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Work Pass Division

18 Havelock Road Singapore 059764 Tel: 6438 5122

Work Permit Application Form for A Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

This form may take you 15 minutes to fill in. You will need the following information to fill in the form: 1. For Foreign Worker The workers passport number The workers Work Permit number (if applicable) The workers Identity Card (IC) number (if he / she is Malaysian or from Peoples Republic of China) The workers spouse IC number (if he / she is married to a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident)

2. For Employer The companys CPF Submission No.(CSN)* *CSN will replace Employer Reference Number (CPF Account Number) from 1 January 2009. For companies / organisations, CSN consists of your Unique Entity Number (UEN) + CPF Payment Code. For more information, please refer to or call CPF Call Centre at 1800-227-1188. The prior approval reference number (if applicable)

Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

Important Things to Note: 1. If you are a first-time business employer who has not applied for Work Permits or S Passes before, you are required to declare your business activity in which the Foreign Workers will be recruited for. To do that, please declare your business activity by submitting the declaration online or via hard copies before you submit the Work Permit application form. You can take advantage of submitting it online to enjoy shorter processing time. (a) The processing time is as follow: Online Declaration of Business Activity (under Services & Forms > Work Pass Account Registration at Declaration of Business Activity Form downloaded from the MOMs website (Under Services & Forms > Passes > Work Permit for Foreign Workers) via: i. ii. Fax to 6538 7275 / 6538 7276 iSubmit ( (Please select option 6: Work Permit Application Matters for Business Sectors on the iSubmit portal.) - 7 working days - 7 working days - 2 working days


Please note that we will return the Work Permit application form(s) if the first-time business employer has not been assigned to a specific sector. There will also be no refund of fees paid for application of Work Permit, unless the fee was not due from the employer.

2. Please complete Page 3, and Page 5 to 9 of this application form. Where an item is not applicable, please fill in NA. An incomplete application form will not be processed. 3. The processing time for Work Permit applications submitted via: WP Online (under Services & Forms > Passes > Work Permit for Foreign Workers at any SingPost post offices, MOM-appointed collecting agent - Next working day

- 7 working days

4. Please obtain a Singapore Personal Access (SINGPASS) and register for a WP Online account under Services at MOMs website (click on WP Online for Company and Employment Agency Users) before you can access WP Online. Upon successful SINGPASS application and WP Online account registration, you will be able to apply for Work Permits electronically. Please refer to Step-by-Step Guide on Application of Foreign Worker's Work Permit via WP Online. 5. An administrative fee of $30 will be charged for every Work Permit application submitted. For Work Permit application for Performing Artiste (Public Entertainment Licensees), the administrative fee is $40. There shall be no refund of fees paid for the application of Work Permit, unless the fee was not due from the employer. Any such request for refund shall be at the discretion of the Controller of Work Passes. 6. The payment modes for Work Permit application submitted: via WP Online (GIRO payment is available to WP Online subscribed users only.) via SingPost post office (MOM-appointed Collecting Agent) - Visa/Master Card/eNets Debit/GIRO.

- Cash/Nets/Cashcard

7. The outcome will be mailed to companys address for Work Permit applications submitted through SingPost post office. WP Online users may print the outcome from the WP Online system.



Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector


Please tick here if this is a Work Permit application for a Performing Artiste (Public Entertainment Licencees).

B) Please fill in the companys CPF Submission Number If the company has more than one CPF Submission Number under the same companys Registration Number (ACRA) for the same business activity, please write to the Work Pass Division (WPD) to request for the linking of the CPF accounts in order to increase the companys quota entitlement for Foreign Workers. CPF Submission Number -

C) If the company has obtained a Prior Approval for recruiting Foreign Workers, please fill in the Prior Approval reference number: Prior Approval reference number

D) If the Foreign Worker is a Malaysian, please fill in his/her Identity Card Number(s): Workers old Malaysian Identity Card number Workers new Malaysian Identity Card number -

E) If the Foreign Worker is a current Work Permit holder or an ex-Work Permit holder, please fill in his/her Work Permit number: Work Permit number -




This form is issued free-of-charge.

Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

Key Information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. An employer who wishes to employ a foreigner (except Singapore Permanent Resident and Dependants Pass holder under the Employment Pass scheme), needs to submit a Work Permit application for the foreigner. A foreigner must be at least 16 years old at the time of the Work Permit application. A non-Malaysian worker must not be in Singapore at the time of the Work Permit application. He can enter Singapore only after the employer has obtained the In-Principle Approval letter and furnished a Security Bond of SGD$5000. All employers who employ foreign workers are required to pay the monthly foreign worker levy by Inter-Bank GIRO. If the employer has not made prior arrangements for payment of foreign worker levy by GIRO, he has to complete the attached GIRO Application Form and mail it to the CPF Board. The employer is advised to sign up for GIRO early as the processing of GIRO applications takes about 4 weeks. The GIRO deduction for levy due each month will be made on 17th of the following month. The employer is required to maintain sufficient funds in his bank account for the GIRO deduction, failing which interest for late payment will be charged. The deduction will cease once the Work Permit is cancelled. The employer should continue to pay the levy using his current payment mode to the CPF Board until his GIRO application is approved by the bank. The CPF Board will inform the employer when the GIRO deduction of the levy will take effect. The employer does not have to pay any fee for GIRO application.


