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No. 79 - March 1995

European SL-9/Jupiter Workshop

On February 13-15, 1995, a Workshop on the SL-9/Jupiter collision tookplace at the ESO Headquarters in
Garching. More than 100 astronomers from all continents discussed the various aspects of this unique event,
from the numerous multi-wavelength observations on the ground and in space to the subsequent difficult
interpretation of the complex physical and chemical processes that took place in Jupiter's atmosphere.
On page 19 of this Messenger issue, we bring the summary of the concluding round-table discussion. It
reflects well the present status of the ongoing, hard labour by many groups around the world. While there has
undoubtedly been significant progress within several areas, it is also obvious that it will still take quite some
time before a coherent, detailed understanding emerges.
The Workshop Proceedings are already at the printer and will become available by mid-April 1995. (See
announcement on page 47.)


Manufacturing and Assembling the VLT Main Structure
M. QUATTRI, ESO-Garching
The final design of the main structure
was completed in May 1994. Since then,
great progress has been achieved in
building the components of the first two
main structures, and the remaining two
main structures have already been or-
dered. The large mechanical compo-
nents, like azimuth tracks and centre-
piece, are at present being manufactured.
All the components of the first Main Struc-
ture (MS) to be erected and tested in Mi-
lan before the end of 1995 have been
built. Some of them are undergoing the
final machining, and they will reach the
European erection site in Ansaldo Ener-
gia in Milan by August 1995, to allow the Figure 1
Figure 2. Figure 3.

complete erection before the end of the steel plates composing the interfaces and the run out of the centring journal of
November 1995. Figure 1 shows one of to the telescope, have been embedded, the inner track, which defines the run out
the four parts of the base frame of the creating a surface planar within 0.4 mm. of the telescope azimuth axis, is less than
MS 1 painted in the final colour. The base This operation has taken about two 0.1 mm.
frame is about 20 m long, 9 m wide and 1 months and great care has been applied The motors and the encoders have
m high and weighs about 60 tons. Figure in pouring the shrinkless mortar, to been built and are now on the way to
2 shows a picture of one of the pedestals avoid any permanent deformation in the Milan for integration. The tests carried out
in upside-down position holding the alti- steel plates, which could have jeopar- on the prototypes have shown that their
tude hydrostatic bearings. The centre- dised the planarity of the interface. The performance is within specification.
piece during the machining of the seats azimuth tracks, which compose the
of the altitude shafts installed on the ma- bearing journal of the azimuth thrust
chine is shown in Figure 3. bearing system and the centring jour-
As already mentioned before, the nal of the radial azimuth bearing sys-
erection of the Main Structure number 1 tem, have been installed on the steel
will take place in one of the buildings of plates. They are aligned with such a For further information please contact:
Ansaldo Energia located in Milan. Fig- precision that they create a virtually per- M. Quattri, ESO-Garching:
ure 4 shows the concrete pier in which fect plane. The planarity is about 0.08 mm e-mail:

Figure 4.

Manufacturing of the VLT Primary Mirrors - a Brief
Progress Report
I? DIERICKX, ESO, Garching

current status Of the mirror is about

Figure 1: Joe being washed (with permission by REOSC).
micron RMS wavefront error. Consistent
data obtained through different test set-
ups show that the curvature and conic definite confirmation should be obtained accidental scratch that occurred early
constant are already within tolerances. A upon acceptance tests in MayIJune. The 1994 has been totally polished.

Figure 2: Jack's arrival at the optical figuring plant (with permission by REOSC).

Jack was delivered by SCHOTT in quite some time because of bad weather ment it is under ceramisation and should
October 1994. Final inspection revealed conditions in the Channel. Figure 2 shows come out by mid-May for final machining.
outstanding geometrical accuracy and Jack's arrival at the REOSC plant at 2:00 Averell is under quality inspection prior
internal quality, in line with the first (and a.m. on November 22, 1994. The back- to grinding its centre hole. Delivery is fore-
then rated exceptional) achievements ground shows the new REOSC plant built seen in October.
made by SCHOTT with Joe. Bubble and next to the VLT facility. Since then the
inclusion content is extremely low. axial pads have been glued and grinding
Compressive stresses around the centre is starting. Delivery of the finished mirror
hole are somewhat higher than with Joe, (ex works) is scheduled for June 1996. For further information please contact:
but still within the standard for special William should be delivered by P. Dierickx, ESO-Garching,
quality Zerodur. Transport to REOSC took SCHOTT in July/August 1995. At the mo- e-mail:

Impact of the Microseismic Activity on

the VLT Interferometer
B. KOEHLER, F: KOCH, ESO-Garching; L. RIVERA, EOPGS, Strasbourg, France

1. Introduction L. Rivera, seismologistfrom EOPGS, and data were decimated to the selected out-
B. Koehler from ESO-Garching with the put sample rate.
In a previous article ("Hunting the Bad logistic support of ESO-Paranal. A portable Sun Workstation was also
Vibes at Paranal", Messenger No. 76 - Three different kinds of ground motion brought to the field, in order to read the
June 1994), we described the approach were recorded during this period: (i) back- tapes, visualise the signals and make a
followed by ESO to investigate the effect ground seismic noise samples in the ab- preliminary signal analysis.
of microseismic noise on the VLT Interfer- sence of any seismic events or artificial The resolution and the noise of the
ometer (VLTI). In section 4 of that article, disturbance, (ii) seismic events due to whole acquisition chain was carefully com-
we presented a measurement campaign earthquakes, (iii) human-made noise sam- puted and experimentally checked. The
performed at Paranal to precisely charac- ples. The noise samples were recorded resolution was 3.10-'0 m/s and the
terise the natural microseismic activity in continuously within pre-defined time win- noisepowerspectral density 2.10-lo(m/s)/
view of assessing its impact on the VLTI dows; with duration ranging from 2 to 10 K ) . ~ h i s v ehigh
r ~ sensitivity prevented
performance. At that date, only prelimi- minutes.The sample frequency used was to be limited by the measurement noise
nary results were availableand presented. 500 Hz and occasionally 1000 Hz. Seis- even for the very low level of the natural
This article presents the final results of mic events, on the other hand, were re- background seismic noise.
this campaign which provide the statisti- corded by triggering; the signal was con-
cal characterisation of the micro-activity tinuously digitised and fed to a detection 2.2. Data analysis and results
as seen from Paranal, as well as the algorithm which decided whether "an
evaluation of its impact on the stability of event" was presently arriving. In this case, The total effective time of seismic
the Optical Path Length inside the VLT 8- the recording was activated including a monitoring by triggering was 125 hours.
m telescope. pre-trigger window. A sample frequency Figure 2 shows a typical example of re-
of 250 Hz was selected. cording. A total of 164 events due to
2. Characterisation of the Natural All noise samples were recorded dur- earthquakes were recorded during the
Seismic Activity at Paranal ing the night at the location of Telescope time mentioned above. For each of them,
No. 4. The seismic events were moni- the following parameters were calculated:
As a preamble to the field experiment tored during day and night at the same (i) the distance of the earthquake epicen-
at Paranal described in the next sections, location but also at the so-called "NTT tre from Paranal, (ii) the seismic moment,
the Ecole et Observatoire de Physique du peak" some 1.5 km north-east from the (iii) the Richter magnitude and (iv) a pa-
Globe de Strasbourg (EOPGS) performed Paranal top to avoid contamination by rameter representing the level of the local
for ESO a specific processing of the seis- human activity during certain days. ground acceleration called T, and defined
mic data obtained with its permanent The measurement set-up included two later in this section.
monitoring network installed in the types of high-sensitivity seismometers; Distance between Paranal and the
Antofagasta area since 1990. This uni-axial Kinemetrics SS-1 and tri-axial earthquake source were obtained from
processing consisted in characterising Mark-Product L4-3D. Both are velocity the so-called, S-P delays. Indeed, even
the seismic activity in that area in terms of transducers based on the spring-mass though the propagation speeds of the
earthquakes' magnitude (Richter scale), principle. The inertial motion of the mass/ shear (S) and compression (P) waves
precise localisation of the sources and magnet with respect to the outer cage varies with the local earth material, their
frequency of occurrence. Figure 1 illus- equipped with a coil creates a voltage difference is almost a constant. This per-
trates a result of this pre-study. It shows proportional to the velocity of the seismic mits to determine the distance from the
the location of earthquake epicentres and mass. difference of arrival timesof the two waves.
their magnitude for a one-year period A Reftek 72A-07 seismic station was Figure3shows a histogram of the number
(July 1990-June 1991). used to digitise and record the signals of recorded events as a function of their
coming from the seismometers. The AID distance. Some interesting remarks can
conversion (24 bits) was performed at a be made from this histogram (see caption
2.1. Field experiment
very high sample rate of 16 kHz, then a of Figure 3). The most important one is
The field experiment was carried on digital FIR filter was used to perform anti- the absence of seismicity closer than 25
from March 21-31,1994at Paranal by Dr. alias filtering of the raw data. Finally the km. This indicates the absence of earth-
O Telemetric stations

A Active volcanic front

69 68 67
Figure 1 : Map and cross-section of the Anto- LONGITUDE (W)
fagasta area showing the location of earth- 71 70 69 68 67
quake epicentres and their magnitude for a
one-yearperiod (July 1990-June 1991). These
maps were generated for ESO by the EOPGS
from data collected with its permanent seismic W E
monitoring network. Volcan~c
Network "salarde Front AAplano-Puna

quake sources very close to the Earth

surface which can be particularly destruc-
tive (refer, for example, to the effects of
such a crustal earthquake in Kobe-
Japan in January 1995). This fact is con-
firmed by the permanent seismic moni-
toring of the Antofagasta area per-
formed by EOPGS over the last years
(see Figure 1). It is also a confirmation of
previous observations by the EOPGS that
the Atacama Fault, which runs roughly in
north-south direction some 4 km east of
Paranal, has avery low activity. All that is,
of course, very positive for the operation
of the VLT since even small events so
close from Paranal could produce impor-
tant acceleration.
A Local Richter Magnitude (ML), which
characterises the intrinsic strength of an
earthquake, wascalculated for each event model for tectonic earthquakes. These The action of an earthquake on the
from the seismogram and taking into ac- parameters which are theoretically lin- structureof the VLT is, of course, function
count the computed distance. Another early related were used to check suc- of the Magnitude (or Seismic Moment)
measurement of the strength of an earth- cessfully the homogeneity of the sample. and distance (geometric and intrinsic at-
quake is the Seismic Moment (MO), a The largest Richter magnitude recorded tenuation). The level of ground accelera-
well-defined physical value, which is inti- during the campaign was 5.1 7 (at 377 tion might bethesame with asmall nearby
mately related to the standard dislocation km) and the smallest was 0.82 (at 37 km). earthquake or with a larger-distant event.
velocity trace: Verlical/N-S/E-W is used by the seismologists to charac-
1 0 t " ' l " ' l l ' " I " ' 1 " ' l " ' - r terise the seismic activity in a given area.
It represents the logarithm of the number
of earthquakes with a magnitude higher
than M which occurred during a given
period versus the magnitude M. The simi-
lar diagram for the r parameter is shown
in Figure 4 for the duration of the experi-
ment (125 hours). As for the standard
Gutenberg-Richter law, the relationship
is fairly linear. The departure from the
linear relationship for low values of r
( 4 0 0 n g l K is an artefact due to the
non-completeness of the sample forthese
low levels of acceleration which did not
always trigger the acquisition.
From Figure 4 we can extrapolate this
law for a week (168 hours):

log,,(N) = 4.778 -1 . I 62 x log,,(l-) (I)

i I J I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I I I I , I I I , I I I ,

10 20 30 40 50 60
Time - sec
N: number of seismic events during 1
Figure 2 : A typical example of recording of a seismic event at Paranal. The start of recording is week which exceed the level of accelera-
March 24 at 9 h 15' 39". The three components of the motion (velocity: m/s) are represented tion r
against time (sec). From top to bottom: Vertical, N-S and E-W directions. The arrival of the
l-: average level of the ground accel-
compression wave (P-wave) occurs 5 seconds after the beginning of the record and the shear
wave (S-wave) arrives 12 seconds later. This difference of arrival times allows to determine the e@on PSD between 10 and 50 Hz in ngl
distance to the earthquake source (here: 100 km). Amplitudes in these three components are 4Hz .
quite similar and velocity peaks at about 10 ,um/s. Duration of events is of the order of 60-70 This meansthat on averageeach week
seconds. there is an event with t 13000 n g / X r

For this reason, we defined the local so-called Gutenberg-Richter law was
or each night one with t 1300 n / K
and three events with r t 500 ngl Hz or
each hour one event with r t 160 ng/
parameter as the average level of the constructed. The ~ u t e n b e r g - ~ i c h tlaw
er K.
ground acceleration Power Spectral Den-
sity (PSD) in the frequency range [ I 0-50
Hz] expressed in nan0-~1=. This pa-
rameter is adequate to investigate the
effect on the VLTl for two reasons: (i) the
acceleration PSD is almost flat (white
noise) in this frequency range (in fact up
to 100 Hz) and can therefore be charac-
terised by its average, (ii) the most signifi-
cant structural modes of the VLTl subsys-
tems have frequencies in this range. The 2
smallest rvalue recorded was 6 n g l x 5
corresponding to an earthquake of ML = 5
1.6 at 138 km. The largest value recorded ...............................................................
was 9581 n g l f i corresponding to an
earthquake of ML = 4.5 at 160 km. This 2
last event occurred during the night and
the acceleration was enough to awake z
some people at Paranal. ............................................................
A number of verifications were done to
ensure the representativity of the pa- r
rameter. In particular, thevalue used later
in the analysis, which is computed on the
whole 60-second seismogram, was corn- 0 I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l r I I I I I I I I I I I I I
pared with the more instantaneous val-
ues obtained on a running window of 2
seconds. It came out that the maximum distance (km)
values of the acceleration PSD reached Figure 3 : Histogram of the number of earthquakes recorded during the 10-day measurement
at the arrival of the P & S wave are very campaign as a function of their distance from Paranal. The absence of events closer than 25 km
well correlated with the "average" value comes from the fact that the earthquake sources are located near the subduction plane which
given by l-and exceed it by a factor of lies about 30 km below Paranal (see also Figure 1). Except for the very active zone at 350 km
which probably corresponds to a cluster of deep seismic activity already identified by the EOPGS
about 1.5 during some 5 seconds.
on the Argentinean border, the regular decrease of the histogram is consistent with the simple
The ultimate goal of the campaign was hypothesis that the earthquakes are uniformly distributed along the subduction plane. Events
to determine the statistics of the rparam- more distant than 400 km are rare and far enough to be unimportant for the every-day operation
eter. To this end, a diagram similar to the of the VLT.
Gamma-Frequency law impact on the VLT (and more particularly
the VLTI) can be assessed. We present
window: 125 hours in the following the computations and
1000 the results obtained for the VLT 8-m tel-
Similar computations are necessary
on the VLTI Auxiliary Telescope and on
the Delay Line. Less detailed computa-
tions were performed for these subsys-
tems during their feasibility studies. The
assessment of micro-seismic effects will
haveto be updated according to theirfinal
design, but we anticipate these effects to
be less important than on the 8-m tel-
escope, for various reasons.
The goal of the computation is to
evaluate the time variation of the Optical
Path Length insidethetelescope from M I
to the Coude focus due to mirror vibra-
tion. This will be referred to as Optical
Path Differences (OPD) in the following.
For that purpose, a detailed Finite El-
ement Model of the telescope was built
by F. Koch using substructure models de-
Figure 4: This plot shows the frequency of occurrence of seismic events at Paranal as veloped by the contractors of the various
characterised by the level of ground acceleration they generate. The parameter r is the average telescope parts. The model consists of
level of the PSD of the ground acceleration in the frequency range [lo-50 Hz]. The Y-axis is the the telescope pier, a complete structural
number of events recorded during the 125 hours of the experiment which exceeded the value r. model of the telescope structure includ-
Note that the departure from the straight line at r < 100 n g / m is due to the non-completeness
of the sample. ing hydraulic bearings and all mirrors and
their supports down to the Coude focus.
The model contains 24,000 elements and
95,000 degrees of freedom. It is shown in
Figure 6.
The computation consists of the fol-
Figure 5 shows an alternative repre- lowing steps: (i) computation of the trans-
3. Impact of the Natural Seismic
sentation of the same statistics. It repre- fer functions (or harmonic responses)
Activity on the VLTI
sents the probability of exceeding a given between an input ground motion in X, Y or
acceleration level versus this level for 3.1. Description of the method Z directions and the displacements of
different time windows. It shall be re- to assess the OPD variation each individual mirror, (ii) computation of
minded that the sample is not complete inside the VLT 8-m telescope the global OPD transfer function corre-
for the value of < 100 n g l x and r > sponding to the above motions using an
3000 n g l x and the curves shall not be With the detailed characterisation of optical sensitivity matrix, (iii) computation
used in these ranges. the seismic activity described above, the of the PSD of OPDvariation by multiplica-
Because of the short duration of the
field experiment in comparison to the
recurrence times of large earthquakes in Exceeding Probability
the region, which are of the order of 120 (window: 125 hours)
years, it is quite clear that the samples
collected in this measurement campaign, 1oO
or the longer time series obtained by the
EOPGS from permanent local networks,
north of Cerro Paranal, represent only the
seismic activity under relatively "normal"
conditions. In order to illustrate the effect
of a large earthquake on the seismic
regime, the Alaskan earthquake (Magni-
tude 9.2) which occurred on March 28,
1964 was used. This well-documented
event, though larger than what could be
expected in northern Chile, is tectonically
similar and also located in a subduction
zone. The long-term seismic monitoring
shows that the level of background
seismicity can increase by a factor larger
than 10 during the first year afterthe main
earthquake and that more than one year
may be required to return to a level of
seismicity comparable to what existed Figure 5: This plot shows the probability of occurrence of seismic events exceeding a given r
before the earthquake. value during different time windows.
occurring typically 3 times per night). The
resulting OPD variation together with the
VLTl specifications is given in Table 1.
The specifications are derived from the
error budget of the fringe contrast de-
crease corresponding to different ob-
serving wavelengths. The OPD variation
under the natural background seismic
noise (i.e. in the absensce of any seismic
events or artificial sources) is also given
for comparison.
This shows that the VLTl performance
will be degraded (with regard to the pres-
ent error budget) for events with magni-
tude and frequencies of occurrence as
given in Table 2.
In case of occurrence of an event
larger than the above thresholds, the
performance of the interferometer will
be degraded for about 1 minute (see
Fig. 2).
Figure 5 can also be used to assess
the probability of exceeding the above
values for given observing windows. For
example during an observation of 10 min-
utes, the probability to exceed the dis-
turbing threshold in the visible, near-IR
and IR is respectively = 20 %, 8 % and
In parallel to the assessment of OPD
variations presented above, the impact of
seismic events on the image motion at
the Coude focus was evaluated and was
found to be negligible; an event of r =510
ngl& creates 5 milli-arcseconds RMS
of pointing error.

4. Conclusion
The results presented above evidence
an important impact of the seismicactivity
Figure 6: Finite Element Model of the VLT 8-m telescope used to assess the impact of seismic at Paranal on the VLTl performance.The
activity on the VLTl performance. The model consists of the telescope pier, a complete structural
model of the telescope structure including hydraulic bearings and all mirrors and their supports bottom line is that the fringe contrast will
down to the Coude focus. The model contains 24,000 elements and 95,000 degrees of freedom. be significantly affected, for periods of
about 1 minute, by seismic events occur-
ring, on the average, every 40 minutes
for observations in the visible and every
1 hour 40 minutes for near-IR observa-
tion of the PSD of the ground motion with March 26 at 03:36 UT. This event has tions. Such an impact is not dramatic, but
the square of the global OPD transfer a r of 510 ngl& (i.e. a type of event cannot simply be ignored.
function, (iv) computation of the OPD
variation on a given exposure time by
integration of the properly weighted PSD
of the OPD. Exposure time (msec)

Observing wavelength (ym)

3.2.Results Specifications (nm RMS)
OPD variation under natural back-
Figure 7 shows the OPD transferfunc- ground seismic noise (nm RMS)
tions obtainedfor each direction of ground
motion. The amplification due to the nu- OPD variation for a seismic event of
merous structural modes is clearly vis-
ible. The major amplification factors oc-
cur in the Z direction (vertical) in the 50 to TABLE 2,
70 Hz region. They correspond to the
Observing wavelength (ym) 0.6 2.2 10
local modes of the supports of the Coude
mirrors M5, M6 and M8. Disturbing threshold T,,
(nglm) 110 234 964
Figure 8 illustrates, as an example, the
Period of recurrence afdisturbing events 40 min. 1 h 40 min. 8h
effect of the seismic event recorded on .
Trapsfer functions [OPD inside the VLT 8m telescope] I [ground motion in X, Y & Z directions] mounted secondary mirror of the VLTl
Delay Lines. In fact, such a system has
been considered since the early stage of
the VLTl project, and provision has been
included in the design of the telescope to
allow, if necessary, its future implementa-
tion such as a space for a retro-reflecting
device at the centre of the secondary
mirror. Even though the studies of other
disturbances such as wind load, artificial
vibration sources, etc. have shown that
such a metrology is not essential, the
present results indicate that it is prudent
to study its feasibility and its design in
order to allow its quick implementation if
it appears necessary and feasible.
As a last consequence, we can won-
der if the early knowledge of the results of
such a detailed analysis would have im-
paired the selection of Paranal as the
VLTNLTI site. Indeed, the loss in observ-
ing time due to microseimic activity (1
1. . . . .,
min.140 min. = 2.5 % in the worst case)
remains negligiblewith regard to the gain
Frequency (Hz) (up to 200 %) due to improvedseeing and
cloud conditions (see VLT Report No.
Figure 7: Transfer functions relating the OPD variation inside the VLT8-m telescope to an input
ground motion. The curves represent the ratio of the OPD over the input ground displacements 62).
in X (along altitude axis), Y (horizontal,perpendicular to the altitude axis), andZ (vertical) directions
versus the frequency of the displacement. The peaks and valleys are all related to structural
modes. The highest amplification factors, driving the final OPD stability, occur at 50 Hz and
between 60-70 Hz in the Z direction. They are related to modes of the supports of the Coude
mirrors M5, M6 and M8.

