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So here is Success Managines list of the top 25 Personal Development Books: 1.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 2. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie 3. The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clayson 4. 9 Steps to financial Freedom by Suze Orman 5. Who Moved My Cheese? by Dr. Spencer Johnson 6. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Peale 7. Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz 8. Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Don Millman 9. See You at the Top: 25th Anniversary Edition by Zig Ziglar 10. Acres of Diamonds by Russel Conwell 11. Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy 12. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen 13. The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill 14. The Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn 15. The 7 habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey 16. The Slight Edge: Secret to a Successful Life by Jeff Olsen 17. Become a Better You by Joel Osteen 18. The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson 19. The Greatest Salesman in the world by Og Mandino 20. Chicken Soup for the Soul by Canfield and Hansen 21. Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by W Clement Stone 22. Developing the Leader Within You by John Maxwell 23. Good to Great by Jim Collins 24. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki 25. Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill - This is one of the most famous books ever written; even today, many successful businessmen attribute their success to this book! (Go here for More Napoleon Hill and the Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons.) "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System is the only 24 Lesson presentation of the Creative Power of Thought. It teaches the ultimate principles, causes, effects, and laws that underlie all attainment and Success. "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen - A set of philosophical musings on the power of our thoughts. One of the best-known books of this kind. (More James Allen eBooks Below) "The Science of Being Well" by Wallace D. Wattles - The Science of Being Well, written in the same spirit of The Science of Getting Rich and Science of Being Great, is geared for healthier living. A great addition to the collection. (More Wallace D. Wattles eBooks Below) "Acres of Diamonds" by Russell H. Conwell - In these pages we learn the virtues of earning money through honest, hard work. Alongside "As a Man Thinketh" and "Think and Grow Rich", one of the most well known books today. "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles - Guides us toward financial success by providing the tools to spiritual growth through the acquiring of riches. Or, as I like to call it: "A Course in Manifestation."

"Fundamentals of Prosperity" by Roger W. Babson - "What They are and Whence They Come". Babson sees clearer and farther than any businessman and has the courage and devotion to say what he sees. (1920). A great addition to any Christian collection. "The Science of Being Great" by Wallace D. Wattles - This is truly a treasure: A powerful message that will be of value to every person who seeks true fulfillment and the awakening of highest potential. "think, Think, THINK" is the message. "The Magic Story" by Frederick Van Rensselaer Dey - Very important and life-changing story. See for yourself! "How to Live on 24 Hours a Day" by Arnold Bennett - So much to do, so little time! Well, not anymore! "Art of War" by Sun Tzu - For

Imagine landing on just one solution that catapults you to a life you always wished you'd have, one that's abundantly rich and rewarding in every facet. That solution exists. In fact, it exists today, this very moment - in your own mind! Every person walking this planet carries this key, but few know how to plumb their minds depths to excavate a more rewarding life for themselves. Your better life is already housed within you. It doesn't matter how you grew up, or what you've struggled with in life - your mind is unscathed by any circumstance you've yet lived...and it's phenomenally powerful! This collection of Classic self-help ebooks show you how to excavate the wonderful gem of your mind. Learn from the Classics (as millions before you) how to believe in and act out the greatness of your own mind.
"Jesus: The Man and His Work" by Wallace D. Wattles - In these days of idol smashing and rapid readjustment of ideals this lecture is most timely. Delivered at the Auditorium, Cincinnati, November 11, 1905,it made so favorable an impression on certain listeners that they determined to have it printed if Professor Wattles would furnish the manuscript. (More Wallace D. Wattles eBooks Below) "A New Christ" by Wallace D. Wattles - This series will not be an attempt to prove something about Christ; it will be an effort to ascertain by scientific study, what He was, how He lived, and what He taught. Too many people have studied Jesus from the standpoint of some preconceived notion of Him or His mission, such an attitude always leads to erroneous conclusions. (More Wallace D. Wattles eBooks Below) "Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning" by Thomas Troward - The title is self-explanatory: it sets out to expound many of the mysteries contained in the Bible, and it succeeds! An excellent launching pad to a deeper meaning. (More Thomas Troward eBooks Below) "The Varieties of Religious Experience" by William James - It's an intellectual call for serious religious tolerance--indeed, respect--the vitality of which has not diminished through the subsequent decades! "In Tune with the Infinite" by Ralph Waldo Trine - There is a golden thread that runs through every religion in the world. There is a golden thread that runs through the lives and the teachings to all the prophets, seers, sages, and saviors in the world's history, through the lives of all men of truly great and lasting power.

