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R & C of Sexual Activity: Lesson 6, Analysis of Recent Developments in Repro Health

Type of Work: Indy Product: Doc/Embedded Class Time: Period EOC: Embed/Snip (Lesson 6) Due: Next Period
Concept: Below are some of the most recent developments related to reproductive health in our society. Your job will be to provide an analysis of these developments. As we discussed in the beginning of the unit sex ed is a values driven topic. These issues are inherently controversial themselves because although there are facts that may help you understand them ultimately you see these facts through the prism of your own perception (values, morals, upbringing, etc.). The sources listed are just a starting point, remember that any information may be biased and it is your job as an educated consumer to carefully analyze information for validity, reliability, and bias. Goal: Provide an analysis of the recent developments in reproductive health demonstrating an understanding of content specific information necessary to understand each issue (ie. What strains are protected against in the HPV vaccine, approved locations for the Safe Haven law). Complete each level (not just 1) working from left to right based on level attempted. ----------------Snip Below This or Delete Top Contents for Evidence of Completion (All Fit on 1 Page) or I will Show You How to Embed-------------------

NAME: Cristina Ribaudo PERIOD: SS1 My Level: ABSENT? Date=

Level 1
Basic Overview and Whether You Agree or Disagree

(For Full Credit Turned in Late):


Level 2
Basic Questions to Issue and 1 potential advantage/disadvantage

Level 3
Higher Level Questions and 3 potential advantages/disadvantages for each issue

Level 4
All information and questions related to issue and embed this into ePortfolio.

Topic 1: The HPV Vaccine Debate

Information Necessary to Understand Topic

Potential Sources

Basic Overview: The HPV vaccine protects against cervical cancer and genital warts.

What it Does Protect Against: 1. Genital warts 2. Cervical cancer 3. Other cancers

What it Doesnt Protect (Think!): 1.only certain vaccines protect against certain cancers 2.pregnancy 3.STDs % of Genital Wart Protection:90

My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One (I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good for Society Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages 1. protection against cancers 1. side effects + -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. headaches 3. sore throat -

2. protection against warts + 3. helps prevent other cancers in the area +

% of Cervical Cancer Protection:70

How Many Shots: 3

Is there a shot for boys? What is it called? Yes, same name.


Does this promote promiscuity or should we take advantage of something that could potentially help us? I think it its both because by getting people these vaccinations, when they do start to be sexually active they are protected from certain things that are harmful. However, when you give kids vaccines at an early age they may start to think that it is okay to have sex now that they have a vaccination protecting against certain things.

Level 5/Extra Credit/Going Beyond: Define Herd Immunity and explain how it applies to the debate. )

Topic 2: Emergency Contraception (Plan B)

Information Necessary to Understand Topic

Potential Sources

Basic Overview: A pill taken the morning after to prevent a pregnancy prior to sex.

Intended Use (Why people use it): To prevent pregnancy

How close to failed / no contraceptives: (Time Frame?)

5 days

My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One (I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good for Society Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages 1. pregnancy prevention 1. Borderline abortion? + -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. people disagreeing 3. Unsafe -

2. no children at a young age + 3. safety +

Do You Need a Prescription?: No

Cost: at least 50 dollars

Mechanism of action-how it works: delays or inhibits ovulation

Does this promote people not taking accountability for their choices or provide an alternative to someone not wanting to get pregnant? People would most likely only need this pill if they are having unsafe or unprotected sex.

Level 5: How is this similar/different than the abortion pill (RU-486)? It can be arguably both because people may say that it is like an abortion because a baby may or may
not have started developing when the pill is taken.

Topic 3: The Condom Availability Debate

Information Necessary to Understand Topic
Basic Overview: Should condoms be allowed in schools?

Potential Sources

Provide one stat on teen pregnancy. 80

percent of teenage pregnancies are unintended.

Provide one stat on teen pregnancy.

The main rise in the teen pregnancy rate is among girls

My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One (I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good for Society Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages 1. Promoting safe sex 1. Promoting sex at an early age + -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Preventing pregnancy

2. Saying its okay to have sex


younger than 15*


young if you use protection -

Cite: In your opinion do these statistics warrant public educations involvement? yes What does a schools condom availability program look like? Who gets condoms, where, when and how?
Students in alternative schools, in smaller schools, in schools that made condoms available in baskets and in schools with health clinics obtained more condoms per student per year than did students in other schools.

3. Promoting safety +

3. Allowing sexual activity -

So the big question is how would condom availability affect the student body? Does it promote unhealthy behavior or are you providing a healthy outlet for those that will do it anywaysif so is it even a schools place to get involved ? I dont believe that it is a schools place to get involved in a student bodys sexual activity.

Level 5/Extra Credit/Going Beyond: What does your research say/cite? Do condoms make a difference? Cite at least 1 study and the results.

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