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Deeside College, Kelsterton Road,

Connah’s Quay, Deeside,

Flintshire CH5 4BR Your Guide to Adult Learning
Telephone Number: 01244 831531
Minicom: 01244 834529 Opportunities in Flintshire 2009-10
Telephone Enrolments: 0800 085 7270
Courses for adults in Flintshire, starting in September 2009
Email Address:

Eich Canllaw i Gyfleoedd Addysg

Flintshire County Council, County
Hall, Mold, Flintshire CH7 6NB
Oedolion yn Sir y Fflint 2009-10
Telephone Number: 01352 752121 Flint Cyrsiau i Oedolion yn Sir y Fflint, yn dechrau Medi 2009.
Email Address: Halkyn
Connah’s Quay Queensferry


Flintshire Local Voluntary Council, Hawarden

Corlan, Unit 3, Mold Business Park,
Wrexham Road, Mold, CH7 1XP Buckley

Telephone Number: 01352 744000

Email Address: Hope

Coleg Harlech WEA, Corlan, Unit 3,

Mold Business Park, Wrexham Road,
Mold, CH7 1XP

Telephone Number: 01352 744052

Email Address:

Prifysgol Bangor University, Unit 8 & 9 The Welsh College of Horticulture,

– Llys y Fedwen, Bangor, LL57 4BL Holywell Road, Northop, Mold,
Flintshire, CH7 6AA
Telephone Number: 01248 383928
Email Address: Telephone Number: 01352 841000
Website: Email Address:

Ar ôl i chi orffen gyda’r llyfryn

yma ailgylchwch o
Eich Canllaw i Gyfleoedd Addysg Oedolion yn Sir y Fflint 2009 - 10 Your Guide to Adult Learning Opportunities in Flintshire 2009 - 10

Ynglyn â Rhwydwaith About the Flintshire

Dysgu Cymunedol Community Learning
Sir y Fflint Network
Mae’r Rhwydwaith wedi ei wneud i fyny o ddarparwyr allweddol addysg oedolion a chymunedol ar draws y sir. Fe’i crëwyd er mwyn The Network is made up of the key providers of adult and community learning from across the county. It was created to ensure that
sicrhau bod oedolion yn Sir y Fflint yn cael mynediad i gyfleoedd addysg a hyfforddiant rhagorol. O fewn y prosbectws yma fe gewch adult learners in Flintshire have access to outstanding education and training opportunities. Within this prospectus you will be
eich cyflwyno i’r darparwyr a bydd cyfle i chi ddewis o gyrsiau sy’n dechrau o Fedi 2009. introduced to the providers and will be able to choose from courses starting from September 2009.
Mae’r prosbectws yma’n rhestru’r cyrsiau hynny sydd wedi eu trefnu adeg argraffu. I gael manylion am gyrsiau sydd heb eu cynnwys cysylltwch â’r darparwr yn uniongyrchol. This prospectus lists those courses scheduled at the time of print. For details of courses not featured, please contact the provider directly.

Darparwyr o fewn y Rhwydwaith Providers within the Network

Coleg Glannau Dyfrdwy yw’r darparwr mwyaf o addysg oedolion a chymunedol yn Sir y Coleg Glannau Dyfrdwy, Ffordd Celstryn, Cei Deeside College is the largest provider of adult and community learning in Flintshire. Deeside College, Kelsterton Road,
Fflint. Mae cyrsiau yn cael eu cynnig mewn amrediad eang o bynciau ar brif safle’r coleg Conna, Glannau Dyfrdwy, Sir y Fflint CH5 4BR Courses are offered in a whole range of subjects at the College’s main site or at Connah’s Quay, Deeside, Flintshire CH5 4BR
neu mewn lleoliadau cymunedol ar draws y sir. Beth bynnag yr hoffech ei ddysgu, mae Rhif Ffôn: 01244 831531 community venues located across the county. Whatever you are looking to learn, Telephone Number: 01244 831531
gan Goleg Glannau Dyfrdwy gwrs i’ch helpu chi gyflawni eich nod. Os na allwch ddod o Minicom: 01244 834529 Deeside College has a course to help you achieve your aim. If you can’t find what you Minicom: 01244 834529
hyd i’r hyn yr ydych yn chwilio amdano yn y prosbectws yma, yna cofiwch gysylltu â ni. Cofrestru dros y ffôn: 0800 085 7270 are looking for in this prospectus then please feel free to contact us. Telephone Enrolments: 0800 085 7270
Ffacs: 01244 814305 Facsimile: 01244 814305
Cyfeiriad E-bost: Email Address:
Gwefan: Website:
Mae Cyfarwyddiaeth Dysgu Gydol Oes y Cyngor yn cynnig cyfleoedd dysgu ar gyfer Cyngor Sir y Fflint, Neuadd y Sir, Yr Wyddgrug,
oedolion trwy ei wasanaethau Llyfrgelloedd, Diwylliant a Threftadaeth a thrwy nifer o Sir y Fflint CH7 6NB The Council’s Lifelong Learning Directorate offers learning opportunities for adults Flintshire County Council, County Hall,
ysgolion. Mae Cymunedau’n Gyntaf yn gweithredu mewn nifer o ardaloedd yn y sir a Rhif Ffôn: 01352 752121 through its Libraries, Culture and Heritage services and through a number of schools. Mold, Flintshire CH7 6NB
hefyd yn cynnig amrediad o gyrsiau a sesiynau blasu i oedolion. Cyfeiriad E-bost Communities First operates in a number of areas in the County and also offers a range Telephone Number: 01352 752121
Gwefan: of courses and taster sessions for adults. Email Address:
Cyngor Gwirfoddol Lleol Sir y Fflint yw’r corff ymbarél a chefnogi ar gyfer grwpiau Cyngor Gwirfoddol Lleol Sir y Fflint, Corlan,
gwirfoddol a chymunedol yn y Sir. Rydym yn darparu amrediad o gyrsiau diwrnod a Uned 3, Parc Busnes Yr Wyddgrug, Ffordd The Flintshire Local Voluntary Council is the umbrella and support body for voluntary Flintshire Local Voluntary Council, Corlan, Unit
hanner diwrnod ar holl agweddau sefydlu a rhedeg grwp gwirfoddol. Rydym hefyd yn Wrecsam, Yr Wyddgrug CH7 1XP. and community groups in the County. We provide a range of day and half-day courses 3, Mold Business Park, Wrexham Road,
cynnig cyrsiau datblygiad personol a phroffesiynol ar gyfer y rhai sy’n rheoli neu’n Rhif Ffôn: 01352 744000 on all aspects of setting up and running a voluntary group. We also offer personal and Mold, CH7 1XP
cyflwyno gwasanaethau gofal cymdeithasol. Cyfeiriad E-bost: professional development courses for those managing or delivering social care services. Telephone Number: 01352 744000
Gwefan: Email Address:
Mae CAG Coleg Harlech yn anelu at alluogi oedolion a’u teuluoedd i wella eu cyfleoedd CAG Coleg Harlech, Corlan, Uned 3, Parc
mewn bywyd a’u rhagolygon gwaith drwy gynyddu eu gallu i ddysgu drwy ddarparu Busnes Yr Wyddgrug, Ffordd Wrecsam, Yr Coleg Harlech WEA aim to enable adults and their families to enhance their life chances Coleg Harlech WEA, Corlan, Unit 3, Mold
addysg o safon uchel mewn sefyllfaoedd preswyl a chymunedol, gan roi sylw priodol i’r Wyddgrug CH7 1XP. and employability by increasing their capacity for learning through the provision of high Business Park, Wrexham Road, Mold, CH7 1XP
iaith Gymraeg a diwylliant Cymru. Yn Sir y Fflint mae ein darpariaeth yn cael ei gyflwyno Rhif Ffôn: 01352 744052 quality education in residential and community settings. We look to do this with a due Telephone Number: 01352 744052
mewn partneriaeth â gwahanol sefydliadau gwirfoddol a chymunedol. Cyfeiriad E-bost: regard to the Welsh language and culture. In Flintshire our provision is delivered in Email Address:
Gwefan: partnership with various voluntary and community organisations. Website:

Mae’r Ganolfan yn gyfrifol am yr holl ddarpariaeth Cymraeg i Oedolion yn yr ardal a Prifysgol Bangor, Uned 8 a 9 - Llys y Fedwen,
thrwy weithio gyda Choleg Glannau Dyfrdwy, Prifysgol Bangor, Popeth Cymraeg a The Centre is responsible for all the Welsh for Adults provision in the region and working Prifysgol Bangor University, Unit 8 & 9 – Llys y
Bangor LL57 4BL
CAG Coleg Harlech, yn gallu cynnig amrediad cynhwysfawr o gyrsiau sy’n apelio at with Deeside College, Bangor University, Popeth Cymraeg and Coleg Harlech WEA, can Fedwen, Bangor, LL57 4BL
Rhif Ffôn: 01248 383928 offer a comprehensive range of courses which appeal to learners of all levels. We also
ddysgwyr o bob lefel. Rydym hefyd yn cynnig cyrsiau Cymraeg yn y Gweithle a Telephone Number: 01248 383928
Cyfeiriad E-bost: offer Welsh in the Workplace and Welsh for Families courses. We hope you will be able
Chymraeg i Deuluoedd. Rydym yn gobeithio y byddwch yn gallu ffeindio cwrs addas ac Email Address:
Gwefan: to find a suitable course and that you will enjoy learning Welsh with us.
y byddwch yn mwynhau dysgu Cymraeg gyda ni. Website:

Coleg Garddwriaeth Cymru yw’r coleg tir-seiliedig blaenaf yng Nghymru. Mae cyfleoedd Coleg Garddwriaeth Cymru, Ffordd Treffynnon, The Welsh College of Horticulture is the leading land-based College of Wales. Adult The Welsh College of Horticulture, Holywell
hyfforddiant oedolion ar gael trwy nifer o lwybrau gwahanol drwy adrannau gofal Llaneurgain, Yr Wyddgrug, Sir y Fflint CH7 6AA training options are available through a number of different routes across the College’s Road, Northop, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 6AA
anifeiliaid, ceffylau, blodeuwriaeth, garddwriaeth a pheiriannau tir-seiliedig y coleg. Mae Rhif Ffôn: 01352 841000 animal care, equine, floristry, horticulture, and land-based machinery departments. Telephone Number: 01352 841000
cyrsiau’n galluogi mynediad i’r rhai o bob gallu, ac yn darparu llwybrau dilyniant a Cyfeiriad E-bost: Courses enable entrance for those of all abilities, and provide progression routes and Email Address:
dewisiadau gyrfa ar bob lefel o’r farchnad waith. Gwefan: career options at all levels of the job market. Website:

02 I gael rhagor o fanylion ffoniwch 01244 831531 (Switsfwrdd), 01244 834511 (Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr) For more details, please phone 01244 831531 (Switchboard), 01244 834511 (Student Services) 03
Eich Canllaw i Gyfleoedd Addysg Oedolion yn Sir y Fflint 2009 - 10 Your Guide to Adult Learning Opportunities in Flintshire 2009 - 10

Gwybodaeth, cyngor a chefnogaeth Excellent information, advice & support!
ardderchog! 06 Can’t decide which course is right for you? 06
Methu penderfynu pa gwrs sy’n iawn i chi? Cyrsiau Rhan-amser 20 Student Services Advisers can give you information and advice to help you find Part-time courses 20
the right course. Please call in to Deeside College to speak to an Adviser, or call
Gall Ymgynghorwyr Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr roi gwybodaeth a chyngor i chi i’ch 01244 834511.
helpu chi i ganfod y cwrs cywir. Galwch mewn i’r coleg i siarad ag Ymgynghorydd neu Hyfforddiant yn y 21 21
rhowch alwad iddynt ar 01244 834511. Gweithle a Datblygiad Worried that you won’t be able to cope? Work based training and
Poeni na fyddwch chi’n gallu ymdopi? Proffesiynol 25 Study Skills Support is available for students at all levels to improve essential skills professional development 25
Mae Cefnogaeth Sgiliau Astudio ar gael i fyfyrwyr ar bob lefel i wella sgiliau hanfodol Maths Spelling Planning and writing assignments Help with specific
yn cynnwys: 26 26
learning differences such as dyslexia Support for those who speak a language other
Mathemateg Sillafu Cynllunio ac ysgrifennu aseiniadau Cymorth gydag
Sut i wneud cais a chofrestru than English How to apply and enrol
anawsterau dysgu penodol fel dyslecsia Cymorth i’r rhai sy’n siarad ieithoedd eraill 27 27