For further information please contact:

The immediate consequence is the could be developedto monitor in real time B, Koehler, ESO-Garching,
need to monitor the seismic activity at the the OPD variations inside the telescope E-mail: bkoehlerQeso.ora. Tel:
site during VLTl operation with the 8-m in view of their correction with the PZT- +40 (89) 320 06 515, ~ax:';;49 (89) 32023 62.
telescopes. For this purpose, a seismic
monitoring system will be included in the A
Astronomical Site Monitor of the VLT. It z. Ground motion during seismic event ~850336
will consist of several seismometers moni-
toring the ground accelerationon the site.
They will inform the VLTl Control System
of the occurrence of any significant seis-
mic events to allow immediate action to
be taken (e.g., close the instrumentshut-
ter in case of long exposures) and will
store in a data base the recorded ground
accelerations to be used during post-
processing (e.g., for identification of cor-
rupted snapshot exposures).
A second consequence can be drawn u
from the detailed analysis of the OPD Resulting OPD variation inside the VLT 8m telescope
spectrum resulting from seismic events. lo-'
The major part of the OPD variation en- N

ergy over short exposures originates from

the excitation of local axial modes of the
support of mirrors M5, M6 and M8 in the
2-10 -8

Coude train of the 8-m telescope and not n

from global modes of the telescope struc- 2 10'
ture. This means that optimisationof these n
supports by increased stiffness or damp- 9
ing shall be considered during their final
design and that improvement of the re-
sults presented in this article may be Frequency (Hz)
expected. Figure 8: Effect of a seismic event on the OPD variation inside the VLT 8-m telescope. The
The third consequence concerns a event was recorded on March 26 at 03:36 U% It is a type of event occurring typically 3 times per
metrology system based on laser inter- night. Upper: Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the ground acceleration measured at Paranal.
ferometer and accelerometers which Lower: PSD of the resulting OPD inside the telescope.
With this periodically compiled collection of short notes, the NTT Team intends to keep the community
informed about changes in performance, configuration, and operation of the NTT and its subsystems.

New NTT Support Astronomer lmage Analysis and Active February as it may have a bearing on the
at La Silla Optics Systems frequently reported elongated images of
point sources.
With the arrival of Griet van de Steene Preparations continued for the imple-
on February 1, the NTT Team received mentation of the continuous image Further Field Tests of VLT-Like
some further reinforcement. As a support analysis in parallel to the scientific Control Software
astronomer at La Silla, she will help Vis- exposures. This had been integral part
iting Astronomers with the usage of of the initial design of the NTT but was In January, the first part of Work Com-
EMMl and SUSl and also periodically never fully implemented. The offsets ponent 4 of the NTT Upgrade Plan was
assume the function of the NTT Coordi- between the telescope focus positions successfully completed. Functionally, it
nator. inferred from the image analysis and fo- concerned the control of the calibration
Griet is Belgian and obtained her mas- cus exposures taken with one of the sci- units and on side A (IRSPEC/SUSI) the
ter's degree in Gent. Thereafter she entific instruments have been calibrated autoguider. The real objective, however,
moved to Groningen where she worked for sides A and B. A bug in the field was to test the VLT Common Control
on the problems of the incompleteness of curvature compensating software for the Software (CCS). A few minor problems
catalogues of planetary nebulae and the trombones has been identified due to with the CCS were discovered. However,
PN distance scale and recently received which the focus of the guide probes var- their effects could all be worked around
her PhD from the Rijksuniversiteit there. ies with position in the field. The minimum on-site, and the conclusion is that the
The NTTTeam cordially welcomes her to flux of the guide star of which 80 % are CCS is already in good shape. Feed-back
a busy but exciting job. used for the image analysis has been to the VLT Software Group has been
measured. lmage shifts induced by lat- formally filed in the form of six SPR's. Test
eral displacements of M2 (to correct for observations showed no difference in
Rotator Stops Stopped! decentring coma) were measured and performance.
found to be virtually negligible. Extensive An interesting by-product of some ob-
During the last year, the single most tests of the continuous closed-loop op- servations has been obtained by Stefano
important reason for losses of observing eration will take place in February. Once Benetti during the first night when the new
time were sudden stops of the instru- implemented, this operation mode will control system of the autoguider was not
ment rotators, a nuisance which had keep the optical quality of the NTT perma- yet fully installed: For exposure times up
been around for years. The two most nently as close to the optimum as possi- to 15 minutes and not too extreme tel-
severe problems could now be identified ble and finally make the NTT atruly active escope positions he also found no signifi-
and eliminated. telescope. cant difference between observations
On side A the problem was that the obtained with and without autoguider.
rotator would stop with accompanying Given the much improved pointing which
error messages "Power amplifier not Telescope Optomechanics is based on exactly the same software
ready". It could be traced back to the as the telescope tracking, this is no sur-
interface between the ETEL-supplied Gerardo lhle has kindly undertaken prise.
control system forthe amplifier and ESO's precision measurements of the flexure of
control system. The response time of the the telescope as a function of zenith dis- New-Generation CCD Controller
ETEL system was so short (msecs) that tance. The most important component of Tested on EMMl
narrow but sufficiently high noise spikes the flexure is fully elastic. This is consist-
were interpreted as stop commands. Fil- ent with image analyses performed at Also in January, the prototype of ESO's
tering of the input signal has brought different telescope elevations. It opens new-generation controller, ACE (Array
this behaviour to an end. Jean-Michel the possibility to establish, by analogy to Control Electronics), was tested on the
Moresmau's help with the analysis is pointing models, an active optics model blue arm of EMMI. This was a test of the
much appreciated. so that the residual corrections to be entire system that will be used for the
On side B the rotator would also stop measured and applied in closed loop are FORS and UVES instrumentson theVLT;
but without any error message. Similarly accordingly smaller. the system includes ACE, the LCU (local
to the problem on sideA, this one was due Other tests indicate that M I may be control unit), the WS (workstation) and
to noise which made the VME believe that under permanent stress from its lateral the new modular dewars. All individual
the rotator brake had been engaged manu- supports which furthermore varies with modules performed well and the system
ally. Consequently, the software stopped zenith distance. The resulting deforma- as a whole demonstrated that the funda-
the rotator and disabled the motor driver tion of the mirror may not follow one of its mental design is sound.
without issuing an alarm message since natural modes. But astigmatism would During 1995, modifications will be
the supposed manual intervention could not be orthogonal to it, and astigmatism made in the hardware and software to
not be assumed to be anomalous. Filter- has, in fact, often been found to vary prepare for the FORS and UVES instru-
ing of the input signal suppressed this significantly with telescope position. This ments. The question of when this system
problem, too. will be further investigated during tests in could be installed on the NTT is being
discussed with the newly-formed optical As a first step towards automatic ex- control and reduction of IRSPEC data
detector group. ploitation of the association table pro- quite effective. Meanwhile this user inter-
An article is in preparation for the next vided by the Data Organizer, Rein face has been made available as part of
issue of The Messenger to provide a Warmels has interfaced the MIDAS CCD the 94NOV release of MlDAS and can,
detailed description of the controller sys- package to it. In its present installation, therefore, also be used for off-line work.
tem and the results of the January test. the observer still has to trigger the reduc- Cristian Levin is to be thanked for the
tion process in orderto exclude unwanted development effort.
New Field Lens Installed in Red interference with the data acquisition.
Arm of EMMl However, thereafter the reduction is fully
automatic and includes the averaging of Eightfold Throughput
The 2k x 2k Tektronix CCD which in multiple calibration exposures, bias sub- Improvement for Remote
February 1994 was installed in the red traction, flatfielding, etc. Observers Confirmed
arm of EMMl has a significant intrinsic The next stages such as flux calibra-
curvature. As a result, the focus would be tion for on-line magnitudes or the extrac- The improvements which in the previ-
constant only in concentric annuli. Now, a tion of wavelength-calibrated spectra are ous issue of The Messenger were an-
new field lens has been installed which in preparation. nounced to result from the coming into
compensates the axisymmetric part of operation of the new 2 Mbitls roof-to-roof
the non-flatness of the detector. The re- More Space on Faster Disks link have meanwhile been confirmed
sults are described in a separate article in during a number of remote observing
this issue of The Messenger. runs performed from Garching. The sys-
Two fast wide SCSl disks of 4 Gbyte
During the tests it was furthermore tem also seems to be very stable. The
each were attached on workstation insntt
confirmed that a lens in the red camera efforts of Joar Brynnel, Michael Fendt,
where observers performthe onlineanaly-
probably is not properly cemented and Manfred Mornhinweg, Charlie Ounnas
sis of their data. The loading of a new
has some play. Image shifts of the order CCD frame now takes only 2 seconds as and Manfred Ziebell in making this sys-
of 1-2 pixels may occur as the rotator tem operational are gratefully acknowl-
compared to 9 seconds before.
position angle of EMMl changes. The installation of IRAF is now fore- edged.
seen for February.
Straylight in EMMl's Echelle
Mode Eliminated Improved Reliability?
Logging of Temperatures and
Observer Sandro D'Odoricofound that Windspeeds Within Enclosure
the long-known problem of straylight in One of the stated aims of the NTT
the echelle mode of EMMl was actually Various temperature sensors and an- Upgrade Project is to improve the reliabil-
due to external light leakages or an inter- emometers have been installed. The ity of the NTT. Only 10 months after the
nal parasitic light source outside the measurements are merged with the tel- start of the project it is certainly too early
beam. The symptoms of this problem escope operations log files which are for any conclusions. But we are delighted
could, therefore, be quickly cured by add- transferred daily to the ESOArchive. The to report that the start into 1995 was a
ing some extra light baffles. The investi- Archive will also make them available to very encouraging one: During the month
gation of the actual origin of the stray- archival users of NTT data. The more of January, only 2 times 20 minutes of
light continues. For observations of faint immediate aim is to build up an empirical observing time were reported lost by the
sources the achieved reduction in database which can be compared with observers (a terminal caught fire, and
effective system noise can be quite model computations for the windflow EMMl's slitwheel got stuck). Thirteen of
significant. within the enclosure. From this compari- these 31 nights were used for a large
son and its correlation with actual seeing variety of tests (cf. above) which in the
Further Steps Towards Auto- data, an operations model for the enclo- past would often have put the system
matic On-Line Data Reduction sure will be developed which should under considerable stress, provoking a
permit the dome seeing to be minimised. variety of problems. Even after sub-
The capability to associate incoming traction of these 13 nights, the frac-
calibration frames with science exposures tion of the time lost between astro-
and viceversa has been added by Michele Graphical User Interface nomical twilights does not amount to
Peron to the MlDAS Data Organizer. to IRSPEC Package in MlDAS more than 0.5 %.
Default association rules have been de-
finedfor EMMl andSUSl which, however, Now that also IRSPEC data are rou-
can be fully customized. This will make tinely transferred to a workstation, a
the task of the observers much easier as graphical user interface to the IRSPEC For further information please contact:
they no longer have to do much tedious reduction package in MlDAS has been D. Baade, ESO-Garching,
bookkeeping when reducing the data. added. This makes the on-line quality e-mail:
New Power for the Danish 1.54-m Telescope
RASMUSSEN, K.E. SEIFER-I; H. JDNCH-SDRENSEN, Copenhagen University, Denmark

Meeting New Challenges

After more than 15 years of intensive

use, the Danish 1.54-m telescope on La
Silla and its equipment are undergoing a
majoroverhauI.Thegoal ofthis joint effort
with ESO is to provide a more powerful
research tool, updated to reflect chang-
ing scientific priorities. It will be armed
with a couple of core instruments, perma-
nently mounted and requiring a minimum
of effort in operation and maintenance.
On January 20, 1995, we passed a
major milestone in the upgrade project
with the installation of several new fea-
tures, chief of which is the new DFOSC
(Danish Faint Object Spectrograph and
Camera), patterned after ESO'svery suc-
cessful EFOSC instruments andequipped
with a thinned Loral 2048 x 2048 CCD
with exceptionally high quantum efficiency
(QE). Also, a simple mirror cooling sys-
tem was installed which will hopefully
lead to an improved image quality. In this
article, we briefly describe the DFOSC Figure 1: DFOSC and the new CCD camera mounted on the telescope.
and its capabilities and our plans for the
next steps.

The DFOSC interference filters, where filters mounted

the light path almost parallel to the pri-
In choosing our new workhorse, scien- mary mirror, giving a compact instru- in the collimated beam (and tilted 6" to
tific goals, the main strengths of the tel- ment with minimal operational con- avoid ghost images) would introduce
escope, and the capabilities that do orwill straints (see Fig. 1). a significant field gradient in the
exist elsewhere on La Silla must all be Filters and grisms are introduced in passband.
considered. A future main class of re- the parallel beam via two wheels and are
The CCD Detector
search for a 1.5-m telescope on La Silla easily exchangeable from the bottom of
will be searches for and spectroscopy of the instrument. Thus, one can change As mentioned above, DFOSC is de-
faint objects, in stand-alone programmes from direct imaging in a variety of signed to use a 2K x 2K CCD with 15-ym
or in preparation for studies with the VLT. passbands to spectroscopy with a
Its wide-field Ritchey-Chretien optics range of resolutions (Table 1) in a few
makes the 1.54-m particularly suited for seconds. In the telescope focal plane, TABLE 1. DFOSC grisms data. RS is the
such work. The EFOSC design (cf. The aperture plates with long slits, multi- resolution-slit product. Data for the echelle
Messenger 38, 9 ) offers an elegant way slits, or test patterns can be inserted grisms are given for 13th (#9) and 3rd or-
to match a large optical field to available in an aperture wheel; a small CNC ma- ders (#13).
CCD detector formats, providing a maxi- chine allows quick fabrication of cus-
Grism Blaze Dispersion
mum of observing modes with a minimum tomized aperture plates for multi-
No. (8) (A mm-1)
of operational effort. Therefore, and with object spectroscopy. The entire in-
the kind collaboration of Bernard Delabre strument rotates about the telescope 179
of ESO, the DFOSC optical design is optical axis so that long slits can be 220
based on the EFOSCs, adapted to the placed in the desired orientation, and it 220
1.54-m environment. is operated from a workstation in the
With a single 2K x 2K CCD - as control room. The basic DFOSC was
ambitious as our modest resources and commissioned by ESO in November
the optical properties of the design 1994. 88
were likely to allow - and an optimum In January 1995, the final CCD cam- 26
final pixel size of 0."4 (15 ym), the full field era was added, and a new, user-friendly 460
covered bythe instrument is 13.'7 x 13.'7. filter and shutter unit (FASU) was in- 340
Selecting a 30-mm collimated beam stalled in front of the DFOSC. The 90-mm 910
then fixes the main optical parameters. filters accommodated here cover the full 36
Aprism with total internal reflection bends field for applications, e.g. narrow-band
operational aspects of the instrument.
The detailed results will be given in a
technical report when all the data have
been properly reduced. To give readers a
first impression of the new capabilities of
the telescope, we show in Figure 3 a
direct exposure of the 30 Doradus region
in the Large Magellanic Cloud. In addi-
tion, Table 1 gives approximate count
rates for grism spectroscopy; these num-
bers are subject to revision after the final
data reduction.
In the cryostat window of the new CCD
camera, doubling as the DFOSC field
flattening lens, the original, slightly radio-
active BK7 glass has been replaced by
fused silica. The result is a tenfold reduc-
tion in cosmic-ray-event rate.

0 Future Plans
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Wavelength (nm) Our plans for the future have as one
Figure2: Measuredquantumefficiencyof the thinned DFOSCCCD (green), comparedtoa typical goal to integratethe new ESO Telescope
thick Loral CCD (red; dashed: uncoated). Control System with the controls of the
new adapter, the FASU, the DFOSC, and
the CCD through one convenient user
interface, so the observer can easily
pixels. The chip now mounted is the 3- Performance control all functions that are essential
side buttable version designed by John from hislher point of view (field to be
Geary (SAO) and fabricated by Loral DuringthenightsJanuary20-26,1995, observed, filters, exposure times; focus
Fairchild. In order to enhance sensitivity, a large number of tests were made of all or calibration sequences, etc.), and the
especially in the blue, it was thinned by
Michael Lesser (University of Arizona)
and coated with a two-layer anti-reflec-
tion coating (HfO, + MgF,). A simple UV
flooding procedure is needed for opti-
mum QE if the chip is warmed up to room m
Figure 2 compares the actual, meas-
ured QE with that of a typical thick, coated
Loral CCD. As will be seen, it is remark- I
able indeed. In fact, in the UV, the gain
over the thick chip is quite comparable to
that from a 3.6-m to one of the VLT 8.2-m
unit telescopes!
As can be seen in Figure 1, a special
shape of dewar is needed to avoid
collisions with the telescope or pier
when the telescope moves around and
DFOSC is rotated about its axis. This
special camera was constructed in our
laboratory and equipped with a CCD
controller and data acquisition system
also developed there. Measured readout
noise with the thinned Loral CCD is about
7 e- rms, dark signal about 2 e- pixel-' s'
at -100 C (MPP mode), linearity very
good up to near the saturation limit of
about 85,000e- pixel-' (also in MPP
mode). CTE and cosmeticsare excellent,
and crosstalk between the two amplifiers
negligible. Pixel binning in X and Y and
readout windows are easily selectable
from exposure to exposure. Using both
amplifiers,the full chip is read out and the
data stored on the workstation disk in
FITS format in 45 seconds, ready for Figure 3: A Cminute exposure of the 30 Doradus region in the Gunn r band, taken on Jan-
processing. uary 20, 1995, with DFOSC and the new CCD camera.
TABLE 2. Count rates ( e s-' kl)
for mono- will, we hope, be more frequent with the Finally, much remains to be learned
chromatic magnitude m, = 12.0. new mirror cooling system). Also, focal aboutthe optimization (including UVflood-
reducing optics are not always optimal for ing), testing, maintenance, and operation
precision field photometry. Therefore, we of high- performance CCD detectors. We
plan to install, perhaps in early 1996, a look forward to continuing our pleasant
direct CCD of the type described above in cooperation with the ESO Optical Detec-
a stand-by position in the adapter, fed by tor Group in this area, to the benefit of
450 a 45" mirror and with rapid tipltilt correc- both sides - and our users.
500 48 tion for atmospheric image motion. At
550 58 0."23 per pixel, this should be a valuable Acknowledgement
600 52 high-resolution imaging option, always
650 48 readily available when good seeing oc- The DFOSC, CCD development, and
curs. telescope upgrade projects were made
Moreover, a fiber-feed position is fore- possible by generous financial support
data are transferred seamlessly and with seen in the adapter, so an off-telescope from the Carlsberg Foundation and
all necessary header information right instrument can be permanently con- the Danish Natural Science Research
into the observer's favorite image- nected, eliminating changeovers and Council.
processing system. improving instrument stability. Options
Another important goal is to add a under study include the radial-velocity
direct CCD imaging option. Finer sam- scanner CORAVEL or (better) an opti- For further information please contact:
pling is needed to yield the best spatial mized, bench-mounted echelle spec- J. Andersen, Copenhagen University,
resolution on nights of good seeing (which trograph. Denmark, e-mail:

A New CCD Field Lens in EMMl Red Arm

S. DEIRIES, €SO-Garching
The ESO Multi-Mode Instrument EMMl formed in good seeing. NGC 2204 ap- the critical sampling for the 0.27"pixels of
was first installed at the NTT in the sum- peared to be the best choice in terms of the camera). Although a 10 % variation
mer of 1990. At that time the red arm was uniform star distribution. After several it- was visible between centre and edges of
equipped with a thick CCD with UV-blue erations of fine-centring the lens, an im- the field of view, this demonstrated that
sensitive coating because the originally age of 0.57" was obtained (i.e. just above the performance of the lens allows us to
planned thinned 20482detector had not
become available. At the beginning of
1994 (see The Messenger No. 76, p. 15) NGC 2204 (R, l m )
a 20482 thinned SlTe CCD was finally
installed on the instrument with its dedi-
cated camera. One last step was how-
ever still necessary to fully realize the
planned optical quality of the instrument.
The sensitive surface of the CCD deliv-
ered to ESO proved to be convex with a
peak at its centre in the direction of the
camera. The curvature is due to the CCD
assembly process and it is well approxi-
mated by a paraboloid. The difference
between centre and corners is approxi-
mately 200 ym and resulted in a higher
dispersion around the average value of
the image quality in the field of view, with
a significant degradation in the corners. A
new field lens, to serve also as window of
the cryostat, was computed to compen-
sate for this curvature and it has been
installed and tested in three nights in
January 1995.
Image quality has been determined
through observations of several starfields
(either outer regions of globular clusters,
or open clusters) in orderto determine the
best centring position for the field lens. 0 500 1000 1500 2000
One important point to realize is that
image quality can be really assessed only position
through astronomical observations per- Figure 1 : Distribution of the stellar FWHM as a Function of position.
A preliminary value of the plate scale
was obtained bv com~arisonof a 2' x 2'
/ image portion with an HST WFPC2 im-
age-for which astrometry was available.
Though a determinationof the plate scale
based on the full field of view will be pro-
duced, the derived value of 0.2698+
0.0002 arcsec per pixel shows that the
new lens has not introduced any substan-
tial changes. However, users should be
aware that images taken prior to the lens
change cannot be used as they are for
preparing MOS plates: a scale change of
8% is present between images taken be-
fore and after the replacement. Old and
new images can be successfully coadded
if the old ones are rebinned by 0.99187.
The efficiency of the camera has also
not changed with respect to the value
priorto the installation of the new lens (to
within the uncertainties): the numbers of
e- s-I for a 15" A star are 20,600 (V),
24,000 (R), 12,700 (I), to be compared
with the previous 18,900 (V), 22,000 (R),
11,900 (1) (J. Storm 1994).
Focusing of the telescope should be
preferentiallydone inthe inner 1000x1000
pixelsof the frame, since the focus wedge
gives, at the edges, a large dispersion of

age quallry over longer Inregratlons, wlrn

Figure 2: 40-min Ha image of the recurrent nova T Pyx in 0.7" seeing. The image is 80" x 80". results very similar to those of Figure 1.

reach an image quality close to the best

seeing values ever measured at the NTT.
Figure 1 shows the variation of the Point
Spread Function as a function of position
for the best (andfinal) lens position (NGC
2204, R filter, 1 minute integration). The
averagevalue of the FWHMis 0.84 (0.87)
k0.02 arcseconds in x (y)-of course, the
0.57" seeing would not last!
Avery small effect at the edges of the
chip is still present (of the order of 5 %),
but it is not clear whether it is due to the
new field lens: during the tests it became
apparent that both the position of the
rotator and the zenith distance can affect
the image quality (for a discussion of the
latter effect, which is also the cause of the
slight ellipticity of the star images and
which will be further analysed -and pos-
sibly corrected - in February, see "NTT

Bits and Pixels" in this issue). In the worst
case, these effects can amount to at most
10-15 % at the edge of the field of view,
avaluestill quiteacceptable,especially in
view of the very large field of view of this
camera (9' x 9'). A more thorough analy-
sis of the dependence on rotator position
of the instrument flexure and of the cam-
era triplet (see "NTT Bits and Pixels") will
be performed in the near future in order to
quantify and understand these effects
and to trv to reduce even further the
spread o i the FWHM as a function of Figure 3: Full fieldof view (9'x 97 image of NGC 1850, a young double clusterin the LMC, in I
position. the light of [NII]. The filamentary structures are most likely supernova remnants. I

