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Gunmetal Grey

Authors Zwei Gurren NinDZ Original Mechanics DukeFluffy Original Playtesters Irene Hriky Taco SNES SirPerson MrBlueSky Gunmetal Grey Playtesters Zwei NinDZ Gurren Relahur RuiGo Horus Troubleshooters GoLambo Relahur Blind Idea Populus Magna Koliup Idea Populus Excellantiam Spoonman Original Lore Dr.Emmet Gunmetal Grey Lore Zwei Quality Control Relahur Horus Blind Zwei 2

Not a whole lot of brainstorming directly after the project was proposed to us at college, we settled on a mech game. We went through a card game based on alchemy, a modified Tarot combat game, ninjas, the archetypal fantasy RPG, and some other plain dumb ideas. Just seems all of us have a thing for big machines pummelling down whatever scrap of civilization there is around them in the end. Jokes aside, we quickly came to the conclusion that no matter what systems we researched, they were too clunky, too extensive, or too underdeveloped. Whatever we tried to look into for inspiration, it was either a badly polished beta or much too complex to maintain an interesting rhythm within the game and combat. We turned to other genres, trying to find something we could salvage from Pathfinder, Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun, Call of Cthulu, Cyberpunk and World of Darkness - each time we came out with more ideas and less definite solutions. Clearly though, a d20 system wouldn't work. Too many variables were at stake, and the dice range was too large to keep a steady, concise pace within the game we wanted to create. Something light, something easy to pick up and play. We turned to a more familiar setting - 4chan's own /tg/. Through this we found substantial (yet abstract at best) ideas and mechanics in progress that caught our eye. Most importantly, we found of this tiny internet haven dubbed 1d4chan. In here, a small gem was pointed out to me by a friend - this small, seemingly abandoned game called ChromeStrike. Taking inspiration from classic mech games of old such as Armoured Core and Chromehounds, ChromeStrike had tried to create a mech game around a d6 system - it worked. The mechanics were fascinating to be sure; however we thought we could give the setting an interesting spin - or at least we'd sure as hell try. Digging about a bit more revealed that ChromeStrike was on hiatus ever since April 2012 - almost a full year since the writing of this project. Contacting the original creator (DukeFluffy), we gained permission to adapt the system to our needs, so rather than leave it gathering dust we took the core mechanics and, with Duke's blessing, began lovingly dismembering it and rearranging it. The end result will be displayed in the following pages, in due time. At the time of writing of this introduction, no formula or purchasable weapon or part is finalized. No oral presentation is ready, not even an estimate of how long this will take. Just some music lined up blasting out the headphones, a cup of hot tea and some chocolate croissants beside the keyboard, and a Skype call open to my girlfriend. Perfect work environment, if I do say so myself. Hope you enjoy the end product as much as much as we enjoyed making it.


Table of Contents


CHAPTER 1|THE WORLD State of Play, 2042 People of the Near Future The Battlefields in 2042 6 10 11

CHAPTER 2|THE CHARACTER Where Do You Come From? Defining Yourself Attributes Explained Where Are You Going? 12 12 12 14

CHAPTER 3|THE GAME Turn Cycles Movement, Damage and Manoeuvres You Bring a Gun, We Bring an Arsenal 16 17 21

CHAPTER 4|THE CAMPAIGN Campaign Templates 36

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Character Sheet EMMA Sheet 39 40


State of Play, 2042
Cybernetically Enhanced Combat Forces/Units (hereafter referred to as CECF/CECUs) are defined by three properties: -One; They utilize some method of cybernetic enhancement, whether it be purely mental (eg. US Future Force Warrior 2 Infantry C3 System), physical (eg. Gensai Corporation Heavy Powered Chassis) or a combination of both (eg. Thales UK F.I.S.T. 2.5 Special Purpose Cybernetic Suit); -Two; That they are employed in a combat capacity at the time of definition, that is, a CECF that is not engaged in combat ceases to be covered by the terms of this treaty. -Three; That the cybernetic systems are legal under the Cyberbrain Regulation Agreement (2028). () CECFs are hereby allocated the possibility of having force used against them that, if a conventional soldier were in their position, would be unnecessary and indeed entirely unreasonable. CECFs are, in the event of enemy electronic insurgency compromising their cyberbrains, ordered to withdraw from the battlefield or be withdrawn by any means necessary. Combat against CECFs is not bound by the Hague Conventions. Should in any event that a CECF kills an allied soldier in a combat situation, they will be deactivated either remotely or manually with extreme prejudice.
Summarized excerpt from the United Nations Cybernetically Enhanced Combat Forces Treaty.

()I promise you this, people of the Motherland, my compatriots. The corruption and inequality that gripped our glorious nation for so long will be obliterated as surely as your cries fill and echo through the snow covered streets. The crippled system that forced our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters to live and work without dignity, protection or just reward will be destroyed and rewritten to its very core. () We shall rattle the very worlds foundation, burying the shame of the last decades and its regime and bringing about a new government, a new era, and a new Russia.
Tsar Nicholas III, speaking from the Red Square to an electrified crowd after his crowning.

Citizens of the Peoples Republic, the party has failed you. For much too long have we stood idle in the face of oppression and control. For much too long have their scandals, their contradictions, and their interests flooded our lives, careers, and plans.() It is time we gripped this nations future with our own hands and drove it where we want to, with our own interests in mind, and our own methods to support them
Xiao Quiao, 1 President of the Democratic Republic of China. Excerpt from a speech at Tiananmen Square moments before the White Revolution,2 years prior to her election.

2042 is a thoroughly different world, politically, to the one today. The global military flashpoints have moved from the Middle East to Eastern Europe, South America and Indonesia. The newly re-established Russian Empire under Tsar Nicholas III is the new economic powerhouse of the world due to its massive methane hydrate reserves. The Eurasian Union and the Democratic Republic of China are the world's major trading partners. With a post-industrial economy fuelled by the latest nanotechnology, communication leaps and a myriad of new health options, global standards of living have never been higher. Poverty has largely been eliminated by the efforts of former Third-World countries bootstrapping their way to a technological society in only a few years. The world would seem a better place, and indeed, for the common man, it is. But behind the scenes, behind the illusion of a rapidly healing, technological progress-driven society, the gloves are off. Silent conflicts far from the public eye rage unhinged by conventions, boundaries, ethics, and sometimes even human input. The worlds fragile balance finds itself tested once more, and the lines between corruption and politics are either silently rewritten or quickly blurred beyond distinction on a daily basis. Nowhere in the planet is there a better example than Japan. The nation has come a long way from the 1940s, but no one really expected it to pick itself back up like it did after the Fukushima incident of 2011. The tsunami-earthquake that obliterated the country's stability (and more than a few lives) was possibly one of the worst natural disasters humanity has ever seen in modern times, and somehow the Japanese managed to overcome the impossible odds stacked against it and come out even better than it was. The Second Miracle, so dubbed due to the brutal recovery rate of the nation after the events of 2011 and follower of the First Miracle after World War II, catapulted Japan into the forefront of worldwide development once again. The Japanese GDP capped out at $6.011 trillion by the end of 2014, almost a trillion more than the year of the catastrophe - the eastern coast was well underway into the rebuilding process, with no sign left of the brutalized, mud plastered ruins which had been standing but a year ago. Jobs related in some way to the rebuilding business saw a boom in opened slots and were filled shortly after that, with what seemed like the whole nation working like clockwork to heal itself. At the end of the day, the country proved its superior discipline and willpower, and as the months went by, the silent growth of what had been debris and dirt stood as a monument to the strife of both the victims and the survivors. Things weren't always easy of course. The Fukushima Daishii explosions required foreign aid to fully contain, untold thousands died, and the country nearly grinded to an absolute standstill. The rest of the world was also engulfed in relative chaos with the Middle East political crisis and the turmoil revolving around some of Europe's countries, primarily when it comes to financial aid. Whatever might be happening around the globe, the nation still firmly set itself on the way back to its former glory. By 2014 the nuclear plants had been rebuilt, and by 2015 they had been refitted with new security and power equipment; completion of the coastal renovation projects wouldn't see their end until late in 2024. However, Japan had thoroughly changed in that timeframe. Overpopulation began to grip the country as housing and services couldn't develop fast enough to provide for the thousands left homeless by the tsunami, and while recovering economically due to the gargantuan boost in productivity, the unimaginable amount of funds required siphoned the country's development capacity in lieu of rebuilding the shattered locations.

Economic stress was both relieved and worsened by the fear of bankruptcy by a large number of Japanese companies, which promptly started folding into large groups and conglomerates to avoid such a result. Simultaneously, the introduction of a new technological age allowed for the creation of new ones which made a name for themselves in markets never or barely explored at the time, such as SubVOCAL Technologies or REDEYE Heavy Industries. Whatever the case, some of these conglomerates have come to rise in power dramatically, both in international markets and in domestic affairs. In the fashion of old zaibatsu, they have begun entrenching themselves into political matters due to their ever growing influence. The GSDF for example have 60% of their supplies serviced by the Gensai Conglomerate, granting the company a tremendous influence within national military services. Some oppose this, though some enjoy it, considering it grants the government the funds and resources needed to stay afloat but reduces its power. Politics and business start becoming too closely associated for the tastes of some, and corruption becomes a major worry as more and more people become discontent with the governmental system. The macabre dance between corruption and national interest kept intensifying in following years, and ideologies began to take an interesting, if troublesome turn. In August 2nd, 2035, North Korea found itself on a sure path to defeat after a bloody and one sided war against the coalition formed from the Russian Empire, China, and NATO after repeated warnings over its government's erratic behavior and provocative posture towards South Korea and the international community. In a desperate attempt to turn the tide and prove its fleeting presence in the world, it utilized nearly all of its ballistic missile stores to launch simultaneous attacks towards the immediate coalition forces' countries - while their capitals were the first target; this was quickly changed to closer sites due to their strategic value and less protection. South Korea's Chuncheon, Russia's Vladivostok, and China's Shenyang were brutalized by wave after wave of rocket fire, crippling the coalition offensive for a time, but heavily mitigated by the still experimental Archangel Shield, sparing the cities of complete ruin; Southern Japan however was also hit by multiple salvos, mainly the Tottori prefecture. The reasoning behind such an attack is still unknown as Japan was not a part of the offensive - and will probably remain that way considering Pyongyang's fall and annexation. Ultranationalism gained an aggressive support base as a direct result from this situation; refugees from the Korean Unification War aggravating the overpopulation situation, South Korea's deployment of military hardware (namely experimental heavy artillery) to the Liancourt Rocks, and the Russian Empire firmly entrenching themselves in the Kuril Islands, alleging wartime necessities - the concept of a modern Japan exerting its influence via military superiority and external territory dominance began appealing to a broader audience than one might consider politically comfortable. The situation quickly grew unstable and it wasn't long before a bill attempting to negate the post-war Constitution, effectively turning the JSDF into the Japanese Imperial Army once more, was proposed. The bill was rejected, but again not by a comfortable margin, and public opinion was heavily split; to the point where riots broke out and a certain degree of force was required to keep them in check. The situation reached its apex in the placid morning of May 29th, 2041.