Rydym yn croesawu myfyrwyr gydag 26

We welcome students with a disability 26
anableddau Sut i dalu 27
The different providers have a range of facilities to assist those with disabilities e.g.
disabled car parking spaces, wheelchair access, ramps and lifts to all floors. However, a
How to pay 27
Mae gan y darparwyr gwahanol amrediad o gyfleusterau i gynorthwyo’r rhai hynny gydag small number of venues differ. Please call the course provider directly for information on
anableddau ee mannau parcio i’r anabl, mynediad i gadeiriau olwyn, a rampiau a lifftiau i access for those with a disability and to request a copy of their Disability Statement
26 26
bob llawr. Fodd bynnag, nid yw pob lleoliad yr un fath. Rhowch alwad i’r darparwr cwrs
er mwyn cael gwybodaeth am fynediad i’r rhai hynny ag anableddau a gofyn am gopi o’u
datganiad anabledd.
Cymorth Ariannol 27 Interested in studying through the Financial assistance 27
medium of Welsh?
Hoffech chi astudio trwy gyfrwng y We are committed to promoting bilingualism (Welsh/English) and you can request for
Diwrnodau/Nosweithiau Open Days / Evenings
Gymraeg? Agored
your course materials to be translated. Within this prospectus, courses are listed in the
language in which they are taught. Please contact Student Services on 01244 834511 The dates below are for Open Days/Evening
Rydym wedi ymrwymo i hyrwyddo dwyieithrwydd (Cymraeg/Saesneg) a gallwch wneud for more details. events promoting courses provided by Deeside
Mae’r dyddiadau isod ar gyfer College. For dates of other providers’ Open
cais i’ch deunyddiau cwrs gael eu cyfieithu. O fewn y prosbectws yma fe welwch fod y Diwrnodau/Nosweithiau Agored sy’n hyrwyddo
cyrsiau’n cael eu rhestru yn yr iaith y maent yn cael eu dysgu. Cysylltwch â Evening/Days, please visit their website.
Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr ar 01244 834511 i gael rhagor o fanylion.
cyrsiau a ddarperir gan Goleg Glannau Dyfrdwy. I
gael dyddiadau Diwrnodau/Nosweithiau Agored
Criminal Records Bureau (CRB)
darparwyr eraill ewch i’w gwefan.
Disclosure Open Day
Dadleniad Swyddfa Cofnodion Troseddol Diwrnod Agored
Dydd Sadwrn 13 Mehefin 2009 10yb-2yp On certain courses, you will need to complete a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB)
Saturday 13 June 2009 10am-2pm

disclosure. These include where there is regular, unsupervised contact with children or Open Evening
Ar gyfer rhai cyrsiau bydd angen i chi gwblhau dadleniad Swyddfa Cofnodion Troseddol. Noson Agored Wednesday 18 November 2009 5-8pm
vulnerable adults.
Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys cyrsiau lle mae cyswllt rheolaidd, heb oruchwyliaeth gyda phlant Nos Fercher 18 Tachwedd 2009 5-8yh
If you do have a criminal record, you may still gain a place on the course, it depends on Open Evening
neu oedolion bregus. Tuesday 2 February 2010 5-8pm
Noson Agored the nature and background of any offence. If you would like to discuss this issue in
Os oes gennych gofnod troseddol fe allwch dal gael lle ar y cwrs, mae’n dibynnu ar natur Nos Fawrth 2 Chwefror 2010 5-8yh confidence, please contact Student Services on 01244 834511 or call in to Deeside Open Day
a chefndir y drosedd. Os hoffech drafod y mater yma yn gyfrinachol cysylltwch â College to speak to them in person.
Diwrnod Agored Saturday 12 June 2010 10am-2pm
Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr ar 01244 834511 neu galwch mewn i’r coleg i gael gair â
Dydd Sadwrn 12 Mehefin 2010 10yb-2yp

04 I gael rhagor o fanylion ffoniwch 01244 831531 (Switsfwrdd), 01244 834511 (Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr) 05 For more details, please phone 01244 831531 (Switchboard), 01244 834511 (Student Services) 05
Eich Canllaw i Gyfleoedd Addysg Oedolion yn Sir y Fflint 2009 - 10 Astudiwch gwrs rhan-amser a gwneud ffrindiau newydd! Your Guide to Adult Learning Opportunities in Flintshire 2009 - 10 Study a part-time course and make new friends!

Part-Time Courses / CODE

Cyrsiau Rhan-Amser ACCESS to HIGHER EDUCATION (HE) (continued) / MYNEDIAD I ADDYSG UWCH (AU) (parhad)
D4137 New Horizons - Nursing Year 1 DC 09.30-14.45 33 08/09/09 Mon - Fri Free
Access to HE Diploma - Health & Social Care Year 2
Access to HE Diploma - Nursing Year 2
Mon - Fri
Mon - Fri
D1272 Adult Foundation to Access DC 10.00-15.00 10 15/04/10 Thurs & Fri Free


D1116 New Horizons - Humanities Year 1 DC 18.00-20.45 34 15/09/09 Tues & Thurs Free
DAYTIME / YN YSTOD Y DYDD D4164 New Horizons - Primary Teaching Year 1 DC 18.00-20.45 34 15/09/09 Tues & Thurs Free
CE30609/01 Applied Equine Behaviour level 1 WCoH 10.00-17.00 4 days 27/10/09 Tues - Fri # £175.00 D1122 Access to HE Diploma Humanities Year 2 DC 18.00-20.45 34 17/09/09 Tues & Thurs Free
CE30609/02 Applied Equine Behaviour level 1 WCoH 10.00-17.00 4 days TBC Tues - Fri # £175.00 D4165 Access to HE Diploma Primary Teaching Year 2 DC 18.00-20.45 34 17/09/09 Tues & Thurs Free
CE30709/01 Applied Equine Behaviour level 2 WCoH 10.00-17.00 4 days 24/11/09 Tues - Fri £200.00 D4167 New Horizons - Health & Social Care Year 1 DC 18.00-20.45 34 15/09/09 Tues & Thurs Free
CE30809/01 Applied Equine Behaviour level 3 WCoH 10.00-17.00 4 days TBC Tues - Fri £200.00 D1117 New Horizons - Nursing Year 1 DC 18.00-20.45 34 15/09/09 Tues & Thurs Free
CE30309/01 BHS Riding and Road Safety Course WCoH 10.00-15.00 3 days 26/10/09 Mon - Wed # £185.00 D1106 Access to HE Diploma - Health & Social Care Year 2 DC 18.00-20.45 34 17/09/09 Tues & Thurs Free
CE30309/02 BHS Riding and Road Safety Course WCoH 10.00-15.00 3 days 01/06/10 Tues - Thurs # £185.00 D4166 Access to HE Diploma - Nursing Year 2 DC 18.00-20.45 34 17/09/09 Tues & Thurs Free
CE30409/01 Clipping Course level 1 WCoH 13.00-16.00 1 16/10/09 Fri # £30.00 D4569 New Horizons - Social Science Year 1 DC 18.00-20.45 34 15/09/09 Tues & Thurs Free
CE30509/01 Lunging Course level 1 WCoH 13.00-16.00 1 19/02/10 Fri # £30.00 D4627 Access to HE Diploma - Social Science Year 2 DC 18.00-20.45 34 17/09/09 Tues & Thurs Free


CE10109/01 Basic Dog Grooming level 2 OCN WCoH 18.00-20.30 6 29/09/09 Tues # £225.00 Rhan-ariennir cyrsiau yng Nghanolfan Courses at the Futures@Holywell
CE10109/02 Basic Dog Grooming level 2 OCN WCoH 18.00-20.30 6 23/02/10 Tues # £225.00 Ddysgu Dyfodol@Treffynnon gan y Gronfa Learning Centre are part subsidised by the
CE10109/03 Advanced Dog Grooming level 3 OCN WCoH 18.00-20.30 8 13/04/10 Tues £300.00
CE30109/01 BHS Stage 1 Preparation Course (Horse Owners Certificate) WCoH 18.30-20.30 8 28/09/09 Mon # £150 Loteri Fawr Big Lottery Fund.

(includes horse hire)

CE30109/02 BHS Stage 1 Preparation Course (Horse Owners Certificate) WCoH 18.30-20.30 8 25/01/10 Mon # £150
CE30109/03 BHS Stage 1 Preparation Course (Horse Owners Certificate) WCoH 16.30-18.30 8 12/04/10 Mon # £150
CE30209/01 BHS Stages 2 and 3 Preparation Course (Horse Owners Certificate) WCoH 16.30-18.30 8 28/09/09 Mon £150
CE30209/02 BHS Stages 2 and 3 Preparation Course (Horse Owners Certificate) WCoH 16.30-18.30 8 25/01/10 Mon £150
CE30209/03 BHS Stages 2 and 3 Preparation Course (Horse Owners Certificate) WCoH 16.30-18.30 8 12/04/10 Mon £150


Recognised by

DAYTIME / YN YSTOD Y DYDD The Quality Assurance Agency

for Higher Education

D1109 New Horizons - Humanities Year 1 DC 09.30-14.45 33 08/09/09 Mon - Fri Free
D4133 New Horizons - Primary Teaching Year 1 DC 09.30-14.45 33 08/09/09 Mon - Fri Free
D1121 Access to HE Diploma Humanities Year 2 DC 09.30-14.45 33 14/09/09 Mon - Fri Free
D4134 Access to HE Diploma Primary Teaching Year 2 DC 09.30-14.45 33 14/09/09 Mon - Fri Free
D3032 New Horizons - Social Science Year 1 DC 09.30-14.45 33 08/09/09 Mon - Fri Free
D4135 New Horizons - Social Work Year 1 DC 09.30-14.45 33 08/09/09 Mon - Fri Free
D4363 New Horizons - Psychology Year 1 DC 09.30-14.45 33 08/09/09 Mon - Fri Free
D1119 Access to HE Diploma Social Science Year 2 DC 09.30-14.45 33 14/09/09 Mon - Fri Free
D4136 Access to HE Diploma Social Work Year 2 DC 09.30-14.45 33 14/09/09 Mon - Fri Free
D4364 Access to HE Diploma Psychology Year 2 DC 09.30-14.45 33 14/09/09 Mon - Fri Free
D1113 New Horizons - Health & Social Care Year 1 DC 09.30-14.45 33 08/09/09 Mon - Fri Free

AM – Alun High School, Mold BBH – Blue Bell, Halkyn CAB CQ – Citizen Advice Bureau, CAH – Castell Alun High School, Hope
Connah’s Quay

CQH – Connah’s Quay High School DC – Deeside College DOC – Daniel Owen Centre, Mold EB – Elfed High School, Buckley

FAH – Futures@Holywell FHS – Flint High School FL – Flint Library GFC – Gronant Family Centre

GLH – Gladstone Library, Hawarden HAH – Hawarden High School HL – Holywell Library MCC – Mostyn Community Centre
QC – Queensferry Campus, John WCoH – Welsh College of
Summers High School Horticulture, Northop
Exam fees included! However, please be aware that on some courses, there may be additional associated course costs such as registration fees, books and equipment or
06 For more details, please phone 01244 831531 (Switchboard), 01244 834511 (Student Services)  Enrol by telephone where you see # call 0800 085 7270 membership to a professional body and exams taken through that institution. 07
Eich Canllaw i Gyfleoedd Addysg Oedolion yn Sir y Fflint 2009 - 10 Sut mae cofrestru? – ewch i dudalen 27 Your Guide to Adult Learning Opportunities in Flintshire 2009 - 10 How do I enrol? – Please see page 27




B1045 Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Foundation DC 09.00-16.00 34 16/09/09 Wed £420.00 *
B1046 Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Intermediate DC 09.00-17.00 34 16/09/09 Wed £490.00 *
B1047 Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Technician DC 09.00-17.00 34 15/09/09 Tues £490.00 *
*Course fees exclude textbooks, AAT and IAB registration and examination fees, and AAT simulation costs.


