to turn the interview into a discussion addressing your questions in turn to the employer. This proves that you are really interested in the job. Do not give the impression that you are desperate and you would do anything for the job. Give yourself value! If you do not have enough experience for the job, prove that you have skills and potential to become a professional in the chosen field. Always before leaving, let a good final thought, especially if the discussion was constructive. Show them again why you're the right person! CJ

Nu ntrzia sub nici o form! n ziua respectiv, interviul ar trebui s fie prioritatea numrul unu n agenda ta. Privete-te cu ochi critic n oglind nainte de a pleca de acas! Asigur-te c ai o inut decent, aspect general ngrijit i c zmbetul este la locul lui. Adopt o atitudine ncreztoare, n ciuda emoiilor. O stare pozitiv i entuziast va atrage reacii asemntoare n jurul tu. Odat ajuns la interviu, strnge mna intervievatorului ferm i stabilete din prima clip contactul vizual. Vorbete politicos, inteligent i calm. Evit tonul ridicat, ntreruperile, contrazicerile i glumele proaste. Acest gen de reacii scad ncrederea angajatorului nc nainte de a fi format. ncearc s transformi interviul ntr-o discuie, adresnd la rndul tu ntrebri angajatorului. Asta dovedete c eti realmente interesat de acel job. Nu lsa impresia c ai fi disperat i c ai face orice pentru acea slujb. D-i valoare! Dac nu ai suficient experien pentru jobul ales, demonstreaz c ai abiliti i potenial pentru a deveni profesionist n domeniul respectiv. ntotdeauna la plecare, las un gnd bun, mai ales dac discuia a fost constructiv. Arat-le nc o dat de ce eti persoana potrivit! CJ



Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013 79

n procesul de aplicare, este evident c n Romnia standardul este acela c nu exist niciun standard. CV-urile sunt trimise unul dup altul. Solicitate sau nu, scrise de mn sau completate ntr-un ablon - creativitatea nu are limit. Dar cum rmne cu calitatea? n afar de faptul c informaiile din CV trebuie s descrie competenele pe care candidatul le are n realitate, procedurile de aplicare difer semnificativ fa de cele din alte ri. Dac lum Germania ca exemplu, este evident de ce managerii de resurse umane sunt disperai.

n the application process, it is obvious that in Romania became standard, that there are no standards. Page by page resumes are sent. As an unsolicited application, handwritten or completed form there are no limits to the creativity. But what about the quality? Apart from the fact that the informations on the CVs keep all what they promise, the application procedures differ significantly from other countries. Taking Germany as an example, is clearly why HR managers are meanwhile desperate.

"V rog s mi trimitei CV-ul!"

Please send me your CV!
La ce se ateapt ns recrutORII CV-ul Acesta trebuie s fie redactat impecabil. germani? Menionai doar lucrurile relevante penAspectul
O pat de grsime sau de orice altceva prezent pe documente poate avea ca rezultat excluderea. De aceea, documentele vor fi pstrate curate i n ordine; nu se vor folosi plicuri, dosare etc. uzate i deteriorate; nu se vor prezenta documente cu colurile ndoite, copii de proast calitate sau hrtii aezate la ntmplare. tru job. Dai dovad de onestitate i nu v supraestimai meritele. Managerii vor verifica ulterior, n cursul interviului, dac ai minit. Nu enumerai prea multe hobby-uri, vei da impresia c a avea timp liber conteaz mult pentru mine. Ce este indispensabil: o fotografie recent, fcut de un profesionist. NICIODAT nu folosii o fotografie fcut n concediu sau cu un telefon mobil. CJ well informed about the company and you can point out why you are particularly suited for the job. The rule is: remain factual and honest, point out important stations in previous work life, avoid mistakes and write structured.

The CV


Aceasta nseamn c nu trebuie s lipseasc documente ca CV-ul, scrisoarea de intenie, diplomele/ atestatele i/sau autorizaiile, fotografia etc. Astfel, nainte de a trimite un dosar prin care aplicai la un job, verificai ca acesta s fie complet.

But what check German recruiters?

The outer shape
Already a grease stain or otherwise soiled documents may result in selecting out. Therefore: the documents must be kept clean and in order. No obvious repeatedly used items like envelopes, folders etc., no dog-ears, poorly copied documents or loose papers.

