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UGA Math Camp Day 1: 06.17.2013 Activity Sheet 1. Examples of Surfaces: a) Sphere b) Cylinder.

Make a cylinder with paper, scissor and tape/ glue.

2. Understand the gluing along the edges for a cylinder.

3. Make a Mbius strip. How many edges does a Mbius strip have?

4. Without lifting the coloring pen, how many colors do you need to fill up the Mbius strip?

5. What happens if you cut the Mbius strip along a vertical line?

6. What happens if you cut the Mbius strip from the middle? How many half twists does it have?

7. What would happen if we cut it once more in half?

8. What happens if you cut it from the third? How many half twists are there in the larger loop?

9. What happens if you twist the strip twice, three times or more? Which ones are surfaces with one side?

Orientable and Non-Orientable Surfaces

A surface is orientable if it has two sides. A surface with only one side is non-orientable.

10. Is Mbius strip non-orientable surface? What other surfaces you constructed today are nonorientable?

11. Make a Torus from a rectangular sheet of paper 12. Is torus orientable? Is Sphere orientable?

13. How to view torus as a polygon? What happens if we cut open the torus along the meridian and longitude? Where are those two cuts in the polygon? Show that using two different colors.

14. Give another example of non-orientable surface: Klein bottle. Show Klein bottle as a polygon.

15. Show that Klein bottle is the union of two Mbius Strips. (Video:

Simple Closed Curves

A closed curve in a plane is a continuous arc whose ends are connected. A closed curve with no self intersection is called a simple closed curve. 16. Draw some simple closed curves on torus

17. Draw curves of slopes: 0, infinity, 1/2, -1/2, 3/2, -3/2, 2/3, -2/3 in the polygon for torus. Remark: We call a curve that runs once the short way around the torus a meridian curve. A curve that runs once the long way around the torus is called a longitude. In the torus, meridian has slope 0 and longitude has slope infinity.

18. How those curves look in the torus?

Torus Knots T (p,q)

19. Draw T(3,2) torus knot on the torus. T(3,2) is called Trefoil.

20. Draw T(4,3) torus knot

21. What torus knot is that?

22. Draw your favorite torus knots on the torus from the list: T(5, 2), T(7, 2), T(4, 3), T(5, 4), T(11, 2), T(8, 3), T(6, 5)

23. What would happen if we try to draw a torus knot where p and q are not relatively prime? Try a (4, 2) torus knot.

1. Torus Picture

2. Picture of Klein Bottle

1. Knots and Links: Dale Rolfsen 2. The Knot Book: An Elementary Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Knots: Colin Conrad Adams 3. 4.

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