B1048/49 Book-Keeping Foundation / Intermediate IAB DC 19.00-21.00 30 21/09/09 Mon £132.00 *
B1043 Manual / Computerised Payroll IAB DC 19.00-21.00 30 23/09/09 Wed £132.00 *

P1682 Foundation Modern Apprenticeship in Administration
(level 2) day release DC 09.00-12.00 34 23/09/09 Wed Funded
P1683 Modern Apprenticeship in Administration (level 3) day release DC 09.00-12.00 34 23/09/09 Wed Funded
P4382 Certificate in Administration Skills level 2 DC 09.00-12.00 34 23/09/09 Wed £100.00
P4383 Certificate in Administration Skills level 3 DC 09.00-12.00 34 23/09/09 Wed £100.00


CE22509/01 Introduction to Drawing level 1 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 10 28/09/09 Mon # £55.00
J1406 Painting for Pleasure (3) Drawing and Painting Techniques OCN QC 09.30-11.30 20 29/09/09 Tues # £88.00 CODE COURSE VENUE TIME WEEKS START DAY  FEE
J3185 Painting for Pleasure (2) Drawing and Painting Techniques OCN QC 13:00-15:00 20 30/09/09 Wed # £88.00 COD CWRS LLEOLIAD AMSER WYTHNOSAU CYCHWYN DIWRNOD COST
CE22509/02 Introduction to Drawing level 1 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 10 30/09/09 Wed # £55.00
CE22509/04 Introduction to Drawing level 1 OCN DOC 09.30-12.00 10 01/10/09 Thurs # £55.00 CATERING AND HOSPITALITY / ARLWYO A LLETYGARWCH
CE22509/05 Introduction to Drawing level 1 OCN MCC 09.30-12.00 10 02/10/09 Fri # £55.00
J3197 Painting for Pleasure (5) Advanced Drawing and Painting OCN QC 09.30-11.30 20 02/10/09 Fri # £88.00
CE22809/01 Experimental Drawing level 2 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 10 11/01/10 Mon £55.00
CE22809/02 Experimental Drawing level 2 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 10 13/01/10 Wed £55.00 F1208 Professional Cookery NVQ level 2 HAB (Two year course) DC 09.00-16.00 30 22/09/09 Tues £200 p.a
CE22809/04 Experimental Drawing level 2 OCN DOC 09.30-12.00 10 14/01/10 Thurs £55.00 F1213 Professional Cookery NVQ level 3 HAB DC 09.00-16.00 30 22/09/09 Tues £200.00
CE22809/05 Experimental Drawing level 2 OCN MCC 09.30-12.00 10 15/01/10 Fri £55.00 J4365 Sugarcraft Beginners level 1 OCN Part 1 FAH 12.30-14.30 10 06/10/09 Tues £40.00
CE09709/04 Art Project - Drawing level 3 OCN DOC 09.30-12.00 10 22/04/10 Thurs £55.00 J4366 Sugarcraft Beginners level 1 OCN Part 2 FAH 12.30-14.30 10 12/01/10 Tues £40.00
CE09709/05 Art Project - Drawing level 3 OCN MCC 09.30-12.00 10 23/04/10 Fri £55.00 J4796 Sugarcraft Intermediate level 2 OCN FAH 12.30-14.30 20 06/10/09 Tues £75.00
CE09709/01 Art Project - Drawing level 3 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 10 19/04/10 Mon £55.00 EVENING / FIN NOS
CE22909/01 Collaborative Art Project level 2 OCN WCoH 13.00-15.30 10 19/04/10 Mon £55.00
C4037 Diabetic Healthy Cookery level 2 OCN DC 18.00-20.00 10 05/10/09 Mon # £54.00
CE09709/02 Art Project - Drawing level 3 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 10 28/04/10 Wed £55.00
C4438 Diabetic Healthy Cookery level 2 OCN DC 18.00-20.00 10 11/01/10 Mon # £54.00
EVENING / FIN NOS J4386 Home Baking and Bread-making Beginners level 1 OCN DC 18.30-20.30 10 05/10/09 Mon # £54.00
A1005 Pottery for Absolute Beginners (1) - J4796 Home Baking and Bread-making Beginners level 1 OCN DC 18.30-20.30 10 11/01/10 Mon # £54.00
How to Make Pots and Plates OCN DC 19:00-21:00 10 29/09/09 Tues # £54.00 F4271 Come Dine with Me level 2 OCN HAH 19.00-21.00 10 07/10/09 Wed # £54.00
J3184 Painting for Pleasure (1) Begin to Draw and Paint OCN DC 19.00-21.00 20 29/09/09 Tues # £88.00 F4270 Devilish Dining using Celebrity Chef Dishes level 2 OCN DC 19.00-21.00 10 06/10/09 Tues # £54.00
CE22509/03 Introduction to Drawing level 1 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 10 30/09/09 Wed # £55.00 F1215 Men Only Cookery level 1 & 2 OCN DC 18.30-20.30 20 07/10/09 Wed # £88.00
A1006 Pottery for Absolute Beginners (2) - J4267 Cooking with Local Produce level 1 OCN BE 19.00-21.00 5 07/10/09 Wed # £30.00
How to Make Pots and Plates OCN DC 19:00-21:00 10 12/01/10 Tues # £54.00 J4385 Cooking with Local Produce level 1 OCN HAH 19.00-21.00 10 13/01/10 Wed # £54.00
CE22809/03 Experimental Drawing level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 10 13/01/10 Wed £55.00 J4384 European Cuisine from Tuscany to the Riviera level 2 OCN FHS 19.00-21.00 10 08/10/09 Thurs # £54.00
A4795 Pottery for Absolute Beginners (3) - F4269 Thai Cookery for Beginners level 2 OCN DC 18.30-20.30 10 08/10/09 Thurs # £54.00
How to Make Pots and Plates OCN DC 19.00-21.00 10 13/04/10 Tues # £54.00 J1380 Cheeses and Wines of the World level 2 OCN WCoH 19.00-21.00 5 04/11/09 Wed # £30.00
CE09709/03 Art Project - Drawing level 3 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 10 21/04/10 Wed £55.00 F4273 Vegetarian and Fish Cookery level 2 OCN DC 18.00-20.00 5 12/01/10 Tues # £30.00
J4385 Continental Tapas Cuisine level 2 OCN FHS 19.00-21.00 10 14/01/10 Thurs # £54.00
F4268 Oriental and Asian Cuisine level 2 OCN DC 19.00-21.00 10 14/01/10 Thurs # £54.00

Exam fees included! However, please be aware that on some courses, there may be additional associated course costs such as registration fees, books and equipment or
08 For more details, please phone 01244 831531 (Switchboard), 01244 834511 (Student Services)  Enrol by telephone where you see # call 0800 085 7270 membership to a professional body and exams taken through that institution. 09
Eich Canllaw i Gyfleoedd Addysg Oedolion yn Sir y Fflint 2009 - 10 Astudiwch gwrs rhan-amser a dysgu rhywbeth newydd! Your Guide to Adult Learning Opportunities in Flintshire 2009 - 10 Study a part-time course and learn something new!




J1367 Sugarcraft Beginners level 1 OCN AM 18.30-20.30 10 06/10/09 Tues # £54.00
J4798 Sugarcraft Advanced level 3 OCN DC 18.30-20.30 30 06/10/09 Tues £132.00
F1220 Sugarcraft Beginners level 1 OCN DC 18.30-20.30 30 07/10/09 Wed # £132.00
J1368 Sugarcraft Beginners level 1 OCN AM 18.30-20.30 10 12/01/10 Tues # £54.00
J3245 Sugarcraft Intermediate level 2 OCN or ABC AM 18.30-20.30 10 06/10/09 Tues £54.00
F1223 Sugarcraft Intermediate level 2 OCN or ABC DC 18.30-20.30 30 06/10/09 Tues £132.00
J3246 Sugarcraft Intermediate level 2 OCN or ABC AM 18.30-20.30 10 12/01/10 Tues £54.00
F1224 Sugarcraft Advanced level 3 OCN DC 18.30-20.30 30 07/10/09 Wed £132.00
J4491 Sugarcraft Modelling level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-20.30 10 15/04/10 Thurs £54.00


Introduction to Computers / Cyflwyniad i Gyfrifiaduron
J4367 Beginners IT - Using a Computer, Internet and Email FAH 09.30-12.00 12 01/10/09 Thurs £50.00
J4368 Beginners IT - Using a Computer, Internet and Email FAH 12.30-15.00 12 11/01/10 Mon £50.00
J4369 Beginners IT - Using a Computer, Internet and Email FAH 09.30-12.30 10 12/04/10 Mon £50.00
Level 1 Courses / Cyrsiau Lefel 1
J4374 Basic Powerpoint Presentations level 1 OCN FAH 09.00-11.00 10 28/09/09 Mon £40.00
J3095 European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) level 1 BCS FAH 12.00-15.00 12 13/01/10 Wed £90.00
J3083 Everyday Wordprocessing, Spreadsheets and Databases level 1 OCN FAH 10.00-12.00 10 14/01/10 Thurs £40.00
M4406 CLAIT level 1 OCR DC 13:00-16:00 17 03/02/10 Wed # £140.00
J4370 Desktop Publishing - Create Cards, Calendars and Posters level 1 OCN FAH 09.00-11.00 10 15/04/10 Thurs £40.00 CODE COURSE VENUE TIME WEEKS START DAY  FEE
J4408 Intermediate Desktop Publishing level 2 OCN FAH 13.00-15.00 10 28/09/09 Mon £40.00
Level 3 Courses / Cyrsiau Lefel 3 CONSTRUCTION / ADEILADU
M3112 Advanced Diploma for IT Practitioners level 3 - Systems Support CGLI DC 13:00-16:00 12 13/01/10 Wed £120.00
M3113 Advanced Diploma for IT Practitioners level 3 - Systems Support CGLI DC 13:00-16:00 12 14/04/10 Wed £120.00 DAYTIME / YN YSTOD Y DYDD
M3111 CLAIT Advanced level 3 - MOS Excel Expert OCR DC 09.00-12.00 12 14/04/10 Wed £120.00 Bricklaying / Gosod Brics
M4472 Website Design, Graphics and Animation level 3 DC 13:00-16:00 17 03/02/10 Wed £140.00 K1530 Bricklaying Foundation Construction Award CAA DC 09.00-17.30 33 24/09/09 Thurs £390.00
EVENING / FIN NOS K1531 Bricklaying Intermediate Construction Award CAA (Two year course) DC 09.00-17.30 33 22/09/09 Tues £390.00 p.a
K1537 Bricklaying NVQ level 2 CAA DC 09.00-17.30 33 21/09/09 Mon £390.00
Introduction to Computers / Cyflwyniad i Gyfrifiaduron K4608 Bricklaying Advanced Construction Award CAA (Two year course) DC 09.00-17.30 33 21/09/09 Mon £390.00 p.a
J4389 Beginners IT - Using a Computer, Internet and Email FAH 18.30-21.00 12 29/09/09 Tues £50.00 Carpentry & Joinery / Gwaith Saer ac Asiedydd
M3115 Beginners IT - Using a Computer, Internet and Email DC 18.00-21.00 10 13/01/10 Wed # £66.00
K1542 Carpentry & Joinery Foundation Construction Award CAA DC 09.00-17.30 33 22/09/09 Tues £390.00
Level 1 Courses / Cyrsiau Lefel 1 K1539 Carpentry & Joinery Intermediate Construction Award CAA
M1652 European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) level 1 BCS DC 18.00-21.00 12 23/09/09 Wed £120.00 (Two year course: 1st year Monday / 2nd year Thursday) DC 09.00-17.30 33 w/c 21/09/09 Mon/Thurs £390.00 p.a
J4388 European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) level 1 BCS FAH 18.00-21.00 12 01/10/09 Thurs £90.00 K1545 Carpentry & Joinery NVQ level 2 CAA DC 09.00-17.30 33 24/09/09 Thurs £390.00
J4161 European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) level 1 BCS FAH 18.00-21.00 12 12/01/10 Tues £90.00 K4607 Carpentry & Joinery Advanced Construction Award CAA
M3123 European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) level 1 BCS DC 18.00-21.00 12 14/04/10 Wed £120.00 (Two year course) DC 09.00-17.30 33 21/09/09 Mon £390.00 p.a
Level 2 Courses / Cyrsiau Lefel 2 Gas Installation / Maintenance / Gosod / Cynnal a Chadw Nwy
M1667 European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) level 2 BCS DC 18.00-21.00 20 22/09/09 Tues £150.00 TBC Core Gas Safety Assessment CITB CCN1 DC
M4772 European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) level 2 BCS DC 18:00-21.00 20 06/01/10 Wed £150.00 TBC Gas Appliance Safety Assessment Various Appliances CITB DC Flexible courses scheduled to start September 2009.
J4162 European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) level 2 BCS FAH 18.00-21.00 20 14/01/10 Thurs £112.00 TBC Intermediate Gas Certificate CITB CAT 3 DC Please call 01244 831531 ext 4225 for details.
M4412 Webpage Design and Graphics level 2 DC 18.00-21.00 17 24/09/09 Thurs £140.00 TBC Energy Efficiency Domestic Heating CGLI 6084 DC
Level 3 Courses / Cyrsiau Lefel 3 Heating & Ventilation / Gwresogi ac Awyru
M1647 CISCO Computer Networking CCNA DC 18.00-21.00 16 21/09/09 Mon £140.00 K1551 Technical Certificate Heating & Ventilation level 2
M1648 CISCO Computer Networking CCNA DC 18.00-21.00 16 01/02/10 Mon £140.00 CGLI 6128 (Two year course: 1st year Thursday / 2nd year Tuesday) DC 09.00-17.30 33 w/c 21/09/09 Tues/Thurs £390.00 p.a
M4391 Website Design, Graphics and Animation level 3 DC 18.00-21.00 17 04/02/10 Thurs £140.00 K1553 Technical Certificate Heating & Ventilation level 3 CGLI 6128 DC 09.00-17.30 33 21/09/09 Mon £390.00