Documents to be attached to this completed Application Form: a) b) A photocopy of the Foreign Workers Passport/Travel Document that shows his particulars including any amendments made. A photocopy of the Foreign Workers Educational Certificates [e.g. GCE O Level, Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) or equivalent] if his educational level is Sec 4 or above. If the workers SPM Result Slip is submitted in lieu of the original certificate, the worker/employer is required to present the original SPM educational certificate at the WPD for verification 12 months after the issue of the Work Permit. The WPD will inform the worker/employer accordingly when it is required to do so. If the worker/employer is unable to present the original educational certificate when required, the Work Permit will be revoked. The worker may also be placed on future employment ban. A photocopy of the Foreign Workers Identity Card (applicable to all Malaysian workers and the group of PRC workers who have not obtained their Passports). For companies that are currently not employing any Work Permit holders, please attach: i) A photocopy of the Company/Business Profile from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) ii) A photocopy of the Companys most recent past 3 monthly CPF Contribution Statement(s) for its local workforce iii) A photocopy of the Food Establishment Licence issued by the National Environment Agency (NEA) (applicable to food establishments)

c) d)



Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

Part 1

Information on Foreign Worker (Please the appropriate )

1A: Particulars of Foreign Worker Name (as in the Identity Card/Passport) in BLOCK LETTERS. Please underline the surname:

Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY): Marital Status: 1 Single

2 Married

3 Divorced


1 Male

2 Female 5 Widowed

4 Separated (please attach Divorce Certificate)

Passport/Travel Document Number: Expiry Date of Travel Document/Passport Number (DDMM-YYYY): PRC Workers Identity Card Number: Type of Present Endorsement in Travel Document/Passport: 0 Current Work Permit holder 2 Short Term Visit Pass (3 months or less) -

3 Long Term Visit Pass (more than 3 months) Please indicate the Expiry Date (DD-MM-YYYY) and attach a copy of the Long Term Visit Pass (Green) Card 4 Special Pass 5 Dependants Pass 6 Not applicable (Foreign worker is not in Singapore) -

If worker is holding a Long Term Visit Pass/Dependants Pass, please indicate the category as listed below: (Please select one main category) Worker is: 1 Spouse of a Singapore Citizen/Permanent Resident (PR) 2 Child of a Singapore Citizen/PR 3 Spouse of an Employment Pass Holder 4 Child of an Employment Pass Holder 5 Spouse of a S Pass Holder 6 Child of a S Pass Holder 7 Parent of a Singapore Citizen/PR or Employment Pass Holder 8 Mother/Grandmother of a foreigner who is studying in Singapore 9 Holding an Employment Pass Eligibility Certificate (EPEC) Place of Birth: SG Singapore MY Malaysia Others (Please specify) 10 Others

State/Province of Birth: Citizen of: MY Malaysia LK Sri Lanka ID Indonesia BD Bangladesh TH Thailand MO Macau Ph Philippines HK Hong Kong IN India

BU The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Others (Please specify) _____________________________________________ State/Province where the foreigner obtained his/her nationality:


0 Caucasian

1 Malay

3 Chinese

4 Indian

5 Others (Please specify) ________________________________________________________________ Type of Identity Card: Religion: B Buddhist O Others
WPCM 001

1 Malaysia Pink C Christian S Sikh

2 Malaysia Blue F Free Thinker U Unknown

9 Others H Hindu M Muslim

Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

Highest Qualification Obtained: 00 No education 15 Below Primary 6 (Below Form I). Please state the Primary Level: ____________________________________ 16 Completed Primary 6 (Form I) 21 Secondary 1 (Form II) 22 Secondary 2 (Form III) 23 Secondary *3 / GCE N Level (Form IV) 24 Secondary 4 (Form V) 2401 GCE O Level (SPM). Please state the number of O Level Passes and attach a copy of the certificate 2601 *GCE A Level (STPM) / Middle High School / Senior High School. Please state the number of A Level Passes and attach a copy of the certificate 30 Diploma. Please state Diploma obtained, Name of Institution and Years of Working Experience in the space below. Please attach a copy of the certificate(s). Type of Diploma/Trade Certificate Obtained: Name of Institution: Years of Working Experience: 40 Degree. Please state Degree obtained, Name of Institution and Years of Working Experience in the space below. Please attach a copy of the certificate(s). Type of Degree/Trade Certificate Obtained: Name of Institution: Years of Working Experience: For foreign students who wish to undergo job attachment as part of course requirements, please indicate the type of educational institution: Overseas Local 1B: Particulars of Foreign Workers Spouse (Applicable to Foreign Worker who is married to a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident) Spouses Name: Spouses Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY): Nationality (please specify): Residential Status: Singapore Permanent Resident S Non-Singapore Permanent Resident Year Obtained: Year Obtained:

Spouses Singapore Identity Card Number: Spouses Date of Singapore Permanent Residency Issued (DD-MM-YYYY): Type of Spouses Identity Card: Date of Marriage (DD-MM-YYYY): Place of Marriage: 1 Malaysia

4 Singapore Pink 3 Others (Please specify):

3 Singapore Blue 2 Singapore

1C: Particulars of Foreign Workers Parents (Applicable to Religious Organisations Only) Nationality/ Residential Status Identity Card/ Passport/Work Permit Number Date of Birth Current Country of Residence

Relationship Father Mother

*Delete where inapplicable. WPCM 001


Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

Part 2

Information on Employer (Company/Firm) and Job Offered

2A: Particulars of Employer Name of Company/Firm: Address of Company/Firm: Postal Code: Telephone: Facsimile:

2B: Foreign Workers Occupation if given a Work Permit

For Official Use

2C: Foreign Workers Main Duties if given a Work Permit (Please describe)

2D: Foreign Workers Basic Salary if given a Work Permit: S$ 2E: Foreign Workers Employment Status in the Company/Firm

per month.

1 Employee (includes Foreign Trainee) 2 Partner/Sole Proprietor/Director 3 Others (Please specify): _____________________________________________________________________
1 2F: For Performing Artiste or Training Work Permit, please state the duration of Work Permit:

*Delete where inapplicable.

The Work Permit application for Performing Artiste is only applicable for company with Public Entertainment Licence.



Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

2G: Declaration By Employer (Company/Firm) I hereby declare that I am authorised to bind the employer for the foreigner named in PART 1 to the following: 1. I have read and understood the applicable conditions and regulatory conditions of work permit, as specified in the Employment of Foreign Manpower (Work Passes) Regulations c.91A, available at the MOM counters or at The employer consents, for the purpose of assessing this application, for the Government of Singapore and statutory authorities thereof to obtain from and verify information with any person, organisation or any other source; and further, to the release of all information thereby obtained to the Government of Singapore, statutory authorities and authorised agents thereof. The employer is aware that the Controller of Work Passes uses its Central Provident Fund contribution information to determine the number of local workers employed by the employer hence determining the number of foreign employees that it may employ. The employer has ensured that its Central Provident Fund contribution record of payments as employer required under the Central Provident Fund Act (Cap.36) only reflects every citizen or permanent resident of Singapore who is employed by the employer and at the appropriate contribution rate prescribed by law. The employer has made any voluntary CPF contributions only through a separate CPF Submission Number (CSN). The employer has / has not* used the services of an Employment Agency based in Singapore for the recruitment and application of a work permit for this foreign employee. (If applicable: Employment Agency Licence No: ___________________________________. Please also ensure that the employment agency completes PART 3.) The information as set out in PART 2 and any appeals the employer has made in relation to this application are, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct; and that all documents submitted in support of this application and any appeals made in relation to this application, are true copies of the authentic documents.





Name of Authorised Representative


NRIC Number of Authorised Representative

**Signature of Authorised Representative


Organisation Stamp

Part 3 Declaration by Employment Agency (Applicable if the employer has used the services of an Employment Agency. If more than one Employment Agency is used, please complete the attached additional declaration sheets.) Name of Employment Agency: Licence Number: Registered Address: I hereby declare that1 2 I, the undersigned, am the Employment Agency personnel handling this application. I have explained the contents of the application and the applicable conditions and regulatory conditions of work permit, as specified in the Employment of Foreign Manpower (Work Passes) Regulations c.91A to the foreign employee and the authorised officer of the employer. The information as set out in this application and any appeals I have made in relation to this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct; and that all documents I have submitted in support of this application and any appeals I have made in relation to this application, are true copies of the authentic documents.

Name of Employment Agency Personnel: Employment Agency Personnel Number:

Date & Signature of Employment Agency Personnel

Employment Agencys Stamp

* Delete where inapplicable. ** Employer refers to the Sole-Proprietor or a Partner in a Partnership. For a Pte Ltd Company, it refers to a Director or a Manager.



Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

Part 4

Information on Shipyard (Applicable to Employers in the Marine Industry)

If you are holding a Shipyard Licence issued by the Occupational Safety Department, Ministry of Manpower, please indicate: Shipyard Licence Number -

If you are NOT holding a Shipyard Licence issued by the Occupational Safety Department, Ministry of Manpower, the Shipyard is required to complete the following section to confirm that the Contract is awarded to your company: I, (Name) Designation of the (Name of Shipyard) CPF Submission Number: Support the application made by (Name of *Resident/Common Contractor) , NRIC Number

The Shipyard Licence issued to my company is

*Delete where inapplicable


Companys/Shipyards Stamp



This form is updated on 01 April 2013.

Work Pass Division

18 Havelock Road Singapore 059764 Tel: 6438 5122

Additional Declaration By Employment Agency Based In Singapore

This form may take you 5 minutes to fill in. You will need the following information to fill in the form: The workers passport number The workers Work Permit number The companys CPF Submission No. The name of employer The name of employment agency The employment agencys licence number

Particulars of Worker and Employer Name of Worker: Passport No.: CPF Submission No.: Name of Employer:


Particulars of Employment Agency Name of Employment Agency: Licence Number: Registered Address: Telephone: Declaration by Employment Agency I hereby declare that 1 2 I, the undersigned, am the Employment Agency personnel handling this application. I have explained the contents of the application and the applicable conditions and regulatory conditions of work permit, as specified in the Employment of Foreign Manpower (Work Passes) Regulations c.91A to the foreign employee and the authorised officer of the employer. 3 The information as set out in this application and any appeals I have made in relation to this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct; and that all documents I have submitted in support of this application and any appeals I have made in relation to this application, are true copies of the authentic documents.

Name of Employment Agency Personnel: Employment Agency Personnel Number:

Date & Signature of Employment Agency Personnel

*Delete where applicable WPCM 020

Employment Agencys Stamp

This Form is updated on 01 Apr 2013.


Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

Important Note: Please read Part 3 and 4 of the First Schedule and Part 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Fourth Schedule and detach them for your retention.