Figure 2 shows a 40-minute H a image of rounding material refers, and hence to years old. Shock waves from supernova
the recurrent nova T Pyx. The FWHM of derive a new, better estimate of the dis- explosions were invoked as the prob-
stellar images is 0.7", one of the best ever tance. Figure 3 is a 0.9" seeing, 30- able cause of the formation of the much
attained for such a long exposure time minute [NII] image of the young double younger companion cluster (Ap. J. Lett
through a narrow-band filter. The image cluster NGC 1850 in the LMC and shows 435 L43.
shows in exquisite detail the debris from a extended filamentary emissions around
previous outburst and will be used to- the cluster. These are very likely the rem- For further information please contact:
gether with spectral information to deter- nants of supernova explosions in the R. Gilmozzi, ESO-Garching,
mine to which historical outburst the sur- main cluster, which is only 50 million e-mail:

Ghost Analysis and a Calibration Database for the

Long Camera of the CES
1. Introduction TABLE I : Summarv of central wavelenaths decker, a short decker was preferred be-
~nthe EED
and steps used for the cal~brat~ons cause this facilitates the separation of
We present recent improvements and domam. those Flat Field (FF) ghosts falling close
changes at the CAT and CES, mostly to the science spectrum.
performed during the telescope idle pe- The central wavelengths of the cali-
riod in September 1994. We also de- bration frames were chosen to ensure
scribe a new calibration database which some overlap between adjacent spectral
has been installed in La Silla computers ranges. The FF exposures integration
and an analysis of the ghostsfound in our 1 8050 7330
7275 6670 times were selected to give a peak inten-
extensive tests. sity level around 10,000 ADU (one ADU
6620 6070
6025 5925 corresponds to 2.8 electrons in the used
2. CAT Telescope 5880 5340 45 configuration) in the extracted spectra,
5295 5215 1 40 and the intensity maximum typically var-
The floor of the CAT dome was in a bad - -

ies between 6000 and 14,000 ADU after

shape and unsafe for observers and extraction. Only at very blue wavelengths
night assistants. The floor panels were TABLEP: Central wavelengthsand steps used (i.e. below - 4000 A) lower exposure
replaced. for the calibrations in the BLUE domain.
levels were obtained, because the maxi-
The CAT telescope and the CES mum duration of the FF exposures was
hc Beg hc End Step (A)
spectrograph were re-aligned and the fixed to two minutes.
primary mirror of the telescope adjusted. Th-Ar integration times were set to
This intervention was requested to im- 4485 obtain a level of at least 10,000ADU in the
prove the CAToptical quality, in particular 4000 3790 strongest lines of the extracted frame.
to minimise coma; with this intervention One-dimensional spectra were ex-
also a more stable and accurate pointing tracted over a slit of 13-14 pixels, almost
(2) To provide the potential CES users
model has been achieved. the whole slit height.
with a complete set of calibration data, to
Because these frames may be very
be used to better planning their observa-
3. CES Spectrograph useful for the CES users to prepare their
observing runs and calibrations, they are
Due to a major technical problem We notethat, although the presenceof
made available to the users' community.
(abnormally high read-out noise) on CCD ghosts is known to be more serious when
Both the original (2-dimensional) and the
#30, mounted on the CES Long Camera, using the CES in combination with the
extracted ( I -dimensional) files are stored
this was replaced by CCD #34 in October Short Camera, we have preferred to per-
as FITS files; they can be accessed and
1994. form the calibration set with the Long
copied through ftp with the following com-
The CES spectrograph was used, in Camera, mainly because, as soon as a
combination with the Long Camera and new thinned detector will be available at
CCD #30, to acquire a full set of calibra- La Silla (March 1995), the Short Camera ftp
tion spectra. 140 Th-Ar and Flat Field will be decommissioned and only the username: anonymous
calibrations were recorded with the RED Long Camera will be offered to the users. password: your ident as password
path covering the range between 8990 Thespectrawereacquired with a nomi- cd pub/ces/calib
and 5215 A, while 80 frames were ac- nal resolving power R =1O5 and a decker get README
quired with the BLUE path covering the height of 5 arcsec. Although the CES binary
5200-3790 A domain. In Table 1 and 2 a users are recommended to use a longer get Milc.ND
summary of the wavelength interval steps
used in the RED and BLUE path is given.
The aim for the acquisition of the cali-
bration data set was twofold:
(1) To allow an analysis of the spec-
trograph ghosts present in the wavelength
domain commonly used by the observ-
ers. Figure 1 : Two-dimensional image of the Th-Ar exposure centred at 6470 A
Figure- 2a: Extracted spectrum of the Th-Ar exposure centred at Figure 2b: Ghost spectrum for the same region as in Figures 1
6470 A. and 2a.

After the transfer has been success- The extracted spectra can be used by visually. When ghosts were noticed the
fully completed, you may exit with the CES users and by the technical crew 1D files were checked.
to monitor the calibration procedures, the Hereafter we give some general re-
quit ageing of the lamps as well as the func- marks which came out from the tests. Ob-
The labels describe: M = FF or TH for tioning of the neutral density filter wheel. servers are strongly invited to analyse the
Flat Field and Th-Ar exposures respec- Note that complete descriptors (includ- spectral region of interest before starting
tively ing integration time and neutral density their observations.
filter used) are given only in the 2D files.
hc the central wavelength (in A)
N = 2 or 1 respectively indicate the 4.1 Th-Ar ghosts
two- or one-dimensional files. 4. Ghosts These ghosts are easily identified by
As an example, FF5415.2D will be displaying the 2D frames with very low
the two-dimensional Flat Field frame at In the course of the ghosts' inspection, cuts. In Figure 1 an example is shown:
5415 A central wavelength. The names we have used both the 2D and extracted TH6470.2D with cuts between 195 and
of all the stored frames are given in images. The 2D images were displayed 250 ADU. In this frame we may distin-
the README file, which also contains using very low cuts (from 195 to250ADU, guish two different effects:
suggestions and advices for the use of note that 191 ADU was the CCD BIAS (i) Strong, saturated lines: they pro-
the database. level) and the inspection was carried out duce x-elongated images, and are char-
acterised by a stronger intensity in the slit
centre, decreasing towards the edges.
(ii) Thin lines, having uniform intensity
and extending over the whole CCD win-
dow. These lines are real ghosts. They
are probably due to the reflection of strong
adjacent Ar lines. No corresponding
ghosts are seen in the FF exposures.
Figure 3: Two-dimensional image of the FF centred at 5865 A; note the presence of a FF
They are present in the whole RED do-
ghost in the blue part of the spectrum.

t l , t t t 1 < > % 1 1 8 8 ' 8 1 " ' ' l ' ~

0 500 1000 1500 2000
Pos~tlon Posltlon

Figure 4a: Extracted FF spectrum centred at 5865 A Figure 4b: FF ghost extracted spectrum as in Figures 3 and 4a.
An additional, interesting feature
emerges from the comparison of Figures
5 and 6, which show FF exposures taken
at 7870 and 4310 A res~ectivelv.The
spectra are shown with the same cuts,
and they have similar intensity. The level
of diffuse light
- .(clearly visible as hazv
background out of th; slit), is higher in
the Blue spectrum. This is a general
feature and it is not surprising: in general
main, at virtually all wavelength settings, that they are due to the grating itself, blue ranges are more sensitive to diffuse
but their number and intensity increase however, in other grating positions en- light, mostly due to enhanced scattering
with the wavelength; none are reported compassing this range, they were not by dust in the spectrograph optics.
below 5000 A. recorded.
Although Figure 1 could suggest that Although their intensity is very low and
these ghosts may seriously affect the they are not clearly detectable in the Acknowledgements
wavelength calibration, we would like to extracted spectra, some care should be
emphasize that in most cases their pres- taken when the ghost is going to overlap This work could not be achieved with-
ence is negligible. Their intensity is typi- over a spectral line of interest and in very out the help of the La Silla TRS and
cally much lower than that of true Th-Ar high SIN-ratio observations. Astronomy Support departments. A spe-
lines. This can be seen directly from Fig- A list of FF ghosts cannot be provided cial thanks goes to the many CAT+CES
ures2a and 2b. In Figure 2a the extracted because, unlike Th-Ar ghosts, FF ghosts Visiting Astronomers, who have, with their
spectrum of Figure 1 is presented (it will are not at aconstant wavelength,but they suggestions, pushed for the construction
beTH6470.1 D in the present notation); in shift by only a few pixels when changing of the calibration data base.
Figure 2b the 'ghosts' spectrum for the the ?LC by several A. This characteristic is
same region is shown, obtained by ex- on the other hand quite important, be-
tracting thespectrum on thesideof theslit cause if the presence of a FF ghost must
and taking away the contribution of the be avoided at a given wavelength, this For further information please contact:
strong, saturated lines. can be done by slightly shifting the re- L. Pasquini, ESO-La Silla,
The presence of these low-intensity quired kc. e-mail:
qhosts will therefore be most critical in

taken multiple exposures slightly shifting Figure 6: Two-dimensional FFspectrum centred at 4310 A. The cuts are the same as in Figure 5:
the central wavelength (typically by 5 A). note the higher level of diffuse light in the 4310 A frame with respect to the 7870 A one.
In all the cases the Th-Ar ghosts appear
at constant wavelengths.

4.2 Flat Field Ghosts

The presence of ghosts in the Flat ERRATUM
Field may be very critical, because their
presence may produce uncertain results,
changing for instance the shape or the Figure l o f the
article "New
equivalent widths of spectral lines. Holographic
FF ghosts were also identified visually Grating for the
using suitable (low) cuts, and it was found B & C on the
that their presence is confined to the ESO 1.52-m
spectral range 6170-4560 A. Most of Telescope",
published in
them fall at the side of the spectrum, thus
The Messenger
not influencing the astronomical results No. 77 - Sep-
for point-like sources. tember 1994,
Unfortunately, some of the FF ghosts had incorrect
do fall overthe spectra. In Figure 3 the FF labelling of the
centred around 5865 A is shown; a ghost x-axis. The
correct figure is
is clearly present. In Figures 4a and 4b shown here.
the extracted FF spectrum and the ex-
tracted ghost (the ghost image was ex-
tracted on the side of the slit) are shown:
the ghost intensity is 0.5 per cent of the
FF intensity. Notice that in the extracted
FF spectrum no 'bumps' are evident at
the pixels corresponding to the ghost.
The presence of FF ghosts is limited to
grating angles comprised between 273.5 o 1 1 2 b 0 14001 " 1 16001 ' 1 1 800
and 275 degrees, which could suggest Wavelength (nm)
The SL-9 Workshop Round-Table Discussion -
A Summary
H. BOHNHARDT (Universitats-Sternwarte, Munchen, Germany);
R. SCHULZ (MPI fur Aeronomie, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany)

Introduction what is really understoodand which steps scenarios range from "far above the cloud
(by R. West, ESO-Garching) into which directions are now required to layers", over "right on top or slightly below
proceed towards a final clarification of the the upper layer" to penetration "down into
The SL-9 Workshop at ESO-Garching, SL-9 impacts at Jupiter. atmospheric levels of several bars". The
demonstrated that - since the exciting im- penetration depth should be related to the
pact week from July 16 to 22, 1994, over Fragment Size (by H. Rickman, size of the body entering the atmosphere,
the IAU General Assembly in The Hague Astronomical Observatory, Uppsala) i.e., the larger the size of the frag-
in late August 1994 and the DPS Meeting ment, the deeper the penetration into
in Washington DC in early November The capture of SL-9 by Jupiter may the atmosphere of Jupiter. However, a
1994 - significant progress has been well remain obscured since the backward direct relation between these still un-
achieved in the understanding of the orbit integration based upon the available known quantities has not yet been
SL-9 phenomena. The fragmentation of astrometric data can probably not be very demonstrated. A key role for the de-
the object, the initial impact phenomena, significantly improved. However, there scription of the entry phenomena is
their spectral signatures and long-term are essentially two potential sources from played by the energy deposition in the
effects of the spots in Jupiter's atmo- which SL-9 could have come from, i.e. atmosphere versus altitude, a relation
sphere can now be analysed on the basis the Trojan zone in the Jupiter sphere of which has so far not been established.
of the available flux- and time-calibrated influence and a low velocity accretion Besides the lightcurve features of the
observations over a wide wavelength zone of cometary objects outside Jupi- impacts and post-impact seismic phe-
range covering X-ray, UV, visual, IR to ter's sphere of influence. The mechanical nomena on Jupiter, the chemical abun-
radio regions. Simultaneously and to a strength of the object was low (probably dances in the ejecta clouds may also
large extent driven by expected and un- of the order of I 0 0 Pa). Trojan objects allow to constrain the entry depth of the
expected observational results, the in- as SL-9 pre-capturecandidates are there- fragments.
terpretation and theoretical modelling of fore unlikely since they are not believed
the SL-9 pre- and post-impact phenom- to be that fragile. Therefore, SL-9 may
ena have brought up new scenarios and have resembled more an aggregate of
already very valuable quantitative de- only weakly bound cometary nuclei. The Mass ablation plays a dominant role
scriptions for various phases of the SL-9 tidal splitting of SL-9 points to a relatively for meteorites entering the atmosphere
event. However,we are still far away from low tensile strength, in that way also of Earth (for instance: a 50-ton meteorite
a global scenario and satisfactory un- imposing a constraint on the radius for was observed to be totally dissipated,
derstanding of all phenomena related to the parent body. Afragment size of about already above an altitude of 55 km in the
the SL-9 impacts at Jupiter. This holds 1 km would fit the existing observations. Earth's atmosphere). Such a scenario for 1

equally for observation and theory. the SL-9 entry at Jupiter would imply a
Statements of workshop participants like
(cited anonymously):
much stronger mass loss and kinetic
energy dissipationof the fragments above
- "Something" exploding in the atmo- Corrections to the formula for tidal the upper cloud layers with even com-
sphere. . . disruption should be made since object plete disintegration at pressure levels of
- We see different effects at different rotation and adhesive forces of the body some mbar (Sekanina). Whether the
times at different wavelengths!
- I don't see it either, but I did observe
material are not included in the model
(Shulman). Gravitational pressure was
existing smart theory for meteorite entries
on Earth can be applied to the description
it! also neglected so far which would sup- of the SL-9 impact at Jupiter, remains an
-There is perfect agreement, except port larger radii for the parent object of open issue for the future. However, for
that in our images the northern hemi- the fragmented nuclei. SL-9 may be con- our ongoing analysis of the SL-9 impacts 1
sphere is bright, in his data it is in the sidered as loose aggregate of planete- it seems absolutely necessary to invoke I
simals which split in Jupiter's orbit along I
south! also the knowledge about meteorite
- I think everybody will finish pub-
lishing the observations this year (big
weakest adhesive walls (Kelemen). For
equal tensile strengths a big comet is
phenomena on Earth (Shulman). This
may be improved for the entry of larger

smiles . . .)! easier to break (Sekanina). bodies with a weaker and differentiated 1
- I did expect some questions! may
reflect the vivid discussions of the still
internal structure (Mosser). The possibility 1'
Penetration Depths (by B. Mosser, of constraining the fragments' penetra-
puzzling results obtained so far from a lnstitut d'Astrophysique, Paris) tion depth by the non-detection of explo- 1
unique and tremendous amount of data sion signals at 5 mm (Kaufl) was ques-
gathered all over the world. The actual penetrationdepth of the SL- tioned (Orton, Hammel), since it is not
This round-tablediscussion at the end 9 fragments into the Jovian atmosphere clear that this wavelength range is really ,
of the workshop aims for conclusions on is still an open question. The proposed sensing the 5 bar level in the Jovian at- ,
Persistent Effects of SL-9 Impacts On Jupiter
These two images illustrate the persistent effects of the impacts of the fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter which tookplace on
July 16- 22, 1994. The first was obtained 5 months before these impacts; the second almost 7 months thereafter. Both were taken with the TlMMl
instrument attached to the ESO 3.6-m telescope at La Silla. The first image was taken in the night February 28-March 1, 1994 by ESO observers
Ted Kostiuk, Tim Livengood and Hans Ulrich Kaufl as part of a parallel observation of Jupiter together with the IUE spacecraft to study auroral
phenomena on Jupiter. It shows a bright spot at the south pole. This is the well-known phenomenon of the Southern Aurora which was the main
objective of this observation run. While on Earth the Aurora Borealis is a transient effect, it is nearly always present on Jupiter. Due to the
inclination of Jupiter's magnetic axis, the appearance of this aurora depends on the rotational state of the planet.
The second image was taken on February 5, 1995, at 14 h 20 U7; i.e. in daytime at La Silla, at a moment when this aurora was located on
the rear side of Jupiter and therefore not visible. When compared to the first image, it is obvious that the entire southern hemisphere southwards
of -40 degree (which includes the SL-9 impact zones) now appears brighter than one year before. This image therefore indicates that debris (e.g.
fine dust) from the impacts is still present in the upper atmosphere. Here it absorbs the sunlight and causes an extra heating effect; we see this
in this image as thermal emission from the methane molecules there. Apparently the dust from the individual impact sites has now been mixed
rather uniformly throughout the southern polar region.
Technical information: Both images are aligned so that the Jupiter North Pole is up and astronomical east to the left. Both images have been
made with 0.45 arcsec/pixel magnification; however, because of the different apparition (the Jupiter-Earth distance in February 1995 is 5.75AU
versus 4.95 in February 1994), this corresponds to 1900 and 1620 km per pixel, respectively. Both images were taken with a filter sensitive to
methane (CHJ in the stratosphere of Jupiter having a wavelength pass band of 7.53-7.87micron. Thermal emission of CH, in this band is known
to be a good indicator of temperature in the stratosphere.

mosphere. If the fragments did not pene- cursors? Can we develop a "standard Another important point is the parti-
trate deep into the sulphur clouds of Ju- impact model" and can this include tioning of the energy in the atmosphere
piter, they must have had a size of 4 km chemistry? and the determination of the temperature
to explain the large amount of detected A central question of the SL-9 phe- variationslgradients between the stra-
S, as being of cometary origin (A'Hearn). nomena is the calibration of the impact tosphere and the troposphere. We have
energy and the partitioning of the de- to understand the lightcurves and model
posited energy in the various dissipative them. All of this can only be accom-
Lightcurves, Timing channels in the atmosphere. Related to plished by collaborations between the
(by G. Orton, JPL, Pasadena) this are further similarities like the al- observers of the different phenomena:
most identical plume height and the very 1. heating of the channel (IR), 2. bolide,
The impact lightcurves of the indi- similar albedo of the fresh impact parti- 3. plume.
vidual fragments are very similar at same culates. However, the plumes behave dif-
wavelength, but exhibit interesting dif- ferent in their morphology, size of the Discussion
ferences (for instance shoulders in the impact region and lifetime of the parti-
lightcurve decay phase) in the various culates as well as the temperature vari- A possible consent of this workshop
wavelength ranges observed. There ations in the stratosphere and tropo- on what was happening during the impact
were signals recorded on the ground for sphere. The basic question is: what can was formulated by H. Hammel: entry
almost all impacts which precede the we use for calibration, or in other words, channel heating for the first precursor, a
first Galileo detections. Which phenom- whas it always the same for different very hot fireball for the second precursor,
ena have we seen in these first pre- fragments? followed by a rapid sweeping through of
coupled into ionospheric and magneto-
spheric phenomena should comprise -
to about 2 orders of magnitude - that of
the X-ray and UV energy release by the
phenomena (Ip). It is very unclear how
the increase of synchrotron radio emis-
sion by Jupiter can be explained since it
is in total contradiction to what was
expected, i.e., a decrease of the radio
emission due to electron absorption by
the impact dust after migration into the
magnetosphere. At the same time deca-
metric observations do not show an in-
crease in radio emission; so far, this
has no reasonable physical interpreta-
tion (Miller, Dulk).

Collaboration and Coordination

(by T. Encrenaz, Observatoire de
SL-9 Press Conference. From left to right: Heidi 9.
Hammel, Victoria Meadows, R. West.
Since calibrated lightcurves and spec-
tra of the impacts are available now from
various sites in different wavelength
maximum light from UV to IR, but still pact counterparts at northern latitudes, ranges, it is very valuable and absolutely
increasing in luminosity. Time scale the brightening and dimming of the necessary that collaborations between
differences may also depend on the northern and southern aurorae and the the various groups start immediately.The
actual depths of the impact explosion injection and storage mechanisms for the synergy of multi-wavelength interpre-
(Hamilton). synchrotron radiation observed. A very tations is now required to further the
puzzling issue are the very selective ef- understanding of the impact phenom-
Shock Chemistry fects on the inner and outer region of the ena. A very preliminary and still incom-
(by R. West, ESO-Garching) Jovian magnetosphere whereas at the plete list of potential collaborations be-
same time no reaction in the plasma torus tween groups of observers is compiled
The chemistry of the impact phe- of lo could be measured. The aeronom- in Table 1 (sorted by impacts for the light-
nomena is even more complicated than ical effects observed call for a 2D theo- curves and by wavelength range for spec-
their temporal evolution. Although a retical treatment, or even 3D tomographic tral features).
whole suite of post-impact ingredients approach for solution. It seems to be very important to com-
was measured at the impact sites, we pare the similarities and diversities be-
are very far from understanding what is tween the detections of the same im-
ob-served. We do not know the Discussion pacts.
composition and chemistry of the fireballs The phenomenological description of
and plumes, and we have only the impact effects to the Jovian mag-
preliminary ideas about the detailed netosphere is still incomplete since the Discussion
causes for the very rapid changes that VLA measurements are not yet available A more complete list of groups which
have been spectrally docu-mented. The (Dulk). The amount of impact energy have collected observations of the same
simple picture of evaporat-ing gas of
cometary origin does not easily match
the observed phenomena. It is very
evident that all of this requires proper
theoretical treatment by experts who
usually work outside the field of
astronomy, Interdisciplinary collabora-
tions are now needed and must be
widely encouraged.

Aeronomical Effects
(by w.:H. Ip, MPI for Aeronomy,

The impact explosions caused distur-

bances in the atmosphere followed by
disturbances of the Jovian ionosphere.
The latter do couple back to atmospheric
layers, in that way closing a loop which
may play an important role for the under-
standing of the post-impact phenomena.
There are also severe magnetospheric
effects from the impacts which still await
the Hiemission in the im- Mosser, W. H. Ip, H. Rickman, Th. Encrenaz, G. Oi't0n.
SL-9 Round Table. From left to right: 9.

