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The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file:

Folder Title: Lederman's Wkg. Pprs re: Open Sources [1 of 2

Document Date: 01-22-2004
Document Type: Note/Notes
Special Media:

Subject: E-mail from Robert Steele to Lederman, Scheid, and

Fenner re: open source intelligence

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.AOL.COM | Message View Page 1 of 2

Subj: FW: 9-1 ] Commission and OSINT

Date: 1/19/2004 4:59:56 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: "Gordon Lederman"<<gledermanf5).9-1>
To: <GordonLederman 9/11 Personal privacy
Sent from the Internet (Details)

—Original Message—
From: Robert D, Steele []

9/11 Personal Privacy

JLJb ^UH ItllloolUrl d[IU

Kevin, per my phone call:

1) David Young, CEO of Oxford Analytics (worked with Kissinger at NSC, was one of the CEOs that helped me

win the Burundi Exercise) has provided one of your Members (the lawyer whose name begins with an F) with a copy of the
May 2001 OA report on Bin Laden.

2) David, who volunteered this on his own (F is his old friend) is going to ask Alfred Rolington, CEO of Jane's Information
Group, to provide something similar-Jane's had published reports about the pilot training prior to 9-11-and David is also going
to ask Reuters and BBC.

3) By copy of this note, I am asking Agence France Press and the Insititute of Scientific Information (citation analysis capable
of identifying the top academics writing about Al Qaeda) and LEXIS-NEXIS (capable of identifying the top journalists in the
world writing about Al Qaeda prior to 9-11), and Yosseff Bodansky, author of the book on Bin Laden's declaration of war on
America, to help you as well.

4) Recommended action for you (9-11 Commission): ask FBIS for anything they published on Al Qaeda prior to 9-11. As with
the classified intelligence that went to the White House and was ignored, I believe you will find FBIS also published some
items that were overlooked or ignored. I also recommend you respond to all of us and confirm to them that you would
appreciate their inputs as outlined here so they have it from you directly rather than from me indirectly.

ALL: Kevin is the SIS-4 (roughly a three star general equivalent) at the 9-11 Commission, and without in any way suggesting
that the Commission might have a plan to address OSINT, is following up on a 9-11 Commission approach to me (I did not
volunteer-they sent me a letter) asking for OSINT information relevant to their inquiry into what could be known and what was
known about Al Qaeda's plans to attack the US, via OSINT, prior to the attack. Their work will probably be most important, not
in assigning blame, but in charting a course for the future and finally getting the impetus for needed investments, hopefully in
OSINT as part of a larger reform. I urge all of you to treat this informal note as an action item, and to provide Kevin with what
you can by the end of the month. If you have questions please send them to him. If I can help, for example in processing
rough information that is easy for you to generate, into a smooth report for Kevin that you do not have time to create, by all 1/20/2004
- AOL.COM | Message View Page 2 of 2

means send me the rough material. As with the Burundi Exercise, full credit to all concerned.

I would be delighted if your contributions resulted in a working session in DC or London with Commission staff, to evaluate the
inputs and formulate some recommendations on how we might finally get our OSINT act together across the seven tribes and
especially within the US-UK special relationship but extended to fully integrate other private sector parties such as Jane's,

OA, etc. It's not good enough for the government to subscribe to private sector services, the private sector must be part of the
management and requirements definition process, at least with respect to OSINT capabilities of national security import.

Warm regards, Robert 1/20/2004

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