FIRSTSCHEDULE CONDITIONSANDREGULATORYCONDITIONSOFIN-PRINCIPLE APPROVALFORAWORKPERMIT PARTIII CONDITIONSTOBECOMPLIEDWITHBYEMPLOYEROFFOREIGN EMPLOYEEWHOISNOTDOMESTICWORKER,WHOISISSUEDWITH IN-PRINCIPLEAPPROVALFORWORKPERMIT 1. Theemployershallberesponsibleforandbearthecostsoftheupkeep (includingtheprovisionoffoodandmedicaltreatment)andmaintenanceofthe foreignemployeeinSingapore. 2. Theemployershallalsobearanymedicalexpensesincurredbytheforeign employeeforanymedicalexaminationrequiredbytheController. 3. Theemployershallregisterorupdatetheforeignemployeesaccommodation addressinsuchformormannerastheControllermaydeterminepriortoissuance oftheworkpermit. 4. Theemployershallensurethattheforeignemployeehasacceptable accommodation.Suchaccommodationmustbeconsistentwithanywrittenlaw, regulation,directive,guideline,circularorothersimilarinstrumentissuedbythe Government. 5. Anemployershallnotdemandorreceiveanysumorotherbenetfrom anemploymentagencyoranyotherpersoninconnectionwiththeemployment orchangeinemploymentofaforeignemployee. 6. IftheforeignemployeedieswhileinSingapore,theemployershall (a)bearthecostofeither (i)burialofthebodyinSingapore; (ii)cremationofthebodyinSingaporeandreturnoftheashesto thecountryoforigin;or (iii)returnofthebodytothecountryoforigin, withtheforeignemployeesfamilydecidingonburial,cremationor returnofthebody; (b)bearthecostofreturningtheforeignemployeesbelongingstothe foreignemployeesfamily;and (c)paytotheadministratorsoftheforeignemployeesestateanyoutstanding salariesormoneysduefromtheemployertotheforeignemployee. Subjecttoparagraph8,theemployershallrepatriatetheforeign 7. employeetotheinternationalportofentrythataffordsreasonableaccesstothe foreignemployeeshometownwithintheforeignemployeeshomecountryifthe in-principleapprovalfortheforeignemployeeexpiresoriscancelledorrevoked andiftheemployeeisnotearlieremployedbyanotheremployer.Intheeventof anydisputeabouttheinternationalportofentrytowhichtheforeignemployee shallberepatriated,thedisputeshallbereferredtotheController,whosedecision shallbenal. 8. Theemployermayrepatriatetheforeignemployeetoadestinationother thanthatspeciedinparagraph7




Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

FIRSTSCHEDULEcontinued (a)iftheforeignemployeesorequests,andtheControllerisinformedby theemployeroftheemployersintentiontodoso,beforetherepatriation occurs;or (b)iftheControllersodetermines. 9. Theemployershallbearthecostsassociatedwithrepatriatingtheforeign employeeatanytimeexceptwheretheControllerpermitsotherwise.Theemployer shallensurethatalloutstandingsalariesormoneysduefromtheemployerto theforeignemployeehavebeenpaidbeforetheforeignemployeesrepatriation. PARTIV REGULATORYCONDITIONSTOBECOMPLIEDWITHBYEMPLOYER OFFOREIGNEMPLOYEEWHOISNOTDOMESTICWORKER,WHOIS ISSUEDWITHIN-PRINCIPLEAPPROVALFORWORKPERMIT 1. Theemployershalltakeallnecessarystepstoensurethattheforeign employeescopyofthein-principleapprovalletter,initsentiretyasfurnishedby theMinistryofManpower,issenttotheforeignemployeewithinareasonable timepriortotheforeignemployeesdepartureforSingapore.Theemployerwill beregardedtohavetakenallnecessarysteps (a)wheretheemployerdoesnotengagetheserviceofanemployment agency,iftheemployercanprovidesufcientevidencethattheforeign employeescopyofthein-principleapprovalletter,initsentiretyas furnishedbytheMinistryofManpower,hasbeensenttotheforeign employee;or (b)wheretheemployerengagestheservicesofanemploymentagent,if theemployercanprovidesufcientevidencethat (i)theemployerinstructedtheemploymentagencytosendthe foreignemployeescopyofthein-principleapprovalletter,inits entiretyasfurnishedbytheMinistryofManpower,hasbeensent totheforeignemployee;or (ii)theemploymentagencyinformedhimthattheemploymentagency willsendtheforeignemployeescopyofthein-principleapproval letter,initsentiretyasfurnishedbytheMinistryofManpower, totheforeignemployee. 2. Theemployershallpurchaseandmaintainmedicalinsurancewithcoverage ofatleast$15,000per12-monthperiodoftheforeignemployeesemployment (orforsuchshorterperiodwheretheforeignemployeesperiodofemployment islessthan12months)fortheforeignemployeesin-patientcareanddaysurgery exceptastheControllermayotherwiseprovidebynoticationinwriting.Where theemployerpurchasesgroupmedicalinsurancepolicyforhisforeignemployees, theemployershallnotbeconsideredtohavesatisedtheobligationunderthis conditionunlessthetermsoftheemployersgroupmedicalinsurancepolicyare suchthateachandeveryindividualforeignemployeeisconcurrentlycoveredto theextentrequiredundertheconditionsinthisPart. 3. Theemployershallsendtheforeignemployeeforamedicalexamination byamedicalpractitionerregisteredundertheMedicalRegistrationAct(Cap.174) asandwhendirectedbytheController. 4. Iftheforeignemployeegoesmissing,theemployershallinformthe Controllerwithin7daysaftertheemployerbecomesawareoftheforeignemployee goingmissing.




Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

FIRSTSCHEDULEcontinued 5. IftheforeignemployeedieswhileinSingapore,theemployershallinform theControllerwithin12hoursaftertheemployerbecomesawareoftheforeign employeesdeath. FOURTHSCHEDULE CONDITIONSANDREGULATORYCONDITIONSOFWORKPERMIT PARTIII CONDITIONSTOBECOMPLIEDWITHBYEMPLOYEROFFOREIGN EMPLOYEEWHOISNOTDOMESTICWORKER,WHOISISSUEDWITH WORKPERMIT Upkeep,maintenanceandwell-being 1. Theemployershallberesponsibleforandbearthecostsoftheforeign employeesupkeep(excludingtheprovisionoffood)andmaintenanceinSingapore. Thisincludestheprovisionofmedicaltreatment,exceptthattheforeignemployee maybemadetobearpartofanymedicalcostsinexcessoftheminimummandatory coverageif (a)thepartofthemedicalcoststobepaidbytheforeignemployeeforms notmorethan10%oftheemployeesmonthlysalary;and (b)theforeignemployeesagreementtopaypartofanymedicalcosts isstatedexplicitlyintheforeignemployeesemploymentcontractor collectiveagreement. 2. Theemployershallprovidesafeworkingconditionsandtakesuchmeasures asarenecessarytoensurethesafetyandhealthoftheforeignemployeeatwork. Theemployershallalsoensuretheforeignemployeehasacceptableaccommodation. Suchaccommodationmustbeconsistentwithanywrittenlaw,regulation,directive, guideline,circularorothersimilarinstrumentissuedbytheGovernment. 3. Theemployershallpaythesalary(includingallowances)duetotheforeign employeenotlaterthan7daysafterthelastdayofthesalaryperiod.Anysalary periodagreedbetweentheemployerandtheforeignemployeeshallnotexceed onemonth. 4. Exceptwheretheforeignemployeeisonno-payleaveoutsideSingapore, theemployershall,regardlessofwhetherthereisactualworkfortheforeign employee,andsubjecttoanywrittenlaw,paytheforeignemployeenolessthan thebasicsalaryamountdeclaredintheapplicationforaworkpermitsubmitted totheController. 5. Theemployershallbearanymedicalexpenseincurredbytheforeign employeeforanymedicalexaminationrequiredbytheController. 6. Theemployershallregisterorupdatetheforeignemployeesaccommodation addressinsuchformormannerastheControllermaydetermine,within5days oftheforeignemployeemovingtoanewaddress.Unlessspecied,thiscondition appliesaslongastheforeignemployeeisnotrepatriated. 7. Theemployershallnotretainpossessionoftheforeignemployeesoriginal workpermitandvisitpassandshallallowtheforeignemployeetoretainpossession oftheforeignemployeesworkpermitandvisitpass. 8. TheemployershallinformtheControllerofanychangetothebusiness addressstatedintheworkpassapplicationformwithin14daysaftersuchachange.




Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

FOURTHSCHEDULEcontinued 9. IftheforeignemployeedieswhileinSingapore,theemployershall (a)bearthecostofeither (i)burialofthebodyinSingapore; (ii)cremationofthebodyinSingaporeandreturnoftheashesto thecountryoforigin;or (iii)returnofthebodytothecountryoforigin, withtheforeignemployeesfamilydecidingonburial,cremationor returnofthebody; (b)bearthecostofreturningtheforeignemployeesbelongingstothe foreignemployeesfamily;and (c)paytotheadministratorsoftheforeignemployeesestateanyoutstanding salariesormoneysduefromtheemployertotheforeignemployee. 10. Theemployershallnotdemandorreceiveanysumorotherbenetfrom anemploymentagencyoranyotherpersoninconnectionwiththeemployment orchangeinemploymentofaforeignemployee. Cancellationofworkpermitandvisitpassanddutiesbeforeoruponrepatriation offoreignemployee 11. TheemployershallreturntheworkpermitandvisitpasstotheController within7daysafterthecancellationoftheworkpermit. 12. Subjecttoparagraph13,theemployershallrepatriatetheforeign employeetotheinternationalportofentrythataffordsreasonableaccesstothe foreignemployeeshometownwithintheforeignemployeeshomecountrywhen theforeignemployeesworkpermitorvisitpassexpiresoriscancelledorrevoked andiftheforeignemployeeisnotearlieremployedbyanotheremployer.Inthe eventofanydisputeabouttheinternationalportofentrytowhichtheforeign employeeshallberepatriated,thedisputeshallbereferredtotheController, whosedecisionshallbenal. 13. Theemployermayrepatriatetheforeignemployeetoadestinationother thanthatspeciedinparagraph12 (a)iftheforeignemployeesorequests,andtheControllerisinformedby theemployeroftheemployersintentiontodoso,beforetherepatriation occurs;or (b)iftheControllersodetermines. 14. Theemployershallbearthecostsassociatedwithrepatriatingtheforeign employeeatanytimeexceptwheretheControllerpermitsotherwise.Theemployer shallensurethatalloutstandingsalariesormoneysduefromtheemployerto theforeignemployeehavebeenpaidbeforetheforeignemployeesrepatriation. 15. UnlessrequestedbytheControllerofImmigrationortheController ofWorkPasses,theemployershallnotrepatriatetheforeignemployeewhen suchrepatriationwouldfrustrateordenyanystatutoryclaimthathasbeenled orisintendedtobeledbytheforeignemployeeforsalaryarrearsunderthe EmploymentAct(Cap.91)orworkinjurycompensationundertheWorkInjury CompensationAct(Cap.354).




Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

FOURTHSCHEDULEcontinued 16. Theemployershallcontinuetoberesponsibleforandbearthecostsofthe upkeep(includingtheprovisionoffoodandmedicaltreatment)andmaintenance oftheforeignemployeeinSingaporewhoisawaitingresolutionandpayment ofanystatutoryclaimsforsalaryarrearsundertheEmploymentAct,orwork injurycompensationundertheWorkInjuryCompensationAct.Theresponsibility shallceaseuponresolutionandpaymentofthestatutoryclaimorworkinjury compensation. PARTIV REGULATORYCONDITIONSTOBECOMPLIEDWITHBYEMPLOYER OFFOREIGNEMPLOYEEWHOISNOTDOMESTICWORKER,WHOIS ISSUEDWITHWORKPERMIT Employment 1. Theemployershallcontrolandsupervisetheforeignemployee. Except asprovidedinparagraphs6to12ofPartV,theforeignemployeeshallbeunder theemployersdirectemployment. 2. Theemployershallnotpermittheforeignemployeetobeemployedbyor contractedtoanyotherpersonorbusinesstodoworkforthatpersonorbusiness. 3. Theemployershallnotemploytheforeignemployeeineitheranoccupation orasectorwhichisdifferentfromthatspeciedintheworkpermit. 4. Theemployershallpurchaseandmaintainmedicalinsurancewithcoverage ofatleast$15,000per12-monthperiodoftheforeignemployeesemployment (orforsuchshorterperiodwheretheforeignemployeesperiodofemployment islessthan12months)fortheforeignemployeesin-patientcareanddaysurgery exceptastheControllermayotherwiseprovidebynoticationinwriting.Where theemployerpurchasesgroupmedicalinsurancepolicyforhisforeignemployees, theemployershallnotbeconsideredtohavesatisedtheobligationunderthis conditionunlessthetermsoftheemployersgroupmedicalinsurancepolicyare suchthateachandeveryindividualforeignemployeeisconcurrentlycoveredto theextentrequiredundertheconditionsinthisPart. 5. Iftheforeignemployeesorequests,theforeignemployeessalaryshall bepaidviadirecttransferintotheforeignemployeesbankaccountinabank establishedinSingapore. 6. Theemployershallmaintainarecordofthemonthlysalarypaidtothe foreignemployeeandproducetherecorduponrequestbyanypublicofceracting inhisofcialcapacity. Theemployershallsendtheforeignemployeeforamedicalexamination 7. byamedicalpractitionerregisteredundertheMedicalRegistrationAct(Cap.174) asandwhendirectedbytheController. 8. Iftheforeignemployeecontravenesanyoftheworkpermitconditions applicabletotheforeignemployee,andtheemployerhasknowledgeofthe contravention,theemployershallinformtheControllerand,ifrequiredbythe Controller,applyforthecancellationoftheforeignemployeesworkpermitand visitpassandcomplywithanyotherinstructionfromtheControllerwithrespect tothecontravention. 9.TheemployershallpaythemonthlyforeignemployeelevythroughGeneral InterbankRecurringOrder(GIRO)orbysuchothermeansasmaybeapproved bytheControllerinwriting. 10. Iftheforeignemployeegoesmissing,theemployershallinformthe Controllerwithin7daysaftertheemployerbecomesawareoftheforeignemployee goingmissing.




Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

FOURTHSCHEDULEcontinued 11. IftheforeignemployeedieswhileinSingapore,theemployershallinform theControllerwithin12hoursaftertheemployerbecomesawareoftheforeign employeesdeath. Cancellationofworkpermitandvisitpassanddutiesbeforeoruponrepatriation offoreignemployee 12. Theemployershallapplyforthecancellationoftheworkpermitand visitpassoftheforeignemployeewhentheemploymentoftheforeignemployee ceases.TheemployershallinformtheControllerinwritingwithin7daysafter suchcessationofemployment. 13. Theemployershallgivetheforeignemployeereasonablenoticeofthe foreignemployeesrepatriation. PARTV ADDITIONALREGULATORYCONDITIONSTOBECOMPLIED WITHBYEMPLOYEROFFOREIGNEMPLOYEEWHOIS CONSTRUCTIONWORKER DenitionsofthisPart 1. InthisPart constructionsitemeansanyworksiteforthepurposeofgeneral buildingconstructionorcivilengineeringworks; employermeanstheemployerofaforeignemployeetowhomthese conditionsapply. Speciedactivities 2. Theemployermayallowtheforeignemployeetoperformanyofthe followingspeciedactivities:

(1)erectionofanybuildingorpartthereof; (2)renovationofanybuildingorpartthereof; (3)installationofroofs; (4)waterproongofbasement,roofsandwall; (5)erectionofperimeterfencesandgates; (6)concreterepairs,whichencompassthereinforcementofstructuresand jointsthroughtheuseofcement-sand-mortarmix,theinjectionofslurry intothejointsandcracksinconcretestructures,andtheapplicationof sprayingofcement-sand-mortarontosurfacesofreinforcedconcrete works; (7)repaintingandminornon-structuralrepairofbuildingsandexisting structures;

(8)markingandpaintingofroads; (9)layingasphalt; (10)layingundergroundpipesandthesubsequentreinstatementofroadsand othersurfaces; (11)installationofundergroundcablesandsubsequentreinstatementofroads andothersurfaces;




Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector


(12)installationofintegratedsignpostingsystemsforcomplexes,airportsand shoppingcentres; (13)installationofcoldroomsandventilationsystems; (14)installationofmicroprocessororcomputerbasedcontrolsystems,such asintegratedenvironmentalcontrol,reandsecuritycomputercontrol systems,andindustrialprocesscontrolsystems; (15)installationofcommunicationssystem,suchasintercomandwirelessradio, andsecuritysystems,suchasclosedcircuittelevision,securityalarms,car parksecuritycontrolandcardaccesssystems; (16)installationofcentralantennatelevisionsystems; (17)installationofelectricalbasedsystemssuchasswitchgears,transformers andlargegenerators,includingelectricalinstallationsinbuildings; (18)installationofrealarms,repreventionandreprotectionsystems; (19)installationoflow-tensionandhigh-tensionoverheadwires,andpolesfor overheadcableandstreetlighting; (20)installationoflifts,escalatorsandtravelators; (21)installationofmechanicalplant,machinery,powergeneratorsandturbines systems; (22)installationofaluminium,steel,steelalloyandtimberstructural components,metalscaffoldsandcurtainwalls; (23)installationofwaterandgaspipes,sanitaryworksandplumbingxtures; (24)installationoftrafclightsystems,andthesetting-upofsignsalongroads; (25)installationofallheavysheetpiles,drivenprecastreinforcedand prestressedconcretepiles,boredcast-in-situpilesandtimberpiles;

(26)layingundergroundtelecommunicationcables; (27)layingundergroundpipesforthepurposesoftelecommunications; (28)wiringworkwithinabuildingfortelecommunicationpurposes;

(29)excavationandearthmovingworks; (30)collectionoforremovingearthsamplesforthepurposeofinvestigationand testingservicestodeterminesoilclassication,strengthandcomposition, andsoilstabilisationworkssuchasmicropiling,groundanchoring,sand drainsandgroundgrouting;



(33)worksinvolvingmarinepilingandtheconstructionofmarinestructures suchasjetties,wharves,seaandriverwalls;