TABLE 1. Lightcurves TABLE 2. Spectral identifications
1 I I
/ Fragment / Visible / Near-IR I Thermal lR 1 / Wavelength 1 Species 1 Group 1 Fragments 1
HST Pic-du-Midi
Calar Alto
La Palma IUE
UKlRT Visible Na(*), Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, La Palma
AAT Li, K, H, Ha Pic-du-Midi
Calar Alto

I E HST I Pic-du-Midi
Calar Alto
La Palma
0-H, C-H (*) NlMS G

H Calar Alto
La Palma 1 ESO

1 week
Japan CFHT C, R
L ! PPR Pic-du-Midi
Calar Alto
La Palma
4.7 pm

La Palma
Calar Alto

Keck l RTF

Calar Alto
cm I H,O ? (*) 1 Medicina 1 E 1
I 1 I I I -
Multi-wavelength detection of species is indicated by symbol (*)
_ I
These preliminary tables were mainly compiled from the presentations of the workshop; many other data, US in particular, will probably be missing.

event shall be compiled within the next present not be answered by the modellers vational facts, as well as In their theore-
few weeks and will be attached to the (Fitzsimmons). tical understanding. It is nevertheless
proceedings of this workshop. Input for The most important question of the clear that we must continue the series
this list should be directed via e-mail, SL-9 impacts however is: where did all of SL-9 conferences in order to improve
either to R. West ( or to that energy go? (A'Hearn). Energy dissi- the description of this unique event and
M. A'Hearn ( pation by shock breaking and ablation of before we may finally converge towards
Early speculations of the formation of the nuclei during entry into the Jovian at- a comprehensive model of all related
a new ring around Jupiter due to dust mosphere followed by increased decel- phenomena of the ~mpactsat Jup~ter.
ejected from the impactors during their eration during descent was so far not The next SL-9 conference IS scheduled
decent are not very realistic, since most taken into account. Differential effects of for 9-12 May 1995 In Balt~more.I am
dust of SL-9 (at least down to 100 Fm that kind may have caused substructure sure that later follow-up meetings are
grains) hit Jupiter. Therefore, if something in the lightcurves of the fragment impacts also very l~kelyto occur, perhaps al-
will happen to the ring, it should show only (Sekanina). ready in late 1995, and certainly next
small effects (Hamilton). year.
It must be assumed that the impactors Closing Remarks
were totally evaporated during the explo- (by R. West, ESO-Garching):
sions. New dust was formed in the im-
pact plume within 2 to 3 minutes, but how The three days Of this workshop 'On- For further information please contact:
and why is completely unclear. Whether vincingly proved that considerable pro- H, Bbhnhardt, Universitstssternwarte,
there is a chemical differentiation in the gress has been achieved in the cornpi- Miinchen; e-mail: hermann@vlt.usm.uni-
dust, is also on open issue which can at lation of reliable and quantitative obser-
Diffraction-Limited K-Band Observations of
the Star Cluster R136
Max-Planck-lnstitut fiir Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany
Introduction 200 pc, it contains a stellar mass of more density is a million times largerthan in our
The 30 Doradus region in the LMC is than 5 x 105Mo.Thebolometric luminos- solar neighbourhood.The ionising radia-
the largest Giant HI1 region in the Local ity in its centre is 50 times larger than in tion is produced by the massive early-
Group. Although its diameter isonly about the inner 0.2 pc of Orion and its stellar typestars of the stellarcluster NGC2070,

Figure 1: The-left-hand side shows a short exposure taken in H band with the A 0 system switched off; the right-hand side shows the same 12."8
x 12."8 (3.2 x 3.2 p&) field of view in K-band with adaptive optics correction. North is down and east is to the right. Logarithmic scaling has been

Figure 2: The central 6."4x 6."4 around R136 as seen by the HST WF/PC-2camera (left) and the Come On +/Sharp2 system (right). North is down
and east is to the right.The peaks in the HST image are clipped and logarithmic scaling has been used for both images.
located in the inner 45 pc of this Giant HI1 and K band with a spectral resolution h/ limit of 2-3 Ma (Forestini 1993). Assum-
region (Campbell et al. 1992). Standard Ah = 60 is also integrated. The total ing a cluster age of 3 million years those
ground-based observations, hindered by throughput of the optical system, includ- stars are still evolving on the pre-main
atmospheric seeing, showed that the ing the quantum efficiency of the detector, sequence. This detection limit is valid in
massive core of this stellarcluster (known is around 50 %in Hand K band. The array the outer parts of our field; due to crowd-
as R136) consists of three components: detector is read out with 4 custom-de- ing, it is lower in the central region. Trans-
R136a, b and c. At one time, R136a was signed DSP boards permitting integration parencies showing the comparison be-
considered to be the most massive star times from 50 ms up to several minutes tween these images can be obtained
ever known, with about 2000solar masses per frame. from the authors.
(Cassinelli et al. 1981). With ground- The Come On+ system (Beuzit et al. Figure 2 displays the central region as
based speckle techniques in the visible, 1995) was the first adaptive optics sys- previously observed by the refurbished
Weigelt & Baier ( I 985) demonstrated that tem open to the astronomical community HST (Hunter et al. 1995). Despite the fact
this object consists of at least eight stellar and in its first two years of operation has that HST's spatial resolution is about
components, thus solving the super- produced many remarkable results (Lena twice ours, we see essentially the same
massive star problem. These results 1994). A reference source, brighter than sources as observed by Malumuth et al.
have been confirmed by HST observa- approximately 13th magnitude in the V (1994) plus some additional red objects.
tions (Weigelt et al. 1991, Campbell et al. band, is required for wavefront correc- Our observations, which also include H-
1992). tion. This source must appear unstruc- and J-band images, can be combined
The age of the cluster is supposed to tured on the wavefront sensor. The cen- with HST stellar observations in U, B and
lie between 3 and 5 million years, esti- tral cluster of stars forming R136a itself is V bands in order to minimise photometric
mated from the presence of massive WN- sufficiently bright and compact to serve errors and estimate the small-scale
type Wolf-Rayet stars and the lack of red as the wavefront reference in our obser- variations of dust extinction in the dense
supergiants. Although none of the stars in vations. core of this stellar cluster. A combination
R136 is in itself exceptional, the extraor- We integrated for 190 minutes in the K of HST and adaptive optics data covers
dinarily high concentration of 0 , B and band under good atmospheric conditions a wide spectral range and enables us to
Wolf-Rayet stars represents an ideal, (= 1"seeing). Significant residual triangu- investigate individual stellar types, vary-
unique starburst laboratory - near enough lar coma in the PSF required additional ing IMF slopes, and the duration of the
to be resolved into individual stars and image deconvolution. We used Melnick starburst. The results of this analysis will
large enough to serve as a typical model 34, a bright and isolated star near the be presented in a forthcoming issue of
of starbursts in distant galaxies. edge of our detector, to deconvolve the The Messenger.
image. After 5000 iterations of the Lucy-
Observations Richardson algorithm (Lucy 1974), the References
resulting map of delta functions was re-
The data presented here were taken convolved with a Gaussian beam of O."12 Beuzit, J.L. et al. 1995, to appear in A&A..
Campbell, B. et al. 1992, A.J. 104, 1721.
on December 27, 1994 using the MPE FWHM, which corresponds to the 3.6-
Cassinelli, J.P., Mathis, J.C., Savage, B.D.
near-infrared camera SHARP2 connected metre telescope's diffraction limit in K. 1981, Science 212, 1497.
to ESO's adaptive optics system Come Forestini, M. 1994, A&A 285, 473.
On+ on the 3.6-metre telescope on La Results Hofmann, R. et al. 1993, ESO 42, Progress in
Silla. Telescope and Instrumentation Technolo-
gies, ed. M.H. Ulrich (Garching, Germany),
The Sharp2 infrared camera is The left-hand side of Figure 1 shows a 617.
equipped with a 256 x 256 pixel Rockwell short exposure taken in H band with the Hunter, D.A. et al. 1995, to appear in Ap.J. July
NlCMOS3 array detectorand is optimised A 0 system switched off, while the right- 20.
for high-resolution broad-and narrow band hand side shows our final adaptive optics Lena, P.J. 1994, SPlE Vol. 2201, Adaptive
imaging in the I.l-2.5 ym band (Hofmann K-band image. For the first time in this Optics in Astronomy, eds. M.A.Ealey & F.
Merkle (Kona, Hawaii), 1099.
1993). The image scale of 0."05 pixel, wavelength region, the central stellar Lucy, L.B. 1974, A.J. 79, 745.
results in a total field of view of 12.8 x l 2 . 8 minicluster R136a is clearly resolved into Malumuth, E.M. & Heap, S.R. 1994, A.J. 107,
arcseconds and provides Nyquist sam- several components. The dynamic range 1054.
pling at wavelengths as short as the J between the brightest and the faintest Weigelt, G. & Baier, G. 1985, A&A 150, L18.
band on the ESO 3.6-m telescope. Wide- sources is approximately 9 magnitudes. Weigelt, G. et al 1991, Ap.J. 378, L21
band filters provide colour discrimination The whole image reveals more than 400
in J (1 .lo-1.40 ym), H (1.45-1.85 pm) stars above the 3-sigma detection level, For further information please contact:
and K (1.95-2.45 pm) bands. A circular the faintest of which are 20th magnitude B. Brandl, MPA-Garching;
variable filter (CVF) which covers the H in K, which corresponds to a lower mass e-mail: brandl@MPA-Garching.MPG-.DE

The H Structure of OMC-1: Disruption of a

~ole:ular Cloud
H. SCHILD, lnstitut fur Astronomie, ETH-Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland
S. MILLER and J. TENNYSON, Dept. Physics and Astronomy, University College London, U.K.
Introduction ago in what is now known as OMC-I lecular Cloud, at a distance of about 450
The first detection of infrared (Gautier et al. 1976). OMC-1 covers an pc. It contains the much studied Becklin-
quadrupole emission of H, in any astro- area of approximately 1.5 arcminutes Neugebauer object and Kleinmann-Low
nomical object was almost twenty years square, located in the giant Orion Mo- nebula as well as a number of compact
infrared emission sources. According to
Genzel and Stutzki (1989), BN-KL is a
very dense, clumpy molecular core in
which most of the radiation emanates
from only afew major luminosity sources,
of which IRc2 and BN are the most
important. BN itself is considered to be
a young star of mass 15 Ma; IRc2 is a
similar object, somewhat more massive
than BN at 25 Ma.
Maps of OMC-1 in the light of the H,
1-0 S(l) transition at 2.121 pm were first
obtained by Beckwith et al. (1978). The
maps had an angular resolution of 13.5"
and 5" and showed two extended lobes
and several emission peaks. At this reso-
lutionthe spatial intensity distribution was
rather smooth. For many years these
observations remained the standard for
OMC-1. They were often used to com-
pare the H, emission with detections of
other molecular species. More recent H,
images of the northwest tip of OMC-1
show a general patchy and filamentary or
jet-like structure (Burton et al. 1991,Allen
& Burton 1993).

Fabry-Perot Observations

A series of images of OMC-1 was

obtained during the nights of December
29 to 31, 1993 with the 2.2-m telescope
and IRAC2. The Fabry-Perot filter was
centred at 2.121 pm. It had a bandwidth of
1.5 nm corresponding to avelocity spread
of about 200 kmlsec. The accuracy of the With the exception of these sources, panding density wave, before passing
wavelength setting was 0.5 nm. The de- our image shows that most if not all of the through.
tector was a 256 x 256 NICMOS array. H, emission in OMC-1 is due to near- The jets we measure typically have a
IRAC2 can be used with various objec- linear jet-like features, which expand in projected length of 1 . 6 1012
~ km. Assum-
tives providing different image scales. all directions except the north-eastern ing that the measured H2 linewidth
We chose lens LC which provides a field quadrant. The H, structure of OMC-1 in (Nadeau & Geballe 1979) of 40-1 00 km/
of view of about 2' and a projected pixel Figure 1 looks as if it were produced by a s gives a lower limit for the velocity of the
size of 0.5". Integration times were 5 highly dynamic or even explosive event. "bullets", such a track could be produced
minutes on source and 5 minutes on two There are several short but well recognis- -
in 500 years. This compares with the
background positions. Subtraction of the able jets in the south and west. There is estimate of 1000 years by Allen & Burton
background images also removed the also a long, strong jet going almost due (1993) for the age of their jets, which are
rings of thermal emission from the warm north.Tracingthese jets backtowards the locatedfurther away from IRc2than those
1 FP rather well. The seeing conditions
were excellent and the measured FWHM
centre, they appear to come from the
region around IRc2. In the north-western
presented here. At this expansion veloc-
ity, the jetheads will have moved an ob-
of the stellar images was 0.7". quadrant and north of east-south-east servable 1" in 20 years from now. The
it is more difficult to trace individual jets phenomenon of the molecular cloud dis-
through the cloud. ruption is thus extremely short-lived and
The H2Structure of OMC-1 The jets havethe appearance of wakes OMC-1 provides a unique opportunity to
such as might be produced by the bow observe it.
In Figure 1 the resulting H, image of shocks of "bullets"of dense materialfired
the OMC-1 is shown. It covers all of the through the molecular gas. Along the path
area originally mapped by Beckwith et of the jets there are also knots of brighter Conclusions and Outlook
al. (1978). In the north (top) are Beck- emission, probably indicating that the
with's Peaks 5 (which nearly coincides emitting gas in these regions is above The new Fabry-Perot images of the
with IRc9) and Peak 1. Near the centre of average density. In the southwest quad- Orion Molecular Cloud OMC-1 confirm it
our image, south and slightly east (left) of rant in particular, a number of the jets to be an object generated by a highly
the line of Peaks 5 and 1, BN shows up appeartoterminate in these brighter knots. dynamic - even explosive - event, and
brightly. Peak3 is resolved into two bright The northern jet passes through a bright unlike any other astronomical object
sources, south-east of BN. IRc2 coin- ring of emission and emerges much known. We seem to witness the dynamic
cides with a hollow structure in the H, weaker in intensity. If the two emission processes by which newly-formed mas-
emission map. East-south-east of Peak structures are indeed connected, it would sive stars disrupt their parent molecular
3, Peak 2 is a bright, highly structured appear as if the "bullet" hit a clump of cloud. OMC-1 appears to be made of
region. denser material, causing a radially ex- numerous linear,jet-likestructures,which
are responsible for producing nearly all other H,-sensitive wavelengths and by C., Axon D.J. Bailey J.A., 1991, Astrophys.
the nebularemission. The dynamicstruc- carefully directed high resolution J. 375,611.
Gautier T.N., Fink U., Treffers R.R., Larson,
ture is best described by the wakes of spectroscopy.
H.P., 1976, Ap. J. Letts 207,L129.
dense "bullets" ploughing through the Genzel R., Stutzki J., 1989, Ann. Rev. Astron.
surrounding molecular gas. The jets ap- Astrophys. 27,41.
pear to diverge from the region around References Nadeau D., Geballe T.R., 1979, Astrophys. J.
IRc2 in all directions apart from the 230,L169.
north-east quadrant. More information on Allen D.A., Burton, M.G., 1993, Nature 363,
the region - including temperature pro- Beckwith S., Persson S.E., Neugebauer G.,
files for the most interesting features - Becklin E.E., 1978 Astr0phys.J. 223,464. For further information please contact:
should be obtained by observations in Burton M.G., Minchin N.R., Hough J.H., Aspin H. Schild; e-mail:

Combined Optical and Near-IR IRAC2 Photometry

of the Bulge Globular Cluster NGC 6553

llstituto di Fisica Matematica, Universita di Torino, Italy; 20sservatorio Astronomico, Torino, Italy;
3Dipartimento di Astronomia di Bologna, Bologna, Italy; 40sservatorio Astrofisico di Padova, Padova, Italy;
sSERCO/ESA-Astrophysics Division, Noordwijk, The Netherlands;
6Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil; 7Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

The bulge region of our Galaxy con- effects giving anomalous tilted HBs and 1994), derived a whole set of solar and
tains a number of globular clusters whose a turnover on the giant branches (Ortolani super-solar metallicity models which re-
study can provide important information et al., 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993a, 1993b, produce these characteristics, a major
about the history of the Galaxy formation Bica et al., 1991). Recently (Bertelli et al., step towards modelling metal-rich pop-
conditions after the initial collapse of the
spheroid. The age, dynamical and chem-
ical conditions of the bulge are the crucial
parameters to be investigated. Unfortu-
nately, they are hardly observable in the
optical wavelength due to the heavy
extinction in the direction of the Galactic
For these reasons we have started a
systematic study of a sample of metal-
rich clusters in the infrared using IRAC2
withe the new NlCMOS3 detector 256 x
256 pixels, mounted at the MPIIESO 2.2-
m telescope at La Silla (Chile).
Here, we present the results of com-
bined visual and near-infrared photometry
in one of the most metal-rich globular
cluster NGC 6553 ([FeIH] - -0.2). The
optical counterparts come from Ortolani,
Barbuy and Bica (1990).

1. Introduction
NGC 6553 (a = 18h 05m 11s; 6 =
-25" 55' 06" (1950.0); [FeIH] =$:: (Or-
tolani et al., 1990) is a low-latitude galactic
globular cluster belonging to the metal-
rich cluster family. These objects are
projected in the direction of the galactic
bulge and form a unique homogeneous
sample of bulge population, so the correct
determination of their age is crucial for
the determination of formation epoch of
the inner bulge. Their peculiar c-m dia- Figure 1: NGC 6553 composite field as observed with IRAC2 0.5 arcsec/pixel mode, field size -
grams are dominated by blanketing 4 arcmin2.

Figure 2: (K, J-K) CMD of NGC 6553. Figure 3: (K, V-K) CMD of NGC 6553.

ulations. One of the major problems will be better known), check CMDs of fields photometry ROMAFOT (Buonanno
seems to be the transformation from the some extremely reddened clusters and et al. 1979, 1983).
theo-retical to the observational plane due derive their properties are crucial points Eight SAAO standards (kindly provided
to the heavy blanketing effect in the BVRl in determiningthe proto-Galaxyconditions by Dr. Ian Glass) were observed during
photometric data. after the initial collapse of the spheroid. the run and most of them on at least two
So, it is clearthat IR photometry, much positions of the array. The calibration
less affected by line and molecular band 2. Observations and Data curve and all the details regarding the
absorptions, can improve the current Reductions standard stars have already beenpub-
theoretical research in this field. For bulge lished in Ferraro et al., 1993.
stars, the infrared colours JHK are the lnfrared observations have been The optical BVRl sample, coming from
best suited also because the extinction carried out the night of June 11, 1992 Ortolani, Barbuy and Bica (1990), has
is much lower in the IR than in the optical using the ESO Rockwell NICMOS3 been tied to the IR coordinate system
bands, so that all uncertainties connected (HgCdTe, 256 x 256 pixels) infrared using a linear interpolation and a com-
to the reddening plus blanketing effects camera IRAC2 (cut-off wavelength at 2.5 prehensive catalogue of 1196 BVRIJK
determination are less important. pm, Moorwood et al., 1992) mounted on stars has been created.
Moreover, combining optical and IR the MPI/ESO 2.2-m telescope at La Silla
data, it is possible to obtain very useful (Chile), at image scales of 0".27 and 3. The Colour-Magnitude Diagrams
colour indices, like the V-K which is an 0".49 for both standard J (1.25 ym) and Figures 2 and 3 present the CMDs (K,
excellent indicator of effective tem- K (2.19 pm) filters. Through each filter, J-K), and (K, V-K) for all the stars of the
perature (T,), being relatively insensitive we obtained a high-resolution image (first sample with the mean ridge lines super-
to metallicity and having a long wave- magnification value) of the cluster centre, imposed. The (V, V-K) is shown in Fig-
length baseline and line-free continuum and four partially overlapping images ure 4 while Figure 5 shows the (V, V-I)
fluxes (Guarnieri et al., 1991; Ferraro et -
covering a 2'x 2' square region centred diagram from Ortolani et al., 1990 con-
al., 1993). on the cluster core (second magnifica- taining only the stars in common with the
The importance of this study is thus tion). The total field covered is - 4 x 4 infrared photometry.
manifold: besides the information on arcmin2 (see Figure 1). These diagrams confirm the peculiar
temperatures for stars observable in Separate sky frames located at 10'- nature of NGC 6553 with a very red,
high (or medium-low) resolution spec- from the cluster centre were also compact horizontal branch also in the IR
troscopy, or determined via the so-called observed, in each filter and magnification, diagrams. The giant branch is well de-
"lnfrared Flux Method" (Blackwell and for sky subtraction purpose. All images fined in the whole extension up to K 6; -
Shallis (1977), Blackwell et al. (1980), are the average of 60 frames of 1 second a parallel redder and lower sequence is
Arribas and Martinez Roger (1987)), integration time. The observations were also visible in all the diagrams. Further
dating reddened clusters, estimating carried out with seeing < 1A". investigations will confirm if this feature is
their red-dening and distance (con- The whole set of data has been ana- due to a differential reddening or to the
sequently the globular system structure lysed using the package for crowded background field. The steep giant branch
lgL..Lt-i-~.~..t..l.-L-,-i 8 ,T.~I , I 8 8 I I , I 8 I 8 n 4 i a n # ~ - d
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0

Figure 4: (V, V-K) CMD of NGC 6553. Figure 5: (V, V-I) CMD of NGC 6553.

in the IR diagrams shows that the use of

IR colours greatly reduces the blanketing
effects of the cool stars in metal rich clus-
ters. The horizontal branch in Figure 2
can be localised at about K = 12.25 mag
and V-K = 4.35. This measure is much
more accurate than the luminosity level
obtained using optical CMDs where it
appears strongly tilted. From these val-
ues V ,, = 16.60 is deduced in a good
agreement with Ortolani et al., 1990.
Assuming M:' = 0.8 for [FeIH] = -0.2
(Fusi Pecci, F., private communication)
we get a distance modulus of 13.35
corresponding to d = 4.8 Kpc from the
Another approach, not dependent on
the data, makes use of the new Padua
isochrones (Bertelli et al., 1994). For an
age of - 14 Gyr, the mean level of the
horizontal branch is at MK = -1.45, that
is a dereddened distance modulus of 13.4
or about 4.8 Kpc, in excellent agreement
with the above determination.
Figure 6 relates the dereddened
c o l o ~ r ( J - Kto
) ~the (V-K)o, superimposed
are the giant stars in 47 Tuc observed by
Frogel et al., 1981 (filled circles). The
sequence for the field giants (solid line)
is from Frogel et al., 1978. There is a clear Figure 6: (J-K), vs. (V-K), CMD of NGC 6553. Superimposed are the giant stars in 47 Tuc
shift to a higher (V-K)o values of the NGC observed by Frogel et al., 1981 (filled circles). The sequence for the field giants (solid line) is by
Frogel et a/., 1978.
6553 points compared with 47 Tuc, while
the locus of the field stars fits very well. If
the shift is only an effect of metallicity this indicates a nearly solar abundance The details concerning data acquisi-
(Ferraro et al., 1994, Bertelli et al., 1994) for NGC 6553. tion and reduction, and the full astro-
physical discussion will be published in a Bica, E., Barbuy, B., Ortolani, S. 1991, ApJ Guarnieri, M.D., Montegriffo, P., Ortolani, S.,
separate paper (Guarnieri et al., 1994). 382, L15. Moneti, A., Barbuy, A., Bica, E., 1994, in
Blackwell, D.E., Shallis, M.J., 1977, MNRAS ~re~aration.
180, 177. ~ o o h o o A.,
d Finger G., Biereichel P., Delabre
Acknowledgements Blackwell, D.E., Pedford, A.D., Shallis, M.J., B., Van Dijsseldonk A,, Huster G., Lizon J.-
1980, AA 82,249. L., Meyer M., Gemperlein H., Moneti A,,
We would like to thank the ESO or- Buonanno, R., Corsi, C.E., De Biase, G.A., 1992, The Messenger, 69,61.
ganization for the allocation of observing Ferraro, I., 1979, in Image processing in Ortolani, S., Barbuy, B., Bica, E. 1990, AA 236,
Astronomy, eds. G. Sedmak, M. Capaccioli 362.
time and for giving us the chance to
and R.J. Allen, Trieste Obs., p.354. Ortolani, S., Bica, E., Barbuy, B. 1991, AA 249,
be the first IRAC2 users. We also thank Buonanno, R., Buscema, G., Corsi, C.E., L31.
Hans Gemperlein for the help during Ferraro, I., lannicola, G., 1983, AA 126,278. Ortolani, S., Barbuy, B., Bica, E. 1992, AAS
the observing run. MDG acknowledges Ferraro, F.R., Fusi Pecci, F., Guarnieri, M.D., 92, 441.
the Universita and Osservatorio Astro- Moneti, A., Origlia, L., Testa, V., 1994, Ortolani, S., Barbuy, B., Bica, E. 1993a, AA
n o m i c ~of Torino for their support. MNRAS 266, 829. 273, 415.
Frogel, J.A., Persson, S.E., Aaronson, M., Ortolani, S., Barbuy, B., Bica, E. 199313, AA
Matthews, K., 1978, ApJ 220,75. 267, 66.
References Frogel, J.A., Persson, S.E., Cohen, J.G., 1981,
ApJ ,842.
Arribas, S., Martinez Roqer, C., 1987, AA Guarnieri, M.D., Fusi Pecci, F., Ferraro, F.R.,
178,106. 1992., Workshop on Star Clusters and Stel- For further information please contact:
Bertelli, G., Bressan, A., Chiosi, C., Fagotto, lar Evolution, Teramo 18-20 September M.D. Guarnieri;
F., Nasi, E., 1994, AAS 106, 275. 1991, 63,117. e-mail:

