Resource Assignment Field Definitions in Primavera P6

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Resource Assignment Field Definitions

Resource Assignment Field Definitions

General Columns
Budgeted Units / Time The original resource consumption rate in hours / day. Generally calculated as (Budgeted Units/Original Duration). Calendar the calendar assigned to the Resource, generally 5-day Workweek (w/Holidays) . Cost Units Linked if this option is cleared, Primavera will not update Units when you change costs and vice versa. When you enter an actual cost on an activity that is not in progress, and the Cost Units Linked checkbox is not marked on the assignment, the budgeted cost and remaining cost will not be linked.

See Enter cost information for resource assignments in the P2 Online Help for a discussion of this options impact on the Actual Cost + Remaining Cost = At Completion Cost calculation. Curve the name of the curve that determines how resources and cost are distributed over time for this activity. The following graphic depicts the resource distribution curves available. The default curve is Linear or uniform over working time. The USACE Front Load curve distributes all the budgeted costs over the first 5% of the resource assignments duration. This curve can be used to approximate contract obligations, when the entire amount is obligated at the start of the activity. Note: For Civil Works, if this curve is used for the purpose of creating the Contractual PR&C, a new curve will need to be defined for 2101 purposes. You should select a curve that approximates distribution of expenditures (versus obligations for non-labor resources) over the duration of the activity. In most cases, the default, or Linear curve will suffice. You can see the curves available by selecting Enterprise, Resource Curves will appear. from the menu. The following screen

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Resource Assignment Field Definitions

To see the distribution of the resource over time, select a curve and click Modify:

This is the curve for the Linear or default curve. Price / Unit the rate used to relate cost and units (typically $/hour). This field is not editable unless the Rate Source is set to Override. Primary Resource a checkbox that identified whether this resource has the primary responsibility for executing the work and reporting progress. Activities can be grouped, sorted and filtered by Primary Resource. You cannot assign time-based (esp. Labor) resources to a Milestone activity. To designate responsibility for reporting status of Milestone Activities, specify a primary resource on the Activities window, General tab. Rate Source - determines where the Price/Unit comes from. There are three options: Role indicates the Price/Unit is taken from the Role Dictionary. This dictionary is not defined in P2. Resource indicates the Price/Unit is taken from the Resourcedictionary Overrideindicates the Price/Unit is manually entered. Select "Resource" (the P2 default) during the planning phase to automatically use average rate information

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Resource Assignment Field Definitions

from CEFMS. Select "Override" and enter an actual rate for labor resources during execution phase so Primavera recalculates costs correctly. The "Role" option is not used in P2. If you set the rate source to Override then you can enter the Price/Unit , but P2 will not update the Price/Unit or advise you of rate changes. The P2 team recommends you do this on activities that are in progress to prevent the At Completion Cost from changing unexpectedly. Rate Type the type of rate used in this resource assignment to relate cost and units. The P2 default is Price/Unit . This default should be used during the Planning Phase. P2 updates the Price/Unit rate for each labor resource every pay period. This update accommodates changes in personnel, changes in total labor multipliers assigned to that organization or other factors that affect the rate calculation. PM will place an asterisk (*) after the Price/Unit when a rate change falls within the resource assignment duration (e.g., $69.75*). When this happens, PM will use the previous rate to calculate the cost of hours scheduled before the rate change, and the new rate to calculate the cost of hours scheduled after the new rate takes effect. In this case, the (Remaining Cost)(Remaining Units) may not equal the Price/Unit that is displayed. If you check Recalculate Resource Costs after Scheduling in the Advanced Scheduling Options screen, your budget can automatically respond to changes in the resource organizations rate structure every time you schedule the project. Refer to Advanced Scheduling Options You can also select Tools, Recalculate Resource Costs to recalculate resource costs manually. P2 will update a rate type Price/Unit2 for use in projecting future workload. This rate type will only be applied to higher-level organizational units. The average rate used will include all employees in child organizations. Resource assignments using the Price/Unit2 rate type will appear in workload forecasts, but not in CEFMS. Price/Unit3, Price/Unit4 and Price/Unit5 are not defined and not used in P2. Resource ID, Resource Name, Resource ID Name the CEFMS resource code and description of the assigned resource. Note: The Resource Name column displays the same information as the Resource ID column, but displays more text from the CEFMS resource description. The Resource ID Name column concatenates the contents of the Resource ID and Resource Name columns. Start the start date of the resource assignment on the activity. This is the planned date until the activity is started then set to the Actual Start date. Finish the finish date of the resource assignment on the activity. This is the planned date until the activity is finished, then set to the actual finish date. Note: These can be used to offset resource assignments of the same organization [cannot overlap the start/finish date on the same resource]