(34)worksinvolvingthedredgingofcanals,riversandoffshorewatersforthe purposeofdeepening; (35)worksinvolvingthereclamationofland;




Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector


(36)corrosionprotectionworksonmetalsurfacesandstructures,including processessuchascathodic,anodicandelectrolyticprotection;

(37) drivingvehicleswithinconstructionsites,andshallnotincludedriving vehiclesinthecourseofworkonpublicroads. 3. Theemployermayallowtheforeignemployeetoonlyperformthespecied activitiesatconstructionsites,exceptthatthefollowingfabricationworksmaybe performedatoroutsideaconstructionsite:

(a)thefabricationofstructuralprecastconcreteproducts,suchasslabpanels, wallpanels,columnandbeams;and (b)thefabricationofprefabricatedsteelreinforcementproducts,suchas beamcagesandpilecapcages. 4. Subjecttoparagraph6,theemployershallnotpermittheforeignemployee tobeemployedbyorcontractedtoanyotherpersonorbusinesstodoworkfor thatpersonorbusiness. 5. Subjecttoparagraph8(b),theforeignemployeeshallbeunderthe employersdirectemployment,andtheemployershallcontrolandsupervisethe foreignemployeeandensurethattheforeignemployeeperformsonlythespecied activities. 6. Notwithstandingparagraph4,anemployermay,withtheconsentofthe foreignemployee,enterintoacontractforthesupplyoflabourwithaneligible thirdpartyengagedintheconstructionindustry,inrelationtoaforeignemployee towhomtheregulatoryconditionsinthisPartandtheconditionsinPartVIapply. 7. Theemployershallverifytheeligibilityofthethirdpartywiththe Controller,throughsuchmeansasmaybeprovidedbytheController,before enteringintoanysuchcontractforthesupplyoflabour. 8. Anysuchcontractforthesupplyoflabourshallprovidethat (a)thethirdpartyshallensurethattheforeignemployeeisnotsentto workforanyotherpersonorbusiness; (b)thethirdpartyorhisemployeesshallsupervisetheforeignemployeeand ensurethattheforeignemployeeperformsonlythespeciedactivities asworkforthethirdparty; (c)thethirdpartyshallnotifyandupdatetheemployeroftheparticular speciedactivitiesthattheforeignemployeewillperform; (d)thethirdpartyshallnotifyandupdatetheemployeroftheworksite addresswheretheforeignemployeewillwork; (e)thethirdpartyshallproducetheforeignemployeetotheemployeronce theforeignemployeesservicesarenolongerrequired,andthecontract forthesupplyoflabourinrespectoftheforeignemployeeshallbe deemedterminated; (f)thethirdpartyshallproducetheforeignemployeetotheemployerif thecontractforthesupplyoflabouristerminatedbyeitherparty,for whatsoeverreason; (g)thethirdpartyshallinformtheemployerimmediatelyiftheforeign employeegoesmissing;and




Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

FOURTHSCHEDULEcontinued (h)thethirdpartyshallnotretaintheoriginalworkpermitandvisitpass andshallallowtheforeignemployeetoretaintheforeignemployees workpermitandvisitpass. 9. Theemployershallspecifyinthecontractforthesupplyoflabourthat anybreachbythethirdpartyofthecontractualprovisionsstatedinparagraph8 shallbeamaterialbreachofthecontractbetweenthemandthecontractforthe supplyoflabourforallforeignemployeesshallbedeemedterminated. 10. Subjecttothetermsspeciedinparagraph8,nootherresponsibilities oftheemployerasspeciedintheconditionsinthisScheduleshallbedelegated tothethirdparty. 11. Thecontractforthesupplyoflabourshallbeinwriting,acopyofwhich shallberetainedforaperiodofnolessthan2yearsfromthedateofexecution. 12. Wherethecontractforthesupplyoflabouristerminatedorwherethe foreignemployeeisnolongerworkingforthethirdpartyforanyreason,the employershalltakeallnecessarymeasurestoresumecompliancewithparagraphs 4and5asiftherewasnocontractforthesupplyoflabour. PARTVI CONDITIONSTOBECOMPLIEDWITHBYFOREIGNEMPLOYEE ISSUEDWITHWORKPERMIT Employment 1. Theforeignemployeeshallworkonlyfortheemployerspeciedandin theoccupationandsectorspeciedintheworkpermit. 2. Wheretheforeignemployeewhoseoccupationasstatedintheworkpermit isthatofadomesticworker,theforeignemployeeshallonlyperformhousehold anddomesticdutiesandresideattheemployersresidentialaddressorresidential premisesasstatedintheworkpermitandvisitpass. 3. Exceptforaforeignemployeewhoseoccupationasstatedinthework permitisthatofadomesticworker,theforeignemployeeshallresideatthe addressindicatedbytheemployertotheforeignemployeeuponthecommencement ofemploymentoftheforeignemployeeandshallinformtheemployeraboutany subsequentself-initiatedchangeinresidentialaddress. 4. Theforeignemployeeshallundergoamedicalexaminationbyamedical practitionerregisteredundertheMedicalRegistrationAct(Cap.174)asandwhen directedbytheController. 5. TheforeignemployeeshallreporttotheControllerasandwhenrequired bytheControllertodoso. Conduct 6. Theforeignemployeeshallnotgothroughanyformofmarriageorapply tomarryunderanylaw,religion,customorusagewithaSingaporecitizenor permanentresidentinoroutsideSingapore,withoutthepriorapprovalofthe Controller,whiletheforeignemployeeholdsaworkpermit,andalsoafterthe foreignemployeesworkpermithasexpiredorhasbeencancelledorrevoked.