Exam fees included! However, please be aware that on some courses, there may be additional associated course costs such as registration fees, books and equipment or
10 For more details, please phone 01244 831531 (Switchboard), 01244 834511 (Student Services)  Enrol by telephone where you see # call 0800 085 7270 membership to a professional body and exams taken through that institution. 11
Eich Canllaw i Gyfleoedd Addysg Oedolion yn Sir y Fflint 2009 - 10 Sut mae cofrestru? – ewch i dudalen 27 Your Guide to Adult Learning Opportunities in Flintshire 2009 - 10 How do I enrol? – Please see page 27


CONSTRUCTION (continued) / ADEILADU (parhad) ENGINEERING (continued) / PEIRIANNEG (parhad)

Painting & Decorating / Peintio & Addurno Motor Vehicle / Trin a Thrwsio Cerbydau
K1573 Painting & Decoration Foundation Construction Award CAA DC 09.00-17.30 33 21/09/09 Mon £390.00 E1187 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair NVQ level 2 CGLI
K1575 Painting & Decoration Intermediate Construction Award CAA DC 09.00-17.30 33 21/09/09 Mon £390.00 (Two year course: 1st year Tuesday / 2nd year Wednesday) DC 09.00-17.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Tues/Wed £390.00 p.a.
K1577 Painting & Decoration NVQ level 2 CAA DC 09.00-17.30 33 21/09/09 Mon £390.00 E1188 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair NVQ level 3 CGLI 4101
(Two year course: 1st year Thursday / 2nd year Monday) DC 09.00-17.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Thurs/Mon £390.00 p.a.
EVENING / FIN NOS E1193 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technical Certificate level 2 CGLI
Bricklaying / Gosod Brics (Two year course: 1st year Tuesday / 2nd year Wednesday) DC 09.00-17.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Tues/Wed £390.00 p.a.
E1195 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technical Certificate level 3 CGLI
K1533 Brickwork level 1 OCN DC 18.30-20.30 10 29/09/09 Tues # £54.00
(Two year course: 1st year Thursday / 2nd year Monday) DC 09.00-17.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Thurs/Mon £390.00 p.a.
K1815 Brickwork level 1 OCN DC 18.30-20.30 10 12/01/10 Tues # £54.00
CE11209/05 Basic Car Maintenance level 1 OCN WCoH 09.00-16.00 1 12/07/10 Mon-Fri # £50.00
K1536 Brickwork level 1 OCN DC 18.30-20.30 10 13/04/10 Tues # £54.00
CE11209/06 Basic Car Maintenance for Women level 1 OCN WCoH 09.00-16.00 1 19/07/10 Mon-Fri # £50.00
Plumbing / Plymio
K1566 Copper Tube Advice & Installation CGLI 6022 DC 18.00-21.00 32 21/09/09 Mon £390.00
K1567 Copper Tube Advice & Installation CGLI 6022 DC 18.00-21.00 32 23/09/09 Wed £390.00
Aeronautical / Awyrennol
E1128 Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering level 3 CGLI 2661 -
Adult Learners (Three year course: 1st & 2nd year
ENGINEERING / PEIRIANNEG Monday / 3rd year Tuesday) DC 18.00-21.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Mon/Tues £285.00 p.a.
E4794 EASA part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Module DC 18.00-20.00 10 24/09/09 Thurs TBC
DAYTIME / YN YSTOD Y DYDD Electrical/Electronics / Trydanol/Electroneg
Aeronautical / Awyrennol E4260 17th Edition IEE Regulations CGLI 2382 accelerator programme.
E1132 Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering level 3 CGLI 2661 (Two year Mon&Tues (Must have 16th Edition IEE Regulations CGLI 2382 after 2001) DC 18.30-20.30 5 21/09/09 Mon £190.00
course: 1st year Monday & Tuesday / 2nd year Wednesday & Thursday) DC 09.00-17.30 34 w/c 21/09/09 Wed&Thurs £390.00 p.a. E4228 17th Edition IEE Regulations CGLI 2382 accelerator programme.
E1123 National Certificate Engineering (Aerospace Studies) BTEC (Two year (Must have 16th Edition IEE Regulations CGLI 2382 after 2001) DC 18.30-20.30 5 04/01/10 Mon £190.00
course: 1st year Tuesday / 2nd year Wednesday) DC 09.00-19.30 34 w/c 21/09/09 Tues/Wed £390.00 p.a. E4262 17th Edition IEE Regulations CGLI 2382 accelerator programme.
E1127 Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering level 3 CGLI 2661 - 09.00 - 12.00 (Must have 16th Edition IEE Regulations CGLI 2382 after 2001) DC 18.30-20.30 5 12/04/10 Mon £190.00
Adult Learners (Three year course) DC or 14.00 - 17.00 34 25/09/09 Fri £285.00 p.a. E4258 17th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations CGLI 2382. (Full course) DC 18.30-20.30 12 21/09/09 Mon £260.00
E3938 Certificate in Aeronautical Electrical Engineering level 3 CGLI 2661 E4227 17th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations CGLI 2382. (Full course) DC 18.30-20.30 12 04/01/10 Mon £260.00
(Two year course:1st year Wednesday / 2nd year Thursday) DC 09.00-17.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Wed/Thurs £390.00 p.a. E4259 17th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations CGLI 2382. (Full course) DC 18.30-20.30 12 12/04/10 Mon £260.00
E4767 Fundamentals in Inspection, Testing and Certification of
Electrical/Electronics / Trydanol/Electroneg & Mechanical / Mecanyddol Electrical Equipment CGLI 2392 (must be over 18 and an
E1171 Certificate in Electrotechnical Technology level 2 CGLI 2330 Electrician with at least a level 2 recognised electrical qualification) DC 18.30-21.00 12 23/09/09 Wed £260.00
(Two year course: 1st year Tuesday / 2nd year Wednesday) DC 09.00-16.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Tues/Wed £390.00 p.a. E1147 Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment CGLI 2391
E1183 Certificate in Electrotechnical Technology level 3 CGLI 2330 DC 09.00-16.00 34 24/09/09 Thurs £390.00 (Must have 17th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations CGLI 2382) DC 18.30-21.00 12 06/01/10 Wed £260.00
E1141 National Certificate Engineering (Electrical / Mechanical) BTEC E4769 Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment CGLI 2391
(Two year course: 1st year Wednesday / 2nd year Thursday) DC 09.00-19.30 34 w/c 21/09/09 Wed/Thurs £390.00 p.a. (Must have 17th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations CGLI 2382) DC 18.30-21.00 12 14/04/10 Wed £260.00
E1139 Higher National Certificate (HNC) Technology (Electrical and Electronic E1169 Electro-Technical Installation Competences level 2 CGLI 2330
/ Mechanical Technology) (Two year course:1st year Tuesday / 2nd year (Two year course: 1st year Monday & Wednesday DC 18.00-21.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Mon&Wed £390.00
Thursday) Awarded by Glyndwr University DC 09.00-19.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Tues/Thurs via Glyndwr / 2nd year Tuesday & Thursday) Tues&Thurs .
E1162 Production Maintenance Engineering level 2 CGLI 6983 (to include University E1143 Electro-Technical Installation Competences level 3 CGLI 2330
PEO level 2) (Two year course: 1st year Thursday / 2nd year Friday) DC 09.00-17.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Thurs/Fri £390.00 p.a. (Monday & Thursday evenings) DC 18.00-21.00 34 21/09/09 Mon&Thurs £390.00
E1158 Production Maintenance Engineering level 3 CGLI 2800 DC 09.00-17.00 34 25/09/09 Fri £390.00
Fabrication/Welding / Ffabrigo/Weldio
Fabrication/Welding / Ffabrigo/Weldio E1150 Introductory Welding Skills CGLI 3268 level 1 DC 18.00-21.00 34 22/09/09 Tues £285.00
E4264 Fabrication & Welding Technical Certificate level 2 CGLI 2800 E4768 Introductory Welding Skills CGLI 3268 level 2 DC 18.00-21.00 34 24/09/09 Thurs £285.00
(Two year course: 1st year Tuesday / 2nd year Wednesday) DC 09.00-18.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Tues/Wed £390.00 p.a. CE11309/01 Basic Welding Techniques level 1 OCN WCoH 18.00-21.00 10 14/09/09 Mon # £66.00
E1156 Fabrication & Welding Technical Certificate level 3 CGLI 2800 CE11309/02 Basic Welding Techniques level 1 OCN WCoH 18.00-21.00 10 17/05/10 Mon # £66.00
(Two year course: 1st year Thursday / 2nd year Monday) DC 09.00-18.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Mon/Thurs £390.00 p.a. General / Cyffredinol
E1151 Fabrication & Welding CGLI 2251 NVQ level 2
E1136 Computer-aided Design using AutoCAD -
(Two year course: 1st year Tuesday / 2nd year Wednesday) DC 09.00-18.00 34 w/c 21/09/09 Tues/Wed £390.00 p.a.
Two-dimensional design level 2 CGLI 4353-01 DC 18.30-20.30 34 21/09/09 Mon £220.00
E1149 Fabrication & Welding CGLI 1681 NVQ level 3
E1138 Computer-aided Design using AutoCAD -
Work based flexible delivery: contact course tutor for details DC TBA 34 24/09/09 Flexible £390.00
Two-dimensional design level 3 CGLI 4353-02 DC 18.30-20.30 34 22/09/09 Tues £220.00
CE11309/03 Basic Welding Techniques level 1 OCN WCoH 09.00-16.00 1 12/07/10 Mon-Fri # £70.00

Exam fees included! However, please be aware that on some courses, there may be additional associated course costs such as registration fees, books and equipment or
12 For more details, please phone 01244 831531 (Switchboard), 01244 834511 (Student Services)  Enrol by telephone where you see # call 0800 085 7270 membership to a professional body and exams taken through that institution. 13
Eich Canllaw i Gyfleoedd Addysg Oedolion yn Sir y Fflint 2009 - 10 Astudiwch gwrs rhan-amser a newid eich gyrfa! Your Guide to Adult Learning Opportunities in Flintshire 2009 - 10 Study a part-time course and change your career!



