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Updating Remaining Units in Project Management

1. Login to Project Management and open your project. 2. Navigate to the Activities window in Project Management and display the Resources tab under the Activity Details.

3. Review Remaining Units or Remaining Costs for each resource assignment at the Resources tab or in the Resource Assignments Window and make any adjustments as necessary. Warning: When you update Remaining Costs on a resource assignment with Rate Source = Override, Primavera will preserve the Remaining Units per Time and adjust the Remaining Duration. This can bubble up to the activity level and cause changes to your schedule. It can also interfere with proper operation of the Update Actuals routine.

NOTE: P2 always sends the At Completion Cost to CEFMS. Before an activity is started, Primavera sets the At Completion Cost and the Budgeted Cost and the Remaining Cost equal. When the activity is In Progress (i.e. Started), Primavera calculates the At Completion Cost as the Actual Cost plus the Remaining Cost and ignores the Budgeted Cost in the calculation. When an activity is Completed, Primavera sets the Remaining Cost equal to zero and the At Completion Cost equal to the Actual Cost. When Actual Costs are transferred to Primavera, it will compute remaining costs by subtracting Actual Costs from the At Completion Cost, thereby initially preserving the At Completion Cost. Primavera will calculate Actual Units and Remaining Units from Actual Costs and Remaining Costs. However, you can (and should) adjust the Remaining Units to produce your best estimate of At Completion Units or At Completion Cost. Warning: When you import Actual Cost, Primavera will calculate Actual Units based on the resource Price/Unit. It will then recalculate the Actual Costs based upon the calculated Actual Units for each period that a Price/Unit is in effect. This is true regardless of Rate Source, but this double calculation results in errors when the Rate Source is set to Resource, the Rate Type is set to Price/Unit and the activity straddles a rate change (an asterisk * displays in the Price/Unit column). To prevent inaccurate recalculation of actual costs, change the Rate Source to Override and enter a reasonable Price/Unit before importing actual costs. Routine status updates will produce progressively better estimates of the effort and, cost and time required to complete the project. You must run the Update Project/Update Budget interfaces and approve the revised plan to incorporate changes into resource utilization and workload forecasts in Oracle Projects. You must also run the WI/PRAC interface to update the schedule and budget estimates on corresponding Work Items in CEFMS. 30/04/2012 18:50

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30/04/2012 18:50

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