Work Permit Application Form for a Foreign Worker/Trainee in Non-Domestic Sector

FOURTHSCHEDULEcontinued 7. Iftheforeignemployeeisafemaleforeignemployee,theforeignemployee shallnotbecomepregnantordeliveranychildinSingaporeduringandafterthe validityperiodofherworkpermit,unlesssheisaworkpermitholderwhois alreadymarriedtoaSingaporecitizenorpermanentresidentwiththeapproval oftheController. 8. Theforeignemployeeshallnotbeinvolvedinanyillegal,immoralor undesirableactivities,includingbreakingupfamiliesinSingapore.



The information is updated on 01 April 2013.



9:55 AM

Central Provident Fund Board

79 Robinson Road CPF Building Singapore 068897

Application Form For Inter-Bank GIRO Application

Contact Us CPF Call Centre : 1800-227 1188

Information On Application For Inter-Bank GIRO Your GIRO application will be processed within 21 working days. Letters will be sent to you to inform you of the status and effective date of the GIRO arrangement upon approval. You may also check the status of your GIRO application at Please maintain sufficient funds in your bank account before the deduction date. If you have set a payment limit on your GIRO deduction with your Bank, please ensure that the limit is sufficient to pay for all mandatory and voluntary CPF contributions including levy. Some banks may charge an administrative fee for each unsuccessful deduction. To terminate GIRO, please notify your bank and submit your GIRO termination online via My Requests or complete the Form GIRO/T available at to CPF Board. If you have an existing GIRO arrangement with CPF Board and wish to change your bank account, you will need to complete a new GIRO application form. For CPF contribution for employee(s): You may email us at for queries on CPF Submission Number (CSN), which consists of Unique Entity Number (UEN) and CPF Payment Code. You are required to submit the CPF contribution details by the 14th of the month (or the next working day if the 14th falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday) for deduction to take place. Otherwise, a late payment interest will be charged. If the first deduction is unsuccessful, a second deduction will be made 7 calendar days later and a late payment interest will be charged. For Business Foreign Worker Levy & Domestic Foreign Worker Levy: Foreign Worker Levy will be deducted automatically from your bank account on the 17th (or the next working day if the 17th falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday). Please do not include the Foreign Worker Levy details in your CPF contribution details. For further enquiries on levy matters, please call the MOM Work Pass Division at 6438 5122. You need not re-apply for Inter-Bank GIRO when renewing work permit for your foreign workers or changing foreign workers. For Medisave and/or Voluntary Contributions for self-employed person & Voluntary Contribution for non self-employed person: To effect deduction of voluntary contributions upon approval of GIRO, please submit your Standing Instruction online via My Requests or complete the Form SI/VC (via GIRO) available at GIRO deductions will be made on the 25th for a self-employed person or 18th for a non self-employed person (or the next working day if the deduction date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday).
NFC 001

Postage will be paid by addressee. For posting in Singapore only.


9:55 AM

Central Provident Fund Board 79 Robinson Road, CPF Building Singapore 068897 Website: CPF Call Centre: 1800-227 1188
Please apply glue and seal here. Do not staple.


Please apply glue and seal here. Do not staple.

Application Form For Inter-Bank GIRO Application

This form may take you 3 minutes to complete if you have your bank passbook/statement on hand.
PART 1: For Applicants Completion (please complete all required details (marked ))
Notes: Please read overleaf Information on Application for Inter-Bank GIRO . Please do not fax this GIRO form to us as the bank requires the original signature(s) for verification. Amendments made on the form must be countersigned by bank account holder, use of correction fluid / tape is not allowed.

Date :

Name of Billing Organisation (BO) : Central Provident Fund Board Name of Applicant (Company/Employer/Member) :

To : Name of Bank & Branch :

Type(s) of payments (Please where applicable) For business/company/other UEN registered entity Unique Entity Number (UEN): 1. CPF contribution for employee(s) 2. Business Foreign Worker Levy For individual trading under own name (e.g. architect/engineer or individual hiring local personal driver/gardener) Employers NRIC/FIN: 3. CPF contribution for employee(s) 4. Business Foreign Worker Levy Employers NRIC/FIN: 5. Domestic Foreign Worker Levy CPF Payment Code^

CPF Payment Code^

NRIC: 6. Medisave and/or Voluntary Contributions for self-employed person


7. Voluntary Contribution for non self-employed person

^ CPF Payment Code identifies the different types of payments (e.g. Mandatory/Voluntary CPF Contributions, Additional Medisave Contribution Scheme, etc.) made by you to the Board. You may email us at for queries on CPF Payment Code. (a) (b) (c) I/We hereby instruct you to process the Billing Organisation's (BO's) instructions to debit and credit my/our acount. You are entitled to reject the BOs debit instruction if my/our account does not have sufficient fund and charge me/us a fee for this. You may also at your discretion allow the debit even if this results in an overdraft on the account and impose charges accordingly. This authorisation will remain in force until terminated by your written notice sent to my/our address last known to you or upon receipt of my/our written revocation through the BO.

Bank Account Holders name(s) :

My/Our Companys Stamp/Signature(s)/Thumbprint(s)*:

My/Our Bank Account Number :

My/Our Contact Numbers/E-mail address :

As in Banks/Financial Companys records. *For thumbprint(s),please go to the respective Bank/Financial Company with your identification documents.

PART 2: For CPF Boards Completion

Please apply glue and seal here. Do not staple. Please apply glue and seal here. Do not staple.



CPF Boards Account No.



Account No. To Be Debited

PART 3: For Banks Completion

This application is hereby REJECTED (please

) for the following reason(s) :

Wrong account number Amendments not countersigned by applicant Others : _____________________________________________________________

Signature/Thumbprint# differs from banks records Signature/Thumbprint# incomplete/unclear# Account operated by signature/thumbprint#

delete where inapplicable.

Name of Bank Officer

Authorised Signature and Stamp of Bank


Revised Oct 2011

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