Motor Vehicle / Trin a Thrwsio Cerbydau Beauty Therapy / Therapi Harddwch
E1189 Motor Vehicle Technician level 2 CGLI 4101 technical certificate DC 18.00-21.00 34 24/09/09 Thurs £285.00 H1319 Beauty Therapy NVQ level 2 VTCT DC 09.00-17.00 33 21/09/09 Mon £335.00
E1196 Motor Vehicle Technician level 3 CGLI 4101 technical certificate DC 18.00-21.00 34 24/09/09 Thurs £285.00
CE11209/01 Basic Car Maintenance level 1 OCN WCoH 18.00-21.00 10 16/09/09 Wed # £66.00 Hairdressing, Holistic Therapies & Beauty Taster Courses / Trin Gwallt, Therapiau Holistig & Chyrsiau Blasu Harddwch
CE11209/03 Basic Car Maintenance level 1 OCN WCoH 18.00-21.00 10 06/01/10 Wed # £66.00 H1352 Introduction to Indian Head Massage DC 10.00-14.00 1 day 13/02/10 Sat # £20.00
CE11209/02 Basic Car Maintenance for Women level 1 OCN WCoH 18.00-21.00 10 14/09/09 Mon # £66.00 H3139 Introduction to Aromatherapy DC 10.00-14.00 1 day 06/03/10 Sat # £20.00
CE11209/04 Basic Car Maintenance for Women level 1 OCN WCoH 18.00-21.00 10 11/01/10 Mon # £66.00 H1353 Introduction to Reflexology DC 10.00-14.00 1 day 13/03/10 Sat # £20.00
H3138 Introduction to Holistic Facials DC 10.00-14.00 1 day 20/03/10 Sat # £20.00
H2364 Introduction to Crystal Therapy DC 10.00-14.00 1 day 15/05/10 Sat # £20.00
Hairdressing / Trin Gwallt
DAYTIME / YN YSTOD Y DYDD H4755 Barbering level 2 OCN (must have NVQ level 2 hairdressing) DC 09.30-12.30 10 08/09/09 Tues £66.00
CE20009/01 Floral Design - Basics level 1 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 10 28/09/09 Mon # £55.00
CE20009/03 Cynllunio Blodau - Sylfaenol lefel 1 OCN WCoH 13.00-15.30 10 28/09/09 Mon # £55.00 EVENING / FIN NOS
CE20009/04 Floral Design - Basics level 1 OCN FAH 09.30-12.00 10 30/09/09 Wed # £41.00 Beauty & Holistic Therapies / Harddwch & Therapîau Holistig
CE20009/05 Floral Design - Basics level 1 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 10 11/01/10 Mon # £55.00 H1359 Introduction to Holistic Therapies level 1 VTCT DC 18.00-21.00 33 21/09/09 Mon £170.00
CE20209/01 Trefnu Blodau’n Sgiliau lefel 2 OCN WCoH 13.00-15.30 10 11/01/10 Mon £55.00 H1321 Beauty Therapy NVQ level 2 VTCT (2 Year course) DC 18.00-21.00 34 22/09/09 Tues £170.00
CE20309/02 Floral Design - Techniques level 2 OCN FAH 09.30-12.00 10 13/01/10 Wed £41.00 H1324 Advanced Nail Techniques Diploma VTCT DC 18.00-21.00 33 21/09/09 Mon £275.00
CE20009/07 Floral Design - Basics level 1 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 10 19/04/10 Mon # £55.00 H1334 Certificate in Nail Techniques (manicure) VTCT DC 18.00-21.00 17 21/09/09 Mon £170.00
CE20109/02 Trefnu Blodau’n Achlysur Arbennig lefel 2 OCN WCoH 13.00-15.30 10 19/04/10 Mon £55.00 H4431 Certificate in Swedish Body Massage level 3 VTCT DC 18.00-21.00 23 23/09/09 Wed £170.00
CE20109/03 Floral Design - Occasions level 2 OCN FAH 09.30-12.00 10 21/04/10 Wed £41.00 H1355 Indian Head Massage Diploma level 3 VTCT DC 18.00-21.00 18 22/09/09 Tues £170.00
EVENING / FIN NOS H4758 Certificate of unit Aromatherapy with Pre-blended oils level 3 VTCT DC 18.00-21.00 10 14/04/10 Wed £90.00
H4761 Diploma In Anatomy & Physiology and Health & Safety level 3 VTCT DC 18.00-21.00 33 21/09/09 Mon £275.00
CE20009/02 Floral Design - Basics level 1 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 10 29/09/09 Tues # £55.00 H4756 Certificate in Nail Art plus Nail Enhancement level 3 VTCT DC 18.00-21.00 16 08/02/10 Mon £170.00
CE20309/01 Floral Design - Techniques level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 10 28/09/09 Mon £55.00 H4763 Certificate in Reflex Zone Therapy level 3 VTCT DC 18.00-21.00 16 23/02/10 Tues £170.00
CE20409/01 Floral Design - Trends level 3 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 10 30/09/09 Wed £55.00
CE20009/06 Floral Design - Basics level 1 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 10 12/01/10 Tues # £55.00
CE20109/01 Floral Design - Occasions level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 10 11/01/10 Mon £55.00 HEALTH & SAFETY / IECHYD A DIOGELWCH
CE20509/01 Floral Design - International level 3 WCoH 18.30-21.00 10 13/01/10 Wed £55.00
CE20009/08 Floral Design - Basics level 1 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 10 20/04/10 Tues # £55.00 DAYTIME / YN YSTOD Y DYDD
CE20209/02 Floral Design - Skills level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 10 19/04/10 Mon £55.00
C3260 IOSH Managing Safely DC 09.00-16.30 2 x 2 days 14/10/09 2 x Wed/Thurs £315.00
CE20609/01 Floral Design - Events level 3 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 10 21/04/10 Wed £55.00
C3260 IOSH Managing Safely DC 09.00-16.30 2 x 2 days 25/11/09 2 x Wed/Thurs £315.00
If you are aged 19 and under on the 01/09/09, studying a GCSE evening course and you are in full-time education at a centre C3260 IOSH Managing Safely DC 09.00-16.30 2 x 2 days 20/01/10 2 x Wed/Thurs £315.00
GCSE COURSES / CYRSIAU TGAU other than Deeside College, you will be charged a course fee of £239. C3260 IOSH Managing Safely DC 09.00-16.30 2 x 2 days 17/03/10 2 x Wed/Thurs £315.00
C3260 IOSH Managing Safely DC 09.00-16.30 2 x 2 days 05/05/10 2 x Wed/Thurs £315.00
DAYTIME / YN YSTOD Y DYDD C3260 IOSH Managing Safely DC 09.00-16.30 2 x 2 days 30/06/10 2 x Wed/Thurs £315.00
G1277 GCSE Maths DC 09.00-12.00 30 21/09/09 Mon £160.00 C4479 NEBOSH NGC1 Unit - 17 weeks part-time flexible learning DC Flexible 17 07/09/09 Mon or Wed or Fri £315.00
G1274 GCSE English DC 13.00-16.00 30 21/09/09 Mon £160.00 C3851 NEBOSH NGC1 Unit - 17 weeks part-time flexible learning DC Flexible 17 01/02/10 Mon or Wed or Fri £315.00
C4481 NEBOSH NGC2 Unit - 17 weeks part-time flexible learning DC Flexible 17 07/09/09 Mon or Wed or Fri £315.00
EVENING / FIN NOS C4482 NEBOSH NGC2 Unit - 17 weeks part-time flexible learning DC Flexible 17 01/02/10 Mon or Wed or Fri £315.00
C3271 NEBOSH Construction Certificate 16 weeks part-time
G4779 GCSE English Literature DC 19.00-21.00 30 21/09/09 Mon £160.00
(NCC1 & NCC2 units only) DC 13.00-18.00 16 30/09/09 Wed £525.00
G1275 GCSE English Language DC 19.00-21.00 30 23/09/09 Wed £160.00
C3272 NEBOSH Construction Certificate 16 weeks part-time
G1278 GCSE Maths DC 18.00-21.00 30 22/09/09 Tues £160.00
(NCC1 & NCC2 units only) DC 13.00-18.00 16 03/03/10 Wed £525.00
G1280 GCSE Science DC 18.00-21.00 30 21/09/09 Mon £160.00
C1100 NEBOSH Fire Safety and Risk Management Certificate
(FC1 & FC2 units only) DC 13.00-17.00 12 02/10/09 Fri £420.00
C3728 NEBOSH Fire Safety and Risk Management Certificate
(FC1 & FC2 units only) DC 13.00-1700 12 26/02/10 Fri £420.00
For all your gardening needs all year round C2987 NEBOSH National Diploma - Unit B DC 13.30-18.00 17 01/09/09 Tues or Thurs £1,050.00
C1098 NEBOSH National Diploma - Unit C DC 13.30-18.00 18 02/02/10 Tues or Thurs £1,050.00
C3029 Award in Health & Safety in the Workplace Level 2 CIEH DC Courses held regularly, please call 01244 834545. £40.00
- Specialists in floral designs

Northop Garden Centre, Holywell Road, Northop, Flintshire, CH7 6AA 01352 841014
Exam fees included! However, please be aware that on some courses, there may be additional associated course costs such as registration fees, books and equipment or
14 For more details, please phone 01244 831531 (Switchboard), 01244 834511 (Student Services)  Enrol by telephone where you see # call 0800 085 7270 membership to a professional body and exams taken through that institution. 15
Eich Canllaw i Gyfleoedd Addysg Oedolion yn Sir y Fflint 2009 - 10 Sut mae cofrestru? – ewch i dudalen 27 Your Guide to Adult Learning Opportunities in Flintshire 2009 - 10 How do I enrol? – Please see page 27


L1581 Diploma in Playgroup Practice CACHE DC 09.30-15.00 36 24/09/09 Thurs £170.00 Chainsaw Operations / Gweithrediadau Llif Gadwyn
L1620 Certificate in Mental Health (Multi-agency delivery) CGLI DC 09.00-17.00 48 25/01/10 Mon TBC SC23109 Basic Chainsaw level 2 WCoH £510.00
L3062 Drugs and Alcohol Awareness (Multi-agency delivery) level 3 OCN DC 09.00-17.30 2 day TBC SC23209 Aerial Rescue level 2 WCoH Courses held regularly, please call 01352 841000 for details. £490.00
L3064 Basic First Aid 1 day DC 09.00-16.00 1 day £45.00 SC23309 Use of Chainsaw from Rope level 2 WCoH £270.00
Courses are held regularly.
L3063 First Aid at Work 4 day HSE DC 09.00-16.00 4 day £120.00 Safe Use of Pesticides / Defnydd Diogel o Blaleiddiaid
Please call
SC34309 First Aid at Work - Refresher WCoH 09.00-16.00 2 day £95.00
01244 834518. SC74509 PA 1 - Safe Use of Pesticides (Foundation Module) level 2 WCoH £150.00
L2715 Paediatric First Aid 2 day DC 09.00-16.00 2 day £80.00 Courses held regularly, please call 01352 841000 for details.
SC74609 PA 6 - Handheld Applicator level 2 WCoH £110.00
L3065 Paediatric First Aid 1 day DC 09.00-16.00 1 day £45.00
SC74709 PA 2 - Ground Crop Sprayer level 2 WCoH £155.00
L1601 Certificate in Health & Social Care level 2 CGLI DC 18.00-20.00 30 21/09/09 Mon £170.00
CE00109/02 Start Gardening level 1 OCN WCoH 19.00-21.30 12 15/09/09 Tues # £66.00
L1602 Certificate in Health & Social Care level 3 CGLI DC 18.00-20.00 30 21/09/09 Mon £170.00
CE00109/03 Start Gardening level 1 OCN CAH 18.30-21.00 12 15/09/09 Tues # £66.00
L3286 Certificate in Children's Care, Learning & Development
CE00109/06 Start Gardening level 1 OCN WCoH 19.00-21.30 12 05/01/10 Tues # £66.00
level 2 CACHE DC 19.00-21.00 30 23/09/09 Wed £170.00
L1606 Certificate in Children's Care, Learning & Development level CE00109/07 Start Gardening level 1 OCN CAH 18.30-21.00 12 05/01/10 Tues # £66.00
3 CACHE DC 18.00-21.00 30 23/09/09 Wed £170.00 CE00109/09 Start Gardening level 1 OCN WCoH 19.00-21.30 12 20/04/10 Tues # £66.00
L4719 Certificate for Supporting Teaching & Learning level 2 CACHE DC 18.30-20.30 30 24/09/09 Thurs £170.00 CE01509/02 Start Garden Design level 1 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 12 17/09/09 Thurs # £66.00
L4720 Certificate for Supporting Teaching & Learning level 3 CACHE DC 18.30-20.30 30 24/09/09 Thurs £170.00 CE01509/04 Start Garden Design level 1 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 12 07/01/10 Thurs # £66.00
L4394 Certificate in Managing Quality Standards in Children’s Services CE01501/07 Start Garden Design level 1 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.00 12 22/04/10 Thurs # £66.00
level 4 CACHE DC 18.00-21.00 30 24/09/09 Thurs £250.00 RHS General Certificate / Tystysgrif Gyffredinol RHS
L3012 Certificate in Personal Development and Learning for CE02309/01 RHS Root Environment and Nutrition level 2 WCoH 19.00-21.30 6 16/09/09 Wed £40.00
Unpaid Carers - Learning for Living (Open & Distance) DC For details on these courses, please call 01244 834518. CE02109/01 RHS Plant Health Problems level 2 WCoH 19.00-21.30 6 04/11/09 Wed £40.00
L4395 Award in Assistive Technology for Carers CGLI DC CE02009/02 RHS Plant Propagation level 2 WCoH 19.00-21.30 6 06/01/10 Wed £40.00
CE11809/02 RHS Outdoor Food Production level 2 WCoH 19.00-21.30 6 24/02/10 Wed £40.00
CE01809/03 RHS Garden Planning level 2 WCoH 19.00-21.30 6 21/04/10 Wed £40.00
HORTICULTURE / GARDDWRIAETH CE01609/02 RHS Plant Kingdom level 2 WCoH 19.00-21.30 6 09/06/10 Wed £40.00

