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OSH 2523



MATRIC NUMBER FAHS 1105-2083 FAHS 1105-2077 FAHS 1105-2081

The Emergency Response Manual describes strategies employed to protect the archival collection from incidents caused by either human or natural phenomena that requires response actions to prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to property and/or the environment.

The objectives are: To ensure a coordinated and effective approach in an emergency situation. To ensure quick response from employees when an emergency situation arises and provides lead-time to take steps to avert problems. To ensure effective information flow through the establishment of an emergency communication system to give accurate and timely information to system operators, major stakeholders, the public and the media.

In the event of an emergency, the Emergency Response Team (ERT) will be prepared, through proper training and safety drills, to safely execute a partial or full evacuation of the building by following the guidelines and procedures.

This manual outlines the procedures to follow should an emergency develop under ideal conditions. However, each emergency is unique and the recommended procedures may not be suitable for all conditions that arise. Therefore, common sense should always be the primary element of any emergency procedure.

Emergency Management Policy

1. Purpose This policy will provide a framework for: 2. Scope This policy applies to the committees, staffs, workers and visitors attending the centre. 3. Background Comprehensive emergency management includes prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. There are several emergency situations that may occur at any time, including: Structural damage Chemical hazards Bomb threats Riot Toxic leak Loss of water, electricity or gas Fire Natural disasters, such as floods, severe winds, thunderstorm or earthquake Transport accident for example, on excursion or outside the centre Hazardous substances incidents Medical emergency The development of specific emergency management procedures, practices and guidelines, including the identification of hazards in the centre and surrounding area Increasing awareness and implementation of emergency action plans.

Centre can use the above list to assist in developing risk management strategies and corresponding procedures and practices that will assist centre to administer first aid, evacuate the centre or remain in the service until further notice.

It is vital that pre-emergency procedures are developed and that strategies for dealing with emergency situations are planned ahead of time to ensure the safety of all involved. 4. Definitions Centre: Building and grounds, including the car park, entrance, foyer, storage areas, staff room, office and any community room. Emergency: A sudden, unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action. Emergency management plan (EMP): A written set of instructions to assist the staff and committee deal with incidents or situations that could pose a threat to life, health or property. Hazard: The potential to harm a persons health or safety that can arise from the environment, equipment and substances, poor work design and inappropriate practices and procedures. Risk: The chance of something happening that will have an impact on the service achieving its objectives. Risk management: A structured approach to managing uncertainty related to a threat a sequence of activities, including: the identification, assessment and prioritisation of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor and control the probability and/or impact of those risks.

Profile of Company

Purpose A civil disorder may escalate from a minor disturbance to a major riot through the actions of one individual or a group of individuals who are well organized. The first ingredient is a cause or reason for upsetting the normal routine or committing aggressive action against the clinic or the company, its personnel, or one or more of its patients.

General Precautions Do not attempt to interfere with or apprehend the perpetrator. To the extent that it is possible and safe to do so, maintain ample distance and barriers between yourself and the incident. Depending upon the situation, it may be wise to remain in your location, enter a building (if you are outside) or enter an office or room and lock the door. As a general rule, if you hear noises outside your office or room that may be gunshots, do not leave the office or room. Remain at the location, lock the door if possible and barricade the door with file cabinets or other heavy objects. Consider your options and use good judgment to protect yourself. Once you are in a location you believe to be reasonably safe, remain there until directed otherwise by police or other authorities. Turn off lights, close blinds, and block windows. Turn off radios and computer monitors. Keep occupants calm, quiet, and out of sight Keep yourself out of sight and take adequate cover/protection i.e. concrete walls, desks, filing cabinets If not communicating with authorities, silence cell phones If it is safe to do so, notify others in the area of the situation. If safe to do so, try to get a good description of the individual(s) involved; noting height, weight, gender, race, age, clothing, hair color, vehicle license number, make, model, and color of vehicle, etc.

Do not make alterations to the crime scene as this could have negative effects in apprehending and prosecuting the offender(s). If instructed to evacuate follow instructions of the police, you may be treated as a suspect until the police have been able to properly identify people exiting the building.

Procedures All to evacuate and assemble at Assembly Area Front Desk to contact Police, Bomba, General Manager and Director of Safety and Security Emergency Response Team standby at site and conduct rescue if necessary No traffic, unless emergency vehicle, allowed in, only with Police permission If necessary set up partial ICS and await instruction from General Manager (Incident Commander)

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