Observations of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impacts

on Jupiter at the Swedish-ESO Submillimetre


'Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France; "Observatoire de Bordeaux, France; 3University of Hawaii, USA

1. Introduction
molecules were made at the IRAM 30-m (38" in July), we found it was not worth
The SEST was one of the ten tele- radio telescope in Spain (Lellouch et tracking exactly in position the impact
scopes which were used at ESO for the a1.,1995), at the IRAM millimetre inter- sites. For the observations performed
observation of the encounter of comet ferometer in France (Wink et a l . , with the 3-mm receiver, the centre of the
Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter (West, 1994),with the James Clerk Maxwell Tele- planet was pointed. For those at 1.3 and
1994). The purpose of these millimetre scope in Hawaii (Marten et al., 19953, and 0.8 mm, five beam positions regularly
observations was to search for molecular at the SEST. The interest of millimetre spaced on the Jupiter disk at the latitude
species which could have been injected heterodyne techniques for planetary of the impact sites (44" South) were
or generated by the impacts. Carbon observations is the high spectral reso- defined for the observations. After the first
monoxyde was detected on July 23 on lution which allows the detection of observing days, each position generally
impact site G+Q+R+S through its J(2-1) narrow molecular lines formed in the encompassed several impact sites.
line at 230 GHz. CO, which is normally stratosphere. Particular attention was given to the
present with a very low abundance in The SEST 75-m antenna is equipped observation of the large impacts G, H, K,
Jupiter's atmosphere, was likely formed with three heterodyne receivers working L, Q and R. 2-min scans were recorded.
by shock chemistry following the impacts. in the 80-116 GHz (3-mm receiver), 215- The observations suffered from poor
Difficulties in the reduction of the data 270 GHz (1.3 mm) and 320-360 GHz (0.8 atmospheric conditions, with an opacity
prevented us from reporting these results mm) ranges. These receivers were used exceeding 0.5 at 230 GHz during the
with the other ESO preliminary results of alternately, depending on weather con- first 4 days. The weather was more co-
this event in the September 1994 issue ditions. We used as backends two spec- operative on July 22 and 23, with opaci-
of The Messenger. trometers simultaneously with an 80-kHz ties on the order of 0.35 and 0.25. On
resolution (0.1 kmls at 230 GHz) and a July 18, the J(3-2) and J(2-1) rotational
1.4-MHz resolution. In order to reduce the lines of CO at respectively 345 and 230
2. Observations effects of sky and receiver noise fluc- GHz were searched for. Although the
tuations, the observations were carried detection of millimetre lines of CO and
The observations at SEST were con- out using the "beam switching" method, HCN was announced at the IRAM 30-m
ducted from July 18 to 23, 1994. They in which the receiver alternately viewed and JCMT, the weather appeared too bad
were a part of a global strategy under- the impact site and a reference beam at ESO to allow detection of these species
taken by a consortium of European, position at 2' in azimuth. Because of the at SEST, and the three following days
Canadian and US scientists in order to relatively large beam width of the were mostly dedicated to an exploratory
search for molecular species using milli- telescope (half-power beam width of 15", search of other species, namely ArH',
metre heterodyne techniques. As a result 23" and 57" at respectively 346, 230 and ArH ,', SO,, HC,N near 245 GHz, and SiO
of this strategy, observations of various 86 GHz) with respect to Jupiter's diameter (86 GHz) and HCO' (89 GHz). On July

22, we searched for the HCN J(3-2) propriate velocity corrections before co- line detected at SEST shows distinctly the
line at 266 GHz and the CO J(2-1) line adding the individual scans. contribution of at least three sites (G, Q2
at 230 GHz. On July 23, the CO J(2-1) or R, Q1). This differs from the IRAM
line was observed on several impact observations which, due to a smaller
3. Results
sites. beam width (10.4"), are more sensitive
The reduction of the data was ham- The reduction lead to the detection of to the tracked impact site.
pered by baseline ripples caused by the J(2-1) of CO from the spectra ob- The formation of millimetre molecular
standing waves between the primary and served on July 23 in the D+G+Q1 lines in planetary atmospheres has been
secondary reflectors due to the high +Q2+R+S complex (Fig. 1). This line was discussed at length in several papers
continuum flux of Jupiter (80 K in antenna also detected at IRAM 30-m in impact site (e.g. Lellouch et al., 1984; Paubert et al.,
temperature in the main beam at 230 G on July 18, ten hours after the fall of 1984). Provided the velocity dispersion
GHz). This resulted in strong irregular the responsible cometary fragment. On within the sites is small, the linewidth
oscillations in the spectra, and sometimes July 20.82, 20.84, 21.33 and 21.64, reflects pressure broadening and pro-
in spurious features of linewidth com- fragments Q2, Q1, R and S collided with vides thus a strong constraint on the level
parable to the searched lines. The real the planet within 7" of impact site G. As a of formation of CO. The width of the
time data processing was not facilitated result, the CO observations made at line due to impact G (1 kmls) suggests
by the rapid and non-linear velocity IRAM and SEST the following days on that CO is not present in a detectable
displacement of the impact sites as this site encompassed in fact several amount at altitudes deeper than 0.1
Jupiter rotates (17 kmls in 4.5 hours to sites. The observations performed at mbar. The contrast of the line i s a
be compared to linewidths of a few SEST on July 22 and 23 complement the function of both the temperature structure
kmls). This effect could only be taken into monitoring performed at IRAM, for which and the vertical distribution of the
account afterwards, by making the ap- these dates are lacking. In addition, the abundance of CO. Figure 1 shows the

0 10
Velocity [km/s]
Figure 1 : The J(2-1) line of CO at 230.538 GHz detected on site D+G+Qj+Qz+R+S on July 23.81 at the SEST telescope. The integration time is
36 minutes. The geometry of the observations is shown in the right upper corner of the figure. Due to the rapid rotation of Jupiter, the geocentric
velocities of the impacts differ. The velocity scale refers here to the velocity of impact G. Impact sites D, Q1, Q2, R and S were expected at
respectively -1.3, -4.9, -2.8, -2.3, and-0.9 km/s at the moment of the observation. Note that the global shape of the line depends critically on the
velocity corrections applied before co-adding the individual scans, due to the rapid and non-linear velocity displacement of the impact sites as
Jupiter rotates. Superimposed is shown a model fit (full continuous line). Three emitting regions were modeled: Q1, Q2 and G (dashed lines). For
line calibration, the diameter of each emitting region was assumed to be 2.5" (9400 km). Taking into account the beam efficiency and width, the
dilution factor which converts observed antenna temperatures into brightness temperatures is 200. The continuum level originates from the
troposphere where the disk-averaged brightness temperature is near 170 K and the opacity is due to HZ-He pressure-induced absorption. For
each impact site, we assume a uniform temperature difference relative to pre-impact conditions and a constant CO mixing ratio qco above a
pressure level determined by the linewidths, assumed to be due to pressure-induced collisions. For impact G, we adopt AT = 30 K at p 5 2 mbar
a n d q c o = 4 x 1 & 5 a t p 5 0 . 1 mbar. F o r i m p a c t Q ~ , A T = 3 0 K a n d q c o = 4 x l & ~ a t p ~ 0 . 4 m b aFr .o r Q 2 , A T = 4 0 K a n d q c o = 4 x 1 & 5 a t p 5 0 . 4
mbar. This fit is illustrative, since the solution is from being unique. In particular, impact site R, close to Q2, was not taken into account. Similar fits
can be obtained by assuming increased temperature gradients and lower mixing ratios, and vice versa. The retrieved CO masses are here 1.3x
1014 g for Q1 and Q2, and 3 x 10-13 g for G.
results of model calculations for a multi- CO has normally a very low abundance pre-impact values (Lellouch et al., 1995;
site emission. For each impact site, we in Jupiter's atmosphere. The derived Marten et al., 1994,1995). The SESTob-
have assumed emitting region diameters abundance is about 50,000 times larger servations, together with the other milli-
of 2.5" (9400 km), in orderto take into than the normal tropospheric abundance, metre observations, will help to better
account the dilution within the beam. making unlikely that we were observing understand this unique event.
The model parameters are an excess jovian CO transported in the plume. Since
temperature of 30-40 K above the the high temperatures in the fireball are References
normal 170 K temperature and a CO expected to dissociate most of the
mixing ratio of 4 x 10-5 above the 0.1 cometary and Jovian material, shock Lellouch, E., Encrenaz, T., Combes, F., Dros-
mbar (impact G) or 0.4 mbar (impacts chemistry seems to provide the most sari, P.: 1984, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Q1 and Q2) levels. This fit is only illus- 135, 365-370.
plausible explanation for the formation of
Lellouch, E., Paubert, G., Moreno, R., Festou,
trative and the solution is far from being CO. The inferred amount of CO is quite M.C., Bezard, B. et al.: 1995, Nature (in
unique. Emission due to impact R, close comparable to the oxygen expected in press).
to Q2, was not included. A somewhat a 1-km sized cometary nucleus. The Marten,A., Moreno, R., Paubert, G., Wild, W.,
higher temperature and lower mixing ratio millimetre observations provide in ad- Colom, P. et al.: 1994, BAAS 26, 1589-
would equally fit the results, and vice 1590.
dition almost unique information on the
Marten, A., Gautier, D., Owen, T., Griffin, M.J.,
versa. The present solution implies CO thermal structure of the Jovian strato- Matthews, H.E. et al: 1995, Geophysical
masses on the order of 1014 g for each sphere modified by the impacts and its Research Letter (submitted).
impact site, consistent with the con- temporal evolution. The monitoring of Paubert, G., Gautier, D., and Courtin, R.: 1984
clusions of Lellouch et al. (1995) derived millimetre lines of CO, CS and the HCN Icarus, 60, 599-61 2.
from the IRAM data. line indicated that a substantial warming West, R.M.: 1994, The Messenger, 77, 28-
occurred after the impacts and persisted Wink, J., Lucas, R., Guilloteau, S., Dutrey, A,:
4. Discussion over one week (Lellouch et al., 1995; 1994, /RAM Newsletter 18,
Marten et al., 1995). Then the lines
The detection of CO in the strato- switched over from emission to ab- For further information please contact:
sphere of Jupiter will provide strong sorption, indicating important cooling D. Bockelee-Morvan;
constraints on the physics of the impacts. down to temperatures lower than the e-mail:

Evidence for Diffusely Distributed Dust in Elliptical

Galaxies and its Effect on Radial Colour Gradients

- - - -

The presence of dust in elliptical galaxies has recently been shown to be quite common. Deep optical
multi-colour CCD imaging has revealed the presence of dust lanes and patches, and the technique of co-
adding IRAS survey scans has led to many detections of elliptical galaxies. The optical and far-infrared surveys
reported similar detection rates of dust, which may indicate that dust in ellipt~calgalaxies is generally distributed
in the optically detected lanes orpatches. However, we show here that the amount of dust as derived from the
optical extinction values is typically an order of magnitude smaller than that derived from the IRAS flux densities,
in strong contrast with the situation in spiral galaxies. To unriddle this dilemma, we postulate that the majority of
the dust in elliptical galaxies exists as a diffusely distributed component which is undetectable using optical
methods. Employing a multiple scattering model for the dust, we show that the presence of this newly postulated
dust component implies significant radial colour gradients which were essentially thought to arise from stellar
population gradients only. The energetics of the diffusely distributed dust component is shown to be consistent
with the IRAS data. A comparison of the detectable amount of dust in elliptical galaxies embedded in hot, X-ray-
emitting gas with the amount expected in case the production and destruction rates of dust are equal indicates
that most of the dust in elliptical galaxies has been accreted from other galaxies.

1. Introduction Besides detecting the interstellar mat- In order to systematically study the glo-
ter, we are interested in its origin and fate bal occurrence and properties of dust and
Although elliptical galaxies generally since this material is expected to hold gas in elliptical galaxies, we (P. Goud-
do not exhibit the large amounts of inter- clues to the formation and subsequent frooij from ESO, L. Hansen and H.E. JPrr-
stellar matter (ISM) typically found in evolution of elliptical galaxies through gensen from the Copenhagen Univer-
spiral galaxies, it has recently become both the physical properties and the dy- sity Observatory, H.U. N~rrgaard-Nielsen
possible to detect various components namics of the gas and dust. There are at from the Danish Space Research Insti-
of the ISM in elliptical galaxies (see, least two possible sources of the ob- tute, and T. de Jong from the University
Roberts et al. 1991; Goudfrooij et al. served ISM: accumulation of material of Amsterdam) have performed an opti-
1994b). These studies have shown that shed by evolved, mass-losing giant stars cal survey of a complete, apparent-mag-
the presence of dust and gas in elliptical within the galaxy (e.g., Faber & Gallagher nitude selected sample of elliptical gal-
galaxies is the rule rather than the ex- 1976; Knapp et al. 1992), and accretion axies, containing all such objects (56 in
ception. of gas during galaxy interactions number) with B: < 12 mag. in the Revised
tions that are sufficiently distinct from that
of the stellar light (i.e., dust lanes, disks,
or patches) can be detected. Examples
of dust in elliptical galaxies in our "RSA
sample" are shown in Figure 1.
In Paper II, we reported an (optical)
detection rate of dust features in our RSA
sample of 41 %. However, the ability to
detect dusty disks or lanes in elliptical
galaxies by these methods depends
heavily on orientation effects, i.e., is bi-
ased towards edge-on dust distributions.
The actual fraction of ellipticals contain-
ing dust features may thus be much
higher (cf. Paper II; Sadler & Gerhard
1985). Furthermore, a significant fraction
of the dust in elliptical galaxies may be
expected to follow a smooth distribution
similar to that of the stars (e.g., dust
which is produced by mass-loss from late-
type giant stars within the galaxies), but
this dust remains undetected by optical
The means to study dust in galaxies
in a more quantitative way became avail-
able with data provided by the InfraRed
Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). Since the
dust opacity is low in the far-infrared, ori-
entation effects do not influence the de-
tectability of dust, thus allowing quantita-
tive estimates of the temperature and to-
tal mass of the dust. Using the technique
of co-adding IRAS survey scans, Knapp
et al. (1989) have shown that a signifi-
cant fraction (250 %) of nearby, bright E
and SO galaxies have been detected at
60 and 100 pm at a limiting sensitivity
about 3 times lower than in the IRAS Point
Source Catalog. Although this detection
I rate is similar to that of the optical meth-
ods, recent studies of individual elliptical
Figure 1: B-I colour index images of (top left to bottom right) NGC 3136, IC 3370, NGC 3962, galaxies have shown that estimates of the
NGC 4 125, NGC 4278, NGC 4374, NGC 4589, NGC 4696, NGC 50 18, IC 1459, NGC 5044, and total mass of dust using the IRAS data
NGC 7507. For each galaxy, the B-band isophotal contour at half a de Vaucouleurs' effective
radius (Re) is superposed (except for NGC 4696 and NGC 5044, where the contour at R$4 is
are a factor of - 10 higher than those
superposed). Dust shows as reddened structures with a morphology different from the isophote(s) derived from optical colour excesses in-
of (stellar) galaxy light. The colour look up table is displayed at the bottom of each image. tegrated over the areas where dust is
found to reside (de Jong et al. 1990;
Hansen et al. 1991). To address the dis-
Shapley-Ames Catalog of Bright Galax- are presented in Goudfrooij et al. (1995, crepancies mentioned above, we com-
ies (hereafter RSA catalog; Sandage & hereafter Paper Ill), where dust masses bine in this paper our optical survey data
Tammann 1981). Deep CCD imaging has are also estimated from the optical ex- with the IRAS data to analyse physical
been performedthrough both broad-band tinction data. properties of dust in elliptical galaxies,
filters and narrow-bandfilters isolatingthe including the distribution of the dust and
nebular Ha+[NII] emission lines. For this heating mechanisms for the dust. Amore
1. I Optical and far-infrared elaborate version of this paper will be
we used the Dutch 0.91-m, Danish 1.54- signatures of dust in elliptical
m and ESOIMPI 2.2-m telescopes at published elsewhere (Goudfrooij & de
galaxies Jong 1995, hereafter Paper IV).
ESO-La Silla for the southern galaxies,
and the 1.0-m Jacobus Kapteyn tele- Optical CCD imaging is essential in
scope on the Canary island La Palma for establishing the presence and distribu- 2. The Distribution of Dust in
the northern galaxies. Due to the size of tion of ISM in ellipticals in view of its high Elliptical Galaxies
the sample, the survey took several years spatial resolution. However, quantitative
to complete. The surface photometry and estimates of the mass and the physical 2.1 Dust masses from optical
the isophotal properties of the sample conditions of the dust from optical data and far-infrared data:
galaxies are presented in Goudfrooij et alone are hampered by serious selection the "Dust Mass Discrepancy"
al. (1994a, hereafter Paper I); distribu- effects. This can be illustrated as follows:
tions of dust and ionized gas are pre- The optical methods for detecting dust in The methods used for deriving dust
sented in Goudfrooij et al. (1994b, here- elliptical galaxies take advantage of the masses from optical extinction values and
after Paper 11). Extinction properties of smooth distribution of the stellar light of from the IRAS flux densities are explained
dust in selected dusty elliptical galaxies these galaxies. Thus, only dust distribu- in detail in Papers Ill and IV. In summary,
dust masses calculated from the IRAS
data are in principle (firm) lower limits to
the real dust mass. In the following, we
thus only consider the component of dust
which radiates at wavelengths covered
by IRAS.
A glance at Figure 2 reveals that the
dust masses estimated from the optical
extinction are significantly lower than
those estimated from the far-infrared
emission. Quantitatively, the average ra-
tio < Md, IRAS/M~, opt z = 8.4 k 1.3 for the
galaxies in our "RSA sample" for which
the presence of dust is revealed by both
far-infrared emission and optical dust
lanes or patches. Strictly speaking, the
dust masses derived from optical extinc-
tion are lower limits since the conversion
factor from extinction to dust mass im-
plicitly assumes the dust to be in front
of the stars. Since the dust is probably
embedded in the stellar systems, the op-
tically derived dust masses may be of
order 2 times higher than the calculated
values. However, the disagreement be-
4 5 6 7 tween the two mass determinations is sig-
This disagreement might (partly) be
Figure 2: The quotient of the dust mass derived from the IRAS data and the dust mass derived due to the effect of orientation. In Paper
from optical extinction versus the dust mass derived from the IRAS data for elliptical galaxies 11 we reported that estimated inclinations
from the "RSA sample" with optically detected dust. Filled squares represent galaxies detected
by IRAS at both 60 and 100 pm, and open squares represent galaxies detected in only one
of regular dust lanes in early-type gal-
IRAS band. axies are found to range between 0 and
- 35", suggesting that dust lanes are de-
tected only if inclined by less than a cer-
optical extinction values are converted wavelengths far beyond 100 ym (e.g., tain critical angle. If this were correct,
into dust mass column densities by adopt- Young et al. 1986). We wil! see he!ow that the ratio ?Ad,iRAS/?dd, opt (hereafter "dust
ing the Mathis et al. (1977) grain size dis- temperatures of order 20 K are appropri- mass discrepancy") would be expected
tribution function and optical extinction ate to the outer regions of elliptical gal- to be inversely proportional to cos ( i ) ,
efficiency factors taken from the literature; axies (i.e., beyond -10 kpc), so that the where i is the inclination of the dust lane
the IRAS 60 and 100 ym flux densities
are used to determine dust masses un-
der the assumption that the far-infrared
emission of elliptical galaxies originates
from dust with an emissivity law 1-1 at
the wavelength region covered by IRAS.
We assume the 60 and 100 ym emission
to be due to a single-temperature com-
ponent of dust. Thus, derived dust tem-
peratures should be regarded as "repre-
sentative" values, since a range of tem-
peratures is appropriate for dust within
elliptical galaxies. We note that IRAS is
sensitive to "cool" dust with Td 5 25 K,
but much less to "cold" dust with lower
temperatures emitting predominantly at

Figure 3: The quotient of the dust mass de-
rived from the IRAS data and the dust mass
$ 10
derived from optical extinction versus the
cosine of the inclination angle of the dust lane
in selected elliptical galaxies containing regular
dust lanes. Filled squares represent galaxies
from the "RSA sample", filled circles represent
galaxies from Paper 111, and open squares
represent galaxies from the sample of Veron-
cetty & ~ Z r o n(1988). The NGC numbers of 0.8 0.85 0.9 0-95 1
the galaxies involved are indicated above the
symbols. cos (inclination)
with respect to the line of sight. To evalu-
ate the influence of the effect of orienta-
tion on the dust mass discrepancy, we
estimated the inclinations of (apparently)
regular, uniform dust lanes in elliptical
galaxies from images shown in homoge-
neous optical CCD surveys (Paper 11;
Paper Ill; Veron-Cetty & Veron 1988).The
dust masses derived from the optical red-
dening by Veron-Cetty & Veron were
scaled up by 10 % proportional to the dif-
ference of the adopted dust mass column
densities (cf. Paper Ill). The relation be-
tween Md,]RAS/Md, opt and cos (I) is shown
in Figure 3. This being a scatter plot, the
effect of orientation on the dust mass dis-
crepancy must be weak if present at all.
This suggests that the dust in the lanes
is concentrated in relatively small, dense
clumps with a low volume filling factor.