Higashiru Miho, the Japanese Prime Minister, arrived from an international summit in China and was due to make a speech the same day later in the afternoon. Collected from the airport by standard security, he was nearly picked off by a sniper shot, which instead severely injured one of the security staff; the NSF, responsible for the apprehension of the sniper, barely made it in time both to stop the attempt from succeeding and take down the rogue element, who was accompanied by a squad of heavily armed GSDF units. After a brief skirmish leading all the way to the local rooftops, the traitor unit was captured and investigated upon before being publicly trialed. Captain Shishio Makoto, leader of the endeavor, was found guilty of treason and the whole squad was to be sentenced to either immediate death or life in prison; in an unbelievable turn of events however he was pardoned by Saito Hajime, a government official known to be on friendly terms with the JSDF. While this cost his political career direly, the fact that a rouge GSDF unit who attempted assassination on the Prime Minister was on the loose was enough to cause a never before seen wave of unrest within the population, which strained the government to its absolute limit - so much so that even today, one year later, one can still take note of the somber, silent atmosphere about major metropolitan centers, the security measures implemented against riots and street violence still visible all around; and while civilian life remains diligently (though relatively) the same, the nation's political backdrop seethes with deceit, corruption, lies and whispers. The year is 2042. The world now sleeps in peace while its underbelly sizzles with a bloody and brutal game of political interests. The Land of the Rising Sun finds itself gripping what might be the biggest political shift since the Meiji Restoration, pushing the country to the verge of civil war. Nationalist hardliners have made their presence known and feared through an assassination attempt on the Prime Minister, put in check only by the government's own NSF, enforcers of the Constitution and self-proclaimed domestic peacekeepers - an unsung war which will never find its way to the public eye. Between shifting ideologies, split populations, social unrest and unfathomable leaps in technology, one cannot help but wonder where one stands in this day and age. Where do you stand?

People of the Near Future

People are people. People will be people. Of all shapes and sizes, people in 2042 are what you'd expect of a generation that has witnessed the birth of what many think is the panacea to almost all the world's ills - confident, relatively upbeat, excited about the possibilities of a whole new field of study and work, reading up on the latest augmentation or technological breakthrough being available to the public in one form or another. Shells and Ghosts Two of these particular breakthroughs were Shells and Ghosts. While their implementation rattled and rewrote the world's ethics and beliefs, they are now part of everyday life as much as cars or appliances. Shells were simply the evolution of a long line of bionic limb replacement technology. Being perfected year by year, eventually science progressed to a point where the artificial simulation of a whole body (excluding reproductive capabilities, but not physical intercourse) was safe and viable. While most were only employed as dictated by medical necessity, the birth of the cyberbrain - itself a product of a series of extremely complex computing and bio-engineering leaps - gave way to potential immortality. As expected, the implications of such shook the planet. The term "ghost" is simply colloquial slang for an individual's consciousness; that which differentiates a human from a robot. Regardless of how much biological material should be replaced with electronic or mechanical matter, so long as someone retains their ghost, they retain their humanity, individuality, and some would say their soul. So then, birth rates saw an extremely violent cut, while new legislation had to be created to accommodate for a new reality brought by a new age. By 2040, anyone reaching their 2030s would usually commission a cyberbrain-shell combination made in their likeness and get hooked up to them - stations and laboratories were widespread where through a series of quick and automated surgeries, your brain could receive an electronic conversion, ready to be placed in a shell. While expensive, the mix of generally better salaries, possibility of loans, and even state financial help in some cases (particularly in high-risk jobs) make it too good to pass out, and almost every middle-classer would augment themselves this way. Ghost dubbing (the act of duplicating or copying ghosts)is strictly forbidden in all parts of the world and harshly controlled via a neuro-killswitch: the original ghost has a particular piece of coding embedded into it, commonly known as "signal". So long as the original signal is active - and only one may be active at any time, functioning like a digital fingerprint, any other ghosts with the same signal are automatically terminated, ensuring that while the original ghost is still alive, he cannot be copied - ensuring the singularity and individuality of a person at any given time. Along with ghost dubbing, ghost and cyberbrain hacking carry some of the harshest penalties of any judicial code (death in some countries). While infinitely more complex than hacking into a standard personal computer, the possibilities of seeing, hearing and sometimes even thinking through someone else's mind can facilitate the execution of many macabre deeds indeed, and there have been one or two attempts of notice in the last decades; all of which were dealt with swiftly however.


The Battlefields of 2042

July 15th, 2042 <WARNING: SECURITY CLEARANCE CLASS C REQUIRED FOR VIEWING OF THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT. UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL WILL BE SANCTIONED ACCORDING TO ARTICLE 52.1 OF THE CURRENT NSF SERVICE AGREEMENT> Subject: Bi-Weekly Global Military Analysis Report To: All National Security Force Operational Forces; Groups 1 through 6. From: National Security Force Intelligence Branch Group 2 Report: Europe The Eurasian Union has stabilized after the Russian Empire joined the European Union(...) Current flashpoints include former USSR nations embroiled in civil wars over the possibility of willing annexation to the Empire or maintain independence (...) it should be noted that such an annexation is prohibited by the 2014 Russian Constitution. Containment and control of the situation is being carried out by an EU and Imperial coalition. Report: Africa The South African Haven has further fortified its position, cutting itself off from northern African states still holding onto their own sovereignty. Rebel organization Jackal runs rampant through central Africa, establishing a pseudo-militant nation in the region. (...) Containment in progress by various international PMCs and freelance mercenary groups out in bounty hunts for resources and land claims put up by the Haven.(...) Rewards include resources and lands belonging to toppled and extinct national regimes in central Africa, including several POIs, held by Jackal militants. Report: Asia The Greater Korean Republic begins to stabilize after a lengthily annexation resulting from the former Republic of North Korea being forcefully pacified. (...)Japan <WARNING: SECURITY CLEARENCE CLASS A REQUIRED FOR VIEWING OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION. INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE. ACCESS DENIED>. Democratic Republic of China developing at an alarming rate - indirect participation in South American insurrections.(...) Industrial espionage and darker than black ops are prominent all over the region, between several zaibatsu and foreign PMCs, acting under the guise of corporate security. Report: America American Empire continues to annex central northernmost south American countries. Brazil puts up armed resistance with purchased Chinese weaponry and begins advancing into remaining, weaker nations, under the pretext of unifying the South American continent, encountering resistance from Argentina, sparking battlefronts along the nations borders(...) Containment pending.



Where Do You Come From? So by you now the world's not a nice place. Or do you? There are many different ways to go about creating a character in the game - most of it will depend on what campaign are you or your GM thinking of running and how you want to face it. You could be an ordinary street cop getting tangled up in shady politics, doing raids on crackhouses and meth labs while bumping into something more sinister like a plot to hack into a high profile politician's cyberbrain. You could be a CECU employed in a private military company running dangerous escorts on arms caches. You could be a spec ops operator delving deep into the heart of a country assassinating high profile targets and inciting civil wars which would work in favour of your country's plans. Or you could simply be an EMMA mercenary pilot looking for the next big break for fame, fortune and glory. Defining Yourself The backstory is an essential piece of any character you may want to create. Be it an adaptation of your own real-life persona or an entirely different entity from yourself, the character needs a reason why he's doing what he's doing in the game. The backstory itself can be as extensive as you'd like; however, because no one is obligated to write a complex short story for their character, the minimum should be around 2 to 3 paragraphs detailing some of the character's psychological outline, past, motivations and current situation - this will not only give the character depth beyond dice rolls, but also let the other players (and sometimes yourself) know what to expect from who they're playing with. Playing with a sharpshooter in the party will be a bit frustrating if everyone else learns the sharpshooter has a severe case of ADD midway through an engagement. Attributes Explained After you know who you are in the grand scheme of things, it'll be time you define what you're good at doing. This will be decided by your attributes. Once you create a new character, you have free reign to allocate a set number of attribute points to 6 different attributes: Typically, you will be given 20 Attribute Points to allocate as you please through the 6 major attributes. Each attribute starts at zero, and each rank costs its own number in points to advance into(EX:. 0 -> 1 = 1pts |1 -> 2 = 2pts | 2 -> 3 = 3pts, etc.) Mental Attributes Intelligence: Cleverness, mental processing, general knowledge. Intelligence dictates how fundamentally smart and quick witted you are, and governs activities such as hacking systems, memorizing things, and improvising strategies. Perception: Information acquisition, attention to detail, and visual acuity. Perception governs how fast you take notice of details, how well you can manage vast amounts of visual information, and how well you can search an area. Strength of personality, diplomatic finesse, quality of speachcraft. Charisma affects your social tact, your leadership, diplomatic skills, and your oral skills (the vocal kind, mind you). You can also use it to haggle for better prices.



Physical Attributes Strength: Raw physical power. Not necessarily how beefed up you are, but how fit you are and how much physical force you can apply to objects. Rules your melee damage and your ability to brute force your way through things. Agility: Dexterity, muscle reflex, litheness. Agility dictates how quick you are on your feet, your chance to dive for cover before you get gunned down, and your reaction time when driving or piloting. Physical constitution and health. Toughness directly influences your on foot healthpoints, as well as your resistance to secondary status ailments, like lasting burns or electric shock.