DAYTIME / YN YSTOD Y DYDD RHS Advanced Module A / Modiwl A Uwch RHS

CE00109/01 Start Gardening level 1 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 12 16/09/09 Wed # £66.00 CE02909/01 Plant Propagation level 3 WCoH 18.30-21.30 6 16/09/09 Wed £40.00
CE00109/10 Start Gardening level 1 OCN FAH 09.30-12.00 12 14/09/09 Mon # £50.00 CE03609/01 Soils level 3 WCoH 18.30-21.30 6 04/11/09 Wed £40.00
CE01109/02 Organic Gardening level 2 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 6 19/04/10 Mon £40.00 CE03009/01 Growing Media and Plant Nutrition level 3 WCoH 18.30-21.30 6 06/01/10 Wed £40.00
CE00409/01 Introduction to Herbs level 1 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 6 02/11/09 Mon # £40.00 CE03209/01 Principles of Morphology, and Anatomy level 3 WCoH 18.30-21.30 6 24/02/10 Wed £40.00
CE00409/02 Introduction to Herbs level 1 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 6 03/10/09 Sat # £40.00 RHS Advanced Module B / Modiwl B Uwch RHS
CE00409/04 Introduction to Herbs level 1 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 6 14/06/10 Mon # £40.00 CE03309/01 Plant Health level 3 WCoH 18.30-21.30 6 21/04/10 Wed £40.00
CE11909/01 Wildlife Gardening level 1 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 6 04/01/10 Mon # £40.00 CE03409/01 Plant Physiology level 3 WCoH 18.30-21.30 6 09/06/10 Wed £40.00
CE00209/01 Spring Gardening level 1 OCN WCoH 09.30-12.00 6 22/02/10 Mon # £40.00
Level 2 Foundation Award in Drawing and Graphics for Garden Design / Dyfarniad Sylfaenol Lefel 2 mewn Lluniadu a Graffeg ar gyfer Dylunio Gardd
RHS General Certificate / Tystysgrif Gyffredinol RHS E03709/01 Introduction to Drawing for Garden Design WCoH 18.30-21.00 5 17/09/09 Thurs £40.00
CE01809/01 RHS Garden Planning level 2 WCoH 09.30-12.00 6 14/09/09 Mon £40.00 CE03809/01 Graphics and 3D Studies for Garden Design WCoH 18.30-21.00 5 22/10/09 Thurs £40.00
CE01809/02 RHS Garden Planning level 2 WCoH 13.00-15.30 6 07/01/10 Thurs £40.00 Level 2 Foundation Award in Garden Design / Dyfarniad Sylfaenol Lefel 2 mewn Dylunio Gardd
CE02209/01 RHS Plant Selection 1 level 2 WCoH 09.30-12.00 6 02/11/09 Mon £40.00
CE03909/01 Plant Science level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.30 5 03/12/09 Thurs £40.00
CE02009/01 RHS Plant Propagation level 2 WCoH 13.00-15.30 6 17/09/09 Thurs £40.00
CE04009/01 Garden Design Process level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.30 5 21/01/10 Thurs £40.00
CE02509/01 RHS Plant Selection level 2 WCoH 09.30-12.00 6 04/01/10 Mon £40.00
CE04109/01 Soil Science level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.30 5 04/03/10 Thurs £40.00
CE02409/02 RHS Protected Cropping level 2 WCoH 09.30-12.00 6 22/02/10 Mon £40.00
CE04209/01 Plant Knowledge level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.30 5 22/04/10 Thurs £40.00
CE02309/02 RHS Root Environment and Nutrition level 2 WCoH 09.30-12.00 6 19/04/10 Mon £40.00
CE04309/01 Plant Selection and Care level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.30 5 27/05/10 Thurs £40.00
CE02109/02 RHS Plant Health Problems level 2 WCoH 09.30-12.00 6 14/06/10 Mon £40.00
Level 2 Certificate in Garden Design / Tystysgrif Lefel 2 mewn Dylunio Gardd
Mower Operations / Gweithrediadau Peiriannau Torri CE03709/02 Introduction to Drawing for Garden Design level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.30 5 17/09/09 Thurs £40.00
SC61309 Mowers level 2 WCoH £90.00 CE03809/02 Graphics and 3D Studies for Garden Design WCoH 18.30-21.30 5 22/10/09 Thurs £40.00
SC61409 Strimmers level 2 WCoH Courses held regularly, please call 01352 841000 for details. £90.00 CE03909/02 Plant Science level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.30 5 03/12/09 Thurs £40.00
SC61509 Woodchipper level 2 WCoH £90.00 CE04009/02 Garden Design Process level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.30 5 21/01/10 Thurs £40.00
CE04109/02 Soil Science level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.30 5 04/03/10 Thurs £40.00
CE04209/02 Plant Knowledge level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.30 5 22/04/10 Thurs £40.00
CE04309/02 Plant Selection and Care level 2 OCN WCoH 18.30-21.30 5 27/05/10 Thurs £40.00

Exam fees included! However, please be aware that on some courses, there may be additional associated course costs such as registration fees, books and equipment or
16 For more details, please phone 01244 831531 (Switchboard), 01244 834511 (Student Services)  Enrol by telephone where you see # call 0800 085 7270 membership to a professional body and exams taken through that institution. 17
Eich Canllaw i Gyfleoedd Addysg Oedolion yn Sir y Fflint 2009 - 10 Astudiwch gwrs rhan-amser ac ennill cymhwyster proffesiynol! Your Guide to Adult Learning Opportunities in Flintshire 2009 - 10 Study a part-time course and gain a professional qualification!



PLEASE NOTE - Continuation modules for all language courses will be offered in January 2010. However, in order to progess to the next level of your chosen lanuguage, you must
have successfully completed the previous module. Please call 01244 834511 for details. Students following Welsh courses will be asked to purchase the course text book (£14.95)


J4801 Welsh - Entry level for Beginners (Module 1) CAB CQ 13.00-15.00 10 29/09/09 Tues # £30.00
J4802 Welsh - Entry level for Beginners (Module 1) TBA 13.00-15.00 10 01/10/09 Thurs # £30.00
J4803 Welsh - Entry level for Beginners (Module 1) TBA 09.30-11.30 10 01/10/09 Thurs # £30.00
J4804 Welsh - Entry level for Beginners (Module 1) GLH 13.00-15.00 10 28/09/09 Mon # £30.00
J4805 Welsh - Entry level for Beginners (Module 1) WCoH 09.30-11.30 10 02/10/09 Fri # £30.00
J4806 Welsh - Entry Continuation (Module 2) GFC 09.30-11.30 10 29/09/09 Tues # £30.00
J4807 Welsh - Entry Continuation (Module 2) CAB CQ 13.00-15.00 10 28/09/09 Mon # £30.00
J4808 Welsh - Entry Continuation (Module 4) QC 09.30-11.30 10 30/09/09 Wed # £30.00
J4809 Welsh - Entry Continuation (Module 4) FL 13.30-15.30 10 30/09/09 Wed # £30.00
J4901 Beginners' French (Stage 1) OCN QC 19.00-21.00 9 01/10/09 Thurs # £50.00
J4904 Beginners' French (Stage 2) OCN HAH 19.00-21.00 9 30/09/09 Wed # £50.00
J4921 Beginners' German (Stage 1) OCN QC 19.00-21.00 9 01/10/09 Thurs # £50.00
J4911 Beginners' Italian (Stage 1) OCN AM 19.00-21.00 9 29/09/09 Tues # £50.00
J4914 Beginners' Italian (Stage 2) OCN AM 19.00-21.00 9 28/09/09 Mon # £50.00
J4931 Beginners' Spanish (Stage 1) OCN FHS 19.00-21.00 9 01/10/09 Thurs # £50.00
J4932 Beginners' Spanish (Stage 1) OCN FAH 19.00-21.00 9 30/09/09 Wed # £38.00
J4935 Beginners' Spanish (Stage 2) OCN CQH 19.00-21.00 9 29/09/09 Tues # £50.00
J4937 Beginners' Spanish (Stage 2) OCN FAH 19.00-21.00 9 01/10/09 Thurs # £38.00
J4941 Intermediate Spanish (Continuation) OCN BE 19.00-21.00 18 30/09/09 Wed # £80.00 CODE COURSE VENUE TIME WEEKS START DAY  FEE
J4828 Welsh - Entry level for Beginners (Module 1) DC 17.15-19.15 10 28/09/09 Mon # £30.00 COD CWRS LLEOLIAD AMSER WYTHNOSAU CYCHWYN DIWRNOD COST
J4829 Welsh - Entry level for Beginners (Module 1) DC 17.15-19.15 10 30/09/09 Wed # £30.00
J4830 Welsh - Entry level for Beginners (Module 1) FAH 19.00-21.00 10 29/09/09 Tues # £30.00
J4831 Welsh - Entry Continuation (Module 2) BBH 19.30-21.30 10 28/09/09 Mon # £30.00
J4832 Welsh - Entry Continuation (Module 4) FL 19.00-21.00 10 29/09/09 Tues # £30.00
J4833 Welsh - Entry Continuation (Colloquial Welsh Course - Level 2) HL 19.00-21.00 10 28/09/09 Mon # £30.00
J4834 Welsh - Intermediate Continuation (Canolradd) DC 19.00-21.00 10 28/09/09 Mon # £30.00 C2465 Certificate in Personnel Practice CIPD DC 13.30-17.30 33 29/09/09 Tues £495.00
C4766 Professional Certificate in Marketing CIM DC 16.30-20.30 40 10/09/09 Thurs £790.00
TBC ILM Level 2 Award in Team Leading (distance learning) DC n/a n/a n/a n/a £100.00
PHOTOGRAPHY / FFOTOGRAFFIAETH TBC ILM Level 2 Award in Team Leading DC 09.00-16.00 3 TBA TBA £145.00
TBC ILM Level 2 Certificate in Team Leading
DAYTIME / YN YSTOD Y DYDD (must have completed Award in Team Leading) DC 09.00-16.00 5 TBA TBA £210.00
Digital Photography and Video / Ffotograffiaeth Ddigidol a Fideo TBC ILM Level 3 Award in First Line Management DC 09.00-16.00 5 TBA TBA £180.00
TBC ILM Level 3 Certificate in First Line Management
J4397 For beginners - How to use a digital camera level 1 OCN FAH 09.30-11.30 10 30/09/09 Wed £41.00 (must have completed Award in First Line Management) DC 09.00-16.00 10 TBA TBA £440.00
A4348 Advanced Digital Photography level 3 (AS) DC 13.00-16.00 30 11/09/09 Fri £160.00 TBC ILM Level 4 Award in Management DC 09.00-13.00 6 TBA TBA £200.00
EVENING / FIN NOS or 16.00
Black and White Photography / Ffotograffiaeth Ddu a Gwyn TBC ILM Level 5 Award in Management DC 09.00-16.00 6 TBA TBA £525.00
A1020 Basic Black and White Photography level 2 OCN DC 19.00-21.00 15 16/09/09 Wed £66.00 EVENING / FIN NOS
A1022 Advanced Black and White Photography level 3 OCN DC 19.00-21.00 15 17/09/09 Thurs £66.00 C4413 Certificate in Training Practice CIPD DC 17.30-21.00 33 13/10/09 Tues £495.00
A1026 Art & Design (Photography) AS level DC 18.00-21.00 30 15/09/09 Tues £160.00 C4414 Certificate in Personnel Practice CIPD DC 17.30-21.00 33 30/09/09 Wed £495.00
A1036 Art & Design (Photography) A2 level DC 17.00-19.00 30 15/09/09 Tues £160.00 C4415 Introductory Certificate in Marketing CIM DC 13.00-16.00 22 10/09/09 Thurs £180.00
Digital Photography and Video / Ffotograffiaeth Ddigidol a Fideo TBC ILM Level 2 Award in Team Leading DC 18.00-21.00 6 TBA TBA £145.00
TBC ILM Level 2 Certificate in Team Leading
A1029 For beginners - How to use a digital camera level 1 OCN DC 17.00-19.00 10 15/09/09 Tues £54.00 (must have completed Award in Team Leading) DC 18.00-21.00 10 TBA TBA £210.00
A1032 How to get the best out of your digital camera level 3 OCN DC 19.00-21.00 15 17/09/09 Thurs £66.00 TBC ILM Level 3 Award in First Line Management DC 18.00-21.00 10 TBA TBA £180.00
TBC ILM Level 3 Certificate in First Line Management
(must have completed Award in First Line Management) DC 18.00-21.00 20 TBA TBA £440.00
TBC ILM Level 4 Award in Management DC 18.00-21.00 8 TBA TBA £200.00
TBC ILM Level 5 Award in Management DC 18.00-21.00 12 TBA TBA £525.00

