Debates Discussion - Zara Khan Summer School Session 1

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R & C of Sexual Activity: Lesson 6, Analysis of Recent Developments in Repro Health

Type of Work: Indy Product: Doc/Embedded Class Time: Period EOC: Embed/Snip (Lesson 6) Due: Next Period
Concept: Below are some of the most recent developments related to reproductive health in our society. Your job will be to provide an analysis of these developments. As we discussed in the beginning of the unit sex ed is a values driven topic. These issues are inherently controversial themselves because although there are facts that may help you understand them ultimately you see these facts through the prism of your own perception (values, morals, upbringing, etc.). The sources listed are just a starting point, remember that any information may be biased and it is your job as an educated consumer to carefully analyze information for validity, reliability, and bias. Goal: Provide an analysis of the recent developments in reproductive health demonstrating an understanding of content specific information necessary to understand each issue (ie. What strains are protected against in the HPV vaccine, approved locations for the Safe Haven law). Complete each level (not just 1) working from left to right based on level attempted. ----------------Snip Below This or Delete Top Contents for Evidence of Completion (All Fit on 1 Page) or I will Show You How to Embed-------------------


Level 1
Basic Overview and Whether You Agree or Disagree

My Level: 5 ABSENT?

(For Full Credit Turned in Late):

Absent Date=
Level 4

Level 2
Basic Questions to Issue and 1 potential advantage/disadvantage

Level 3
Higher Level Questions and 3 potential advantages/disadvantages for each issue

All information and questions related to issue and embed this into ePortfolio.

Topic 1: The HPV Vaccine Debate

Information Necessary to Understand Topic

Potential Sources

Basic Overview: HPV vaccine is a vaccine that prevents cancer, but many parents are worried about the side effects. It is the most commonly sexually transmitted virus in the United States. Almost everyone who is sexually active will acquire HPV at some points in their lives. What it Does Protect Against: 1. Helps protect against 4 different types of HPV. 2. Cervical Cancer 3.Vaginal and Genital Warts What it Doesnt Protect (Think!): 1. May not fully protect everyone against diseases caused by HPV. 2. Does not prevent all types of cervical cancer. 3.Does not treat cancer or genital warts.

% of Cervical Cancer Protection:42.5 %

% of Genital Wart Protection:90 %

My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One (I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good for Society Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages 1. It protects against cancer. 1. There is no treatment for the + virus itself, but there are treatments for the health problems HPV can cause. 2. Prevent people from 2. Research studies have shown continuing their lives with STDS that male latex condoms does not and spreading it. prevent transmission of HPV. + 3. The chances of the people with 3. It has terrible side effects, and HPV getting a disease is lower. maybe they could lead to extreme + discomfort in young people. Sometimes, people can fall and faint and end up hurting themselves.

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How Many Shots: 3 shots

Is there a shot for boys? What is it called? Yes there is-GARDASIL.

Cost: 390 dollars.

Does this promote promiscuity or should we take advantage of something that could potentially help us? In my opinion, this does not promote promiscuity because it is trying to prevent the amount of people with an STD. We should take advantage of this because it can only help treat people who have HPV.

Level 5/Extra Credit/Going Beyond: Define Herd Immunity and explain how it applies to the debate. Herd immunity is a form of immunity that occurs when the vaccination of a significant portion of a population (or herd) provides a measure of protection for individuals who have not developed immunity. This applies to the debate because maybe people who have not yet developed HPV are getting vaccinated.

Topic 2: Emergency Contraception (Plan B)

Information Necessary to Understand Topic

Potential Sources

Basic Overview: Plan B is Emergency contraception, or emergency birth control, is used

to help keep a woman from getting pregnant after she has had sex without using birth control or if the birth control method failed. If you are already pregnant, emergency contraception will not work.

My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One (I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good for Society Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages

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Intended Use (Why people use it): Didnt use birth control Forced to have sex Condom broke

How close to failed / no contraceptives: (Time Frame?) 72 hours.

Do You Need a Prescription?: No its an over the counter drug, but you have to be at least 15 to get it.

Cost: 49.99 dollars

1. Work very well at preventing pregnancy. + 2. Will lower the number of unintended pregnancies and abortions. + 3. If you are raped, Plan B could be a great option because you did not intend to get pregnant. +

1. Does not protect from getting Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2. You might start to feel a regret that you killed a potential life. 3. Has many side effects such as -Headache, dizziness, lower stomach
cramps, irregular bleeding, breast tenderness, and fatigue . Also some women feel sick and throw up.