At the time of character creation, no attribute may be higher than 4, in order to prevent min-maxing. The system doesn't contemplate further bonuses to these attributes except by modifiers from your gear, weapons ,etc; however, this is wholly up to the GM there might be special circumstances that need to arise for a player to be qualified in gaining another, or the GM might come up with a level system, or simply a certain place (like a gym, or a training facility) that you can visit to increase your points from time to time. Simply remember to account for the rest of the modifiers and rolls as well. In addition to the base character stats, should the character have a shell by the start of the campaign, or if he purchases one later into it, he/she will have an additional set of attributes. These, however, are static and wholly dependent on the kind of shell purchased; upgrades do exist in the same manner as weapons or vehicles. Shell Attributes | Determined by shell purchased Type: Type of shell and its integrity. There are several types of shells: civilian, law enforcement, recon, assault, and support. Each has a tougher frame than the last, with civilian shells not having anything of particular note except cyberbrain capacity and support shells being veritable juggernauts. Security: Processing: Security that a shell offers its cyberbrain. This governs how hard your cyberbrain will be to hack or disrupt; upgradable via software packs. The processing potential a shell offers its cyberbrain and software. More processing power equals a higher number of software suites running simultaneously.

In addition, whatever vehicles purchased, owned, or otherwise used will have their own set of specific stats - combat will be explained further along this section, but here is the summary: Vehicle Attributes| Determined by parts purchased Power: The potency behind a vehicle's drive, hydraulics and/or muscles. This will determine if it is able to ram down and trample things like other vehicles, walls or cover. Speed: Control: Integrity: How fast the vehicle and its parts move. This determines the total distance the vehicle can move in a single phase. How quickly and fluidly a vehicle and its parts respond to its controls. Facilitates aiming and shooting, as well as secondary manoeuvres. Overall protection and structural integrity of a vehicle. Effective hitpoints of a vehicle and its parts.


Where Are You Going? Once your character's background is ready and your attributes fixed, you'll be able to pick two perks to give your character an edge out in the rough world he'll no doubt face; these however, are entirely flexible as to what they can be, being restricted only in circumstance and total modifier; +1 Bonus to Combat Rolls: require specific circumstances. These bonuses require some conditions to be met before they can be triggered. They may not be modifiers to armour rating or use of specific weapons (i.e. +1 to hit with shotguns). They can, however, be effects brought about by said weapon; they can also refer to some sort of secondary purpose within combat. Examples include: Never Outgunned: +1 to hit when outnumbered 2:1. In The Zone: At the start of an encounter, +1 to dodge rating until hit. Running Punch: +1 to wound on melee attacks when ran full movement distance previously. +1 Bonus to an attribute when utilized for a non-combative purpose: requires speciality. These bonuses usually have to do with something your character is competent with outside of combat. This may include a plethora of things, from being particularly good at hacking door locks, to knowing his way around a toolbox, to knowing how to handle local thugs - which should tie in at least a bit with your backstory. Examples of these include: Street Wise: +1 to charisma when gathering information from thugs, dealers, whores, etc. Armour Mechanic: +1 to intelligence when repairing armoured vehicles yourself. Seatbelts On: +1 to speed when driving land based vehicles. +2 Bonus to infrequent, specific situation: requires an uncommon situation to be applied to. These perks should be trade-based in nature; some job or particular trait your character has picked up from the past or something he's good at - a profession, a habit, or some skill he might of learned from someone close. Examples of these are: Weapon Haggler: +2 to charisma when trying to sell weapons for a better price. Escapist: +2 to rolls when attempting to escape from bonds. Glacial Tracker: +2 to perception when trying to find tracks on snowy terrain. Immunity to particular situations: requires a very specific condition. GMs should exercise caution when allowing players to build a perk around an immunity, for it can be potentially gamebreaking; immunity to incendiary damage is simply broken, while immunity to the debuffs caused by incendiary weapons might be acceptable. Examples of this at work include: Cold-Hearted: Immune to psychological shock from graphical violence and cruelty. Disenchanted: Immune to charisma-based rolls from the opposite sex. Obsessive: Immune to perception-based debuffs from unit character last targeted. While the four types of perks here are the base ones, remember that the last say is always the GMs - he/she may not agree with any of the ones above, or may agree with them all, or might include another type or 3 altogether. Remember to always check with him/her for whatever perk you might want to create.


Additionally, you will have to choose your character's proficiencies. These are divided into three separate slots that you can customize for your character - the gain of more slots is wholly up to the GM, in the same fashion as levels. Also remember that depending on your campaign or character backstory these may vary. Weapons: There are two slots that you may fill with any kind of weapon your character has trained with or is used to handling. Note that sidearms such as handguns and revolvers are always counted as proficient. These include: Submachineguns Shotguns Assault Rifles (note that battle rifles fall into this) Sniper Rifles Light/Heavy Machineguns Note that shotguns and machineguns both heavy and light will encumber a recon shell heavily, halving the jump distance from the jump booster and removing 2 units from their total movement. Also, some weapons can only be used by CECUs due to a number of factors (weight, recoil, etc.) Explosives: This proficiency will dictate what kind of explosive you'll be able to use in battle. it's not as simple as pulling a pin and throwing one mindlessly at your enemy. The different kinds include grenades and set charges. Grenades are self explanatory - objects you throw and detonate. Charges are usually large explosives used for demolitions or traps, and may be detonated remotely or by physical input. You either know how to arm one of these safely, or you know how to lob grenades - having proficiency in both is possible, but much less common. Your secondary gear usually defines your utility skill within the party: nightvision, medic, repairman. Items that take up the secondary slot will be marked on the items list - note however that whatever software you install on a shell does not take any slots in secondary, even if it may perform a similar function.




Now we tread onto the mechanics themselves and how to utilize them. The system is quite rules-light, so even a newcomer to the genre should be fairly comfortable after just one or two encounters. The fluidity of combat rests on the number of variables from there, which can encompass anything from a small skirmish between police officers and yakuza to a full blown armed siege between vehicles, EMMAs and infantry. Pacing the action is the turn cycle, explained below; Turn Cycle Standby Phase Additional effects may or may not happen during this phase. Phase 0 - Establish order of initiative Initiative equates into who goes first, with the highest initiative unit going first and the lowest going last in the turn cycle. Initiative is calculated by adding perception to agility/speed, depending if it's an infantryman or a vehicle rolling it. In case of a tie, the one with the highest agility/speed goes first. Keep in mind that whatever damage or debuff modifies the agility/speed or perception of any unit also modifies the order of initiative. Phase 1 - Movement Once initiative has been established, units can start moving. The one with the highest initiative goes through the rest of the turn cycle, then the second highest does, and so on. A unit may move up to 4 grid spaces in Phase 1, and face whatever cardinal direction after that movement is concluded (north south, east west). Additional movement will be granted if a character has more than 3 agility points - each 1 after 3 equals another grid space's worth in movement (a character with 6 agility moves 7 grid spaces - 4 by default. and an additional 3 for his attribute). Vehicles do not have a set default movement distance - instead, it is fully determined by their speed attribute. It is important to note that in mixed asset battles (MABs - battles with vehicles/infantry/EMMAs), you should always consider the size of the units in it; an EMMA for example occupies 3x3 spaces, so if it has 3 speed it won't move 3 spaces forward - it will move 9. Also, keep in mind that the more you move, the harder it will be to keep a steady aim - half the grid spaces moved will be deducted from the total roll to hit. Phase 2 - Action After moving, units may attack, perform certain combat manoeuvres, or activate a particular item or system - refer to these items' descriptions to figure out how they function. Weapons work differently depending on the shooter; infantry units may only shoot their currently equipped weapon, while vehicles and EMMAs may shoot with all of theirs at the same time. Likewise, an infantry unit rolls 1d6 + perception + modifiers, while vehicles roll 2d6 + controls + perception + modifiers - this reflects not only larger calibre weapons, but also the vehicles targeting system accuracy, as opposed to the simple twitch reflexes an ordinary infantryman has. Whatever the case however, keep in mind that the more you move, the less likely it is for the enemy to be able to aim at you and vice versa - half the grid spaces moved will be added as a bonus to dodge rating for the turn they're moved in. Also of note is that you always require a line of sight with your target to shoot it - typically this will be up to 80 grid units during the day or illuminated settings , 40 in dully illuminated settings, and 10 at night settings; shooting a target in dim illumination incurs in an automatic -1 penalty, while shooting at night incurs in -2.Shooting in total darkness incurs in a -6. Attempting to shoot past the distance you can actually see incurs in a -1 penalty for every


unit past the limit of your sight. Should no action be taken during Phase 2, you may ready one; readying an action has your character react immediately should the circumstances specified by your readying come to pass, even out of your turn - these readied cannot include movement, but can include attacks, item uses, and manoeuvres; they also only target the first unit to trigger the readied action. (EX:. ready an attack on anyone coming through that door: your character will attack the first enemy coming through the door ). End Phase Additional effects may or may not happen during this phase. Once the last unit has concluded the End Phase, the cycle repeats and returns to the Standby Phase - any changes to the order of initiative (damage induced or otherwise altered in some way) are refreshed every Phase 0. Movement, Damage and Manoeuvres As specified before, the first thing to do is establishing initiative. Once that's out of the way, units can begin taking turns and moving about the map, first to last, regardless of type of unit. When entering combat, depending on the type of unit the character is engaging, different rules may apply; Infantry Combat A unit's hitpoints equal the character s toughness + its shell type (assuming it has one) + Armour (optional as well). If these drop to 1, all movement is halved. If hitpoints reach 0, unit is Incapacitated and remains alive but critical for "bleedout" turns equal to its Toughness +1, unable to do anything. The unit may be dragged to safety by an ally - this however reduces the ally's movement by half. If no medical assistance is provided before the end of those turns, the unit is killed. Should medical care be provided, the unit may return to combat with 2 points of health left - however, should the unit be incapacitated again, even after medical attention, it remains stabilized but unable to move; out of combat. It may only fire its sidearm from where it is, and doing so removes the Perception addition to the roll. Dropping its health to 0 once more kills it. Should an infantry unit be hit by a vehicle weapon of great enough calibre, that unit is instantly incapacitated and half its bleedout turns are automatically expended - refer to the weapons list to verify which weapons have this trait. Stabilized units this way are unable to return to active combat (refer to the paragraph above). Should they be hit by a missile, they are automatically killed. Vehicle and EMMA Combat Vehicle combat works slightly differently from Infantry combat - armour is thicker, weapons are larger, and movement more pronounced. To hit a vehicle, first the attacker must defeat its Dodge Rating. If it does, a hit is landed, and it must defeat the vehicle's Armour Rating - if it does, the part hit subtracts a point to its Integrity, the number of which are determined by the parts purchased.