Exam fees included! However, please be aware that on some courses, there may be additional associated course costs such as registration fees, books and equipment or
18 For more details, please phone 01244 831531 (Switchboard), 01244 834511 (Student Services)  Enrol by telephone where you see # call 0800 085 7270 membership to a professional body and exams taken through that institution. 19
Your Guide to Adult Learning Opportunities in Flintshire 2009 - 10 How do I enrol? – Please see page 27 Work Based Training and Professional Development 2009 - 10 Hyfforddiant yn y Gweithle a Datblygiad Proffesiynol 2009 - 10


Work Based Training and Professional


Development / Hyfforddiant yn y Gweithle
EVENING / FIN NOS a Datblygiad Proffesiynol
J1437 Signature Level 1 Award in British Sign Language DC 19.00-21.00 33 30/09/09 Wed # £230.00
J4771 Signature Level 2 Certificate in British Sign Language DC 18:30-21:00 36 24/09/09 Thurs £270.00 Customised training, development and consultancy
The Employer Engagement team work with employers to design and deliver customised training programmes to meet specific organisational
TEACHER TRAINING & ASSESSOR TRAINING / HYFFORDDI ATHRAWON AC ASESWYR needs. For details on any of the courses shown below please call 01244 834545.
G1308 Level 4 Certificate in Further Education Teaching Stage 1 CGLI 7407* DC 09.30-16.30 12 25/09/09 Fri £220.00 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION / GWEINYDDU BUSNES
G3049 PGCE/Cert Ed Post Compulsory Education & Training (Year 1) DC 13.00-18.00 35 21/09/09 Mon Via Glyndwr
(Awarded by Glyndwr University) University/Grant
G3048 PGCE/Cert Ed Post Compulsory Education & Training (Year 2) DC 13.00-18.00 35 24/09/09 Thurs Via Glyndwr
Business Administration NVQ levels 2, 3 & 4 (CGLI)
(Awarded by Glyndwr University) University/Grant Certificate in Administration levels 2 & 3 EDI
Teaching Stage 1 CGLI 7407* DC 18.00-21.00 18 22/09/09 Tues £220.00
CE92009/01 Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the WCoH 16.00-18.00 18 30/09/09 Wed £220.00 Food Manufacture NVQ levels 1, 2 & 3 (FDQ & CGLI)
Lifelong Learning Sector CGLI 7303
G1311 Level 4 Certificate in Further Education Awards in Food Manufacture VRQ level 2 (CGLI / FDQ)
Teaching Stage 2 CGLI 7407* DC 18.00-21.00 24 06/01/10 Wed £390.00
Packaging Operators NVQ Level 1 (FDQ)
G4783 Certificate in Teaching Basic Skills CGLI 9375 DC
Please call 01244 834518 for details.
G4784 Certificate in Adult Learner Support CGLI 9297 DC Food & Drink (Bar) Service NVQ levels 1 & 2 (HAB/CGLI)
*20 hours teaching practice required for stage 1 and 40 for stage 2. Must be pre-arranged.
Food & Drink Service NVQ levels 1 & 2 (HAB/CGLI)
Multi Skilled Hospitality Services NVQ levels 1 & 2 (HAB/CGLI)
Hospitality Customer Service NVQ levels 1 & 2 (HAB/CGLI)
DAYTIME / YN YSTOD Y DYDD Food Preparation and Cookery NVQ level 1 (HAB/CGLI)
CE11509/01 Start Tractor Driving WCoH 09.00-16.00 1 19/07/10 Mon-Fri # £60.00
CE11409/01 Garden Machinery Maintenance WCoH 09.00-16.00 1 26/07/10 Mon-Fri # £35.00 Professional Cookery NVQ levels 2 & 3 (HAB/CGLI)
SC61709 Forklift Truck Driving WCoH £275.00 Pastry and Confectionary NVQ level 2 (HAB/CGLI)
SC61609 All Terrain Vehicles WCoH Courses held regularly, please call 01352 841000 for details. £210.00
SC61809 Abrasive Wheels WCoH £90.00 Food Processing & Cooking NVQ level 2 (HAB/CGLI)
Front Office (Reception) NVQ levels 1 & 2 (HAB/CGLI)
Housekeeping NVQ levels 1 & 2 (HAB/CGLI)

eat out Hospitality Supervision NVQ level 3 (HAB/CGLI)

Certificate in Hospitality Customer Service VRQ (CGLI)

Meithrinfa / Day Nursery

Our fully equipped Toybox Nursery offers
in style! Enjoy a Lunch or Evening
Meal in our Y Celstryn
Training Restaurant.
Certificate in Hospitality Selling VRQ (CGLI)
Range of BIIAB Courses
Award in Food Safety in Catering/Manufacturing/Retail level 2 (CIEH)
100 places for children from birth to 5 years old. Lunches & Quick Snacks:
• Christmas Meals
Award in Healthier Food and Special Diets level 2 (CIEH)
A caring team of qualified and experienced
• Valentines Dinner
nursery nurses provides a varied range of
• Themed Evenings Award in Supervising Food Safety in Catering/Manufacturing level 3 (CIEH)
activities to keep your children happy and content.
Opening hours are 8.00am to 5.45pm all year
Monday to Friday lunchtimes
Implementing Food Safety Management Procedures (CIEH)
round, closing for a week at Christmas and for from 12.00 noon Award in Managing Food Safety in Catering/Manufacturing level 4 (CIEH)
Bank Holidays. and Thursday evenings
from 7.00pm
Nutrition for Catering levels 1 & 2 (OCN Distance Learning)
Please call 01244 834519 for details.
call 01244 834517 for details or email Certificate in Hospitality Customer Service (level 2 NCFE Distance Learning)
Deeside College, Kelsterton Road, Connah’s Quay, Deeside, Flintshire CH5 4BR
Deeside College, Kelsterton Road, Connahʼs Quay, Deeside, Flintshire CH5 4BR City and Guilds Barista - 4 day course (CGLI)

20 For more details, please phone 01244 831531 (Switchboard), 01244 834511 (Student Services)  Enrol by telephone where you see # call 0800 085 7270 For more details, please phone 01244 834545 (Employer Engagement) I gael rhagor o fanylion ffoniwch 01244 834545 (Ymlyniad Cyflogwyr) 21
Work Based Training and Professional Development 2009 - 10 Hyfforddiant yn y Gweithle a Datblygiad Proffesiynol 2009 - 10 Work Based Training and Professional Development 2009 - 10 Hyfforddiant yn y Gweithle a Datblygiad Proffesiynol 2009 - 10


Warehouse & Distribution NVQ levels 2 & 3 (CGLI) Health and Social Care NVQ level 2 (EDEXCEL)
Logistics Operations Management NVQ level 3 Health and Social Care (Adults) NVQ levels 3 & 4 (EDEXCEL)
Warehouse & Storage NVQ level 2 (CGLI) Health and Social Care (Children and Young People) NVQ levels 3 & 4 (EDEXCEL)
Children's Care, Learning & Development NVQ levels 2 & 3 (EDEXCEL) & level 4 (CACHE)
Leadership & Management for Care Services level 4 (EDEXCEL)
Performing Manufacturing Operations NVQ level 2 (CGLI or EAL)
Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools NVQ levels 2 & 3 (EDEXCEL)
Abrasive Wheels
Certificate in Personal Development for Unpaid Carers (on-line course) (CGLI)
Engineering Upskilling Course
Certificate in Mental Health (Multi-agency delivery) (CGLI)
Overhead Crane Training
Drugs and Alcohol Awareness (Multi-agency delivery) level 3 OCN
Slinging and Pendant Crane Training
Safety Course Manual Handling
Business Improvement Techniques VRQ & NVQ levels 2,3 & 4 (CGLI and EAL)
Engineering Management NVQ levels 3 & 4 (EAL) IOSH (Institute of Safety & Health Certificate) Certificate Courses
Engineering Toolmaking NVQ level 3 (EAL) NEBOSH (National Examining Board of Safety & Health) Certificate and Diploma Courses, Fire Certificate, Construction Certificate
Engineering Maintenance NVQ level 3 (EAL) Award in Health & Safety in the Workplace level 2 (CIEH)
Engineering Maintenance & Installation NVQ level 2 (EAL) Award in Hygiene in Health and Social Care level 2 (CIEH)
Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering NVQ level 3 (EAL) Principles of Manual Handling (CIEH)
Aeronautical Engineering (Manufacturing) NVQ level 3 (EAL) Principles of COSHH (CIEH)
Aeronautical Engineering (Maintenance) NVQ level 3 (EAL) Bespoke Health & Safety and Environmental Training


Equine NVQ levels 2 & 3 (CGLI) Horticulture NVQ level 2 (CGLI)

Production Horticulture NVQ levels 2 & 3 (CGLI)
FLORISTRY / BLODEUWRIAETH Parks, Gardens and Green Spaces NVQ levels 2 & 3 (CGLI)
Sports Turf (Groundsman) NVQ levels 2 & 3 (CGLI)
Floristry NVQ levels 2 & 3 (CGLI)
Sports Turf (Greenkeeper) NVQ levels 2 & 3 (CGLI)
Landscaping (Soft) NVQ level 2 (CGLI)
Landscaping (Hard) NVQ level 2 (CGLI)
Hairdressing NVQ 1evels 2 & 3 (CGLI) Landscaping NVQ level 3 (CGLI)

Conference Facilities, Meeting Rooms and Hospitality Interested in Modern Apprenticeships?