The CV must be absolutely seamless. Write just the relevant things for the job inside. Keep honest in qualifications and do not overdo. Hiring managers review latest in the interview if you lied. Also not list too many hobbies, this gives the impression of "very important to me is my free time". Indispensable: a recent, professional photo. NEVER a photo taken from a vacation or a photo made with a mobile phone. CJ

Link-uri asociate / Related links

Scrisoarea de intenie

rile vest-europene acord o importan deosebit scrisorii de intenie. Dac este scris n mod profesionist, va indica managerului angajator c suntei bine informat despre compania respectiv i putei evidenia prin ce suntei cel mai potrivit pentru jobul n cauz. Regula ar fi urmtoarea: fii onest i practic, subliniai realizri importante din experiena profesional anterioar, evitai s facei greeli i compunei o scrisoare bine structurat.


This means there should be no missing documents such as your resume, a cover letter itself, certificates, photo etc. Thus, verify your application necessarily for completeness before submitting.

The cover letter

The cover letter is very important in west European companies. Professional written shows it the hiring manager that you are


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Career G uide
Ghid n carier 81

Calendar Trguri de Carier 2013/ Job fair calendar 2013







20 21 Aro Palace

APRIL 16 Casa Sindicatelor 8 Gold Plaza




OCTOBER 24 Casa Sindicatelor 14 Gold Plaza




20 Casa de Cultur a Studenilor 17 18 Romexpo

18 19 UMF Carol Davila

45 Aro Palace 89 Romexpo 9 10

UMF Carol Davila


12 13 Casa Armatei 10 11 [TdC IT] Iulius Mall 28 Casa de Cultur a Studenilor 13 14 Tomis Mall

8-9 Casa Armatei 17 16 17 [TdC IT] Iulius Mall 67 Iulius Mall 24 Casa de Cultur a Studenilor 27 28 Tomis Mall 4 Casa de Cultur a Studenilor 20 21 Teatrul Naional 12 13 21 - 22 [TdC IT] - Palas 10 Lotus Center 27 UMF 30 31 Centrul de Afaceri 28 Teatrul Naional 26 UMF V. Babe


13 14 Iulius Mall


6 Casa de Cultur a Studenilor 17 18 [TdC IT] - Palas 22 Lotus Center 34 Centrul de Afaceri 18 Teatrul Naional 26 Hotel Grand 24 25 Iulius Mall 27 UMF V. Babe

89 Teatrul Naional


27 28 Palas


16 Casa de Cultur a Studenilor


22 Centrul de Afaceri 23 Hotel Grand 18 19 Iulius Mall


Trgul de Cariere Cariere n Alb/Careers in White


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

Pagini web utile/ Useful Websites

n atenia angajatorilor / for employers

n Sibiu la Ana Ciobanu Maison de Beaut

La Sibiu "confort" pentru sntatea tenului tu, semnate de Ana Ciobanu. Un Salon Spa hi-tech cu o zon boutique unde putei gsi o list unic de tratamente i masaje dedicate exclusiv ngrijirii feei, ochilor, gtului i decolteului, toate ntr-o ambian de Grand Maison. Fiecare tratament realizat la Ana Ciobanu Maison de Beaut este personalizat i creat n sinergie cu fiecare client. De aceea check-up-ul beauty la sosire este foarte important pentru a determina durata, tipul tratamentului, concentraia de esene naturale i prepararea instant a produselor.

n atenia angajailor / for employees

Area Priv cu intrare rezervat "persoanelor publice" Se lucreaz numai pe baz de programri!

Luni-Smbt: 10.00-18.00 Duminic Liber Contact: +40 (0)756 342 747 Ana Ciobanu Maison de Beaut Strada Rennes, nr. 3A, Sibiu, Romnia 83