Note that vehicles cannot normally attack infantry except with manned mounted machineguns - cannons, missiles, and EMMA weapons may only target other vehicles, EMMAs, or squares. To directly aim at an infantry unit, a vehicle must first pass a called shot; the rules of such will be detailed in a bit. If the vehicle hit is an EMMA, roll to confirm what part is damaged: 1: Head 2: Arms 3-5: Core 6:Legs

Once the part has been entirely destroyed, further hits to the designated area will count as Core hits instead. Furthermore, destruction or heavy damage to parts may add negative modifiers and debuffs to the EMMA as a whole: Head - Destruction: An EMMA that loses its head's last Integrity point subtracts 2 from any attack roll it attempts, as well as any attribute bonuses from the destroyed head part. Arms - 50% Damage: Should the arms reach 50% Integrity, one of them at random is destroyed, and its weapon (or a two-handed weapon) is no longer usable. Roll a 1d2 to determine what arm is put out of commission; a roll of 2 marks the right one. Arms - Destruction: When both arms are destroyed, any handheld weapons become unusable, in addition to any function that requires the EMMA's arms melee attacks become kicks for example. Any attributes and bonuses from the arms are lost. Core - Destruction: If the Core is put out of commission, the whole EMMA shuts down automatically and will remain stationary until towed away or dragged off. Any further hits to the Core have a 50% chance of dealing 1d3 damage to the pilot if he/she remains inside. (1,2, and 3 on a d6 roll) Legs - 50% Damage: When an EMMA's legs reach half their Integrity, one of them is destroyed - resulting in the loss of half of the EMMA's Speed attribute. This, in turn, results in loss of Dodge Rating. Legs - Destruction: When the legs lose their last Integrity point, they are fully destroyed, and the EMMA's speed drops to zero. To move, the pilot must use its Phase 2 (and have arms) to crawl single grid space. If its arms have already been destroyed as well, then the EMMA may not move at all. Manoeuvres Phase 1 Move Move a number of grid spaces up to your agility attribute or the vehicle's speed attribute. Add half the distance moved to your dodge rating and subtract half from any rolls to hit this turn. Evasive Action Takes up both Phases (1 and 2). Move as normal in any direction, but swerve, dive, dip and sprint violently, giving yourself a +1 to dodge rating in addition to the standard movement dodge rating bonus.


Crouch Kneel down into a stable, immobile position. While crouching, you have a +1 ranged dodge rating, but not to melee attacks. You may move and crouch in the same phase, but getting out of a crouch may only be done in Phase 1. Take Cover Pull yourself into cover, granting yourself the appropriate bonus (and sometimes penalties)associated with the type of cover. Large Barrier: Things like jersey walls, sandbags, trenches, etc - and their upscaled equivalent for EMMAs. Grants a +1 ranged dodge rating to infantry, and hits to the legs are ignored to EMMAs. Any vehicle, as well as treaded and wheeled EMMAs cannot benefit from this cover. Corners: Grants +1 to ranged dodge rating to both infantry and EMMAs. Not applicable to vehicles. In addition to this, with an EMMA, only the exposed side can fire its weapon. Automatically lose Line of Sight with enemy and vice versa, at the cost of one hit to your EMMA per grid space traversed into/through the building. Line of Sight will be regained after two turns if you remain immobile within the building. Only applicable for vehicles. Light vehicles take double damage.

Ram into Building:

Phase 2 Attack The unit fires/uses whatever weapon systems are at his disposal. If the unit moved this turn, add half the distance moved to its dodge rating, but subtract half from any rolls to hit this turn. Called Shot Called shots work differently between infantry and vehicles; wherever an infantry unit hits another, it will always deduct damage from the overall healthpoints of the receiving unit, while a vehicle will suffer damage to its part integrity; Infantry: On a roll of 6, you get a headshot - should the receiving unit have less than 4 hitpoints, it instantly drops to 0 hp. Otherwise, cut its healthpoints in half, rounded up. If aiming for a vehicle with something like an RPG, refer to the vehicle section below. The vehicle has a -6 modifier to the hit roll, but should it connect the targeted part on a vehicle is hit. Note that some vehicles only have one integrity pool. A vehicle called shot may also be used to target infantry specifically - this turns the modifier into -7, and should the fired round be explosive it hits the area of effect immediately before the unit.


Aim Skip Phase 2 this turn. On the following turn you have a +1 to hit with nonmissile weapons; this may be repeated over multiple turns, stacking up to a +3 bonus. Firing at the aimed target reduces this bonus by 1 after each shot. Should you switch targets, or lose Line of Sight, it is lost entirely. Sniper rifles get +2 per Phase skipped, to a max of +4; they lose all aim bonus when fired.


Swap Swaps the unit's current weapon with another one. Melee So long as a unit has two legs or an arm it can perform a melee attack on an adjacent one. Roll an attack directly against the unit's dodge rating. Should it connect, the hit unit takes a point of damage per two points of power/strength the attacking unit has. Should the melee attack be performed with a melee weapon, use its damage instead. The 6-11-15 Rule When things starting reaching higher mods, credits, and parameters, actually hitting anything might be a chore - the solution to this is the critical hit. When attacking with a 1d6, a roll of 6 (flat, without modifiers) is a critical hit. In the same way, when rolling 2d6, a flat roll of 11+ is always a critical, as is a roll of 15+ with 3d6, and so on. In addition to always hitting, the attack deals +2 damage Formulas and Calculus Cheatsheet General Formulas Initiative: (Character Agility + Perception) Moving Aim Penalty: (Attack Rating)-(1/2 Moved) Moving Dodge Bonus (Dodge)+(1/2Moved) Infantry Formulas Melee Hit: 1d6 + Power + Modifiers Weapon Hit: 1d6 + Perception + Modifiers - (1/2 Moved) Infantry Dodge: 1d6 + Agility + (1/2 Moved) Infantry Health: Toughness + Shell Hitpoints+ Modifiers Total Move: 4 grids +1 per 2 agility point past 3 Vehicle Formulas Vehicle Dodge: (Character Agility) + Vehicle Speed + EMMA Control Armor Rating: Starts at 4+. More heavily armoured Cores can strengthen this, increasing the dice range of saves. Attack Rating (AR): Melee: 2d6 + Perception + Control + Modifiers - (1/2 Moved) Arms: 2d6 + Perception + Control + Modifiers - (1/2 Moved) Shoulders: 2d6 + Control + Modifiers - (1/2 Moved) Missile/Turret: 3d6 + Control + Modifiers Repairs Should you have purchased a vehicle, regardless of what it may be, it will no doubt inevitably be damaged during its service. Repairing vehicles costs money, and as such you should not abuse them in combat, lest you find yourself lacking funds to maintain it in proper condition. To repair a vehicle, you must resort to one of the following:


Professional Repairs Repairs will cost proportional to damage taken (always rounded down). This will not only cover the repair itself, but all the handiwork involved in removing debris, shipping new parts, and workforce hours spent on your vehicle. EX:. 100% damaged part requires 100% of original credits to fully repair. One integrity point represents a day's worth of repairs. Best hope it was just a scratch. Personal Repairs Or you could skip the professional help and try to jury rig your toys yourself. Personal repairs need some sort of backstory in your character to even accommodate for the possibility of being able to do such a feat (a whole party full of combat mechanics is bizarre at best.) Difficult skill challenge (1d3+1) roll against Intelligence per part. Pass: 50% of the normal cost and all wounds in a part are repaired in a day. Fail: 100% of the normal cost and part repairs take (Integrity) +1 day's time. Ammo and Reloading For the sake of fluidity, assume that all weapons (unless stated otherwise) fire a tenth of their total magazine per shot (a mag of 30 would equal 3 shot bursts for 10 rounds). Reloading a weapon can be done on either phase, but takes it up entirely. Machineguns (heavy and light) work differently, and always shoot 10 rounds per attack. You Bring A Gun, We Bring An Arsenal The grim reality of 2042 might be hidden from most all of the world, but you know better, and you know it's dangerous to go unprepared. The following is a table of everything from protective gear to some of the largest, most terrifying weapons you'll see on a field of battle. Remember that the GM may restrict what weapons there are available for purchase to you at any given moment due to location or campaign setting. Choose carefully: Shells Shells may be treated in different ways - it will be up to the Gm to allow their players when and how to acquire them. More often than not, this will be determined by the kind of campaign their running - mercenaries don't strictly need to have shells during early game, but military spec ops likely do. The following is a sample of the most prominent types; Gensai QUMARION Civilian Shell | +1 Hitpoints
A very popular, good quality shell meant for civilian use.

Sanjuro LEO-733 Law Enforcement Shell | +1 Hitpoints | 1 Processing

Special: Permanent Auralink with 10 square radius (may mentally speak with allies within 10 units). A shell specifically manufactured for law enforcement duty, it has additional communication features and is generally sturdier than its civilian counterpart.

Buraku-Nigai .grey Military Reconnaissance Shell | +2 Hitpoints | 2 Security | 1 Processing +3 Agility

Special: Recon shells cannot use armour. Special: Jump booster built in. Special: Permanent Auralink with 10 square radius (may mentally speak with allies within 10 units). The .grey has become the leading recon shell in Japan. Lightweight, extremely flexible, and steady, it was this shell's prototype that was aiming the rifle that nearly killed the Prime Minister two years ago.


Sanjuro Ironclad Military Assault Shell | +4 Hitpoints | 4 Security | 3 Processing +1 Strength, +1 Agility
Special: Sprint overclocker built in. Special: Permanent Auralink with 10 square radius (may mentally speak with allies within 10 units). A decently armoured shell capable of withstanding amazing amounts of punishment while maintaining impressive mobility, it is quickly gaining a name for itself.

JHI Kurokishin Military Support Shell | +6 Hitpoints | 5 Security | 2 Processing +2 Strength

Special: -2 total movement squares. Special: Unit gains a +5 armour save (half damage against armour piercing weapons). Special: Permanent Auralink with 10 square radius (may mentally speak with allies within 10 units). A behemoth, it is able to shrug off bullets with ease while giving its user maximum physical protection, the Kurokishin weights almost triple of a normal shell.

Infantry Weapons Milso KGH-7 Handgun | 20 range | 650 credits | Sidearm 1 Damage, 11 rounds Special: Inherently suppressed Special: Sleight of Hand - hide weapon from sight against a moderate agility skill check
A lightweight suppressed handgun favoured by private security and undercover law enforcement for its almost non-existent recoil.