Deeside College can work with employers from a wide range of industries to train their
Deeside College can offer you competitive rates on the hire of meeting rooms, staff via Modern Apprenticeship programmes. Modern Apprenticeships are an excellent
200 capacity state-of-the-art conference centre and audio/video conferencing suite. way for your business to develop their employees. Those undertaking Modern
Apprenticeship programmes receive training that is directly relevant to your organisation,
We are also able to offer a comprehensive catering service for functions, meetings and get hands-on experience; on-the-job training and gain industry recognised qualifications.
large corporate events. Please call 01244 834540 for details.
For more information, please contact 01244 834545 to speak to a member of the Employer
working in partnership Engagement team.
Deeside College Kelsterton Road Connah’s Quay Deeside Flintshire CH5 4BR with employers
Dees i de C o l l ege, Kel s ter to n Ro a d, C o nna h ’s Q ua y, F l i nts h i r e, C H5 4 B R

22 For more details, please phone 01244 834545 (Employer Engagement) I gael rhagor o fanylion ffoniwch 01244 834545 (Ymlyniad Cyflogwyr) For more details, please phone 01244 834545 (Employer Engagement) I gael rhagor o fanylion ffoniwch 01244 834545 (Ymlyniad Cyflogwyr) 23
Work Based Training and Professional Development 2009 - 10 Hyfforddiant yn y Gweithle a Datblygiad Proffesiynol 2009 - 10 Work Based Training and Professional Development 2009 - 10 Hyfforddiant yn y Gweithle a Datblygiad Proffesiynol 2009 - 10


Drilling Operations NVQ Level 2 (EMP) Retail Skills NVQ levels 1, 2 & 3
Processing Operations NVQ level 2 (EMP) Cleaning & Support Services levels 1 and 2 (CGLI)
Plant Operations NVQ level 2 (EMP/CGLI) Customer Service NVQ levels 2, 3 & 4 (CGLI)
Plant Operations NVQ level 2 FLT (CGLI) Telesales NVQ levels 2 & 3
Plant Maintenance (Construction) NVQ levels 2 & 3 (CITB) Contact Centre Operations NVQ levels 2 & 3 (CGLI)
Customer Service Technical Certificate levels 2 & 3
Advice and Guidance NVQ levels 2, 3 & 4 (CGLI)

Certificate in Personnel Practice (CIPD)

Certificate in Training Practice (CIPD)
Personnel Support NVQ level 3 (CIPD)
Personnel Management NVQ level 4 (CIPD)
Personnel Strategy NVQ level 5 (CIPD)
Hairdressing, beauty
& holistic therapies
Management NVQ level 5 (CIPD) Book an appointment in the
salons for a range of hair, beauty
Management NVQ level 4 (EDEXCEL/CIPD) & holistic treatments
Our training salons are open during
Supervisory Management NVQ level 3 (EDEXCEL/CIPD) term time:
9am to 4pm Monday to Friday
Team Leading NVQ level 2 (OCR & EDEXCEL) 6pm to 9pm Mondays, Tuesdays and
Range of ILM Courses levels 2 to 5 Wednesdays
Our Style Café salon near reception
also offers a range of hairdressing
Please phone

Learning & Development NVQ 3 full award (CGLI/CIPD) Deeside College, Kelsterton Road, Connah’s Quay, Deeside, Flintshire CH5 4BR
Learning & Development NVQ 3 Direct Training & Support (CGLI/CIPD)
Learning & Development NVQ 4 (12 Units) (CGLI/CIPD)
Learning & Development NVQ 4 (8 Management Units) (CGLI/CIPD)
Learning & Development NVQ 4 (7 Co-Ordination Units) (CGLI/CIPD)
Learning & Development 4 Unit Certificate Awards (CGLI/CIPD)
Learning & Development Unit L14 - Mentoring
Learning & Development Unit L20 - Assessing (non NVQ)
Learning & Development Unit L12 - Coaching (CGLI/CIPD)
Learning & Development A1 Assessor Award (CGLI/CIPD)
Learning & Development V1 Verifier/Quality Award (CGLI/CIPD)


Introductory Certificate in Marketing (CIM) Deeside College / Kelsterton Road / Connah’s Quay / Deeside Flintshire / CH5 4BR

Professional Certificate in Marketing (CIM)

24 For more details, please phone 01244 834545 (Employer Engagement) I gael rhagor o fanylion ffoniwch 01244 834545 (Ymlyniad Cyflogwyr) For more details, please phone 01244 834545 (Employer Engagement) I gael rhagor o fanylion ffoniwch 01244 834545 (Ymlyniad Cyflogwyr) 25
Eich Canllaw i Gyfleoedd Addysg Oedolion yn Sir y Fflint 2009 - 10 Your Guide to Adult Learning Opportunities in Flintshire 2009 - 10

Sut mae cofrestru? Gallwch dalu gyda: Er mwyn bod yn gymwys bydd rhaid darparu
prawf o’ch budd-daliadau
How do I enrol? You can pay by: Please note that to qualify for these reductions,
proof of your benefits must be provided.
Cofrestrwch dros y ffôn! Enrol over the telephone!
Nid yw rhai rhaglenni/cyrsiau ar gael ar gyfraddau Some programmes/courses are not available at
Os oes # yn ymyl y cwrs gallwch gofrestru dros consesiynol. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth cysylltwch For certain courses, marked with # alongside concessionary rates. For more information,
y ffôn – ffoniwch 0800 085 7270 gyda manylion â’n Hymgynghorwyr Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr ar the course listings, you can enrol over the please contact our Student Services Advisers on
eich cerdyn credyd/debyd Arian 01244 834511. Mae consesiynau’n gymwys i telephone – simply call 0800 085 7270 with Cash 01244 834511. Concessions apply to the cost of
gost y cwrs. Mae’n rhaid i chi dal dalu am unrhyw your credit/debit card details.. the course. You still have to pay for any other
Cofrestrwch ar brif safle Coleg Siec gyda cherdyn banc Cheque with banker’s card
Glannau Dyfrdwy yng Nghei Conna gostau cwrs cysylltiedig fel ffioedd cofrestru, Enrol at Deeside College’s main site in associated course costs such as registration fees,
Cerdyn Credyd neu Ddebyd – ee Credit or Debit Card – eg Mastercard,
llyfrau ac offer neu aelodaeth o gorff proffesiynol Connah’s Quay by calling in to Student books and equipment or membership to a
drwy alw mewn i Gwasanaethau Mastercard, Visa, Maestro Visa, Maestro
ac arholiadau a gymerir trwy’r sefydliad hwnnw. professional body and exams taken through that
Myfyrwyr Services
Archeb Brynu gan eich Cyflogwr – Os yw eich Employer’s Purchase Order – If your employer institution.
Oriau Agor: Dydd Llun – Iau: cyflogwr yn bwriadu talu am gost eich cwrs Cymorth Ariannol Opening times: Monday – Thursday: is intending to pay for the cost of your course,
bydd angen i chi ddarparu ffurflen cyflogwr gan Efallai eich bod yn gymwys i wneud cais am (Term time) 8.30am – 7.00pm you must provide a purchase order from your Financial Assistance
(Yn ystod y tymor) 8.30yb – 7.00yh
Dydd Gwener: 8.30yb - 4.00yp eich cwmni neu lythyr wedi ei lofnodi yn gymorth ariannol trwy CDU Cymru – cysylltwch â Friday: 8.30am – 4.00pm company or a signed letter confirming they will You may be eligible to apply for financial assistance
cadarnhau y byddant yn talu am eich cwrs. Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr ar 01244 834511 i gael pay for your course. via ILA Wales – please contact Student Services on
Oriau Agor: Dydd Llun - Iau manylion. Opening times: Monday – Thursday: 01244 834511 for details.
(Yn ystod y gwyliau) 8.30yb – 7.00yh (Outside of term time) 8.30am – 7.00pm
Dydd Gwener: 8.30yb – 4.00yp Pa gymorth ariannol Sylwadau neu Gwynion? Friday: 8.30am – 4.00pm What financial help is Comments or Complaints?
Rydym yn croesawu eich adborth! Os oes We welcome your feedback! If you would like to
Ar gyfer cyrsiau yng Ngholeg sydd ar gael? gennych gwyn, sylwadau neu os hoffech ganmol y For courses at the Welsh College of available? complain, compliment or provide comments
Garddwriaeth Cymru, gallwch ymweld â Ydych chi o dan 16 oed? cyhoeddiad yma ysgrifennwch at: Horticulture, you can visit the college’s Are you aged under 16? about this publication, please write to:
Chanolfan Wybodaeth y coleg ar y safle yn Information Centre at the site on Holywell
Sylwer os gwelwch yn dda, oherwydd Y Rheolwraig Marchnata, Coleg Glannau Please note, due to funding restrictions, we have The Marketing Manager, Deeside College,
Llaneurgain neu ffonio 01352 841000. Road, Northop or call 01352 841000.
cyfyngiadau cyllido, bod rhaid i ni godi cost lawn Dyfrdwy, Ffordd Celstryn, Cei Conna, to charge the full cost of courses to students Kelsterton Road, Connah’s Quay, Deeside,
Oriau Agor: Dydd Llun - Iau: cyrsiau ar fyfyrwyr sydd o dan 16 oed ar 1af Glannau Dyfrdwy, Sir y Fflint CH5 4BR. Opening times: Monday – Thursday: who are under 16 years old at 1st September Flintshire CH5 4BR.
9.00yb – 5.00yp Medi 2009.Efallai y bydd angen i riant neu 9.00am – 5.00pm 2009. A parent or guardian may need to
Dydd Gwener: 9.00yb - 4.30yp warcheidwad ddod gyda rhai dan 16 oed i Friday: 9.00am – 4.30pm accompany under 16s to classes and will also
ddosbarthiadau a bydd angen iddynt hefyd dalu need to pay for the course.

Ar gyfer cyrsiau yn
am y cwrs. Peidiwch ag oedi – mae For courses at Futures@Holywell, Are you aged 16 – 18*?
Don’t delay – popular
Dyfodol@Treffynnon, gallwch ymweld â’r Ydych chi’n 16 – 18* oed? you can visit the centre on Holywell High Street,
ganolfan ar y Stryd Fawr yn Nhreffynnon neu
cyrsiau poblogaidd yn to enrol or for further information you can call
You probably don’t need to pay for your course courses fill up quickly
Mae’n debyg na fydd rhaid i chi dalu am eich – please phone 01244 834511 for details.
gallwch ffonio 01352 714129. 01352 714129.
cwrs – ffoniwch 01244 834511 i gael manylion llenwi’n gyflym a’r cyntaf * You must be aged 16 - 18 on the 1st September and we operate on a first
Oriau Agor: Dydd Llun - Iau: * Bydd angen i chi fod yn 16-18 oed ar 1 Medi Opening times: Monday – Thursday: 2009.
(ar agor hefyd ar gyfer 9.00yb – 5.30yp 2009 i’r felin caiff falu. (also open for evening classes) 9.00am – 5.30pm come, first served basis.
dosbarthiadau nos) Dydd Gwener: Friday: 9.00am – 4.00pm Fee Concessions
9.00yb – 4.00yp Consesiynau Ffioedd Sylwer, bydd dosbarthiadau’n rhedeg Saturday: 10.00am – 4.00pm You may be entitled to financial assistance (a Please note, classes will only run if
Dydd Sadwrn: 10.00yb – 4.00yp Efallai y bydd hawl gennych i gael cymorth os oes digon wedi cofrestru reduction of up to 50% of the course fees on there are sufficient enrolments.
ariannol (gostyngiad o hyd at 50%) ar ffioedd most, but not all, courses) if you fall into any of
cwrs y rhan fwyaf, ond nid pob un o’r cyrsiau os Gwnaed pob ymdrech i sicrhau bod y Exam Fees Included! the following categories. Every effort has been taken to ensure that
Ffioedd Arholiad yn ydych yn disgyn i unrhyw un o’r categorïau
manylion a gaiff eu cynnwys o fewn y The majority of our course fees include exam
You are in receipt of State benefits, e.g.
the details contained within the prospectus
gynwysedig! prosbectws yma yn gywir adeg argraffu. and registration costs. However, please be
aware that on some courses, there may be Income Support/Job Seekers Allowance
were accurate at the time of going to print.
Rydych yn derbyn budd-daliadau, e.e. Rydym yn cadw’r hawl i wneud newidiadau We reserve the right to make changes and
Mae mwyafrif ein ffioedd cwrs yn cynnwys additional associated course costs such as / Pension Credit/Incapacity Benefit
costau arholiadau a chofrestru. Fodd bynnag Ategiad Incwm/Lwfans Chwilio am a gwelliannau i ddarpariaeth cyrsiau a registration fees, books and equipment, improvements to the provision of courses
You have a low income.
dylech fod yn ymwybodol ar rai cyrsiau y gall fod Waith/Credyd Pensiwn/Budd-dal manylion eraill a gaiff eu cynnwys o fewn y membership to a professional body and exams and other details contained within this
costau ychwanegol fel ffioedd cofrestru, llyfrau Analluogrwydd taken through that institution. Please ask for
ac offer, aelodaeth o gorff proffesiynol ac cyhoeddiad yma. details. All course fees must be paid when you publication.
arholiadau a gymerir trwy’r sefydliad hwnnw. Mae gennych incwm isel. enrol.
Holwch am fanylion. Mae’n rhaid talu ffioedd y
cwrs wrth gofrestru.

26 I gael rhagor o fanylion ffoniwch 01244 831531 (Switsfwrdd), 01244 834511 (Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr) 05 For more details, please phone 01244 831531 (Switchboard), 01244 834511 (Student Services) 27

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