These are the full versions written by the original authors. Buy only the ebooks you want for $1.99 each or buy the entire Library at one time for less than 74 cents for each ebook (That's a savings of over 62%). To purchase the ebooks individually ($1.99 each), simply click on the book Title and you will be redirected. To purchase the entire Library ($49.50) at once, simply click on the link below. After payment you will be redirected to the download page. Keep in mind that these books are sold on the internet for anywhere between $2 (if you can find them!) to $25 (some of these Books are either out of print or hard to find!). At 67 ebooks that's a value of $134 to $1675! If you paid an average of $10 per book, that would still be $670! On this page you'll be able to buy as many of the books as you like, or the whole Library in one go. ( Bah, I have found all the books free of cost in the internet and to think that they think that Iam a fool) Here is what's on offer in the Classic Self Help Collection (remember you'll get all of these!): Please make sure that you've got the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader (get it here) installed on you computer. If you're in a hurry, CLICK BELOW to buy the entire Library of 67 Classic ebooks Now! After payment you will be redirected to the download page.

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill - This is one of the most famous books ever written; even today, many successful businessmen attribute their success to this book! (Go here for More Napoleon Hill and the Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons.) "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System is the only 24 Lesson presentation of the Creative Power of Thought. It teaches the ultimate principles, causes, effects, and laws that underlie all attainment and Success. "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen - A set of philosophical musings on the power of our thoughts. One of the best-known books of this kind. (More James Allen eBooks Below) "The Science of Being Well" by Wallace D. Wattles - The Science of Being Well, written in the same spirit of The Science of Getting Rich and Science of Being Great, is geared for healthier living. A great addition to the collection. (More Wallace D. Wattles eBooks Below) "Acres of Diamonds" by Russell H. Conwell - In these pages we learn the virtues of earning money through honest, hard work. Alongside "As a Man Thinketh" and "Think and Grow Rich", one of the most well known books today. "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles - Guides us toward financial success by providing the tools to spiritual growth through the acquiring of riches. Or, as I like to call it: "A Course in Manifestation."

"Fundamentals of Prosperity" by Roger W. Babson - "What They are and Whence They Come". Babson sees clearer and farther than any businessman and has the courage and devotion to say what he sees. (1920). A great addition to any Christian collection. "The Science of Being Great" by Wallace D. Wattles - This is truly a treasure: A powerful message that will be of value to every person who seeks true fulfillment and the awakening of highest potential. "think, Think, THINK" is the message. "The Magic Story" by Frederick Van Rensselaer Dey - Very important and life-changing story. See for yourself! "How to Live on 24 Hours a Day" by Arnold Bennett - So much to do, so little time! Well, not anymore! "Art of War" by Sun Tzu - For more than two thousand years, Sun-tzu's The Art of War has provided leaders with essential advice on battlefield tactics and management strategies.

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"The Power of Concentration" by Theron Q. Dumont - A book about concentration: its importance, and how to train the mind to concentrate. "The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism" by Theron Q. Dumont - 'Magnetism' is what these oldtimers coined what we now know as Energy. This book by Theron Q. Dumont will show you how to harness and use that energy. "The Secret of Success" by William W. Atkinson - A course of Nine Lessons on the subject of the Application of the latent Powers of the individual Toward Attainment of Success in Life. "Thought Vibration" by William W. Atkinson - Contents: Law of attraction in the thought world; Thought-waves and their power of reduction; About the mind; Mind building; Secret of the will; Law, not chance; Training the habit mind; and much more. "Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life" by William W. Atkinson - Being a series of Lessons in Personal Magnetism Psychic Influence, Thought Force Concentration, Will Power and practical mental Science. "Practical Mental Influence" by William W. Atkinson - A course of lessons on Mental Vibrations, Psychic Influence, Personal Magnetism, Fascination, Psychic Self Protection. Containing Practical Instruction, Exercises, Directions etc. "Above Life's Turmoil" by James Allen - In this book Allen dissects the human condition and like a master physician, he offers solutions in his haunting and truthful style. "Byways to Blessedness" by James Allen - A very inspirational and popular title. Right Beginnings; Small Duties and Tasks; Standing Alone; Understanding the Simple Laws of Life; and much more.

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"The Way of Peace" by James Allen - As the effect is related to the cause, so is prosperity and power related to the inward good, and poverty and weakness to the inward evil. "Love Does Not Judge" quote..

"The Path of Prosperity" by James Allen - Contents: Lesson of Evil; Way out of undesirable conditions; silent power of thought; Realization of prosperity; Secret of abounding happiness; Secret of health, success, and happiness; and much more. "Character-Building Thought Power" by Ralph Waldo Trine - A thought, good or evil, an act, in time a habit, so runs life law, what you live in your thought world, that sooner or later you will objectified in you life. "The Greatest Thing Ever Known" by Ralph Waldo Trine - The moment we fully and vitally realize who and what we are, we then begin to build our own world even as God builds his. "This Mystical Life of Ours" by Ralph Waldo Trine - 52 excerpts from Trine's works, for each week of the year. "The Man who Knew" by Ralph Waldo Trine - Contents: Time, need, the man; Getting this, you have all; love and the power of life; I am a man as you are; He called it "The Way"; Sons of men living as sons of God; Source of His genius; and much more. "The Wayfarer on the Open Road" by Ralph Waldo Trine - Being some thoughts and a little creed of wholesome living. "What all the World's A-Seeking" by Ralph Waldo Trine - This book reveals techniques for prosperity and spiritual success.