JHI Tachi .45 Handgun | 30 range | 1000 credits | Sidearm 1 Damage, 17 rounds Special: Magdump - +2 damage, empties magazine
MSDF's standard sidearm. The full auto capability of the Tachi makes it brutally effective in close quarter firefights.

Sanjuro Kyla-9 Revolver| 35 range | 1100 credits| Sidearm 1 Damage, 9 rounds Special: Armour Piercing - deal +1 damage to armour and shells
A monster of a handgun, capable of blasting through most forms of protection.

Sanjuro MPN-45 Submachine Gun| 40 range | 1500 credits 2 Damage, 35 rounds Special: Compact - may be used as a sidearm
The MPN's high rate of fire and ease of carry make it a favourite among both sides of the law.

Sanjuro SRM-7 Submachine Gun| 50 range | 5000 credits 2 Damage, 50 rounds Special: Large Magazine - magazine lasts for 20 attacks.
Inspired by the retired P90, the SRM-7's rate of fire and large magazine make it the standard issue recon unit weapon of the GSDF.

Sanjuro NP-721 "Jitte" Submachine Gun | 60 range | 5500 credits 2 Damage, 30 rounds Special: Armour Piercing - deal +1 damage to armour and shells
While the Jitte's handling may be slightly awkward, it's becoming a staple among CECF law enforcement teams worldwide.


HRV ZR68 Assault Rifle| 60 range | 8500 credits +1 to hit, 2 Damage, 30 rounds
Standard issue assault rifle of the JSDF, the ZR's reliability is fast making a name for itself through reliability, lightness, and adaptability.

JHI MX-5 Assault Rifle | 60 range | 12500 credits +1 to hit, 2 Damage, 30 rounds Special: Armour Piercing - deal +1 damage to armour and shells
Specifically designed to take out CECFs, the MX is a heavy duty armour piercing assault rifle regularly used by a number of special assault teams around the country.

Murata Supa-7 Shotgun | 40 range | 5200 credits 1 damage, 7 shells Special: Shotgun - if target is 20 range away, +1 to damage; if 15 range away, +2 to hit and +2 damage; if 5 range away, +4 to hit and +4 to damage.
The only product created by Murata before being absorbed into the Gensai Conglomerate, the Supa7 became a hit with urban law enforcement due to its hard punch.

Bursebo AA13 Automatic Combat Shotgun | 50 range | 9500 credits 3 damage, 20 shells Special: Heavy Ordinance - Non CECUs and recon shells cannot use this weapon Special: Shotgun - if target is 20 range away, +1 to damage; if 15 range away, +2 to hit and +2 damage; if 5 range away, +4 to hit and +4 to damage
One of the very few creations Bursebo has publicized, rumour says less than 300 exist, and its export is heavily monitored.

Sanjuro PZ-252 Squad Automatic Weapon | 100 range | 13750 credits 2 damage, 200 rounds Special: Heavy Ordinance - Non CECUs and recon shells cannot use this weapon Special: Armour Piercing - deal +1 damage to armour and shells Special: Large Magazine - this magazine lasts for 50 attacks Special: Suppressive Fire - choose up to 4 grid units. Use 50 rounds to render them impassable without taking an immediate 2 damage. Special: Squad Automatic Weapon - gains an additional +1 to hit as long as the user fires at the same target, up to a maximum of +5
The PZ was developed as an answer to the need for a CECU combat capable SAW. Massive in size, it's weight is surprisingly negotiable, but the recoil would floor most non-CECU personnel.

Buraku-Nigai Mosok41 Battle Rifle | 65 range | 10050 credits +2 to hit, 2 damage, 10 rounds Special: Battle Rifle - rolls of 5 and 6 are critical hits
The Mosok was part of a small but important step in small arms manufacture for Buraku-Nigai, becoming a surprise hit with the GSDF.

HRV ZR68-L Designated Marksman Rifle | 80 range | 11500 credits +2 to hit, 2 damage, 10 rounds Special: Semi-Auto - fires a single bullet per attack
The ZR68's elongated sister, it bears the dubious distinction of being the weapon that fired the shot against Prime Minister Miho in 2041.


Buraku-Nigai Mosok41L Sniper Rifle | 90 range | 14000 credits +2 to hit, 4 damage, 10 rounds Special: Battle Rifle - rolls of 5 and 6 are critical hits Special: Semi-Auto - fires a single bullet per attack
The Mosok's longer sister, it replaced the Gensai G4 as the standard marksman rifle for the GSDF, starting a slight feud between the two companies.

SRS BP-308 Anti-Material Rifle | 110 range | 32000 credits +3 to hit, 5 damage, 5 rounds Special: Heavy Ordinance - Non CECUs and recon shells cannot use this weapon Special: Anti-Material - rolls of 5 and 6 are critical hits; double damage on a critical hit Special: Semi-Auto - fires a single bullet per attack Special: Armour Piercing - deal +1 damage to armour and shells
The BP-308 is considered a masterpiece of modern craft, a tremendously powerful rifle specifically legally restricted to CECU combat use and bomb disposal. Easily capable of ploughing through all but the absolute heaviest of armour.

Weapon Attachments Reflex Sight | 300 credits +1 to hit targets within 40 units. Cannot be used on handguns or sniper rifles. Telescopic Sight | 500 credits +1 to hit units beyond 40 and within 70 units. Cannot be used on handguns or sniper rifles. Nightvision Scope | 550 credits Full weapon range regardless of illumination. Can only be used on sniper rifles Forward Grip | 300 credits +1 to hit units within 30 units. Cannot be used on handguns or sniper rifles. Tactical Light | 200 credits Fully illuminates a cone of 10 units in the direction the unit is facing, plus 5 additional dimly lit units. If turned on at night, enemies within 10 units looking into the light will have a -1 to hit, but user will be clearly visible up to 120 units to the naked eye. Suppressor | 500 credits Renders the weapon silent beyond 5 units if it's a handgun, 10 if it's a submachine gun or rifle, or 20 if it's a sniper rifle. Shotguns and LMGs cannot be silenced by conventional means. Underbarrel Shotgun | 20 range | 3 rounds | 1000 credits Special: Shotgun - if target is 20 range away, +1 to damage; if 15 range away, +2 to hit and +2 damage; if 5 range away, +4 to hit and +4 to damage. Underbarrel Grenade Launcher | 70 range | 1 round | 1200 credits An underbarrel grenade launcher that can hurl an explosive shell farther than a unit could normally throw it. Reloading it rakes up a full phase. Infantry Equipment Extra Magazine | 50 credits An extra magazine for your primary or secondary weapon (one or the other). You can carry a max of up to 8 extra magazines of any kind; 2 if it's a SAW magazine.


Armour Vest | 1000 credits Grants +2 hitpoints to your overall health pool. Not stackable with CombatArmour. Combat Armour | 2100 credits Grants +1 hitpoints and a +6 armour save. Armour save persists after the hitpoint is expended. Nightvision Equipment | 2000 credits Grants the user full sight distance even during complete darkness. Activating it requires a phase, deactivating it is a free action. Blinds user if activated in the presence of light for a turn or until it is deactivated. Nightvision Software | 1 Processing | 2300 credits By installing specialized colour and light amplification and correction software, the user is given the same ability as standard nightvision without the bulk from the equipment in addition to both activation and deactivation being free actions. Thermal Vision Equipment | 2000 credits Grants the user sight of enemy units and heat sources within 60 units - this includes thermoptic cloaked units, due to their slightly lower than average body temperature. Remote Detpack | 1200 credits Detpacks are devices with a semtex triple core frequently used in military demolitions and anti vehicle functions. The device id planted or dropped in the target area, requiring a full phase to prep. Once done, you may choose to detonate it as a free action. The blast covers a 4x4 square area, with anyone caught the central 2x2 being instantly downed, similar to the effects of being hit by a vehicle weapon. Units caught in the outer ring roll a d6 and take that much damage - vehicles hit by the detpack suffer immediate destruction of a part if caught in the central area, or roll a d4 and take that much if caught in the outer ring. Additionally, infantry directly outside the blast area get knocked back 1 square. High Explosive Grenade | 400 credits Grenades function in much the same way as detpacks, with the difference that you can throw them up to a distance of 30 units. The grenade has a smaller area of effect than the Detpack, blasting out in a 3x3 square (central one being an instant down, surrounding ones rolling for d6 damage. Additionally, infantry directly outside the blast area get knocked back 1 square. Grenades do not harm vehicles - except lighter ones, like normal cars or trucks. Smoke Grenade | 400 credits Smoke grenades work in the same way as regular grenades, with the difference being that instead of causing direct damage, they obscure all vision in a 4x4 area. Any attack taken through the smoke incurs in an instant -6 penalty, and units moving in it have their movement halved for that turn. The smoke lasts 4 turns, and may be of whatever colour is appropriate. Jump Booster | 1 Processing | 4000 credits The jump booster consists in a series of shell modifications intended to give the user's legs an extreme overclock in power. When activated, all nonessential energy is diverted to the lower half of the body in a short but powerful, making it possible to perform impossible jumps twice the max distance the user could normally move per turn. Once used, the booster will require a cooldown of 5 turns before being able to be used again. Due to the energy required to do this, weight issues render the assault and support shells unable to take this modification.


Sprint Overclocker | 1 Processing | 4000 credits The sprint overclocker is a variation of the same mechanics utilized in the jump booster, focused on immediate mobility rather than acrobatics. When activated, the user move an additional 2 bonus units. This may be done once per turn, but two consecutive turns. Each use takes 3 turns to cooldown. Thermoptic Camouflage | 1 Processing | 5000 credits Thermoptic camo acts as active camouflage, refracting and bending light around the body and cooling the body's surface down to ambient temperatures. This renders the user almost entirely invisible, making it possible to walk a number of grid units without being detected by vision. Anything lighter than a recon shell may walk up to 10 units invisible. Assaults may only walk 5, and supports may only drag themselves for 3 while invisible, due to their huge bulk. After activating thermoptic camo, it must cooldown for 5 turns before being re-used. Note that activating it produces a high pitched electric noise and a flash of light that may alert enemies in the immediate vicinity. Cyberwarfare Interface | 2 processing | 5000 credits An application restricted to military personal and extremely heavily monitored when in use, the CWI allows for heavy disruption of CEC forces via mental intrusion. Units targeted this way must be sighted before they can be targeted, and even then the CWI has a range of 40 units . Roll 1d3+ Int vs the security modifier of a target. Should you pass, choose one of the following: 1- The next attack from the target suffers a -3 penalty to hit. 2- The target skips his next movement phase. 3- The target is marked for your allies, giving them +1 to hit bonuses on that target. EMMA Parts and Equipment Head Parts Gensai Alpha Head Unit | 100.000 credits | 1 Integrity | +1.0 ton
The oldest and cheapest model available to the market. Production discontinued.