Mechanism of action-how it works:

The drug mainly prevents pregnancy by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary and by preventing the fertilization of an egg.

Does this promote people not taking accountability for their choices or provide an alternative to someone not wanting to get pregnant?

This does provide an alternative for someone not wanting to get prevent, but it can be helpful if someone honestly did use protection but something went wrong.

Level 5: How is this similar/different than the abortion pill (RU-486)?

This is not similar to the abortion pill, because the abortion pill will affect an existing pregnancy and Plan B does not affect an existing pregnancy, it prevents it before it can happen.

Topic 3: The Condom Availability Debate

Information Necessary to Understand Topic

Potential Sources

Basic Overview: Numerous national health organizations have adopted policies in support of school condom availability as a component of comprehensive sexuality education.

Provide one stat on teen pregnancy. Cite: Each year approximately 1 million teenage women in the United States become pregnant.

Provide one stat on teen pregnancy. Cite: 34 percent of teenagers have at least one pregnancy before they turn 20.

In your opinion do these statistics warrant public educations involvement? In my opinion, public educations involvement in this issue is understandable because they have to teach kids to do the right thing and make them knowledgeable. If condoms were not available, these statistics could go up.

My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One (I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good for Society Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages 1. It helps to protect sexually 1. Condoms do not always protect active teenagers. and can break. + 2. There wont be as many teen 2. It could potentially cause sexual moms. thoughts in kids who were not + previously sexually active. 3. Kids will be educated and 3. Could be allergic to latex and understand that they need to use wont know it until the condom is protection, which is better, since in use. they might do it anyway. +

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What does a schools condom availability program look like? Who gets condoms, where, when and how?

The seniors in high school got them during their health class, and given by their health teacher.

So the big question is how would condom availability affect the student body? Does it promote unhealthy behavior or are you providing a healthy outlet for those that will do it anywaysif so is it even a schools place to get involved ?

Condom availability would potentially make the student body have more sexual thoughts, but since this is usually the age where kids are thinking about sex, it is better to be protected. The school can get involved because it is their duty to promote and teach the right ideas.

Level 5/Extra Credit/Going Beyond: What does your research say/cite? Do condoms make a difference? Cite at least 1 study and the results. Yes condoms do make a difference. According to Advocates for Youth, condoms are highly effective in preventing HIV infection, condoms are effective in preventing sexually transmitted infections, condoms are effective in reducing risk of HPV and cervical cancer, condoms obviously prevent unintended pregnancies, condoms are effective barriers, and condom use encourage teens who are sexually active to use condoms.

Topic 4: The Safe Haven Law

Information Necessary to Understand Topic

Potential Sources

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Basic Overview: Are designed to give parents in crisis a way to give up an unwanted infant safely.

My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One (I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good for Society Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages

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Time Frame: Most states require the infant to be under 72 hours.

Approved Locations? In all 50 states and Puerto Rico.

1. If someone had an unintended pregnancy, they could safely give up the baby. + 2. The baby could be put in good hands of someone who is responsible and can raise them. + 3. The parents of the baby wont feel regret because they will know that their baby is going to be safe. +

1. Later on when kids grow up, they feel unwanted. 2. When kids grow up, they will wonder who their birth parents are and might get upset that they are adopted. 3. The parents dont know completely who they are giving their baby to and it could be potentially dangerous. -

What happens to parental rights?

Birth fathers lose all rights. Mothers can have rights if they wish to, but if they leave their infant at a safe place such as a hospital and do not return within 60 days they voluntarily give up their parental rights and the baby is now up for adoption.
What is Illinois Law exactly?

The Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act says that parents who do not harm their babies cannot be prosecuted for abandonment if they bring their newborn (30 days old or younger) to a safe place and hand the baby to a staff member. Under the law, these safe places are any hospital, emergency care facility, police station or staffed fire station in Illinois. The entire process is legal and completely private.

Does this promote people not taking accountability for their choices or provide an alternative to someone not able to provide for a child? I support this, because many people have unintended pregnancies and did not want to get an abortion, so the only option was to conceive the child. They just were not ready at the time for that responsibility, and I respect these people for owning up to it and giving their child to someone who will do a better job and is truly ready. It is a good alternative for both the health/safety/lifestyle of the child and for the parents who gave the baby up.

Level 5: How do state laws vary on this?

State Laws vary on this because each state has differing requirements, but they all have the same components.

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