Autor/Author: Sandra Pralong Editura/Publishing House: Polirom Data aparitie/Aparittion:2010 I.S.B.N.: 978-973-46-1714-2 Descrierea crii: Imaginea romnilor despre rile din Vest este aproape exclusiv pozitiv, lucru confirmat de numeroase sondaje. i totui, mii dintre ei, care ar putea avea cariere strlucite in strintate, decid s revin i s triasc n Romnia. Care sunt diferenele dintre aici i acolo i ce putem nva din experiena celor care au ales s se ntoarc? Opiniile unor romni nu de puine ori celebri cu privire la viaa n strintate alterneaz permanent cu percepia pe care acetia o au asupra rii lor i a destinului ei, ntr-un incitant volum ce izbutete s pun fa n fa realitile autohtone i strine. Book description:the image of the romanian from the west countries is almost exclusivily positive, thing confirmed by a lot of surveys.although, thousand of them could have a great career abroad, decide to come back and live in romania.which are the dierences between here and there, and what we can learn from the experincesof those who decided to come back? the oppinion of some romanian , sometimes famous, about their life abroad alternates permanent with the perception that they have about their country and their destiny, in an exciting volum who manage to put face to facelocal and foreign realities

Autor/Author: Horatiu Sasu Editura/Publishing House: Rentrop & Straton Data aparitie/Aparittion: 2012, I.S.B.N.: 978-973-722-811-6 Descrierea crii: Este unicul instrument de pe piaa de profil care v ajut s stabilii obiective de performan individual orientate spre profitul afacerii dvs.! n plus, primii un ajutor practic i eficient n evaluarea corect a angajailor dvs., n condiiile prevzute de lege! Book description: its the unique instrument on the profile market who will help you establish objective of individual performance oriented to the profit of your business! extra, you get a practical and ecient help in the correct evaluation of your employees, in the conditions impose by the law!

Autor/Author: Hannah Seligson Editura/Publishing House : Curtea Veche Data aparitie/Aparittion: 2011 I.S.B.N.: 978-973-669-666-4 Descrierea crii: Tnr, vreau carier! Hannah Seligson prezint o serie de sfaturi practice pentru femeile aflate la nceput de carier. Autoarea pune accentul pe problemele cu care se confrunt femeile astzi: supravieuirea i evoluia la locul de munc. Cartea include nu doar sfaturi din viaa real, puncte de vedere clare i liste utile, ci i trucuri inedite, pe care le poi folosi fr exerciiu prealabil pentru a ncepe cu dreptul. Book description: in Young woman, i want career! hannah seligson is present a series of practical advices for the woman which are just starting a career. the author is putting the accent on the problems which are facing the women today: surviving and the evolution on the job. the book include not only advices from real life, point of views and useful lists, but also unique tricks that you can use without an exercise- to start with the right foot.


Autor/Author: Robin Sharma Editura/Publishing House: Finmedia Data aparitie/Aparittion: 2010, I.S.B.N.: 978-973-1996-01-1 Descrierea crii: Este o carte care te inspir, care te energizeaz, o carte bogat n strategii de leadership i de dezvoltare personal din lumea real, o carte care v va ajuta angajaii s munceasc i s triasc la maximum. Organizaiile mplinite cu adevrat tiu c investiia n oameni este ntotdeauna o investiie ce merit fcut. Book description: its a book who inspires you, energies you, a book sti with leadership strategies and personal development from real world, a book who will help the employees to work and to live on a high level. the organizations which are truly fulfilled know that investment in the people is always a worthy one.

Autor/Author: Ken Langdon Editura/Publishing House: Meteor Press Data aparitie/Aparittion: 2007 I.S.B.N.: 9789737281142 Descrierea crii: S recunoatem c in prezent nu este uor s v construii o carier. Nu mai exist slujbe "pe via" si au trecut demult vremurile cand simpla agare a unei ocazii favorabile era suficient pentru a continua ascensiunea profesional. Book description: we have to admit that in the present its not easy to make a career. there are no more life jobs, and the times when a simple hang on a favorable opportunity was enough to continue the professional advancement, are gone.


Autor/Author: Sultan Kermally Editura/Publishing House: Meteor Press Data aparitie/Aparittion:2009, I.S.B.N: 978-973-728-399-3 Descrierea crii: Sultan Kermally reuete s sintetizeze contribuia adus la dezvoltarea managementului resurselor umane de 15 dintre specialitii de marc ai domeniului, de la Frederick Winslow Taylor pn la Peter Drucker. Book description: sultan kermalyy manage to synthesize the contribution brought to the development of the human resources management, from 15 of the most important specialist of this branch, from Frederick winslow taylor to Peter Drucker.


Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013



Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013 87

RTSCHER ENTERTAINMENT: Tel.: +40 740 454 390



Ediia nr. 1 Anul 2013

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