Gensai Beta Head Unit | 400.000 credits | +1 Core Integrity | +3.0 tons
Special: Treat head hits as core hits. Special: Uses a full shoulder slot. The Beta maximized protection by embedding the unit into the shoulder, reinforcing it and the core it was attached to.

Sanjuro Menpo H1 | 500.000 credits | 2 Integrity | +1.0 ton

Sanjuro's first venture into EMMA production, it refines the Alpha's armour distribution in order to maximize protection to the targeting array.

Sanjuro Hanbo H2 | 300.000 credits | 1 Integrity | +1.2 tons Control +1

Extensive programming make the Hanbo much more responsive than its predecessor. The sensitive equipment make it slightly more fragile, however.

Sanjuro Somen H3 | 800.000 credits | 2 Integrity | +1.4 tons Control +1, Power +1

Improvements in plating design and distribution allowed for far more powerful hydraulic systems to be installed in the unit.


SubVOCAL Futakuchi | 1.000.000 credits | 2+2 Integrity | +2.8 tons Control +2

Special: Twin-headed part. So long as one remains intact the control bonus is not lost. The double-headed design of the Futakuchi makes it somewhat ugly compared to most other head units, but the staying power it offers is something to consider carefully.

Buraku-Nigai .watcher | 200.000 credits | 1 Integrity | +1.2 tons Speed +1

The same advanced targeting systems developed for the ASDF are used in the .watcher's single powerful optic unit.

Buraku-Nigai .observer | 800.000 credits | 1 Integrity | +1.0 tons Speed +1, Control +1

Special: When not moving increase control by +1 Further research into ballistic trajectory and live EMMA combat let to the .watcher's upgrade into the .observer, improving immensely upon the system's responsiveness.

Buraku-Nigai .gazer | 100.000 credits | 2 Integrity | +1.0 ton Speed +1, Control +1 Special: Moving hit penalties are now 1:3. JHI HP-01 | 200.000 credits | 1 Integrity | +1.2 tons Power +2

Improving armour around the previous' already powerful targeting systems led to the .gazer.

Increased and improved hydraulics around the neck and shoulder area grant the rest of the core a boost in raw power.

JHI HP-02 | 300.000 credits | 3 Integrity | +1.4 tons Control -1

Removing the additional hydraulics and pumps in favour of reinforced plating, the HP-02 sacrifices some responsiveness in exchange for tremendous protection.

JHI HP-03 | 700.000 credits | 3 Integrity | +1.5 tons

Refining the 02s shape lead to improved armour efficiency and freed up space to incorporate a better optical bay, maintaining the same degree of protection without hampering targeting and movement.

Core Parts Gensai Alpha Core | 300.000 credits | 4 Integrity | +6.0 tons Power +2, Speed +1
Pulled out of production a while ago, it has average capabilities compared to more recent products.

Sanjuro Hotoke do C1 | 500.000 credits | 4 Integrity | +4.0 tons Power +2, Speed +3, Control -1

The Hotake do focuses on superior mobility at the cost of some aiming sensitivity.

Sanjuro Nanban do C2 | 500.000 credits | 4 Integrity | +7.0 tons Power +2, Speed +2
A core featuring streamlined and smooth plating, the Nanban do's shape is design to deflect as much ballistic fire as possible.

Sanjuro Mogami do C3 | 1.000.000 credits | 5 Integrity | +7.5 tons Power +3, Speed +2

The Mogami do's complex plating arrangement forced Sanjuro to develop an advanced artificial musculature system that is quickly outpacing common hydraulics.


Buraku-Nigai .ghost | 300.000 credits | 4 Integrity | +5.0 tons Power +1, Speed +2

The .ghost's lightweight core and potent hydraulics create a versatile combination for scouting and target marking operations.

Buraku-Nigai .revenant | 800.000 credits | 4 Integrity | +4.5 tons Speed +4

Special: May not ram into buildings as cover. Special: May only use hover legs. Special: Take +1 damage from sniper weapons. The .revenant forsakes much of the protection offered by other cores to offer unparalleled velocity and manoeuvring potential.

Buraku-Nigai .phantom | 1.500.000 credits | 4 Integrity | +6 tons Speed +3, Control +2

Special: Called Shots incur no penalty in rolls. The .phantom incorporates cutting-edge pilot movement recognition with incredible aerodynamics, resulting in an extremely mobile platform.

JHI AC-01 | 600.000 credits | 5 Integrity | +8.0 tons Power+3, Speed+1

Special: Armour Rating is increased to 3+. JHI once again played on its strengths and developed the 01, a brutally armoured core fit for abuse.

JHI AC-02 | 800.000 credits | 7 Integrity | +12.0 tons Power +3

The angular shape of the 02 sacrifices some outer profile in exchange for further reinforcement to the core's hardpoints and cockpit.

JHI AC-03 | 1.200.000 credits | 6 Integrity | +16.0 tons Power +4

Special: Armour Rating is increased to 2+. Special: Requires treads or quadruped legs to move. The AC-03 makes its debut as one of the most heavily armoured cores in the world, powered by an immensely powerful drive and using a master-slave movement system to minimize control loss. Its bulk requires specific leg parts to sustain its mobility.

Arm Parts Gensai Alpha Arms | 100.000 credits | 3 Integrity | +3.0 tons Sanjuro Kote A1 | 300.000 credits | 2 Integrity | +3.0 tons Power +2, Speed +1, Control -1
Average arm units pulled out of production some time ago. Reliable but outdated.

Utilizing the same proprietary musculature system as the Mogami do, the Kote mixes incredible strength with high speed, at the cost of some sensitivity.

Sanjuro Tekko A2 | 600.000 credits | 2 Integrity | +3.0 tons Power +1, Speed +1, Control +1

By placing several limiters on the Kote and fine tuning the musculature, the Tekko brings nearly as much power to the field in a much more controllable package.

Sanjuro Yoroi A3 | 800.000 credits | 3+3 Integrity | +5.5 tons Power+1

Special: Heavy combat shield fixed to the left hand, absorbing core and arm hits for 3 Integrity. Special: May not equip weapons in the right arm slot, even after the shield is destroyed. Originally proposed as a law enforcement exclusive EMMA component, the Yoroi's shield arm has proven itself far beyond riot suppression scenarios.


Buraku-Nigai .touch | 300.000 credits | 3 Integrity | +3.5 tons Strength +1, Control +1

Advanced gyro-stabilization and careful weight distribution have made these arms highly responsive and accurate.

Buraku-Nigai .grasp | 400.000 credits | 3 Integrity | +4.0 tons Control +1

Special: Hand weapons cannot be dropped or switched but have an additional +1 to hit. Replacing hands with fixed weapon mounts and fitting those with support optical bays turns an EMMA equipped with the .grasp into a walking turret.

Buraku-Nigai .reach | 800.000 credits | 4 Integrity | +4.0 tons Power +1, Speed +1, Control +1

The .reach is a work of art, managing a smooth balance between power, protection and precision that few companies in the world can hope to match.

JHI AU-01 | 200.000 credits | 4 Integrity | +5.0 tons Power +1 Extremely armoured appendages for withstanding extensive punishment. JHI AU-02 | 1.000.000 credits | 4 Integrity | +5.0 tons Power +2, Control -1

Special: Melee attacks do not damage the attacking EMMA. Special: Right wrist has imbued EMMA HF Blade. Special: Take half damage from ramming into buildings (rounded down). A project based off the AU-01, the 02 features more armour, more muscle, and more aggressive hardware, exchanging a bit of manoeuvrability for unmatched CQC potential.

JHI AU-ST | 100.000 credit | 3 Integrity | +4.0 tons

Special: Hand weapons cannot be dropped but have an additional +1 to hit. JH Industries' own take on fixed weapon mounts, it's flexible enough to allow it to switch weapons with shoulder bays. Reliable, but missing the advanced optics the .grasp offers.

Leg Parts Gensai Alpha Legs | 200.000 credits | 2 Integrity | +4.0 tons Speed +2 Sanjuro Kogake L1 | 300.000 credits | 2 Integrity | +3.0 tons Speed +3

An armoured version of the initial prototype, the Alpha are no longer produced.

The first successful reverse-joint legs created, they're capable of formidable speed for bipeds.

Sanjuro Suneate L2 | 600.000 credits | 3 Integrity | +3.5 tons Speed +2, Control +1
Correcting a variety of issues with balancing and pressure positioning around the waist, the Suneate manages to grant the pilot increased sensitivity without sacrificing speed.

Sanjuro Tateage L3a | 800.000 credits | 2 Integrity | +3.0 tons Speed +5, Control -1

Special: Boosters only cost 200.000cr. No Lithiness. A legless hover-drive powerful enough to keep the EMMA high above the ground. Fastest type of leg parts ever created, and pioneered by Sanjuro.

Buraku-Nigai .walker| 400.000 credits | 3 Integrity | +5.0 tons Speed +1, Control +1

Legs with slightly lower top-speed than the average, they make up for it with highly responsive movement recognition systems.


Buraku-Nigai .stalker| 600.000 credits | 3 Integrity | +6.0 tons Control +2, Dodge Rating -2

Special: No speed loss for being wounded. A heavily armoured quadruped system, the .stalker was built with stability and accuracy in mind for long range engagements.

Buraku-Nigai .crusher| 400.000 credits | 2 Integrity | +5.0 tons Speed +1, Control +1

Special: An extra weapon may be mounted on the back that fires with the accuracy of the shoulders; cannot move and fire it in the same turn. Freeing up space by sacrificing plating, the .crusher manages to have enough room to fit an additional weapon onto the quadruped platform.

Buraku-Nigai .spinner | 300.000 credits | 2 Integrity | +3.0 tons Speed +3, Control +1

Special: May not use the kneel manoeuvre or take cover behind large barriers. Doing away with legs altogether, Buraku-Nigai sought to directly put wheels onto an EMMA. Despite some shortcomings, the results were startlingly good.