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"The Analysis of Mind" by Bertrand Russell - All of his ideas are clearly stated and made more apparent with the use of simple illustrations. "The Creative Process in the Individual" by Thomas Troward - Asserts that heaven is a state of consciousness and conditions where we experience Light, Joy, Peace, Abundance etc. in life now. Along with his lecture-series: revolutionary. "The Dore Lectures on Mental Science" by Thomas Troward - But if we grasp the truth that the thing is already existent in the thought, do we not see that this transcendent Omega must be already in the Divine ideal of every one of us? "The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science" by Thomas Troward - Leads you to understand the Laws of Cause and Effect and The Descent of Spirit into Matter and how to use these Laws to create your own positive unlimited life. "The Power of Silence" by Horatio W. Dresser - An interpretation of life in its relation to health and happiness. "Common Sense: How to Exercise It" by Blanchard Yoritomo-Tashi - In these pages, you will learn how to acquire and develop common sense and practical sense, how to apply them in your daily life, and how to utilize them profitably in the business world. "Within You is the Power" by Henry Thomas Hamblin - The enlightened message of this book moves forward in time with grace and ease, and serves to help bring the inner power of mind and spirit onto harmony with Universal Law. "The Life of the Spirit" by Henry Thomas Hamblin - It is simply a beautiful book, one that hits straight and deep in the heart. It is full of truth and undoubtedly God inspired.

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"A Message to Garcia" by Elbert Hubbard - The essay originally ran in Hubbard's magazine, The Philistine, in February, 1899. Inspired by its message, George Daniels of the New York Central Railroad asked permission to reprint and distribute 500,000 copies. "The Power of Thought" by Henry Thomas Hamblin - This book shows that you can , by changing your thoughts and mental attitude, "reverse the lever" and come into harmony with the Divine Idea. "The Mental Cure" by Warren Felt Evans - Illustrating the Influence of the Mind on the Body, Both in Health and Disease, and the Psychological Method of Treatment. "A Textbook of Theosophy" by C.W. Leadbeater - Discusses the evolution of life, man, the planet and our purpose here without being dogmatic. "The Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes - Includes explanations on how to pray and meditate, heal oneself spiritually, find self confidence, and express love. "The Greatest Thing in the World" by Henry Drummond - Lays out his case that Love is the key ingredient to a successful life with precision, logic and eloquence "Self-Help; National and Individual" by Samuel Smiles - A large and interesting tome. The precursor to today's motivational and self help literature.. "The Multiple Mentality Course" by Harry Kahne - The original "multitasking" training system. Want or need to do 2 or more things at once? Read this! "Your Forces and How to Use Them" by Christian Larson - Treatise on the nature of soul and its attributes of Wisdom and Supreme Power.

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"How to Find Your Real Self" by Mildred Mann - There is certainly nothing more necessary in the world today than a practical philosophy of life. One which is liveable, useable, expendable. "Self Mastery through Conscious Autosuggestion" by Emile Cou - Arguably one of the most important people of the 20th century, this man invented Autosuggestion (autogenic training) for use in healing and improving oneself. "Fables" by Aesop - A collection of more than 300 fables by the ancient grandmaster of fables himself. Great stuff to think about and read. "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius - A series of spiritual exercises filled with wisdom, practical guidance, and profound understanding of human behavior and remains one of the greatest works of spiritual and ethical reflection ever written. "The Manual" by Epictetus - Could be called "the very first self-help book." This Greek philosopher wrote a small but powerful tractate on living a content and happy life.

"The Prophet" by Khalil Gibran - A brilliant man's philosophy on love, marriage, joy and sorrow, time, friendship and much more. "The Madman" by Kahlil Gibran - Thought provoking collection of life affirming parables and poems. "Walking" by Henry David Thoreau - One of the greatest American authors himself talks about walking; serenity, meditation; peace.

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"Siddharta" by Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha's life takes him on a journey toward enlightenment. It parallels the life of Buddha and seems to argue that lessons of this sort cannot be taught but come from one's own struggle to find truth. "Adventures in Contentment" by David Grayson - If you are a person of thought, this book will move you. "Adventures in Friendship" by David Grayson - The author gently leads you to rediscover that plainest, commonest and rarest thing - friendship. "Great Possessions" by David Grayson - It is a symphony for the five senses, recognizing the best in each of them. "The Friendly Road -or- New Adventures in Contentment" by David Grayson - I invite you to travel with me upon this friendly road.

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