Bibiliography 21

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xii, and xiv as in Copy 1. No. xi lacks slip to follow plates. No. xii includes the alternative adverts.

headed The Working Mans Library, 4 unnumbered pages. In No. xv the adverts. for Household Words and Illustrated Weekly Journal for Ladies are on pink paper. In No. xvii the Waterlow advert. is on yellow paper. In No. xviii the advert. for Eliza Cooks Journal is on yellow paper. Nos. xix & xx lacks slips to follow Advertiser and plates as well as all adverts. at back. With a printed leaf announcing the publication of the First Number of David Copperfield On the First of May (London: Bradbury & Evans, 1849), verso blank, 17 cm. 149..... With Illustrations by H. K. Browne. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1850. xiv p., 1 leaf, 624 p. Front., plates. 23 cm. Added t.p., engraved, dated 1850. Errata leaf precedes p. [1]. Moderate olive green fine diaper cloth, covers and spine blocked in blind. Dickens Centenary label. 150.Copy 2. 22 cm. Errata leaf at back. Very dark green morocco, blocked in gold, by Hayday. A.e.g. Inscribed by Dickens on dedication leaf: Miss Burdett Coutts From Charles Dickens First January 1851. Bookplate of Barton Currie. 151.The Personal History and Experience of David Copperfield, the Younger.... With Forty Illustrations Engraved on Wood by J. W. Orr, from Designs by H. K. Browne.... New York: John Wiley [184950]. 20 parts in 19 (2 vols.). Plates. 19.5 cm. The parts to constitute two volumes, with separate halftitle, title page, Contents, List of Illustrations, and pagination for each vol. Dated on outside front wrapper: Nos. 19,

1849; Nos. 1118, 1850; Nos. 10 and 19/20 not dated. On Nos. 1118 the publisher is given as G. P. Putnam. This Edition is re-printed from proof sheets received by special arrangement from the London Publishers.Outside front wrapper of Nos. 1 and 2. Pale orange yellow decorated wrappers. Ad verts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers, except for Nos. 19/20, which has adverts. on outside back wrapper only, these dated Nov. 1850. 152.David Copperfield. By Charles Dickens. As Condensed by Himself, for His Readings. With an Illustration by S. Eytinge, Jr. Boston: Tick- nor and Fields, 1868. 59 p. Front. 16.5 cm. Issued with Mr. Bob Sawyers Party, Boston, 1868 (See No. 401). Pale blue wrappers. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers. Cover title: The Readings of Mr. Charles Dick ens, as Condensed by Himself. David Copperfield and Mr. Bob Sawyers Party (From Pickwick). Illustrated Copyright Edition. Inscription in pencil on t.p.: Boston Dec. 3d. 1867. 153.Copperfields Golden Rules. In Oliver Optics Magazine. Our Boys and Girls, Vol. 9, No. 210, Jan. 1871. Boston: Lee & Shep ard. Page 54. 25 cm. Four paragraphs from David Copperfield. This selection appears in a column entitled The Orator, which presents poetry and prose selections suitable for declamation by boys and girls. Strong orange illustrated wrappers, printed in black and red. 154.The Child-Wife from the David Copperfield of Charles Dickens. Illustrated by Darley. New York: Clark & Maynard [n.d.]. 170 p. Front. 17 cm.

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