2.2 Diffusely distributed dust:

dilemma unriddled?

Having eliminated the effect of orien-

tation, the most plausible way out of the -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4
dilemma of the dust mass discrepancy is
to postulate an additional component of
B-I colour gradient
dust with a diffuse, uniform distribution Figure 4: The relation of LIR/LBwith the radial B-I colourgradients (definedas A(B-l)/A(log r)) for
elliptical galaxies in the "RSA sample". Filled squares represent galaxies detected by IRAS
over a large area in elliptical galaxies and showing optical evidence for dust, and open squares represent galaxies detected by IRAS without
therefore virtually undetectable by opti- optical evidence for dust. Arrows pointing downwards indicate upper limits to LIRILB.The red
cal methods. We note that this diffuse dashed line represents the colour gradient expected from differential extinction by a diffuse
component of dust is not unexpected in distribution of dust (see text).
elliptical galaxies. For instance, the late-
type stellar population of typical giant
ellipticals (LB= 1010 - 1011 La) has a sub-
stantial present-day mass loss rate (- 0.1 nificantly changing the observed global radial B-l colour gradients (taken from
- 1 Mo yr-1 of gas and dust; cf. Faber & colours. Paper I). Although Figure 4 shows that
Gallagher 1976) which is expected to be We have exploited the elliptical galaxy colour gradients in elliptical galaxies are
diffusely distributed. model described by WTC to derive the generally larger than can be generated
An interesting potential way to trace predicted colour gradients - due to dust by a diffuse distribution of dust through-
this diffuse component of dust is provided alone - appropriate to the far-infrared out the galaxies according to the model
by radial colour gradients in elliptical gal- properties (and hence the dust content) of WTC, it is obvious that the relation im-
axies. With very few significant excep- of the elliptical galaxies in the RSA plied by the model of WTC fits the mini-
tions, "normal" elliptical galaxies (e.g., the sample. The Monte Carlo simulations of mum of the distribution of colour gradi-
galaxies in our RSA sample) show a glo- WTC exploit a spherically symmetric dis- ents at a given LIR/LBquite well. More-
bal reddening toward their centres (see tribution of stars, uniformly mixed with a over, there are no galaxies in the RSA
Paper I and references therein). These diffuse, homogeneous distribution of dust. sample with a colour gradient significantly
colour gradients are generally being ex- The predicted radial colour gradients are smallerthan that indicated by the model
plained in terms of metallicity variations. due to the effect of differential extinction of WTC. This result strongly suggests the
This view is supported by the existence (i.e. absorption and scattering) through- presence of a diffuse distribution of dust
of radial gradients of metallic absorption out the galaxy. The model of WTC repro- in elliptical galaxies, causing a colour gra-
line strengths (Davies et al. 1993; Carollo duces a de Vaucouleurs surface bright- dient due to differential extinction. This
et al. 1993). There is however significant ness profile quite well, even for relatively effect should be added to the effects of
scatter in the relation between colour gra- high total optical depths of the dust dis- metallicity and/or age gradients of the
dients and line strength gradients (cf. tribution. Substantial amounts of dust can stellar population in the interpretation of
Peletier 1989; Davies et al. 1993). Al- thus be present in (elliptical) galaxies observed colour gradients of elliptical
though the presence of dust in ellipti- while remaining undetected by conven- galaxies.
cal galaxies is now beyond dispute, the tional optical methods. Using the model We have investigated whether pub-
implications of dust extinction are gen- computations of WTC, infrared to blue lished radial metallicity gradients (i.e.,
erally discarded in the interpretation of luminosity ratios LIR/LBand colour gradi- radial gradients of the Mg2 index) of gal-
colour gradients. However, recent ents [e.g., A(B-l)lA(log r)] have been de- axies in the RSA sample are consistent
model calculations of the transfer of stel- rived as a function of the total dust opti- with the positions of the galaxies in Fig-
lar radiation within elliptical galaxies by cal depth zv of the diffuse dust compo- ure 4. Although there are currently only a
Witt et al. (1992, hereafter WTC) have nent. few galaxies in the RSA sample for which
demonstrated that a diffuse distribution The result is plotted (as a dashed line) radial metallicity gradients have been
of dust throughout ellipticals can cause in Figure 4 in which the LIR/LBratios of published, it is quite reassuring that the
significant colour gradients even with the galaxies in the RSA sample that are galaxies in Figure 4 which lie nearest to
modest dust optical depths, without sig- detected by IRAS are plotted versus their the relation implied by the model of WTC

50 L NCC 1407
50 L NGC 46B6


lo-' 1 10' 1 10'

Equivalent radius [Kpc] Equivalent radius [Kpc]
Figure 5 : Radial profiles of the local dust temperature due to optical heating (solid line), the average dust temperature inside a given radius due
to optical heating (dashed line), and the average dust temperature due to heating by "hot" electrons in X-ray-emitting gas (dotted line) versus
galactic radius in kpc for the elliptical galaxies NGC 1407 and NGC 4696. A mixture of graphite and "dirty silicate" (Jones & Merrill 1976) grains of
radius 0.1 pm is assumed.

have metallicity gradients which are tions given by Canizares et al. (1987) 2.4 Properties of the diffusely
among the smallest of the published which relate the central electron density distributed dust component
values (e.g., NGC 3136, log d(Mg2)/dr = to the total X-ray luminosity and the X-
-0.035 k 0.011; IC 3370, log d(Mg2)/dr = ray core radius, we compute radial elec- In this Section we investigate whether
-0.026 -t- 0.010 (Carollo et al. 1993)). tron density profiles (and, hence, dust the dust optical depths of the postulated
heating rates, cf. Paper IV) according to diffuse component of dust in elliptical
the "beta model" for the galaxies in the galaxies as derived from the WTC model
2.3 Radial dust temperature RSA sample which are detected by are consistent with the observed IRAS
distribution EINSTEIN. flux densities. To this end, we derive the
Heating by X-ray photons: From the mass and infrared luminosity of the dif-
To check whether the assumption of X-ray luminosities of the hot gas and the fusely distributed component of dust and
the presence of a diffuse, uniformly dis- core radii mentioned above we derive compare the dust temperature implied
tributed component of dust in elliptical average X-ray intensities in the core re- through application of the model of WTC
galaxies is energetically consistent with gion, and thus heating rates for the dust. and the radial temperature profiles de-
the available IRAS data, we have inves- For typical values for the X-ray lumi- rived above with the temperature derived
tigated plausible heating mechanisms for nosity (-1 041 erg s-1) and the core radius directly from the IRAS flux densities. Note
the dust: (- 2 kpc) we obtain a heating rate by that the dependence of the infrared lumi-
Heating by stellar photons: Using X-rays that is at least two orders of mag- nosity (as derived from the 60 and 100
the extensive radial surface brightness nitude smaller than the heating rate by pm flux densities, cf. JlSWG 1986) on the
profiles of the galaxies in our sample (Pa- optical photonsfor all galaxies in our sam- dust temperature is negligible compared
per l), we have calculated radial profiles ple. The heating of dust by X-rays can to that of the dust mass. We limit our-
of the average intensity of optical radia- thus safely be neglected in elliptical gal- selves to the elliptical galaxies in the USA
tion, from which the heating rate of a dust axies. sample which are detected at t 2 o at
grain can be derived as a function of Dust temperatures are derived by both the 60 and 100 pm wavelengths (cf.
galactocentric radius (again assuming equating the heating rate to the cooling Knapp et al. 1989).
grain extinction efficiency factors from the rate of a dust grain by infrared emission, The derivation of the contribution of
literature; cf. Paper IV). the different components of dust in
Heating by hot electrons in X-ray- these galaxies to the IRAS flux densi-
emitting gas: Observations with the (de Jong et al. 1990) where K ~ Ris the ties using our derived radial tempera-
EINSTEIN X-ray satellite have shown that dust opacity in the infrared and md is the ture distributions was done in the follow-
a substantial number of elliptical galax- mass of a dust grain. Relevant physical ing way:
ies in our sample are embedded in a hot parameters for dust grains are taken from 1. We first estimated the contribution
T - 107 K), X-ray-emitting gas (e.g., Hildebrand (1983). of the optically visible dust compo-
Fabbiano et al. 1992). The presence of Examples of the distribution of local nent (if present) to the IRAS flux den-
this hot gas has important implications for and average temperature as a function sities. In case of irregular (patchy) dust,
the dust grains. Collisions of dust grains of equivalent radius (which is defined as this was done by extracting indepen-
with protons and a-particles in the hot gas fi =a 6, where a and b are the dent, rectangular box-shaped pieces of
destroy the dust by sputtering (Draine & semi-major and semi-minor axes of the dust features, comparable in size with
Salpeter 1979a) while collisions with "hot" elliptical isophote of the galaxy, and E its the seeing profile. Temperatures, and
electrons provide a potentially important ellipticity) are shown in Figure 5 for two hence flux densities at 60 and 100 Fm
heating mechanism for the dust grains elliptical galaxies which are detected at were calculated for these elements of
(e.g., de Jong et al. 1990). The measured both X-ray and far-infrared wavelengths. dust features according to their average
X-ray surface brightness profiles of ellip- In general, the dust temperatures as de- (projected) distance from the centre of
tical galaxies containing hot gas are gen- rived from the IRAS data are found to be the galaxy (cf. Fig. 2?). Apparently regu-
erally consistent with a "King-like" distri- compatible with those calculated for a lar dust lanes were assumed to be circu-
bution (The "beta model", Cavaliere & diffuse distribution of dust within the in- lar disks of uniform density, reaching
Fusco-Femiano 1976) Using the prescrip- ner few kpc. down to the centre of the galaxy.
3. Origin of the Different
Components of Dust

As to the origin of cool interstellar mat-

ter in elliptical galaxies, a consensus is
developing that dust in these systems
always has an external origin, i.e., ac-
creted during a galaxy merger or in-
teraction. For instance, spectroscopic
studies of the velocity fields of gas and
stars in elliptical galaxies with dust lanes
show that the gas which is associated
with the dust lanes is generally dy-
namically de-coupled from the stellar
body, i.e., in disks rotating at random
orientations with respect to the ap-
parent major axis of the elliptical galaxy
(e.g., Kormendy & Djorgovski 1989 and
references therein). Since it is difficult (if
not impossible) to envision an evolution-
ary scenario for a primordial galaxy in
which gaseous and stellar components
become dynamically decoupled, this
strongly suggests an external origin for
0 the dust and gas.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 Other important evidence in favour of
Sloop (observed) [mJy] an external origin of the dust and gas is
provided in several cases of X-ray-emit-
Figure 6: The 100pm flux densities reconstructed from our calculations of the dust temperatures ting elliptical and cD galaxies with sus-
in elliptical galaxies (as described in the text) versus the observed 100 pm flux densities. The pected cooling flows. These galaxies of-
solid line connects loci with "reconstructed = observed. ten contain extended regions of ionized
gas which have been argued to arise as
condensations in thermally instable re-
gions in the cooling flow (see, e.g., Fabian
2. After subtracting the contribution of culated from these resulting IRAS flux et al. 1991).
the optically visible component of dust (if densities. The lifetime of a dust grain against
present) to the IRAS flux densities, the A comparison of the observed and collisions with hot protons and a-particles
resulting flux densities were assigned to reconstructed IRAS flux densities (cf. ("sputtering") in a hot gas with T, - lo7 K
the postulated diffuse dust component; Fig. 6) reveals that the observed IRAS is of the order of only 106-1 O7 yr (Draine
for the ellipticals in which no optical evi- flux densities can in virtually all elliptical & Salpeter 1979a). Hence, the emission-
dence for the presence of dust was found, galaxies in the RSA sample be repro- line filaments in these galaxies are ex-
the total IRAS flux densities were as- duced within the I o uncertainties by as- pected to be dust-free. This is illustrated
signed to the diffuse dust component. suming two components of dust in ellipti- by the finding that the intergalactic me-
Dust masses and infrared luminosities of cal galaxies: an optically visible compo- dium within the Coma cluster is depleted
the diffusely distributed dust component nent in the form of dust lanes and/or in dust by a factor of - 140 with respect
were subsequently calculated. patches, and a newly postulated dust to the Galactic dust-to-gas ratio (Dwek
3. From the LIR/LBratio of the diffuse component which is diffusely distributed et al. 1990).
dust component, radial colour gradients within the inner few kpc from the centre However, dust has been found to be
and, by implication, total optical depths of the galaxies. quite commonly associated with filaments
in the V band were derived according to Heating of the dust by optical pho- of ionized gas in these galaxies (Paper II
the model of WTC (cf. Fig. 4). Dust mass tons is found to be generally sufficient and references therein).
column densities were subsequently to account for the observed dust tem- Although the evidence mentioned
computed for the diffuse dust compo- peratures as derived from the IRAS flux above provides a strong case for an ex-
nent from the total optical depths zv (cf. densities, in contrast to conclusions ternal origin of dust in elliptical galaxies,
Paper Ill). drawn by previous studies of cool inter- these arguments are all based on the
4. Dividing the implied masses of the stellar matter in elliptical galaxies (e.g., optically visible componentof dust, which,
diffuse dust component by the dust col- Brosch 1987). as we have seen, only accounts for
umn densities, outer equivalent radii of We remind the reader that we have 5 10 % of the total amount of dust in el- '
the postulated diffuse dust component only considered dust which radiates at liptical galaxies. So the question arises:
were derived for each galaxy. Typical wavelengths covered by IRAS, i.e., with What is the origin of the postulated dif-
values for the outer radii were of the or- temperatures 2 25 K. In reality, the pos- fusely distributed component of dust?
der of 2 kpc. tulated diffuse component of dust in el- In Figure 7 we show the relationship
5. IRAS flux densities at 60 and liptical galaxies may generally be ex- of the dust mass (of the diffusely distrib-
100 pm for the diffuse dust component pected to extend further out than a few uted component) derived from the IRAS
were subsequently constructed from kpc. Future observations with the Infra- data with the blue luminosities of the gal-
the masses of the diffuse dust com- red Space Observatory (ISO) of the RSA axies in the RSA sample. The dashed
ponent by integrating over spheres. sample of elliptical galaxies are foreseen lines in Figure 7 connect the loci where
Finally, the average temperatures of and may reveal this cooler dust compo- all dust could have an internal origin, i.e.,
the diffusely distributed dust were cal- nent in elliptical galaxies. replenished by stellar mass loss at the
Time, and the Danish Board for Astro-
nomical Research for their generous
allocation of observing time to this

Brosch N., 1987, MNRAS 225,257.
Canizares C. R., Fabbiano G., Trinchieri G.,
1987, ApJ312,503.
Carollo C. M., Danziger I. J., Buson L. M.,
1993, MNRAS 265,553.
Cavaliere A,, Fusco-Femiano R., 1976, A&A
49, 137.
Davies R. L., Sadler E. M., Peletier R. F., 1993,
MNRAS 262,650.
de Jong T., N~rgaard-NielsenH. U., Hansen
L., Jsrgensen H. E., 1990, A&A 232,317.
Draine B. T., Salpeter E., 1979a, ApJ 231,
Draine B. T., Salpeter E., 1979b, ApJ 231,
Dwek E., Rephaeli Y., Mather J. C., 1990, ApJ
350, 104.
Fabbiano G., Kim D.-W., Trinchieri G., 1992,
ApJS 80,531.
Faber S. M., Gallagher J. S., 1976, ApJ 204,
FabianA. C., Nulsen P. E. J., Canizares C. R.,
10 10.5 1991, A&AR2,191.
log b [Lo] Forbes D. A,, 1991, MNRAS 249,779.
Goudfrooij P., Hansen L., Jsrgensen H. E.,
Figure 7 : The relationship of the mass of cool dust (as derivedfrom the IRAS 60 and 100,um flux Nsrgaard-Nielsen H. U., de Jong T., van
densities)and the blue luminosity of elliptical galaxies in the RSA sample. Filledsymbols represent den Hoek L. B., 1994a,A&AS 104,179 (Pa-
galaxies with optically visible dust lanes and/orpatches, whereas open symbols represent galaxies per l).
in which no sign of optical extinction has been found. Triangles pointing up- or downwards Goudfrooij P., Hansen L., Jsrgensen H. E.,
represent galaxies which are detected by IRAS at either 100 or 60 pm only, respectively. Red N~lrgaard-NielsenH. U., 1994b,A&AS105,
symbols represent galaxies with detected X-ray emission from hot gas. The position of M 87 is 341 (Paper 11).
marked. The dashed lines connect loci where dust is replenished by stellar mass loss, and Goudfrooij P., de Jong T., Hansen L.,
destroyed by sputtering at the given time scale (in dex), as discussed in the text. Nsrgaard-Nielsen H.U., 1995, MNRAS, in
press (Paper Ill; ESO preprint No. 1027).
Goudfrooij P., de Jong T., 1995, A&A, in press
(ESO preprint No. 1055).
Hansen L., Nsrgaard-NielsenH. U., Jsrgensen
rate given by Faber & Gallagher (1976) since the typical dust destruction time H. E., 1991, A&A 243,49.
and destroyed by (e.g.) sputtering, for scale in elliptical galaxies is expected to Hildebrand R. D., 1983, QJRAS 24, 267.
different values of the destruction time be significantly different among individual Joint lRAS Science Working Group 1986,
Cataloged Galaxies and Quasars in the
scale zd. We adopted a gas-to-dust ratio objects.
IRAS Survey, JPL-D-1855 (JISWG).
of 100. The line with ~d = 107.5 yr should Among the various destruction mecha- JonesT. W., Merrill K. M., 1976,ApJ209,509.
be regarded as a maximum destruction nisms for dust grains in the interstellar Knapp G. R., Guharthakurta P., Kim D.-W.,
time scale in ellipticals known to contain medium, sputtering in hot, X-ray-emitting Jura M., 1989, ApJS 70,329.
hot, X-ray-emitting gas, since the elec- gas is by far the most effective one Knapp G. R., Gunn J. E., Wynn-Williams C.
tron density exceeds 5 10-3 cm-3 in the (Draine & Salpeter 1979a, b; Paper Ill). G., 1992, ApJ399,76.
Mathis J. S., Rumpl W., Nordsieck K. H., 1977,
inner - 10 kpc of all galaxies studied in The fate of dust within elliptical galaxies ApJ217,425.
sufficient detail (e.g., Canizares et al. is therefore mainly determined by the Peletier R. F., 1989, Ph. D. Thesis, University
1987). As Figure 7 shows, most elliptical presence of hot, X-ray-emitting coronal of Groningen.
galaxies in the RSA sample in which X- gas and its physical properties (i.e., ra- Roberts M. S., Hogg D. E., Bregman J. N.,
ray emission has been detected contain dial temperature and density profiles). Forman W. R., Jones C., 1991, ApJS 75,
more dust than can be accounted for by However, the present status of knowledge Sadler E. M., Gerhard 0. E., 1985, MNRAS
stellar mass loss alone. This favours the of these important matters is quite lim- 214, 177.
view that the dust in elliptical galaxies ited, since e.g., most of the galaxies in Sandage A. R., Tammann G. A., 1981, A Re-
generally has an external origin. the RSA sample have not been observed vised Shapley-Ames Catalog of Bright Gal-
As can be seen in Figure 7, we con- by the EINSTEIN satellite. Future analy- axies, Carnegie Institution of Washington
firm the absence of a correlation between (RSA).
sis of the ROSAT all-sky survey data and, Veron-Cetty M. P., Veron P., 1988, A&A 204,
the mass of dust and the blue luminosity especially, the gain in sensitivity and 28.
of elliptical galaxies (cf. Forbes 1991). On spectral resolution of the ASCA satellite Witt A. N., Thronson H. A. jr., Capuano J. M.,
first sight, this indicates that there is no should be very valuable in determining 1992, ApJ393,611 (WTC).
causal relationship between the dust con- typical destruction time scales for dust in Young J. S., Xie S., Kenney J. D. P., Rice W.
tent and the present-day population of elliptical galaxies. L., 1989, ApJS 70, 699.
stars within elliptical galaxies, in contrast
with the situation in spiral galaxies Acknowledgements
(e.g., Young et al. 1989), which would
again suggest that dust in elliptical gal- We would like to express our gratitude For further information please contact:
axies has an external origin. However, to the European Southern Observatory, P. Goudfrooij, ESO-Garching,
this conclusion is somewhat premature the Panel for Allocation of Telescope e-mail:
Converging Computing Methodologies in Astronomy:
A European Science Foundation Scientific Network,


