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Intellectual Property Authenticity Security Privacy People and Machines

1 Describe how these social and ethical issues are related in the movie. A
paragraph for each social and ethical issues.
Intellectual Property: First of all, in the movie Anti-trust we can see from many different perspectives how Intellectual Property is corrupted. Gary Winston, the owner of a company named NURV, steals many programmers codes in order to achieve his dream. He wanted to complete his idea of Synapsis. He have always dreamed with a program that could control all the IT Systems (electronical devices). So by stealing codes, he stole many ideas, and to do not leave any type of track he killed all the programmers from whom he had stole the codes. Instead of making the world know that it was not just his idea, but a combination of many different ideas. In shorter words this is called Plagerism Authenticity: Second, in the movie, Authenticity is also a relevant ethical/social issue. Gary Winstons idea wasnt authentic at all. His idea was formed by another group of ideas, which where the ones he stole. And even do he knew he was steling he killed the creators of the ideas to change the whole panorama. Like this, people will think that Gary Winston was the increadible and amazing creator of all those ideas (stolen codes). It is true that he had the idea of making Synapsis possible, so here he is beign authentic. But what is not authentic at all is that in order to complete his idea he took others without putting the other authors names. Privacy: Now, talking about privacy we can see that this ethical/social issue is very remarkable. Gary Winston had ordered to place cameras in the different working areas (places) of the programmers, specially in garages. But why you might think? By putting cameras in their working places he would know the codes he needed in order to make Synapsis possible. But there was a little problem with one of the programmers he was spying. Teddy Chin was cautious and he created a system that didnt allow anyone to stole his codes. When Gary knew about this he sent inmediately some men to kill Teddy. So while Teddy was working those men sent by Gary surprised him and killed him. His codes were accesible. Security: In the Security issue we have two main actions that show its corruption. The first one we can see it in how Teddy tried to protect his codes by creating a kind of blocking system. This meant that no one could enter but him. He was the only one with access; but he failed. And the second action is when Milo Hoffman entered to the companys system and discovered all the lies and bad things Gary Winston, together with his company, did to people (programmers). And there he found a video that showed how his friend Teddy Chin died. Teddy was killed by Garys men. People and Machines: And lasty but not least we can see this ethical/social issue diveloping in the whole movie, from the beginning to its end. NURV, the company and its people; Gary and the control he had of all the programmers with the cameras; the programmers and their codes and their garages, all of these is people and machines. The way how they (people) interact (uses, manages) the different IT systems in order to get their goals.

Summarize the message from the movie.

The message the movie left me was completely clear. We all have to be authentic and respect the idea of others. Also, we cannot invade others privacy because we must respect it. We must respect what is not ours. Another thing is that beign competitive doesnt mean that you have to be dirty, if you want to enter into the competition it must be by a good and clean way, always respecting others.

Insert two pictures about the movie.

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