HRV Landraiders | 100.000 credits | 2 Integrity | +3.0 tons Speed +4, Control -1

Special: May not use the kneel manoeuvre or take cover behind large barriers. At attempt at wheel-based EMMAs, the Landraiders manage lightning fast speeds at the cost of some degree of handling.

JHI LC-01 | 300.000 credits | 4 Integrity | +5.0 tons Speed +1

Foregoing speed for the sake of protection, the LC-01s are easily the heaviest armoured leg units for the price, capable of withstanding horrible punishment.

JHI LCt-02 | 300.000 credits | 3 Integrity | +6.0 tons Speed +2

Special: No speed loss for being wounded. Before delving into the EMMA market, JH Industries was known for their powerful artillery and small arms manufacture. The LCt is a tough and mobile, more heavily armoured than most bipeds.

JHI LCt-03 | 700.000 credits | 4 Integrity | +8.0 tons Speed +3

Special: No speed loss for being wounded.

Thicker plating, reactive armour tiles, and a much more powerful engine have made the 03 faster and more durable than its elder brother. JHI LCh-04 | 1.000.000 credits | 4+1 Integrity | +8.0 tons Speed +2, Control +1

Special: May carry the JHI AC-03 (Core). Special: Armored kneeplate absorbs 1 point of Integrity damage to core or legs. Special: If kneeling, grants an additional +1 to dodge rating.

Super-heavy biped legs capable of bearing tremendous weight on them, its left leg has an extended, thickly armoured kneeplate capable of withstanding the brunt of frontal assaults.


Shoulder Parts - Shoulder additions are entirely optional and not necessary for an EMMA to operate. - Any of the parts on this page (EXCEPT shoulder mounted weapons) may be purchased at +50% credits and use up only half a shoulder slot. These turned into add-ons, parts that are attached to your core's shoulders. - Shoulder parts are transferable from core to core, should you purchase a new one. Add-ons are not, unless 50% of their original cost is paid to transplant and adapt the systems from one core to another. (rounded up) Right Shoulder Weapon| x credits | Consult weapons list Left Shoulder Weapon | x credits | Consult weapons list
Special: Cannot be converted to add-ons. Weapons converted into turrets and mounted on an EMMA's shoulders. Though less accurate and much more restricted than usual, they're more heavily armoured then the hand-held variants.

Extra Ammunition | 500.000 credits | 1 Shoulder Slot | +2.0 tons Increases ammunition/shots of one selected weapon by 100%. Decoy Launcher| 300.000 credits | 1 Shoulder Slot | +0.5 tons Increases Dodge Rating against missiles by 3.

A large hopper or munitions box that carries additional ammunition for a specific weapon.

A launcher that shoots off superheated, fast-moving drones to draw oncoming missiles.

Targeting Array | 200.000 credits | 1 Shoulder Slot | +0.25 tons Increases Perception by 1. Note that this also increases Initiative as a result.
Additional optical bays to increase accuracy and battlefield awareness.

Targeting Acquisition Unit | 400.000 credits | 1 Shoulder Slot | +0.25 tons Increases Perception by 1. Also increases shoulder, melee, and missile to hit rolls by +1.
A series of complex sensors and radars, the TAU rig helps prioritize and analyze enemy units.

Body Work | 100.000 credit +1 to intimidation rolls when in this EMMA.

Ranging from a simple insignia to a full makeover of the EMMA's body, a custom paintjob or a camouflage pattern, it serves to differentiate the pilot from the typical joystick jockey.

Secondary Limb | 200.000 credits | 1 Shoulder Slot | +0.25 tons Gripping unit that has a range of 1 grid-space. The arm can only use a Handgun, and may not attack in melee. (Handgun | 50 range | 1 Damage | 1 credit)
A lighter arm mounted on the shoulder. While not as powerful as the main limbs, it offers added utility and potential firepower in a battle.

External Energy Filler | 200.000 credits | 1 Shoulder Slot | +1.0 ton Increases operation time by 36 hours.

A large, extra energy pack to refill or double up on the original battery. Increases operation time for especially long missions.

Command Node | 500.000 credits | 1 Shoulder Slot | +1.0 ton Grants information on enemy attributes in line of sight, such as ammunition and integrity. Also capable of creating a virtual map for allies, calculating distances, pinging as needed. When you personally attack a target moving at least 4 grid-spaces, you may divide their DR by 3. (This only applies to your own attacks)
The sister to the jamming station, the command node is a complex series of dishes, sensors, and computers meant to calculate and display all the information present on the battlefield.


Jamming Station | 700.000 credits | 1 Shoulder Slot | +1.0 ton Allies and self have +3 Dodge Rating against missiles.
A jamming array that bombards incoming warheads with disruptive lasers, signals and chaff .

Targeting Laser | 500.000 credits | 1 Shoulder Slot | +0.5 tons Counts as a damage-less weapon. Upon hitting an enemy with this you may choose to do one of the following: 1. Allies have +1 to hit target with all weapons. Lasts this turn. 2. Allies have +3 to hit targets with missiles, and may attack the lit target with missiles from out of line of sight. Lasts this turn. 3. Up to two off-map vehicles may attack the current target with a single weapon. They roll 2d6+(your Control + Intelligence) to hit, ignoring distance and line of sight.
Targeting rig that sends complex real-time combat data to allies, lighting up the target for fire.

Cyberwarfare Unit | 700.000 credits | 1 Shoulder Slot | +1.0 ton Allows the EMMA to use Phase 2 to make an electronic attack against an enemy EMMA within sight. Roll 1d3+Intelligence against the target's 1d3+Intelligence. Should you score higher, the target EMMA has one of the following debuffs until the start of your next turn: 1. -3 Control 2. -1 armour rating 3. Cannot fire missiles A CWU can also be used to clear deployed fire and forget missiles. Roll 1d3+Intelligene against the deploying EMMA's 1d3+Intelligence. On a success the missile detonates harmlessly in the air.
An extensive series of transmitters that allow the EMMA to perform viral and equipment disrupting attacks on an enemy.

Jump Pack | 1.000.000 credits | 2 Shoulder Slots | +3.0 tons Allows an EMMA to jump through the air at blinding speed, letting it move twice as far as it normally could in one turn. Because the Jump Pack is always on, albeit at low settings, the EMMA's speed may never drop below 2, even when legless. After a jump is made, the pack may not be used for a full turn, requiring cooldown before being able to blast off again. Landing on a large vehicle or EMMA causes an immediate 1d3 damage to it, and 1 damage to the landing EMMA. Crushes infantry outright.
Also known as blastpack, two large turbine looking devices are mounted on the back. Lets the EMMA make impossible jumps.

Vehicle Upgrades You may not purchase the same upgrade multiple times on a single part. You may purchase multiple types of different upgrades for a single part. The parts in parenthesis mark which EMMA parts can take the defect. Additional Armour (Any Slot) | 200.000 credits | +1.0 ton Increases part's Integrity by 1. Additional Software (Any Slot) | 400.000 credits Increases Control by 1.

External, deflective plating that helps toughen up a vehicle's defences.

By fine-tuning the mechanisms and software of a vehicle, they can be made much more controllable.

Melee Kit (Arms) | 600.000 credits | +0.5 tons | EMMA Only Upgrade Melee attacks do not damage the attacking EMMA. Adds +1 damage to melee attacks.
A set of specific electric coils and plating, most often on the knuckles. to make any EMMA CQC ready.


Advanced Cockpit Support Equipment (Core) | 100.000 credits | +1.0 ton | EMMA Only Upgrade Once destroyed, the EMMA's armour rating increases by 1.
Additional internal plating and support systems can be added to protect the pilot in case of catastrophic damage to the EMMA, making the ejection smoother.

Back-Up Unit (Core) | 100.000 credits | EMMA Only Upgrade Allows the EMMA to purchase and equip a second head. Uses up a full shoulder slot. Neither of the heads may require shoulder slots or be twin-headed already.
This extensive retrofit allows an EMMA to become a two headed monstrosity, utilizing both at once to devastating effect.

SLAT Armour (Core) | 200.000 credits | +0.5 tons Increases the Dodge Rating against missiles by 2.
A large, hardened cage that physically intercepts oncoming missiles and minimizes their blast.

Reactive Armour Tiling (Core) | 300.000 credits | +0.5 tons Missiles and rockets cannot decrease the armour rating of your vehicle. Has 3 charges.

Complex plates that are bolted onto the vehicle., and react violently when struck by shaped charges.

Litheness (Legs) | 200.000 credits | +0.5 tons Increases Speed by 1. Cannot use with hover legs. Extra boosters or hydraulics can be placed into the legs to increase the EMMA's move rate. Landspinner System (Legs) | 300.000 credits | +1.0 ton During your turn, you may decide to move at +2 Speed, but all attack rolls are made at -1 in addition to the normal penalties.
Landspinners are a combination of wheels and small turbines that allow the EMMA to skate along the surface at increased speed.

Vehicle Defects You may not take the same defect multiple times on a single part. You may take multiple types of different defects for a single part. The parts in parenthesis mark which EMMA parts can take the defect. A defect may not decrease the cost of a part below 1 credit. Aged (Any) | Decreases cost by 100.000 credits Decreases a part's Integrity by 1.

The relevant part is either old and run down or seen plenty of action. Either way, its plating is more fragile due to it.

Slowed (Head or Arms) | Decreases cost by 200.000 credits Decreases control by 1.

Software glitches or muscle defects have begun to slow down the vehicle, hampering its sensitivity and making it unresponsive.

Faulty Ejection System (Core) | Decreases cost by 100.000 credits Once the EMMA is destroyed, the pilot must make a (1d3+1) roll against their agility to climb out of their cockpit. On a failure they remain trapped inside until assisted out by an ally. Note that you may not take this in addition to the advanced cockpit support equipment upgrade.
An old or faulty ejection system, lacking rigged explosives. Removing said features decreases the cost of the cockpit manufacture but more often than not kills the pilot.


Unarmoured (Core) | Decreases cost by 300.000 credits Deceases Armour Rating by 1.

A large portion of the core's plating has been removed, likely by some rookie pilot trying to increase his speed. Perhaps that explains why this core is up for sale now.

Weak Capacitors (Core) | Decreases cost by 100.000 credits | EMMA Only Defect Speed is reduced by 3. Roll a d3 and add this to your speed at the start of each turn. May only be taken by an EMMA with at least 3 speed.

