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Opinion Opinion

Rumsfeldian Archaeology
“ As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know
we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say

we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also
unknown unknowns, The ones we don’t know we don’t know.
D H Rumsfeld, 12 February 2002

ccording to The Urban a science. General Pitt Rivers argued from many adjacent disciplines. The
Dictionary, a neologasm (a for an empirical focus on the known consequence of this specialisation is
combination of neologism knowns of typology and stratigraphy to that field teams have lost touch with
and orgasm) is the intensely distinguish from myth and folklore. The the latest interpretive ideas whilst
pleasurable feeling gained from having chief objective of this young discipline academics remain unaware of the latest
coined a new word. If so, George W Bush, was to study and catalogue the finds excavation results. With no structure
the most misunderestimated President from each successive digging season. to realise the potential of commercially
in American history, just finished a very Through objective description of the generated information, and no
enjoyable second term. material remains, known unknowns mechanism to disseminate this widely
If it weren’t for the weapons grade were transformed into known knowns. as new knowledge about the past, these
wit of his one-time henchman Donald But the post-war construction frenzy unknown knowns (that is to say, things
Rumsfeld, we’d never have taken Bush jeopardized the status quo. Haunted some people know, that other people
seriously. Take, for example, Rumsfeld’s by the spectre of unknown unknowns, don’t) have left us mired in Donald
theory of known knowns, known innocence was lost and two distinct Rumsfeld’s existential nightmare.
unknowns and unknown unknowns. cultures of archaeology were spawned. Regime change anyone? ca
This eloquent piece of existential poetry The ‘Rescue Revolution’ heralded Brendon Wilkins, Site Director
was first speechified (speech + mystified) the birth of a new breed of specialist Headland Archaeology (Ireland) Ltd
to describe the elusive hunt for Weapons excavator. Their job was to box, bag, label
of Mass Destruction. But try hard enough and record the data for a future time
and it can also be applied to commercial of learning and leisure. A symmetrical
archaeology. trend was the development in academia
In order to justify vast public of archaeological theory, conceiving a
expenditure on development-led new breed of specialist interpreter. Their
archaeology projects, how do we job was to construct and test ideas in
purposely find the unkown unknowns, a transparent manner, predicting the
when we don’t even know what they known unknowns likely to be found in
are? And, in addition to the things we support of their theories. Despite great
don’t know we’re looking for, what also advances made by each sector, there are
of the nature and integrity of the things still huge gaps in our knowledge and this
we do find (our known knowns), and of is undermining attempts to grasp the
the things we expect to find (our known bigger picture.
unknowns)? Rescue archaeology has developed
In the beginning, it all seemed so into a commercial industry embedded
simple. Archaeology emerged from with environmental risk management, Above Brendon Wilkins presents at
an antiquarian dilettantism and while academic archaeology draws on the 2007 English Heritage Presentation
crystallised in the 19th century into an increasingly diverse range of ideas of Heritage Research Awards.


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