Introduction proven their worth in the framework of needed, and are easily produced from the
accessing appropriate information from afore-mentioned chains of analysis and
A "Scientific Network" is the primary large image databases. Use of such reduction.
funding mechanism used by the Eu- methods in this context is not a purely
ropean Science Foundation, which is engineering task (i.e. simply providing From data integration to
based in Strasbourg. The word "network" them as stand-alone commands in an information integration
is used here to mean a group of research information retrieval framework). Rather,
teams and individuals, which aims at the methods must be moulded together - Particular data integration (data fu-
coordinating their research work through to allow semantically-driven access to sion) problems, such as integration of
workshops and conferences, and work data. New methods, motivated by those data associated with different wavelength
visits. A few dozen such "networks" are mentioned, are required to handle the ranges, are of great relevance in the con-
supported by the ESF at any one time. huge quantities of data which stand ready text of large space- and ground-based ob-
Such collaborative "networks" have in the to be analysed. serving projects. In certain instances, this
past been set up in many areas, spanning Example: the Hubble Space Tele- takes the form of co-additionin image res-
the natural and human sciences. They scope image database contains roughly toration. It also includes the enhance-
have proven very successful, as spring- 80,000 2-dimensional and I-dimensional ment of image restoration and fil-tering
boards for productive work, with a rela- images. Certain types of survey studies approaches through building-in semantic
tively very restricted amount of adminis- could benefit from the ability to access information on the cosmic objects of
trative overhead. all images satisfying certain broadly- interest. Close, complementary use of
An ESF "Scientific Network on the specified characteristics: e.g. objects multi-million object astronomical cata-
topic of "Converging Computing Meth- close in appearance to a certain mor- logues still has some distance to go in
odologies in Astronomy" is beginning in phological shape; or objects of a certain order to be tightly coupled with analysis
January 1995, and will extend over 3 morphology within a certain distance of of images from large image databases.
years. As is usual in ESF collaborative one another. Can multi-resolution and Complementarity of such data rests on
networks, the administration of the net- fuzzy characterisation methods provide external information (semantics), and
work is carried out by a committee which the basis for such retrieval requests? determines the appropriate analysis
is geographically representative. methodologies. Large-scale data in-
The increasing integration in an as- The data life-cycle tegration prototypes have been pursued
tronomical setting of various method- methodological aspects by NASA and ESA in recent years
ologies in pattern recognition, information (respectively, the Astrophysical Data
retrieval and data analysis is a char- The astronomical data life-cycle is System, ADS; and the European Space
acteristic of modern computational as- highly digital: data capture is increasingly Information System, ESIS), and these
tronomy. Large astronomical data-bases on CCD electronic detectors, data are serve to point to 'issues and concerns'
and archives from space-borne missions, subject to image processing and which are solvable through improved
ground-based observatories, and large statistical treatment, and the final major methods.
wide-field surveys, provide the tech- stage in this process involves (a) data -Classification of terabyte (1012bytes)
nological infrastructure. archiving, and (b) publication. Not data collections, which includes neural
Against this backdrop, boundaries be- surprisingly, the issues of electronic networks, decision/classification trees,
tween theoretical domains have been publishing and of digital libraries are and machine learning approaches.
lowered. viewed as increasingly important. Data Widely reused code and paradigms has
In this project, we wish to highlight and storage and access standards, together not yet evolved out of extensive
exploit convergence of methods and with interface standards, must be astronomical work done in this area.
techniques. coordinated. Data characteristics, Through coordination, this could be the
From the astronomer's viewpoint, a including dynamic aspects related to the case.
coordinated global view of methods and life-cycle, strongly impact on methods for - Long-term access to stored data,
techniques allows optimal exploitation of analysis and treatment. and the selection of the latter. What
available information. Example: Image data are nowadays should be, in the phrasing of M.J. Kurtz,
stored in many versions: raw; calibrated; 'the future of memory' (i.e. humanity's
compressed with loss of information, for memory, which includes image data and
Network Activities
quick-viewing; perhaps iconised; and we other data)? Ever greater quantities of
From vision models to image may add subsample-selected for data data are collected - what should be
information retrieval samplers and image processing test (expensively) stored, and how should this
suites. Not only is coordination called for, be done? Photographic plate directories
Methods such as wavelets and multi- among these incarnations of database exist, and policies based on a range of
resolution approaches, mathe-matical contents; but - more than that - we must theoretical issues are required for scan-
morphology, and fuzzy methods have ask if other derivative products are ning and maintenance. Major projects
collect many terabytes of data, and reuse A selected set of papers will be published M.C. Maccarone, IFCAI, Palermo
is both necessary but also problematic. in book form. (
- Beyond data, astronomy is all about R. McMahon, Institute of Astronomy,
information. Compression is a by-product Cambridge
of image models. Loss of information in- (
volved in compression raises a range of The Coordination Committee and
questions. In its broadest sense, com- Contact lnformation R. Molina, University of Granada
pression is summarisation, and there- (
fore is part of the overall process of scien- The Coordination Committee consists F. Murtagh, European Southern
tific analysis. of: Observatory, Garching
Examp1e:The costs of long-term data A. Bijaoui, Observatoire de la Cbte (
storage are large. With greater and better d'Azur, Nice
ground-based and space-borne ob- E. Raimond, Netherlands Foundation
( for Research in Astronomy, Dwingeloo
servatories, these costs cannot be
ignored. With our knowledge of, and ex- V. Di Gesu, Department of Mathe- (exr @, ESF representative
pertise in, state-of-the-art and emerging matics and Applications, The Coordination Committee decides
computational technologies, what is our University of Palermo on administrative matters, but needless
recommendation to the world's space (digesu@ to say, many others will be involved. The
agencies and observatories in regard to Network Chair is
future policy? A. Heck, Observatoire Astronomique,
Strasbourg ( M.C. Maccarone
These thematic themes of the Net- (,
work will be axed around a series of M.J. Kurtz, Center for Astrophysics,
workshops. and the Secretary is
Harvard F. Murtagh(
Aconference on the Network's overall (
theme will be held shortly before the end lnformation on the Network can be
of the Network, with the aim of bringing P. Linde, Lund Observatory, Lund obtained on the WWW at the address:
the results obtained to a wide audience. (

ESO on CompuServe
ESO press releases and a great deal with the emergence of new, reliable and of ease of access to relevant information.
of other ESO information are available user-friendly toolsets, has the lnternet Especially in Europe, where home and
on the World-Wide Web (URL: http:// become easily accessible to those who personal connectivity to the lnternet is not For over a year, press are not networking enthusiasts. The very high as yet, CompuServe offers an
releases including images are also avail- lnternet has still some way to go, in terms excellent medium to allow for wide
able on CompuServe. They may be ac-
cessed in the S~ace/Astronomvarea
(GO SPACE). 3 ComouSewe Information Mana
Com~uServeis a commercial infor-
mation service, offering local access at
many locations worldwide. Membership
is about 2.5 million worldwide, of which
around 170,000 are in Europe. A very
large number of discussion groups and
information libraries are available which
span all subject domains. Other areas
cater for weather images and forecasts, Astronomy Forum
news-feeds from major agencies, a range NASA News and lnformation
SpacelAstronomy DownloadArea
of databases, and so forth. A number of Sky & Telescope Online
user interfaces (browsers) are available The American Sunspot Program
European Astronomy Education
Soace in the Classroom
which support access in a convenient Oscillations in Another Star
New TransneptunianObiect
manner, display of images and videos, EU-ESO Education Workshop
e-mail, file management of download ESO't Very Large Telescope
Relations Between Chile & ESO
areas, and navigation through the varied Omega Centauri: Big L Bright
services on offer. Access is often by SLSJupiter Impact Update
Hiflez Hubble Images of Pluto
modem, using dial-upto a local telephone
In some respects this is like what the
lnternet offers, with newsgroups, anon-
ymous ftp and WWW. In fact, it can be
claimed with justice that the lnternet is
slowly groping towards the type of service A view of CompuServe,as seen on a Windows notebook, showing the Space/Astronomy area
which has long been available on and ESO press releases. Items are clicked on, to access contents. ESO images are available in
systems like CompuServe.Only recently, the area's libraries.
distribution of ESO press information. not least the messages exchanged in the gets several thousand accesses per
A basic personal lnternet link would not discussion groups. week. ESO's press releases are made
allow for easy transfer of image material. During the 'comet week' in July 1994, available there, at the time of release.
For this reason, access to CompuServe CompuServe saturated just like various Many expressions of appreciation have
is practical for journalists, teachers and places on the Internet. At the end of the been received from CompuServe
educators, and for others whose pro- Shoemaker-Levy 9 event, 628 images members regarding this possibility to
fessional work environments do not bear were available on CompuServe, and 258 access information on ESO's work.
the infrastructural costs of lnternet information files, originating in 37
access. Unlike national on-line services observatories or institutes. In addition,
in Europe, CompuServe is significantly there had been 22 video files and manv
represented internationally. A final point thousands of messages exchanged.
For further information please contact:
in favour of CompuServe over its large Growth in CompuServe's subscrip- F, Murtagh, ST-ECF, Garching
lnternet cousin is that much of the tion base is around 50 % per annum. (Internet:
informationavailable is of greater quality, CompuServe's SpaceIAstronomy area CompuServe: 100120,3377)


Council and Committee Members in 1995

Council Sweden: J. Gustavsson*
Switzerland: M. Gottret
Belgium: J.P. Swings (Vice-President)
Portugal: F. Bello (Observer)
E.L. van Dessel
Denmark: H. J~rgensen
H. Grage Observing Programmes Committee
France: B. Fort
J. Fouan Members Substitutes
Germany: D. Reimers C.-J. Bjornsson (1993-97) E. van Groningen
A. Freytag J. Lequeux (1994-96) M. Gerin
Italy: F. Pacini G. Chincarini (1992-96) G. Vettolani
C. Chiuderi Knude (1994-98) P. K j ~ r g a a r dRasmussen
E. Campo J. Krautter* (1992-96) Th. Gehren
The Netherlands: E.P.J. van den Heuvel W. Schmutz (1993-97) Y. Chmielewski
J. Bezemer C. Waelkens (1995-99) H, Dejonghe
Sweden: B. Gustafsson F. Verbunt (1993-97) J. Lub
B. Brandt T. Lago (1993-96) Observer)
Switzerland: G. Tammann J. Mould (Observer)
P. Creola (President) P. Barthel, Member at large
St. Berthet R. Sancisi, Member at large
Portugal: F. Bello (Observer) C. de Bergh, Member at large

Users Committee
Committee of Council
N. Bergvall (1993-96) P. Magain (1995-98)
J.P. Swings E. Campo M. Dennefeld* (1992-95) B. Nordstrom (1995-98)
H. Grage J. Bezemer S. Di Serego Alighieri (1993-96) H. Schild (1994-97)
J. Fouan B. Gustafsson, B. Brandt F.P. Israel (1994-97) H. Zinnecker (1992-95)
A. Freytag P. Creola J. Mould (Observer)
F. Pacini

Scientific Technical Committee

J. Andersen* (1992-96) T. Lago (1991-95) (Observer)
S. Beckwith (1994-98)
A. Blecha (1992-96)
0. Lefevre (1995-97)
B. Marano (1993-97)
Time-Table of Council Sessions and
R. Braun (1993-97) S. Ortolani (1993-97) Committee Meetings
K.S. de Boer (1991-95) J.W. Pel (1992-96)
D. Dravins (1993-97) Ch. Sterken (1990-96) February 10 Scientific Technical Committee (extraord.)
R. Foy (1990-95) J. Mould (Observer) March 21 Finance Committee (extraord.)
May 2-3 Users Committee
May 4-5 Scientific Technical Committee
Finance Committee May 9-1 0 Finance Committee
Belgium: P. Leger June 7-8 Council
Denmark: B.K. Rosengreen September 25 Finance Committee (extraord.)
France: P. LaplaudIM. Nauciel November 2-3 Scientific Technical Committee
Germany: M. Stotzel November 6-7 Finance Committee
Italy: U. Sessi November 21-24 Observing Programmes Committee
The Netherlands: J. Bezemer November 28-29 Council
Programmes Approved for Period 55
Key Programmes
ESO No. Names of PIS Title of submitted programme Telescope

1-003-43K de Lapparent et al. A redshift survey of galaxies with z 5 0.6 using multi-slit NTT
1-023-49K Bohringer et al. Redshift survey of ROSAT clusters of galaxies 2.2-m
4-004-51 K Turatto et al. A photometric and spectroscopic study of supernovae 3.6-m, NTT,
of all types 2.2-m, 0.9-m Du
9-002-49K Epchtein et al Deep near-infrared survey of the southern sky (DENIS) I-m
9-004-51 K Ferlet et al. Is our halo dark matter made of compact objects? GPO

ESO No. Names of PIS (in alphabetical order) Title of submitted programme Telescope

D-0949 AbbottIHasweIIlPatterson Disk precession in ultrashort-period cataclysmic variables 1.5-m

D-0921 AbbottIShafter Time series photometry of old novae 0.9-m Dutch
E-0555 AchmadILamers The mechanism of mass loss in A, F, G supergiants 1.4-m CAT
C-0022 Acker/Koppen/Stasinska/Stenholm/ Oxygen abundances in the galactic bulge from planetary 1.5-m
Durand AertsIWaelkens nebulae
D-0775 AertsIWaelkens Mode identification in the rapidly rotating P Cephei stars 1.4-m CAT
K and hScorpii
Sharp imaging and polarimetry of reflection nebulae NTT
associated with young stellar objects
Two-dimensional polarisation observation of highly NTT
polarised young stellar objects
Study of the evolution of lithium and rotation in low-mass
MartinIRebolo Terranegra W chGann Pre-Main Sequence stars
E-0792 Alca a Sterz K, Neuna-ser Schm rr A search for young disk population stars from the ROSAT
CovinoITerranegra All-Sky Survey
AndreaniILa Franca/Miller/Cristiani/ The cosmological evolution of the clustering of quasars
ArlotlThuillot/Bouchet/Colas/Descamps/ Observation of the events of the satellites of Saturn
Augusteijn/Abbott/Ruttenlvan Paradijsl A comparative study of disk and halo cataclysmic 0.9-m Dutch
van der Klis variables
Augusteijn/Spruit/Groot/van Paradijs Phase-resolved spectroscopy of the eclipsing dwarf nova 1.5-m Danish
GS Pav
Origin and coupling of stellar and circumstellar Balmer 1.5-m, 1.4-m CAT,
jump variations 0.5-m
Baluteau/Joubert/Cox/Armand Physical conditions in and around compact HI1 regions 2.2-m
Barucci/Fulchignoni/Lazzarin/De Sanctisl Study of the physical and chemical properties of asteroids 1.5-m
Dotto 1071 Brita, 3057 Malaren and 3328 1985 OD1 :
possible ROSETTA targets
Oscillations in cc Centauri A: a challenge to stellar 3.6-m
evolutionary theory
Population studies with Come On+: the dwarf irregular 3.6-m
galaxy IC 5152
Time resolved narrow-band photometry of planetary 0.9-m Dutch
nebula central stars
BergeronILe Brun Identification of the gaseous systems detected by their NTT
OVI and Ly a absorption in the quasar spectra of the
Hubble Space Telescope Key Project
Near-IR imaging of blue low-surface brightness galaxies

The nature of peculiar dust-arcs in soiral aalaxies 2.2-m

Rapid flares and particle acceleration in KL Lac objects 1.5-m Danish
Investiqation of Comet PIWirtanen,. .prime taraet of the
E S ~ R O S E T T Amission
Using ellipticals in pairs as a probe of the universality of
the fundamental plane
The rotational periods of post-T Tauri stars 0.9-m Dutch
The nearby blue horizontal branch stars 1.4-m CAT
1995 Saturn's rings edge-on observations 2.2-m, 0.9-m Du
Diffraction-limited NIR imaging and identification of WR- 3.6-m
stars in R136
BremerIMileylvan Ojikivan der Werf Evolution and influence of the cluster environment of
distant quasars
Spectral variability of single magnetic white dwarfs
Magnetic field configuration and synchronisation of long-
period AM Herculis systems
A spectroscopic study of the globular clusters in the
Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 253
The very broad line region in active galactic nuclei 1.5-m
Testing a galaxy excess in the direction of the largest NTT
known quasar group
UBVRl photometry of FK5 faint stars
ESO No. Names of PIS (in alphabetical order) Title of submitted programme

A large-scale spectroscopic survey of ROSAT-discovered

T Tauri candidates in the p Oph star forming region
Survey of very metal-poor stars in the Galaxy NTT, 1.5-m

Star formation of dwarf galaxies of the Local Group NTT

Inclinations and extinctions for nearby IRAS galaxies 0.9-m Dutch

Clements ~ a ~ n d e r s ~ ~ o b a s h e r l An all-sky K'-band Tully-Fisher survey of IRAS galaxies

Suther an0 Kraan-Korreweq

Identification of IRAS galaxies behind the southern Milky

Spectroscopy of candidate high z IRAS galaxies

A distant sample of X-ray selected galaxy clusters

A search for spectroscopic binaries among Herbig stars 1.4-m CAT

Observation of circumnuclear regions of Seyfert galaxies 2.2-m
through infrared bands
Chromospheric variability of selected K giants

Mapping the accretion disk in the HD104901 B system 1.4-m CAT

C, N and 0 abundances of planetary nebulae and H II 1.5-m
regions from optical recombination lines
Danziger/Bouchet~Gouiffes/Lucy/ SN 1987A 3.6-m, 2.2-m,
Fransson/Mazzali/Della Vallel 1.5-m Danish
Danziger/Carollo lnfrared (IR) colour gradients in early-type galaxies
de BoerlTheisen/Geffert/Colinl Separating Population II from Population I SdB stars
De Grandi/Molinari/Bohringerl Photometric properties of X-ray selected clusters of galaxies 1.5-m Danish
de Kool/Ulrich High-resolution spectroscopy of broad absorption line QSOs NTT
de Martino/Mouchet/Dhillon/Buckley~ lnfrared Spectroscopy of a sample of intermediate polars NTT
de Winter Detection of circumstellar material and mass-outflow 0.9-m Dutch
indicators of young stellar objects of intermediate mass
de Winter Identifying star-grazing bodies in the close vicinity of young 1.4-m CAT
intermediate mass stars
Spectroscopic observations of family osteroids 1.5-m Danish

Black hole candidates amongst the old novae 1.5-m Danish

Deep imaging of primeval galaxies at z 4.5 in the field NTT
around the high redshift QSO 1202-07
Blue and red photometry of blue compact galaxies at low
Observations of the Jovian system at 4 microns with Come-
Measurement of parallaxes of 30 brown dwarf candidates 1.5-m Danish
What powers recurrent novae? 3.6-m
Spectrophotometrical study of optically rich ACO clusters of 3.6-m
galaxies featuring a pronounced lack of X-ray emission
Proper motions in the galactic centre NTT

Europium and Carbon in the galactic disk 1.4-m CAT

Which shocks in outflows from young stars? NTT

A monitoring of Jupiter in the Near-IR emissions of H, NTT
and H,+
Near-infrared imaging of flat spectrum radio quasars
MEFOS guaranteed time: Search in the galactic plane
towards the Great Attractor
MEFOS guaranteed time: Spectroscopy of two southern
supercluster candidates

" - Saturn's ring plane crossing: 17-micron observations

Ferrari/Bucciarelli/Massone/Laskerl Photometric calibrators for the southern sky surveys 0.9-m Dutch
PostmanILe Poole/Lattanzi/Pizzuti
Festin Deep CCD photometry for determination of the IMF for the NTT
latest M-dwarfs
The peculiar motion of galaxies
Measurement of the infrared angular diamaters of old nova
GerritsenIBarthel Probing starburst events in QSOs NTT
GerritsenIBarthel lnfrared imaging of quasar host galaxies 2.2-m
Giallongo/Petitjean/Fontana The CIV content of the Lyman-a forest NTT
Goudfrooij/Binette/Hansen Origin and excitation of gas in cooling flow galaxies 1.5-m
ESO No Names of PIS (in alphabetical order) Title of submitted programme

Spectroscopic observations of blue straggler progeny in

globular clusters
Mixing episodes during the RGB evolution of metal-poor 1.4-m CAT
Grebel Early evolution of the galactic bulge: Age abundances of
bulge globular clusters
Grosb~l Radial velocity field in the Sagittarius spiral arm
Grupe/Beuermann/Mannheim/Reinsch/ Spectropolarimetry of soft X-ray selected narrow-line
Thomas Seyfert 1 galaxies
GrupelBeuermannlReinsch/Mannheim/ Short-time variability of soft X-ray selected narrow-line
Thomas Seyfert 1 galaxies
GuentherIEmersonlFolha Spectro-photometry of T Tauri stars with known rotation
Hafner/Simon/Fiedler/Sturm Binaries with early-type components 0.5-m
HammerIAngonin-Willaime Multiple spectroscopy of luminous arcs NTT
Hasinger/Schwope/Roth/Truemper/ Optical study of a complete sample of bright ROSAT- 2.2-m
Voges selected AGN candidates
Hawkins Infrared colours of very low mass stars and brown dwarfs
Henning/Hoare/Hofner/Stecklum High-resolution imaging of ultracompact H II regions with
adaptive optics
Are there stars with a mass over 100 Mo in the
Magellanic Clouds?
Stromgren metallicities of a large number of evolved stars 1.5-m Danish
in w Centauri
Near IR observations of the gravitational lens candidate NTT
Magnetic fields in chemically peculiar double-lined 3.6-m
spectroscopic binaries
Hutsemekers/LamylRemy/Van Drom Spectropolarimetry of broad absorption line (BAL) QSOs
lovino/Chincarini/Garilli/Maccaqni/ A deep, infrared selected, galaxy sample
lovino/Oliveira/Hickson/Focardi/ Morphology and dynamics of galaxies in dense environ-
MacGillivray ments
JakobsenIPicard Searching for large-scale structure surrounding the rich
absorption line quasar Q0122-380
KaperlBaadelFullertonlGies/Henrichsl A search for cyclical variability in 0-star winds 1.4-m CAT
Karkoschka Spatially resolved spectrophotometry of Jupiter, Saturn,
and Uranus
CMDs for inadequately studied metal-poor galactic bulge 1.5-m Danish
globular clusters
Rotation velocities of white dwarfs
Statistical investigation of a complete sample of Seyfert
Kohoutek Investigation and search for variability of selected 0.9-m Dutch
planetary central stars
Nova abundances from infrared recombination lines NTT
Physical nature of galactic bulge novae in quiescence NTT
Imaging of oxygen and sulfur in the lo torus 2.2-m
The recent merger remnant NGC 7252 NTT
Radial velocities and v sin i of Pre-Main Sequence stars 1.5-m Danish
in the ScoCen OB asociation
Optical and infrared photometry of Pre-Main Sequence X-
ray sources in the ScoCen OB association
KunthISchaererlMeynet Wolf-Rayet populations in starburst galaxies 2.2-m
KiirsterlHatzesICochranlDennerll High-precision stellar radial velocities, Part VI !.4-m CAT
La FrancaIPetitjeanlde Lapparent! QSO Mgll absorption systems and large-scale structures NTT
LagagelCabritIOlofssonlHuldtgren 10-micron spectro-imaging of young outflow sources 3.6-m
Lagerkvis'dDahlgren/LahullalWilliams/ Rotational properties and shapes of Hilda asteroids 0.9-m Dutch
Lagerkvist!Erikson/Magnusson/Piironen Physical properties of asteroids with long rotational period 0.5-m
Lagerkvist/Lagerros/JamsB/Schloerb Thermal light curves of asteroids 3.6-m
Lagerkvist/Rickman/Magnusson/ Physical studies of trans-Neptunian objects NTT
Search for disks around Main Sequence (MS) stars using
adaptive optics in the infrared
Spectroscopic study of the TY CrA system 1.4-m CAT
High spatial resolution infrared imaging of starburst 3.6-m
activity in AGNs
Redshift and spectral content of the distant galaxies NTT
sources of the arcs in CL2244-02, MS2137-23 and
Clustering of galaxies around 3CR radio galaxies with 0.8 NTT
S z 5 1.4
Spectroscopy and photometry of distant supernovae NTT, 1.5-m Da

Very low mass multiple systems NTT

Spectral energy distribution of the components of LHS 3.6-m
The chemical composition of the galactic centre
ESO No. Names of Pls (in alphabetical order) Title of submitted programme

Nuclear photometry of short-period comets 1.5-m Danish

Nature of fine structure in early-type galaxies in pairs 1.5-m

Probing stars in AGN and starburst galaxies by CO NTT
bandhead spectroscopy
Long-slit spectroscopy of gas-rich elliptical galaxies