When energy fillers get damaged or lack maintenance the amount of energy they can provide rapidly dwindles.

Open Cockpit (Core) | Decreases cost by 400.000 credits On an armour save roll of 1 for core hits, the pilot takes 1d3 wounds. Weapons that hit the torso and would ignore armour instead instantly kill the pilot.
Why would you do this to yourself?

EMMA Weaponry NOTE: Unless stated otherwise, EMMA weaponry is assumed to have enough rounds (encased in the EMMA itself or otherwise in arm/back mounted hoppers) to last for a very prolonged firefight. As such they don't have an ammo count on the basis that they always have rounds. Should in an extraordinary long battle the EMMA need to switch our or recharge its energy filler, it is assumed it runs out of ammo then. Gensai G782 Rifle | 150.000 credits | 120 Range 1 Damage
Standard issue EMMA assault rifle used by the GSDF Armour Divisions.

Sanjuro TS-203 "Tessen" Rifle | 200.000 credits | 120 Range 1 Damage, +1to hit

The Tessen's selective fire modes give it an edge over conventional EMMA rifles, allowing for longer and more accurate shots.

Sanjuro TB-988 "Tetsubo" LMG | 300.000 credits| 170 Range 2 Damage, +1 to hit JHI MAWS.55 HMG| 500.000 credits | 180 Range 2 Damage Special: 2x attacks per turn.

The sheer volume of fire the Tetsubo puts out guarantees results even when on full-auto.

JH Industries demonstrates superior firepower once more with a huge calibre machinegun and immense rate of fire.

JHI Oyumi Autocannon | 500.000 credits |150 Range 3 Damage Special: Reduces target's total movement next turn by 1 if hit.

The Oyumi fires explosive rounds that more often than not sweep other EMMAs clean off their feet.

Buraku-Nigai .ripper Flak Cannon | 900.000 credits | 110 Range | 5 Uses 2 Damage, +1 to hit Special: Requires 4 Power. Uses 2 slots. Special: 3x attacks per turn. Increases weight by +2 tons. Decreases Speed by 1.

When BNHI modified their heaviest turret mounted weapon into an EMMA portable platform, this was the end product.


Sanjuro FV-061 Sniper Rifle | 400.000 credits | 200 Range 2 Damage, +2 to hit

A sniper rifle made for EMMA combat, it can penetrate armoured targets with ease and has incredible range.

JHI Totsuka Sniper Cannon | 1.000.000 credits| 250 Range 3 Damage, +4 to hit Special: Requires 3 Power. Uses 2 slots. Special: Damage x2 when critical hit. Also increases weight by +2 tons. Special: You may not fire this weapon in the same turned you moved without JHI treads.
A massive instrument, the Totsuka can easily rip apart even the heaviest of plating from ridiculous distances. Its weight is its only shortcoming.

JHI Magatama Incendiary Cannon | 500.000 credits | 100 Range 2 Damage Special: Requires 3 Power. Special: Each time an EMMA s hit (saved or not) they have -1 to dodge and attack rolls the following turn.
An experimental, large square cannon that belches forth bolts of superheated plasma, severely impairing subsystems as well as causing damage.

Gensai CH/02L Chemical Laser | 400.000 credits | 120 Range | 5 Uses 1 Damage, +1 to hit
A potent laser weapon that can slice through plating. The limited charges make it somewhat unreliable in comparison to more conventional arms.



And with that you're ready to play the game. I was serious. Shoo. Go on then. Alright, so if you're reading this you're likely still missing some inspiration - namely how to actually start a campaign. If you did read this far, then you'll know that you already have a very clear covert conflict going on in Japan between the NSF and the Jinrai for political supremacy; however, if this doesn't make your fancy, worry not - there are plenty of ways to go about this. While typically campaign creation and the direction it takes is entirely up to the GM (more so than any other section covered before) here are a few tips and examples on how to apply the content you've read up so far: Kill Switch - law enforcement campaign setting. You are part of an elite law enforcement detachment CWCD (Cybernetic Warfare Crime Division, or commonly known as CW). Your unit has been assigned to investigate the suspected ghost-dubbing of shell user Hamill Cooper, an identity that has been shown to have two separate signals from different corners of the world. The kill switch ruling ghostdubbing prohibitions did not engage, indicating the involvement of a third party with an uneasy technological savvy - being able to dub Cooper, the initial suspect, without his knowledge or consent. You will be reporting to Captain Mai Hasegawa of the Japanese TCTF, the equivalent to your own unit and the ones leading the operation where the second signal originated. Get to the bottom of all this and find out who could possibly override a kill switch on a ghost program. Due to the severity of the crime, orders are confirmation and extermination of the party responsible for the dubbing. In this particular campaign, your party should be playing a unit of what will essentially be cybercrime cops. As such, they'll likely start out with some half-decent gear - sidearms, maybe a submachine gun, and most likely a shell - upgrades to their gear will likely be uncommon, considering they'll be using standard law enforcement loadouts, unless some specialty missions require a bit more hardware. Also, a large part of their campaign should revolve around investigation rather than just pure and simple armed conflict - keep this in mind when designing encounters. Its Called Prospecting - corporate mercenary campaign setting. You are a high-roller mercenary, lending your skills only to a very specific list of clients. Most of your jobs were around <DATA EXPUNGED BY CLASS A PERSONNEL, CODE 4468.21> , but your employer has sent you to South America, to aid in the efforts of local Argentinean freedom fighters to halt the Brazilian advance over the Argentinean border - a matter that will be most profitable to your employer for unknown reasons. It is of the utmost importance that your cover within the militia stays intact for it will facilitate the completion of your contract in a matter most desirable for your employer, who places anonymity in much high regard. Note that you will be going in naked, which means that any equipment you acquire will be procured on site, with absolutely no support from the employer in question. In the event of your success, a very generous amount of credits shall be deposited in your account, and he has guaranteed future contacts and further business. The employer will not be held responsible of expiration of contractors, however. In this one, it's explicitly stated your equipment should come entirely from the field, so if you do start with something, it will likely be no more than a standard handgun. You'll need to play in line with your surroundings (freedom fighter militia in this case) while maintaining your lifeline with your employer - meaning you constantly have two sets of goals to accomplish.


How you do it, and which you put more importance on is wholly up to the players - your lifestyle as a mercenary can turn on a dime if you so desire, but consider the promise of more generous rewards and further high octane work carefully - employers of the caliber you associate with rarely enjoy being kept waiting from their objectives. Pandoras Box - civilian campaign You are a part of a reporting team of local media network Mercury, and a string of an untraceable virus has broken out in the lowtown area, sending everyone, both low and high class, into a panic. No one can trace back the virus to any known strains to date, leading to quarantine of all suspected areas of infection. This outbreak has left you intrigued to say the least but all leads you pursue eventually turn up cold. One night an employee list is sent to your personal Intranet, with no known sender. The header of the employee list reads Pandora. On one of the names, is scratched, as if in handwriting: Patient 0. You have no idea how this got in your hands, but the first thing you do is get up and walk out your door with the name written on the back of your hand. Oh sh!%, what's this, a campaign that has absolutely nothing to do with combat? Well honestly it might at some point, but that's again wholly up to the GM and the player. This one focuses more on plot than armed encounters, so expect plenty of puzzles and investigation, demonstrating that it's possible to make an engaging non-combative campaign. Hard Mode - POW campaign You are locked in the back of a foul scented, CO2 filled prisoner van, heading out to a checkpoint in the middle of the unforgiving African bad lands to be tortured and questioned. You feel no presence of a road beneath your feet, which leads you to think that you are, effectively, in the middle of nowhere RPG is all you hear until a deafening explosion knocks the ring right out of your ears, tumbling the van you are in over and over, until you black out. As you come to your senses, you notice you are on top of the other prisoners, none of them moving, breathing, or talking besides you. You struggle to get out of the charred metal coffin you're in, heading for the back door, kicking it with all your remaining strength. You throw yourself out of the door, landing on hard rock and cursing under your breath. Its night time, you feel weak, disoriented, dehydrated, your stomach rumbles, you are in the middle of absolutely nowhere, and your handcuffs itch as all hell. Well shit. Feeling brave? test your luck with a campaign built wholly around the concept of having no resources, no allegiance, and sure as hell no objective. You're here to survive until you either die or you find a purpose to your life - this will most likely play heavily on your backstory, so make sure your whole party has common grounds.




<GSDF Personnel File - Clearance Level A, entry 4462.a>

Name | Age | Strength Agility Toughness Intelligence Perception Charisma Shell Type Shell Hitpoints Security Processing Perk 1 Perk 2 Perk 3 Perk 4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Race | |+| |+| |+| |+| |+| |+| | Mods | Mods | Mods | Mods | Mods | Mods

Player Occupation Hitpoints Initiative Movement Total Hitpoints Dodge Rating Armour Armour Save Gear Slot 1 Gear Slot 2 Gear Slot 3 Gear Slot 4

| | | | | | | | | | | | |

Weapon Proficiency 1 | Weapon Proficiency 2 | Software Slot 1 | Software Slot 2 | Software Slot 3 | Primary Weapon Damage Special Properties Sidearm Damage Special Properties Credits Inventory | ||||||||||||||||| | | | | | Ammo | Range| Type | Mags |

Ammo |


Type | Mags |




<GSDF Inventory Report: External Mechanized Mobile Armor (EMMA) - Template 3481.a>

EMMA Power EMMA Speed EMMA Control Total Integrity Head Unit Specials

| | | | | |||| |||| |||| |||-

| | | |

Primary Colour Secondary Colour Optics Tint Total Weight Integrity

| | | | |

Core Unit Specials


Arm Units Specials


Leg Units Specials


Shoulder Unit (Right 1) | Specials |Shoulder Unit (Right 2) | Specials |Shoulder Unit (Left 1) Specials Shoulder Unit (Left 2) Specials Weapon - R Damage Specials Weapon - L Damage Specials | | || | || || |Range| Ammo|





<GSDF Inventory Report: External Mechanized Mobile Armor (EMMA) - Template 3481.b>

Sh.Weapon - R | Damage | Specials |Sh.Weapon - L | Damage | Specials |Upgrades ||||||||||||||||||||||||-



Range| ||||||||||||||||||||||||-



Special Properties List || || || || || || || ||


Riddle me this... ...can anyone win this war?



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