Actual Cost the actual expenditures (accruals) ($) returned from CEFMS. At Completion Cost the best estimate of the final cost of the activity. This is the cost that OP3 transfers to OP during Update Budget If the activity is not started, the At Completion Cost is equal to the Budgeted Cost (and the Remaining Cost). If the activity is in progress, the At Completion Cost is equal to the sum of the Remaining Cost plus the Actual Cost. If the activity is completed, the At Completion Cost is equal to the Actual Cost. Budgeted Cost the estimated cost ($) for the resource to complete an activity that has not started. Computed as

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Resource Assignment Field Definitions

Budgeted Cost = Budgeted Units * Price per Time. If you change the Budgeted Cost , Primavera will divide the Budgeted Cost by the Price / Unit and display revised Budgeted Units. Remaining Cost - the best estimate of the cost for the resource to complete the activity. Computed as the (Remaining Cost) = (Remaining Units) * (Price/Unit).

At Completion Units the best estimate of units (typically hours) required for the resource to complete the activity. Calculated as (Remaining Units) + (Actual Units). Budgeted Units the estimated units required of resource to complete the activity before the activity begins. Actual Units the actual units the resource has expended on this activity? Remaining Units the estimated units required to complete an activity that is in progress. Before the activity is started, the remaining units are the same as the budgeted units. When the activity is in-progress, the actual units (received from CEFMS) are subtracted from the remaining units. When the activity is marked completed, the remaining units are set to zero. NOTE: This is the only column you need to edit.

Start Actual Start of an in progress or completed resource assignment. Early Start of a resource assignment that has not started. Finish Actual Finish of a completed resource assignment. Early Finish of a resource assignment that has not started or is in progress. Actual Start date the resource assignment actually began. Actual Finish date the resource assignment actually completed. Planned Start scheduled resource assignment start Planned Finish scheduled resource assignment finish Remaining Early Start scheduled early start date of the remaining portion of an in progress resource assignment. Remaining Early Finish scheduled early completion date of the remaining portion of an in progress resource assignment Remaining Late Start scheduled late start date of the remaining portion of an in progress resource assignment. Remaining Late Finish scheduled late finish date of the remaining portion of an in progress resource assignment.

Actual Duration the elapsed time, in working days of the actual portion of the resource assignment: If the resource assignment is not started, the Actual Duration is 0. If the resource assignment is in progress, the Actual Duration is the number of working days between the Actual Start and the project Data Date. If the resource assignment is completed, the Actual Duration is the number of working days between the Actual

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Resource Assignment Field Definitions

Start and Actual Finish dates. At Completion Duration the best estimate of the time in working days required for the resource to complete the resource assignment: If the resource assignment is not started, At Completion Duration = Original Duration = Remaining Duration. If the resource assignment is in progress, At Completion Duration = Actual Duration + Remaining Duration. If the resource assignment is completed, At Completion Duration = Actual Duration. Remaining Duration the best estimate of the working time required for the resource to complete the activity. The resource assignment remaining duration is based on the activity remaining duration and is calculated from the resource assignments remaining start date to the remaining finish date. These dates default to the activity Start and Finish date when the resource is assigned. Note: When statusing a project, enter the remaining duration at the Activity Details tab, where it will be applied to all resources assignments. Resource Dependent activities use the resources calendar; other activity types use the activitys calendar. The P2 default is Task Dependent, which uses the activitys calendar. Before the activity is started, the remaining duration is the same as the Original Duration. After the activity is completed, the remaining duration is zero. Original Lag elapsed time in working days between the activity Early Start and the resource assignment Planned Start . If you enter a positive number for Original Lag, then the resource assignment Start will be delayed that number of working days after. Remaining Lag elapsed time in working days between the activity Remaining Early Start (the earliest date that the remaining portion of an in-progress activity can start without violating schedule logic) and the resource assignment Remaining Early Start.

Units / Time
Default Units/Time the resource consumption rate defined for that resource in the resource dictionary and applied to calculate the budgeted units and budgeted cost when a resource is initially assigned to an activity Max Units/Time the maximum resource consumption rate defined for that resource in the resource dictionary. If the sum of resources utilization (hours/day) for all projects exceeds the Max Units/Time, then the resource is overallocated. Overallocated resources generally cannot keep schedule commitments, unless something changes. Budgeted Units/Time - resource consumption rate planned for the activity before it begins, calculated as (Budgeted Unit/Original Duration). Remaining Units/Time resource consumption rate for the remaining portion of the activity, calculated as (Remaining Units/Remaining Duration). When the Remaining Units/Time exceeds the Budgeted Units/Time, this indicates schedule slippage and potential delays in achieving the next project milestone.

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Resource Assignment Field Definitions

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