Multi-colour medium-band imaging of cluster galaxies at NTT

redshift z = 3.4
Macchetto/Sparks Geometric measurement of galaxy distances 3.6-m
Magain/Hammida/Zhao Cosmic scatter of heavy elements in halo stars 1.4-m CAT
Magnusson/Kwiatkowski/Erikson/ CCD photometry of the near-Earth radar target asteroid 0.9-m Dutch
Piironen 1991 JX
MarcolTacconi-Garman/Alloin/Blietz/ Diffraction-limited L-, M-band studies of the Seyfert galaxies
Rouan NGC 7469 and NGC 1068
MarzianiIDultzin-Hacyan/Laurikainen/ The nature of super-winds in FIR strong galaxies 1.5-m Danish
Mathys Elemental abundances in A and B stars belonging to NTT
NGC 6231
Mathys/Hubrig/LandstreetlLanz/ Systematic search and study of Ap stars with magnetically 1.4-m CAT
Manfroid resolved lines
MathyslHubrig/Landstreet/lanz/ Magnetic field geometry in Ap stars with magnetically 3.6-m
Manfroid resolved lines
MendezlArnaboldilCapaccioli/Ford/ Dynamics of the outer halos of normal elliptical galaxies NTT
Mereghetti/Kaper/Belloni/Haberl/ Spectroscopy of new Wolf-Rayet candidates discovered in
Voges the ROSAT All-Sky Survey
MermilliodIMayor Constraints on stellar formation from orbital elements of 1.5-m Danish
cluster binaries
Fundamental data on stellar formation: the young cluster
NGC 6231
Fundamental data on stellar formation: the young cluster
NGC 6231
Is 47 Tucanae a collapsed-core globular cluster? NTT
Deep imaging of selected gravitationally lensed quasars NTT
Are the two high-velocity stars in the core of 47 Tucanae NTT
genuine cluster members?
Optical studies of isolated neutron stars detected as high- NTT
energy sources
High-resolution study of the ionised gas in z > 2 radio NTT
Minniti Kinematics of bulge giants and the formation of the Galaxy 3.6-m
Spectroscopy of faint blue stars in NGC 6752 2.2-m
Lithium observations in the cool companions of black holes NTT
Molaro/Vladilo/Centurion High-resolution observations of metal systems in bright
Spectral properties of UV/X-ray irradiated circumstellar dust
around low- and intermediate-mass young stars
Miirset/Dumm/Nussbaumer/Schildl Rotation of red giants 1.4-m CAT
MunariIZwitter Spectrophotometric survey of possible cataclysmic variables 1.5-m
Naslund/Jorsater Deep surface photometry of edge-on spiral galaxies 1.5-m Danish
Napiwotzki/Werner/Heber A search for cool companions of CPN and PG 1159 stars 2.2-m
Neuhauser/AlcalaISterzik/Schmitt Search for weak-line T-Tauri stars in CrA star-forming region 1.5-m
NorthlBetrixlKunzli Lithium in evolved metallic A-F stars 1.4-m CAT
Nota/CIampin/SchuIte-Ladbeck/ Dynamical mapping and abundance analysis of the HR NTT
Pasquali/Smith/Stroud Carinae nebula
NotaIClampinlSirianni Dynamical mapping and abundance analysis of the MI-67 NTT
The velocity field of luminous blue compact galaxies

H a velocity fields of galaxies in compact groups 3.6-m

Imaging of circumstellar envelopes in resonance scattered 3.6-m, NTT
Near-Infrared observations of globular clusters in the galactic
The galactic bulge population NTT
Absolute magnitudes of cool stars: the Wilson-Bappu law 1.4-m CAT
Li abundance in turnoff stars of NGC 6397 NTT
A study of a complete sample of galaxy clusters detected by 3.6-m
Structure of the Universe at low zfrom the Lya gas NTT
Lithium abundances and age of the Scl open cluster NTT, 0.9-m Dutch
Near-Infrared observations of Cepheids in Local Group 2.2-m
Binary central stars of planetary nebulae: the progenitors of NTT
the cataclysmic variables?
Pulsation mode identification of the 6 Sct star FG Vir
Zerbi 1.4-m CAT
Pottasch/Manchado/Garcia-Lario Direct imaging and photometry of proto-planetary nebulae 1.5-m Danish
ESO No. Names of PIS (in alphabetical order) Title of submitted programme

Infrared imaging and photometry of proto-planetary 2.2-m

nebulae candidates
Search for an extended dark matter component in the NTT
Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy
Quirrenbach/Eckart/Genzel/Tacconi- Diffraction-limited near-IR imaging of the nucleus of NTT
Garmanlvon der Luhe NGC 1068
RafanelIi/RichterlLioovetsky/lzotov/ Chemical abundances of blue compact galaxies from
Hamburg-ESO Survey
Redshift survey of a dense region of the southern sky
RandichlSchmitt Investigating the early main sequence evolution of low-
mass stars
Neon abundance in PG 1159 stars
Frequency of tidal distorsions in a complete sample of
southern E+E pairs
Spectroscopic search for Lyman alpha emission in NTT
damped systems
A search for low surface-brightness galaxies with star- NTT
formation activity in the galaxy cluster A 3998
Ruiz Luminosity function of cool white dwarfs
Sahu The observed microlensing events towards the galactic
High spatial and time resolution infrared studies of the NTT
superluminally expanding galactic source
Optical multicolour luminosity function of field galaxies 0.9-m Dutch
Doppler tomography of the wind-wind interaction zone in 1.4-m CAT
S-type symbiotic systems
Orbital elements, M giant radius, and distance of 1.4-m CAT
symbiotic systems
A search for radio-loud quasars at z > 5
Imagery of Saturn ring plane crossing in May and August

Primordial dust in distant radio galaxies 3.6-m

s ebenmor&n Kr;gel/Zei ngerd~re,dling Probing the radiation field in active galaxies 2.2-m
Smelte W I#iaerPer~tieanSurdei Shaver Extent of the Ly-a clouds NTT

High-resolution infrared interferometry of young, massive NTT

Dynamics of dwarf galaxies in the Centaurus cluster 0.9-m Dutch
Long-term photometry of variables 0.5-m

Emission from a radiolx-ray knot expelled by the Vela

SzeifertlBascheWGummersbach/Kauferl Element abundances towards the galactic centre 0.9-m Dutch
Tagliaferri/Cutispoto/Pallavicini/Pasquinil Spectroscopic and photometric studies of cool stars 1.4-m CAT, 0.5-m
Fleming detected by WFC and EUVE
TeltinglGrootIHenrichslvan Paradijsl Accurate determination of vsin i o f early-type stars 1.4-m CAT
Tinney/Gemmo/Zinnecker/Hasingerl The search for QSOs behind Local Group galaxies NTT
Turon/Mermilliod/Gomez/Robichonl Photometric calibration for open clusters observed with 1.5-m Danish
SellierlGuibert Hipparcos
Van de SteeneIJacoby Abundance study of new planetary nebulae close to the 1.5-m
galactic centre
Van de Steeneivan HooflWaters Imaging of suspected emerging planetary nebulae 3.6-m, NTT
van der BlieWSchwarzlNymanlErikssonl Symbiotics: ancient mass transfer just like in Ba stars? 1.4-m CAT
van der HuchtIWilliamslSetia Gunawanl Search and monitoring of eruptive Wolf-Rayet dust 2.2-m
Bouchet formation
van der Klis/Augusteijn/Bergerlvan IR counterparts of highly reddened low-mass X-ray 2.2-m
Paradijs binaries
van der Werf H a emission from damped Lyman a systems NTT, 2.2-m
van HoofIvan de SteeneIPottasch Accurate abundance determination of CNO in planetary 1.5-m
van OjiWBremerIMiley Detailed imaging quasar host galaxies with Come-On+ 3.6-m
van ParadijslCharleslMartinlCasares/van Black hole candidates in quiescent soft X-ray transients: 1.5-m Danish
der Hooftlvan der KlisIAugusteijn photometry
van ParadijslCharleslMartinICasareslvan Black hole candidates in qiescent soft X-ray transients: NTT
der Hooft/van der KlislMartinl spectroscopy
van Paradiis/Leibundaut/Abbottl Supernova light curves 0.9-m Dutch
~ u ~ u s t e i j n l ~ t r-o m
van Paradijslvan der Hooft/Kouveliotoul A 10-micron minisurvey of low-mass X-ray binaries 3.6-m
Van WinckeI/WaeIkens/Waters The circumstellar material of the binary high-galactic- 1.4-m CAT
latitude supergiant HD 213985
Veenlvan Genderenlvan der Hucht Is WR46 (= HD 104994, WN3pec+?) a 1994L-like super- 1.5-m, 0.5-m
nova precursor? Looking for signs of its companion
Spectral analyses of A-type supergiants in the SMC and 3.6-m
the wind momentum-luminosity relationship for
massive stars
ESO No. Names of PIS (in alphabetical order) Title of submitted programmes Telescope

Spectroscopy of variable quasar candidates

Detailed mid-infrared mapping of the central regions of
Centaurus A
The interstellar vC/13C towards Sco OBI: chemical 1.4-m CAT
inhomogeneities in the solar vicinity?
Broad-band energy distributions of unidentified EGRET 1.5-m Danish
Using planetary nebulae to probe abundances in the
early-type galaxy Cen-A (NGC 5128)
lmaging and spectroscopic survey of the Abell planetary
Spectroscopy of central stars in old planetary nebulae 3.6-m
Activity in very distant comets NTT, 1.5-m Da
Time-resolved spectroscopy of stream dips in AM Her- 2.2-m
type systems
WolflKauferlMandel/StahllGang/Rivinius/ High-resolution spectroscopic monitoring of B-type
Szeifert/Gummersbach/Sterkenl supergiants
Zanin/Cappellaro/Turatto/Sabbadin lmaging of new planetary nebulae and photometry of their 1.5-m Danish
central stars
The age of elliptical galaxies in clusters NTT
Miras in nearby galaxies (cont.) NTT
The binary frequency among X-ray selected, weak-line NTT
Wichmann T Tauri stars

New Deadline.. . New Deadline. . .

ESO-IRAM-NFRA-Onsala Workshop on
June 15,1995
ESO Studentship Programme
The European Southern Observatory has positions available
ARRAYS for 12 research students. Six of these positions are at the ESO
Headquarters in Garching, and the other six are at ESO's Institute
of Astronomy in Santiago, Chile. Studentships are for one year,
ESO Garching, 11-1 3 December 1995 normally renewed for a second year. Up to 3 students may be
accepted each year in either place. These positions are available
The next major step in millimetre astronomy, and one of the to students enrolled in a Ph. D. (or equivalent) programme in the
highest-priority items in radio astronomy today, will be a large ESO member states and exceptionally at a university outside the
millimetre array with a collecting area of up to 10,000 m2. Such ESO member states.
an array will open new frontiers and make virtually all areas of Note that the closing date for applications has been moved to
astronomy accessible to observations in the millimetre June 15,1995.
wavebands. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the Potential candidates, or their supervisers, should obtain the
scientific advances which such an array will make possible. detailed information about the programme by requesting the
A wide range of scientific topics will be covered in the follow- brochure and application form from the European Southern
ing sessions: Observatory, Studentship Programme, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2,
D-85748 Garching bei Munchen, Germany. The brochure
The early Universe describes the prerequisites for participation in the programme,
Galaxies and clusters as well as the research interests of the staff member who would
Molecular clouds and star formation act as the local supervisor.
Stellar astronomy
Planetary science

and possible new technologies for large millimetre arrays will also
be discussed:
ESO Astrophysics Symposia
Array concepts, configurations, and potential sites
Innovative telescope designs
Prospects for receiver technology The proceedings of the ESO Astrophysics Symposia will be
published in a new hard bound series by Springer Verlag. This
Scientific Organising Committee: series is intended for the proceedings of those ESO sponsored
symposia, conferences and workshops which cover topics closely
P. Andreani (Padova), R. Booth (Onsala), L. Bronfman (Santiago), related to the scientific goals of ESO and will not replace the
D. Downes (IRAM), P. Encrenaz (Paris), M. Grewing (IRAM), proceedings of meetings of a more technical nature which are
S. Guilloteau (IRAM), R. Hills (Cambridge), F. Israel (Leiden), L. currently produced by ESO. This new series offers a format and
Nyman (ESO), P. Shaver (ESO), E. van Dishoeck (Leiden), price which should make it attractive both to individuals and to
F. Viallefond (Paris), J. Whiteoak (Culgoora), T. Wilson (Bonn). libraries. The first three volumes will become available in the spring
of 1995. The titles are:
Contact Address: @ The Light Element Abundances
Peter Shaver, European Southern Observatory, Science with the VLT
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, D-85748 Garching bei Munchen, The Bottom of the Main Sequence and Beyond
Germany Springer will handle the production, sales, and distribution of
e-mail: these books. Interested individuals can order these volumes
fax: +49 89 320-06-4801320-23-62 directly from Springer for a price of DM 48.-.
New ESO Conference and Workshop
New ESO Publications
Proceedings (December 1994 - February 1995)
The following two volumes have been edited and submitted to
the printer. They will both become available during the month of Scientific Report NO. 15: Future VLT Instruments:
April 1995. Scientific Drivers and Concept Definitions. Ed. S. D'Odorico.

Third CTIOIESO Workshop on Scientific Preprints

THE LOCAL GROUP: 1050. C.M. de Oliveira and E. Giraud: Lensing by Compact Groups of
Galaxies. ApJL.
Comparative and Global Properties 1051. C.M. de Oliveira: The Nature of Discordant Redshift Galaxies in
Compact Groups. M.N.R.A.S.
(ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings No. 51) 1052. W. Brandner et al.: Low-Mass Star Formation in CGI: a
Diffraction Limited Search for Pre-Main Sequence Stars Next to
Editors are A. Layden, R.C. Smith and J. Storm. The volume has NX Pup. AA.
274 pages and its price is DM 50.-. 1053. P. Jablonka and D. Alloin: The Nature of Blue Galaxies in Distant
Clusters. AA.
1054. S. Cristiani et al.: The Space Distribution of the Lyman Alpha
Clouds in the Line of Sight to the z = 3.66 QSO 0055-269.
EUROPEAN 1055. P. Goudfrooij and T. de Jong: Interstellar Matter in Shapley-
Ames Elliptical Galaxies. IV. A Diffusely Distributed Component
SL-9lJUPITER WORKSHOP of Dust and Its Effect on Colour Gradients. AA.
1056. E. T. Chatzichristou and Ch. Vanderriest: Bidimensional
(ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings No. 52) Spectroscopy of Double Galaxies: I. Markarian 463. AA.
1057. C.M. Carollo et al.: Dark Matter in Elliptical Galaxies. ApJL.
The price for the 470-page volume, edited by R.M. West and H. 1058. F. Patat, N. Chugai, P.A. Mazzali: Late Time H a Emission from
Bohnhardt, is DM 80.-. the Hydrogen Shell of SN 1993J. AA.
1059. S. Benetti, L. Pasquini, R. M. West: First Spectroscopic
Prepayment is required for both publications. Confirmation of a Microlensing Event towards the Galactic Bulge.
Payments have to be made to the ESO bank account 2102002 1060. B. Leibundgut: Type Ib/c Supernovae and their Relation to Binary
with Commerzbank Miinchen, or by cheque, addressed to the Stars. To appear in Compact Stars in Binaries, Proc. IAU Symp.
attention of 165, eds. J. van Paradijs, E.P.J. van den Heuvel and E. Kuulkers
(Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers).
ESO, Financial Services, 1061. F. La Franca, A. Franceschini, S. Cristiani, R. Vio: On the
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, Relationship between Optical and X-Ray Luminosity of Quasars.
0-85748 Garching bei Miinchen, Germany AA.
1062. P. Crane, D.L. Lambert, Y. Sheffer: Very High Resolution Survey
of Interstellar CH and CH'. ApJ.Supp1.
1063. H.-M. Adorf: Hubble Space Telescope Image Restoration in its
Fourth Year. lnverse Problems - special issue on lnverse
Problems in Astronomy J.C. Brown, Univ. of Glasgow (ed.).
STAFF MOVEMENTS 1064. T. Bohm and C. Catala: Rotation, Winds and Active Phenomena
in Herbig Ae/Be Stars. AA.
Arrivals 1065. D. Minniti: Metal Rich Globular Clusters with R 5 3 Kpc. AJ.
1066. D. Minniti: The Helium Abundance of the Galactic Bulge. AA.
Europe 1067. L. Kaper et al.: Wray 977 (GX 301-2): a Hypergiant with Pulsar
BAUMER, Volker (D), Student Companion. AA.
BELLER, Angelika (D), Administrative Employee
BONACCINI, Domenico (I), Optical Engineer
DERIE, Frederic (B), Project Engineer
DUDZIAK, Gregory (F), Student
GERDES, ROLF (D), Engineer
PARESCE, Francesco (I), Senior Astronomer Publications Still Available
SBAIHI, Marc (F), Mechanical Engineer
Most ESO Conference proceedings are still available. To inform
SOGNI, Fabio (I), Archive Operator
VAN LOON, Jaco (NL), Student you about any volume that you may have missed, we list here
some of the more recent volumes.
No. 43 Astronomy from Large Databases 11, 1992 DM 70.-
AUGUSTEIJN, Thomas (NL), Fellow
ESA/ESO/ST-ECF/STScl Workshop on
RUSELER, Francisco (NL), Administrator
No. 44 Science with the Hubble Space DM 80.-
VAN DE STEENE, Griet (NL), Fellow
Telescope, 1993
Departures No. 45 ESOIEIPC Workshop "Structure, DM 90.-
Dynamics and Chemical Evolution of
Europe Elliptical Galaxies", 1993
OCH, Susanne (D), Student No. 46 Second ESOICTIO Workshop on Mass DM 70.-
Loss on the AGB and Beyond, 1993
Chile No. 47 5th ESOIST-ECF Data Analysis DM 30.-
ABBOTT, Timothy (GB), Fellow Workshop, 1993
FAUCHERRE, Michel (F), Optical Engineer No. 48 ICO-16 Satellite Conference on "Active DM 90.-
LEHMANN, Thomas (D), Student and Adaptive Optics", 1994
No, 49 ESOIOHP Workshop on "Dwarf Galaxies", DM 90.-
Transfer 1994
CABILLIC, Armelle (F) No. 50 ESOIOAT Workshop "Handling and DM 35.-
from Chile Senior Administrator Archiving Data from Ground-based
to Europe Senior Administrator Telescopes", 1994
(Assistant to the Head of Administration)
ESO, the European Southern Observa- Contents
tory, was created in 1962 t o . . . estab-
lish and operate an astronomical TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION
observatory in the southern hemisphere,
equipped with powerful instruments, M. Quattri: Manufacturing and Assembling the VLT Main Structure .......
with the aim of furthering and organizing
collaboration in astronomy. . . It is sup-
P. Dierickx: Manufacturing of the VLT Primary Mirrors - a Brief Progress
ported by eight countries: Belgium, Report ....................................................................................................
Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the B. Koehler, F. Koch, L. Rivera: Impact of the MicroseismicActivity on the
Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. VLT Interferometer ................................................................................
It operates the La Silla observatory in
the Atacama desert, 600 km north of
NTT Bits & Pixels ..........................................................................................
Santiago de Chile, at 2,400 m altitude, J. Andersen, M.I. Andersen, J. Klougart, P. Knudsen, H.H. Larsen,
where fourteen optical telescopes with N. Michaelsen, R. Florentin Nielsen, P. N~rregaard,E. Olsen,
diameters up to 3.6 m and a 15-m sub- P. K j ~ r g a a r dRasmussen, K.E. Seifert, H. J~nch-S~rensen: New
millimetre radio telescope (SEST) are
now in operation. The 3.5-m New Tech-
Power for the Danish 1.54-m Telescope ....................... . ....................
nology Telescope (NTT) became opera- R. Gilmozzi, B. Delabre, S. D'Odorico, J.-L. Lizon, 0. Iwert, P. Gitton,
tional in 1990, and a giant telescope S. Deiries: A New CCD Field Lens in EMMl Red Arm ..........................
(VLT=Very Large Telescope), consist-
L. Pasquini, H.J. Araya: Ghost Analysis and a Calibration Database for
ing of four 8-m telescopes (equivalent
aperture = 16 m) is under construction. the Long Camera of the CES .................................................................
It will be erected on Paranal, a 2,600 m Erratum ....................
high mountain in northern Chile,
approximately 130 km south of the city
of Antofagasta. Eight hundred scientists SL-SIJUPITER ENCOUNTER
make proposals each year for the use of
the telescopes at La Silla. The ESO H. Bohnhardt, R. Schulz: The SL-9 Workshop Round-Table Discussion -
Headquarters are located in Garching, A Summary ............................................................................................
near Munich, Germany. It is the scienti-
fic-technical and administrative centre
of ESO where technical development REPORTS FROM OBSERVERS
programmes are carried out to provide
the La Silla observatory with the most
B. Brandl, S. Drapatz, A. Eckart, R. Genzel, R. Hofmann, M. Loewe,
advanced instruments. There are also B.J. Sams: Diffraction-Limited K-Band Observations of the Star
extensive facilities which enable the Cluster R136 .................................................................................. 23
scientists to analyze their data. In Eu- H. -Schild, S. Miller, J. Tennyson: The H, Structure of OMC-1: Disruption
rope ESO employs about 200 interna-
tional Staff members, Fellows and As-
of a Molecular Cloud ..............................................................................
sociates; at La Silla about 50 and, in M.D. Guarnieri, P. Montegriffo, S. Ortolani, A. Moneti, B. Barbuy,
addition, 150 local Staff members. E.Bica: Combined Optical and Near-IR IRAC2 Photometry of the
Bulge Globular Cluster NGC 6553 ................................................... 26
The ESO MESSENGER is published D. Bockelee-Morvan, P. Colom, D. Despois, E. Lellouch, D. Gautier,
four times a year: normally in March, A. Martin, J. Crovisier, T. Encrenaz, T. Owen: Observations of the
June, September and December. ESO
also publishes Conference Proceed-
Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impacts on Jupiter at the Swedish-ESO
ings, Preprints, Technical Notes and Submillimetre Telescope .................................................................. 29
other material connected to its activi- P. Goudfrooij: Evidence for Diffusely Distributed Dust in Elliptical Galaxies
ties. Press Releases inform the media and its Effect on Radial Colour Gradients .............................................. 31
about particular events. For further in-
formation, contact the ESO Information
Service at the following address: OTHER ASTRONOMICAL NEWS
EUROPEAN o Network CoordinationCommittee: Converging Computing Methodologies !
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 in Astronomy: A European Science Foundation Scientific Network, I

D-85748 Garching bei Munchen 1995-1 997 ............................................................................................

38 I
Germany F. Murtagh: ESO on Compu Serve .............................................................. 39
Tel. (089) 32006-0
Telex 5-28282-0 eo d
Telefax: (089) 3 20 23 62 ANNOUNCEMENTS
' .
ips( (internet)
ES0::IPS (decnet)
Council and Committee Members in 1995 ..............................................40 1
ProgrammesApproved for Period 55 ........................................................
Announcement of ESO-IRAM-NFRA-OnsalaWorkshop on "Science with
The ESO Messenger:
Editor: Marie-Helene Ulrich Large MillimetreArrays" ........................................................................ 46 1
Technical editor: Kurt Kjar New Deadline for Applications for ESO Studentship Programme ................ 46 j
Printed by Universitats-Druckerei ESO Astrophysics Symposia Series ............................................................. 46 1
Dr. C. Wolf & Sohn
HeidemannstraOe 166
New ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings: (1) Third CTIO/ESO
Workshop on "The Local Group: Comparative and Global Properties":
80939 Munchen 45
(2) "European SL-9IJupiter Workshop" .................................................47
Staff Movements ...........................................................................................
ISSN 0722-6691
New ESO Publications ................................................................................ 47
Publications Still Available ........................................................................ 47 I

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